Results for 'Lenin Engels'

934 found
  1. Dynamics of Social Change: A Reader in Marxist Social Science from the Writings of Marx, Engels and Lenin. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Howard Selsam, David Goldway & Harry Martel - 1972 - Science and Society 36 (2):238-239.
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  2. K. Marks, F. Engel's, V.I. Lenin o Nauke I Tekhnike.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels & Vladimir Il ich Lenin - 1985 - Nauka.
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    O morali i nravstvennom vospitanii: K. Marks, F. Ėngelʹs, V.I. Lenin.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels & Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin (eds.) - 1985 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  4. Makesi En'gesi Liening Sidalin lun yan jiu li shi.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin & Joseph Stalin (eds.) - 1975 - [Beijing]: Xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Über Kultur, Ästhetic, Literatur: ausgewählte Texte.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Il ich Lenin & Hans Koch - 1981 - Reclam.
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    马克思恩格斯列宁论自然辩证法与科学技术.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Il§ich Lenin, Guangyuan Yu & Xiaoli Sun - 1988 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Guangyuan Yu & Xiaoli Sun.
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  7. O dialekticheskom materializme.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin & L. A. Lavinskai︠a︡ (eds.) - 1966 - Moskva,: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
  8. Über Kultur, Ästhetik, Literatur.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin & Hans Koch (eds.) - 1969 - Leipzig,: Reclam.
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  9. O dialekticheskom materializme.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin, Sheptulin, Aleksandr Petrovich & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1968
  10. Myśl pedagogiczna Marksa, Engelsa, Lenina.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin & Kazimierz Dobrzyński (eds.) - 1986 - Warszawa: Instytut Krajów Socjalistycznych PAN.
  11. Dialekticheskiĭ materializm.Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin & Joseph Stalin (eds.) - 1933
  12. Gnozeologická relevancia niektorých aspektov vnímania.Ich Formulovali Vo Svojich Prácach Marx & Lenin Engels - 1982 - Filozofia 37 (1):47-55.
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  13. Khrestomatii︠a︡ po dialekticheskomu i istoricheskomu materializmu: [sbornik otryvkov iz proizvedeniĭ K. Marksa, F. Ėngelʹsa, V.I. Lenina.L. A. Lavinskai︠a︡, Martėn Mikhaĭlovich Sidorov, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels & Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin (eds.) - 1970 - Moskva: Izd-vo politicheskoĭ lit-ry.
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    (1 other version)Marx, Engels and Lenin on justice: The critique of the gotha programme.Kai Nielsen - 1986 - Studies in East European Thought 32 (1):23-63.
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    Justice in Marx, Engels, and Lenin.George Schedler - 1978 - Studies in Soviet Thought 18 (3):223-233.
  16. Foundations of Violence, Terror and War in the Writings of Marx, Engels, and Lenin.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1991 - Terrorism and Political Violence 3 (2).
    The aims of this essay are (A) to examine the extent to which Marx, Engels and Lenin believed in revolution by peaceful means and what was their attitude towards the phenomenon of war, and (B) to reflect on the different interpretations of their writings, discerning between three schools of thought. It is argued that Marx and Engels considered violence only as an instrument of secondary importance and desirable insofar as there is no other alternative to change the (...)
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  17. Philosophische Schriften von Marx, Engels und Lenin und ihre Bedeutung für die Medizin heute.Rolf Löther (ed.) - 1979 - Jena: Gustav Fischer Verlag.
  18. Eine Revolution im Geschichtsdenken: Marx, Engels, Lenin und die Geschichtswissenschaft.Heinz Heitzer & Wolfgang Küttler - 1983 - Berlin: Dietz Verlag. Edited by Wolfgang Küttler.
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    ‘It does not compare to the bright dialectical materialism propounded by Marx, Engels, and Lenin’: Revolutionary refractions and Marxist critique of Freudianism in pre-revolutionary Iran.Mir Mohammad Khademnabi - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    The critical stance adopted by Iran's prominent communist party, the Tudeh Party, toward psychoanalysis is illustrated through a polemical essay preceding the translation of A Primer of Freudian Psychology. Echoing the Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, who vehemently criticized psychoanalysis as a ‘bourgeois science’, Hushang Tizabi, a translator affiliated with the Tudeh Party, delves into the shortcomings of Freudian thought in the preface to his rendition, contrasting it with the ‘bright dialectical materialism’ inherent in Marxian ideology. This article represents an (...)
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  20. Histoire du marxisme, t. I : Les fondateurs, Marx, Engels et leurs prédécesseurs, t. II : L''ge d'or de Kautsky à Lénine.Leszek Kolakowski, Olivier Masson & Françoise Laroche - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (3):345-346.
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    Theorie und Methode der wissenschaftlichen Voraussicht im Werk von Marx, Engels und Lenin.Siegfried Grundmann - 1972 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 20 (6).
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    Lenin and the Problem of Scientific Prediction.G. E. Glezerman - 1970 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 9 (1):3-27.
    "Prophecy by magic is a myth. But prophecy by science is a fact." With these words, Lenin begins his article "Prophetic Words" [Prorocheskie slova], in Poln. sobr. soch. [Complete Works], Vol. 36, p. 472. Written in the middle of 1918, a very difficult time for the young Soviet republic, it is devoted entirely to Engels' forecast three decades earlier of the possible outcomes of a world war. With amazing forecasting ability, Engels described the destruction and upheavals that (...)
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    (1 other version)Lenin's relationship to the ideas of physicists.Jiří Marek - 1977 - Studies in East European Thought 17 (1):63-80.
    History and the philosophy of science have played a very important role in dialectical materialism; their results have been destined to support the correctness of the ideas of Marxist philosophers, especially in their application in historical materialism.From this point of view, the circumstances of the origin of the works of the Marxist classics cannot be neglected: Engels wrote hisDialectics in Nature in the period of classical physics, and Lenin published hisMaterialism and Empirio-Criticism at the beginning of the 20th (...)
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  24. Marxismus und Ästhetik: zur ästhetischen Theorie von Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels und Wladimir Iljitsch Lenin.Hans Koch - 1961 - Berlin,: Dietz Verlag.
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    Did Lenin Refound Marxist Dialectics in 1914?Nathan Coombs - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (1):1-18.
    During the twentieth century a number of competing accounts of Lenin’s theory and practice have sought to reclaim its true meaning from ossification under Stalinism. One account popular today is the Hegelian-Marxist interpretation of Lenin’s Philosophical Notebooks written in 1914 and 1915. According to thinkers such as Raya Dunayevskaya and Kevin Anderson, Lenin’s notebooks on Hegel’s Science of Logic represent a radical break from classical dialectical materialism. For these Hegelian-Marxists, Lenin’s acerbic remarks on Engels’s and (...)
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    Frederick Engels and Contemporary Problems Concerning the History of Primitive Society.Iu V. Bromlei & A. I. Pershit - 1984 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 23 (3):17-49.
    A hundred years have passed since publication of the first edition of Engels's book The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State, which Lenin regarded as "one of the basic works of modern socialism." Engels's interest in the remote past of mankind and Lenin's evaluation of his work were, of course, not coincidental. They may be explained by the tremendous role played by the concept of primitive history in a general materialist understanding of the (...)
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    Lenin on Literature, Language, and Censorship.Annette T. Rubinstein - 1995 - Science and Society 59 (3):368 - 383.
    Sophisticated Marxists have always been aware of the important contributions to literary criticism of Marx, Engels, Trotsky and Gramsci. Yet, except for Lukács, there has been almost no discussion of Lenin's great interest in literature. This paper glances at some of the contemporary evidence of Lenin's concern with the classic Russian novelists — especially Tolstoy, to whom he devoted four essays (his only works of formal literary criticism). Lenin placed great emphasis from the earliest days of (...)
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    Marx's rebellion against Lenin.Norman Levine - 2015 - New York, New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Marx's Rebellion Against Lenin is a representative of the contemporary revitalization of the thought of Marx. It fulfils this task in three ways. First, it overthrows the dialectical materialism of Engels and of Stalinist Bolshevism by exploring 18th century historical thought and illustrating how these Enlightenment historians and political theorists first explored method of historical explanation that were later adopted by Marx. It is shown that contrary to the theory of Stalinist Bolshevism, Hegel was a vital influence on (...)
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    Lenin on the Party.Antonio Carlo - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1973 (17):2-40.
    Today there is a great interest in reconstructing Lenin's thought concerning the relation between vangard and masses. Lenin's definitive theses on the problem are seen to have been outlined in his famous and much discussed work, What Is to Be Done? which, for some, remains the only scientific answer to the problem (not fully developed by Marx and Engels) of the passage from “class-in-itself” to “class-for-itself.” For others, this work, impregnated by intellectualism and idealism, is seen as (...)
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    Leszek Kolakowski, Histoire du marxisme. Tome I: Les fondateurs, Marx, Engels et leurs prédécesseurs. Tome II: L'âge d'or de Kautsky à Lénine. Traduit de l'allemand par O. Masson. [REVIEW]Mario Casañas - 1988 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 86 (72):589-590.
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    What Is Life Like After Revolution? Administration, Habit, and Democracy in Lenin’s “The State and Revolution”—and Beyond.Dieter Thomä - 2019 - In Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä & Ulrich Schmid (eds.), The Russian Revolution as Ideal and Practice: Failures, Legacies, and the Future of Revolution. Springer Verlag. pp. 101-125.
    This paper analyzes the scenario for a post-revolutionary society as developed in Lenin’s “The State and Revolution.” Lenin heavily relies on Marx and Engels’s metaphors of waking up and falling asleep: Post-revolutionary society is marked by a grand awakening and a conversion of dreams into reality, while the State is said to fall asleep or wither away. Lenin applies these metaphors yet applies them in a strangely inverted manner. Instead of embracing agency, he argues for a (...)
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    (1 other version)The Theoretical Significance of Marx and Engels' Criticism of "Genuine Socialism".Lin Ching-Yao - 1973 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 5 (2):41-58.
    In his article "Marxism and Revisionism," Lenin pointed out that Marxist theory "had to fight at every step in its journey of life." The history of the development of Marxism is one of the struggle against streams of various socialist ideas. Marxism developed in the struggle. In the 1840s Germany was on the eve of a bourgeois democratic revolution. In order to mobilize the proletariat and the broad masses of the people to participate in the impending democratic revolution, the (...)
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    Is marxist philosophy withering away?Erdinç Sayan - 1993 - Studies in East European Thought 45 (4):313 - 315.
    Gorbachev's ascent to power in the Soviet Union in 1985 and the events that followed appear to have led to a dramatic decline in philosophers' interest in Marxist philosophy. The magnitudes of philosophical literature on Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Hegel recorded in annual volumes ofThe Philosopher's Index have all been shrinking in recent years. In the 1992 volume, the share of the publications on Marx within all philosophical publications has dropped to almost one-third of what it was on (...)
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    The 'volatile' Marxian concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat.Zoltan Barany - 1997 - Studies in East European Thought 49 (1):1-21.
    The thesis of this paper is that even some of the most fundamental concepts of Marxism have been used and abused to fit their advocates' purposes. More specifically, the interpretation of the concept of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" has been subject to a dual development. First, the dictatorship of the proletariat has come to denote an increasingly violent regime. Second, the term has been used to refer to a rule exercised by an ever smaller segment of society. This paper (...)
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    L’inépuisable débat sur l’agriculture dans ses rapports avec le capitalisme.Edouard Morena & Thierry Pouch - 2024 - Actuel Marx 75 (1):47-64.
    La problématique des rapports entre l’agriculture et le capitalisme resurgit à intervalles réguliers, et suscite des controverses entre des chercheurs se réclamant, de près ou de loin, de Marx et de ses continuateurs. Des deux côtés de la Manche, la fin des années 1960 et le début des années 1970 constituent un moment important de redécouverte, de discussion et de réinterprétation des travaux marxistes sur la question paysanne et agraire. Pourtant, le débat en France à cette époque tranche nettement avec (...)
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    (1 other version)Der ideologiebegriff bei Marx und die heutige kontroverse über ideologie und wissenschaft in den sozialistischen ländern.Helmut Dahm - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (1):37-76.
    Marx and Engels inherited and developed the 18th Century notion of ideology as distorted consciousness. Although they did not speak explicitly of a proletarian ideology, they did develop the elements which Lenin then elaborated. His failure to develop a theory of ideology has left this task to contemporary Marxists (e.g., Althusser) and Marxist-Leninists (e.g., Choruc), who often do this in the process of criticizing non-Marxist theories. A lively discussion took place in the 1960's in Poland (Schaff and Bauman) (...)
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    Socialism Unbound: Principles, Practices, and Prospects.Stephen Eric Bronner & Dick Howard - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Published more than twenty years ago, Stephen Eric Bronner's bold defense of socialism remains a seminal text for our time. Treating socialism as an ethic, reinterpreting its core categories, and critically confronting its early foundations, Bronner's work offers a reinvigorated "class ideal" and a new perspective for progressive politics in the twentieth century. _Socialism Unbound_ is an extraordinary work of political history that revisits the pivotal figures of the labor movement: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Karl Kautsky, Vladimir Lenin, (...)
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    Marxism and Hegel.Lucio Colletti - 1973 - [London]: Verso.
    The interpretation of Hegel has been a focal point of philosophical controversy ever since the beginning of the twentieth century, both among Marxists and in the major European philosophical schools. Yet despite wide differences of emphasis most interpretations of Hegel share important similarities. They link his idea of Reason to the revolutionary and rationalist tradition which led to the French Revolution, and they interpret his dialectic as implying a latently atheist and even materialist world outlook. Lucio Colletti directly challenges this (...)
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    From Marx to Gramsci: A Reader in Revolutionary Marxist Politics.Paul Le Blanc (ed.) - 1996 - Humanity Books.
    The readings collected here—of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and Antonio Gramsci— reflect the experience of the labor, socialist, and communist movements that did so much to shape modern history. A dedication to working-class revolution gives coherence to the influential philosophical, economic, sociological, and historical works of these writers. Paul Le Blanc's introductory essay probes the structure and dynamics of Marxism as a political orientation, tracing connections among components that can be found (...)
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    The real world of ideology.Joe McCarney - 1980 - Brookfield, Vt.: Distributed in the U.S. by Ashgate.
    In this study, Joseph McCarney aims to break away from contemporary Marxist critical attitudes to reinstate the coherence and continuity of classical Marxism. He argues that the character of traditional Marxist thought on Marxist ideology is now generally misconceived. The author claims that this misconception stems from a failure to apprehend the nature of Marx's own position and that of major figures of classical Marxism such as Engels, Lenin, and the young Lukacs.
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    Modern Globalization and Antiglobalization.V. V. Pavlovskiy - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:579-584.
    A modern stage of globalization is a historical and logical continuation of “an economical social formation” (K.G. Marx), a civilization (L.G. Morgan). The analysis of this globalization in philosophy and social sciences has an extremely contradictory character which is law-governed in the modern society. Modern globalization has been showing itself as a qualitatively new historical process since 1991. Judging from the positions of the dialectical materialistic theory of history (K.G. Marx, F. Engels, V.I. Lenin and others) it by (...)
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    Social philosophy: from Plato to Che.Robert Elias Abu Shanab & Stephen P. Halbrook (eds.) - 1972 - Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co..
    Plato. The republic.--Aristotle. Politics.--Cicero, M. T. On the commonwealth.--John of Salisbury. The prince versus the tyrant.--Machiavelli, N. The prince and the people.--Hobbes, T. The state of nature and the Leviathan.--Locke, J. The right of revolution.--Marx, K. and Engels, F. Bourgeois and proletarians.--Bakunin, M. A. The Paris Commune and the idea of the state.--Mill, J. S. On liberty.--Lenin, V. I. Marxism and the withering away of the state.--Hitler, A. Race and the folkish state.--Mao Tse-tung. From the masses, to the (...)
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    The Logic of Marx's Capital.I. S. Narskii - 1969 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 7 (4):14-23.
    We are now observing a most notable anniversary: a century and a half since the birth of Karl Marx, the great founder of Marxist theory and the ideologist of the proletariat. Our present meeting virtually coincides with another date of great significance. The first thousand copies of Marx's immortal Capital appeared in Hamburg a hundred years ago, in September 1867. No other book has exercised as deep-going and ever-widening an influence on various aspects of the mental and practical activity of (...)
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    Obserwacja rzeczywistości a tworzenie teorii w myśli Panajotisa Kondylisa.Falk Horst, Konstantin Verykios & Lech Zieliński - 2015 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (3):79-92.
    Observation of Reality and Theory Creation in Panagiotis Kondylis’ Thought In the first part of the paper the authors present an outline of the Polish perception of thoughts and ideas of Panagiotis Kondylis which has started to develop only recently. This is followed by demonstrating major issues present in the output of this Greek philosopher who was strongly linked both with Greece and with Germany. The paper closes with a discussion of Kondylis’ concept of theory creation demonstrated in his work (...)
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  45. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.Eva-Maria Stelzer - 1970 - Berlin,: Hegel-Komitee der DDR, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel und die Weiter- und Höherenentwicklung seiner Ideen, von A. Abusch.-G.W.F. Hegel und seine Zeit (1770-1831). Eine Chronik.-G.W.F. Hegels Werke in Erstausgaben.-Aus Werken Hegels.-Marx, Engels, Lenin über Hegel.-Hegel Literatur in der DDR 1949-1969.-Hegel Literatur zum Hegel Jahr 1970.-Veranstaltungen aus Anlass des 200. Geburtstages von G.W.F. Hegel am 27. August 1970.
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    Gandhi on nonviolence in the context of enlightenment, rationality and globalization.R. P. Singh - unknown
    An attempt has been made in this paper to trace Gandhi's principle of 'nonviolence' in the context of 'Enlightenment Rationality' on the one hand and 'Globalization' on the other. The ideas of freedom/independence, autonomy, sovereignty, property, maturity/adulthood, public and private, tolerance, scientific rationality, secularism, humanism, democracy, nation/ state, universality of moral actions, humanity as an end in itself, critique of religion, etc., are the most operative terms of European Enlightenment of the 19th century. Though these ideas evolved and developed in (...)
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    (1 other version)Arnošt Kolman: Portrait of a marxist-leninist philosopher.Pavel Kovaly - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (4):337-366.
    Kolman''s philosophy has been, throughout the major part of his life, distinctly Stalinist. After he had been released from prison and after the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. (1956), he became critical of Stalinist dogmatism in philosophy and politics. Although his philosophic thought underwent some — if only minor — changes, Kolman remained entirely within the framework of Marxist philosophy, retaining its foundations, as contained in the writings of the classics of Marxism — Marx, Engels (...)
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    Comprendre les idéologies.Michel Simon - 1978 - Paris: co-diffusion, Éditions du Cerf.
    Ce recueil se veut un instrument de travail à l'intention de ceux qui s'interrogent sur les idéologies, ce qu'elles sont, d'où elles viennent et à quoi elles servent. Michel Simon y a réuni un certain nombre de textes qui ont marqué l'histoire et la réflexion sur l'idéologie et les idéologies et qui sont proposés comme autant de points de repères : Marx, Engels, Lénine, Lukacs, Mannheim, Korsch, Gramsci, Althusser chez les marxistes, mais aussi Jean Baechler et Pierre Ansart. Un (...)
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    Was Stalin a Marxist? And If He Was, What Does This Mean for Marxism?Ronald Grigor Suny - 2023 - Historical Materialism 31 (2):3-24.
    Stalin was a Marxist, but a certain kind of Marxist who selected out of the body of work of Marx, Engels, and Lenin a non-democratic and inhumane form of Marxism leaving out the humanist and democratic aspects of the original Marxist programme. The means he chose to build what he considered a socialist society fatally tainted the goal of a society in which working people make the fundamental decisions that determine their lives.
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    Guerre préventive, américanisme et antiaméricanisme.Domenico Losurdo - 2004 - Actuel Marx 35 (1):91-114.
    Preventive War, Pro-Americanicanism and Anti-Americanism. Protests against the war in Iraq or against American support for Israel have led to the accusation that there now exists an Anti-Americanism of the left that is virtually indistinguishable from an Anti-Americanism of the right. D. Losurdo points out that the United States was actually endowed with a certain fascination for Marx, Engels, Lenin, Boukharin or Gramsci, and that the indignation which they voiced concerning the regime of white supremacy was not unmitigated. (...)
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