Results for 'Lages Martin'

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  1.  44
    Commentary: Task-Switching in Pigeons: Associative Learning or Executive Control?Li Xiangqian, Li Bingxin, Lages Martin & Stoet Gijsbert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Target-Response Associations Can Produce Response-Congruency Effects Without Task-Switching Costs.Bingxin Li, Xiangqian Li, Xuhong Liu, Martin Lages & Gijsbert Stoet - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Martin Heidegger 1889-1976: filosifische Weerklank in de Lage Landen.Jan Aler - 1991
    Opstellen over de invloed van de Duitse filosoof (1889-1976) op de filosofie in Nederland. Bevat bibliografie.
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    Norbert Hinske: Das Thema der Philosophie. Zur Lage der Philosophie in der Gegenwart (Trierer Universitätsreden Nr. 1) Trier 1975, 48 pp. [REVIEW]Hans-Martin Sass - 1976 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 28 (4):370.
  5.  19
    Technik als Problem des Ausdrucks: Über die naturphilosophischen Implikationen technikphilosophischer Theorien.Katharina D. Martin - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Formwerdung, als Vorgang des Ausdrückens, ist eine der Natur inhärente technische Dimension - so eine These über den Zusammenhang von Technik- und Naturphilosophie. Demnach überzeugen die techniktheoretischen Überlegungen von Kapp, Deleuze/Guattari und Simondon insbesondere, weil dort Technik als ein Problem des Ausdrucks behandelt wird. Um diesen Gedanken auszuführen, spannt Katharina D. Martin einen Bogen von Lamarck über Schelling und Uexküll bis zu Deleuze. Dabei gelingt es ihr nicht nur, die vielfältigen Diskurse transdisziplinär zu vermitteln, sie führt uns auch zu (...)
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    Coulomb Potential from Lorentz Invariance in N Dimensions.Martin Land - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (4-5):597-631.
    Although Maxwell theory is O(3,1)-covariant, electrodynamics only transforms invariantly between Lorentz frames for special forms of the field, and the generator of Lorentz transformations is not generally conserved. Bérard, Grandati, Lages, and Mohrbach have studied the O(3) subgroup, for which they found an extension of the rotation generator that satisfies the canonical angular momentum algebra in the presence of certain Maxwell fields, and is conserved by the classical motion. The extended generator depends on the field strength, but not the (...)
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    Martin Buber und das dialogische Leben.Bernhard Lang - 1963 - Bern,: H. Lang.
    In der vorliegenden Schrift soll Martin Buber als dem scharfen Diagnostiker unserer Zeit und dem Künder ewiger Wahrheiten die ganze Aufmerksamkeit gelten. Kein Denken lässt sich so wenig in billigen Schlagwörtern einfangen, wie das Martin Bubers. Die erste Aufgabe wird sein, die Situation in der wir leben, und die Buber meint, etwas näher zu bestimmen. Dies wird uns in die Lage setzen, jene Fragen zu vernehmen, die die Situation zu uns allen spricht. Sodann werden wir uns der besonderen (...)
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    „Entweder Sein oder Seiendes“ – über ein fundamentales Missverständnis Heideggers Seinsbegriffes.Karl Kraatz - 2024 - Synthesis Philosophica 39 (1):159-183.
    Heideggers Philosophie wird seit Jahrzehnten von berühmten Philosophen dafür kritisiert, dass ihr alles Wirkliche der einen Frage nach dem Sein untergeordnet werde. Die alleinige Thematisierung des Seins ließe blind werden für das Seiende – für das Hier und Jetzt der gegenwärtigen Lage. Unterstellt wird dabei, dass das Sein keinen Bezug zum Seienden habe. In diesem Artikel wird mit Blick auf das, was Heidegger die „konkrete Allgemeinheit“ des Seinsbegriffes nennt, gezeigt, dass die Kritik unberechtigt ist. Die zu prüfende These lautet, dass (...)
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    Imagens da resistência: dimensões estéticas e políticas.Leandro Rodrigues Lage (ed.) - 2021 - Salvador: EDUFBA.
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    Les combats syndicaux.Olivier da Lage - 2003 - Hermes 35:215.
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    Secundus entre las flores del Vergel.María E. Lage Cotos - 1999 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 6:275.
    This paper aims at studying the survival of Secundus in the Viridiarium consolationis of Jacobus of Benevento. The Viridiarium, first published in 1880 taking the 1Sth-Century Montecassino 207 manuscript as its basis, mentions Secundus's opinions with regard to women and to friendship and proves that, in some cases, there is hesitation regarding the identification of the author as Secundus. References to the philosopher in the Romance versions of the Viridiarium are also examined.
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    The multiple Foucault and the Modern/Colonial International.Victor Coutinho Lage - 2018 - Foucault Studies 24:206-210.
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    Estética do performativo: implicações filosóficas do fim da obra como objeto.Mariana Lage - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (2).
    Este artigo propõe pensar as implicações filosóficas do fim da arte como objeto material estável para a percepção e recepção estéticas. Nesse sentido, toma como referências propostas artísticas contraculturais de fins da década de 1950 aos anos 1970 que se realizam como ação de um corpo que compartilha o espaço e o tempo com seu público. Assim esse trabalho se apoia nas proposições de Paul Zumthor e Erika Fischer-Lichte a fim de pensar o que poderíamos chamar de Estética do performativo, (...)
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  14. " Nós batalhamos muito para ensinar, porque sabemos que nossos alunos querem aprender": vidas e trajetórias de duas diretoras.Giselle Carino Lage - 2013 - Enfoques: Sociologia e Antropologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 13 (1).
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    O Papel Do Gestor Escolar Frente À Juventude: Revisão Histórica Das Políticas Públicas Dos Anos 2000.Alice Pereira Xavier Lage - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 8.
    Este artigo busca dimensionar um conjunto de políticas públicas nacionais para a juventude desenvolvidas e implementadas durante os anos 2000 no Brasil. Neste âmbito, propõe discutir a variedade dos conceitos de juventude, principalmente relacionados ao limite cronológico e a algumas ideias relacionadas, entre as quais, ocupação do tempo, pobreza e risco social associados ao indivíduo considerado jovem pela Sociologia. O objetivo principal é levantar e resumir dados importantes sobre algumas políticas nacionais para a juventude, refletindo sobre a escola, principalmente a (...)
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    Faire des images, faire de la révolte.Leandro Rodrigues Lage - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):88-91.
    Partant du principe que l’imagination est une condition préalable à l’action politique, créer des images est aussi une manière de faire de la révolte. En ce sens, allant au-delà du paradigme iconique, les images elles-mêmes deviennent des expressions sensibles de l’indignation de ceux qui s’inscrivent contre les formes injustes de pouvoir. En Amazonie, région historiquement constituée comme « l’Autre » du Brésil, les anciennes et nouvelles logiques colonialistes se conjuguent aux dilemmes nationaux et internationaux, créant une atmosphère de constantes menaces, (...)
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    O Orí, a saúde e as doenças dos(as) filhos(as) de santo.Sônia Regina Corrêa Lages - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):206207-206207.
    As religiosidades de matriz africana tem um importante papel na condução das práticas de saúde de seus devotos a partir de uma visão integral do corpo da pessoa que considera o ser humano em suas diferentes esferas, a espiritual, a social, a mental e a biológica. No candomblé, a cabeça, denominada de _Orí_, é entendida como a sede da individualidade do sujeito, possui um conteúdo espiritual, tem _status_ de divindade, e guia os filhos e filhas de santo em sua jornada (...)
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    O deslocamento do esquematismo do entendimento do sujeito pela indústria cultural que o apresenta como o primeiro serviço prestado ao cliente.Abel Camilo de Oliveira Lage Filho - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (61):141-167.
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    Theoretical, and epistemological challenges in scientific investigations of complex emotional states in animals.Yury V. M. Lages, Daniel C. Mograbi, Thomas E. Krahe & J. Landeira-Fernandez - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84 (C):103003.
  20. The Watchtower: The Truth That Hurts.Laura Lage - 1984 - Free Inquiry 5 (1):1984.
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  21. Secundus entre las flores del vergel.María Elisa Lage Cotos - 1999 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 6:275-288.
    En este trabajo se trata de estudiar la pervivencia de Secundus (llamado el "Taciturno", contemporáneo de Adriano), en el Viridarium consolationis de Jacobus de Benevento, (. circa. 1271). El Viridarium, publicado por primera vez en 1880 a partir del manuscrito Montecassino 207 (s. XV), aduce las opiniones de Secundus sobre la mujer y sobre la amistad pero, si se revisa el manuscrito Modena, Biblioteca Estense, se prueba que existen algunas dudas sobre la identificación del autor con el nombre de Secundus. (...)
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    Training of Tonal Similarity Ratings in Non-Musicians: A “Rapid Learning” Approach.Mathias S. Oechslin, Damian Läge & Oliver Vitouch - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Madmaxismo.Fernando López Lage - 2021 - Montevideo: Estuario Editora.
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    O fenômeno religioso entre os jovens nas tribos urbanas: uma análise da relação cultura e religião na Comunidade Caverna de Adulão, Belo Horizonte, MG.Flávio Lages Rodrigues - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):941-943.
    In the contemporary times, we observe that the called post-modern culture enabled the youth culture to do the own constructions and choices, including religion. This research tried to understand how occurred the cultural and religious construction of youth urban tribes, here represented for headbangers from Caverna de Adulão Community. In this community, the rock was used as an instrument of socialization among the youth. The hypothesis of this research consists in observing that the religious practicing can be affected for cultural (...)
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  25.  14
    Social Entrepreneurship as a Family Resemblance Concept with Distinct Ethical Views.Filipa Lancastre, Carmen Lages & Filipe Santos - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-22.
    Almost 25 years after Dees’ article on the meaning of social entrepreneurship, conceptual controversy persists. Based on a qualitative analysis of 209 definitions of social entrepreneurship and respective academic articles, we argue that the concept follows a family resemblance structure and identify the 12 distinct attributes that comprehensively define it. Membership in social entrepreneurship is not defined by a case possessing a universally accepted set of criterial features but by carrying shared attributes with other cases. The family resemblance structure points (...)
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  26. Explicit Instructions Do Not Enhance Auditory Statistical Learning in Children With Developmental Language Disorder: Evidence From Event-Related Potentials.Ana Paula Soares, Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez, Helena M. Oliveira, Alexandrina Lages, Natália Guerra, Ana Rita Pereira, David Tomé & Marisa Lousada - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A current issue in psycholinguistic research is whether the language difficulties exhibited by children with developmental language disorder [DLD, previously labeled specific language impairment ] are due to deficits in their abilities to pick up patterns in the sensory environment, an ability known as statistical learning, and the extent to which explicit learning mechanisms can be used to compensate for those deficits. Studies designed to test the compensatory role of explicit learning mechanisms in children with DLD are, however, scarce, and (...)
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  27.  11
    Die Tübinger Theosophie.Laura Carrara, Irmgard Männlein-Robert, Vincent Clausing-Lage & Helmut Seng (eds.) - 2018 - Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann.
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    Learning Words While Listening to Syllables: Electrophysiological Correlates of Statistical Learning in Children and Adults.Ana Paula Soares, Francisco-Javier Gutiérrez-Domínguez, Alexandrina Lages, Helena M. Oliveira, Margarida Vasconcelos & Luis Jiménez - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    From an early age, exposure to a spoken language has allowed us to implicitly capture the structure underlying the succession of speech sounds in that language and to segment it into meaningful units. Statistical learning, the ability to pick up patterns in the sensory environment without intention or reinforcement, is thus assumed to play a central role in the acquisition of the rule-governed aspects of language, including the discovery of word boundaries in the continuous acoustic stream. Although extensive evidence has (...)
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    Ação Coletiva Política e Luta Por Reconhecimento: A Atuação da Associação Brasileira de Famílias Homotransafetivas (Abrafh) Na Defesa de Outras Modalidades de Famílias.Elias Santos Serejo, Danila Cal & Leandro Rodrigues Lage - 2019 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 6 (1):85-105.
    A Associação Brasileira de Famílias Homotransafetivas (Abrafh) é uma entidade que luta pelo reconhecimento das populações cujo núcleo é formado por sujeitos LGBTQIA+. A instituição busca representar os anseios e expectativas dessas famílias em diferentes âmbitos sociais, assim como combater os desrespeitos e preconceitos advindos de um sistema heterossexista. Este trabalho busca compreender como a Abrafh mobiliza as dimensões do afeto e da solidariedade na luta política. Para isso, entrevistamos quatro representantes do primeiro conselho diretor. Por meio de uma análise (...)
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    Ortega y Gasset on the Alleged Inconvenience of Reading Don Quixote at School.José María Ariso Salgado & José María Díaz-Lage - 2022 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 55 (2):169-182.
    This article presents the stance taken by José Ortega y Gasset in the debate that took place in early-twentieth-century Spain regarding the convenience of reading Don Quixote in schools. To this end, we start by describing, albeit briefly, the state of Ortega y Gasset’s thought in 1920, when he writes Biología y pedagogía, the essay with which we shall concern ourselves. According to Ortega y Gasset, Don Quixote must not be read in the classroom because it does not contribute to (...)
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    Translation, Adaptation, and Validation of the Brazilian Version of the Dickman Impulsivity Inventory.K. V. Gomes Áurea, F. M. Diniz Leandro, M. Lage Guilherme, M. de Miranda Débora, J. de Paula Jonas, Costa Danielle & R. Albuquerque Maicon - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    An Increase in Vigorous but Not Moderate Physical Activity Makes People Feel They Have Changed Their Behavior.Hermann Szymczak, Lucas Keller, Luka J. Debbeler, Josianne Kollmann, Nadine C. Lages, Peter M. Gollwitzer, Harald T. Schupp & Britta Renner - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Objective: While behavioral recommendations regarding physical activity commonly focus on reaching demanding goals by proposing ‘thresholds’, little attention has been paid to the question of how much of a behavioral change is needed to make people feel that they have changed. The present research investigated this relation between actual and felt behavior change. Design: Using data from two longitudinal community samples, Study 1 and 2 comprised 614 (63 % women) and 398 participants (61 % women) with a mean age of (...)
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    Körperkoordinationstest Für Kinder for Brazilian Children and Adolescents: Factor Analysis, Invariance and Factor Score.João Paulo Abreu Moreira, Mariana Calábria Lopes, Marcio Vidigal Miranda-Júnior, Nadia Cristina Valentini, Guilherme Menezes Lage & Maicon Rodrigues Albuquerque - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    ¿Hablas inglés? Percepciones, necesidades y prácticas relativas a la pronunciación de profesores y estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera.Inmaculada Santos Díaz, María Gómez González & José Díaz Lage - 2024 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (1).
    La práctica de la pronunciación en el aula es esencial para el desarrollo de las destrezas orales. Este estudio pretende explorar la práctica, la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la pronunciación en la enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera en España. Se recogió una muestra de estudiantes (n = 494) y otra de profesores (n = 127) de la etapa preuniversitaria (EP = Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y no Educación Secundaria Obligatoria) y de la etapa universitaria (UN) en España. Sus respuestas (...)
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  35. The Mind in Nature.C. B. Martin - 2007 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    What are the most fundamental features of the world? Do minds stand outside the natural order? Is a unified picture of mental and physical reality possible? The Mind in Nature provides a staunchly realist account of the world as a unified system incorporating both the mental and the physical.
  36. Substance substantiated.C. B. Martin - 1980 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 58 (1):3 – 10.
  37. The ontological turn.C. B. Martin & John Heil - 1999 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 23 (1):34–60.
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    The Right to Higher Education: A Political Theory.Christopher Martin - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    "Is higher education a right, or a privilege? This author argues that all citizens in a free and open society should have an unconditional right to higher education. Such an education should be costless for the individual and open to everyone regardless of talent. A readiness and willingness to learn should be the only qualification. It should offer opportunities that benefit citizens with different interests and goals in life. And it should aim, as its foundational moral purpose, to help citizens (...)
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  39. The philosophy of logical practice.Ben Martin - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (2-3):267-283.
    Metaphilosophy, Volume 53, Issue 2-3, Page 267-283, April 2022.
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    The Virtues and Vices of Innovators.Martin Sand - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):79-95.
    Innovation processes are extremely complex and opaque, which makes it tough or even impossible to govern them. Innovators lack control of large parts of these developments and lack of foreknowledge about the possible consequences of emerging technologies. Because of these features some scholars have argued that innovation processes should be structurally reformed and the agent-centered model of responsibility for innovation should be dismissed altogether. In the present article it will be argued that such a structural idea of responsible research and (...)
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  41. The Framework of Essences in Spinoza's Ethics.Christopher P. Martin - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (3):489 – 509.
    (2008). The Framework of Essences in Spinoza's Ethics. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 489-509. doi: 10.1080/09608780802200489.
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  42. William's Machine.Christopher J. Martin - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (10):564.
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    The Contained-Rivalry Requirement and a 'Triple Feature' Program for Business Ethics.Dominic Martin - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (1):167-182.
    This paper proposes a description of the moral obligations of economic agents. It will show that a threefold division should be adopted to distinguish moral obligations applying to their interactions in the market, obligations applying to their interactions inside business firms and obligations applying to their interactions with agents outside the market. Competition might be permissible in the first case since markets are special patterns of social interactions (called adversarial schemes). They produce their benefits when agents try to satisfy exclusive (...)
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  44. Risky belief.Martin Smith - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (3):597-611.
    In this paper I defend the claim that justification is closed under conjunction, and confront its most alarming consequence — that one can have justification for believing propositions that are unlikely to be true, given one's evidence.
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    The separation of technology and ethics in business ethics.Kirsten E. Martin & R. Edward Freeman - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (4):353-364.
    The purpose of this paper is to draw out and make explicit the assumptions made in the treatment of technology within business ethics. Drawing on the work of Freeman (1994, 2000) on the assumed separation between business and ethics, we propose a similar separation exists in the current analysis of technology and ethics. After first identifying and describing the separation thesis assumed in the analysis of technology, we will explore how this assumption manifests itself in the current literature. A different (...)
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    Mutatis mutandis … On Euthanasia and Advanced Dementia in the Netherlands.Martin Buijsen - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):40-53.
    Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide are common practice in the Netherlands. In response to increasing requests from patients to end their lives, physicians are finding themselves placed in particularly precarious situations because of advance directives written by patients suffering from severe dementia. In April 2020, the Supreme Court of the Netherlands issued two judgments in the so-called Dormicum case: a case involving the deliberate termination of the life of a 74-year-old woman suffering from advanced dementia by a geriatrician in a nursing (...)
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    Trust and the Online Market Maker: A Comment on Etzioni’s Cyber Trust.Kirsten Martin - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):21-24.
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    Solid State Insurrection: How the Science of Substance Made American Physics Matter.Joseph D. Martin - 2018 - Pittsburgh, PA, USA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Solid state physics, the study of the physical properties of solid matter, was the most populous subfield of Cold War American physics. Despite prolific contributions to consumer and medical technology, such as the transistor and magnetic resonance imaging, it garnered less professional prestige and public attention than nuclear and particle physics. Solid State Insurrection argues that solid state physics was essential to securing the vast social, political, and financial capital Cold War physics enjoyed in the twentieth century. Solid state’s technological (...)
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    To Our Nurse Friends: An Ode to Resistance.Patrick Martin & Annie-Claude Laurin - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70006.
    The concept of resistance in nursing has been garnering more interest in the last few years, with emerging focus on working conditions, power differentials in clinical settings, health inequities, and planetary health concerns. As a result, it's important to identify what is being resisted, and what is the purpose of the resistance carried out. In whatever way resistance is referenced in nursing, outright or not, it is our contention that it's in response to the same underlying cause, barring some local (...)
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  50. 13 The Limits of Self-Awareness.M. G. F. Martin - 2009 - In Alex Byrne & Heather Logue, Disjunctivism: Contemporary Readings. MIT Press. pp. 271.
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