Results for 'Lea Schläpfer'

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  1.  48
    Tributes to Kathleen Marguerite Lea, 1903-1995.Judith Lea, Clalire McLaughlin & Anthony de Vere - 1996 - The Chesterton Review 22 (3):377-382.
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    Lea Melandri, Love and Violence, translated from Italian. Reviewed in Los Angeles Review of Books.Lea Melandri & Antonio Calcagno - 2018 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press, State University Press of New York.
    A critical, philosophical engagement of the psychological structures that propagate the continued oppression of women. In this book, the Italian feminist thinker Lea Melandri argues that systemic violence against women has deep psychoanalytic roots. Drawing inspiration from the work of Freud and the psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Elvio Fachinelli, along with feminist practices of consciousness-raising, Melandri demonstrates how male dominance and female subservience are established by society through a binary and oppositional understanding of sex and gender. This understanding—and the oppression and (...)
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    Deep brain stimulation to reward circuitry alleviates anhedonia in refractory major depression.Thomas E. Schlaepfer, Michael X. Cohen, Caroline Frick, Markus Mathaus Kosel, Daniela Brodesser, Nikolai Axmacher, Alexius Young Joe, Martina Kreft, Doris Lenartz & Volker Sturm - unknown
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) to different sites allows interfering with dysfunctional network function implicated in major depression. Because a prominent clinical feature of depression is anhedonia--the inability to experience pleasure from previously pleasurable activities--and because there is clear evidence of dysfunctions of the reward system in depression, DBS to the nucleus accumbens might offer a new possibility to target depressive symptomatology in otherwise treatment-resistant depression. Three patients suffering from extremely resistant forms of depression, who did not respond to pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, (...)
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    Review of Lea Brilmayer: American Hegemony: Political Morality in a One-Superpower World.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1996 - Ethics 107 (1):155-157.
  5.  8
    Revolutions between Kant and Hegel: Comments on Hegel and world revolutions.Lea Ypi - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This paper comments on Richard Bourke's Hegel and World Revolutions, focusing on its analysis of Hegel's relevance for debates on revolution, freedom, and the Enlightenment. While agreeing with Bourke's call for critically engaging with Hegel's ideas rather than dismissing them outright, the paper raises some questions concerning Bourke's reconstruction of Hegel's interpretation of Kant, his account of the French Revolution, and the impact of Hegel's work on contemporary debates.
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  6. Thought Experiments in Biology.Guillaume Schlaepfer & Marcel Weber - 2017 - In Michael T. Stuart, Yiftach Fehige & James Robert Brown (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Thought Experiments. London: Routledge. pp. 243-256.
    Unlike in physics, the category of thought experiment is not very common in biology. At least there are no classic examples that are as important and as well-known as the most famous thought experiments in physics, such as Galileo’s, Maxwell’s or Einstein’s. The reasons for this are far from obvious; maybe it has to do with the fact that modern biology for the most part sees itself as a thoroughly empirical discipline that engages either in real natural history or in (...)
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    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency.Lea Ypi - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Global Justice and Avant-Garde Political Agency offers a fresh, nuanced example of political theory in an activist mode. Setting the debate on global justice in the context of recent methodological disputes on the relationship between ideal and nonideal theorizing, Ypi's dialectical account shows how principles and agency really can interact.
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  8. Money as tool, money as drug: The biological psychology of a strong incentive.Stephen E. G. Lea & Paul Webley - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (2):161-209.
    Why are people interested in money? Specifically, what could be the biological basis for the extraordinary incentive and reinforcing power of money, which seems to be unique to the human species? We identify two ways in which a commodity which is of no biological significance in itself can become a strong motivator. The first is if it is used as a tool, and by a metaphorical extension this is often applied to money: it is used instrumentally, in order to obtain (...)
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    The making of AI society: AI futures frames in German political and media discourses.Lea Köstler & Ringo Ossewaarde - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):249-263.
    In this article, we shed light on the emergence, diffusion, and use of socio-technological future visions. The artificial intelligence future vision of the German federal government is examined and juxtaposed with the respective news media coverage of the German media. By means of a content analysis of frames, it is demonstrated how the German government strategically uses its AI future vision to uphold the status quo. The German media largely adapt the government´s frames and do not integrate alternative future narratives (...)
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  10. A Permissive Theory of Territorial Rights.Lea Ypi - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (2):288-312.
    This article explores the justification of states' territorial rights. It starts by introducing three questions that all current theories of territorial rights attempt to answer: how to justify the right to settle, the right to exclude, and the right to settle and exclude with reference to a particular territory. It proposes a ‘permissive’ theory of territorial rights, arguing that the citizens of each state are entitled to the particular territory they collectively occupy, if and only if they are also politically (...)
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    Incremental Bayesian Category Learning From Natural Language.Lea Frermann & Mirella Lapata - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1333-1381.
    Models of category learning have been extensively studied in cognitive science and primarily tested on perceptual abstractions or artificial stimuli. In this paper, we focus on categories acquired from natural language stimuli, that is, words. We present a Bayesian model that, unlike previous work, learns both categories and their features in a single process. We model category induction as two interrelated subproblems: the acquisition of features that discriminate among categories, and the grouping of concepts into categories based on those features. (...)
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  12. Justice in migration: A closed borders utopia?Lea Ypi - 2008 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (4):391-418.
  13. Sovereignty, Cosmopolitanism and the Ethics of European Foreign Policy.Lea Ypi - 2008 - European Journal of Political Theory 7 (3):349-364.
    This article explores the tensions between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty as a means to conceptualize the ethics of European foreign policy. It starts by discussing the claim that, in order for the EU to play a meaningful role as an international actor, a definition of the common ethical values orienting its political conduct is required. The question of a European federation of states and its ethical conceptualization emerges clearly in some of the philosophical writings of the 17th and 18th centuries. I (...)
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    Review of Lea Brilmayer: Justifying International Acts.[REVIEW]Lea Brilmayer - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):880-881.
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  15. Jeremy Bentham's writings on sexual non-conformity: Utilitarianism, neo-malthusianism, and sexual liberty.Lea Campos Boralevi - 1983 - Topoi 2 (2):123-148.
  16.  48
    Refusing to budge: a confirmatory bias in decision making?Lea-Rachel D. Kosnik - 2007 - Mind and Society 7 (2):193-214.
    Confirmatory bias, defined as the tendency to misinterpret new pieces of evidence as confirming previously held hypotheses, can lead to implacable, even incorrect decision making. It is one of the biases, along with anchoring, framing, and other judgment heuristic errors, that may lead to non-optimal behavior. This paper tests for the existence of confirmatory bias behavior in a uniquely economic setting (tax policy) and in a context relatively lacking in ambiguity. It also tests whether the confirmatory bias phenomenon can be (...)
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    Le chômage et ses calendriers.Léa Lima - 2019 - Temporalités 29.
    Les programmes d’accompagnement des chômeurs peuvent se lire comme un temps prescrit institutionnellement, mesuré, optimisé, et moins orienté vers la sortie du chômage que vers la réhabilitation de l’employabilité. Nous nous intéressons aux logiques d’action qui président à la construction des normes de calendriers d’accès à l’emploi. Le temps de l’« employabilisation » ainsi défini est caractérisé par des événements dont la durée, le séquençage ou encore l’espacement sont rationnellement organisés. Le temps propre de l’accompagnement et de ses programmes apparaît (...)
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    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in depression.Thomas E. Schlaepfer, Markus Kosel & Hans-Ulrich Fisch - 2006 - Poiesis and Praxis 4 (2):111-127.
    Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a relatively non-invasive technique to interfere with the function of small cortical areas through currents induced by alternating magnetic fields emanating from a handheld coil placed directly above the targeted area. This technique has clear effects on a whole range of measures of brain function and has become an important research tool in neuropsychiatry. More recently, TMS has been studied in psychiatry mainly to assess its putative therapeutic effects in the treatment of refractory major depression. Most (...)
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  19.  80
    The Imperfect Nature of Corporate Responsibilities to Stakeholders.David Lea - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (2):201-217.
    In this paper, I specifically consider the issue of corporate governance and normative stakeholder theory. In doing so, I arguethat stakeholder theory and responsibilities to non-shareholder constituencies can be made more intelligible by reference to Kant’sconception of perfect and imperfect duties. I draw upon Onora O’Neill’s (1996) work, Towards Justice and Virtue: A Constructivist Account of Practical Reasoning. In her text O’Neill underlines a number of relevant issues including: the integration of particularist and universalist accounts of morality; the priority of (...)
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  20.  80
    IX—The Transcendental Deduction of Ideas in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Lea Ypi - 2017 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 117 (2):163-185.
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  21.  23
    Health care ethics ECHO: Improving ethical response self-efficacy through sensemaking.Lea Brandt, Laurel Despins, Bonnie Wakefield, David Fleming, Chelsea Deroche & Lori Popejoy - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):125-139.
    In clinical practice, evidence suggests that teaching ethics using normative ethical theory has little influence on the ethical actions of providers in practice. Thus, new training methods are needed that improve clinician response to ethical problems. A sensemaking approach to ethics training has demonstrated promise as an evidence-based pedagogical method to improve ethical reasoning and response. Project ECHO is theoretically linked to improved sensemaking. This study examines the effectiveness of ECHO and training in use of sensemaking approaches to ethical response (...)
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  22.  26
    Leveraging Partnerships for Environmental Change: The Interplay Between the Partnership Mechanism and the Targeted Stakeholder Group.Lea Stadtler & Haiying Lin - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (3):869-891.
    Partnerships can play an important role in addressing environmental concerns and fostering environmental improvement. In this context, we argue that a more elaborate understanding is needed of how partners intend to reach beyond the partnership boundaries and target stakeholders at the firm, industry, supply-chain, or societal levels. As environmental improvement is intertwined with the process of change, we build on the theory of planned change to explain how the focus on selected partnership mechanisms may help partners anticipate and overcome barriers (...)
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  23. On the Confusion between Ideal and Non-ideal in Recent Debates on Global Justice.Lea Ypi - 2010 - Political Studies 58 (3).
  24.  41
    Unreliable LLM Bioethics Assistants: Ethical and Pedagogical Risks.Lea Goetz, Markus Trengove, Artem Trotsyuk & Carole A. Federico - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (10):89-91.
    Whilst Rahimzadeh et al. (2023) apply a critical lens to the pedagogical use of LLM bioethics assistants, we outline here further reason for skepticism. Two features of LLM chatbots are of signific...
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  25.  27
    Tightrope Walking: Navigating Competition in Multi-Company Cross-Sector Social Partnerships.Lea Stadtler - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):329-345.
    Many challenges to economic and social well-being require close collaboration between business, government, and civil-society actors. In this context, the involvement of multiple companies rather than a single company may enhance such cross-sector social partnerships’ outcomes. However, extant literature cautions about the tensions arising from companies’ competitive interests and the detrimental effects on the CSSP’s social outcome. Similarly, studies analyzing simultaneous collaboration and competition suggest shielding off competitive elements from the collaboration. Based on insights into two multi-company CSSPs, we conversely (...)
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  26.  13
    Convergência: homenagem a Emmanuel Carneiro Leão.Francisco Antônio Doria & Emmanuel Carneiro Leão (eds.) - 1999 - Rio de Janeiro: Sette Letras.
    Esta coletânea é uma homenagem aos 70 anos do professor Emmanuel Carneiro Leão. Reúne artigos de seus alunos, amigos e admiradores que foram atraídos pela abrangência e rigor de seu pensamento. A diversidade de temáticas, abordagens e premissas destes ensaios refletem bem a generosidade do espírito de Emmanuel Carneiro.
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    The Architectonic of Reason: Purposiveness and Systematic Unity in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.Lea Ypi - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book focuses on a question issued from The Architectonic of Pure Reason, one of the most important sections of Kant's first Critique: what is the human being? It suggests that the answer to this question is tied to a particular account of the unity of reason - one that stresses its purposive character.
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  28. Justice and morality beyond naïve cosmopolitanism.Lea Ypi - 2010 - Ethics and Global Politics 3 (3):171-192.
    Many cosmopolitans link their moral defence of specific principles of justice to a critique of the normative standing of states. This article explores some conceptual distinctions between morality and justice by focusing on the nature of claims they entail, the obligations they generate and the distribution of agency that they require. It then draws out some implications of these distinctions so as to illustrate how states play a non-arbitrary role in the process of both rendering determinate the principles of global (...)
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  29.  36
    Scrutinizing Public–Private Partnerships for Development: Towards a Broad Evaluation Conception.Lea Stadtler - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):71-86.
    The proliferation of public–private partnerships for development as an answer to many public challenges calls for careful evaluation. To this end, tailored frameworks are fundamental for helping understand the PPPs’ impact and for guiding corrective adjustment. Scholars have developed frameworks focusing on the partners’ relationships, the order of effects, and the distinction between outputs and outcomes. To capture a PPP’s complexity and multiple linkages with its environment, we argue that a thorough evaluation should adopt a stakeholder-oriented approach and consider the (...)
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    Borders of Class: Migration and Citizenship in the Capitalist State.Lea Ypi - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (2):141-152.
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    From Revelation to Revolution: The Critique of Religion in Kant and Marx.Lea Ypi - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (4):661-681.
    This article examines Kant’s and Marx’s analysis of religion in its relation to human emancipation. It highlights some important affinities in their accounts of human nature and their critique of religious authority including: the emphasis on freedom as distinguishing human beings from other species, the relation between moral and political progress, the critique of revealed religion, the role of political community and the importance of ethical community to achieve moral emancipation.
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  32. Associative Duties, Global Justice, and the Colonies.Lea Ypi, Robert E. Goodin & Christian Barry - 2009 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 37 (2):103-135.
  33. What's Wrong with Colonialism.Lea Ypi - 2013 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 41 (2):158-191.
  34.  51
    Crossed Wires about Crossed Wires: Somatosensation and Immunity to Error through Misidentification.Léa Salje - 2017 - Dialectica 71 (1):35-56.
    Suppose that the following describes an intelligible scenario. A subject is wired up to another's body in such a way that she has bodily experiences ‘as from the inside’ caused by states and events in the other body, that are subjectively indistinguishable from ordinary somatosensory perception of her own body. The supposed intelligibility of such so-called crossed wire cases constitutes a significant challenge to the claim that our somatosensory judgements are immune to error through misidentification relative to uses of the (...)
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  35. Territorial Rights and Exclusion.Lea Ypi - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (3):241-253.
    Is it possible to justify territorial rights? Provided a justification for territorial rights can be found, does it ground claims toparticularterritories? And provided a claim to particular territories can be justified, what kind of claim is it? Is it a claim to jurisdiction? A claim to control resources? A claim to control the movement of people across borders? In this paper I review some prominent accounts seeking to answer these questions. After outlining their main features, I focus on some difficulties (...)
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    ‘Sports Integrity’ Needs Sports Ethics.Lea Cleret, Mike McNamee & Stuart Page - 2015 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 9 (1):1-5.
  37.  67
    Taking Workers as a Class: The Moral Dilemmas of Guestworker Programmes.Lea Ypi - 2016 - In Sarah Fine & Lea Ypi (eds.), Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership. Oxford University Press UK.
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  38.  59
    Lit from Within: First-Person Thought and Illusions of Transcendence.Léa Salje - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (6):735-749.
    Philosophical treatments of the self in a range of different traditions have positioned it outside the realm of ordinary worldly objects. This paper argues that part of the explanation for this seemingly widespread and persistent temptation to mystify the self is that the epistemic properties of I-thought are apt to give rise to an illusion of transcendence about their objects—that is, about ourselves.
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    ‘A method for safe transmission’: the microscope slides of the American Postal Microscopical Club.Lea Beiermann - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Science 54 (4):403-422.
    In the 1870s, microscopy societies began to proliferate in the United States. Most of these societies attracted microscopists from surrounding cities, but the American Postal Microscopical Club, modelled on the British Postal Microscopical Society, used the postal system to connect microscopists scattered across the country. Club members exchanged microscope slides and notes following a chain-letter system. The main objective of the club was to teach its members how to make permanent slides. Preparation and mounting methods required technical skill, which was, (...)
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  40. Fattorí e finalità nell'educazione.Lea Cavallone - 1953 - Torino,: Gheroni.
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    Concept learning in nonprimate mammals: in search of evidence.Stephen Eg Lea - 2010 - In Denis Mareschal, Paul Quinn & Stephen E. G. Lea (eds.), The Making of Human Concepts. Oxford University Press.
  42.  20
    Homeostasis, elasticity, and reinforcer interactions.S. E. G. Lea - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):109-109.
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    Optimization and flexibility.S. E. G. Lea & S. M. Dow - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (1):110.
  44.  40
    Professionalism in an Age of Financialization and Managerialism.David Lea - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (1):25-50.
    Historically the professions have maintained a commitment to what MacIntyre calls the “internal goods of practice” as opposed to the external goods of practice associated with monetary compensation and activities directly related to monetary compensation. This paper argues that the growing financialization of the economy has fostered a climate of managerial control exemplified in the proliferation of auditing and procedures associated with auditing. Accordingly professionals, whose organizational function includes responsibility for the internal goods, are thereby frustrated in so far as (...)
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    Il desiderio dissidente. Il pensiero e la pratica di Elvio fachinelli.Lea Melandri - 1999 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 12 (2):325-332.
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Interleaved Learning in Elementary School Mathematics: Effects on the Flexible and Adaptive Use of Subtraction Strategies.Lea Nemeth, Katharina Werker, Julia Arend, Sebastian Vogel & Frank Lipowsky - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Ugo Nespolo.Lea Vergine - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica:21-22.
    Nespolo’s artworks of the late 60s are conceivable as heritage of Dada. Objects and materials are combined in accordance with a specific logical direction also based on philosophical and literary suggestions. The simple materials are present also as a declaration of a Dadaist negation.
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    Christine Globig (2021) Realitäten der Abhängigkeit. Fürsorge als ethisches Paradigma.Lea Chilian & Tabea Horvath - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (2):205-207.
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  49. Self-ownership and the state: A democratic critique.Lea Ypi - 2011 - Ratio 24 (1):91-106.
    Libertarians often invoke the principle of self-ownership to discredit distributive interventions authorized by the more-than-minimal state. But if one takes a democratic approach to the justification of ownership claims, including claims of ownership over oneself, the validity of the self-ownership principle is theoretically inseparable from the normative justification of the state. Since the idea of the state is essential to the very assertion (not just the positive enforcement) of the principle of self-ownership, invoking the principle to discredit a distribution of (...)
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    Does Emotional Intelligence Buffer the Effects of Acute Stress? A Systematic Review.Rosanna G. Lea, Sarah K. Davis, Bérénice Mahoney & Pamela Qualter - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    People with higher levels of emotional intelligence (EI: adaptive emotional traits, skills and abilities) typically achieve more positive life outcomes, such as psychological wellbeing, educational attainment, and job-related success. Although the underpinning mechanisms linking EI with those outcomes are largely unknown, it has been suggested that EI may work as a ‘stress buffer’. Theoretically, when faced with a stressful situation, emotionally intelligent individuals should show a more adaptive response than those with low EI, such as reduced reactivity (less mood deterioration, (...)
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