Results for 'Laveen Kanal'

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    A general branch and bound formulation for understanding and synthesizing and/or tree search procedures.Vipin Kumar & Laveen N. Kanal - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 21 (1-2):179-198.
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    3-D motion estimation from motion field.Naresh C. Gupta & Laveen N. Kanal - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 78 (1-2):45-86.
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    General Branch and Bound, and its relation to A∗ and AO∗.Dana S. Nau, Vipin Kumar & Laveen Kanal - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 23 (1):29-58.
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    Quest for truth: a felicitation volume in honour of Prof. S.P. Kanal =[Satyānveshaṇa].Satewan Parsram Kanal & Kewal Krishan Mittal (eds.) - 1976 - Delhi: Prof. S. P. Kanal Abhinandan Samiti.
    Contributed articles, chiefly on Indic philosophy; festschrift honoring the Indian philosopher and educator Satewan Parsram Kanal.
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    The Ethics of Devatma.Satyavan P. Kanal - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1):243-244.
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  6. The light of truth.Parasram Verhomal Kanal - 2007 - Chandigarh: Dev Samaj Prakashan.
    Collection of articles serialized on The Science Grounded Religion from December 1944 to August 1951 issues.
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  7. To Be Good.Satyavan P. Kanal - 1980 - Dev Samaj.
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    The ethics of Devatma.Satewan Parsram Kanal - 1974 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers for Dev Samaja, Moga.
    On the religious philosophy of Satyanand Agnihotri (Dev Atma), 1850-1929, who seceded from the Brahmo Samaj and founded a parallel Hindu socioreligious society, Dev Samaj; a study.
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  9. Fundamentals of moral & spiritual life.Parasram Verhomal Kanal - 1967 - Moga,: Dev Samaj.
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    Naturalism in modern Indian philosophy.Satewan Parsram Kanal - 1966 - Delhi,: Motilal Banarasidass.
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    Tradition and modernity in religion.Satewan Parsram Kanal - 2000 - Chandigarh: Dev Samaj Prakashan.
    Lectures delivered by the author on the universal problems of human life.
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  12. (1 other version)Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2.J. F. Lemmer & L. N. Kanal (eds.) - 1988 - Elsevier.
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    Naturalism in Modern Indian Philosophy.S. H. L. & S. P. Kanal - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):385.
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    An Introduction to Dev Dharma.D. M. S. & S. P. Kanal - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):264.
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    Research on forced migration from the perspective of the psychology of religion: Opportunities and challenges.Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska & Maria Kanal - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (3):204-215.
    The goal of our article is to present the subject of forced migration as a very interesting and socially relevant research field that could contribute to further development of the psychology of religion. We focus on further development of the toolbox of the psychology of religion, seeking further application of Sunden’s role theory and introducing new approaches originating from indigenous and environmental psychology. After a short review of existing research, new theoretical approaches, and methodologies are presented, along with suggestions for (...)
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    Flussers Kanäle.Martin Schmidt - 2013 - Flusser Studies 16 (1).
    In his studies on the subject of human communication Flusser repeatedly refers to the concept of canals and channels. He classifies basic structures of various situations of communication by means of disclosing interconnections and arrays of canals. This paper takes a closer look at the concept of canals in Flusser’s work and aims to systematize his different and sometimes inconsistent approaches. Further it discusses the significance of this topic for Flusser’s late work.
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    Osmanlı Devleti'nin İrşeve Kanalı Projesi.Tahir Sevi̇nç - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):2201-2201.
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    „PhiloCast“ – Virtualität, Medialität und Didaktik eines philosophischen YouTube-Kanals.Jörg Noller & Marcel Ohrenschall - 2021 - In Jörg Noller, Christina Beitz-Radzio, Daniela Kugelmann, Sabrina Sontheimer & Sören Westerholz (eds.), Studierendenzentrierte Hochschullehre: Von der Theorie Zur Praxis. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 247-264.
    Der Beitrag demonstriert, wie YouTube-Kanäle produktiv in die digitale und analoge Lehre integriert werden können. Verschiedene Videoformate werden vorgestellt und die jeweiligen didaktischen und technischen Herausforderungen skizziert. Statistiken werden präsentiert, die Aufschluss über die Chancen, Probleme und Potenziale von YouTube-Kanälen in der Hochschullehre geben. Abschließend werden Erfahrungen geschildert, die ganz allgemein das Kanal-Design und die Werbung neuer Abonnenten betreffen. Dabei werden folgende Fragen und Themen diskutiert: Wie können Studierende durch das Rezipieren von Videos aktiviert werden? Wie sollten Lehrvideos produziert (...)
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  19. Satyavan P. Kanal's "The Ethics of Devatma". [REVIEW]Dinesh C. Mathur - 1980 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 41 (1):243.
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    Polityczna, gospodarcza i kulturowa rola Wielkiego Kanału chińskiego w kontekście Historiae Sinarum Imperii Tomasza Szpota Dunina.Łukasz Burkiewicz - 2023 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 29 (4):39-58.
    Celem niniejszego artykułu jest przedstawienie politycznej, gospodarczej i kulturowej roli chińskiego Wielkiego Kanału w świetle rękopisu _Historiae Sinarum Imperii _polskiego jezuity Tomasza Szpota Dunina (1644–1713), który przez ponad dwadzieścia lat badał archiwa rzymskie, poszukując informacji na temat działalności jezuitów w Chinach. Pośród licznych informacji o charakterze kulturowym, gospodarczym i etnograficznym rękopis Tomasza Szpota Dunina zawiera również wiadomości o obecnie najdłuższym na świecie sztucznym kanale transportowym, czyli chińskim Wielkim Kanale, który przez wielu badaczy jest uznawany za większy cud techniki niż Mur (...)
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    Semiotic approach of strategic narrative: the news discourse of Russia’s coronavirus aid to Italy.Andreas Ventsel - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (256):71-101.
    Crucial components of strategic communication include the audience, which plays a decisive role in how any conflict plays out. Strategic narratives are seen as means by which political actors attempt to construct a shared meaning of international politics to shape the behaviour of domestic and international actors. The article analyzes the news discourse of the Russian media sources RT, Pervyj Kanal, and NTV on Russia’s coronavirus aid to Italy in spring 2020. In the context of media coverage, some methodological (...)
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    Horasan Ekolünün Teşekkülünde H'tim el-Esam ve Entelektüel Ağı.Ayşegül Mete - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (48):331-359.
    Erken dönem tasavvuf tarihinde iki ana akımdan biri olarak kabul edilen Horasan tasavvuf ekolünün şekillenmesinde Hâtim el-Esam (ö.237/851) önemli bir figür olarak karşımıza çıkar. İbrahim b. Edhem (ö.161/778) ve Şakîk-i Belhî (ö.194/810) kanalıyla gelen öğretinin Horasan ve Maveraünnehir genelinde aktarım ve intişarının sağlamasında onun etkin bir rol oynadığı bilinir. Aynı zamanda yetiştirdiği talebeleriyle Melâmetîliğin teşekkülüne katkı sağladığı kabul edilir. Bu makale Hâtim el-Esam’ın entelektüel açıdan kimliği ve ilişkiler ağının tespitine odaklanmaktadır. Herhangi bir akademik çalışmaya konu edilmediği görülen söz konusu odağı, (...)
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    Sûfîlerin Davet Metodu.Sevda Aktulga Gürbüz - 2020 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 8 (12):101-117.
    İnsanlığın kurtuluşu olan İslâm’ın temsilcileri olan peygamberler aracılığıyla gerçekleştirdiği ilâhî davet, hükme uygun olarak kavimlerinin bireylerini her zaman tefekküre yönlendirme, insanları aklını kullanan bireyler olarak inanmaya sevk etme şeklinde şeklinde seyir izlemiştir. Özellikle Hz. Muhammed’in uyguladığı; kişinin eğitim seviyesi, psikolojisi ve anlama ufkunu dikkate alarak dil ve üslûplarında olgunluk içerindeki davet yöntemini sûfîler de şîar edinerek İslâm’ın dünyanın dört bir yanına ulaşmasına katkılarda bulunmuşlardır. Özellikle sonraki dönemlerde müesseseleşen tarikatlar kanalıyla tasavvuf ehli, Hakk’ı ve halkı sevme, Rikkatli olma, halk için çalışma, (...)
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    (1 other version)Klang-Objekte zwischen Ding und Kreatur.Ute Holl - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (1):159-176.
    Der Ruf des Esels als offenes Klangobjekt in Robert Bressons Film Au hazard Balthazar (F 1966), der die Bild-Montage insistierend stört, wird in diesem Beitrag in den Kontext der Bioakustik gestellt. Am JA des Esels differenzieren sich Geräusche medial so aus, dass die Grenze zwischen Ding und Kreatur durchlässig wird. Bressons Passion erweist sich damit als Experiment, die akustischen Kanäle der Kommunikation als Transformatoren von Lebewesen, Räumen und jener Übertragung wahrzunehmen, die kybernetisch informierten Tierforschern Sprache heißt. The paper presents the (...)
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    Mutezilî Ahlâk Nazariyesinde Bilgi-Değer Münasebetine Bir Bakış.Fethi Kerim Kazanç - 2018 - ULUM Journal of Religious Inquiries 1 (1):103-125.
    Mu‘tezilî kelâmcıların ortaya attıkları ahlâk nazariyesi Ortaçağ İslâm dünyasında önemli bir yer işgal eder. Bundan dolayı, bu makale bilgi-değer münasebeti sorununa ayrılmıştır. Eş‘arî kelâmcıların aksine, Mu‘tezilîler, bilgi-değer münasebetinden yola çıkmak suretiyle, din gönderilsin ya da gönderilmesin, iyi, kötü ve zorunlu gibi bazı objektif değer terimlerinin akıl kanalıyla bilinebilirliği tezini öne sürmüşlerdir. Mu‘tezilîler, ahlâkî değerler alanında nesnelciliği savunurlar, ancak onların savunduğu ve zorunluluğunu bütünüyle Tanrı’dan alan bu türden bir nesnelcilik anlayışını, deyim yerindeyse, “ilâhî nesnelcilik” diye nitelendirmek mümkündür. Onlarca, değerler daha başlangıçta (...)
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