Results for 'Léon Dorison'

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  1. On best transitive approximations to simple graphs.Leon Horsten - unknown
    Given any finite graph, which transitive graphs approximate it most closely and how fast can we find them? The answer to this question depends on the concept of “closest approximation” involved. In [8,9] a qualitative concept of best approximation is formulated. Roughly, a qualitatively best transitive approximation of a graph is a transitive graph which cannot be “improved” without also going against the original graph. A quantitative concept of best approximation goes back at least to [10]. A quantitatively best transitive (...)
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  2. Hermeneútica metafísica y metafísica hermeneútica.Leon Pompa - 1997 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 7:141-166.
    Parte de la dificultad presentada a la hora de establecer la relación entre filosofia y filología en la teoría hermenéutica viquiana surge del hecho de que Vico vaciló entre dos formas de entender esa relación, las cuales dieron lugar a dos diferentes concepciones de la relación entre hermenéutica y metafísica: entre una hermenéutica metafísica (predominante en SNP) y una metafísica hermenéutica (predominante en SNS). La primera, conforme al deseo viquiano de elaborar un "arte diagnóstica", hace dependiente a la interpretación de (...)
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    Abortion and infant mortality before and after the 1973 US Supreme Court decision on abortion.Leon S. Robertson - 1981 - Journal of Biosocial Science 13 (3):275-280.
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    Responsible Believers.Mark Leon - 2002 - The Monist 85 (3):421-435.
    For an action to be free, for an agent to be responsible for his action, it is sometimes thought that he must act from a will that is free or for which he is responsible. There is a connection between freedom of action and freedom or autonomy of will, but the connection cannot be the one envisaged here, modelling free will on a free action, for not only does that set off an obvious regress, but as importantly the elements of (...)
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    I. Of words and tools again.Leon Galis - 1968 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 11 (1-4):114-118.
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  6. Vocabulaire de Théologie Biblique.Xavier Léon-Dufour - 1962
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  7. Logika deontyczna czy logika norm?Leon Gumański - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 277 (12).
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  8. Barbarische Avantagen". Verhältnisse von Kunst und Barbarei in Abschnitt 223 von Menschliches Allzumenschliches I.Leon Hartmann - 2021 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Markus Winkler (eds.), Nietzsche, Das ›Barbarische‹ Und Die ›Rasse‹. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  9. Człowiek i powszedniość.Leon Kruczkowski - 1946 - Warszawa,:
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    El culto de la forma en la literatura de Flaubert.Francisco Cruz León - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (22):41-57.
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    Healthiness as a Virtue: The Healthism of mHealth and the Challenges to Public Health.Michał Wieczorek & Leon Walter Sebastian Rossmaier - 2023 - Public Health Ethics 16 (3):219-231.
    Mobile health (mHealth) technologies for self-monitoring health-relevant parameters such as heart frequency, sleeping patterns or exercise regimes aim at fostering healthy behavior change and increasing the individual users to promote and maintain their health. We argue that this aspect of mHealth supports healthism, the increasing shift from institutional responsibility for public health toward individual engagement in maintaining health as well as mitigating health risks. Moreover, this healthist paradigm leads to a shift from understanding health as the absence of illness to (...)
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    Organs for sale? Propriety, property, andthe price of progress.Leon R. Kass - 2011 - In Stephen Holland (ed.), Arguing About Bioethics. New York: Routledge. pp. 237.
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    Measuring Responsibility and Cooperation in Learning Teams in the University Setting: Validation of a Questionnaire.Benito León-del-Barco, Santiago Mendo-Lázaro, Elena Felipe-Castaño, Fernando Fajardo-Bullón & Damián Iglesias-Gallego - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The network remains.Smadar Ben-Tabou de-Leon - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (4):32.
    Eric Davidson was a legend both in his science and his personality. He inspired and challenged a new generation of developmental biologists and I was lucky to be one of them. He changed the way we think about biological interactions by synthesizing a large scale, almost incomprehensible set of data into a causal model of a gene regulatory network. While his death leaves a big hole in our lives, his contribution to the conceptualization of regulatory biology will inspire developmental and (...)
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  15. One Hundred Years of Semantic Paradox.Leon Horsten - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic (6):1-15.
    This article contains an overview of the main problems, themes and theories relating to the semantic paradoxes in the twentieth century. From this historical overview I tentatively draw some lessons about the way in which the field may evolve in the next decade.
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    Symmetry, Reference Frames, and Relational Quantities in Quantum Mechanics.Leon Loveridge, Takayuki Miyadera & Paul Busch - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (2):135-198.
    We propose that observables in quantum theory are properly understood as representatives of symmetry-invariant quantities relating one system to another, the latter to be called a reference system. We provide a rigorous mathematical language to introduce and study quantum reference systems, showing that the orthodox “absolute” quantities are good representatives of observable relative quantities if the reference state is suitably localised. We use this relational formalism to critique the literature on the relationship between reference frames and superselection rules, settling a (...)
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    Consideraciones historiográficas para una historia de la ontología [Historiographical considerations for a history of ontology].Paulo Vélez León - 2014 - In Tobies Grimaltos, Pablo Rychter & Pablo Aguayo (eds.), XX Congrés Valencià de Filosofia. Societat de Filosofia del País Valencià. pp. 347-362.
    [ES]Una historia de la ontología que pretenda dar cuenta de su acontecer de manera integral y equilibrada, ha de considerar tanto los aspectos historiográficos y filosóficos de sus fuentes así como los relativos a su contexto socio-cultural y necesariamente en relación con los de la metafísica, pues sus historias están indisolublemente ligadas, aunque ello no significa que necesariamente sean las mismas. En este trabajo, se intenta de manera elemental y mínima bosquejar dichas consideraciones, a través de una breve revisión historiográfica (...)
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    Towards a Compositional Model of Ideology.Jennifer Ponce de León & Gabriel Rockhill - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (1):95-116.
    This article sets forth a compositional model of ideology by drawing on the tradition of historical materialism and further developing its insights into the aesthetic composition of reality. It demonstrates how ideology is not simply a set of false beliefs but is rather the process by which social agents are composed over time in every dimension of their existence, including their thoughts, practices, perceptions, representations, values, affects, desires, and unconscious drives. By working through a number of diverse debates and authors—ranging (...)
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    Habits and Psychological Factors Associated With Changes in Physical Activity Due to COVID-19 Confinement.Eva León-Zarceño, Antonio Moreno-Tenas, Salvador Boix Vilella, Alejo García-Naveira & Miguel Angel Serrano-Rosa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The confinement that COVID-19 has brought about has had a negative influence on people’s psychological health. However, this impact is not widespread throughout the population, and men and women may be affected differently and it is not known what protective factors may exist. In this sense, physical activity has classically been shown to be a habit associated with psychological health. The study aimed to analyze the impact of confinement on psychological health, taking into account gender, and perceived changes in physical (...)
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    Minding the 'Unbridgeable Gap': The Future of Conscientious Objection in a Secular Age.Alain Julian León & Rico Vitz - 2017 - Christian Bioethics 23 (2):149-168.
    In this article, we offer a rebuttal to a key thesis in Chapter 5 of Engelhardt’s After God: namely, that there exists an “unbridgeable gap” between the dominant secular culture and traditional religious believers. Contra Engelhardt, we argue that it is possible to bridge the gap by employing a strategy that includes, but is not limited to, methods for cultivating understanding and respect and a sense of solidarity. Our argument proceeds in three steps. First, we elucidate Engelhardt’s thesis in light (...)
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    Haití como no-lugar: la revolución racializada y la filosofía hegeliana de la historia.Angelo Narváez León - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):55-66.
    En este artículo analizaremos los posibles criterios epistemológicos que, en el contexto de la filosofía hegeliana de la historia mundial, circunscriben el largo proceso revolucionario haitiano en un no-lugar narrativo. Contrario al imaginario político, económico y cultural europeo de fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX, que vio en la Revolución haitiana un acontecimiento que directa o indirectamente repercute en las transformación geopolítica global, en los discursos abolicionistas y en la flujos comerciales a través del Atlántico, Hegel parece (...)
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  22. Intuiciones sobre la noción de obra del arte.Paulo Vélez León - 2012 - In Vélez León Paulo & Pacurucu Hernán (eds.), Políticas al borde. Una investigación estética sobre el arte contemporáneo cuencano en los discursos políticos actuales. Redesep. pp. 25-56.
    Algunas de las preguntas fundamentales de la filosofía del arte son: 1) ¿Qué es una obra de arte?, 2) ¿Qué es Arte?, 3) ¿Qué es el arte? Responderlas es determinar el sentido del arte. Este tipo de preguntas están planteadas bajo la fórmula ¿Qué es X?, es decir, preguntas en las cuales en lo simple esta lo complejo, preguntas en donde lo simple no quiere decir que sean sencillas; son preguntas que traen dentro de si su naturaleza y carácter metafísico-ontológico-gnoseológico, (...)
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    The Last Bed in the ICU: Further Reflections.Carla Schissel, Leon J. Warshaw, Lawrence Hessman & Reed E. Pyeritz - 1978 - Hastings Center Report 8 (3):4.
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  24. Résurrection de Jésus et message pascal.Xavier Leon-Dufour - 1971
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  25. Literary truth and realism, the æsthetic function of literature and its relation to philosophy (II).P. Leon - 1921 - Mind 30 (120):429-443.
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    Filosofía del derecho para un mundo post pandemia.Antonio Mesa León - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 56:441-446.
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    La Infinitud de la Modernidad. Necesidad y Acumulación En la Filosofía Hegeliana Del Derecho.Angelo Narváez León - 2023 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 64 (155):459-482.
    ABSTRACT In the following pages we will address the internal and external dimensions of the Hegelian conceptualization of political economy in the analytical context of the Rechstphilosophie of 1820. We will understand by internal dimensions the moments proper to the Hegelian argument in its logical coherence and consistency and, by external dimensions, the validity and representativeness of that same argument in relation to the problems of political economy in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. To this end, we will (...)
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    Poder político, prensa y opinión pública en el régimen franquista.Baldomero Oliver León - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 35:329-336.
    (E. Chuliá. El poder y la palabra. Prensa y poder político en las dictaduras. El régimen de Franco ante la prensa y el periodismo, UNED, Madrid, 2001.
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  29. La educación ante los desafíos de la globalización.Vladimir Urueta León - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Venezuela) 69 (3):137-155.
    En el presente escrito se intentará mostrar algunos desafíos que el mundo contemporáneo pone a la educación bajo el influjo de la globalización, procesos que afectan muchos ámbitos del pensar y del actuar humano. Expone una serie de conceptualizaciones sobre dicho tema e invita al análisis serio de ese fenómeno por sus implicaciones sociales.
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    Beruf und Privatleben im Industriebetrieb.P. Leon & Jurg Johannesson - 1956 - Philosophical Quarterly 6 (25):376.
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    Colour wars: Dividing the spoils.Mark Leon - 2002 - Philosophy 77 (300):175-192.
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  32. Formation pédagogique complémentaire Des jeunes professeurs académiques dans le domaine Des nouvelles technologies de l'enseignement.Leja Leon - 1972 - Paideia 2:177.
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    (1 other version)Love and the Shadow of Sacrifice.Rawb Leon-Carlyle - 2021 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 25 (1):39-59.
    In this article, I foreground the role of relationality in Husserl’s later reflections on ethics and self-constitution, with a particular interest in Husserl’s account of sacrifice. I exposit how Husserl’s account of self-constitution and the conflict of absolute values between competing vocations offers a solution to Brentano’s rendering of the obligation to “choose the best among the ends attainable.” I explore the numerous instances in which Husserl uses the parent-child relation to illustrate the absolute value of our relation to an (...)
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  34. Realność.K. O. J. Leon - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 34 (2):123-136.
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    Viii.—New books.Philip Leon - 1936 - Mind 45 (179):388-390.
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    Après le Congrès thomiste - La discussion sur le réalisme.Léon Noël - 1925 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 27 (8):389-393.
  37. Freedom Ablaze: Ernst Jünger's and Michel Foucault’s Concept of Force.Leon Niemoczynski & Kevin Sodergren - 2006 - Pli 17:84-97.
  38. Le Tractatus de Principiis Theologiae Attribué À Guillaume D’Ockham.Léon Baudry - unknown - Vrin.
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    (1 other version)Preface.Leon Horsten & Volker Halbach - 2002 - In Volker Halbach & Leon Horsten (eds.), Principles of truth. New York: Hänsel-Hohenhausen. pp. 7-8.
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    IX. Sur la conception aristotélicienne de la causalité.Léon Robin - 1910 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 23 (1-4):184.
  41. A New Proof of Decidability of First-Order Functional Calculus.Leon Gumański - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (3).
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    Mediation theory and the "single-stage" S-R model: Different?Leon A. Jakobovits - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (4):376-381.
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  43. The follies of freedom and reason : an old story.Leon Kass - 2007 - In Richard Velkley (ed.), Freedom and the human person. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
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  44. The humanist dream: Babel then and now.Leon R. Kass - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (4):633-657.
    L'A. propose ici une lecture de la Bible, philosophique et en recherche de la sagesse. Il illustre cela en recherchant dans l'étude de la Bible ce qu'il appelle le rêve humaniste qui revient sans cesse de la société rationnelle. Parce que la Bible enseigne, la plupart du temps, non par argumentation, mais par récits, il propose de s'arrêter sur la première histoire concernant ce thème, celle de la ville et de la tour de Babel, racontée dans le livre de la (...)
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    Jan Amos Komeński a problemy współczesnej pedagogiki: praca zbiorowa.Leon Leja & Uniwersytet im Adama Mickiewicza W. Poznaniu (eds.) - 1974 - Poznań: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
    Rapport de la conférence scientifique "Jan Amos KomensKi et les problèmes de la pédagogie contemporaine" (Institut pédagogique de l'Université de Poznan, 19-20 novembre 1970). Série d'articles concernant la théorie du pédagogue sur les plus importants problèmes de la pédagogie contemporaine.
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    Zagadnienie pracy w pedagogice.Leon Leja - 1965 - Poznań,:
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    A real job? Regulating household work: The case of Spain.Margarita León - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (2):170-188.
    This article is contextualized within the recent evolution of household employment in Spain. In the context of the strong demand for personal care services – due to rapid population ageing, mass incorporation of women into the labour market and insufficient collective provision of care services – the growth of domestic work is closely related to the overall social organization of care and specific migration policies that have eased, both implicitly and explicitly, the labour supply of foreign women into Spanish households. (...)
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    Attention in Joint Attention: From Selection to Prioritization.Felipe León - 2022 - In Maren Wehrle, Diego D'Angelo & Elizaveta Solomonova (eds.), Access and Mediation: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 65-90.
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    A Contemporary Moralist: Albert Camus.Leon Roth - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (115):291 - 303.
    I use the word Moralist, somewhat after the French fashion, in the sense of a commentator on the human scene. I apologize for Contemporary, but there was another Camus, way back in the seventeenth century, who is being resuscitated now and who, according to the new Encyclopaedia of Literature , “wrote besides theological works some fifty novels which make him a pioneer of religious edification through popular fiction.” Our Camus is very much of our century and is still a comparatively (...)
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  50. Body, Mind and Spirit. --.Philip Leon - 1948 - [S.N.].
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