Results for 'Lau Siong Heng'

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  1.  9
    Lun heng zhu zi suo yin =.D. C. Lau & Chong Wang (eds.) - 1996 - Xianggang: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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    He zong lian heng.Zhou Heng (ed.) - 1997 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Gao heng zi xue yan jiu wei kan gao.Heng Gao - 2011 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she.
    Laozi zhe xue -- Zhuangzi zhe xue za lun -- Xian Qin zhu zi yan jiu wen xian mu lu.
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    Xu Heng ji.Heng Xu - 2010 - Changchun Shi: Jilin wen shi chu ban she. Edited by Ruifang Mao, Hui Xie & Shaochuan Zhou.
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    Relative blindsight in normal observers and the neural correlate of visual consciousness.Hakwan C. Lau & Richard E. Passingham - 2006 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103 (49):18763-18768.
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    Cancer genome sequencing: The challenges ahead.Henry H. Q. Heng - 2007 - Bioessays 29 (8):783-794.
    A major challenge for The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project is solving the high level of genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity of cancer. For the majority of solid tumors, evolution patterns are stochastic and the end products are unpredictable, in contrast to the relatively predictable stepwise patterns classically described in many hematological cancers. Further, it is genome aberrations, rather than gene mutations, that are the dominant factor in generating abnormal levels of system heterogeneity in cancers. These features of cancer could significantly (...)
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    An Improved Clustering Method for Detection System of Public Security Events Based on Genetic Algorithm and Semisupervised Learning.Heng Wang, Zhenzhen Zhao, Zhiwei Guo, Zhenfeng Wang & Guangyin Xu - 2017 - Complexity:1-10.
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  8. The Emperor's New Phenomenology? The Empirical Case for Conscious Experience without First-Order Representations.Hakwan Lau & Richard Brown - 2018 - In Adam Pautz & Daniel Stoljar (eds.), Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness. new york: MIT Press.
    We discuss cases where subjects seem to enjoy conscious experience when the relevant first-order perceptual representations are either missing or too weak to account for the experience. Though these cases are originally considered to be theoretical possibilities that may be problematical for the higher-order view of consciousness, careful considerations of actual empirical examples suggest that this strategy may backfire; these cases may cause more trouble for first-order theories instead. Specifically, these cases suggest that (I) recurrent feedback loops to V1 are (...)
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    Orthographic and Phonological Processing in Chinese Character Copying – A Preliminary Report.Dustin Kai-Yan Lau - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Body in Religion: The Spatial Mapping of Valence in Tibetan Practitioners of Bön.Heng Li & Yu Cao - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (4):e12728.
    According to the Body‐Specificity Hypothesis (BSH), people implicitly associate positive ideas with the side of space on which they are able to act more fluently with their dominant hand. Though this hypothesis has been rigorously tested across a variety of populations and tasks, the studies thus far have only been conducted in linguistic and cultural communities which favor the right over the left. Here, we tested the effect of handedness on implicit space‐valence mappings in Tibetan practitioners of Bön who show (...)
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  11. Dissociating response selection and conflict in the medial frontal surface.Hakwan Lau - manuscript
    aFunctional Imaging Laboratory, Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, University College London, 12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK bDepartment of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford, UK cOxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain, UK dDepartment of Psychiatry and Oxford Centre for Clinical Magnetic Resonance Research, University of Oxford, UK..
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  12. A higher order Bayesian decision theory of consciousness.H. C. Lau - 2008 - In Rahul Banerjee & Bikas K. Chakrabarti (eds.), Models of brain and mind: physical, computational, and psychological approaches. Boston: Elsevier.
  13.  26
    Adaptive Fuzzy Synchronization of Fractional-Order Chaotic Systems with Input Saturation and Unknown Parameters.Heng Liu, Ye Chen, Guanjun Li, Wei Xiang & Guangkui Xu - 2017 - Complexity:1-16.
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  14. Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain.Chun Siong Soon, Marcel Brass, Hans-Jochen Heinze & John-Dylan Haynes - 2008 - Nature Neuroscience 11 (5):543--545.
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    Re-visiting the role of craft in Zhuangzi’s philosophy.Raymond W. K. Lau - 2021 - Asian Philosophy 31 (4):368-384.
    ABSTRACT In the ‘Cook Ding cutting up an ox’ parable, Zhuangzi advanced a doctrine on craft and its relationship with Dao. With reference to Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy in conjunction with an analysis of Zhuangzi’s epistemological position, we argue that Zhuangzi understood craft as involving the supersession of the cognitive. In craft, the relationship between human and world is non-cognitive and ‘pre-objective’, the living of this kind of relationship gives rise to a non-cognitive ‘practical sense’ which enables the craftsman’s movements to spontaneously (...)
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  16. A Socio-Historical Take on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness.H. Lau & M. Michel - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 26 (9-10):136-147.
    The intuition that consciousness is hard to explain may fade away as empirically adequate theories of consciousness develop. We review socio-historical factors that account for why, as a field, the neuroscience of consciousness has not been particularly successful at developing empirically adequate theories. Based on this we argue that the meta-problem may be a self-fulfilling prophecy, created in part because we inadvertently focused too much on the so-called 'hard problem', limiting scientific progress.
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  17. (1 other version)Mencius.D. C. Lau - 1984 - Penguin Classics. Edited by D. C. Lau.
    Mencius, who lived in the 4th century B.C., is second only to Confucius in importance in the Confucian tradition. The _Mencius_ consists of sayings of Mencius and conversations he had with his contemporaries. When read side by side with the _Analects_, the _Mencius_ throws a great deal of light on the teachings of ConfuciusMencius developed many of the ideas of Confucius and at the same time discussed problems not touched upon by Confucius. He drew out the implications of Confucius' moral (...)
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    Can the difference in medical fees for self and donor freeze-thaw embryo transfer cycle, be in fact a cover-up for the sale of donated human embryos?Boon Chin Heng - 2007 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 2:3.
    In many countries where human embryo commercialization is banned, and no profit is allowed to be made directly from the transaction of frozen embryos between donor and recipient, there is still considerable opportunity for profiteering in medical fees arising from laboratory and clinical services rendered to the recipient. It is easy to disguise the 'sale' of altruistically donated human embryos through substantially increased medical fees, particularly in a private practice setting. The pertinent question that arises is what would constitute a (...)
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    Defending Shame: Its Formative Power in Paul’s Letters.Te-Li Lau - 2020 - Baker Academic.
    2020 Center for Biblical Studies Book Award (New Testament) Our culture often views shame in a negative light. However, Paul's use of shame, when properly understood and applied, has much to teach the contemporary church. Filling a lacuna in Pauline scholarship, this book shows how Paul uses shame to admonish and to transform the minds of his readers into the mind of Christ. The author examines Paul's use of shame for moral formation within his Jewish and Greco-Roman context, compares and (...)
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    The Mastery of Miscellanea: Information Management and Knowledge Acquisition in the “Chu shuo” Chapters of the Hanfeizi.Heng Du - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (1):115.
    The “Chu shuo” 儲說 chapters of the Hanfeizi 韓非 子, attributed to Han Fei 韓非, encompass an extensive collection of anecdotes. The jing 經 sections of these chapters are traditionally understood to be a set of “canonical” teachings, to be explicated by the anecdotes in the shuo 說 sections. Eschewing this assumption, my analysis substantiates an alternative hypothesis that sees many of the jing texts as later superimpositions intended to serve as paratexts to existing anecdotal collections. By interpreting the jing (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Mo jing jiao quan.Heng Gao - 1958 - Edited by Di Mo.
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  22. Zhu zi xin jian.Heng Gao - 1980 - Qi lu shu she.
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    (2 other versions)Lévinas's phenomenology of sensibility and time in his early period.Wang Heng - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (s1):105-121.
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    Broken telephone in the brain: The need for metacognitive measures.Hakwan Lau & Navindra Persaud - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (5-6):513-514.
    The fact that early visual processing has a larger capacity than later visual processing can be explained without positing distinct systems for phenomenology and cognitive accessibility. While phenomenology may overflow forced-choice reports, the later can also overestimate the former, as in the case of blindsight. Metacognitive measures of awareness offer a way to address the of consciousness research.
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    Husserl’s Logical Investigations in the New Century: Western and Chinese Perspectives.Kwok-Ying Lau & John J. Drummond (eds.) - 2007 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    In this volume, phenomenologists from the West join hands with specialists from mainland China and Hong Kong to discuss the heritage of Husserl’s Logical Investigations. Readers will learn of the early reception of Husserl’s Logical Investigations in China and understand how Husserl’s doctrine of intentionality of consciousness has paved the way to a novel phenomenological explication of religious experience.
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    Intimating the Unconscious: A Psychoanalytical Refraction of Christian Theo-Political Activism in Malaysia.Alwyn Lau - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (3):280-298.
    The political activism of Christians in Malaysia is in an emergent phase. Despite significant advances, especially after the milestone general elections of March 2008, many Christians hesitate to engage politically and when they do, their engagement is incoherent. Based upon a survey and critical analysis of media statements by leading Christian organizations, this article argues that Christian activism remains anemic in part due to political theologizing which suffers from incoherency, inconsistency, a diminished view of the political, and an over-reliance on (...)
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  27. Logica Yearbook.Joe Lau - 1997
  28.  6
    Metaphertheorien der Antike Und Ihre Philosophischen Prinzipien: Ein Beitrag Zur Grundlagenforschung in der Literaturwissenschaft.Dieter Lau - 2006 - Lang.
    Der Autor analysiert die wichtigsten antiken Metaphertheorien unter dem Gesichtspunkt ihrer philosophischen Prinzipien. Er behandelt im ersten Hauptteil seines Buches die fur die Bildung der spateren Metaphertheorien grundlegenden ontologischen, sprachphilosophischen, begriffs- und urteilslogischen Erkenntnisse vorsokratischer Denker und Platons, im zweiten die Vertiefung, Systematisierung und partielle Modifikation dieser Einsichten durch Aristoteles. Er zeigt weiter, wie Aristoteles wesentliche Elemente dieses Wissens instrumentalisiert, um bestimmte sprachliche Ausdrucksformen als Metaphern zu identifizieren und in ihrer dialektischen Grundstruktur zu erschliessen. Der Interpretation der aristotelischen Metaphertheorie folgt (...)
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  29. Redhead, M.-From Physics to Metaphysics.J. Lau - 1997 - Philosophical Books 38:75-75.
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    Whither Intercultural Philosophy? Responses to Comments and Questions on Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh.Kwok-Ying Lau - 2019 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 18 (1):127-136.
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    The Shuanglu Game as Seen in "Flowers in the Mirror".Chia Shih-Heng - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (4):45-49.
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    Studies in Chinese Thought.D. C. Lau - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (22):85-86.
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    Grammaticality, Acceptability, and Probability: A Probabilistic View of Linguistic Knowledge.Lau Jey Han, Clark Alexander & Lappin Shalom - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (5):1202-1241.
    The question of whether humans represent grammatical knowledge as a binary condition on membership in a set of well-formed sentences, or as a probabilistic property has been the subject of debate among linguists, psychologists, and cognitive scientists for many decades. Acceptability judgments present a serious problem for both classical binary and probabilistic theories of grammaticality. These judgements are gradient in nature, and so cannot be directly accommodated in a binary formal grammar. However, it is also not possible to simply reduce (...)
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    Phenomenology and Intercultural Understanding: Toward a New Cultural Flesh.Kwok-Ying Lau - 2016 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book approaches the topic of intercultural understanding in philosophy from a phenomenological perspective. It provides a bridge between Western and Eastern philosophy through in-depth discussion of concepts and doctrines of phenomenology and ancient and contemporary Chinese philosophy. Phenomenological readings of Daoist and Buddhist philosophies are provided: the reader will find a study of theoretical and methodological issues and innovative readings of traditional Chinese and Indian philosophies from the phenomenological perspective. The author uses a descriptive rigor to avoid cultural prejudices (...)
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    Examining the Effects of Couples’ Real-Time Stress and Coping Processes on Interaction Quality: Language Use as a Mediator.Kevin K. H. Lau, Ashley K. Randall, Nicholas D. Duran & Chun Tao - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The experience of freedom in decisions – Questioning philosophical beliefs in favor of psychological determinants.Stephan Lau, Anette Hiemisch & Roy F. Baumeister - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 33 (C):30-46.
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    Proving that China has a Profession of Engineering: A Case Study in Operationalizing a Concept Across a Cultural Divide.Hengli Zhang & Michael Davis - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1581-1596.
    This article assumes that a profession is a number of individuals in the same occupation voluntarily organized to earn a living by openly serving a moral ideal in a morally-permissible way beyond what law, market, morality, and public opinion would otherwise require. Our question is whether the concept of profession may have a far wider range than the term, so that, for example, pointing out that a certain language lacks a word for “profession” in our sense, is not enough to (...)
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  38. Confucius: The Analects.D. C. Lau (ed.) - 1996 - Columbia University Press.
    A record of the words and teachings of Confucius, _The Analects_ is considered the most reliable expression of Confucian thought. However, the original meaning of Confucius's teachings have been filtered and interpreted by the commentaries of Confucianists of later ages, particularly the Neo-Confucianists of the Song dynasty, not altogether without distortion.In this monumental translation by Professor D. C. Lau, an attempt has been made to interpret the sayings as they stand. The corpus of the sayings is taken as an organic (...)
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  39. Understanding the Higher-Order Approach to Consciousness.Richard Brown, Hakwan Lau & Joseph E. LeDoux - 2019 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 23 (9):754-768.
    Critics have often misunderstood the higher-order theory (HOT) of consciousness. Here we clarify its position on several issues, and distinguish it from other views such as the global The higher-order theory (HOT) of consciousness has often been misunderstood by critics. Here we clarify its position on several issues, and distinguish it from other views such as the global workspace theory (GWT) and early sensory models (e.g. first-order local recurrency theories). For example, HOT has been criticized for over-intellectualizing consciousness. We show (...)
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    Knowing Your Ability.Tszyuen Lau & Yanjing Wang - 2016 - Philosophical Forum 47 (3-4):415-423.
    In this article, we present an attempt to reconcile intellectualism and the anti-intellectualist ability account of knowledge-how by reducing “S knows how to F” to, roughly speaking, “S knows that she has the ability to F demonstrated by a concrete way w.” More precisely, “S has a certain ability” is further formalized as the proposition that S can guarantee a certain goal by a concrete way w of some method under some precondition. Having the knowledge of our own ability, we (...)
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    Engineering Ethics in China.Hengli Zhang & Michael Davis - 2018 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 37 (1):105-135.
    This article describes China’s century-long concern with the professional ethics of engineers, especially a succession of codes of engineering ethics going back at least to 1933. This description is the result both of our own archival research and of “philosophical history”, the application of concepts from the philosophy of professions to the facts historians (or we) have discovered. Engineers, historians, social scientists, and philosophers of technology, as well as students of professional ethics, should find this description interesting. It certainly provides (...)
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    Are we studying consciousness yet?Hakwan C. Lau - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies (eds.), Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 2008--245.
    It has been over a decade and half since Christof Koch and the late Francis Crick first advocated the now popular NCC project (Crick and Koch, 1990), in which one tries to find the neural correlate of consciousness (NCC) for perceptual processes. In his chapter in this book Chris Frith provides a splendid review of how neuroimaging has contributed greatly to this project. For the sake of contrast, this chapter takes a more critical stance on what we have actually learned. (...)
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    Toward an Analytical Model of Ethical Decision Making in Plagiarism.Gervas K. K. Lau, Allan H. K. Yuen & Jae Park - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (5):360-377.
    Plagiarism by students is a common and worldwide phenomenon with a significant impact on our society. Numerous studies on the pervasive nature of plagiarism among students have focused on the behavioral aspects of plagiarism and how to prevent it. Based on an empirical study of a sample of 463 eighth graders in Hong Kong, this article offers an analytical model to understand the ethical decision-making process in plagiarism among students. Using this model, students' plagiaristic behavior can be analyzed in terms (...)
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    Edmund Burke: Vater des Konservatismus?Thomas Lau, Volker Reinhardt & Rüdiger Voigt (eds.) - 2021 - Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG.
    Edmund Burke is considered the father of conservatism. With his ‘Reflections on the French Revolution’ (1790), Burke presented a work that was already controversial at the time of its publication. In Burke’s understanding, people and their social institutions are historical beings that are subject to change but unchanging in the face of all change. The central concept in Burke’s argument is heritage, which encompasses both collective, historical memory and social organisation, and specifically refers to constitutional traditions. Society is hierarchically structured (...)
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    A Step Forward: Ethics Education Matters!Cubie L. L. Lau - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4):565-584.
    Ethics education matters! Contrary to some common beliefs that ethical behavior is inborn, this study suggests that education does matter. This paper examines ethics education and its relationship with students’ ethical awareness and moral reasoning. Attitudes Towards Business Ethics Questionnaire and 10 vignettes were deployed as the major measurement instruments. It is hypothesized that students with ethics education will have both a greater ethical awareness and ability to make more ethical decisions. Hypotheses were tested in two undergraduate business courses at (...)
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  46. Theories of Human Nature in Mencius and Shyuntzyy.D. C. Lau - 1953
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  47. Measuring Gradience in Speakers' Grammaticality Judgements.Jey Han Lau, Alexander Clark & Shalom Lappin - unknown
    The question of whether grammaticality is a binary categorical or a gradient property has been the subject of ongoing debate in linguistics and psychology for many years. Linguists have tended to use constructed examples to test speakers’ judgements on specific sorts of constraint violation. We applied machine translation to randomly selected subsets of the British National Corpus (BNC) to generate a large test set which contains well-formed English source sentences, and sentences that exhibit a wide variety of grammatical infelicities. We (...)
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    Authorship and Text-Making in Early China. By Hanmo Zhang.Heng Du - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (3).
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    Abbreviations.Peter H. W. Lau - 2010 - In Identity and Ethics in the Book of Ruth: A Social Identity Approach. De Gruyter.
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    From historical consciousness to historical action: A study of Paul Tillich.Stephen Lau - 1984 - Bijdragen 45 (2):136-169.
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