Results for 'Leonardo Sciascia'

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  1.  21
    Terrorism in Life and in Real LiteratureThe Moro Affair and The Mystery of Majorana. [REVIEW]Uri Eisenzweig, Leonardo Sciascia & Sacha Rabinovitch - 1988 - Diacritics 18 (3):32.
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    Are People Experiencing the ‘Pains of Imprisonment’ During the COVID-19 Lockdown?Mandeep K. Dhami, Leonardo Weiss-Cohen & Peter Ayton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations.Larraitz N. Zumeta, Pablo Castro-Abril, Lander Méndez, José J. Pizarro, Anna Włodarczyk, Nekane Basabe, Ginés Navarro-Carrillo, Sonia Padoan-De Luca, Silvia da Costa, Itziar Alonso-Arbiol, Bárbara Torres-Gómez, Huseyin Cakal, Gisela Delfino, Elza M. Techio, Carolina Alzugaray, Marian Bilbao, Loreto Villagrán, Wilson López-López, José Ignacio Ruiz-Pérez, Cynthia C. Cedeño, Carlos Reyes-Valenzuela, Laura Alfaro-Beracoechea, Carlos Contreras-Ibáñez, Manuel Leonardo Ibarra, Hiram Reyes-Sosa, Rosa María Cueto, Catarina L. Carvalho & Isabel R. Pinto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    8 March, now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal (...)
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    Sports and Functional Training Improve a Subset of Obesity-Related Health Parameters in Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Isabela Ramos Mariano, Leonardo Pestillo de Oliveira, Sônia Maria Marques Gomes Bertolini, Fabiano Mendes de Oliveira, Cynthia Gobbi Alves Araújo & Kristi Adamo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    To investigate the effects of two different modes of physical activity on body composition, physical fitness, cardiometabolic risk, and psychological responses in female adolescents participating in a multi-disciplinary program. The 12-week randomized intervention included 25-adolescents with overweight divided into two groups: sports practice-SPG and functional training-FTG. The SPG intervention was divided into three sports: basketball, handball, and futsal. SPG participants performed one sport 3-times/week, over the course of 1 month. The FTG performed concurrent exercises 3-times/week. This study was registered in (...)
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  5.  11
    Psychometric properties of the survey work-home interaction nijmegen in Argentinian population.Elena Lucía Colasanti, Estanislao Castellano, Lucas Lapuente, Luciana Sofía Moretti & Leonardo Adrián Medrano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Frictions between work and family life have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, causing negative consequences on the mental health and quality of life of workers. Without validated instruments, it is not possible to determine the impact of Work-Family and Family-Work conflict. To date, no studies have been conducted to provide evidence of the validity and reliability of The Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen in the population of Argentine workers. The SWING was administered to 611 Argentine workers of both sexes aged between (...)
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    Obtención y caracterización de la oleoresina del ajo (allium sativum).Melvin A. Durán Rincón, Paula Andrea González Patiño & Leonardo Cardona Pareja - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  7.  22
    Educação, formação humana e ética: desafios à política educacional no contexto do neoliberalismo ortodoxo no Brasil.Magda Gisela Cruz dos Santos, Leonardo Dorneles Gonçalves & Paulo Eduardo Dias Taddei - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021028.
    In this essay, we discuss the relationship between education, human education and ethics in the context of orthodox neoliberalism, as well as some challenges presented to educational policy in Brazil. It is characterized as an exploratory study of a theoretical nature and is part of a set of three research projects at the doctoral level, carried out at a university in southern Brazil from 2017 to 2020. By contextualizing the current moment of neoliberalism in the country and presenting some foundations (...)
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  8.  33
    Square Biphasic Pulse Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease: The BiP-PD Study.Sol De Jesus, Michael S. Okun, Kelly D. Foote, Daniel Martinez-Ramirez, Jaimie A. Roper, Chris J. Hass, Leili Shahgholi, Umer Akbar, Aparna Wagle Shukla, Robert S. Raike & Leonardo Almeida - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  9.  20
    On PaintingTreatise on Painting.Creighton Gilbert, Leon Battista Alberti, John R. Spencer, Leonardo da Vinci & A. Philip McMahon - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (4):488.
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    Gêneros, sexualidades E infâncias: Cenas de crianças na contramão da inocência.Raquel Gonçalves Salgado & Leonardo Lemos de Souza - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (29).
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    The interaction of neural systems for attention and memory.Robert Desimone, Earl K. Miller & Leonardo Chelazzi - 1994 - In Christof Koch & Joel L. Davis (eds.), Large-Scale Neuronal Theories of the Brain. MIT Press. pp. 75--91.
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  12. The First Three Sessions of the Treatment of the Wolf Child: Rosine and Robert Lefort.Rosine Lefort, Robert Lefort & Leonardo S. Rodriguez - 1990 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 2:9.
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  13. Leonardo Bezzola: Photographs 1948-2007.Leonardo Bezzola, Andre Kamber & Clarenza Catullo - 2008 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
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    An MRI Study of the Metabolic and Structural Abnormalities in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Juliana B. De Salles Andrade, Fernanda Meireles Ferreira, Chao Suo, Murat Yücel, Ilana Frydman, Marina Monteiro, Paula Vigne, Leonardo F. Fontenelle & Fernanda Tovar-Moll - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  15.  23
    Prof. Leonardo Polo, Agradecimiento.Leonardo Polo - 2006 - Studia Poliana:35-38.
    Palabras de agradecimiento al promotor del Congreso Internacional y a los participantes en él. Asimismo, a la persona que ha trabajado en la labor de transcripción de mis escritos y a otros colaboradores míos. También a quienes han tomado en cuenta mis ideas para elaborar sus tesis doctorales, y a otros colegas cuyos planteamientos filosóficos distan de los míos. Como la filosofía es una actividad interminable, queda abierta la sucesiva investigación en mis propuestas.
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  16.  25
    Um guia conciso para a escrita de artigos filosóficos.Rodrigo Freitas Costa Canal & José Leonardo Annunziato Ruivo - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (3):1127-1141.
    Trata-se de uma tradução de um guia sobre como escrever um artigo filosófico, publicado pela Harvard College Writing Center como parte da série Writing Center Brief Guide Series do Writing Program da Harvard University. O texto discorre sobre o que se deve fazer num artigo propriamente filosófico, apresentando critérios sobre como se deve elaborar teses e argumentos filosóficos, e as possíveis objeções contra esses.
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    GeoPartitura: Collective concert with music, image, technology and interactivity.Suzete Venturelli, Claudia Loch, Francisco de Paula Barretto, Gustavo Soares, Juliana Hilário de Sousa, Leonardo Guilherme de Freitas, Ronaldo Ribeiro & Victor Valentim - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 9 (2-3):225-231.
    The text describes the research Geopartitura executed by the team MidiaLab Computer art research laboratory, that raises the thought about social artists and urban space. As a work of art it can be considered activist action. As a system, it is composed by software, database, locative media and mobile devices. The work was created to be performed as urban interactive cyberintervention, in order to interact with passers-by, a bias of social inclusion, transforming the urban landscape and its noises, at a (...)
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  18.  17
    Palabras de agradecimiento de Leonardo Polo con motivo de la imposición de la Cruz de Carlos III del Gobierno de Navarra.Leonardo Polo - 2009 - Studia Poliana:224-226.
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    (1 other version)Socioeconomic processes as open-ended results. Beyond invariance knowledge for interventionist purposes.Leonardo Ivarola - 2017 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 32 (2):211-229.
    In this paper a critique to philosophical approaches that presuppose invariant knowledge for policy purposes is carried out. It is shown that socioeconomic processes do not fit to the logic of stable causal factors, but they are more suited to the logic of "open-ended results". On the basis of this ontological variation it is argued that ex-ante interventions are not appropriate in the socioeconomic realm. On the contrary, they must be understood in a “dynamic” sense. Finally, derivational robustness analysis is (...)
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  20. Understanding Multicellularity: The Functional Organization of the Intercellular Space.Leonardo Bich, Thomas Pradeu & Jean-Francois Moreau - 2019 - Frontiers in Physiology 10.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework to understand how multicellular systems realize functionally integrated physiological entities by organizing their intercellular space. From a perspective centered on physiology and integration, biological systems are often characterized as organized in such a way that they realize metabolic self-production and self-maintenance. The existence and activity of their components rely on the network they realize and on the continuous management of the exchange of matter and energy with their environment. One (...)
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  21.  12
    Are implicit affective evaluations related to mental rotation performance?Leonardo Jost & Petra Jansen - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 94 (C):103178.
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  22.  61
    (2 other versions)Dos textos anticipadores sobre máquinas algebráicas Y sobre automática.Quevedo Leonardo Torres - 1986 - Theoria 2 (1):7-9.
    Com recuerdo y fiel homenaje a nuestro genial compatrinta, el ingeniero e inventar santanderino Leonardo Torres Quevedo, THEORIA quiere reeoger hoy en sus páginas dos breves, claros y luminosostextos -el primero sobre máquinas algébricas (1901) y el segundo sobre el alcance de una nueva ciencia: la Automática (1915)- de aquel español itinerante e infatigable que, como muy contadascompatriotas, supo aliar claridad y rlgor lógico en las definiciones de los conceptos básicos y desbordante inventiva creadora en la estricta y audaz (...)
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  23. Complex emergence and the living organization: an epistemological framework for biology.Leonardo Bich - 2012 - Synthese 185 (2):215-232.
    In this article an epistemological framework is proposed in order to integrate the emergentist thought with systemic studies on biological autonomy, which are focused on the role of organization. Particular attention will be paid to the role of the observer’s activity, especially: (a) the different operations he performs in order to identify the pertinent elements at each descriptive level, and (b) the relationships between the different models he builds from them. According to the approach sustained here, organization will be considered (...)
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  24. The role of regulation in the origin and synthetic modelling of minimal cognition.Leonardo Bich & Alvaro Moreno - 2016 - Biosystems 148:12-21.
    In this paper we address the question of minimal cognition by investigating the origin of some crucial cognitive properties from the very basic organisation of biological systems. More specifically, we propose a theoretical model of how a system can distinguish between specific features of its interaction with the environment, which is a fundamental requirement for the emergence of minimal forms of cognition. We argue that the appearance of this capacity is grounded in the molecular domain, and originates from basic mechanisms (...)
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    The Dynamics of Fair Trade as a Mixed-form Market.Leonardo Becchetti & Benjamin Huybrechts - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (4):733-750.
    This article analyses the Fair Trade sector as a “mixed-form market,” i.e., a market in which different types of players (in this case, nonprofit, co-operative and for-profit organizations) coexist and compete. The purposes of this article are (1) to understand the factors that have led Fair Trade to become a mixed-form market and (2) to propose some trails to understand the market dynamics that result from the interactions between the different types of players. We start by defining briefly Fair Trade, (...)
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  26. Autopoiesis, Autonomy and Organizational Biology: Critical Remarks on “Life After Ashby”.Leonardo Bich & Argyris Arnellos - 2012 - Cybernetics and Human Knowing 19 (4):75-103.
    In this paper we criticize the “Ashbyan interpretation” (Froese & Stewart, 2010) of autopoietic theory by showing that Ashby’s framework and the autopoietic one are based on distinct, often incompatible, assumptions and that they aim at addressing different issues. We also suggest that in order to better understand autopoiesis and its implications, a different and wider set of theoretical contributions, developed previously or at the time autopoiesis was formulated, needs to be taken into consideration: among the others, the works of (...)
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  27.  80
    Does Locke Have an Akrasia Problem?Leonardo Moauro & Samuel C. Rickless - 2019 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 1 (1):9.
    Starting in the second edition of the Essay, Locke becomes interested in the phenomenon of akrasia, or weakness of will. As he conceives it, akrasia occurs when we will something contrary to what we acknowledge to be our greater good. This commitment represents an important shift from the first edition of the Essay, where Locke argues that the will is always determined by a judgement of our greater good. But traces of the first-edition view are present even in the second (...)
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  28. Organization needs organization: Understanding integrated control in living organisms.Leonardo Bich & William Bechtel - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 93:96-106.
    Organization figures centrally in the understanding of biological systems advanced by both new mechanists and proponents of the autonomy framework. The new mechanists focus on how components of mechanisms are organized to produce a phenomenon and emphasize productive continuity between these components. The autonomy framework focuses on how the components of a biological system are organized in such a way that they contribute to the maintenance of the organisms that produce them. In this paper we analyze and compare these two (...)
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  29.  70
    Brandom on Norms and Objectivity.Leonardo Marchettoni - 2018 - Critical Horizons 19 (3):215-232.
    ABSTRACTThe aim of this paper is to investigate Brandom’s conception of the objectivity of norms. In Making It Explicit Brandom supports a weak notion of objectivity based on his understanding of the perspectival structure of linguistic practices. In his following works, he resorts to the Hegelian notion of recognition, adding a historical dimension to his account. I contend that this notion of objectivity can be successfully defended against the objections raised by the commentators. In particular, it does not jeopardise the (...)
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  30.  73
    After the Glow: Race ambivalence and other educational prognoses.Zeus Leonardo - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):675-698.
    The Right has a long history of questioning the importance of race analysis. Recently, the conceptual and political status of race has come under increased scrutiny from the Left. Bracketing the language of ‘race’ has meant that the discourse of skin groups remains at the level of abstraction and does not speak to real groups as such. As a descriptor, race essentializes identity as if skin color were a reliable way to perceive one's self and group as well as others, (...)
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  31. Speusippus and Aristotle on Homonymy and Synonymy.Leonardo Tarán - 1978 - Hermes 106 (1):73-99.
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    Demographic and Attitudinal Factors of Adherence to Quarantine Guidelines During COVID-19: The Italian Model.Leonardo Carlucci, Ines D’Ambrosio & Michela Balsamo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  33. (1 other version)Is defining life pointless? Operational definitions at the frontiers of Biology.Leonardo Bich & Sara Green - 2017 - Synthese:1-28.
    Despite numerous and increasing attempts to define what life is, there is no consensus on necessary and sufficient conditions for life. Accordingly, some scholars have questioned the value of definitions of life and encouraged scientists and philosophers alike to discard the project. As an alternative to this pessimistic conclusion, we argue that critically rethinking the nature and uses of definitions can provide new insights into the epistemic roles of definitions of life for different research practices. This paper examines the possible (...)
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  34.  12
    La via della metafisica.Leonardo Messinese - 2019 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    The problem of God in modern philosophy.Leonardo Messinese - 2005 - Aurora, CO: Davies Group.
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    Fair Trade in Italy: Too Much ‘Movement’ in the Shop?Leonardo Becchetti & Marco Costantino - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):181-203.
    We analyse the development of Fair Trade in Italy by examining its principles, structure, performance, dilemmas and potential solutions and identifying its main distinctive features. These lead us to develop a specifically Italian model. Fair Trade in Italy is younger than its more established North European counterparts and more focussed on broad social justice issues in addition to its concern to include marginalized producers. This normative difference has given rise to a social-economy-dominated value chain, although it has generated much lower (...)
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  37.  10
    Filosofía y Economía.Leonardo Polo - 2012 - Eunsa.
  38.  54
    The Paradox of Existence: Philosophy and Aesthetics in the Young Schelling.Leonardo V. Distaso - 2004 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This essay reconstructs Schelling's philosophical development during the years 1794-1800. It emphasizes the role of Kant's heritage within Schelling's early philosophy, and the strong relationship between Schelling and Hölderlin during their Tübingen years. The central question it explores is how the Absolute relates to Finiteness - a relation that constitutes the basis of transcendental idealism as well as the essence of a transcendental philosophy, here radically understood as a philosophy of finitude and as a critical aesthetics. The essay shows the (...)
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  39.  45
    Exotics at home: anthropologies, others, American modernity.Micaela di Leonardo - 1998 - Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
    In this pathbreaking study, Micaela di Leonardo reveals the face of power within the mask of cultural difference. From the 1893 World's Fair to Body Shop advertisements, di Leonardo focuses on the intimate and shifting relations between popular portrayals of exotic Others and the practice of anthropology. In so doing, she casts new light on gender, race, and the public sphere in America's past and present. "An impressive work of scholarship that is mordantly witty, passionately argued, and takes (...)
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  40.  22
    Effects of Baby Schema and Mere Exposure on Explicit and Implicit Face Processing.Leonardo Venturoso, Giulio Gabrieli, Anna Truzzi, Atiqah Azhari, Peipei Setoh, Marc H. Bornstein & Gianluca Esposito - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  41.  23
    A Framework for Understanding the Relationship between Descending Pain Modulation, Motor Corticospinal, and Neuroplasticity Regulation Systems in Chronic Myofascial Pain.Leonardo M. Botelho, Leon Morales-Quezada, Joanna R. Rozisky, Aline P. Brietzke, Iraci L. S. Torres, Alicia Deitos, Felipe Fregni & Wolnei Caumo - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  42.  15
    The conservation of nervous energy: Neurophysiology and energy conservation in the work of Sigmund Exner and Josef Breuer.Leonardo Niro - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 102 (C):1-11.
  43.  34
    New problems for Tennant's definition of harmony.Leonardo Ceragioli - 2022 - Theoria 88 (4):829-849.
    Theoria, Volume 88, Issue 4, Page 829-849, August 2022.
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  44.  26
    Science, religious beliefs, and historiography: Assessing the scientification of religion's method and theory.Leonardo Ambasciano - 2016 - Zygon 51 (4):1062-1066.
    In the recent past, attempts to revitalize historico-religious studies have challenged the charismatic appeal of some of the most celebrated scholars of the twentieth century. At the same time, the old and ideological frameworks that characterized the field have been critically analyzed and deconstructed. The disciplinary status quo, taken for granted for quite a long time, has been shaken to its foundation, paving the way for new approaches. However, the postmodern tenet of problematizing any authority has also become a convenient (...)
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  45.  10
    L'apparire di Dio: per una metafisica teologica.Leonardo Messinese - 2015 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  46.  13
    Entrevista Tecnologia e Patologia: um diagnóstico da vida pós-moderna.Leonardo Silveira Maika - 2022 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 21 (1).
    A presente entrevista serve como complemento ao artigo submetido com mesmo nome nesta edição. Ela trata de uma exposição da influencia tecnologica na vida das pessoas, e como essas ferramentas estão ligadas as novas sindromes.
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    ¿Estamos obligados a tolerar acciones intolerantes?Leonardo González - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (162):87-102.
    Se examinan los límites de la tolerancia y el sentido en que resulta irracional aceptar acciones intolerantes, aunque de hecho se acepten. Esto lleva a trazar una distinción entre tolerancia privada y pública, que permite responder la paradójica pregunta: ¿está obligado el agente tolerante a tolerar acciones intolerantes?
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  48.  32
    Generalized Hardy fields in several variables.Leonardo Pasini - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29 (2):193-197.
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    Che cos'è il Sud?: saggio sulla terra inappropriabile.Leonardo Mastromauro - 2024 - Milano: Meltemi.
  50.  5
    El conocimiento del universo físico.Leonardo Polo - 2008 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Juan Antonio García.
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