Results for 'Kåre Solfjeld'

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  1. Zur Wiedergabe deutscher erweiterter Attribute in authentischen norwegischen Übersetzungen.Kåre Solfjeld - 2004 - Hermes 33:89-115.
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    Enactive individuation: technics, temporality and affect in digital design and fabrication.Kåre Stokholm Poulsgaard - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):281-298.
    The nature of creative engagement with computers and software presents a number of challenges to 4E cognition and requires the development of analytical frameworks that can encompass cognitive processes as they extend across material and informational realms. Here I argue that an enactive view of mind allows for better understanding of digital practice by advancing a dynamic, transactional, and affective framework for the analysis of computational design. This enactive framework is in part developed through the Material Engagement Theory put forward (...)
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  3. The Gordian Knot of Demarcation: Tying Up Some Loose Ends.Kåre Letrud - 2019 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 32 (1):3-11.
    In this article, I seek to improve upon a definition of pseudoscience put forward by Sven Ove Hansson. I argue that not only does its use of ‘pseudoscientific statement’ as definiendum inadequately address the theoretical issue of demarcation, it also makes the definition inapt for practical demarcation. Moreover, I argue that Hanson’s definition subsumes statements and associated practices that are forms of bad science, resulting in an unfavourably wide concept. I try to save the definition from the brunt of this (...)
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    Do we Know it When we See it? A Review of ‘Pseudoscience’ Patterns of Usage.Kåre Letrud - 2023 - Episteme 20 (2):479-496.
    Definitions of ‘pseudoscience’ are required to heed the established usage of the definiendum by subsuming those cases that are generally considered to be pseudoscientific, and by excluding those that are considered sciences. In this paper I sample the published record to assess the consensus on pseudoscience case classifications. The review finds inconclusive evidence for an overall agreement. However, the frequent usage of a small number of pseudoscience-cases indicates that these are considered paradigms of pseudoscience. I briefly discuss some practical implications (...)
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    Understanding the hermeneutics of digital materiality in contemporary architectural modelling: a material engagement perspective.Kåre Stokholm Poulsgaard & Lambros Malafouris - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2217-2227.
    This article develops a framework for analysing how digital software and models become mediums for creative imagination in architectural design. To understand the hermeneutics of these relationships, we develop key concepts from Material Engagement Theory (MET) and Postphenomenology (PP). To push these frameworks into the realm of digital design, we develop the concept of Digital Materiality. Digital Materiality describes the way successive layers of mathematics, code, and software come to mediate enactive perception, and the possibilities of creative material engagement actualised (...)
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    Affirmative citation bias in scientific myth debunking: A three-in-one case study.Kåre Letrud & Sigbjørn Hernes - 2019 - PLoS ONE 9 (14).
    Several uncorroborated, false, or misinterpreted conceptions have for years been widely distributed in academic publications, thus becoming scientific myths. How can such misconceptions persist and proliferate within the inimical environment of academic criticism? Examining 613 articles we demonstrate that the reception of three myth-exposing publications is skewed by an ‘affirmative citation bias’: The vast majority of articles citing the critical article will affirm the idea criticized. 468 affirmed the myth, 105 were neutral, while 40 took a negative stance. Once misconceptions (...)
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    Reflections on the Turing test.Charles Karelis - 1986 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 16 (July):161-72.
  8.  31
    Excavating the origins of the learning pyramid myths.Kåre Letrud & Sigbjørn Hernes - 2018 - Cogent 1 (5).
    The family of cognitive models sometimes referred to as the “Learning Pyramid” enjoys a considerable level of authority within several areas of educational studies, despite that nobody knows how they originated or whether they were supported by any empirical evidence. This article investigates the early history of these models. Through comprehensive searches in digital libraries, we have found that versions of the Learning Pyramids have been part of educational debates and practices for more than 160 years. These findings demonstrate that (...)
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    Centre and Periphery of Nano—A Norwegian Context.Kåre Nolde Nielsen, Trond Grønli Åm & Rune Nydal - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (1):87-98.
    This work describes the nano field in Norway as currently emerging in the dynamics between two forms of nano research activities described along a centre-periphery axis. 1) There are strategic research initiatives committed to redeem the envisioned potential of the field by means of social and material reorganisation of existing research activities. This activity is seen as central as it is one of our premises that the standard circulating nano vision implies such a work of reorganisation. The fact that nano (...)
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    The pseudoscience case consensus: an agreement in name only?Kåre Letrud & Svein Åge Kjøs Johnsen - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Efforts at demarcating pseudoscience from science have in the last four decades been fueled by claims of a substantial extensional consensus. Most philosophers, as well as scientists, reportedly have a knack for recognizing pseudoscience, and they agree on what counts as cases of pseudoscience. It is also believed that this extensional consensus will facilitate an intensional consensus on the defining criteria of pseudoscience. The extensional consensus, however, is undocumented, as is the existence of an acute pseudoscience perceptiveness. In this paper, (...)
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    Incorrigible Science and Doctrinal Pseudoscience.Kåre Letrud - 2022 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 35 (3-4):269-278.
    I respond to Sven Ove Hansson’s [2020. "Disciplines, Doctrines, and Deviant Science." International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 33 (1): 43-52. doi:10.1080/02698595.2020.1831258] discussion note on my (Letrud 2019) critique of his (2013) pseudoscience definition. My critique addressed what I considered to be issues with his choice of definiendum, the efficiency of the definition for debunking pseudoscience, and a problematic extensional overlap with bad science. I attempted to solve these issues by proposing some modifications to his definition. I shall address (...)
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    Progress in Clinical and Biological Research.Kåre Berg & Knut Erik Tranøy - 1975
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    Gresk samtidsdrama.Kåre Bulie - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 36 (1):93-107.
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    Distributive Justice and the Public Good.Charles Karelis - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (1):101.
    Many philosophers and some economists value economic equality on the ground that transfers from the relatively rich to the relatively poor increase the utility of the poor more than they reduce the utility of the rich. These philosophers and economists are assuming the ethical principle that a pattern of economic distribution is justified by maximizing aggregate utility. They are also assuming the truth of an empirical generalization proposed in the eighteenth century by Daniel Bernoulli–that successive equal increments of income produce (...)
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  15. Whistleblowing : not always a losing game.Kare Fitzgerald - 2018 - In Nicholas Sakellariou & Rania Milleron (eds.), Ethics, Politics, and Whistleblowing in Engineering. Boca Raton, FL: Crc Press.
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    The Real Nature of the Opposition Against B. Lomborg.Kåre Fog - 2005 - Journal of Information Ethics 14 (2):66-76.
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    Ludvig Holbergs naturrett på idéhistorisk bakgrunn.Kåre Foss - 1934 - Oslo,: Gyldendal.
    Naturrettens historie.--Ludvig Holbergs naturrett jevnført med de fornemste juristers principiis.
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    Taxation and Investment Behaviour Under Uncertainty - A Multiperiod Portfolio Analysis.KÅre P. Hagen - 1971 - Theory and Decision 1 (3):269.
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    Art and Logic in Hegel's Philosophy.Charles Karelis, Warren E. Steinkraus & Kenneth L. Schmitz - 1981 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 39 (4):465.
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    On the Logic of Picture-Worlds.Charles Karelis - 1980 - Philosophical Inquiry 2 (4):546-554.
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    Plato on art and reality.Charles Karelis - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (3):315-321.
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    Performativität und Phänomenalität.Maxim Kares - 2014 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2014:241-284.
    This paper discusses the performativity of Heidegger’s language. It tries to ascertain how Heidegger attains the appearance of phenomena by writing about them. This paper focuses accordingly on two questions: First, how is it possible to break out of language by means of words in order to make way for the unutterable, and second, how can what appears also disappear at the same time. The essay”The Origin of the Work of Art” (”DerUrsprung des Kunstwerkes”) is rife with examples inwhich Heidegger (...)
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    Acquiesced and unrefuted : The growth of scientific myths.Kåre Letrud - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Bergen
    This thesis explores the phenomenon of scientific myths distributed in academic discourses. Drawing on a set of myth-examples, I explicate a definition of the term ‘scientific myth’, arguing that it ought primarily to be characterised by the tension between a lack of epistemic warrant on the one hand, and an extensive proliferation in formal academic channels of publications on the other. I then delineate scientific myths from the closely associated pseudosciences: The sciences, although distributing some unreliable statements, do not bestow (...)
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    The diffusion of the learning pyramid myths in academia: an exploratory study.Kåre Letrud & Sigbjørn Hernes - 2016 - Journal of Curriculum Studies 48 (3):291-302.
    This article examines the diffusion and present day status of a family of unsubstantiated learning-retention myths, some of which are referred to as ‘the learning pyramid’. We demonstrate through an extensive search in academic journals and field-specific encyclopaedias that these myths are indeed widely publicised in academia and that they have gained a considerable level of authority. We also argue that the academic publishing of these myths is potentially harmful to both professional as well as political deliberations on educational issues, (...)
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    Innvandringshistorie.Kåre Lunden - 2004 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 22 (3):199-208.
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    Til Agora, redaksjonen.Kåre Lunden - 2002 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 20 (3-4):335-337.
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  27. Prinos kŭm Obshtata teorii︠a︡ na dŭrzhavata.Kare dʹi︠u︡ Malbert - 1993 - In S. G. Balamezov, Léon Duguit, Raymond Carré de Malberg & Georg Jellinek (eds.), Obshto uchenie za dŭrzhavata. [Sofii︠a︡]: Sofi-R.
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    Solidaroty and equity : new ethical frameworks for genetic databases.Ruth Chadwick & Kåre Berg - 2001 - .
    Genetic database initiatives have given rise to considerable debate about their potential harms and benefits. The question arises as to whether existing ethical frameworks are sufficient to mediate between the competing interests at stake. One approach is to strengthen mechanisms for obtaining informed consent and for protecting confidentiality. However, there is increasing interest in other ethical frameworks, involving solidarity — participation in research for the common good — and the sharing of the benefits of research.
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    Non-safety Assessments of Genome-Edited Organisms: Should They be Included in Regulation?Bjørn Kåre Myskja & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2601-2627.
    This article presents and evaluates arguments supporting that an approval procedure for genome-edited organisms for food or feed should include a broad assessment of societal, ethical and environmental concerns; so-called non-safety assessment. The core of analysis is the requirement of the Norwegian Gene Technology Act that the sustainability, ethical and societal impacts of a genetically modified organism should be assessed prior to regulatory approval of the novel products. The article gives an overview how this requirement has been implemented in the (...)
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    Mapping Uncertainties in the Upstream: The Case of PLGA Nanoparticles in Salmon Vaccines. [REVIEW]Kåre Nolde Nielsen, Børge Nilsen Fredriksen & Anne Ingeborg Myhr - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (1):57-71.
    The diversity of nanotechnologies and of the governance challenges that their applications raise calls for exploration and learning across different cases. We present an Upstream Oversight Assessment (UOA) of expected benefits and potential harms of nanoparticles made of a synthetic polymer (PLGA) to improve vaccines for farmed salmon. Suggested by Jennifer Kuzma and colleagues, an UOA may help identify and prioritise research needs, and it may support evaluations of the adequacy of relevant existing regulatory frameworks. In this work, the UOA (...)
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    Can scientific revolutions be incentivised?: Seán Mfundza Muller: The incentivised university: scientific revolutions, policies, consequences. Cham: Springer, 2021, xiii + 226pp, €124.99 HB. [REVIEW]Kåre Letrud - 2022 - Metascience 31 (2):269-271.
  32.  2
    Mission: impossible. [REVIEW]Kåre Letrud - forthcoming - Metascience.
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    The concept of creativity in Georges Florovsky’s thought.Kåre Johan Mjør - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):85-99.
    This article discusses the meanings of “creativity”—tvorchestvo—as we encounter it in Georges Florovsky’s thought, first and foremost in his magnum opus Ways of Russian Theology (1937). Tvorchestvo had by this time become a key concept in Russian pre-revolutionary and later émigré thought. It is associated above all with Nikolai Berdyaev’s philosophy, but it also plays an important role in Sergei Bulgakov’s philosophy of economy. In both cases, it stands for the human response to divine creation. Moreover, and somewhat less famously, (...)
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    Xenophobia and Left Voting.Henning Finseraas & Kåre Vernby - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (4):490-516.
    In this article, the authors set out to evaluate two competing mechanisms that may account for the negative relationship between xenophobia and left voting. Xenophobia may reduce left voting because parties of the right are more conservative on issues relating to immigration and ethnic relations, or it may reduce left voting because many potential left voters lack sympathy with the groups to whom redistribution is thought to be directed. These two mechanisms imply radically different scenarios for political competition. Using a (...)
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    Georgii Fedotov as a Theologian of Culture.Kåre Johan Mjør - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):15-29.
    The article discusses the notion of culture as it appears and is conceptualized in the works of G.P. Fedotov. The analysis focuses on two articles by Fedotov published in Russian migr journals, "The Holy Spirit in Nature and Culture" of 1932 and "Eschatology and culture" of 1938, and in his magnum opus in a Western context, The Russian Religious Mind of 1946. The author proposes to analyze Fedotov's ideas as a theology of culture due to the profoundly religious meaning the (...)
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    Provincialising Europe? Soviet Historiography of Philosophy and the Question of Eurocentrism.Kåre Johan Mjør - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (2):277-293.
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    Russian political philosophy: anarchy, authority, autocracy.Kåre Johan Mjør - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (4):781-783.
    Evert van der Zweerde’s book is the most recent result of the author’s long-time study of Russian philosophy and Russian philosophical culture. The latter concept has been one of Zweerde’s main con...
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    Smuta: cyclical visions of history in contemporary Russian thought and the question of hegemony.Kåre Johan Mjør - 2018 - Studies in East European Thought 70 (1):19-40.
    In the post-Soviet context, various cyclical models of recurrent Russian “Times of Troubles” have become increasingly popular. This perspective emerged first in Soviet dissident circles, who used it as a means to expose as mistaken the Soviet belief in continual historical progress on Russian soil. In post-Soviet Russia this critical approach has been continued by members of the “Akhezier circle,” the economist Egor Gaidar, and others. Meanwhile it was given an affirmative, conservative reinterpretation by Aleksandr Panarin, according to whom Russia (...)
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    We have never been ELSI researchers – there is no need for a post-ELSI shift.Anne Ingeborg Myhr, Rune Nydal & Bjørn Kåre Myskja - 2014 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 10 (1):1-17.
    This article criticizes recent suggestions that the current ELSI research field should accommodate a new direction towards a ‘post-ELSI’ agenda. Post-ELSI research seeks to avoid the modernist division of responsibility for technical and social issues said to characterize ELSI research. Collaboration and integration are consequently the key terms of post-ELSI strategies that are to distinguish it from ELSI strategies. We argue that this call for a new direction relies on an inadequate generalized analysis of ELSI research as modern that will (...)
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    Review of Caryl Emerson, George Pattison and Randall A. Poole (eds.): The Oxford handbook of Russian religious thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Xxviii + 712 pages. Hardcover: ISBN 978-0-19-879644-2, £110.00. [REVIEW]Kåre Johan Mjør - 2020 - Studies in East European Thought 72 (3-4):417-421.
  41. Nurses' perceptions of patient participation in hemodialysis treatment.Elin Margrethe Aasen, Marit Kvangarsnes & Kåre Heggen - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):419-430.
    The aim of this study is to explore how nurses perceive patient participations of patients over 75 years old undergoing hemodialysis treatment in dialysis units, and of their next of kin. Ten nurses told stories about what happened in the dialysis units. These stories were analyzed with critical discourse analysis. Three discursive practices are found: (1) the nurses’ power and control; (2) sharing power with the patient; and (3) transferring power to the next of kin. The first and the predominant (...)
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    Acceptable attitudes and the limits of tolerance: Understanding public attitudes to conscientious objection in healthcare.Astrid Haaland Barlaup, Åse Elise Landsverk, Bjørn Kåre Myskja, Magne Supphellen & Morten Magelssen - 2019 - Clinical Ethics 14 (3):115-121.
    BackgroundThe public’s attitudes to conscientious objection are likely to influence political decisions about CO and trust towards healthcare systems and providers. Few studies examine the pub...
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  43. Active Learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) – Design of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of Staff Professional Development to Promote Physical Activity, Motor Skills, and Cognition in Preschoolers.Eivind Aadland, Hege Eikeland Tjomsland, Kjersti Johannessen, Ada Kristine Ofrim Nilsen, Geir Kåre Resaland, Øyvind Glosvik, Osvald Lykkebø, Rasmus Stokke, Lars Bo Andersen, Sigmund Alfred Anderssen, Karin Allor Pfeiffer, Phillip D. Tomporowski, Ingunn Størksen, John B. Bartholomew, Yngvar Ommundsen, Steven James Howard, Anthony D. Okely & Katrine Nyvoll Aadland - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  44. Clinical Characteristics of Patients Seeking Treatment for Common Mental Disorders Presenting With Workplace Bullying Experiences.Sarah Helene Aarestad, Ståle Valvatne Einarsen, Odin Hjemdal, Ragne G. H. Gjengedal, Kåre Osnes, Kenneth Sandin, Marit Hannisdal, Marianne Tranberg Bjørndal & Anette Harris - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Think Global, Buy National: CSR, Cooperatives and Consumer Concerns in the Norwegian Food Value Chain.Lars Ursin, Bjørn Kåre Myskja & Siri Granum Carson - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):387-405.
    In a world where issues of food safety and food security are increasingly important, the social responsibility of central actors in the food chain—producers and the main grocery chains—becomes more pressing. As a response, these actors move from implicitly assuming social responsibilities implied in laws, regulations and ethical customs, towards explicitly expressing social responsibilities. In this paper, we discuss the ethical values relevant for the social responsibility of central food producers and retailers in Norway, one of the most subsidized and (...)
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    Discrepancy in Ratings of Shared Decision Making Between Patients and Health Professionals: A Cross Sectional Study in Mental Health Care.Karin Drivenes, Vegard Ø Haaland, Yina L. Hauge, John-Kåre Vederhus, Audun C. Irgens, Kristin Klemmetsby Solli, Hilde Regevik, Ragnhild S. Falk & Lars Tanum - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Case Studies: The Price of Silence.Abbyann Lynch, John C. Fletcher, Dorothy Wertz, Andrew Czeizel, Francisco M. Salzano & Kåre Berg - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (3):31.
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    The Multiple Determinants of Maternal Parenting Stress 12 Months After Birth: The Contribution of Antenatal Attachment Style, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Infant Temperament.Vibeke Moe, Tilmann von Soest, Eivor Fredriksen, Kåre S. Olafsen & Lars Smith - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:375203.
    Parenting stress can influence caregiving behavior negatively, which in turn may harm children’s development. Identifying precursors of parenting stress, preferably beginning during pregnancy and throughout the first year of life, is therefore important. The present study aims to provide novel knowledge on this issue through a detailed examination of the association between maternal attachment style and later parenting stress. Moreover, we examine the role of several additional risk factors, specificially the mothers’ own adverse childhood experiences (ACE), as well as infants’ (...)
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    Profesorsko kare.T︠s︡ocho Boi︠a︡dzhiev, Kalin I︠A︡nakiev, Georgi Kapriev, Vladimir Gradev & Toni Nikolov (eds.) - 2022 - Sofii︠a︡: Fondat︠s︡ii︠a︡ "Komunitas".
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    Platonda Kare Bir İde midir, İmge midir?Şule Göle - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:1):79-95.
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