Results for 'Logiczny A. Lingwistyczny Opis Języka'

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  1. Jerzy Kmita.Logiczny A. Lingwistyczny Opis Języka, Kilka Słów Komentarza Na Marginesie Dyskusji & Między R. Grzegorczykową A. B. Stanosz - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:57.
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  2. Logiczny a lingwistyczny opis języka - kilka słów komentarza na marginesie dyskusji między R. Grzegorczykową a B. Stanosz.Jerzy Kmita - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:57-62.
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  3. Renata grzegorczykowa.Opis Lingwistyczny A. Opis Logiczny Języka - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:43.
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  4. Opis lingwistyczny a opis logiczny języka (Refleksje w związku z książką Barbary Stanosz "10 wykładów z filozofii języka").Renata Grzegorczykowa - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:43-45.
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  5. Uwagi do artykułu Renaty Grzegorczykowej "Opis lingwistyczny a opis logiczny języka".Barbara Stanosz - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:49-50.
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  6. Wprowadzenie do dyskusji.Dwa Opisy Języka & Lingwistyczny I. Logiczny - 1994 - Studia Semiotyczne 19:41.
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  7. Ii. dyskusja. Dwa opisy jeżyka: Lingwistyczny I logiczny.Barbara Stanosz, Jerzy Kmita, Marek Tokarz, Ul Semiotyka Teoretyczna, Piotr Brykczyński, Jarosław Fali, Stefan Wiertlewski, Aleksandra Żukrowska & Paweł Więckowski - 1993 - Studia Semiotyczne 18:3.
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    Monizm contra pluralizm logiczny w kontekście dyskusji W.V.O. Quine – S. Haack.Bożena Czernecka-Rej - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (1):247-271.
    Jednym z głównych pytań w filozofii logiki jest to, czy jest jedna, czy wiele logik. Pytanie to doczekało się różnych odpowiedzi, które formułują opozycyjne stanowiska: monizm logiczny contra pluralizm logiczny. Za reprezentatywnego przedstawiciela monizmu uznawany jest Willard Van Orman Quine, a pluralizmu — Susan Haack. Oba te stanowiska są kontynuowane współcześnie: monizm ( Michael Dummett, Graham Priest, Timothy Williamson) oraz pluralizm ( Jc Beall i Greg Restall, Johan van Benthem, Ottavio Bueno i Scott Shalkovski, Stewart Shapiro i Roy (...)
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  9. Consciousness.J. Opie - 2010 - In Graham Robert Oppy, Nick Trakakis, Lynda Burns, Steven Gardner & Fiona Leigh (eds.), A companion to philosophy in Australia & New Zealand. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Monash University Publishing.
    Understanding consciousness and its place in the natural world is one of the principal targets of contemporary philosophy of mind. Australian philosophers made seminal contributions to this project during the twentieth century which continue to shape the way philosophers and scientists think about the conceptual, metaphysical and empirical aspects of the problem. After some scene setting, I will discuss the main players and their work in the context of broader developments in the philosophy of mind.
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    Connectionist modelling strategies.Jonathan Opie - 1998 - Psycoloquy 9 (30).
    Green offers us two options: either connectionist models are literal models of brain activity or they are mere instruments, with little or no ontological significance. According to Green, only the first option renders connectionist models genuinely explanatory. I think there is a third possibility. Connectionist models are not literal models of brain activity, but neither are they mere instruments. They are abstract, IDEALISED models of the brain that are capable of providing genuine explanations of cognitive phenomena.
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  11. Gestalt theories of cognitive representation and processing.J. Opie - 1999 - Psycoloquy 10 (021).
    Latimer & Stevens (1997) develop a useful framework for discussing issues surrounding the definition and explanation of perceptual gestalts. They use this framework to raise some doubts about the possibility of “holistic” perceptual processing. However, I suspect that these doubts ultimately stem from assumptions about the nature of representation and processing in the brain, rather than from an analysis of part/whole concepts. I attempt to spell out these assumptions, and sketch an alternative perspective (deriving from Gestalt theory) that has the (...)
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  12. The disunity of consciousness.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (3):378-95.
    It is commonplace for both philosophers and cognitive scientists to express their allegiance to the "unity of consciousness". This is the claim that a subject’s phenomenal consciousness, at any one moment in time, is a single thing. This view has had a major influence on computational theories of consciousness. In particular, what we call single-track theories dominate the literature, theories which contend that our conscious experience is the result of a single consciousness-making process or mechanism in the brain. We argue (...)
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  13. How do connectionist networks compute?Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2006 - Cognitive Processing 7 (1):30-41.
    Although connectionism is advocated by its proponents as an alternative to the classical computational theory of mind, doubts persist about its _computational_ credentials. Our aim is to dispel these doubts by explaining how connectionist networks compute. We first develop a generic account of computation—no easy task, because computation, like almost every other foundational concept in cognitive science, has resisted canonical definition. We opt for a characterisation that does justice to the explanatory role of computation in cognitive science. Next we examine (...)
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    Levels and explanations.J. Opie - unknown
    It is a mainstay of the philosophy of science that reduction is a relationship between theories pitched at different levels of nature. But the relevant sense of “level” is notoriously difficult to pin down. A promising recent analysis links the notion of level to the compositional relations associated with mechanistic explanation. Such relations do not order objects by scale or physical type; one and the same kind of entity can occur at several levels in a single mechanism. I will sketch (...)
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    The role of representation in computation.Gerard O'Brien & Jon Opie - 2009 - Cognitive Processing 10 (1):53-62.
    Reformers urge that representation no longer earns its explanatory keep in cognitive science, and that it is time to discard this troublesome concept. In contrast, we hold that without representation cognitive science is utterly bereft of tools for explaining natural intelligence. In order to defend the latter position, we focus on the explanatory role of representation in computation. We examine how the methods of digital and analog computation are used to model a relatively simple target system, and show that representation (...)
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  16. Connectionist vehicles, structural resemblance, and the phenomenal mind.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2001 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 34 (1-2):13-38.
    We think the best prospect for a naturalistic explanation of phenomenal consciousness is to be found at the confluence of two influential ideas about the mind. The first is the _computational _ _theory of mind_: the theory that treats human cognitive processes as disciplined operations over neurally realised representing vehicles.1 The second is the _representationalist theory of _ _consciousness_: the theory that takes the phenomenal character of conscious experiences (the “what-it-is-likeness”) to be constituted by their representational content.2 Together these two (...)
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  17. A connectionist theory of phenomenal experience.Jonathan Opie & Gerard O'Brien - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):127-148.
    When cognitive scientists apply computational theory to the problem of phenomenal consciousness, as many of them have been doing recently, there are two fundamentally distinct approaches available. Either consciousness is to be explained in terms of the nature of the representational vehicles the brain deploys; or it is to be explained in terms of the computational processes defined over these vehicles. We call versions of these two approaches _vehicle_ and _process_ theories of consciousness, respectively. However, while there may be space (...)
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  18. Consciousness: A Connectionist Perspective.Jonathan Opie - 1998 - Dissertation, University of Adelaide
    To my father, who got me thinking, and to Tricia, who provided the love, support, and encouragement that enabled me to see this through.
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  19. (1 other version)The multiplicity of consciousness and the emergence of the self.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2003 - In A.S. David & T. T. J. Kircher (eds.), The Self and Schizophrenia: A Neuropsychological Perspective. Cambridge University Press. pp. 107-120.
    One of the most striking manifestations of schizophrenia is thought insertion. People suffering from this delusion believe they are not the author of thoughts which they nevertheless own as experiences. It seems that a person’s sense of agency and their sense of the boundary between mind and world can come apart. Schizophrenia thus vividly demonstrates that self awareness is a complex construction of the brain. This point is widely appreciated. What is not so widely appreciated is how radically schizophrenia challenges (...)
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    Functional resemblance and the internalization of rules.Gerard O'Brien & Jon Opie - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):695-696.
    Kubovy and Epstein distinguish between systems that follow rules, and those that merely instantiate them. They regard compliance with the principles of kinematic geometry in apparent motion as a case of instantiation. There is, however, some reason to believe that the human visual system internalizes the principles of kinematic geometry, even if it does not explicitly represent them. We offer functional resemblance as a criterion for internal representation. [Kubovy & Epstein].
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  21. Consciousness in the loops. Review of Cotterill, Enchanted Looms: Conscious Networks in Brains and Computers[REVIEW]Jonathan Opie - 2000 - Metascience 9 (2):277-82.
    Consciousness is a pretty sexy topic right now, as the plethora of recent books on the subject demonstrate. Everyone is having a go at it: philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists and physicists, to mention just a few. And for every discipline or sub-discipline that pretends to some insight on the matter we find not only a different explanatory strategy, but a different take on the explanandum – there is widespread disagreement about what a theory of consciousness should actually explain. However, one thing (...)
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  22. Radical connectionism: Thinking with (not in) language.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2002 - Language and Communication 22 (3):313-329.
    In this paper we defend a position we call radical connectionism. Radical connectionism claims that cognition _never_ implicates an internal symbolic medium, not even when natural language plays a part in our thought processes. On the face of it, such a position renders the human capacity for abstract thought quite mysterious. However, we argue that connectionism is committed to an analog conception of neural computation, and that representation of the abstract is no more problematic for a system of analog vehicles (...)
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    Internalizing communication.Gerard O'Brien & Jon Opie - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):694-695.
    Carruthers presents evidence concerning the cross-modular integration of information in human subjects which appears to support the “cognitive conception of language.” According to this conception, language is not just a means of communication, but also a representational medium of thought. However, Carruthers overlooks the possibility that language, in both its communicative and cognitive roles, is a nonrepresentational system of conventional signals – that words are not a medium we think in, but a tool we think with. The evidence he cites (...)
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    The computational baby, the classical bathwater, and the middle way.Gerard O'Brien & Jon Opie - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (3):348-349.
    We are sympathetic with the broad aims of Perruchet & Vinter's “mentalistic” framework. But it is implausible to claim, as they do, that human cognition can be understood without recourse to unconsciously represented information. In our view, this strategy forsakes the only available mechanistic understanding of intelligent behaviour. Our purpose here is to plot a course midway between the classical unconscious and Perruchet &Vinter's own noncomputational associationism.
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    Vehicle, process, and hybrid theories of consciousness.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):303-305.
    Martínez-Manrique contends that we overlook a possible nonconnectionist vehicle theory of consciousness. We argue that the position he develops is better understood as a hybrid vehicle/process theory. We assess this theory and in doing so clarify the commitments of both vehicle and process theories of consciousness.
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  26. What's really doing the work here? Knowledge representation or the higher-order thought theory of consciousness?Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):778-779.
    Dienes & Perner offer us a theory of explicit and implicit knowledge that promises to systematise a large and diverse body of research in cognitive psychology. Their advertised strategy is to unpack this distinction in terms of explicit and implicit representation. But when one digs deeper one finds the “Higher-Order Thought” theory of consciousness doing much of the work. This reduces both the plausibility and usefulness of their account. We think their strategy is broadly correct, but that consensus on the (...)
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    Intentionality Lite or Analog Content?: A Response to Hutto and Satne.Gerard O’Brien & Jon Opie - 2015 - Philosophia 43 (3):723-729.
    In their target article, Hutto and Satne eloquently articulate the failings of most current attempts to naturalize mental content. Furthermore, we think they are correct in their insistence that the only way forward is by drawing a distinction between two kinds of intentionality, one of which is considerably weaker than—and should be deployed to explain—the propositional variety most philosophers take for granted. The problem is that their own rendering of this weaker form of intentionality—contentless intentionality—is too weak. What’s needed is (...)
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    Review of Managing the Environment, Managing Ourselves: A History of American Environmental Policy. [REVIEW]John Opie - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (2):219-222.
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  29. Notes toward a structuralist theory of mental representation.Jonathan Opie & Gerard O'Brien - 2004 - In Hugh Clapin (ed.), Representation in Mind: New Approaches to Mental Representation. Elsevier. pp. 1--20.
    Any creature that must move around in its environment to find nutrients and mates, in order to survive and reproduce, faces the problem of sensorimotor control. A solution to this problem requires an on-board control mechanism that can shape the creature’s behaviour so as to render it “appropriate” to the conditions that obtain. There are at least three ways in which such a control mechanism can work, and Nature has exploited them all. The first and most basic way is for (...)
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    Reviews: Effective Team Work in Healh Care: a Review of Issues Discussed in Recent Research Literature. [REVIEW]Anne Opie - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (1):62-70.
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    A schizophrenic defense of a vehicle theory of consciousness.G. O'Brien & J. Opie - 2015 - In Rocco J. Gennaro (ed.), Disturbed Consciousness: New Essays on Psychopathology and Theories of Consciousness. MIT Press. pp. 265-292.
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  32. Opis martwego eksperymentu i martwego języka.Szymon Wróbel - 2012 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 1 (20).
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  33. A Defense of Cartesian Materialism.Jonathan Opie - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (4):939-963.
    One of the principal tasks Dennett sets himself in Consciousness Explained is to demolish the Cartesian theater model of phenomenal consciousness, which in its contemporary garb takes the form of Cartesian materialism: the idea that conscious experience is a process of presentation realized in the physical materials of the brain. The now standard response to Dennett is that, in focusing on Cartesian materialism, he attacks an impossibly naive account of consciousness held by no one currently working in cognitive science or (...)
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  34. Cognitive science and phenomenal consciousness: A dilemma, and how to avoid it.Gerard O'Brien & Jon Opie - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (3):269-86.
    When it comes to applying computational theory to the problem of phenomenal consciousness, cognitive scientists appear to face a dilemma. The only strategy that seems to be available is one that explains consciousness in terms of special kinds of computational processes. But such theories, while they dominate the field, have counter-intuitive consequences; in particular, they force one to accept that phenomenal experience is composed of information processing effects. For cognitive scientists, therefore, it seems to come down to a choice between (...)
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    The next step, or a misstep?Jon Opie - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (4):144-145.
    Reviews the book, Reconstructing the Cognitive World: The Next Step by Michael Wheeler (2005). In this ambitious book, the author considers afresh the conceptual foundations of cognitive science, with the aim of carving out a place for what he calls 'embodied-embedded cognitive science'- a rival and successor, to orthodox computational approaches. The central argument of the book is that the embodied-embedded framework promises to resolve the frame problem that famously plagues cognitive science- the problem of explaining how intelligent agents rapidly (...)
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    Disunity defended: A reply to Bayne.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (2):255-263.
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    Prolegomena for a cognitive biology.P. Lyon & J. Opie - unknown
    In general, there are two ways to approach cognition. One is to start with the features of the human case and try to generalize to other species. Another is to start with the biological conditions under which natural cognition evolved and currently operates and ask what organisms do such that they might require cognition. A full account of cognition requires both. Cognitive biology, however, requires a biogenic approach. Tight integration with biological knowledge places strong constraints on cognitive explanation. These constraints (...)
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  38. Notes toward a structuralist theory of mental representation.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 2004 - In Hugh Clapin (ed.), Representation in Mind: New Approaches to Mental Representation. Elsevier. pp. 1--20.
    Any creature that must move around in its environment to find nutrients and mates, in order to survive and reproduce, faces the problem of sensorimotor control. A solution to this problem requires an on-board control mechanism that can shape the creature’s behaviour so as to render it “appropriate” to the conditions that obtain. There are at least three ways in which such a control mechanism can work, and Nature has exploited them all. The first and most basic way is for (...)
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  39. Putting content into a vehicle theory of consciousness.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (1):175-196.
    The connectionist vehicle theory of phenomenal experience in the target article identifies consciousness with the brain’s explicit representation of information in the form of stable patterns of neural activity. Commentators raise concerns about both the conceptual and empirical adequacy of this proposal. On the former front they worry about our reliance on vehicles, on representation, on stable patterns of activity, and on our identity claim. On the latter front their concerns range from the general plausibility of a vehicle theory to (...)
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    Finding a place for experience in the physical-relational structure of the brain.Gerard O'Brien & Jonathan Opie - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):966-967.
    In restricting his analysis to the causal relations of functionalism, on the one hand, and the neurophysiological realizers of biology, on the other, Palmer has overlooked an alternative conception of the relationship between color experience and the brain - one that liberalises the relation between mental phenomena and their physical implementation, without generating functionalism.
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    Czym jest pluralizm logiczny?Bożena Czernecka-Rej - 2013 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 61 (1):5-22.
    WHAT IS LOGICAL PLURALISM? (J.C. BEALL’S AND GREG RESTALL’S STANDPOINT) S u m m a r y C. Beall and Greg Restall are advocates of a comprehensive pluralist approach to logic, which they call Logical Pluralism (LP). According to LP, there is not one correct logic, but many equally acceptable logical systems. The authors share Tarski’s conviction and follow the mainstream in thinking about logic as the discipline that investigates the notion of logical consequence. LP is the pluralism about logical (...)
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  42. Those Who Leave or Those Who Stay? Arrian’s Account of Alexander at Opis ( Anab. 7.8.1).Christopher Baron - 2024 - American Journal of Philology 145 (3):351-373.
    Alexander’s announcement that he was discharging those soldiers whom he considered no longer fit for service led to the “mutiny at Opis” (324 b.c.e.). According to the manuscripts of Arrian’s Anabasis, Alexander also said that he would richly reward those soldiers who were to remain in Asia (μένουσιν, 7.8.1). However, scholars have questioned this reading, and many editions emend the text here. The issue raises significant questions about the actions of Alexander and his Macedonian troops. I aim to show (...)
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    Eine kleine trup, czyli dywan z wkładką. Polska powieść kryminalna – opis kilku przykładów (z sugestią teorii).Jakub Lichański - 2023 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 66 (1):27-44.
    Polska powieść kryminalna, szczególnie powstająca po roku 1989, wywołuje co najmniej dwa pytania badawcze. Pierwsze o chronologię literatury polskiej, a zarazem o uzależnienie jej rozwoju od przemian politycznych. Drugie o to, czy faktycznie zmiany takie miały (bądź mają) wpływ na kwestie np. formalne związane z kształtem tejże literatury. Zmiany polityczne mogły zapewne wpłynąć na podejmowanie tematów dotąd niemożliwych do opisu. Niniejsze studium ma na celu opis oraz analizę polskiej powieści kryminalnej z nieco innej perspektywy, a mianowicie opisu jej jako (...)
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    La investigación en el marco constitucional: los OPIS, el CSIC y las Comunidades Autónomas.Alejandro Nieto - 2003 - Arbor 176 (695-696):1-18.
    La crisis permanente de la organización de la investigación pública. — La investigación científica y técnica en la Constitución de 1978. — Tanteos orgánicos y funcionales. — Las primeras escaramuzas en el Tribunal Constitucional. — El marco constitucional establecido por el Tribunal de este orden. — Los reproches de la Generalidad de Cataluña a la Ley 13/1986. — El alcance de la competencia estatal según la sentencia 90/1992. — Consideraciones finales.
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    Zaburzenia języka i mowy w kategoriach ucieleśnionego poznania.Ewa Jaglarz & Jacek Bielas - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):270-280.
    Wiodący cel artykułu stanowi analiza zaburzeń języka i mowy w kategoriach ucieleśnionego poznania. Autorzy podejmują w nim próbę pokazania natury i mechanizmów takich zaburzeń jak na przykład afazja, dyzartria, apraksja mowy w świetle tego ujęcia, oraz wskazują na wynikające z tego implikacje dla ich diagnostyki i terapii. Podstawę materiałową dla prezentowanych rozważań stanowi koncepcja ucieleśnionych metafor George’a Lakoffa i Marka Johnsona w powiązaniu z fenomenologiczną koncepcją prerefleksyjnej intencjonalności Maurice’a Merleau-Ponty’ego oraz współczesne badania z zakresu psychologii eksperymentalnej, lingwistyki kognitywnej i (...)
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  46. Zaburzenia języka i mowy w kategoriach ucieleśnionego poznania.Ewa Jaglarz & Jacek Bielas - 2024 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 30 (4):561-578.
    Wiodący cel artykułu stanowi analiza zaburzeń języka i mowy w kategoriach ucieleśnionego poznania. Autorzy podejmują w nim próbę pokazania natury i mechanizmów takich zaburzeń jak na przykład afazja, dyzartria, apraksja mowy w świetle tego ujęcia, oraz wskazują na wynikające z tego implikacje dla ich diagnostyki i terapii. Podstawę materiałową dla prezentowanych rozważań stanowi koncepcja ucieleśnionych metafor George’a Lakoffa i Marka Johnsona w powiązaniu z fenomenologiczną koncepcją prerefleksyjnej intencjonalności Maurice’a Merleau-Ponty’ego oraz współczesne badania z zakresu psychologii eksperymentalnej, lingwistyki kognitywnej i (...)
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  47. Lateralizacja języka i gestów: metody badań, zależności oraz uwarunkowania anatomiczne.Grzegorz Króliczak & Szymon Biduła - 2012 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 6.
    U większości ludzi lewa półkula odgrywa decydującą rolę zarówno w kontroli zdolności językowych jak i wyuczonych gestów manualnych. U osób praworęcznych, lewostronne obszary kory mózgowej kontrolują ponadto działania dłoni i palców ręki dominującej, włączając w to ruchy sięgania w kierunku celu, chwytania przedmiotów i manipulowania nimi. Dlatego do niedawana nie było oczywiste, czy lateralizacja funkcji językowych jest ściślej związana z kontrolą preferowanej ręki, czy też z przetwarzaniem informacji wyższego rzędu niezbędnych w sprawnej komunikacji przy pomocy gestów, niezależnie od wykorzystywanego ramienia (...)
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    Litery i figury jako język formalny logiki.Claude Caudin - 1990 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 7:19-32.
    Rozwój logiki był możliwy dzięki stworzeniu języka formalnego, którego symbolika była ciągle doskonalona. Autor artykułu analizuje przyczyny dostarczania przez alfabet znaków (symboli) oznaczających elementy, na których dokonuje się operacji logicznych. W pierwszej części rozpatruje użycie symboli alfabetycznych. Alfabet (jako zbiór liter ) tworzy kod o charakterze fonetycznym. Wykorzystanie notacji alfabetycznej łączy się z defonetyzacją alfabetu. W drugiej części autor odwołuje się do dążeń Fregego, przekonanego, że język może być wyłącznie pismem. Jednak niepowodzenie w konstruowaniu grafów całkowicie adekwatnych do potrzeb (...)
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  49.  17
    Los Organismos Públicos de Investigación (OPIS).Javier López Facal & Domingo Represa Sánchez - 1998 - Arbor 160 (629):1-33.
    El sistema español de I+D está siendo objeto de atención, tanto por parte del Gobierno de la Nación, como por parte de los agentes sociales y de instituciones privadas. Con el fin de aportar datos y reflexiones a este debate, se presenta en este artículo un informe sobre los Organismos Públicos de Investigación en el que se trata de su régimen presupuestario, su estatus jurídico, sus efectivos humanos, su producción científica y tecnológica y su actividad investigadora, y se ofrecen sugerencias (...)
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  50.  29
    Ograniczenia semantyki formalnej.Jan Woleński - 2019 - Studia Semiotyczne 33 (2):225-239.
    Pogląd standardowy jest taki, że semantyka formalna stosuje się do języka naturalnego tylko w bardzo ograniczonym stopniu. Powodem tego stanu rzeczy jest nieunikniona nieokreśloność mowy potocznej polegająca m. in. na wieloznaczno- ściach, nieostrości czy tolerancji składniowej, a także obecności kontekstów intensjonalnych, co skutkuje limitacjami zasady kompozycjonalności. Ponadto konwersacja potoczna korzysta z rozmaitych reguł, np. reguł Grice’a, które wykraczają poza formalizm logiczny. W konsekwencji język naturalny nie podlega pełnej formalizacji. Z drugiej strony, jeśli L jest językiem formalnym, to metajęzyk (...)
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