Results for 'Kurt Finsterbusch'

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  1. The moral point of view.Kurt Baier - 1958 - Ithaca,: Cornell University Press.
  2. Veritism Unswamped.Kurt Sylvan - 2018 - Mind 127 (506):381-435.
    According to Veritism, true belief is the sole fundamental epistemic value. Epistemologists often take Veritism to entail that all other epistemic items can only have value by standing in certain instrumental relations—namely, by tending to produce a high ratio of true to false beliefs or by being products of sources with this tendency. Yet many value theorists outside epistemology deny that all derivative value is grounded in instrumental relations to fundamental value. Veritists, I believe, can and should follow suit. After (...)
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  3. The place of reasons in epistemology.Kurt Sylvan & Ernest Sosa - 2018 - In Daniel Star, The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    This paper considers the place of reasons in the metaphysics of epistemic normativity and defends a middle ground between two popular extremes in the literature. Against members of the ‘reasons first’ movement, we argue that reasons are not the sole fundamental constituents of epistemic normativity. We suggest instead that the virtue-theoretic property of competence is the key building block. To support this approach, we note that reasons must be possessed to play a role in the analysis of central epistemically normative (...)
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    Konstruktionen individueller und kollektiver Identität.Eberhard Bons & Karin Finsterbusch (eds.) - 2016 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
    Im Mittelpunkt der neun Beiträge aus Deutschland und Frankreich stehen Modelle von Konstruktionen individueller, personaler und kollektiver Identität im alten Israel, in der griechischen Antike, im frühen Judentum sowie im frühen Christentum. Deutlich wird in dieser Zusammenstellung, dass die einzelnen Identitätskonstruktionen nicht nur von religiös-kulturellen Voraussetzungen geprägt, sondern auch von bestimmten Interessen der hinter den Texten stehenden Autoren bzw. Autorengruppen bestimmt sind. Dies erklärt die Unterschiedlichkeit in zentralen Punkten, beispielsweise wie viel Individualität dem Einzelnen als Mitglied einer Gemeinschaft zugestanden wird, (...)
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    On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems.Kurt Gödel - 1931 - New York, NY, USA: Basic Books.
    First English translation of revolutionary paper that established that even in elementary parts of arithmetic, there are propositions which cannot be proved or disproved within the system. Introduction by R. B. Braithwaite.
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  6. Inference and the Presentational Conception of Knowing.Kurt Sylvan - forthcoming - In Lucy Campbell, Forms of Knowledge. Oxford.
    This paper argues that the historical conception of knowing as a presentational factive mental state (‘presentationalism’) is not best understood as an alternative to belief-based and knowledge-first epistemology, but rather as an account of epistemic architecture that is compatible with these paradigms. To defend this claim, the paper focuses on a challenge to presentationalism raised by inferential knowledge and argues that the problem can be solved only if presentationalism is understood as I suggest. The paper is structured as follows. §1 (...)
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    An Example of a New Type of Cosmological Solutions of Einstein’s Field Equations of Gravitation.Kurt Gödel - 1949 - Reviews of Modern Physics 21 (3):447–450.
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    The Object of Morality.Kurt Baier - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (2):269.
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  9. More than a body: Mind perception and the nature of objectification.Kurt Gray, Joshua Knobe, Mark Sheskin, Paul Bloom & Lisa Feldman Barrett - 2011 - Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 (6):1207-1220.
    According to models of objectification, viewing someone as a body induces de-mentalization, stripping away their psychological traits. Here evidence is presented for an alternative account, where a body focus does not diminish the attribution of all mental capacities but, instead, leads perceivers to infer a different kind of mind. Drawing on the distinction in mind perception between agency and experience, it is found that focusing on someone's body reduces perceptions of agency but increases perceptions of experience. These effects were found (...)
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  10. Sosa’s Epistemology in Perspective.Kurt Sylvan & J. Adam Carter - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup, The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
    Ernest Sosa (1940-) is a central figure in contemporary epistemology. He is best known for pioneering the subfield of virtue epistemology, as well as developing across four decades his own distinctive framework in this tradition. Besides providing an overview of this work, this article offers a guide to Sosa’s other contributions to epistemology, stretching back to his first publication in 1964. The organization is as follows. §1 reviews Sosa’s distinctive brand of virtue epistemology and its development since 1980. §2 provides (...)
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  11. Experience and the Foundations of Perceptual Knowledge.Kurt Sylvan - forthcoming - In Kurt Sylvan, Ernest Sosa, Jonathan Dancy & Matthias Steup, The Blackwell Companion to Epistemology, 3rd edition. Wiley Blackwell.
    In this paper, I provide new foundations for experientialism about perceptual knowledge, the view that all perceptual knowledge derives from experience. §1 introduces the basic template for experientialism about perceptual knowledge and considers how recent work on perceptual justification encourages giving special attention to less intuitive ways of filling in the template. §2 and §3 draw attention to ways of filling in the template that are more compelling, including versions from the history of epistemology that are still taken seriously elsewhere (...)
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  12. Truth monism without teleology.Kurt Sylvan - 2012 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):161-163.
    Some say the swamping problem confronts all who believe that true belief is the sole fundamental epistemic value. This, I say, is mistaken. The problem only confronts T-Monists if they grant two teleological claims: that all derived epistemic value is instrumental, and that it is the state of believing truly rather than the standard of truth in belief that is fundamentally epistemically valuable. T-Monists should reject and, and appeal to a non-teleological form of value derivation I call Fitting Response Derivation (...)
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  13. Presentation and the Ways of Knowing.Kurt Sylvan - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Ordinary thought recognizes many ways of knowing. Not all are epistemologically fundamental. Nevertheless, it is standard to think there is more than one fundamental way—call this view access pluralism. Access monism opposes access pluralism. This paper defends a version of access monism I call presentationalist monism (§1), on which the sole fundamental way of knowing is presentation. I defend presentationalist monism in three stages. Firstly (§2), I suggest that it is compelling about four central ways of knowing—viz., perceiving, episodically remembering, (...)
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    A Social Cognitive Perspective on the Relationships Between Ethics Education, Moral Attentiveness, and PRESOR.Kurt Wurthmann - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 114 (1):131-153.
    This research examines the relationships between education in business ethics, Reynolds’s (J Appl Psychol 93:1027–1041, 2008) “moral attentiveness” construct, or the extent to which individuals chronically perceive and reflect on morality and moral elements in their experiences, and Singhapakdi et al.’s (J Bus Ethics 15:1131–1140, 1996) measure of perceptions of the role of ethics and social responsibility (PRESOR). Education in business ethics was found to be positively associated with the two identified factors of moral attentiveness, “reflective” and “perceptual” moral attentiveness, (...)
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  15. Perception: An introduction to the gestalt theory.Kurt Koffka - 1922 - Psychological Bulletin 19:531-585.
  16. Dimensions of Moral Emotions.Kurt Gray & Daniel M. Wegner - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):258-260.
    Anger, disgust, elevation, sympathy, relief. If the subjective experience of each of these emotions is the same whether elicited by moral or nonmoral events, then what makes moral emotions unique? We suggest that the configuration of moral emotions is special—a configuration given by the underlying structure of morality. Research suggests that people divide the moral world along the two dimensions of valence (help/harm) and moral type (agent/patient). The intersection of these two dimensions gives four moral exemplars—heroes, villains, victims and beneficiaries—each (...)
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    “Friendly to all beings”: Annie Besant as ethicist.Kurt Leland - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (2):308-326.
    Annie Besant has rarely been identified as a philosopher. Her work as an ethicist has been obscured by the reaction of critics to her abandonment of Anglican Christianity for serial eng...
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    Ein formales Modell der Syllogistik des Aristotles.Kurt Ebbinghaus & Aristotle - 1964 - Vandenhoeck & Reprecht.
  19. Threats of Futility. Is Life Worth Living.Kurt Baier - 1988 - Free Inquiry 8 (3):47-52.
  20.  85
    A Christian for the Christians, a Muslim for the Muslims? Reflections on a Protestant View of Pastoral Care for all Religions.Kurt W. Schmidt & Gisela Egler - 1998 - Christian Bioethics 4 (3):239-256.
    Whereas in the first half of the 20th century, proclamation was the focal point of pastoral care in Germany, the 1970s witnessed an embracing of the American pastoral care movement. From then on, pastoral care was increasingly understood as accompanying patients whilst adopting the spiritual dimension. Nowadays, Christian chaplains are encountering an increasing number of patients from different religious communities. Various models have been proposed to help Protestant chaplains find an authentic form of pastoral care suitable for all religions. Until (...)
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    When Are Tutorial Dialogues More Effective Than Reading?Kurt VanLehn, Arthur C. Graesser, G. Tanner Jackson, Pamela Jordan, Andrew Olney & Carolyn P. Rosé - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (1):3-62.
    It is often assumed that engaging in a one‐on‐one dialogue with a tutor is more effective than listening to a lecture or reading a text. Although earlier experiments have not always supported this hypothesis, this may be due in part to allowing the tutors to cover different content than the noninteractive instruction. In 7 experiments, we tested the interaction hypothesis under the constraint that (a) all students covered the same content during instruction, (b) the task domain was qualitative physics, (c) (...)
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    The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics.Kurt Dopfer (ed.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    It is widely recognised that mainstream economics has failed to translate micro consistently into macro economics and to provide endogenous explanations for the continual changes in the economic system. Since the early 1980s, a growing number of economists have been trying to provide answers to these two key questions by applying an evolutionary approach. This new departure has yielded a rich literature with enormous variety, but the unifying principles connecting the various ideas and views presented are, as yet, not apparent. (...)
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  23. Radical Virtue Ethics.Kurt Baier - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):126-135.
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    Moral reasons and reasons to be moral.Kurt Baier - 1978 - In A. I. Goldman & I. Kim, Values and Morals. Boston: D. Reidel. pp. 231--256.
  25. (1 other version)Kritik der wissenschaftlichen Vernunft.Kurt Hübner - 1979 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 33 (4):641-644.
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    “Organismic” positions in early German-speaking ecology and its (almost) forgotten dissidents.Kurt Jax - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-31.
    In early German ecology, the key concept used to refer to a synecological unit was Biozönose. Taken together with the concept of the Biotop, it was also understood as an integrated higher-order unit of life, sometimes called a “Holozön”. These units were often perceived as having properties similar to those of individual organisms, and they informed the mainstream of German ecology until at least the late 1960s. Here I ask how “organismic” these concepts really were and what conceptual problems they (...)
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    Acceptance and Certainty, Doxastic Modals, and Indicative Conditionals.Kurt Norlin - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (5):951-971.
    I give a semantics for a logic with two pairs of doxastic modals and an indicative conditional connective that all nest without restriction. Sentences are evaluated as accepted, rejected, or neither. Certainty is the necessity-like modality of acceptance. Inferences may proceed from premises that are certain, or merely accepted, or a mix of both. This semantic setup yields some striking results. Notably, the existence of inferences that preserve certainty but not acceptance very directly implies both failure of modus ponens for (...)
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    The Theory of Cognitive Spacetime.Kurt Stocker - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (2):71-93.
    This article introduces the theory of cognitive spacetime. This account allows us to go beyond the space–time dichotomy that is commonly employed in psychology and cognitive science. Linguistic analysis and experimental review is provided to support the notion that what is commonly referred to as spatial cognition (or mental space) in the cognitive sciences always contains time, and that what is commonly referred to as temporal cognition (or mental time) always contains space. For “spatial cognition” the term object-spatiotemporal cognition (or (...)
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  29. The Existentialist Revolt.Kurt F. Reinhardt - 1953 - Philosophy 28 (105):183-183.
  30. How to be a redundant realist.Kurt L. Sylvan - 2012 - Episteme 9 (3):271-282.
    In Group Agency, List and Pettit defend ‘non-redundant realism’ about group agency, a view on which facts about group agents are not ‘readily reducible’ to facts about individuals, and the dependence of group agents on individuals is so holistic that one cannot predict facts about group agents on the basis of facts about their members. This paper undermines L&P's case in three stages. §1 shows that L&P's core argument is invalid. L&P infer and from two facts: that group agents must (...)
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    ‘It's OK to be white’: the discursive construction of victimhood, ‘anti-white racism’ and calculated ambivalence in Australia.Kurt Sengul - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (6):593-609.
    This paper critically examines the ‘It's OK to be White’ Senate motion made by Australian far-right politician Pauline Hanson in 2018. Deliberately innocuous, the ‘It's OK to be white’ slogan was designed by online white supremacist groups with the intention of ‘triggering liberals’ and provoking outrage. Drawing on critical discourse analysis, I demonstrate that Hanson's ‘It's OK to be white’ motion was an act of calculated ambivalence, which served to address multiple audiences simultaneously. I argue that the motion provided Hanson (...)
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    Georg Simmel, 1858-1918.Kurt H. Wolff - 1959 - Columbus,: Ohio State University Press.
  33. On the Autonomy of (Some) Knowledge.Kurt Sylvan - forthcoming - Analysis.
  34. (3 other versions)Die Wahrheit des Mythos.Kurt Hübner - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (3):549-549.
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  35. Smart on sensations.Kurt Baier - 1962 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 40 (1):57-68.
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  36. Genetics. Technological Intervention in Human Reproduction as a Philosophical Problem.Kurt Bayertz & Nils Holtug - 1996 - Bioethics 10 (2):173-175.
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  37. A Whole, a Fragment.Kurt H. Wolff - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (3):337-342.
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  38. Georg Simmel: 1858-1918.Kurt Wolff - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (1):139-140.
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    German Stoicisms: From Hegel to Sloterdijk.Kurt Lampe & Andrew Benjamin (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Stoicism has had a diverse reception in German philosophy. This is the first interpretive study of shared themes and dialogues between late nineteenth-century and twentieth-century experts on classical antiquity and philosophers. Assessing how modern philosophers have incorporated ancient resources with the context of German philosophy, chapters in this volume are devoted to philosophical giants such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Wilhelm Dilthey, Walter Benjamin, Martin Heidegger, Hannah Arendt, Hans Jonas, Hans Blumenberg, and Peter Sloterdijk. Among the ancient Stoics, the focus is on (...)
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    Vorsatz, wille und bedürfnis.Kurt Lewin - 1926 - Berlin,: J. Springer.
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    Zur Logik der Sollsaetze.Kurt Grelling - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):A44-A47.
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    Heidegger, Technology and Education.Kurt C. M. Mertel - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (2):467-486.
  43.  13
    Die menschliche Natur: welchen und wieviel Wert hat sie?Kurt Bayertz (ed.) - 2005 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Das Thema "menschliche Natur" hat eine lange Tradition in der Geschichte des philosophischen Denkens. Vor allem in Krisenzeiten und an Epochenschwellen stellte sich immer wieder Frage, was der Mensch "eigentlich" ist. Es sollte daher auch nicht überraschen, daß diese Frage auch in der Gegenwart wieder eine zunehmende Aufmerksamkeit findet. Nach langen Jahren eines nur zurückhaltenden Interesses findet die philosophische Anthropologie wieder stärkere Aufmerksamkeit. - Und doch handelt es dabei nicht nur um die Wiederaufnahme eines alten Themas. Die philosophische Beschäftigung mit (...)
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    Collected Works, Volume 1: Publications 1929-1936.Kurt Gödel - 1986 - Oxford, England: Clarendon Press.
    The initial volume of a comprehensive edition of Gödel's works, this book makes available for the first time in a single source all his publications from 1929 to 1936. The volume begins with an informative overview of Gödel's life and work and features facing English translations for all German originals, extensive explanatory and historical notes, and a complete biography. Volume 2 will contain the remainder of Gödel's published work, and subsequent volumes will include unpublished manuscripts, lectures, correspondence and extracts from (...)
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    Grundriss der transzendentalen Logik.Kurt Walter Zeidler - 1992 - Cuxhaven: Junghans.
    Die spekulative Frage, wie das Denken sich und somit ein Selbst denken kann, ist die prinzipientheoretische Grundfrage der Philosophie. In ihr ist auch die transzendentale Frage nach den Bedingungen der Möglichkeit des Denkens eines Gegenstandes überhaupt enthalten. Wie sie darin enthalten ist und inwiefern die transzendentale Fragestellung auf die spekulative verweist und ihrer bedarf, wird im Anschluß an Kant zu zeigen sein, denn die spekulative Frage ist nicht die Ausgangsfrage Kantens. Kant geht aus von der Antinomie von empiristischem Skeptizismus und (...)
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    Three Arguments For Scientific Freedom.Kurt Bayertz - 2006 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 9 (4):377-398.
    The principle of scientific freedom is usually taken forgranted; few attempts have been made to justify it systematically. The present paper discusses three “classic” arguments, which are used to justify this principle. However, it will become clear that (a) each argument refers to a different understanding of science and therefore justifies a different type of science, and that (b) each of them is based on assumptions which are not always consistent with the social reality of scientific research; the profound changes (...)
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  47. La lógica matemática de Russell.Kurt Gödel - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):113-138.
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    Origins of the Schema of Stimulated Motion: Towards a Pre-History of Modern Psychology.Kurt Danziger - 1983 - History of Science 21 (2):183-210.
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    Changes in positron annihilation characteristics in molybdenum induced by neutron irradiation.Kurt Petersen, Mads Knudsen & R. M. J. Cotterill - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (2):417-426.
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    „Herr Doktor, sagen Sie mir die Wahrheit...”– Zur Darstellung medizinethischer Konflikte im Film.Kurt W. Schmidt - 2000 - Ethik in der Medizin 12 (3):139-153.
    Movies tell stories. Thrilling are especially those situations, when people have to make ethical decisions. Issues of medical ethics crop up not only in hospital series, but often in genres where this subject is hardly to be supposed: comedies, westerns, love stories and gangster movies. Enacting these conflicts means offering a solution, and in doing so films refer to moral values and – at the same time – function as seismographs for the social relevance of bioethical topics. But it is (...)
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