Results for 'Lorena Jaume'

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  1.  43
    Self and Other Mentalizing Polarities and Dimensions of Mental Health: Association With Types of Symptoms, Functioning and Well-Being.Sergi Ballespí, Jaume Vives, Carla Sharp, Lorena Chanes & Neus Barrantes-Vidal - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research suggests that the ability to understand one’s own and others’ minds, or mentalizing, is a key factor for mental health. Most studies have focused the attention on the association between global measures of mentalizing and specific disorders. In contrast, very few studies have analyzed the association between specific mentalizing polarities and global measures of mental health. This study aimed to evaluate whether self and other polarities of mentalizing are associated with a multidimensional notion of mental health, which considers symptoms, (...)
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    Freud Y lévinas: Un diálogo sobre el problema de la constitución Del sujeto Y las fronteras de lo decible.Niklas Bornhauser & Lorena Jaume - 2007 - Alpha (Osorno) 24.
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  3. El pou de la paraula. Una història de la saviesa grega Barcelona, 1996, 100 p.: Edicions 62, 1997.Jaume Casals - 1997 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 28:195-208.
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    (1 other version)Bifactor analysis and construct validity of the five facet mindfulness questionnaire in non-clinical Spanish samples.Jaume Aguado, Juan V. Luciano, Ausias Cebolla, Antoni Serrano-Blanco, Joaquim Soler & Javier García-Campayo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  5.  30
    The dawn of bilaterian animals: the case of acoelomorph flatworms.Jaume Baguñà & Marta Riutort - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (10):1046-1057.
    The origin of the bilaterian metazoans from radial ancestors is one of the biggest puzzles in animal evolution. A way to solve it is to identify the nature and main features of the last common ancestor of the bilaterians (LCB). Recent progress in molecular phylogeny has shown that many platyhelminth flatworms, regarded for a long time as basal bilaterians, now belong to the lophotrochozoan protostomates. In contrast, the LCB is now considered a complex organism bearing several features of modern bilaterians. (...)
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    Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    Many American readers like to regard Alexis de Tocqueville as an honorary American and democrat--as the young French aristocrat who came to early America and, enthralled by what he saw, proceeded to write an American book explaining democratic America to itself. Yet, as Lucien Jaume argues in this acclaimed intellectual biography, Democracy in America is best understood as a French book, written primarily for the French, and overwhelmingly concerned with France. "America," Jaume says, "was merely a pretext for (...)
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  7. Science contra science : the battle for legitimate knowledge in the Spanish Catholic journals in the early twentieth century.Jaume Navarro - 2018 - In Rajesh Heynickx & Stéphane Symons, So What's New About Scholasticism?: How Neo-Thomism Helped Shape the Twentieth Century. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Draper in Spain: The Conflicting Circulation of the Conflict Thesis.Jaume Navarro - 2019 - Zygon 54 (4):1107-1124.
    This article delves into the reception of John W. Draper's History of the Conflict between Religion and Science in Spain. With two translations into Spanish appearing almost simultaneously in 1876, the conflict became a weapon in a long political dispute. The tensions between conservatives and liberals, between monarchists and republicans had the university and pedagogical reforms as one of the main battlefields. One of the chief reformist movements was informed by “Krausism,” an ideology that had academic freedom as one if (...)
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    Para una ontología de la historia: el sujeto de la historicidad.Jaume Farrerons & José Luis Arce Carrascoso - 2002 - Endoxa 1 (16):65.
  10.  17
    La fonction présidentielle : entre menaces et déclin 1.Lucien Jaume - 2017 - Cités 69 (1):125.
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    8. The Moralist and the Question of l’Honnête.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 147-158.
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    The Creation of the Middle Assyrian Provinces.Jaume Llop - 2011 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 131 (4):591-603.
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    Medea (s).Jaume Pòrtulas - 2004 - Synthesis (la Plata) 11:123-143.
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  14. Vocación y fidelidad en la evolución de nuestros tiempos.Jaume Pujol - 1986 - Verdad y Vida 44 (173):81-118.
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    El preu de Proust: recorregut analític pel pensament aforístic i metafòric a "A la recerca del temps perdut" i la seva relació amb la filosofia postracionalista i existencialista.Jaume Urgell - 2006 - Barcelona: Angle Editorial.
    Marcel Proust ha passat a la història de la cultura occidental com un escriptor, principalment novelista. Amb tot, la seva obra mestra. A la recerca del temps perdut, un dels cims de la literatura mundial, conté nombroses reflexions que permeten identificar clarament també un Proust pensador. Reconstruir la filosofia de Proust tot resseguint la mirada sobre el món que representa a la recerca?. és l'objectiu d'aquest assaig. A partir dels aforismes, sovint metafòrics, del Narrador proustià, Jaume Urgell ens ofereix (...)
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  16. God's creative breath according to Ibn'Arabi: Un andalusian example of harmony between faith, mysticism and philosophy.Jaume Flaquer - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (254):887-899.
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  17. Las metamorfosis de la soberanía según Tocqueville.Lucien Jaume - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
    Con Tocqueville la soberanía va a conocer un desplazamiento de lugar. En la articulación entre "estado social y "estado político", la soberanía toma formas inusitadas en la tradición de la teoría política y se convierte en la opinión democrática, la nueva "autoridad social". En Estados Unidos se da además en la vida local, forma de sociabilidad y poder en la que lo público y lo privado interactúan; porque la autoridad moderna y democrática del futuro ya no será propiedad y privilegio (...)
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    La teleología aristotélica como una inferencia a la mejor explicación: un análisis epistemológico del principio de finalidad en el libro II de la Física de Aristóteles.Andrés L. Jaume - 2013 - Agora 32 (2).
    El presente artículo examina los argumentos aristotélicos en favor de la teleología para poner de manifiesto su estructura argumentativa que, a juicio del autor, es una inferencia a la mejor explicación. Finalmente se intenta relacionar la estrategia aristotélica con el tratamiento actual que se ha hecho de la finalidad desde la Filosofía de la Ciencia.
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    Medieval Self-Coronations: The History and Symbolism of a Ritual.Jaume Aurell - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Based on narrative, iconographical, and liturgical sources, this is the first systematic study to trace the story of the ritual of royal self-coronations from Ancient Persia to the present. Exposing as myth the idea that Napoleon's act of self-coronation in 1804 was the first extraordinary event to break the secular tradition of kings being crowned by bishops, Jaume Aurell vividly demonstrates that self-coronations were not as transgressive or unconventional as has been imagined. Drawing on numerous examples of royal self-coronations, (...)
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    9. Tocqueville’s Relation to Jansenism.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 159-192.
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  21.  19
    L'ombre du franquisme : politique, mémoire et médias.Jaume Guillamet - 2008 - Hermes 52:, [ p.].
    Trente ans après la fin définitive de la dictature et l'approbation de la Constitution de 1978, après trente-sept ans de franquisme, le moment semble venu pour l'Espagne moderne de revenir sur les années de dictature. L'ombre du franquisme n'avait jamais disparu, mais elle revient, puissante, avec l'opposition des partis de droite à la « Loi sur la mémoire historique » et le refus de l'Église de reconnaître une quelconque responsabilité dans les exactions du franquisme. La rencontre entre la Mémoire et (...)
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  22. Carl Schmitt, La Politique de L'Inimitie.L. Jaume - 2004 - History of Political Thought 25 (3):536-550.
  23. More than two faces of common sence.Jaume Navarro - 2005 - Acta Philosophica 14 (2):287-298.
  24.  4
    El pou de la paraula: una història de la saviesa grega.Jaume Casals Pons - 1996 - Barcelona: Edicions 62.
  25.  29
    (1 other version)Mundo(s) vivido(s). La fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty sobre el espacio mítico u onírico como paradigma de un pensar futuro que respete la diversidad.Pedro Juan Riera Jaume - 2010 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:189-197.
    Dans cet article, j’essaie de montrer la pertinence de la Phénoménologie de la perception pour répondre aux défis de la philosophie dans un monde à la fois déchirée et globalisateur. Si on laisse de côté la dimension théorétique du monde, nous recupérons le fond obscure de l’existence, fond de tous les espaces. Il s’agirait d’un espace primigène dans lequel on trouve le lien affectif propre de l’expérience des enfants et des primitives. Mais le vécu de ces espaces implique une perte (...)
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  26.  23
    Lingu~ stica, abans I Ara de la filosofia a la semiotica.Jaume Tic & I. Casacuberta - 1989 - Semiotica 1:15-26.
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    La "Fallacia consequentis" en la polémica escatológica entre Arnau de Vilanova y los profesores de la universidad de París.Jaume Mensa I. Valls - 2003 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 10:297-302.
    El artículo presenta, analiza y comenta un texto de Arnau de Vilanova que se ha conservado relativo a la discusión que sostuvo este autor con los teólogos de París sobre la falacia del consecuente, en el contexto de la polémica escatológica . Los teólogos de París descalificaron la argumentación de Arnau de Vilanova porque incurría en la falacia del consecuente. Arnau de Vilanova se defiende de esta acusación.The article presents, analyzes and comments a text of Arnau de Vilanova that has (...)
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    Karl R. Popper, un filósofo con los pies en el suelo.Jaume Navarro I. Vives - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico:157-177.
    Karl Popper always claimed himself to be a realist. However, his constant denial to give definitions to the philosophical concepts, makes it difficult to understand what exactly he means by realism. This article focuses the attention on three meanings of Popper’s realism: a metaphysical, an epistemological and a sensible realism. The later sense can be rooted in the new studies on the ethical roots of all Popper’s philosophy.
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    Islam, Constitutional Law and Human Rights. Sexual Minorities and Freethinkers in Egypt and Tunisia, by Tommaso Virgili.Jaume Saura - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (1):127-129.
  30.  18
    De la epistemología de virtudes a la felicidad epistémica.Andrés L. Jaume - 2024 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 57 (1):9-30.
    El presente artículo trata de superar la división entre una epistemología de virtudes confiabilista y otra responsabilista. En su lugar se presenta una visión orgánica del conocimiento humano. La visión orgánica –también denominada pre-cismática- articula aspectos confiabilistas y responsabilistas. Finalmente se discute un nuevo concepto: felicidad epistémica, que se justifica desde la perspectiva agentiva del conocimiento. Así, se sostiene que parece razonable pensar que el conocimiento es un tipo de acción cuyo fin último es la felicidad. Esta felicidad se puede (...)
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    J. J. Thomson on the Nature of Matter: Corpuscles and the Continuum.Jaume Navarro - 2005 - Centaurus 47 (4):259-282.
    Historical accounts of the work of J. J. Thomson find a contradiction in his work. On the one hand, he is presented as a Maxwellian theoretical physicist dealing with a typically Victorian entity, the ether. On the other hand, the analysis of his experimental work at the Cavendish seems to have little connection with his mathematical work. In this paper, I discuss the metaphysical views of J. J. Thomson, and argue that his deep belief in the ultimate continuity of matter (...)
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    Appendix 2. Silvestre de Sacy, Review of Democracy in America.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 328-334.
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  33. Adaptabilidad y funcionalidad: una teoría acerca de las funciones biológicas.Andrés Jaume - 2011 - Ludus Vitalis 19 (35):97-112.
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    3. Democracy as Expectation of Material Pleasures.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 82-94.
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    Factor Structure and Internal Consistency on a Reduced Version of the Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure.Luis Carlos Jaume, Christian Schetsche, Marcelo Agustín Roca & Paula Quattrocchi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The need for cognitive closure is a construct postulated by Kruglanski that explains the motivational aspects which influence decision-making and its impact on the social environment. Initially, it was assessed through a unidimensional scale, later criticized for its poor satisfactory reliability and validity. Regarding these criticisms, Pierro and Kruglanski developed a new 14-item scale to measure two dimensions, which were not previously evaluated: urgency tendency and permanence tendency. Although the Revised Test of Need for Cognitive Closure is more economical in (...)
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    4. In the Tradition of Montesquieu: The State-Society Analogy.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 101-105.
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    Razón, conocimiento Y comprensión en Wilfrid Sellars.Andrés L. Jaume Rodríguez - 2012 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 39:432-448.
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  38. Filosofía, Política y filosofía política en R. Rorty.Jaume Trabal - 2000 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 15:111-130.
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    Promising redemption. Science at the service of secular and religious agendas.Jaume Navarro - 2017 - Centaurus 59 (3):173-188.
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  40. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of the Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy.A. Jaume, M. Liz, D. Pérez, M. Ponte & M. Vázquez (eds.) - 2010 - SEFA.
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  41. d2ristdtil. Barcelona: Edicions 62.Jaume Casals - 1994 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 22:131-137.
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  42.  44
    Teaching and Learning at the Autonomous University during Barcelona’s Seventies.Jaume Casals - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (2):305-313.
    The memories of the teaching we had during the seventies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona show, forty years later, that this teaching was not a matter of a premeditated learning program. However, the diversity of the teachers we knew, their characters and examples, project a certain shadow of a philosophical experience that has been shared by several generations of contemporary Catalan philosophers.
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    Appendix 3. Letter from Alexis de Tocqueville to Silvestre de Sacy.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 335-336.
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    Conclusion.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 319-326.
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    11. Tocqueville in the Debate about Literature and Society.Lucien Jaume - 2013 - In Tocqueville: The Aristocratic Sources of Liberty. Princeton University Press. pp. 226-248.
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    Case-Based argumentation infrastructure for agent societies.Jaume Jordán, Stella Heras & Vicente Julián - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho, Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 13--24.
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    Science and Religion in Nineteenth‐Century Europe: Non‐Anglo‐American Perspectives.Jaume Navarro & Kostas Tampakis - 2019 - Zygon 54 (4):1045-1049.
    This is an introduction to the thematic section on “The Historiography of Science and Religion in Europe,” which resulted from a symposium held at the eighth Conference of the European Society for the History of Science, University College London, UK, from September 14–17, 2018. The introduction provides a brief argument for the decentering of science and religion from the Anglo‐American discourse. It concludes by previewing the contributions of the section's essays.
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    ΠΑΙΣ ΠΑΙΖΩΝ. Homer, Iliad XV 362–364, Heraclitus, DK 22 B 52, and F. Nietzsche.Jaume Pòrtulas - 2024 - Peitho 15 (1):397-416.
    Friedrich Nietzsche resorted several times to the image of a child playing with sand or pebbles. His purpose in doing so was to evoke a cyclical process of construction and destruction devoid of both responsibility and finality. This essay examines, on the one hand, the relation of the child’s image to its two main hypotexts (Heraclitus DK 22 B 52 and Iliad XV 362-64) and, on the other, the range of Nietzsche’s uses of the simile.
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    Imperial Incursions in Late-Victorian Cambridge: J. J. Thomson and the Domains of the Physical Sciences.Jaume Navarro - 2006 - History of Science 44 (4):469-495.
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  50. Karl R. Popper, un filósofo con los pies en el suelo.Jaume Navarro - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico 34 (69):157-178.
    Karl Popper always claimed himself to be a realist. However, his constant denial to give definitions to the philosophical concepts, makes it difficult to understand what exactly he means by realism. This article focuses the attention on three meanings of Popper's realism: a metaphysical, an epistemological and a sensible realism. The later sense can be rooted in the new studies on the ethical roots of all Popper's philosophy.
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