Results for 'Lars Petterson'

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  1.  16
    Parental Imprisonment and Children's Right Not to be Separated from Their Parents.William Bülow & Lars Lindblom - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    It is widely known that criminal punishment, especially imprisonment, has negative effects for innocent persons, most notably the families of prisoners. This is an issue attracting increasing attention from penal theorists and philosophers. Adding to this literature, this article examines the extent to which incarceration of a parent is consistent with fundamental rights that are often ascribed to children. In particular, we focus on children's rights against being separated from their parents. To this end, we begin with a discussion of (...)
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  2. Art in Culture I-III.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen, Rik Pinxten & F. Vandamme (eds.) - 1985 - Communication & Cognition.
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    Dissonance and Polyphasia as Strategies for Resolving the Potential Conflict Between Science and Religion Among South Africans.Bankole A. Falade & Lars Guenther - 2020 - Minerva 58 (3):459-480.
    A majority of South Africans agrees that when science and religion conflict, religion is always right. Is this an indication the public is anti-science or does the question wording hide a more complex relationship? We examined the relationship between science and religion in South Africa using quantitative data from the World Values Survey and qualitative data from face-to-face interviews. As research on the potential conflict between science and religion is predominantly focused on Western countries, the present study focuses on Africa (...)
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    Anthropologie und Kulturpsychologie der religiösen Entwicklung: eine Religionspsychologie.Lars Allolio-Näcke - 2022 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Religionspsychologie wird in Deutschland zumeist im Bereich der Praktischen Theologie und Religionspädagogik betrieben und stellt kein eigenständiges psychologisches Teilfach dar. Theorien der religiösen Entwicklung sind daher häufig von ihrem theologischen Kontext beeinflusst. Gängige Modelle religiöser Entwicklung nimmt Allolio-Näcke in diesem Band aus psychologischer Perspektive in den Blick und entwirft erstmals seit 30 Jahren eine eigene kulturpsychologische Theorie religiöser Entwicklung. Ein historischer Rahmen, der die Entstehung der Religionspsychologie nachzeichnet und sie im wissenschaftlichen Kanon verortet, rundet den Band ab.
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    Umstürzende Gedanken: radikale Theorie im Vorfeld der 1848er Revolution.Martin Hundt & Lars Lambrecht (eds.) - 2013 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition.
    Zu den politischen revolutionären Bewegungen in Europa vor 1848 gehörte auch die Gärung von «umstürzenden» Ideen gegen überkommene Gedankensysteme. Im Band werden die politische, insbesondere demokratische Opposition und die sozialen Bewegungen der vormarxschen und marxschen Arbeiter, der Frauen und der (intellektuellen) Jugendlichen untersucht.
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  6. ch. 1. Rethinking business ethics in an age of crisis.Knut J. Ims & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen - 2015 - In Knut Johannessen Ims & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen (eds.), Business and the greater good: rethinking business ethics in an age of crisis. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
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  7. ch. 13. The future of business ethics : a structured dialogue between the participants.Knut J. Ims & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen - 2015 - In Knut Johannessen Ims & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen (eds.), Business and the greater good: rethinking business ethics in an age of crisis. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
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    Die Kontroverse um die embryonale Stammzellforschung—zurück auf der biopolitischen Tagesordnung.Pfarrer Z. A. Lars Klinnert - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (3):273-275.
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    Arven etter Skjervheim: nylesninger for vår tid.Storm Torjussen, Lars Petter & Andreas H. Hvidsten (eds.) - 2022 - Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
    Hans Skjervheim har hatt stor betydning for norsk åndsliv og offentlig ordskifte. Han hadde en unik evne til å vise hvordan tidløse filosofiske problemstillinger ikke bare angår fagfilosofer, men også er til stede i den politiske debatt og i hverdagens små og store utfordringer. Mange forbinder nok Skjervheim særlig med ±positivismestriden? på 1960- og 1970-tallet. Denne antologien viser bredden i virksomheten hans, og at mange av Skjervheims tekster har noe betydelig å si om også vår egen tids utfordringer - blant (...)
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    Rousseau's Insight.Lars LØvlie - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (4/5):335-341.
    My comment makes a point out ofRousseau's original insight: that education forsocial participation ought to start within thestudent's lifeworld, and not, as in our days, with the immediatedemands of modern, time-ridden consumerculture. When time is turned into a commodityand place is turned into a transit point forpeople constantly on the move, presence in acommon lifeworld is lost. I take issue with thedominant thinking of education in terms of timeand efficiency, and suggest that we startthinking of education more in terms of (...)
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  11.  31
    Political Theory and the Sensorium.Lars Tønder - 2017 - Political Theory:009059171559190.
  12.  42
    Does Venture Capital Backing Improve Disclosure Controls and Procedures? Evidence from Management’s Post-IPO Disclosures.Douglas Cumming, Lars Helge Hass, Linda A. Myers & Monika Tarsalewska - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (3):539-563.
    Firm managers make ethical decisions regarding the form and quality of disclosure. Disclosure can have long-term implications for performance, earnings manipulation, and even fraud. We investigate the impact of venture capital (VC) backing on the quality and informativeness of disclosure controls and procedures for newly public companies. We find that these controls and procedures are stronger, as evidenced by fewer material weaknesses in internal control under Section 302 of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, when companies are VC-backed. Moreover, these disclosures are informative (...)
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  13. Reversible Figurer.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1980 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 15 (1):31-44.
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  14. Arts and ends.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1982 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (2):215-217.
  15.  10
    Hvad er oplysning?Lars Aagaard-Mogensen (ed.) - 1976 - [København]: [eksp., DBK].
    Kant, I. Hvad er oplysning?--Hartnack, J. Oplysning og fornuft.--Løgstrup, K.E. Videnskab og oplysning.--Favrholdt, D. Frihed og indotrinering.--Sløk, J. Fordummelsens tid.--Palle Hansen, F. Uvidenskabeligt efterskrift.
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    Cooperation in Return-to-work Interventions for Common Mental Disorders: An Ideal Theory Analysis of Actors, Goals, and Ethical Obstacles.Thomas Hartvigsson, Lars Sandman, Gunnar Bergström & Elisabeth Björk Brämberg - forthcoming - Health Care Analysis:1-19.
    The rise in the number of people on sick leave for common mental disorders is a growing concern, both from a societal and individual perspective. One common suggestion to improve the return-to-work process is increased cooperation between the relevant parties, including at least the employer, the social insurance agency and health care. This suggestion is often made on the presumption that all parties share the common goal of reintegrating the patient-employee back into the workplace. In this paper we investigate this (...)
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  17.  49
    Computable irrational numbers with representations of surprising complexity.Ivan Georgiev, Lars Kristiansen & Frank Stephan - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (2):102893.
  18.  7
    Advances in Economics and Econometrics 3 Volume Paperback Set: Theory and Applications, Eighth World Congress.Mathias Dewatripont, Lars Peter Hansen & Stephen J. Turnovsky (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is a set of three volumes containing edited versions of papers and commentaries presented in invited symposium sessions of the Eighth World Congress of the Econometric Society. The papers summarize and interpret recent key developments and discuss future directions in a wide range of topics in economics and econometrics. The papers cover both theory and applications. Written by leading specialists in their fields, these volumes provide a unique survey of progress in the discipline.
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    Cortical Contribution to Linear, Non-linear and Frequency Components of Motor Variability Control during Standing.König Ignasiak Niklas, Habermacher Lars, R. Taylor William & B. Singh Navrag - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  20.  8
    Subjektivität und Autonomie: Praktische Selbstverhältnisse in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie.Stefan Lang & Lars-Thade Ulrichs (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die klassische deutsche Philosophie zählt zu den bedeutendsten und wirkmächtigsten Diskursformationen. Die Beiträge bieten eine grundlegende Orientierung sowie systematische Analysen zu Schlüsselbegriffen und Grundproblemen der praktischen Philosophie dieser Epoche. Neben den Klassikern wie Kant, Fichte und Hegel werden auch Beziehungen zu aktuellen Debatten behandelt und analysiert.
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  21.  15
    The Interplay Between Supply Chain Transparency and NGO Pressure: A Quantitative Analysis in the Fashion Industry Context.Naemi Schäfer, Lars Petersen & Jacob Hörisch - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-15.
    Companies have been experiencing increasing pressure from NGOs to overcome unethical and unsustainable behaviours. The purpose of this research was to study the interplay between supply chain transparency and NGO pressure. The analysis builds on the literature on supply chain transparency and institutional pressures. We conducted a time-lagged, multi-level regression analysis that included data from 270 fashion companies over a 5-year period to investigate the effect of NGO pressure on transparency and vice versa. The results revealed that companies with higher (...)
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    (2 other versions)Culture and Art.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (2):227-229.
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    Contemporary aesthetics in Scandinavia.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen & Göran Hermerén (eds.) - 1980 - Lund: Doxa.
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    Caught without an answer.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1975 - Philosophical Studies 28 (1):67 - 70.
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    On Cognitive Aesthetics.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1982 - Philosophica 30 (2):5-16.
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  26.  12
    Notions of the aesthetic and of aesthetics: essays on art, aesthetics, and culture.Lars-Olof Åhlberg - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The essays deal with the aesthetic and aesthetics; Bourdieu's critique of aesthetics form and content in the arts, musical formalism, the nature and value of literature, Heidegger's philosophy of art, postmodernism and history, Lyotard and the sublime, and the challenge of evolutionary psychology to the humanities.
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  27.  12
    Crises encourage innovations: The 28th European Sport Management Virtual Conference during the COVID-19 pandemic.Tim Ströbel, Lars Griebel- & Matthias Anderski - 2021 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 18 (1):113-117.
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    Perspectives on knowledge in innovation management – some steps toward developing a framework for tacit knowing.Håvard Åsvoll & Lars Øystein Widding - 2011 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 5 (4):389.
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    Responsible innovation; responsible data. A case study in autonomous driving.C. Ten Holter, Lars Kunze, Jo-Ann Pattinson, Pericle Salvini & Marina Jirotka - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 11 (C):100038.
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    Love, Technology, and Dating.Lars Tønder - 2008 - Theory and Event 11 (3).
  31.  11
    Heideggers storpolitikk.Lars Holm-Hansen - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 35 (2-3):369-380.
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    Paulus og Žižek.Lars Holm-Hansen - 2020 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (1-2):526-539.
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  33.  17
    Nyliberalisme, økonomisk teori og kapitalismens mangfold.Lars Mjøset - 2011 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 29 (1):54-93.
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  34. Thomas Nagel - Recipient of the Rolf Schock Prize in Logic and Philosophy, 2008.Lars Bergstr?M. - 2009 - Theoria 75 (2):76-78.
  35.  63
    Equal value of life and the pareto principle.Andreas Hasman & Lars Peter Østerdal - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (1):19-33.
    A principle claiming equal entitlement to continued life has been strongly defended in the literature as a fundamental social value. We refer to this principle as ‘equal value of life'. In this paper we argue that there is a general incompatibility between the equal value of life principle and the weak Pareto principle and provide proof of this under mild structural assumptions. Moreover we demonstrate that a weaker, age-dependent version of the equal value of life principle is also incompatible with (...)
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  36.  50
    Humility, Arrogance and the Limitations of Kantian Autonomy: A Response to Rostbøll.Lars Tønder - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):378 - 385.
  37. The Missionary, the Catechist and the Hunter: Foucault, Protestantism, and Colonialism.Christina Petterson - 2014
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    Memory aging and brain maintenance.Lars Nyberg, Martin Lövdén, Katrine Riklund, Ulman Lindenberger & Lars Bäckman - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):292-305.
  39. Outline of a new semantics for counterfactuals.Lars Bo Gundersen - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (1):1–20.
    It is argued that the so‐called principles of “strong centering” and “weak centering” central to the traditional Lewis‐Stalnaker semantics for counterfactuals are both fallacious. A foundation for an alternative semantics without these prinsciples is outlined. The core idea is that the statistically normal worlds – rather than those worlds most qualitatively similar to the actual world – should serve as the semantical fulcrum.
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    Position and change: a study in law and logic.Lars Lindahl - 1977 - Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co..
    CHAPTER 1 From Bentham to Kanger I. Introduction In the analytical tradition established by Jeremy Bentham and John Austin, and continued in the twentieth ...
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  41. Scientific value.Lars Bergström - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 10 (3):189-202.
    Abstract Criteria of scientific value are of different kinds. This paper concerns ultimate criteria, i.e. the axiology of science. Most ultimate criteria are multi?dimensional. This gives rise to an aggregation problem, which cannot be adequately solved with reference to attitudes and behaviour within the scientific community. Therefore, in many cases, there is no fact of the matter as to whether one theory is better than another. This, in turn, creates problems for methodology.
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    Book in Review: Regulating Aversion: Tolerance in the Age of Identity and Empire, by Wendy Brown. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006. 282 pp. $29.95 (cloth). [REVIEW]Lars Tønder - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (1):168-171.
  43.  28
    Arendt and Adorno: political and philosophical investigations.Lars Rensmann & Samir Gandesha (eds.) - 2012 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Hannah Arendt and Theodor W. Adorno, two of the most influential political philosophers and theorists of the twentieth century, were contemporaries with similar interests, backgrounds, and a shared experience of exile. Yet until now, no book has brought them together. In this first comparative study of their work, leading scholars discuss divergences, disclose surprising affinities, and find common ground between the two thinkers. This pioneering work recovers the relevance of Arendt and Adorno for contemporary political theory and philosophy and lays (...)
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  44.  11
    A Suspensão Do Juízo Em Kant e o Distanciamento Intelectivo Em Zubiri: Limites e Convergências.Petterson Brey - 2023 - Revista Guairacá de Filosofia 39 (1).
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    Los problemas de la enseñanza de la filosofía en el bachillerato.Guadalupe Petterson Hernández - 1988 - Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Departamento Editorial, Universidad de Guadalajara.
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    Explanation and interpretation of action.Lars Bergström - 1990 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 4 (1):3-15.
    Abstract Contrary to what is usually taken for granted, the traditional positivistic and hermeneutic accounts of explanations of human actions do not really contradict one another. There is no logical or epistemological difference between explanations in this area and explanations in the natural sciences. However, if W. V. Quine and D. Davidson are right, there may be an ontological difference between the explanation of natural events and the interpretation of actions.
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    Conceptualizing creativity and innovation as affective processes: Steve Jobs, Lars von Trier, and responsible innovation.Lars Geer Hammershøj - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):115-131.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to responsible innovation by developing a conceptual framework for the processes of creativity and innovation. The hypothesis is that creative and innovative processes are similar in that both are affective in nature. I develop this conceptual framework through an interpretation of the insights of Henri Poincaré’s notion of the ‘four stages’ in the creative process and Joseph Schumpeter’s notion of the entrepreneur. Building on this framework, I analyze the creative and innovative practices (...)
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  48. Magic at the marketplace: Choice blindness for the taste of jam and the smell of tea.Lars Hall, Petter Johansson, Betty Tärning, Sverker Sikström & Thérèse Deutgen - 2010 - Cognition 117 (1):54-61.
  49. Charges against prostitution: An attempt at a philosophical assessment.Lars O. Ericsson - 1980 - Ethics 90 (3):335-366.
  50.  24
    A Philosophy of Fear.Lars Svendsen - 2008 - Reaktion Books.
    Surveillance cameras. Airport security lines. Barred store windows. We see manifestations of societal fears everyday, and daily news reports on the latest household danger or raised terror threat level continually stoke our sense of impending doom. In _A Philosophy of Fear_, Lars Svendsen now explores the underlying ideas and issues behind this powerful emotion, as he investigates how and why fear has insinuated itself into every aspect of modern life. Svendsen delves into science, politics, sociology, and literature to explore (...)
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