Results for 'Lewis Rose'

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  1.  22
    The Jews of Islam.Linda C. Rose & Bernard Lewis - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):823.
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    Radical Human Ecology: Intercultural and Indigenous Approaches.Rose Roberts & Lewis Williams - 2012 - Routledge.
    Human ecology - the study and practice of relationships between the natural and the social environment - has gained prominence as scholars seek more effectively to engage with pressing global concerns. In the past seventy years most human ecology has skirted the fringes of geography, sociology and biology. This volume pioneers radical new directions. In particular, it explores the power of indigenous and traditional peoples' epistemologies both to critique and to complement insights from modernity and postmodernity.
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    Se7en.Terri Murray & Lewis Rose - 2010 - Philosophy Now 78:42-43.
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  4. The Christian Platonism of CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and Charles Williams.Mary Carman Rose - 1981 - In Dominic J. O'Meara (ed.), Neoplatonism and Christian thought. Albany, N.Y.: State University of New York Press [distributor].
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    Why in publishing the grass has become less green Rose-tinted ruminations of an editor-turned-author.Jeremy Lewis - 2006 - Logos 17 (3):133-138.
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  6. Lewis R. Farnell, Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1921 - Hibbert Journal 20:582.
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    Outline-History of Greek Religion. By Lewis Richard Farnell. One vol. 185 × 125 mm. Pp. 91. London: Duckworth and Co., 1920. [REVIEW]H. J. Rose - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (7-8):192-192.
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    Looking Through “Rose-Tinted” Glasses: The Influence of Tint on Visual Affective Processing.Tim Schilling, Alexandra Sipatchin, Lewis Chuang & Siegfried Wahl - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13:452016.
    The use of color-tinted lenses can introduce profound effects into how we process visual information at the early to late stages. Besides mediating harsh lighting conditions, some evidence suggests that color-tinted lenses can influence how humans respond to emotional events. In this study, we systematically evaluated how color-tinted lenses modified our participants’ psychophysiological responses to emotion-inducing images. The participants passively viewed pleasant, neutral or unpleasant images from the International-Affective-Picture-System (IAPS), while wearing none, blue, red, yellow or green tinted-lenses that were (...)
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    Halldén Sören. A reduction of the primitive symbols of the Lewis calculi. Portugaliae mathematica, vol. 8 no. 2 , pp. 85–88. [REVIEW]Alan Rose - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (3):231-231.
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    The Devil’s Demographics Changes in the Satanic Milieu, 2001–2009.James R. Lewis - 2011 - Alternative Spirituality and Religion Review 2 (2):248-286.
    From August 2000 to February 2001, I conducted an online survey of what eventually became 140 self-identified Satanists. A report detailing my findings from that questionnaire research was published in the Marburg Journal of Religion under the title “Who Serves Satan? A Demographic and Ideological Profile.” Eight years later, from June through December of 2009, a comparable online survey of 300 Satanists was conducted. However, because of certain problems with the second questionnaire, a third online survey was launched in 2011 (...)
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  11. Changing Our Logic: A Quinean Perspective.Michael Devitt & Jillian Rose Roberts - 2024 - Mind 133 (529):61-85.
    Can we change our logic and if so how? In ‘The Question of Logic’ (this volume), Saul Kripke takes a certain message about this from Lewis Carroll’s famous pape.
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    Mox.H. J. Rose - 1927 - Classical Quarterly 21 (2):57-66.
    Thatmox means, or can mean, ‘soon,’ is an assertion which is made often and positively, in works of all sorts, from the ordinary dictionaries, such as Facciolati-Forcellini and Lewis and Short, and valuable writings on lexicography such as Merguet's lexicon to Cicero and Krebs-Schmalz' Antibarbarus, down to the latest little school book at which I have looked. As I had never been able to find a passage in which it clearly and unambiguously had that meaning, in any classical author, (...)
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    Theorizing from the Margins: A Tribute to Lewis and Rose Laub Coser.Kimberly Kay Hoang - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (3):203-223.
    This article is an adaptation of the sixteenth Lewis A. Coser lecture, given virtually in 2021 for the American Sociological Association Meetings. In this article, I pay tribute to Lewis and Rose Laub Coser by engaging with their past work, which inspired a theoretical provocation about what it means to theorize from the margins. I specifically address the questions of who gets to be a theorist and what kinds of theoretical work get marginalized. I outline the process (...)
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    C. I. Lewis’s Theory of Meaning and Theory of Value. [REVIEW]B. R. S. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):158-158.
    This examination of C. I. Lewis’s theory of meaning and theory of value argues that while Lewis’s own statement of the connection between them is inadequate, a way can be shown which allows for a connection between the two. The amount of space devoted to this endeavor is even briefer than the length of the book indicates, for the last nineteen pages consist of an appendix on Quine’s theory of meaning, and there are numbered but blank pages between (...)
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  15.  23
    Concepts of Beauty in Renaissance Art.Francis Ames-Lewis & Mary Rogers - 2019 - Routledge.
    In this Volume, published in1998, Fifteen scholars reveal the ways of preserving, conceiving and creating beauty were as diverse as the cultural influenced at work at the time, deriving from antique, medieval and more recent literature and philosophy, and from contemporary notions of morality and courtly behaviour. Approaches include discussion of contemporary critical terms and how these determined writers' appreciation of paintings, sculpture, architecture and costume; studies of the quest to create beauty in the work of artists such as Botticeli, (...)
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  16.  62
    The unity of logic, pedagogy and foundations in Grassmann's mathematical work.Albert C. Lewis - 2004 - History and Philosophy of Logic 25 (1):15-36.
    Hermann Grassmann's Ausdehnungslehre of 1844 and his Lehrbuch der Arithmetik of 1861 are landmark works in mathematics; the former not only developed new mathematical fields but also both contributed to the setting of modern standards of rigor. Their very modernity, however, may obscure features of Grassmann's view of the foundations of mathematics that were not adopted since. Grassmann gave a key role to the learning of mathematics that affected his method of presentation, including his emphasis on making initial assumptions explicit. (...)
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    Hierarchical conceptual spaces for concept combination.Martha Lewis & Jonathan Lawry - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 237 (C):204-227.
  18. (1 other version)Analyses et comptes rendus.Geneviève Rodis-Lewis - 1976 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4:497.
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  19.  67
    Valence framing effects on moral judgments: A meta-analysis.Kelsey McDonald, Rose Graves, Siyuan Yin, Tara Weese & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104703.
  20.  46
    Phenomenology and Teleology: Hans Jonas's Philosophy of Life.Lewis Coyne - 2017 - Environmental Values 26 (3):297-315.
    Although Hans Jonas's theory of responsibility has been influential on continental European environmental ethics, his philosophy of life, which seeks to rehabilitate a teleological account of living beings and describe their differing degrees of ‘existential freedom’, is less well-known. In this article, I reconstruct the stages of Jonas's phenomenological account and address the key criticisms levelled at it. I argue that although Jonas's theory is flawed by internal contradictions, these may be rectifiable, and, if so, his philosophy of life could (...)
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  21.  40
    Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization.Lewis R. Gordon - 2020 - Routledge.
    The eminent scholar Lewis R. Gordon offers a probing meditation on freedom, justice, and decolonization. What is there to be understood and done when it is evident that the search for justice, which dominates social and political philosophy of the North, is an insufficient approach for the achievements of dignity, freedom, liberation, and revolution? Gordon takes the reader on a journey as he interrogates a trail from colonized philosophy to re-imagining liberation and revolution to critical challenges raised by Afropessimism, (...)
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    Agustín y Ticonio sobre metafísica y exégesis.Lewis Ayres & Juan Cruz Lacarra - 1995 - Augustinus 40 (156-159):13-30.
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  23. Anarchy, Space, and Indigenous Resistance : Developing Anti-Colonial and Decolonizing Commitments in Anarchist Theory and Practice.Adam Lewis - 2016 - In Marcelo José Lopes Souza, Richard John White & Simon Springer (eds.), Theories of resistance: anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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    Coordination and Convention.David Lewis - 1969 - In David Kellogg Lewis (ed.), Convention: A Philosophical Study. Cambridge, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 5–51.
    This chapter contains section titled: Sample Coordination Problems Analysis of Coordination Problems Solving Coordination Problems Convention Sample Conventions.
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  25. The trivium.Neil Lewis - 2019 - In John Coleman, Jack Cunningham, Nader El-Bizri, Giles E. M. Gasper, Joshua S. Harvey, Margaret Healy-Varley, David M. Howard, Neil Timothy Lewis, Anne Lawrence-Mathers, Tom McLeish, Cecilia Panti, Nicola Polloni, Clive R. Siviour, Hannah E. Smithson, Sigbjørn Olsen Sønnesyn, David Thomson, Rebekah C. White & Robert Grosseteste (eds.), The scientific works of Robert Grosseteste. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  26. The topography of visuospatial attention as revealed by a novel visual field mapping technique.J. A. Brefczynski-Lewis, R. Datta, J. W. Lewis & E. A. DeYoe - 2009 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (7):1447-1460.
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    A correspondence principle for the channelling of fast charged particles.Lewis T. Chadderton - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (155):1017-1031.
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    Plato's Analytic Method.Lynn E. Rose - 1971 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 32 (2):280-281.
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    : The Kingdom of Darkness: Bayle, Newton, and the Emancipation of the European Mind from Philosophy.Lewis Ashman - 2024 - Isis 115 (2):400-401.
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    In Defense of Walter Benjamin’s Constellational Curriculum: A Response to the Critics.Tyson E. Lewis - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (1):113-116.
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    The Problem of a Plurality of Eternal Beings in Robert Grosseteste.Neil Lewis - 1998 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 7 (1):17-38.
    The topic of this essay is what I name the idea that God the Creator and creatures comprise an exhaustive and mutually exclusive classification of the contents of reality. I am concerned with one of the most penetrating discussions of this issue to be found in the early thirteenth century, Robert Grosseteste’s treatment of challenges to Christian dualism.
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  32. Descartes aurait-il eu un professeur nominaliste?Geneviève Rodis-Lewis - 1971 - Archives de Philosophie 34 (1):37-46.
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  33. L'Art de parler et L'Essai sur l'origine des langues.Geneviève Rodis-Lewis - 1967 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 21 (4):407.
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    The Science of Religion: An Introduction.Lewis Guy Rohrbaugh - 1927 - Holt.
  35.  22
    The problem of directed left-right asymmetry in development.Lewis Wolpert - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (2):324-325.
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    On diffraction contrast at particle tracks in crystals.Lewis T. Chadderton - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (96):2085-2090.
  37.  42
    Evidence of Greek Religion on the Text and Interpretation of Attic Tragedy.Lewis R. Farnell - 1910 - Classical Quarterly 4 (03):178-.
    The object of this paper is partly to plead a cause, partly to proclaim a grievance. The last domain of ancient Greek life to attract the serious attention and study of modern scholars has been that of Greek Religion; and the exposition of it has revealed its many vital points of contact with the moral and spiritual energy and the artistic and poetic monuments of the ancient Hellenic race. An enthusiastic votary of this study might venture to hope that some (...)
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    The social roots of Einstein's theory of relativity: Part—II.Lewis S. Feuer - 1971 - Annals of Science 27 (4):313-344.
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    The Divine Activity of the Future.Lewis S. Ford - 1981 - Process Studies 11 (3):169-179.
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  40. Thinking through Some Themes of Race and More.Lewis R. Gordon - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (2):331-345.
    This article is a reflective essay, drawing upon insights on racism and related forms of oppression as expressions of bad faith, on several influential movements in contemporary philosophy of race and racism. The author pays particular attention to theories from the global south addressing contemporary debates ranging from Euromodernity, philosophical anthropology, and the racialization of First Nations or Amerindians to intersectionality theory, discourses on privilege, decolonization, and creolization.
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    To the Editor of the Classical Review.Lewis Campbell - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (1-2):61-.
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    A 1918 flu memoir.Ricki Lewis - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (8):3.
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  43. The collective experience of moral distress: a qualitative analysis of perspectives of frontline health workers during COVID-19.Sophie Lewis, Karen Willis & Natasha Smallwood - 2025 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 20 (1):1-11.
    Background Moral distress is reported to be a critical force contributing to intensifying rates of anxiety, depression and burnout experienced by healthcare workers. In this paper, we examine the moral dilemmas and ensuing distress personally and collectively experienced by healthcare workers while caring for patients during the pandemic. Methods Data are drawn from free-text responses from a cross-sectional national online survey of Australian healthcare workers about the patient care challenges they faced. Results Three themes were derived from qualitative content analysis (...)
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    The Elusive Mind.H. D. Lewis - 1969 - Routledge.
    First published in 1969, The Elusive Mind argues that the mental processes are of a quite different nature from physical ones and belong to an entity which is elusive in the sense that it can only be known, in the first instance, by each person in his own case in the course of having any kind of experience. This 'elusive' self is much involved with the body in any conditions we know, but it could also survive the dissolution of the (...)
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    (1 other version)An Unfit Future: Moral Enhancement and Technological Harm.Lewis Coyne - 2018 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 83:351-370.
    This essay addresses two aspects of Persson and Savulescu's case for moral enhancement: 1) the precise technological nature of ultimate harm, particularly as it applies to the ecological crisis, and 2) what is at stake in the solution they propose. My claim is that Persson and Savulescu's treatment of both issues is inadequate: the ecological crisis is a more complex phenomenon than they suppose, and more is at stake in moral enhancement than they claim. To make my case I draw (...)
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    A Medical Sublime.Bradley Lewis - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (3):265-287.
    Inspired by a passage from Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, this article considers the possibility of a “medical sublime.” It works through a history of the sublime in theory and in the arts, from ancient times to the present. It articulates therapeutic dimensions of the sublime and gives contemporary examples of its medical relevance. In addition, it develops the concept of sublime-based stress-reduction workshops and programs. These workshops bring the sublime out of the library and the museum into the lives of (...)
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    AFTERWORD. A Sampling of Other Interpretations.Lewis S. Ford - 1983 - In Lewis S. Ford & George L. Kline (eds.), Explorations in Whitehead's philosophy. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 305-346.
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  48. (1 other version)The Emergence of Whitehead's Metaphysics, 1925-1929.Lewis S. Ford - 1985 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 18 (3):169-172.
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    The Modes of Actuality.Lewis S. Ford - 1990 - Modern Schoolman 67 (4):275-283.
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    Hebrews 4:14–5:10.Lewis F. Galloway - 2003 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 57 (3):294-296.
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