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Lauren B. Alloy [11]Lauren Alloy [2]
  1.  56
    Hopelessness depression: A theory-based subtype of depression.Lyn Y. Abramson, Gerald I. Metalsky & Lauren B. Alloy - 1989 - Psychological Review 96 (2):358-372.
  2.  46
    Assessment of covariation by humans and animals: The joint influence of prior expectations and current situational information.Lauren B. Alloy & Naomi Tabachnik - 1984 - Psychological Review 91 (1):112-149.
  3.  35
    Information processing biases concurrently and prospectively predict depressive symptoms in adolescents: Evidence from a self-referent encoding task.Samantha L. Connolly, Lyn Y. Abramson & Lauren B. Alloy - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (3):550-560.
  4.  35
    Cognitive reappraisal attenuates the association between depressive symptoms and emotional response to stress during adolescence.Benjamin G. Shapero, Jonathan P. Stange, Brae Anne McArthur, Lyn Y. Abramson & Lauren B. Alloy - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):524-535.
    ABSTRACTDepression is associated with increased emotional response to stress. This is especially the case during the developmental period of adolescence. Cognitive reappraisal is an effective emotion regulation strategy that has been shown to reduce the impact of emotional response on psychopathology. However, less is known about whether cognitive reappraisal impacts the relationship between depressive symptoms and emotional responses, and whether its effects are specific to emotional reactivity or emotional recovery. The current study examined whether cognitive reappraisal moderated the relationship between (...)
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  5.  45
    Optimism and well-being: a prospective multi-method and multi-dimensional examination of optimism as a resilience factor following the occurrence of stressful life events.Evan M. Kleiman, Alexandra M. Chiara, Richard T. Liu, Shari G. Jager-Hyman, Jimmy Y. Choi & Lauren B. Alloy - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  6.  70
    Self-referent Information-processing in Individuals at High and Low Cognitive Risk for Depression.Lauren B. Alloy, Lyn Y. Abramson, Laura A. Murray, Wayne G. Whitehouse & Michael E. Hogan - 1997 - Cognition and Emotion 11 (5-6):539-568.
  7.  44
    The interaction of affective states and cognitive vulnerabilities in the prediction of non-suicidal self-injury.Jonah N. Cohen, Jonathan P. Stange, Jessica L. Hamilton, Taylor A. Burke, Abigail Jenkins, Mian-Li Ong, Richard G. Heimberg, Lyn Y. Abramson & Lauren B. Alloy - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (3):539-547.
  8.  30
    Depression versus anxiety: Processing of self- and other-referent information.Michael S. Greenberg & Lauren B. Alloy - 1989 - Cognition and Emotion 3 (3):207-223.
  9.  15
    Expectations and situational information as cocontributors to covariation assessment: A reply to Goddard and Allan.Lauren B. Alloy - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (2):299-301.
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  10.  98
    Childhood maltreatment and maltreatment‐specific inferences: A test of Rose and Abramson's extension of the hopelessness theory.Brandon Gibb, Lauren Alloy, Lyn Abramson & Brian Marx - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (6):917-931.
  11.  66
    Global reports of childhood maltreatment versus recall of specific maltreatment experiences: Relationships with dysfunctional attitudes and depressive symptoms.Brandon Gibb, Lauren Alloy & Lyn Abramson - 2003 - Cognition and Emotion 17 (6):903-915.
  12.  22
    Warm-up effects in free-operant avoidance in a shuttlebox.Philip N. Hineline & Lauren B. Alloy - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (6):447-450.
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  13.  40
    Emotion regulation characteristics and cognitive vulnerabilities interact to predict depressive symptoms in individuals at risk for bipolar disorder: A prospective behavioural high-risk study.Jonathan P. Stange, Angelo S. Boccia, Benjamin G. Shapero, Ashleigh R. Molz, Megan Flynn, Lindsey M. Matt, Lyn Y. Abramson & Lauren B. Alloy - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (1):63-84.