Results for 'Korea Civilization'

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  1.  28
    A complementary perspective on business ethics in South Korea: Civil religion, common misconceptions, and overlooked social structures.Sven Horak & Inju Yang - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (1):1-14.
    Following the recent call for advancement in knowledge about business ethics in East Asia, this study proposes a complementary perspective on business ethics in South Korea. We challenge the conventional view that South Korea is a strictly collectivist country, where group norms and low trust determine the norms and values of behavior. Using the concept of civil religion, we suggest that the center of the South Korean civil religion can be seen in the affective ties and networks pervading (...)
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  2. Internet Use by Civil Society in Japan, Korea and China (1997-2007): Weighing the Consequences.Yutaka Tsujinaka & Leslie M. Tkach-Kawasaki - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):89 - +.
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  3.  14
    Democracy after the Candlelight Civil Revolution in Korea -Populism or Multitude’s Democracy?-.Seong-woo Kim - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (1):7-35.
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    Modernization and the Rise of Civil Society: The Role of the “Middling Grassroots” for Democratization in Korea.San-Jin Han - 2001 - Human Studies 24 (1-2):113-132.
    This paper attempts to explain why and how the middle class in Korea decisively joined the democratic movement in 1987 by drawing special attention to the role played by the “middling grassroots” (MG). MG was formed out of the common experience of student activism and contesting subcultures, which were widely dispersed over Korean university campuses during the 1980s. In addition, this paper examines the contrasting views on the Korean democratic transition by Bruce Cumings and Adam Przeworski. This substantive analysis (...)
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  5.  18
    What can be legal philosophy to the civil law jurisprudence in Korea?Chang Soo Yang - 2019 - Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy 22 (1):7-26.
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  6. The Influence of Neo-Confucianism on Education and the Civil Service Examination System in Fourteenth-and Fifteenth-Century Korea.Song-mu Yi - 1985 - In William Theodore De Bary & JaHyun Kim Haboush, The Rise of Neo-Confucianism in Korea. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 125--160.
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    On Korean dual civil society: Thinking through Tocqueville and Confucius.Raymond Geuss - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (4):434-457.
    Korean civil society is often criticized because of its dual nature, that is, the paucity of social capital in everyday life and the plethora of collective political actions in the national civil society. Although liberals view such duality as the critical impediment to Korea’s authentic (that is, liberal) democratization, which would represent a fundamental, liberal-pluralist transformation of Korean society, this article rather acknowledges its cultural (that is, Confucian) uniqueness and utilizes it as the basis on which to construct a (...)
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    On Korean dual civil society: Thinking through Tocqueville and Confucius.Sungmoon Kim - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (4):434-457.
    Korean civil society is often criticized because of its dual nature, that is, the paucity of social capital in everyday life and the plethora of collective political actions in the national civil society. Although liberals view such duality as the critical impediment to Korea’s authentic (that is, liberal) democratization, which would represent a fundamental, liberal-pluralist transformation of Korean society, this article rather acknowledges its cultural (that is, Confucian) uniqueness and utilizes it as the basis on which to construct a (...)
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  9. Empire and politics in the Eastern and Western civilizations: searching for a Respublica Romanosinica.Andrea Balbo, Jaewon Ahn & Kihoon Kim (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The volume includes the proceedings of the 2nd Roma Sinica project conference held in Seoul in September 2019 and aims to compare some features of the ancient political thought in the Western classical tradition and in the Eastern ancient thought. The contributors, coming from Korea, Europe, USA, China, Japan, propose new patterns of interpretation of the mutual interactions and proximities between these two cultural worlds and offer also a perspective of continuity between contemporary and ancient political thought. Therefore, this (...)
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  10.  22
    (1 other version)À LA RECHERCHE D'UN MODE DE DÉLIBÉRATION À LA CORÉENNE: LE NEIS : Société Civile et Internet en Chine et Asie Orientale.Jin-Rang Lee - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):145.
    La communication sur le projet d'informatisation dans le secteur de l'éducation, le National Education Information System montre comment la société civile en Corée du Sud a réussi à faire valoir ses revendications, bien qu'elle soit souvent exclue du processus institutionnel de décision politique. Les trois principaux acteurs , à la recherche d'un compromis, ont débattu sur la protection des données personnelles et sur l'efficacité administrative en utilisant de multiples moyens de communication.Communication on the computerization project in the education sector, the (...)
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  11. Yu Kil-chun’s Moral Idea of Civilization and Project to Make All People Gentlemen.Yeonsik Choi - 2014 - Asian Philosophy 24 (2):103-120.
    Yu Kil-chun (1856–1914) was a pioneering theorist in Korea’s Patriotic Enlightenment Movement. Through works such as Sŏyu kyŏnmun, he proposed a new path for the development of Korean civilization. Yu’s encounter with Pak Kyu-su in his early years prompted his interest in Western civilization. He soon decided to study abroad and experience the Japanese and American civilizations first-hand. Based on his experiences, Yu proposed a general blueprint for political reform during the Kabo Reform of 1894. In 1908, (...)
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  12.  48
    Have Korea and Japan Reconciled? A Focus on the Three Stages of Reconciliation.Ja-Hyun Chun - 2015 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 16 (3):315-331.
    Previous studies on international reconciliation have focused on the security and economic interests of the countries involved, treating reconciliation as an end-goal rather than an ongoing process. This study divides the process of reconciliation into three stages., which refers to the mending of international relations through institutional change, is the most basic. In the phase, the perpetrator provides the victim with economic compensation for inflicting harm. The third stage,, is reached when the perpetrator acknowledges past wrongdoings and when civil and (...)
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  13.  92
    Modernity in South Korea: An Alternative Narrative.Hagen Koo - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 57 (1):53-64.
    A large literature on South Korean economic development has presented one dominant narrative on Korean modernity, essentially that of a smooth and peaceful process of modernity brought about by the immutable logic of the market and by a gradual expansion of the middle class and civil society. This essay presents another narrative which stresses the role of social struggles in this process. Korea's transition to modernity has been marked by a high level of social conflicts and by clashes between (...)
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  14.  63
    Philosophy in Korea and Cultural Synthesis.Yersu Kim - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):333-342.
    This an attempt to present, in analytic-descriptive terms, the complex and multi-layered legacy of the way philosophy has been done in Korea throughout history. It is panoramic and selective, largely intended for colleagues who are encountering philosophy in Korea for the first time. This presentation will be carried out in four parts. First, I examine how Korea’s geographical location on the periphery of the Asian continent has made it imperative to make use of philosophical influences coming from (...)
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  15.  33
    Sarah Barry: A Spiritual Beacon in Modern Korea.Jong-ok Seok, Moo-jin Jeong, Sang-ho Seon & Jun-ki Chung - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (4):1171-1182.
    Medical missionaries made a breakthrough in Korean history in healing and caring for many Hansen and tuberculosis patients. There was a missionary who had no less good influence than medical missionaries at this time. The person is missionary Sarah Barry, who inspired and developed one of the most influential student movements in South Korea. The aim of the present study is to examine life of Sarah Barry and her ministry, focusing upon her positive influences on Korean intellectuals. The relevance (...)
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  16.  33
    (1 other version)L'appropriation culturelle de la téléphonie mobile en corée : Société civile et internet en chine et asie orientale.Sung-do Kim - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):31.
    Cet article présente une esquisse du paysage culturel de la téléphonie mobile en Corée et il évoque l'uniformisation croissante des comportements verbaux et gestuels provoqués par cette technologie. En introduction, la distinction entre trois niveaux d'analyse, l'anthropologique, le global et le local, permet de construire le cadre de l'étude. La section suivante décrit brièvement l'état actuel de l'usage de la téléphonie mobile dans le « Pays du matin calme » et elle fournit des hypothèses afin d'expliquer le goût des Coréens (...)
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  17.  41
    East Asian Approaches: Region, History and Civilization.Johann P. Arnason - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 57 (1):97-112.
    The historical unity of the East Asian region - defined as made up of China, Korea and Japan - is based on three successive phases: the longue durée of the traditional Sinocentric order, the ear of imperialist conflicts from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century, and the post-war developmentalist turn. The idea of a Confucian tradition or region is best understood as an attempt to superimpose a more emphatic conception of cultural identity on this historical constellation, and to rebuild (...)
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  18.  34
    Transcendental collectivism and participatory politics in democratized Korea.Sungmoon Kim - 2008 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11 (1):57-77.
    This essay sheds new light on Korean democracy after democratization. It examines how the notion of ‘transcendental collectivism’, associated with familial bonds and the concept of chŏng, led to an emphasis on citizen‐empowerment. This participatory perspective replaced the militant elite‐led activism of the transitional period, which was underpinned by a Confucian ‘transcendental individualism’ predicated on the concept of ren. The argument is based on a detailed case study of a recent episode of citizen action. The article shows how the search (...)
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  19.  12
    The Specter of the Past: Reconstructing Conservative Historical Memory in South Korea.Myungji Yang - 2021 - Politics and Society 49 (3):337-362.
    Through the case of the New Right movement in South Korea in the early 2000s, this article explores how history has become a battleground on which the Right tried to regain its political legitimacy in the postauthoritarian context. Analyzing disputes over historiography in recent decades, this article argues that conservative intellectuals—academics, journalists, and writers—play a pivotal role in constructing conservative historical narratives and building an identity for right-wing movements. By contesting what they viewed as “distorted” leftist views and promoting (...)
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  20.  13
    The Making of ‘Undeserving’ Homeless Women: A Gendered Analysis of Homeless Policy in South Korea from 1997 to 2001.Jesook Song - 2008 - Feminist Review 89 (1):87-101.
    The Asian Debt Crisis of 1997–2001 led to drastically higher levels of unemployment, resulting in enormous social anxiety and shock. For the first time in its history, South Korea's attention was forcibly drawn to homeless people. Both the new government of the first civilian president, Kim Dae Jung, and an emerging civil society began to pay unprecedented attention to homeless issues. In this new context, homelessness was constructed as a product of the economic crisis. However, although certain homeless men (...)
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  21.  42
    Negotiating cultural boundaries: Confucianism and trans/national identity in Korea 1.William A. Callahan - 1999 - Cultural Values 3 (3):329-364.
    This essay looks to the complex intercultural relations of China and Korea to highlight two important issues in political theory and international relations: the transnational nature of world politics and the limits of analytical binaries such as East‐West and tradition‐modernity. Discussions of international politics in East Asia characteristically address issues of security and development studies. More recently, Confucianism has been mobilized as part of the clash of civilizations of Asia with the West. This essay will consider how cultural boundaries (...)
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  22.  29
    Mixed Constitutions in East Asia: South Korea and Taiwan as Examples.Wen-Chen Chang & Yi-Li Lee - 2022 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 16 (2):273-294.
    The study of illiberal constitutions has recently generated enormous scholarly interests. Few, however, have focused on whether democracies may still embrace constitutionalism mixed with illiberal elements. This article explores mixed constitutions of South Korea and Taiwan, the two democracies with vibrant civil societies in East Asia. Three distinctive features in both constitutions have demonstrated illiberal elements, including duty clauses imposed upon citizens, directives requiring the State to enact laws to fulfill the goals of governance, and constitutional cultures that exhibit (...)
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  23.  19
    Social Solidarity for All? Trade Union Strategies, Labor Market Dualization, and the Welfare State in Italy and South Korea.Soohyun Christine Lee, Timo Fleckenstein & Niccolo Durazzi - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (2):205-233.
    Challenging the new political-economic “mainstream” that considers trade unions to be “complicit” in labor market dualization, this article’s analysis of union strategies in Italy and South Korea, most-different union movements perceived as unlikely cases for the pursuit of broader social solidarity, shows that in both countries unions have successively moved away from insider-focused strategies and toward “solidarity for all” in the industrial relations arena as well as in their social policy preferences. Furthermore, unions explored new avenues of political agency, (...)
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  24.  15
    The vietnam pieta: Shaping the memory of south korea’s participation in the vietnam war.Justine Guichard - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):21-42.
    Conceived to commemorate the victims of South Korea’s participation in the Vietnam War, the statue of the Vietnam Pieta invites us to question who shapes the memory of this neglected facet of the conflict. The present article analyzes the various actors involved in this contentious process in and across both countries, starting with the South Korean activists behind the statue’s making and the movement for recognizing the crimes committed by their army. Examining these activists’ advocacy work since the late (...)
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  25.  20
    Buddhist thought and culture in India and Korea.Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt (ed.) - 2003 - New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
    Contributed articles of two Indo-Korean seminars held at New Delhi.
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  26.  8
    Chosŏn hugi munmyo chongsa wa yesong: Namin kwa Sŏin kan ŭi yangdae nonjaeng.Kwŏn-su Hŏ - 2013 - Kyŏngsang-namdo Chinju-si: Tosŏ Ch'ulp'an Suri.
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  27.  27
    The context of Songdok: Two purposes of traditional Korean education.Sujin Song & Sanghyun Kim - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):33-41.
    This study explores the educational meaning of Songdok in traditional Korean education. Songdok refers to the act of memorizing text completely while reading it aloud; however, in traditional Korean education, it used to symbolize ‘learning’ itself. Historically, Songdok was regarded in extreme terms: being criticized as low-level memorization or encouraged as a religious ritual. In the Goryeo Dynasty, when civil service exams were introduced, Songdok was performed to memorize Confucian textbooks solely for passing the exam. However, its status changed in (...)
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  28.  22
    Learning to Be a Sage: Selections From the Conversations of Master Chu, Arranged Topically.Daniel K. Gardner (ed.) - 1990 - University of California Press.
    Students and teachers of Chinese history and philosophy will not want to miss Daniel Gardner's accessible translation of the teachings of Chu Hsi —a luminary of the Confucian tradition who dominated Chinese intellectual life for centuries. Homing in on a primary concern of our own time, Gardner focuses on Chu Hsi's passionate interest in education and its importance to individual development. For hundreds of years, every literate person in China was familiar with Chu Hsi's teachings. They informed the curricula of (...)
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  29.  59
    Contemporary Chinese studies of Zhuzi in Mainland China.Xudong Fang - 2003 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 3 (1):121-141.
    Zuphu Xi (1130–1200) was one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Chinese philosophy. From the beginning of the fourteenth century until 1905, when the examination system was abolished, his and Cupheng Yi’s interpretations of the Confucian Classics were regarded as orthodox and served as the basis of civil service examinations and intellectual standards for the Chinese literati. His influence was not limited to China, as his thoughts became orthodoxy in Korea and in some important schools of (...)
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  30.  31
    Transformations of the Confucian way.John Berthrong - 1998 - Boulder, Colo: Westview Press.
    From its beginnings, Confucianism has vibrantly taught that each person is able to find the Way individually in service to the community and the world. For over 2,600 years, Confucianism has sustained a continual process of transformation and growth. In this comprehensive new work, John Berthrong examines the vitality and expansion of the Confucian tradition throughout East Asia and into the entire modern world.Confucianism has been credited with being the dominant social and intellectual force shaping the enduring civilizations of East (...)
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  31.  29
    Learning to Be a Sage: Selections From the Conversations of Master Chu, Arranged Topically.Hsi Chu - 1990 - University of California Press.
    Students and teachers of Chinese history and philosophy will not want to miss Daniel Gardner's accessible translation of the teachings of Chu Hsi —a luminary of the Confucian tradition who dominated Chinese intellectual life for centuries. Homing in on a primary concern of our own time, Gardner focuses on Chu Hsi's passionate interest in education and its importance to individual development. For hundreds of years, every literate person in China was familiar with Chu Hsi's teachings. They informed the curricula of (...)
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  32. The measures religious cults took in front of Coronavirus: weakness or diligence?Tudor Cosmin Ciocan - 2020 - Dialogo 6 (2):153-167.
    While spreading wide-world, the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 made changes in many social departments of our society on levels we never thought about and messes with all our cultural habits. Thus, we witnessed that the religious denominations took into consideration changes without precedent in their cultic history and thus dogmatic as well concerning the actual threat of Coronavirus. We saw for example the Roman-Catholic Church who suspended all masses here and there[1] at first or banned the crucial gestures in rituals [to (...)
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  33.  39
    Chinese Legal Terminology in European and Asian Contexts Analysed on the Example of Freedom of Contract Limits Related to State, Law and Publicity.Paulina Kozanecka - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 53 (1):141-162.
    The aim of this research was to analyse Chinese legal terminology related to limits of freedom of contract in juxtaposition with other European and Asian legal systems. The study was limited to state, law and publicity. The purpose of the comparison was to add a broader perspective to the research on Chinese legal terminology. The research material included civil codes and contract laws of selected European and Asian countries. Among the European codes the great ones were obviously included – French, (...)
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  34.  38
    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity.John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should be (...)
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  35.  55
    Taiwanese Skin, Chinese Masks: A Rhizomatic Study of the Identity Crisis in Taiwan.Che-Ming Yang - 2009 - Asian Culture and History 1 (2):P49.
    Viewed from some postcolonial/postmodern perspectives by employing mostly the micropolitics of Homi Bhabha’s and Gilles Deleuze (and other theorists who hold similar conceptions), whose major common interest lies in dismantling the myth of establishing an imagined community by retrieving a shared national history/culture and assuming ethnic purity, this paper seeks to explore the paradoxical aspects of Taiwan’s quest in her decolonizing progress for a “collective” national/cultural identity. Besides, this paper compares mostly Taiwan’s decolonization process with South Korea’s because of (...)
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  36.  16
    Експертна комп’ютерна оцінка знань.O. M. Terentiev & A. I. Kleshchov - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:173-179.
    The urgency of the study of "stem-education" as a factor in the development of "smart-society" is that this kind of society is a continuation of information and "knowledge society", which is developing on the basis of smart technologies. The concept of smart society is at the heart of modern state -owned development programs of South Korea and Japan. In South Korea, the National Social Agency has developed a "Smart Society Strategy" that introduces the technological foundations of smart societies. (...)
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  37.  11
    The Moral Education in the Formal School as an Inheritance of Traditional Education. 이상희 - 2018 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (119):97-112.
    The purpose of this study is to explain the historicity of moral education in school and particularly to cast light upon implications that the subject of self-cultivation in the modern enlightenment period gives to contemporary moral education. By representing characters of traditional education concerning goals and contents that the subject of self-cultivation in the modern formal school has, I raise a question about the moral education in the formal school was created for political purposes, therefore, insist that it can be (...)
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  38.  20
    The Concept of “Asia” in the Context of Modern China.Donglan Huang - 2019 - Cultura 16 (2):11-30.
    As a part of the geographical knowledge introduced by Matteo Ricci from the West into China at the beginning of the 17th century, the concept of “Asia” had undergone a cool reception for over three hundred years and did not become a common idea of world geography until the early 20th century when it was publicized by textbooks and other mass media. As the author points out, Asia is not merely a geographical concept, but also refers to history, culture, and (...)
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  39.  29
    Stem-освіта» як фактор розвитку «smart-суспільства»: формування «stem-компетентностей.Valentyna Voronkova, Olga Kyvliuk, Vìtalina Nikitenko & Roman Oleksenko - 2018 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 72:114-124.
    The urgency of the study of "stem-education" as a factor in the development of "smart-society" is that this kind of society is a continuation of information and "knowledge society", which is developing on the basis of smart technologies. The concept of smart society is at the heart of modern state-owned development programs of South Korea and Japan. In South Korea, the National Social Agency has developed a "Smart Society Strategy" that introduces the technological foundations of smart societies. The (...)
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    (1 other version)Confucian free expression and the threat of disinformation.David Elstein - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (4):568-579.
    At present, there is a wide divergence in attitudes toward free speech in countries strongly influenced by Confucianism. Japan, Korea, and Taiwan have fairly robust rights of free expression. Mainland China does not, strongly restricting speech that the government judges threatens State interests. I argue that although traditional Confucian scholars supported many restrictions on expression, Confucian philosophers actually have good reason to want to protect expression about values. Subsequently, I consider how to address the problem of disinformation while preserving (...)
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  41.  49
    From Practice to Theory: Sungmoon Kim on Confucian Democracy.Jeffrey Flynn - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (4):1340-1347.
    Sungmoon Kim’s Confucian Democracy in East Asia: Theory and Practice is a brilliant and engaging contribution to our understanding of democratic theory and practice.1 The title of my comment here emphasizes the innovative way in which Kim moves from practice to theory by relying on the vibrant Confucian civil society in South Korea as both the normative inspiration for and practical reflection of his model of Confucian democracy. In the first section below, I highlight three interrelated ways in which (...)
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  42. Christian and Chinese World Views in the Seventeenth Century.Jacques Gernet - 1979 - Diogenes 27 (105):93-115.
    China was the first country beyond Europe with an important civilization to receive scientific theory from the West in the modern era. Neither in India nor in Japan (where the first Western works arrived from China and were quickly banned) nor a fortiori in other missionary countries was there an early acquaintance with European sciences. In China the first handbook of Western geometry was printed in 1607, the first treatise of astronomy in 1614. After 1584 a map of the (...)
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  43.  34
    The Global Ecological Crisis and the Ideology of Gaebyeok and Sangsaeng.Jeong Hyoung Wook - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 29:45-49.
    The contemporary age is approaching the downfall of human civilization due to the rapid collapse of the global ecology. As the popular obsession with industrial development, triggered by the Western modernization of the 18th century, expands across the entire world, minor regional environmental crises have merged intoan irremediable global ecological crisis. This suggests that human society has lost its ability to harmonize with nature and is driving itself to a crisis of survival, dangling on the brink of a fatal (...)
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  44. Looking With Fresh Eyes Across Time and Space: Europe from a Confucian Perspective.Kee Il Choi - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (190):22-32.
    The most valuable finding of my first sightseeing trip was that medieval Europe was the seat of Christendom and that Christianity defines the West. I was amazed to see that Europe reveals so much of its past. I had not had such an experience in the United States, where I had lived as a student and then as a professor of economics.As I glimpsed the West, I found myself rediscovering Confucian civilization and how much I am still Confucian, although (...)
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  45.  7
    Centre for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow.Janusz Smołucha - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (3):25-28.
    In response to the increasing interest in the cultural and historical interactions between the Mediterranean and Asia, Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow has established a Centre for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies. Over the centuries, the historical and cultural connections between the Mediterranean and Asian regions have been marked by a rich tapestry of interactions. These exchanges encompassed not only commercial activities but also religious, technological, and cultural aspects. Understanding these complex relationships is essential, particularly for defining the conditions for future (...)
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  46.  16
    Korean Neo-Confucian Thought.Michael C. Kalton - 2017 - In Young-Chan Ro, Dao Companion to Korean Confucian Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 17-46.
    This paper reviews the history of Korean Neo-Confucian thought from its introduction in the late fourteenth century until the end of the Joseon dynasty in the early twentieth century. With the founding of Joseon in 1392 the Neo-Confucian synthesis that had swept China was adopted in Korea, replacing the Buddhist establishment of the previous dynasty. The introductory section discusses the major figures in this transition and their grasp of the new metaphysical framework and ascetical theory which now supplemented the (...)
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  47.  36
    Democratic Consolidation in East Asia.Chong-min Park - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 8 (3):305-326.
    In this article, we attempt to describe how ordinary people in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan view democracy and its authoritarian alternatives and how they experience institutional practices of their democracies to determine the extent of cultural and institutional democratization. The analysis of the 2006 AsiaBarometer Survey data shows that although the citizens of East Asian democracies unequivocally reject military authoritarian rule, they are ambivalent toward civilian authoritarian rule, and are not yet fully committed to democracy. The analysis also (...)
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  48.  24
    Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and Christianity: Sixth Study Conference of the European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey of St. Ottilien, Bavaria, June 10-13, 2005. [REVIEW]John D'Arcy May - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conversion and Religious Identity in Buddhism and ChristianityJohn D'Arcy MayA Benedictine abbey that has been involved in exchanges with Buddhist monks since 1979 was an appropriate setting for serious discussion of double identity and change of identity between Buddhists and Christians. The European Network holds its conferences every two years, and after experiencing the Benedictine hospitality of St.Ottilien once again it was decided that every second conference should be (...)
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  49.  16
    Ch’oe Han-gi’s Reflection on Relationalities in Existence. 이명수 - 2018 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 59 (59):395-423.
    Since the middle of the 19th century, East Asia, especially Korea, was oppressed externally by the imperialism of Japan and others while internally long-lasting political convention like in-law government was driving the country into troubles at home and abroad. Witnessing such a situation and building up scholarly capability through reading over nearly all spheres, a Confucian philosopher, Ch’oe Han-gi (崔漢綺, 1803-1877), philosophized about the clue to the solution of such a choking phenomenon. Ch’oe believed that there was movement, ki (...)
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  50.  7
    Kukka hyŏksin ŭl wihan sirhakchŏk mongmin sasang.Han-gyu Chʻoe - 2008 - Kyŏnggi-do Pʻaju-si: Hanʼguk Haksul Chŏngbo.
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