Results for 'Larsen Larsen'

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  1.  81
    Representative government in Greek and Roman history.J. A. O. Larsen - 1955 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
    An article on the aspect of the League which most concerns the present study is Larsen, "Representative Government in the Panhellenic Leagues," CP 20..
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    Complexity theory and language development: in celebration of Diane Larsen-Freeman.Lourdes Ortega, Zhaohong Han & Diane Larsen-Freeman (eds.) - 2017 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume is both a state-of-the-art display of current thinking on second language development as a complex system. It is also a tribute to Diane Larsen-Freeman for her decades of intellectual leadership in the academic disciplines of applied linguistics and second language acquisition. The chapters therein range from theoretical expositions to methodological analyses, pedagogical proposals, and conceptual frameworks for future research. In a balanced and in-depth manner, the authors provide a comprehensive and interdisciplinary understanding of second language development, with (...)
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    The Play of Champions: Toward a Theory of Skill in eSport.Lasse Juel Larsen - 2022 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):130-152.
    This article advances a tentative theory of skill in relation to eSports. This conjectural theory of skill rests on hypothesizes informed by assumptions from watching 100+ hours of eSport events on Twitch, YouTube, and AfreecaTV and is supported by discussions, reflections and evaluations with eSport players. The case material of this article includes the games Clash Royale (CR), StarCraft 2 (SC2), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), and online battle arenas (mobas) such as League of Legends (LOL) and Defense of the Ancient (...)
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    Beyond the insider/outsider debate in “at‐home” ethnographies: Diffractive methodology and the onto‐epistemic entanglement of knowledge production.Trine S. Larsen & Nete Schwennesen - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12611.
    In this article, we discuss the practice of conducting research in one's own field, in this case, from a position as a researcher with a nursing background doing fieldwork in a hospital and in one's own organization, an orthopedic surgical department. We show how an “insider” researcher position paves the way for analytical insights about sleep as an institutional phenomenon in the orthopedic surgical infrastructure and how acute and elective patient trajectories differ but build on the same logic, creating the (...)
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  5. Are psychopaths moral‐psychologically impaired? Reassessing emotion‐theoretical explanations.Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (2):177-193.
    Psychopathy has been theorized as a disorder of emotion, which impairs moral judgments. However, these theories are increasingly being abandoned as empirical studies show that psychopaths seem to make proper moral judgments. In this contribution, these findings are reassessed, and it is argued that prevalent emotion‐theories of psychopathy appear to operate with the unjustified assumption that psychopaths have no emotions, which leads to the hypothesis that psychopaths are completely unable to make moral judgments. An alternative and novel explanation is proposed, (...)
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  6. Dialectic and the Activity of the Soul when Reaching for Being and the Good in Plato’s Theaetetus 184b3–186e12.Jens Kristian Larsen - 2023 - In Melina G. Mouzala (ed.), Ancient Greek Dialectic and Its Reception. De Gruyter. pp. 129-156.
    In a crucial passage in the Parmenides, Parmenides states that the power of conversation (ten tou dialegesthai dynamin) depends on forms (135b-c) and indicates that this power is a prerequisite for philosophy. In chapter xx Kristian Larsen raises the question what implications this passage has for Plato’s conception of dialectic and argues that the discussion of the thesis that knowledge is perception in the Theaetetus, and in particular the conclusion to this discussion found at 184b3-186e12, provides an explanation of (...)
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  7. Voluntary Rehabilitation? On Neurotechnological Behavioural Treatment, Valid Consent and (In)appropriate Offers.Lene Bomann-Larsen - 2011 - Neuroethics 6 (1):65-77.
    Criminal offenders may be offered to participate in voluntary rehabilitation programs aiming at correcting undesirable behaviour, as a condition of early release. Behavioural treatment may include direct intervention into the central nervous system (CNS). This article discusses under which circumstances voluntary rehabilitation by CNS intervention is justified. It is argued that although the context of voluntary rehabilitation is a coercive circumstance, consent may still be effective, in the sense that it can meet formal criteria for informed consent. Further, for a (...)
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    Jamblique de Chalcis: exégète et philosophe: thèse..Bent Dalsgaard Larsen - 1972 - Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget i Aarhus, Eksp., DBK.
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    Humaniora i kunskapssamhället: en nordisk debattbok.Jesper Eckhardt Larsen & Martin Wiklund (eds.) - 2012 - Aarhus: Aarhus University Press (distributor).
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    Morris Cohen's Principle of Polarity.Robert E. Larsen - 1959 - Journal of the History of Ideas 20 (1/4):587.
  11.  18
    Disease from a historical and social point of view: Some remarks based on the needs of preventive medicine.Øivind Larsen - 1984 - In Lennart Nordenfelt & B. Ingemar B. Lindahl (eds.), Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine. Reidel. pp. 153--164.
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    The oxford "school of heretics": The unexamined case of friar John.Andrew Larsen - 1999 - Vivarium 37 (2):168-177.
  13.  28
    How should we theorize algorithms? Five ideal types in analyzing algorithmic normativities.Lotta Björklund Larsen & Francis Lee - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    The power of algorithms has become a familiar topic in society, media, and the social sciences. It is increasingly common to argue that, for instance, algorithms automate inequality, that they are biased black boxes that reproduce racism, or that they control our money and information. Implicit in many of these discussions is that algorithms are permeated with normativities, and that these normativities shape society. The aim of this editorial is double: First, it contributes to a more nuanced discussion about algorithms (...)
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  14.  34
    Holes in the Case for Mixed Emotions.Jeff T. Larsen - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (2):118-123.
    Theories of the structure of affect make competing predictions about whether people can feel happy and sad at the same time. Considerable evidence that happiness and sadness can co-occur has accumulated in the past 15 years, but holes in the case remain. I describe those holes and suggest strategies for testing them in future research. I also explore the possibility that the case may never be closed, in part because the competing hypotheses may not be entirely falsifiable. Fortunately, hypotheses need (...)
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  15.  45
    Right to dissent: the critical principle in discourse ethics and deliberative democracy.Øjvind Larsen - 2009 - Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen.
    The ethics of dissent is developed in this book through a new interpretation of the German philosopher Jrgen Habermas' communicative ethics and his political ...
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  16.  68
    The evaluative space grid: a single-item measure of positivity and negativity.Jeff T. Larsen, Catherine J. Norris, A. Peter McGraw, Louise C. Hawkley & John T. Cacioppo - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (3):453-480.
  17.  44
    Coercion in a locked psychiatric ward.Inger B. Larsen & Toril B. Terkelsen - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (4):426-436.
    Background: In spite of a national strategy for reducing coercion in the mental health services, Norway still has a high rate of involuntary treatment compared to other European countries. It is therefore crucial to study various parties involved in involuntary treatment in order to reduce coercion. Research question: How do patients and staff in a Norwegian locked psychiatric ward experience coercion? Research design: Participant observation and interviews. Participants: A total of 12 patients and 22 employees participated in this study. Ethical (...)
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  18.  51
    A process approach to emotion and personality: Using time as a facet of data.Randy J. Larsen, Adam A. Augustine & Zvjezdana Prizmic - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1407-1426.
    Emotions change over time. A comprehensive understanding of emotions will require that their temporal nature be observed and analysed. By observing emotion over time, one can disentangle and simultaneously analyse temporal variability within individuals and between-individual variability using a two-step process approach. First, within-person temporal patterns (e.g., covariation, lead–lag relation, periodicity, etc.) are assessed for each subject. Second, between-person analyses are conducted on the within-person patterns. These two steps can be done simultaneously with hierarchical linear models (HLM) or in two (...)
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  19.  12
    Farvel til frivilligheten?Lene Bomann-Larsen - 2006 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 24 (4):98-122.
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    Retsvidenskaben som samfundsvidenskab: et retsteoretisk tema i historisk og aktuel belysning.Jørgen Dalberg-Larsen - 1977 - København: Juristforbundet.
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    Den etiske tænkemådes tilblivelse i den demokratiske bystat Athen.Øjvind Larsen - 1986 - Roskilde: Roskilde universitets center.
  22.  15
    Loodus fakti ja väljamõeldise vahel.Svend Erik Larsen - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (1):202-202.
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    Nature between fact and fiction.Svend Erik Larsen - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (1):187-201.
    The paper places the trendy notion of virtuality and virtual reality in a conceptual and historical context that makes it useful in a semiotic perspective. Virtuality is connected with the classical notion of fictionality, in its meaning of both invention and deception. Historically an active, a passive, and a neutral version of the concept can be distinguished. The notion is reinterpreted as a variant of the semiotic processes of deixis. In relation to nature - scenarios, prognoses, hypotheses, etc. - virtuality (...)
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  24.  21
    Om Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse.Tarjei Mandt Larsen - 2019 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 54 (1-2):84-95.
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    Reflektioner omkring forjættende teleologisk forvissethed.Steen Nepper Larsen - 2015 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 71:273-278.
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    Sprogets geometri: en analyse af sammenhæng og perspektiv i grundbegreberne i Viggo Brøndals sprogfilosofi.Svend Erik Larsen - 1986 - Odense: Odense universitetsforlag.
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  27. The birth of lifestyle politics : the biopolitical management of lifestyle diseases in the United states and Denmark.Lars Thorup Larsen - 2011 - In Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann & Thomas Lemke (eds.), Governmentality: current issues and future challenges. New York: Routledge.
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    The magical state: Nature, money and modernity in venezuela Fernando coronil.Neil Larsen - 2003 - Historical Materialism 11 (3):289-297.
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  29. Videnskaben og mennesket.K. Olesen Larsen - 1954 - København,: H. Reitzel.
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  30.  56
    Information technology and the management of knowledge.Henrik Sinding-Larsen - 1987 - AI and Society 1 (2):93-101.
    The social sciences lack concepts and theories for an understanding of what new information technology is doing to our society. The article sketches the outlines of a broad historical and comparative approach to this issue: ‘an anthropology of information technology’. At the base is the idea ofexternalisation of knowledge as a historical process. Three main epochs are characterised by externalisation of knowledge through a) spoken language and a social organisation of specialists, b) writing and c) computer programming. The impact of (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Psychopathy Treatment and the Stigma of Yesterday's Research.Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen - 2019 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 29 (3):243-272.
    The psychiatric diagnosis of psychopathic personality—or psychopathy—signifies a patient stereotype with a callous lack of empathy and strong antisocial tendencies. Throughout the research record and psychiatric practices, diagnosed psychopaths have been predominantly seen as immune to psychiatric intervention and treatment, making the diagnosis a potentially strong discriminator for treatment amenability. In this contribution, the evidence in support of this proposition is critically analyzed. It is demonstrated that the untreatability perspective rests largely on erroneous, unscientific conclusions. Instead, recent research suggests that (...)
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  32. A Socratic Dialogue with Libby Larsen.Katherine Strand & Libby Larsen - 2011 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 19 (1):52-66.
    This article represents conversations with the American composer Libby Larsen in which she described her beliefs about music, music education, and the dilemmas that our current system faces as we seek to provide relevant and meaningful music education to our students. Our conversation explores such topics as cognitive psychology, music theory, cultural practices and developments in American culture, and current music education practices. Larsen brought up many questions about music education in America, providing some suggestions for the future (...)
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    Self-reference: Theory and didactics between language and literature.Svend Erik Larsen - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):13-30.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Self-Reference:Theory and Didactics between Language and LiteratureSvend Erik Larsen (bio)Semiotics of Self-ReferenceLiterary metafiction constitutes the extreme case of self-referential texts. Therefore we can either discard it as generally irrelevant for the understanding of the cultural functions of texts, or use it as a point of departure for the formulation of both general and basic aspects of such functions. The position taken in this essay will opt for the (...)
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  34.  15
    Trappings of technology: casting palliative care nursing as legal relations.Ann-Claire Larsen - 2012 - Nursing Inquiry 19 (4):334-344.
    LARSEN A‐C. Nursing Inquiry 2012; 19: 334–344 Trappings of technology: casting palliative care nursing as legal relationsCommunity palliative care nurses in Perth have joined the throng of healthcare workers relying on personal digital assistants (PDAs) to store, access and send client information in ‘real time’. This paper is guided by Heidegger’s approach to technologies and Habermas’ insights into the role of law in administering social welfare programs to reveal how new ethical and legal understandings regarding patient information add to (...)
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  35. The Virtue of Power – The Gigantomachia in Plato’s Sophist 245e6-249d5 Revisited.Jens Kristian Larsen - 2014 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 13:306-317.
    The “battle” between corporealists and idealists described in Plato’s Sophist 245e6–249d5 is of significance for understanding the philosophical function of the dramatic exchange between the Eleatic guest and Theaetetus, the dialogue's main interlocutors. Various features of this exchange indicate that the Eleatic guest introduces and discusses the dispute between corporealists and idealists in order to educate Theaetetus in ontological matters. By reading the discussion between Theaetetus and the Eleatic guest in the light of these features, one comes to see that (...)
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  36.  9
    Menneskesyn og samfund.Bent Dalsgaard Larsen - 1976 - [København]: Katolsk Forlag : [eksp., DBK].
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  37.  19
    A research history of Laestadianism in Norway.Rolf Inge Larsen - 2020 - Approaching Religion 10 (1).
    This article provides an overview and discusses the history of research on Laestadianism in Norway over the last 60 years. Research history earlier than 1960 and doctoral theses are discussed in this issue of Approaching Religion by Roald E. Kristiansen and Bengt-Ove Andreassen. It gives an impression of the nuances in approach between different academic disciplines and also different insider perspectives on Norwegian Laestadianism. The article shows that there is a need for comparative research on Laestadianism in Norway between different (...)
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    Catullus 66.53 and Virgil, eclogues 5.5.Kristoffer Maribo Engell Larsen - 2017 - Classical Quarterly 67 (1):304-307.
    Modern editors of Catullus all agree on the text of line 53. The manuscripts also agree on the line, the only difference being R transmittingmutantibus, while O and G transmitnutantibus. Nevertheless, a few scholars have in the past questioned the reading ofnutantibus. As the lines quoted above illustrate, Catullus generally translates Callimachus’ poem closely. But neither of the words suggested in the manuscripts seems wholly to describe the rapid and vigorous movement of Callimachus’ κυκλώσας βαλιὰ πτερά, ‘having whirled its swift (...)
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    Cultural borders and creation of culture.Svend Erik Larsen - 2000 - Semiotica 128 (3-4):359-376.
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  40. De Jamblique À Proclus Neuf Exposés Suivis de Discussions.Bent Dalsgaard Larsen, R. E. Witt, Edouard Des Places, John M. Rist & H. J. Blumenthal - 1975 - Fondation Hardt.
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    Euthanasia and our worldview.Jonathan Victor Larsen - 2018 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 11 (1):4.
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    Liberalism in greek politics.J. A. O. Larsen - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (1):103-109.
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    Nature and personal reality.Robert Larsen - 1963 - World Futures 1 (3):3-63.
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    Nature now and then.Svend Erik Larsen - 1999 - The European Legacy 4 (5):110-112.
    Science Incarnate: Historical Embodiments of Natural Knowledge. Edited by Christopher Lawrence and Steven Shapin vii + 342 pp. $55.00 cloth, $15.25 paper. Modern Environmentalism: An Introduction. By David Pepper viii +376 pp. £40 cloth, £13.99 paper.
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  45. Paradise for Sale. A Parable of Nature. By Carl N. McDaniel and John M. Gowdy.S. E. Larsen - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (1):120-120.
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    Phenomenological Interpretations of Ancient Philosophy.Kristian Larsen & Pål Rykkja Gilbert (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: BRILL.
    How has ancient Greek thought been received within phenomenology? The volume offers chapters on Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jacob Klein, Hannah Arendt, Eugen Fink, Jan Patočka, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida.
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  47. Phenomenological interpretations of ancient philosophy.Kristian Larsen & Pål Rykkja Gilbert (eds.) - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    Ancient philosophy has from the outset inspired phenomenological philosophers in a special way. Phenomenological Interpretations of Ancient Philosophy offers fresh perspectives on the way ancient Greek thought has influenced phenomenology and traces the history of this reception. Unlike various related treatments, the present volume offers a broad account of this topic and includes chapters on Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Jacob Klein, Hannah Arendt, Eugen Fink, Jan Patočka, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jacques Derrida.
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    Parables of Exposure.Erik Larsen - 2010 - Levinas Studies 5:151-165.
  49. Religious Education and the Brain: A Practical Resource for Understanding How We Learn about God.Jerry Larsen - 2000
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  50.  14
    Statilius Taurus, the Minotaur, and the Conspiracy of Catiline.Mik Larsen - 2018 - Klio 100 (1):224-241.
    Summary This paper investigates the ties of the Statilius family to the Caesarian party and to Roman politics more generally during the last decades of the Roman Republic. After establishing the gens Statilia's origin and potential political position in Lucania, it contests earlier suppositions about what started the family's prominence in Rome proper. The paper argues that, instead of the Statilii catapulting into prominence at Rome during the time of the Augustan novus homo Titus Statilius Taurus, their involvement began earlier, (...)
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