Results for 'Ljiljana Filipović'

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    Nesvjesno u filozofiji.Ljiljana Filipović - 1997 - Zagreb: Izdanja Antibarbarus.
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  2. Towards an ethics of shame.Zlatan Filipovic - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):99-114.
    Departing from Levinas, this paper will address the significance of shame in contemporary discourse in order to approach what could be called its ethical intrigue. Focusing on its political, social and phenomenological implications, I intend to reconsider the experience of shame as it has been appropriated within the politics of affect and account for its relation to ethics, which alone can reveal its transformative possibilities. Shame will emerge as an affect of proximity whose basic structure of being exposed is an (...)
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  3. Krasotata na zhivota: [Izsledvane].Dimitŭr Filipov - 1980 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Logic and dialectic in the Soviet Union.Aleksandr Pavlovich Filipov - 1952 - New York,: Research Program on the U.S.S.R..
  5. Lenjin: monografija njegove misli / Muhamed Filpović.Muhamed Filipović - 1980 - Sarajevo: "Veselin Masleša,".
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  6. (1 other version)Novija filozolija Zapada i odabrani tekstovi.Vladimir Filipović - 1968 - Zagreb,: Matica hrvatska.
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  7. Personen als Informationsbündel? Informationsethische Perspektiven auf den Gesundheitsbereich.Anna Puzio & Alexander Filipovic - 2021 - In Anna Puzio & Alexander Filipovic (eds.), Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Anthropologische und ethische Herausforderungen neuer Entwicklungen im Gesundheitsbereich. Freiburg: Herder.
    Die folgende Untersuchung nimmt eine informationsethische und anthropologische Perspektive ein und legt einen Schwerpunkt auf die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) im Gesundheitsbereich. Zunächst beschreiben und problematisieren wir das Feld der Informationsethik, das im Wesentlichen heute als Ethik von umfassenden, digitalen Computersystemen als informationsprozessierenden Maschinen verstanden wird (Kap. 2). Im zweiten, anthropologischen Schritt untersuchen wir, wie informationelle Gesundheitstechnologien das menschliche Selbstverständnis beeinflussen (Kap. 3). Dies leitet über zur ethischen Fragestellung, die Überwachung, Kontrolle und Autonomie als Brennpunkte des Gesundheitsbereichs fokussiert (Kap. 4). (...)
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  8. Husserl’s understanding of temporality as a reflection of active subject.Anastasija Filipovic - 2023 - Theoria 66 (3):39-54.
    Objects and events from the outside world are represented in our consciousness through the structure of time. Temporality and consciousness are closely related phenomena and in this paper, I intend to explore their relationship by referring to the philosophy of Edmund Husserl. I will try to provide an adequate contemporary interpretation of Husserl’s understanding of temporality and the relationship between the internal structure of time and consciousness through the conceptual framework of dynamic systems theory and enactivist theory of cognition.. In (...)
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    Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition.L. Filipovic & K. M. Jaszczolt (eds.) - 2012 - John Benjamins.
    This is an interdisciplinary volume that focuses on the central topic of the representation of events, namely cross-cultural differences in representing time and space, as well as various aspects of the conceptualisation of space and time.
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  10. The Automated Laplacean Demon: How ML Challenges Our Views on Prediction and Explanation.Sanja Srećković, Andrea Berber & Nenad Filipović - 2021 - Minds and Machines 32 (1):159-183.
    Certain characteristics make machine learning a powerful tool for processing large amounts of data, and also particularly unsuitable for explanatory purposes. There are worries that its increasing use in science may sideline the explanatory goals of research. We analyze the key characteristics of ML that might have implications for the future directions in scientific research: epistemic opacity and the ‘theory-agnostic’ modeling. These characteristics are further analyzed in a comparison of ML with the traditional statistical methods, in order to demonstrate what (...)
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    Evidential meanings in native and learner Japanese and English.Luna Filipović, Mika Brown & Paul E. Engelhardt - 2023 - Pragmatics and Society 14 (3):484-508.
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  12. Reconsidering the ethics of cosmopolitan memory: In the name of difference and memories to-come.Zlatan Filipovic - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Departing from what Levey and Sznaider (2002) in their seminal work ‘Memory Unbound’ refer to as ‘cosmopolitan memory’ that emerges as one of the fundamental forms ‘collective memories take in the age of globalization’, this article will consider the underlying ethical implications of global memory formation that have yet to be adequately theorized. Since global disseminations of local memory cultures and the implicit canonization of its traumas are intimately related to the concept of archive, I will first focus on what (...)
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  13. The Roots of My Shame.Zlatan Filipovic - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):83-100.
    We’re tired of trees. We should stop believing in trees, roots, and radicles. They’ve made us suffer too much [ … ] Nothing is beautiful or loving or political aside from underground stems and aeri...
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    Art=life? Deleuze, badiou and ontology of the human.Andrija Filipovic & Bojana Matejic - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (2):392-413.
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  15. Nauchno-tekhnicheska revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ i estetichesko vŭzpitanie: [sb. dokl. i nauch. sŭobshtenii︠a︡ ot Nauch. konf. "Dukhovnata kultura v uslovii︠a︡ta na nauch.-tekhn. revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ i estet. vŭzpitanie".Dimitŭr Filipov (ed.) - 1978 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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    Filozofski eseji.Muhamed Filipović - 2007 - Sarajevo: Prosperitet.
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    Material foundations of ecological rationality.Nenad Filipović - 2025 - Synthese 205 (3):1-32.
    The ecological approach to rationality, exemplified in theories such as Gerd Gigerenzer’s Fast and Frugal Heuristics, posits that different decision-making procedures are rational in various decision environments. In this regard, the ecological approach sharply contrasts with standard normative theories like Expected Utility Theory, which is often viewed merely as an analysis of bounded rationality. In this article, I aim to provide philosophical foundations for the ecological approach as a framework for normative rationality. I draw on John Norton’s Material Theory of (...)
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  18. Bruno Latur i teorija aktera-mreže.Božidar Filipović - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (1):129-149.
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    Confession to Make: Inadvertent Confessions and Admissions in United Kingdom and United States Police Contexts.Luna Filipović - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous studies have addressed many different kinds of confessions in police investigations – real, false, coerced, fabricated – and highlighted both psychological and social mechanisms that underlie them. Here, we focus on inadvertent confessions and admissions, which occur when a suspect appears to be confessing without being fully aware of doing so, or when police officers believe they have a confession or admission of guilt when in fact this is not the case. The goal of the study is to explain (...)
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    Filozofija renesanse i odabrani tekstovi filozofa.Vladimir Filipović - 1956 - Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske.
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    Klasični njemački idealizam: i odabrani tekstovi filozofa.Vladimir Filipović - 1982 - Zagreb: Nakl. zavod Matice hrvatske.
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  22. Marksizam i suvremena filozofija: studije iz suvremene filozofije.Muhamed Filipović - 1975 - Sarajevo : Veselin Maslesa,:
  23. The role of sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer diagnosis.N. Dordevic, S. Filipovic & M. Pesic - forthcoming - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature.
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  24. Gestaltungsfragen der Digitalität : zu den sozialethischen Herausforderungen von künstlicher Intelligenz, Big Data und Virtualität.Christopher Koska & Alexander Filipović - 2017 - In Ralph Bergold, Jochen Sautermeister & André Schröder (eds.), Dem Wandel eine menschliche Gestalt geben: sozialethische Perspektiven für die Gesellschaft von morgen: Festschrift zur Neueröffnung und zum 70-jährigen Bestehen des Katholisch-Sozialen Instituts. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder.
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    The role of Sen tinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancert Di ag nosis.Nebojša Đorđević, Slađana Filipović, Miomir Pešić, Mihajlo Đorđević, Aleksandar Karanikolić & Toplica Bojić - 2002 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 9 (3):223-226.
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    Gesellschaft ohne Diskurs?: digitaler Wandel und Journalismus aus medienethischer Perspektive.Ingrid Stapf, Marlis Prinzing & Alexander Filipović (eds.) - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Sind wir auf dem Weg in eine Gesellschaft ohne Diskurs? Der Journalismus stosst im digitalen Zeitalter auf zahlreiche Veranderungen, die die Erfullung seiner verfassungsrechtlichen und gesellschaftlichen Aufgabe erschweren. Der Band thematisiert aus medienethischer Perspektive die journalistischen Herausforderungen und Potenziale des Medienwandels.
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    Hands, screws, triangles and absolute space.Nenad Filipovic - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):279-302.
    Sake i ostali inkongruentni protivdelovi su dovoljni da odbacimo relacionizam, ili je bar tako mislio Kant, jos od nekih svojih prekritickih spisa. Argumenti sa inkongruentnim protivdelovima su elegantni i efektni, i privukli su prilicno veliku paznju kod odredjenog broja autora, koji su argumente kritikovali na razne nacine, ili ih branili. Rasprave su se pritom odaljile od originalnog Kantovog argumenta, i od duha tog vremena, i primila obelezja moderne filozofije i geometrije. U ovom tekstu bi trebalo da pokazem da Kant, kao (...)
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    Language-specific effects on lexicalisation and memory of motion events.Luna Filipović & Sharon Geva - 2012 - In L. Filipovic & K. M. Jaszczolt (eds.), Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Language, culture, and cognition. John Benjamins. pp. 269.
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    Tasawwuf: Islamski misticizam i druge studije.Nedim Filipović - 2011 - Sarajevo: Dobra knjiga.
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    The Problem of Reindividuation and Money-Pump Arguments: Analysis of Mamou’s Solution.Nenad Filipović - forthcoming - Topoi:1-10.
    In this article, I examine the consequences of Mamou’s recent solution to the so-called problem of reindividuation. The problem is first proposed by John Broome as an argument against the Humean view of rationality and subjective decision theory. Essentially, Broome argues that the reindividuation of outcomes must be constrained in some way if the axioms of rationality are not to be vacuous, but the constraints on individuation cannot be consistent with the Humean view of rationality. Mamou offers an elegant Humean (...)
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    Filozofijski rječnik.Vladimir Filipović & Branko Bošnjak (eds.) - 1984 - Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske.
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  32. Filozofijski rječnik.Vladimir Filipović - 1965 - Zagreb,: Matica hrvatska.
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  33. Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion. Anthropologische und ethische Herausforderungen neuer Entwicklungen im Gesundheitsbereich.Anna Puzio & Alexander Filipovic (eds.) - 2021 - Freiburg: Herder.
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  34. I never said that.Chi-Hé Elder & Luna Filipović - 2025 - Pragmatics and Society 16 (2):174-200.
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    Jahrbuch Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive / Yearbook Practical Philosophy in a Global Perspective.Michael Reder, Dominik Finkelde, Alexander Filipovic & Johannes Wallacher (eds.) - 2017 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    Das neue Jahrbuch Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive ist ein Forum fur Arbeiten aus den Bereichen der Politischen Philosophie, der Moral-, Sozial- und Rechtsphilosophie sowie aus den Nachbardisziplinen, die sich dezidiert mit globalen Fragen befassen oder an entsprechende Problemstellungen anschliessen. Band 1 hat den Schwerpunktteil: Pragmatistische Impulse. Der philosophische Pragmatismus erfreut sich seit einiger Zeit grosserer Aufmerksamkeit. Es ist eine Vielzahl an pragmatistischen Forschungsfeldern entstanden, die so gut wie jede philosophische Subdisziplin tangieren. Fur diesen Band wurden vorrangig Arbeiten ausgewahlt, die (...)
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  36. (1 other version)Yearbook Practical Philosophy in a Global Perspective.Michael Reder, Alexander Filipovic, Dominik Finkelde & Johannes Wallacher (eds.) - 2018 - Verlag Karl Alber.
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    An amorphous model for morphological processing in visual comprehension based on naive discriminative learning.R. Harald Baayen, Petar Milin, Dusica Filipović Đurđević, Peter Hendrix & Marco Marelli - 2011 - Psychological Review 118 (3):438-481.
  38.  23
    From Physical Aggression to Verbal Behavior: Language Evolution and Self-Domestication Feedback Loop.Ljiljana Progovac & Antonio Benítez-Burraco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    We propose that human self-domestication favored the emergence of a less aggressive phenotype in our species, more precisely phenotype prone to replace (reactive) physical aggression with verbal aggression. In turn, the (gradual) transition to verbal aggression and to more sophisticated forms of verbal behavior favored self-domestication, with the two processes engaged in a reinforcing feedback loop, considering that verbal behavior entails not only less violence and better survival, but also more opportunities to interact longer and socialize with more conspecifics, ultimately (...)
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    Diversity of Grammars and Their Diverging Evolutionary and Processing Paths: Evidence From Functional MRI Study of Serbian.Ljiljana Progovac, Natalia Rakhlin, William Angell, Ryan Liddane, Lingfei Tang & Noa Ofen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:326910.
    We address the puzzle of “unity in diversity” in human languages by advocating the (minimal) common denominator for the diverse expressions of transitivity across human languages, consistent with the view that early in language evolution there was a modest beginning for syntax and that this beginning provided the foundation for the further elaboration of syntactic complexity. This study reports the results of a functional MRI experiment investigating differential patterns of brain activation during processing of sentences with minimal versus fuller syntactic (...)
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  40.  40
    Minimalism in the Light of Biology: What to Retain and What to Discard?Ljiljana Progovac - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    This volume, and in general this moment in the history of science, is calling for us linguists, and especially those of us who have worked in Minimalism, to characterize what it is that our approach has discovered, that we want to embrace and move forward with, and what it is that we need to discard. There is plenty in both categories, and it is precisely the considerations of biology (e.g. language evolution) that can help us weed out the burdensome, damaging (...)
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    Neural Correlates of Syntax and Proto-Syntax: Evolutionary Dimension.Ljiljana Progovac, Natalia Rakhlin, William Angell, Ryan Liddane, Lingfei Tang & Noa Ofen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  42. Reason and critical thinking as educational goals: A short note on three critiques and one defense of reason.Ljiljana Radenović - 2010 - Theoria: Beograd 53 (1):125-134.
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    Život i misao Ksenije Atanasijević.Ljiljana Vuletić - 2005 - Beograd: Izdanje autorke. Edited by Slobodan Raketic.
  44. Compounds and commands in the evolution of human language.Ljiljana Progovac - forthcoming - Theoria Et Historia Scientiarum 9:49-70.
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    Formalna analiza značenja u prirodnim jezicima.Ljiljana Saric - 2006 - Prolegomena 5 (1):65-88.
    Tema je ovoga teksta u širem smislu osvrt na odnos logike i lingvistike. U užem smislu tekst će se u prvome dijelu osvrnuti na teme i instrumentarij, a u drugom na povijest formalne semantike. Recepcija formalnosemantičkih radova na našim područjima nema čvršću tradiciju, kao ni primjena formalnih metoda na proučavanje jezika, pa se i stoga čini korisnim ukazati na njezine dosege. Formalna semantika inspirativno je i plodonosno interdisciplinarno polje istraživanja koje je od 70-tih godina 20. stoljeća iznimno uspješno povezivalo istraživanja (...)
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  46. Negative Polarity and Grammatical Representation.Ljiljana Progovac - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 10:49-180.
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    Explanations, mechanisms, and developmental models: Why the nativist account of early perceptual learning is not a proper mechanistic model.Ljiljana Radenovic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (4):161-180.
    U poslednjih nekoliko dekada vise studija posvecenih percepciji novorodjencadi je ukazalo na to da cak i tek rodjena deca jesu osetljiva na nacin na koji se objekti pokrecu i na prirodu njihove interakcije. Da bi objasnili ranu pojavu ovakve osetljivosti na kauzalne odnose neki psiholozi zastupaju stanoviste da postoji urodjeno znanje vezano za objekte. Cilj ovog rada je da preispita ovakva nativisticka objasnjenja tako sto ce da preispita da li ova objasnjenja ispunjavaju uslove koji svaki mehanicisticki model mora da ispuni (...)
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    Prema kozmičkim krajolicima: Strukturni pluralitet slike.Ljiljana Rajković - 2020 - Čitluk: Matica hrvatska.
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    Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, 2007.Ljiljana Brankovic, Yuqing Lin & Bill Smyth (eds.) - 2008 - London: College Publications.
    The International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms was established in 1989 as the Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms. As a consequence of the workshop's success in attracting mathematicians and computer scientists from around the world, it was decided at the 2006 meeting to go global, to change the workshop's name, and to hold it in appropriate venues around the world. The workshop supports basic research on the interface between mathematics and computing, specifically * Algorithms & Data Structures * Complexity Theory * (...)
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    Negative polarity: Entailment and binding. [REVIEW]Ljiljana Progovac - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (2):149 - 180.
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