Results for 'Liberal governmentality'

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  1.  93
    From ‘Entrepreneur of the Self’ to ‘Care of the Self’: Neo-liberal Governmentality and Foucault’s Ethics.Andrew Dilts - 2011 - Foucault Studies 12:130-146.
    In his 1979 lectures, Foucault took particular interest in the reconfiguration of quotidian practices under neo-liberal human capital theory, re-describing all persons as entrepreneurs of the self. By the early 1980s, Foucault had begun to articulate a theory of ethical conduct driven not by the logic of investment, but of artistic development and self-care. This article uses Foucault’s account of human capital as a basis to explore the meaning and limits of Foucault’s final published works and argues for two (...)
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  2. Governing Labour: the Employment Relationship as a Privileged Terrain for Liberal Governmentality.C. Frade - forthcoming - Theory and Society.
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    Liberalism, Governmentality and Counter-Conduct; An Introduction to Foucauldian Analytics of Liberal Civil Society Notions.Miikka Pyykkönen - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:8-35.
    This article gives an analysis of Foucault’s studies of civil society and the various liberalist critiques of government. It follows from Foucault’s genealogical approach that “civil society” does not in itself possess any form of transcendental existence; its historical reality must be seen as the result of the productive nature of the power-knowledge-matrices. Foucault emphasizes that modern governmentality—and more specifically the procedures he names “the conduct of conduct”—is not exercised through coercive power and domination, but is dependent on the (...)
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    The governmentality of network governance: Collaboration as a new facet of the liberal art of governing.Oscar L. Larsson - 2020 - Constellations 27 (1):111-126.
  5.  32
    Governmentality Meets Theology: 'The King Reigns, but He Does Not Govern'.Mitchell Dean - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (3):145-158.
    While this ‘extraordinary’ book appears as an intermezzo within the Homo Sacer series (Negri, 2008), it supports two fundamental theses with its own philological, epigraphic, liturgical and religious-historical research, and a close reading of figures such as Ernst Kantorowicz and Marcel Mauss. These theses concern political power first as an articulation of sovereign reign and economic government and, secondly, as constituted by acclamations and glorification. These can be approached theoretically through its author’s engagement with Michel Foucault’s genealogy of governmentality (...)
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    Michel Foucault: Governmentality and liberal education.James Marshall - 1995 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 14 (1):23-34.
  7. Can Feminism be Liberated from Governmentalism?John Tomasi - 2009 - In Debra Satz & Rob Reich (eds.), Toward a humanist justice : the political philosophy of Susan Moller Okin. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
  8.  45
    The politics of the liberal archive.Joyce Patrick - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (2):35-49.
    The idea of considering the archive as a political technology of liberal governmentality is developed in this article, questions of the uses of archives (important as these are) taking second place here to the politics apparent in the design and idea of one particular form of the archive. This form is the public archive as it became apparent in the 19th-century institution of the public library, the two chief examples being in Manchester and at the British Museum in (...)
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  9. Governmentality: critical encounters.William Walters - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction: the advance of governmentality -- Foucault, power, and governmentality: introduction; what is governmentality?; beyond the microphysics of power?; from theory of the state to genealogy of the state; history of the art of government; pastoral power; raison d'état; liberal governmentality; five propositions on foucault and governmentality -- Governmentality 3.4.7.: introduction; governmentality after Foucault; governmentality and the political sciences; some problems in governmentality -- Foucault effect redux? some notes on international (...)
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  10.  11
    Michel Foucault’s Power Theory and the Significance of Critique in the Change from War to Governmentality. 김용규 - 2018 - Journal of the Daedong Philosophical Association 85:189-222.
    This paper aims to critically examine the change of Michel Foucault’s power theory “from war to governmentality” in the College de France lectures from 1976 to 1979. In that period, Foucault had attempted to change his own conception of power from discipline to bio-power, from bio-power to governmentality, and from neoliberal governmentality to the ethics of self. This paper focuses on the second change in order to track the change of power theory in Foucault. This change serves (...)
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    From Biopower to Governmentality.Johanna Oksala - 2013 - In Christopher Falzon, Timothy O'Leary & Jana Sawicki (eds.), A Companion to Foucault. Malden Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 320–336.
    This chapter discusses Foucault's conceptualizations of power‐biopower, pastoral power, and governmentality developed mainly in his lecture courses at the College de France in the late 1970s. It also explicates his analysis of liberal and neoliberal governmentality central in these lectures‐the forms of governmentality that he saw as specific to modern Western societies. Foucault did not intend these lectures to be published‐they have only been published posthumously‐and he regarded the arguments and ideas central in them as working (...)
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    Catastrophic Populations and the Fear of the Future: Malthus and the Genealogy of Liberal Economy.Ute Tellmann - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):135-155.
    This article argues that Foucault’s account of the intersection between population, liberal economy, and biopolitics needs to be reconstructed in light of Malthus’ Essay on the Principle of Population. Taking Malthus into account brings to the fore how deeply the question of population is tied to a colonial hierarchy that differentiates between dangerous ‘savage’ and economic ‘civilized’ life. ‘Savage life’ is depicted as a catastrophic form of life, which uses resources in a non-economic way due to its forgetfulness of (...)
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  13.  69
    Privacy and the Integrity of Liberal Politics: The Case of Governmental Internet Searches.Dorota Mokrosinska - 2014 - Journal of Social Philosophy 45 (3):369-389.
  14.  34
    Academic Subjectives: Governmentality and Self-Development in Higher Education.Fabian Cannizzo - 2015 - Foucault Studies 20:199-217.
    International debates surrounding the management of universities in Western states have focused heavily upon the implications of neo-liberalism and the economisation of knowledge at national and international levels. However, investigations at the institutional level reveal that programmes for the development of human capital, organisational reputation and service quality in education and research are encouraged through regimes of self-development, directed towards organisational objectives. This article utilises governmentality theory to explore the relationship between governance and subjectivity within the Australian higher education (...)
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    Foucault and Governmentality: Living to Work in the Age of Control.Benda Hofmeyr - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Drawing upon political philosophy and political economy, Benda Hofmeyr presents a Foucaultian analysis and historical contextualisation of the rise of neo-liberal governmentality. Historical, sociological and cultural studies help excavate the geneaology of the capitalist subject within the neo-liberal governmental context of the last four decades.
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  16. The Learning Society and Governmentality: An introduction.Maarten Simons & Jan Masschelein - 2006 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 38 (4):417-430.
    This paper presents an overview of the elements which characterize a research attitude and approach introduced by Michel Foucault and further developed as ‘studies of governmentality’ into a sub‐discipline of the humanities during the past decade, including also applications in the field of education. The paper recalls Foucault's introduction of the notion of ‘governmentality’ and its relation to the ‘mapping of the present’ and sketches briefly the way in which the studies of governmentality have been elaborated in (...)
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    Solidaridad en la gubernamentalidad liberal avanzada: un análisis en piezas publicitarias.M. Alejandra Energici, José Antonio Román B., Claudio Ramos Z. & Sebastián Ibarra G. - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 32.
    El artículo presenta una reflexión sobre la manera en que en los últimos veinte años la promoción de un determinado tipo de solidaridad en Chile ha contribuido a la conformación de una gubernamentalidad liberal avanzada, necesaria para la instalación de un programa neoliberal. La reflexión se enmarca en los aportes teóricos de Michel Foucault y tiene por objeto empírico piezas de publicidad de promoción de la solidaridad emitidas en Chile entre los años 2009 y 2010, que han sido analizadas (...)
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  18. The Emotional Life of Governmental Power.Elaine Campbell - 2010 - Foucault Studies 9:35-53.
    This paper explores the emotional life of governmental power through the affective domains of confidence and respect in criminal justice, in the context of a climate of insecurities and uncertainties with existing modes of governance. The paper problematises some of the key tenets of the governmentality thesis and questions its core assumptions about forms of rationality, processes of subjectivation and the conditions of possibility for ethical conduct. It also prompts us to reconsider the tenets of contemporary neo-liberal governance, (...)
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    Ethnographies of Neoliberal Governmentalities: from the neoliberal apparatus to neoliberalism and governmental assemblages.Michelle Brady - 2014 - Foucault Studies 18:11-33.
    This article is aimed at Foucauldian scholars and seeks to introduce them to ethnographic works that interrogate neoliberal governmentalities. As an analytic category ‘neoliberalism’ has over the last two decades helpfully illuminated connections between seemingly unrelated social changes occurring at multiple scales. Even earlier —in his College de France 1978-9 Birth of Biopolitics lectures, to be precise—Foucault began his engagement with neoliberalism as a dominant political force. Despite being more than three decades old, Foucault’s analysis of neoliberal rationalities remains fresh (...)
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    Dialogue as a Governmental Technique: Managing Gendered Islam in Germany.Schirin Amir-Moazami - 2011 - Feminist Review 98 (1):9-27.
    Throughout the last decades, state and civil society actors in Germany have undertaken a number of initiatives in order to enter into a structured conversation with Muslim communities, and to find spokespersons who serve as partners for political authorities. This process has commonly been analysed in terms of its empowering effects for Muslims via the emerging ‘institutionalisation’ of Islam. The modes and techniques of power at stake in this process have yet often been undermined. Through the lens of Foucault's concept (...)
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  21.  58
    Psychological life as enterprise: social practice and the government of neo-liberal interiority.Sam Binkley - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (3):83-102.
    This article theorizes the contemporary government of psychological life as neo-liberal enterprise. By drawing on Foucauldian critical social theory, it argues that the constellations of power identified with the psy-function and neo-liberal governmentality can be read through the problematic of everyday practice. On a theoretical level, this involves a re-examination of the notion of dispositif, to uncover the dynamic, ambivalent and temporal practices by which subjectification takes place. Empirically, this point is illustrated through a reflection of one (...)
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  22.  37
    Powers of Life and Death Beyond Governmentality.Mitchell Dean - 2002 - Cultural Values 6 (1):119-138.
    The work of Foucault on liberal government, and that of his followers, is subject to two dangers. The first is to regard the critical character of liberalism (as governing through freedom) as providing safeguards against the despotic potentials of biopower and sovereignty. The second is to regard these heterogenous powers of life and death as somehow simply relocated or reinscribed within the field of liberal governmentality. The latter point is a major methodological error; the former closes the (...)
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  23. Liberal Democracy’ in the ‘Post-Corona World’.Shirzad Peik - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 14 (31):1-29.
    ABSTRACT A new ‘political philosophy’ is indispensable to the ‘post-Corona world,’ and this paper tries to analyze the future of ‘liberal democracy’ in it. It shows that ‘liberal democracy’ faces a ‘global crisis’ that has begun before, but the ‘novel Coronavirus pandemic,’ as a setback for it, strongly encourages that crisis. ‘Liberalism’ and ‘democracy,’ which had long been assumed by ‘political philosophers’ to go together, are now becoming decoupled, and the ‘liberal values’ of ‘democracy’ are eroding. To (...)
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    Understanding the Forms of Government in Today’s Liberal and Democratic Societies: An Introduction. [REVIEW]Dominique Pestre - 2009 - Minerva 47 (3):243-260.
    What I consider in this paper are various forms of government, various technologies and discursive regimes of government that are in common use today. What interests me are the categories and tools, practical dispositifs and languages that developed over the last decades ‘to constitute, define, organize, and instrumentalize the strategies that individuals, acting freely, may use to deal with one another’ (Foucault). The paper considers first the neo-liberal wish to reassert the individual as alone in responsibility for his/her own (...)
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  25.  24
    What is Economic Theology? A New Governmental-Political Paradigm?Mitchell Dean - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (3):3-26.
    Countering claims of its impossibility, this paper argues for economic theology as an intelligible figure of contemporary political rationality and organization, and a distinctive analytical strategy in relation to forms of liberal and neoliberal governmentality and the contemporary management of social life. As an analytical strategy, it has two arms: an institutional one, drawing upon Michel Foucault’s work on the pastorate; and a conceptual one, following from Giorgio Agamben on oikonomia, order and providence. Economic theology was the arcana (...)
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  26. Liberal neutrality on the good: An autopsy.Richard Arneson - manuscript
    Should government be neutral "on the question of the good life, or of what gives value to life"?1 Some political theorists propose that governmental neutrality is a core commitment of any liberalism worth the name and a requirement of justice. For them, neutrality is the appropriate generalization of the ideal of religious tolerance. The state should be neutral in matters of religion, and neutral also in all controversies concerning the nature of the good or the ways in which it is (...)
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    Democracy and the neo‐liberal promotion of arbitrary power.Barry Hindess - 2000 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 3 (4):68-84.
    Liberal political thought has traditionally been hostile to the arbitrary power of rulers. It has, however, qualified this hostility through its promotion of what Locke calls ?prerogative?, the need for rulers to act in defence of the public good ? but on occasion outside the constraints of law. Liberal thought has tended to overlook the arbitrary powers of citizens and private organisations. This is due, first, to its commitment to individual liberty. But it is also due ?more substantially (...)
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  28.  19
    Arendt’s Break with the Liberal Imaginary of Society.Gorazd Kovačič - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (1).
    The first part of the article analyses the imaginary of the characteristics and form of society as developed in early modern liberal political philosophy, especially by John Locke and Thomas Paine. It uses different contemporary receptions of the key authors of this tradition, namely the liberal reception of John Keane, which emphasizes the theoretical distinction between civil society and the state, the materialist reception of Ellen Meiksins Wood, which contextualizes political ideas in the political struggles and class interests (...)
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  29. Populism, Anti-populism and Minorities: Governmental Discourses and Policies on the Romani People in Greece.G. Markou - 2024 - Caste: A Global Journal on Social Exclusion 5 (3):371-392.
    The early 21st century has witnessed a significant rise in extreme nationalism, racism, and xenophobia, deeply affecting the rights of minorities such as the Roma, who have historically faced systemic discrimination and racism. Given that many political leaders who downplay minority rights often engage in populist discourse, a debate has emerged about the relationship between populism and minority rights. While many scholars argue that populism inherently undermines liberal principles like the protection of minorities, the question remains whether populism is (...)
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  30. Justifying compulsory environmental education in liberal democracies.Anders Schinkel - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):507-526.
    The need for education for (as opposed to about) sustainability is urged from many sides. Initiatives in this area tend to focus on formal education. Governmental, supra-governmental and non-governmental bodies all expect much of this kind of education, which is to transform children—and through them society—in the direction of sustainability. Due to the combination of great transformative expectations or ambitions and a focus on schooling (the idea of) compulsory environmental education poses potentially severe problems for governments committed to liberal (...)
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  31.  62
    Government, rights and legitimacy: Foucault and liberal political normativity.Paul Patton - 2016 - European Journal of Political Theory 15 (2):223-239.
    One way to characterise the difference between analytic and Continental political philosophy concerns the different roles played by normative and descriptive analysis in each case. This article argues that, even though Michel Foucault’s genealogy of liberal and neoliberal governmentality and John Rawls’s political liberalism involve different articulations of normative and descriptive concerns, they are complementary rather than antithetical to one another. The argument is developed in three stages: first, by suggesting that Foucault offers a way to conceive of (...)
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  32. How do we want to grow old? Anti‐ageing‐medicine and the scope of public healthcare in liberal democracies.Mark Schweda & Georg Marckmann - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (7):357-364.
    Healthcare counts as a morally relevant good whose distribution should neither be left to the free market nor be simply imposed by governmental decisions without further justification. This problem is particularly prevalent in the current boom of anti-ageing medicine. While the public demand for medical interventions which promise a longer, healthier and more active and attractive life has been increasing, public healthcare systems usually do not cover these products and services, thus leaving their allocation to the mechanisms of supply and (...)
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    Foucault and normative political philosophy.Paul Patton - 2010 - In Christopher Falzon (ed.), Foucault and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 204.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Governmental and Public Reason Governmentality and the State Liberal and Neo‐Liberal Governmentality Governmentality and Legitimacy References.
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  34.  17
    The Extreme Right as a Philosophical and Psychoanalytic Problem: About “Liber-Fascism” and its Modalities of Jouissance.Jesús Ayala-Colqui, Arturo Romero Contreras, Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca & S. Antonio Letelier - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:143-162.
    The aim of this article is to problematize, from a sociopolitical and psychoanalytic point of view, the current rise of the new rights, especially in Latin America. Although this extremist renaissance is loosely and indicatively referred to as fascism, we believe that, after careful analysis, today’s far-rights are not simple repetitions of the fascisms of the s. XX. It is about an unprecedented governmentality and ideology that, on the one hand, is not reduced to neoliberalism and, on the other (...)
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    Economy of Nature as the Logic of Government.Marco Piasentier - 2023 - Filozofski Vestnik 44 (1):29-52.
    The aim of this paper is to show that Foucault’s genealogy of liberal governmentality necessitates reconsideration in light of the history of biology and its societal implications. In his lectures at the Collège de France in the late 1970s, Foucault argued that the natural growth of the market is what ultimately verifies or falsifies the excellence of liberal governmentality. Liberal governmentality recognizes the intimate correlation between the physical and social dimensions in order to adapt (...)
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    Narrative and social justice from the perspective of governmentality.Naomi Hodgson - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):559-572.
    The use of narrative research is often informed by a commitment to social justice on the part of the researcher. An example of this literature, Morwenna Griffiths' Action for Social Justice in Education: Fairly Different (2003), is taken here to illustrate the understanding of power and the way in which the relationship between theory and practice is conceived. The language and tone of such texts illustrate the role of a certain inheritance of psychology in the construction of subjectivity, which shapes (...)
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    Diversity, federalism and the nineteenth-century liberals.Michael Jewkes - 2016 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 19 (2):184-205.
    This paper provides an argument in favour of federal institutional design on the basis that it is more congenial to the preservation and promotion of normatively desirable societal diversity than its unitary alternative. Seeking inspiration in the work of three of the most influential liberal thinkers of the nineteenth century: John Stuart Mill; Alexis de Tocqueville; and Lord Acton, I construct a novel case for federalism that focuses on the inherent benefits of a dual/multi-layered governmental structure. Section one argues (...)
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  38.  20
    Governing Adolescent Reproduction in the ‘Developing World’: Biopower and Governmentality in Plan’s ‘Because I’m a Girl’ Campaign.Jacqueline Potvin - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):118-133.
    In this article, I analyse the discursive construction of adolescent pregnancy and childbearing as a development ‘problem’ in Plan’s ‘Because I’m a Girl’ campaign. I draw on existing scholarship that configures teenage pregnancy prevention campaigns in the ‘developed’ world as a site of biopolitics that seeks to maximise the well-being of the population by governing adolescent girls’ reproductive and sexual behaviours. Identifying Plan’s campaign as part of a larger turn towards adolescent girls in development discourse and policy, I also draw (...)
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    Neoliberalism, the Financial Crisis and the End of the Liberal State.Mauricio Lazzarato - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (7-8):67-83.
    The article turns to Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of state capitalism and their theorization of money and debt in their critique of capitalism to develop an analysis of the governmental management of the current crisis determined by ordo- and neoliberalism. The paper argues that analyses which fail to properly recognize the power of capital to determine both state apparatuses and economic policy thereby fail to grasp the real functioning of money, debt and the Euro in the crisis and end up (...)
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  40.  48
    Más allá de la razón liberal: Desbordes, heterogeneidad Y contradicción. Un estudio crítico de la perspectiva de Los governamentality studies.Ana Grondona & Victoria Haidar - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la recepción argentina de los governmentality studies , particularmente con los denominados anglofoucauldians . En esta dirección, nos referimos, inicialmente a los “deslizamientos” y “sobreentendidos” implicados en la traducción local de la perspectiva que examinamos. En segundo lugar, en un nivel más teórico y general, abordamos las limitaciones que supone la analítica del gobierno entendida en términos de la descripción de unas racionalidades políticas. En este punto, proponemos un modo alternativo, aunque complementario, (...)
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    Covid-19 Pandemic and the Freedom-Security Tension: Calibrating their Fragile Relationship.Pablo Martín Méndez - 2023 - Foucault Studies 35:192-210.
    Grounded in a will to adapt to dangers, and espouse both responsibility and resilience, voluntary measures have largely replaced one of the oldest public health strategies, quarantine. The Covid-19 pandemic, however, elicited a broad sweep of tactics from the archive of public health armoury. On a general level, this review essay addresses the common measures rolled out by various authorities against the pandemic - the lock-downs, reopening process, financial support and vaccination. By relating these measures to 1) the “plague-stricken town”, (...)
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    Ungovernable: reassessing Foucault’s ethics in light of Agamben’s Pauline conception of use.Morten Sørensen Thaning, Marius Gudmand-Høyer & Sverre Raffnsøe - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 77 (3):191-218.
    In the final volume of his Homo Sacer series, The use of bodies, Agamben claims that for Foucault ethics never escapes the horizon of governmentality and therefore his conception of ethics is ‘strategic.’ In light of this criticism, motivated by Agamben’s Pauline conception of ‘use,’ we reassess the status and function of ethics in Foucault’s late lectures. We investigate how Foucault’s approach to ethics develops from his treatment of liberal governmentality and also how its methodological foundation is (...)
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    Why the Economy is Often the Exception to Politics as Usual.Jacqueline Best - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (4):87-109.
    Many political theorists have turned to the dramatic political events of the post-9/11 world – terrorism, war, and the erosion of civil liberties – for insight into our changing sense of the political. Yet few have examined the economic dimensions of these events or sought to learn what they might tell us about the changing nature of political community today. This article seeks to fill this gap by drawing on the work of Michel Foucault and Georgio Agamben to examine the (...)
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    Neosocial market economy.Frieder Vogelmann - 2012 - Foucault Studies 14:115-137.
    Although the governmentality literature has occasionally acknowledged the importance of the concept of a liberal truth-regime, there has never been a thorough investi-gation of the role it plays in Foucault’s governmentality lectures. Therefore, this paper begins with an examination of the lectures’ “archaeological dimension” that leads to two claims: First, it shows that the crucial conceptual tool in the lectures is the question about the relation to truth that a particular political rationality possesses. Only by looking at (...)
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    Biopolitique, médecine sociale et critique du libéralisme.Emmanuel Renault - 2008 - Multitudes 34 (3):195.
    Current debates on neo-liberal governmentality and the medicalization-psychologization of the social constantly refer to Foucault’s theory of biopolitics. I critically examine Foucault’s notions of biopolitics and liberalism as conveyed in his articles on the emergence of social medicine in the 19th century. My thesis is that the movement of sanitary reform is irreducible to the mere development of liberal governmentality and that the idea of social medicine was associated in the period with a critique of the (...)
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    Foucault, pastoral power, and optics.Lauri Siisiäinen - 2015 - Critical Research on Religion 3 (3):233-249.
    The article shows that in Foucault’s late 1970s and early 1980s analyses of pastoral, conductive power—most essentially in early and medieval Christianity—the issue of sight and visual perception recurs and occupies a crucial status. In Foucault’s discussion, these Christian relations of power, knowledge, and truth are attached with a surveying gaze that is both totalizing as well as individualizing, one that is mobilized by the thrust towards perfect visibility, transparency, and illumination of the subject turned into an object. The intention (...)
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    Foucault, critique and rights.Paul Patton - 2005 - Critical Horizons 6 (1):267-287.
    This paper outlines Foucault's genealogical conception of critique and argues that it is not inconsistent with his appeals to concepts of right so long as these are understood in terms of his historical and naturalistic approach to rights. This approach is explained by reference to Nietzsche's account of the origins of rights and duties and the example of Aboriginal rights is used to exemplify the historical character of rights understood as internal to power relations. Drawing upon the contemporary 'externalist' approach (...)
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  48. Foucault and the Invisible Economy.Ute Tellmann - 2009 - Foucault Studies 6:5-24.
    This paper discusses the extent to which governmentality provides a critical visibility of the economy beyond its liberal imaginary. It argues that Foucault’s conceptual and historical understanding of liberal governmentality has two traits that encumber a de-centering of the economy from a Foucauldian perspective. The first obstacle results from a persistent asymmetry of the concept of governmentality as it remains solely geared towards replacing the monolithic account of the state. Governmentality is therefore in danger (...)
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  49. Judging Teachers: Foucault, governance and agency during education reforms.Jeff A. Stickney - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (6):649-662.
    Over a decade after publication of Thinking Again: Education After Postmodernism (1998) contention still emerges among Foucaultians over whether discursively made‐up things really exist, and whether removal of the constituent subject leaves room for agency within techniques of caring for the self. That these questions are kept alive shows that some readers have not rethought Foucault, finding what possibly comes after postmodernism. Using Wittgenstein to ‘reciprocally illuminate’ Foucault (after Tully and Marshall), I open teacher inspection and reforms to problematization, as (...)
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    Autonomy, agency and education: He tangata, he tangata, he tangata.Nesta Devine & Ruth Irwin - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (3):317–331.
    In this paper the authors take up James Marshall's work on the individual and autonomy. Their suggestion is that although the liberal notion of the autonomous individual might give us a standard of reference for the freedom of persons, the liberal tradition also circumscribes that freedom by prescribing it both as an attribute of persons and as a necessity for persons to exercise, in the form of choice, even though the range of choice is in fact limited. Starting (...)
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