Results for 'Lina Vidauskytė'

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    Radijo-aktyvi filosofija: Walterio Benjamino ir Karlo Jasperso radijo paskaitos.Lina Vidauskytė - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 96:50-61.
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  2. Šiuolaikinio kario patobulinimo problema: etinis aspektas.Lina Vidauskytė - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Transformation of the feast of fools: from carnival laughter to Mickey mouse's experience.Lina Vidauskytè - 2018 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 2 (2).
    The aim of the paper is a critical evaluation of Mikhail Bakhtin’s carnival laughter’s theory, and along the analysis of Walter Benjamin’s notion of laughter, and its relation to modernity. While Bakhtin concentrates his attention on a few medieval festivities, this paper focuses on the “feast of fools” (festa stultorum) as a metaphor for carnival laughter. For Bakhtin, clown, joker, etc. represents Medieval and Renaissance carnival spirit, while an animated Mickey Mouse, alongside with Charlie Chaplin’s movie character, appears in Benjamin’s (...)
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    Mitas ir šifras. Postsekuliarybės implikacijos Karlo Jasperso ir Rudolfo Bultmanno mąstyme.Lina Vidauskytė - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 98.
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    Aristoteliškas pharmakonas modernybės negandoms.Lina Vidauskytė - forthcoming - Problemos:212.
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    Dirbtinis intelektas: visuomenės infantilizacija ir bejėgiškumas.Lina Vidauskytė - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 109.
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    Dvasinės pratybos, metaforologija ir filosofinis konsultavimas.Lina Vidauskytė - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 108.
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    Garbės samprata karinėje etikoje.Lina Vidauskytė - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Karl Jaspers’ Conception of the Axial Age and the Idea of Paradigmatic Individuals.Lina Vidauskytė - 2020 - Dialogue and Universalism 30 (3):187-204.
    This essay analyzes Karl Jaspers’ conception of the Axial Age and the comparative idea of paradigmatic individuals among other relevant ideas in the light of post-secularity. The special focus is laid on the post-war situation in Western Europe which was one of the main factors of the formation of the aforementioned conceptions and ideas. The disaster which was brought by uncontrolled nationalism in Germany forced Jaspers to rethink the crisis of humanism after World War II. Using a comparative method Jaspers (...)
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    Metaphor of Existence: Seafaring and Shipwreck.Lina Vidauskytė - 2017 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (1).
    The paper focuses on the metaphor of existence as a way of philosophical talking about life. Metaphorology was introduced by Hans Blumenberg (1920–1996), one of the most important and innovative thinkers of the 20th century. The works of Blumenberg fall generally within the category of the hermeneutics of metaphor. It is, for him, the question of substituting the study of the more hidden work of metaphors, symbols, and myths for the traditional history of concepts and doctrines. One can say there (...)
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    On the Conspiracy Theories as Irony and Language Games (with Continual Reference to Richard Rorty’s Philosophy).Lina Vidauskytė - 2025 - Filosofija. Sociologija 36 (1).
    Using the ideas of early German Romantics and their modern interpretation in the thinking of the philosopher Richard Rorty, the article analyses conspiracy theories regarding them as irony and language games. Through the prism of these analogies, conspiracy theorists and their followers are treated as workers of the imagination (i.e. poets), even though they do not fit properly within the framework of the concept of a liberal or poetic society, developed by Rorty. The concept of poetic culture, initially proposed by (...)
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    Sophistry, Rhetoric and Politics.Lina Vidauskytė - 2022 - Filosofija. Sociologija 33 (3).
    The article aims to shed light on the connection between rhetoric and politics, and its dissemination in the sophistic and philosophical tradition. The argumentation is based on the conceptions of two contemporary philosophers – Barbara Cassin and Hans Blumenberg, who appear as the protagonists of positions according to which rhetoric takes up a significant place in political life. Since Plato, the sophists were treated as other pre-Socratics, as demagogs, who do not hold the truth but spread a false opinion. The (...)
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  13. Philosophy as rigorous science and/or as tragedy : Husserl and Shestov.Tomas Sodeika & Lina Vidauskytė - 2015 - In Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek, Faith and reason in Russian thought. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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    Poem: Dedicated to Andries G. van Aarde by Lina Spies.Lina Spies - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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  15. Explanatory Abstractions.Lina Jansson & Juha Saatsi - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (3):817–844.
    A number of philosophers have recently suggested that some abstract, plausibly non-causal and/or mathematical, explanations explain in a way that is radically dif- ferent from the way causal explanation explain. Namely, while causal explanations explain by providing information about causal dependence, allegedly some abstract explanations explain in a way tied to the independence of the explanandum from the microdetails, or causal laws, for example. We oppose this recent trend to regard abstractions as explanatory in some sui generis way, and argue (...)
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  16. What are degrees of belief.Lina Eriksson & Alan Hájek - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (2):185-215.
    Probabilism is committed to two theses: 1) Opinion comes in degrees—call them degrees of belief, or credences. 2) The degrees of belief of a rational agent obey the probability calculus. Correspondingly, a natural way to argue for probabilism is: i) to give an account of what degrees of belief are, and then ii) to show that those things should be probabilities, on pain of irrationality. Most of the action in the literature concerns stage ii). Assuming that stage i) has been (...)
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  17. Conceptual Spaces for Conceptual Engineering? Feminism as a Case Study.Lina Bendifallah, Julie Abbou, Igor Douven & Heather Burnett - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-31.
    Recently, there has been much research into conceptual engineering in connection with feminist inquiry and activism, most notably involving gender issues, but also sexism and misogyny. Our paper contributes to this research by explicating, in a principled manner, a series of other concepts important for feminist research and activism, to wit, feminist political identity terms. More specifically, we show how the popular Conceptual Spaces Framework (CSF) can be used to identify and regiment concepts that are central to feminist research, focusing (...)
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  18. Quantitative Parsimony: Probably for the Better.Lina Jansson & Jonathan Tallant - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (3):781–803.
    ABSTRACT Our aim in this article is to offer a new justification for preferring theories that are more quantitatively parsimonious than their rivals. We discuss cases where it seems clear that those involved opted for more quantitatively parsimonious theories. We extend previous work on quantitative parsimony by offering an independent probabilistic justification for preferring the more quantitatively parsimonious theories in particular episodes of theory choice. Our strategy allows us to avoid worries that other considerations, such as pragmatic factors of computational (...)
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  19. Explanatory Asymmetries, Ground, and Ontological Dependence.Lina Jansson - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (1):17-44.
    The notions of ground and ontological dependence have made a prominent resurgence in much of contemporary metaphysics. However, objections have been raised. On the one hand, objections have been raised to the need for distinctively metaphysical notions of ground and ontological dependence. On the other, objections have been raised to the usefulness of adding ground and ontological dependence to the existing store of other metaphysical notions. Even the logical properties of ground and ontological dependence are under debate. In this article, (...)
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  20. What is Objectification?Lina Papadaki - 2010 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 7 (1):16-36.
    Objectification is a notion central to contemporary feminist theory. It has famously been associated with the work of anti-pornography feminists Catharine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin, and more recently with the work of Martha Nussbaum. However, objectification is a notion that has not yet been adequately defined. It has been used rather vaguely to refer to a broad range of cases involving, in some way or another, the treatment of a person as an object. My purpose in this paper is to (...)
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  21. Explanatory Asymmetries: Laws of Nature Rehabilitated.Lina Jansson - 2015 - Journal of Philosophy 112 (11):577-599.
    The problem of explanatory non-symmetries provides the strongest reason to abandon the view that laws can figure in explanations without causal underpinnings. I argue that this problem can be overcome. The solution that I propose starts from noticing the importance of conditions of application when laws do explanatory work, and I go on to develop a notion of nomological dependence that can tackle the non-symmetry problem. The strategy is to show how a strong notion of counterfactual dependence as guaranteed by (...)
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  22. Pessimism, stubbornness and weakness of will.Lina Lissia - forthcoming - Paradigmi.
    This paper examines the relations between stubbornness and weakness of will, adopting Holton’s definition of weakness of will as an over-readiness to revise one’s resolutions. It posits that both stubbornness and weakness of will are responses to pessimism – the negative perception of a task or its outcome. Contrary to naive judgement, stubbornness is not merely the opposite of weakness; rather, it serves as a preventive behaviour stemming from a fear of weakness of will. Weakness of will and stubbornness can (...)
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  23. Kantian Marriage and Beyond: Why It Is Worth Thinking about Kant on Marriage.Lina Papadaki - 2010 - Hypatia 25 (2):276-294.
    Kant has famously argued that monogamous marriage is the only relationship where sexual use can take place "without degrading humanity and breaking the moral laws." Kantian marriage, however, has been the target of fierce criticisms by contemporary things: it has been regarded as flawed and paradoncal, as being deeply at odds with feminism, and, at best, as plainly uninteresting. In this paper, I argue that Kantian marriage can indeed survive these criticisms. Finally, the paper advances the discussion beyond marriage. Drawing (...)
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    ‘I didn’t count “willingness to pay” as part of the value’: Monetary valuation through respondents’ perspectives.Lina Isacs, Cecilia Håkansson, Therese Lindahl, Ulrika Gunnarsson-Östling & Pernilla Andersson - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (2):163-188.
    A frequent justification in the literature for using stated preference methods (SP) is that they are the only methods that can capture the so-called total economic value (TEV) of environmental changes to society. Based on follow-up interviews with SP survey respondents, this paper addresses the implications of that argument by shedding light on the construction of TEV, through respondents’ perspective. It illuminates the deficiencies of willingness to pay (WTP) as a measure of value presented as three aggregated themes considering respondents’ (...)
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  25. Cut-off points for the rational believer.Lina Maria Lissia - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-19.
    I show that the Lottery Paradox is just a version of the Sorites, and argue that this should modify our way of looking at the Paradox itself. In particular, I focus on what I call “the Cut-off Point Problem” and contend that this problem, well known by Sorites scholars, ought to play a key role in the debate on Kyburg’s puzzle. Very briefly, I show that, in the Lottery Paradox, the premises “ticket n°1 will lose”, “ticket n°2 will lose”… “ticket (...)
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  26. The interference problem for the betting interpretation of degrees of belief.Lina Eriksson & Wlodek Rabinowicz - 2013 - Synthese 190 (5):809-830.
    The paper’s target is the historically influential betting interpretation of subjective probabilities due to Ramsey and de Finetti. While there are several classical and well-known objections to this interpretation, the paper focuses on just one fundamental problem: There is a sense in which degrees of belief cannot be interpreted as betting rates. The reasons differ in different cases, but there’s one crucial feature that all these cases have in common: The agent’s degree of belief in a proposition A does not (...)
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    Stimulus awareness is necessary for both instrumental learning and instrumental responding to previously learned stimuli.Lina I. Skora, Ryan B. Scott & Gerhard Jocham - 2024 - Cognition 244 (C):105716.
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  28. Everettian quantum mechanics and physical probability: Against the principle of “State Supervenience”.Lina Jansson - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 53:45-53.
    Everettian quantum mechanics faces the challenge of how to make sense of probability and probabilistic reasoning in a setting where there is typically no unique outcome of measurements. Wallace has built on a proof by Deutsch to argue that a notion of probability can be recovered in the many worlds setting. In particular, Wallace argues that a rational agent has to assign probabilities in accordance with the Born rule. This argument relies on a rationality constraint that Wallace calls state supervenience. (...)
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    Distributed containment control of second-order multiagent systems with input delays under general protocols.Lina Rong & Hao Shen - 2016 - Complexity 21 (6):112-120.
  30. The Epistemic and the Deontic Preface Paradox.Lina Maria Lissia & Jan Sprenger - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    This paper generalizes the preface paradox beyond the conjunctive aggregation of beliefs and constructs an analogous paradox for deontic reasoning. The analysis of the deontic case suggests a systematic restriction of intuitive rules for reasoning with obligations. This proposal can be transferred to the epistemic case: it avoids the preface and the lottery paradox and saves one of the two directions of the Lockean Thesis (i.e., high credence is sufficient, but not necessary for rational belief). The resulting account compares favorably (...)
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  31. Pragmatist quantum theory handle objectivity about explanations?Lina Jansson - 2020 - In Juha Saatsi & Steven French, Scientific Realism and the Quantum. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  32. When Are Structural Equation Models Apt? Causation versus Grounding.Lina Jansson - 2018 - In Alexander Reutlinger & Juha Saatsi, Explanation Beyond Causation: Philosophical Perspectives on Non-Causal Explanations. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  33. Treating Others Merely as Means: A Reply to Kerstein.Lina Papadaki - 2016 - Utilitas 28 (1):73-100.
    At the heart of Kantian theory lies the prohibition against treating humanity merely as a means. Two of the most influential interpretations of what this means are Wood's and O'Neill's. Drawing on these thinkers' ideas, Kerstein formulates two accounts of what is involved in the idea of treating a person merely as a means: the and accounts. Kerstein's attempt is to show that they are problematic. He introduces his to alleviate the problems they face. I argue that the end-sharing and (...)
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    Relationship Between Psychological Empowerment and the Retention Intention of Kindergarten Teachers: A Chain Intermediary Effect Analysis.Lina Ma, Fusheng Zhou & Haidan Liu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: To investigate the relationship between psychological empowerment, psychological capital, job involvement, and the retention intention of kindergarten teachers in mainland China and the internal mechanism of action.Methods: A total of 554 kindergarten teachers were investigated by scales for psychological empowerment, psychological capital, job involvement, and retention intention.Results: Psychological empowerment was positively correlated with psychological capital and job involvement. Psychological capital was positively correlated with job involvement. Psychological empowerment, psychological capital, and job involvement were significantly and positively correlated with retention (...)
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    Advancing Data Justice in Public Health and Beyond.Lina Dencik - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):32-33.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 32-33.
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    Surveillance Realism and the Politics of Imagination: Is There No Alternative?Lina Dencik - 2018 - Krisis | Journal for Contemporary Philosophy 38 (1):31-43.
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    Correction to: Cut-off points for the rational believer.Lina Maria Lissia - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-1.
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    Impact of online convenience on generation Z online impulsive buying behavior: The moderating role of social media celebrity.You Lina, Deshuai Hou & Saqib Ali - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This research aims to determine which dimensions of online convenience influence generation z consumers’ cognitive and affective attitudes and online impulsive buying behavior. The moderating effect of social media celebrity is also investigated to examine the attitude-behavior gap. A total of 348 responses from Chinese users who followed digital celebrities were received using purposive sampling. Data analysis and hypothesis testing were carried out using SmartPLS, version 3. The results indicated that relationship convenience, possession convenience, post possession conveniences, transaction convenience, and (...)
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  39. On some analogies between the counterexamples to modus ponens (and modus tollens).Lina Maria Lissia - 2020 - The Reasoner 14 (6):35-37.
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    Functional interplay within the epitranscriptome: Reality or fiction?Lina Worpenberg, Chiara Paolantoni & Jean-Yves Roignant - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (2):2100174.
    RNA modifications have recently emerged as an important regulatory layer of gene expression. The most prevalent and reversible modification on messenger RNA (mRNA), N6‐methyladenosine, regulates most steps of RNA metabolism and its dysregulation has been associated with numerous diseases. Other modifications such as 5‐methylcytosine and N1‐methyladenosine have also been detected on mRNA but their abundance is lower and still debated. Adenosine to inosine RNA editing is widespread on coding and non‐coding RNA and can alter mRNA decoding as well as protect (...)
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    Railroad Voices: Narratives by Linda Niemann, Photographs by Lina Bertucci.Linda Niemann & Lina Bertucci - 1998 - Stanford University Press.
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    Schopenhauer on Death, Salvation and Consolation☆.Lina Papadaki - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 44 (4):426-447.
    For Schopenhauer, life is pain, and we are in need of a release from it. Death offers this release and should therefore be considered as a good thing, something desirable, a friend. He is well aware, however, that it is far from easy to reconcile ourselves with the idea of death. The purpose of this paper is to navigate the path towards the possibility of consolation in Schopenhauer’s philosophy. Quite remarkably, Schopenhauer is not only successful in consoling us for death; (...)
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    Antikinė teisingumo samprata ir jos įtaka Vakarų teisės tradicijai: monografija.Linas Baublys - 2005 - Vilnius: Mykolo Romerio universitetas.
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    Frequency effects in the L2 acquisition of the catenative verb construction – evidence from experimental and corpus data.Lina Azazil - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (3):417-451.
    This paper investigates frequency effects in the L2 acquisition of the catenative verb construction by German learners of English from a usage-based perspective by presenting findings from two experimental studies and a complementary corpus study. It was examined if and to what extent the frequency of the verb in the catenative verb construction affects the choice of the target-like complement type and if the catenative verb construction with a to-infinitive complement, which is highly frequent in English, is more accurately acquired (...)
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  45. Interview with Paul Égré.Lina M. Lissia - 2021 - The Reasoner 15 (1):1-3.
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    Varieties and Functions of Institutions.Lina Eriksson - 2019 - Analyse & Kritik 41 (2):383-390.
    Hindriks describes institutions as norm-governed social practices, and argue that his theory help bring together and complete earlier theories of institutions. In this comment on his paper, I argue that his argument would be even better if he clarified certain parts of his argument with regards to the nature of institutions and the relationship between institutions and social norms. I also argue that he should reconsider his claim that institutions (and social norms) exist in order to solve cooperation and coordination (...)
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    The Liberal International Order as an Imposition: A Postcolonial Reading.Lina Benabdallah - 2024 - Ethics and International Affairs 38 (2):162-179.
    Cracks in the liberal international order (LIO) have been occurring since its very formation. Yet, some international relations scholarship frames the narrative about imminent threats to the LIO as if such threats were new. From a postcolonial vantage point, this essay contends that mainstream theorizing about international order is problematically Eurocentric and develops a three-pronged argument. In the first place, the essay argues for understanding order as a command or as an imposition. Order as a command renders visible power disparities, (...)
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  48. Biometric identity systems in law enforcement and the politics of (voice) recognition: The case of SiiP.Lina Dencik, Javier Sánchez-Monedero & Fieke Jansen - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    Biometric identity systems are now a prominent feature of contemporary law enforcement, including in Europe. Often advanced on the premise of efficiency and accuracy, they have also been the subject of significant controversy. Much attention has focussed on longer-standing biometric data collection, such as finger-printing and facial recognition, foregrounding concerns with the impact such technologies can have on the nature of policing and fundamental human rights. Less researched is the growing use of voice recognition in law enforcement. This paper examines (...)
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  49. Distinct Patterns of University Students Study Crafting and the Relationships to Exhaustion, Well-Being, and Engagement.Lina Marie Mülder, Sonja Schimek, Antonia Maria Werner, Jennifer L. Reichel, Sebastian Heller, Ana Nanette Tibubos, Markus Schäfer, Pavel Dietz, Stephan Letzel, Manfred E. Beutel, Birgit Stark, Perikles Simon & Thomas Rigotti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Job crafting has been established as a bottom-up work design instrument for promoting health and well-being in the workplace. In recent years, the concepts of job crafting have been applied to the university student context, proving to be positively related to student well-being. Building on person-centered analyses from the employment context, we assessed approach study crafting strategy combinations and the relationships to students’ exhaustion, study engagement, and general well-being. Data from 2,882 German university students were examined, collected online during the (...)
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  50. Instruments as Playthings: An Alternative Methodology for the Study of Scientific Artefacts.Lina Hakim - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (2):197-226.
    This article proposes that thinking of scientific instruments as playthings or philosophical toys offers a method for looking at the ways in which we learn from made things and from the act of making in investigating the world. Rather than approaching artefacts as stable ob- jects, definable and categorisable in terms of their function, this method puts forward the instability and mobility of artefacts on several levels: in terms of their movements between hands, social contexts and systems of knowledge, in (...)
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