Results for 'Lorenz J. Halbeisen'

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  1.  23
    Halfway new cardinal characteristics.Jörg Brendle, Lorenz J. Halbeisen, Lukas Daniel Klausner, Marc Lischka & Saharon Shelah - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (9):103303.
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    Some implications of Ramsey Choice for families of $$\varvec{n}$$ -element sets.Lorenz Halbeisen & Salome Schumacher - 2023 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 62 (5):703-733.
    For \(n\in \omega \), the weak choice principle \(\textrm{RC}_n\) is defined as follows: _For every infinite set_ _X_ _there is an infinite subset_ \(Y\subseteq X\) _with a choice function on_ \([Y]^n:=\{z\subseteq Y:|z|=n\}\). The choice principle \(\textrm{C}_n^-\) states the following: _For every infinite family of_ _n_-_element sets, there is an infinite subfamily_ \({\mathcal {G}}\subseteq {\mathcal {F}}\) _with a choice function._ The choice principles \(\textrm{LOC}_n^-\) and \(\textrm{WOC}_n^-\) are the same as \(\textrm{C}_n^-\), but we assume that the family \({\mathcal {F}}\) is linearly orderable (...)
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  3. Consequences of arithmetic for set theory.Lorenz Halbeisen & Saharon Shelah - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (1):30-40.
    In this paper, we consider certain cardinals in ZF (set theory without AC, the axiom of choice). In ZFC (set theory with AC), given any cardinals C and D, either C ≤ D or D ≤ C. However, in ZF this is no longer so. For a given infinite set A consider $\operatorname{seq}^{1 - 1}(A)$ , the set of all sequences of A without repetition. We compare $|\operatorname{seq}^{1 - 1}(A)|$ , the cardinality of this set, to |P(A)|, the cardinality of (...)
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    Relations between some cardinals in the absence of the axiom of choice.Lorenz Halbeisen & Saharon Shelah - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):237-261.
    If we assume the axiom of choice, then every two cardinal numbers are comparable, In the absence of the axiom of choice, this is no longer so. For a few cardinalities related to an arbitrary infinite set, we will give all the possible relationships between them, where possible means that the relationship is consistent with the axioms of set theory. Further we investigate the relationships between some other cardinal numbers in specific permutation models and give some results provable without using (...)
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    A weird relation between two cardinals.Lorenz Halbeisen - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (5-6):593-599.
    For a set M, let \\) denote the set of all finite sequences which can be formed with elements of M, and let \ denote the set of all 2-element subsets of M. Furthermore, for a set A, let Open image in new window denote the cardinality of A. It will be shown that the following statement is consistent with Zermelo–Fraenkel Set Theory \: There exists a set M such that Open image in new window and no function Open image (...)
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  6.  22
    On Ramsey choice and partial choice for infinite families of n -element sets.Lorenz Halbeisen & Eleftherios Tachtsis - 2020 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 59 (5-6):583-606.
    For an integer \, Ramsey Choice\ is the weak choice principle “every infinite setxhas an infinite subset y such that\ has a choice function”, and \ is the weak choice principle “every infinite family of n-element sets has an infinite subfamily with a choice function”. In 1995, Montenegro showed that for \, \. However, the question of whether or not \ for \ is still open. In general, for distinct \, not even the status of “\” or “\” is known. (...)
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  7.  17
    Making doughnuts of Cohen reals.Lorenz Halbeisen - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (2):173-178.
    For a ⊆ b ⊆ ω with b\ a infinite, the set D = {x ∈ [ω]ω : a ⊆ x ⊆ b} is called a doughnut. A set S ⊆ [ω]ω has the doughnut property [MATHEMATICAL SCRIPT CAPITAL D] if it contains or is disjoint from a doughnut. It is known that not every set S ⊆ [ω]ω has the doughnut property, but S has the doughnut property if it has the Baire property ℬ or the Ramsey property ℛ. (...)
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  8.  40
    On Shattering, Splitting and Reaping Partitions.Lorenz Halbeisen - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1):123-134.
  9.  54
    Mathias absoluteness and the Ramsey property.Lorenz Halbeisen & Haim Judah - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):177-194.
    In this article we give a forcing characterization for the Ramsey property of Σ 1 2 -sets of reals. This research was motivated by the well-known forcing characterizations for Lebesgue measurability and the Baire property of Σ 1 2 -sets of reals. Further we will show the relationship between higher degrees of forcing absoluteness and the Ramsey property of projective sets of reals.
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    A generalization of the Dual Ellentuck Theorem.Lorenz Halbeisen & Pierre Matet - 2003 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 42 (2):103-128.
    We prove versions of the Dual Ramsey Theorem and the Dual Ellentuck Theorem for families of partitions which are defined in terms of games.
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    Four cardinals and their relations in ZF.Lorenz Halbeisen, Riccardo Plati, Salome Schumacher & Saharon Shelah - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (2):103200.
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    Symmetries between two Ramsey properties.Lorenz Halbeisen - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (4):241-260.
    In this article we compare the well-known Ramsey property with a dual form of it, the so called dual-Ramsey property (which was suggested first by Carlson and Simpson). Even if the two properties are different, it can be shown that all classical results known for the Ramsey property also hold for the dual-Ramsey property. We will also show that the dual-Ramsey property is closed under a generalized Suslin operation (the similar result for the Ramsey property was proved by Matet). Further (...)
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  13.  63
    The Probabilistic Revolution, Volume 1.Lorenz Krüger, Lorraine J. Daston & Michael Heidelberger (eds.) - 1987 - Mit Press: Cambridge.
    Preface to Volumes 1 and 2 Lorenz Krüger xv Introduction to Volume 1 Lorraine J. Daston 1 I Revolution 1 What Are Scientific Revolutions? Thomas S. Kuhn 7 2 Scientific Revolutions, Revolutions in Science, and a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930 I. Bernard Cohen 23 3 Was There a Probabilistic Revolution 1800-1930? Ian Hacking 45 II Concepts 4 The Slow Rise of Probabilism: Philosophical Arguments in the Nineteenth Century Lorenz Krüger 59 5 The Decline of the Laplacian Theory of Probability: (...)
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  14.  55
    Theaitetos fliegt. Zur Theorie wahrer und falscher Sätze bei Platon.K. Lorenz & J. Mittelstrass - 1966 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 48 (1-3):113-152.
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  15.  20
    Ethical and coordinative challenges in setting up a national cohort study during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.J. Janne Vehreschild, Martin Witzenrath, Christof Winter, Heike Valentin, Christoph Stellbrink, Melanie Stecher, Margarete Scherer, Siegbert Rieg, Jens-Peter Reese, Christina Pley, Matthias Nauck, Maximilian Muenchhoff, Lazar Mitrov, Roberto Lorbeer, Dagmar Krefting, Thomas Illig, Kirsten Haas, Ramsia Geisler, Sarah Berger, Gabi Anton, Lisa Pilgram, Bettina Lorenz-Depiereux, Monika Kraus, Katharina Appel, Sina M. Hopff & Katharina Tilch - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-16.
    With the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), global researchers were confronted with major challenges. The German National Pandemic Cohort Network (NAPKON) was launched in fall 2020 to effectively leverage resources and bundle research activities in the fight against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. We analyzed the setup phase of NAPKON as an example for multicenter studies in Germany, highlighting challenges and optimization potential in connecting 59 university and nonuniversity study sites. We examined the ethics application (...)
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    Apuntes para la imagen del mar en las Confesiones de san Agustín.Bernd Lorenz & J. A. Ciordia - 1986 - Augustinus 31 (121-122):179-184.
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    The 20-Kilometer University.J. Phillips, A. Benjamin, R. Bishop, L. Shiqiao, E. Lorenz, L. Xiaodu & M. Yan - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (7-8):287-320.
    This piece presents the work of academics and architects in a collaborative venture. It provides an architectural design and a series of statements towards the hypothetical creation of an unconventional city centre in the Chinese city of Shenzhen. The idea is to create a linear university that would run the 20-kilometer length of the Shenzhen Strip: the 20K university. The contributors outline, in the diversity of their idioms, a complex spatial condition fundamental to life, and demonstrate new relationships between knowledge (...)
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  18.  24
    Sein und Gott: ein systematischer Ansatz in Auseinandersetzung mit M. Heidegger, E. Lévinas und J.-L. Marion.Lorenz Bruno Puntel - 2010 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Die "Gottesfrage" ist anerkanntermaßen eine äußerst komplexe, vieldeutige und obskure Frage. In ausführlicher Auseinandersetzung mit Heidegger, in dessen Schriften eine sehr einflussreiche einseitige und entstellende Interpretation und Kritik der großen metaphysischen Tradition immer wieder präsentiert wird, zeigt Lorenz B. Puntel, dass die Gottesfrage klar, rational und argumentativ, kurz: mit theoretischer Rigorosität, behandelt werden kann. Dies aber setzt einen umfassenden philosophischen Theorierahmen voraus, der die Entfaltung einer systematischen Konzeption des Seins als solchen und im Ganzen ermöglicht und in nuce enthält. (...)
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  19. The Probabilistic Revolution, Volume 2.Lorenz Krüger, Gerd Gigerenzer & Mary S. Morgan (eds.) - 1987 - Mit Press: Cambridge.
    I PSYCHOLOGY 5 The Probabilistic Revolution in Psychology--an Overview Gerd Gigerenzer 7 1 Probabilistic Thinking and the Fight against Subjectivity Gerd Gigerenzer 11 2 Statistical Method and the Historical Development of Research Practice in American Psychology Kurt Danziger 35 3 Survival of the Fittest Probabilist: Brunswik, Thurstone, and the Two Disciplines of Psychology Gerd Gigerenzer 49 4 A Perspective for Viewing the Integration of Probability Theory in Psychology David J. Murray 73 II SOCIOLOGY 101 5 The Two Empirical Roots of (...)
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  20.  28
    The placebo puzzle: examining the discordant space between biomedical science and illness/healing.Shawn Pohlman, Nancy J. Cibulka, Janice L. Palmer, Rebecca A. Lorenz & Lee SmithBattle - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (1):71-81.
    POHLMAN S, CIBULKA NJ, PALMER JL, LORENZ RA and SMITHBATTLE L. Nursing Inquiry 2013; 20: 71–81 The placebo puzzle: examining the discordant space between biomedical science and illness/healingThe placebo response presents an enigma to biomedical science: how can ‘inert’ or ‘sham’ procedures reduce symptoms and produce physiological changes that are comparable to prescribed treatments? In this study, we examine this puzzle by explicating the discordant space between the prevailing biomedical paradigm, which focuses on a technical understanding of diagnosis and (...)
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  21. Agreeing to disagree in probabilistic dynamic epistemic logic.Lorenz Demey - 2014 - Synthese 191 (3):409-438.
    This paper studies Aumann’s agreeing to disagree theorem from the perspective of dynamic epistemic logic. This was first done by Dégremont and Roy (J Phil Log 41:735–764, 2012) in the qualitative framework of plausibility models. The current paper uses a probabilistic framework, and thus stays closer to Aumann’s original formulation. The paper first introduces enriched probabilistic Kripke frames and models, and various ways of updating them. This framework is then used to prove several agreement theorems, which are natural formalizations of (...)
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    Dr. P. J. Möbius als philosoph.Heinrich Lorenz - 1900 - Wiesbaden,: H. Rauch.
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    Making Sense of Common Good in Contemporary Society.M. Lorenz Moises J. Festin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:171-176.
    The main purpose of the paper is to investigate the relevance and significance of the concept of common good in contemporary society. First, I make a brief historical remark about the philosophical concept of common good. I will argue that the concept is rooted in the ancient Greek philosophical understanding of society, namely as polis, whereby human being is thought to have an end that is not merely individual but also collective. I then discuss how societies have significantly changed over (...)
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    Rediscovering the Sense of Pleasure in Morality.M. Lorenz Moises J. Festin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:101-108.
    Pleasure has always been an important issue in morality. And although ethical systems tend to focus the discussion on human action, this agreeable sentiment has remained a recurrent question in moral philosophy. In this paper, I go back to Aristotle’s treatment of pleasure in his writings, particularly in the Nicomachean Ethics. I will argue that the distinction he draws between bodily pleasures and those of the mind represents an important point not only in understanding eudaimonia but also in situating the (...)
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  25. Syntactical Treatment of Modalities, 6 February.Lorenz Demey & Jan Heylen - 2013 - The Reasoner 7 (4):45-45.
    The workshop took place in Leuven, Belgium, and was hosted by the KU Leuven's Centre for Logic and Analytic Philosophy. The workshop’s theme was the syntactical treatment of (alethic, epistemic, etc.) modalities. The standard view on modalities nowadays is that they are operators. Syntactic theories, however, treat modalities as predicates, and thus have to assume a background theory which is sufficiently strong to encode its own formulas (usually, one works with some system of arithmetic and Gödel coding). As a consequence, (...)
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    Substitute decision making in medicine: comparative analysis of the ethico-legal discourse in England and Germany. [REVIEW]Ralf J. Jox, Sabine Michalowski, Jorn Lorenz & Jan Schildmann - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (2):153-163.
    Health care decision making for patients without decisional capacity is ethically and legally challenging. Advance directives (living wills) have proved to be of limited usefulness in clinical practice. Therefore, academic attention should focus more on substitute decision making by the next of kin. In this article, we comparatively analyse the legal approaches to substitute medical decision making in England and Germany. Based on the current ethico-legal discourse in both countries, three aspects of substitute decision making will be highlighted: (1) Should (...)
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    Adriane A. Rini and Max J. Cresswell, The World-Time Parallel. Tense and Modality in Logic and Metaphysics. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012. [REVIEW]Lorenz Demey - 2013 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 75 (1):168-171.
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  28.  88
    The Genesis of Iconology.Jaś Elsner & Katharina Lorenz - 2012 - Critical Inquiry 38 (3):483-512.
    Erwin Panofsky explicitly states that the first half of the opening chapter of Studies in Iconology—his landmark American publication of 1939—contains ‘the revised content of a methodological article published by the writer in 1932’, which is now translated for the first time in this issue of Critical Inquiry.1 That article, published in the philosophical journal Logos, is among his most important works. First, it marks the apogee of his series of philosophically reflective essays on how to do art history,2 that (...)
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    Benefit in liver transplantation: a survey among medical staff, patients, medical students and non-medical university staff and students.Christine Englschalk, Daniela Eser, Ralf J. Jox, Alexander Gerbes, Lorenz Frey, Derek A. Dubay, Martin Angele, Manfred Stangl, Bruno Meiser, Jens Werner & Markus Guba - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):7.
    The allocation of any scarce health care resource, especially a lifesaving resource, can create profound ethical and legal challenges. Liver transplant allocation currently is based upon urgency, a sickest-first approach, and does not utilize capacity to benefit. While urgency can be described reasonably well with the MELD system, benefit encompasses multiple dimensions of patients’ well-being. Currently, the balance between both principles is ill-defined. This survey with 502 participants examines how urgency and benefit are weighted by different stakeholders. Liver transplant patients (...)
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    A Hierarchical Behavioral Dynamic Approach for Naturally Adaptive Human-Agent Pick-and-Place Interactions.Maurice Lamb, Patrick Nalepka, Rachel W. Kallen, Tamara Lorenz, Steven J. Harrison, Ali A. Minai & Michael J. Richardson - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-16.
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    Konrad Lorenz's ethological theory: Explanation and ideology, 1938-1943.Theodora J. Kalikow - 1983 - Journal of the History of Biology 16 (1):39-73.
  32.  10
    Lorenz, Edward N.: The Essence of Chaos, UCL Press, 1993, 227 págs.J. M. Montequi - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico:171-172.
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    Chaos Theory Before Lorenz.J. Barkley Rosser - unknown
    September 2008 Abstract: We consider the precursors to the discovery of sensitive dependence on initial conditions by Edward Lorenz (1963) in his model of climatic fluid dynamics. This will focus on work in various disciplines that imply either such sensitivity, irregular endogenous dynamic patterns, or fractal nature of an attractor, as is also found in the attractor underlying the model Lorenz studied. Going from ancient hints in Anaxagoras through nineteenth century mathematics and physics, the main areas of such (...)
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  34.  83
    Konrad Lorenz's ethological theory, 1939-1943: 'Explanations' of human thinking, feeling and behaviour.Theo J. Kalikow - 1976 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 6 (1):15-34.
  35.  57
    The innate and the learned: The evolution of Konrad Lorenz's theory of instinct.Robert J. Richards - 1974 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 4 (2):111-133.
  36. Review: Hendrik Lorenz: The Brute Within: Appetitive Desire in Plato and Aristotle. [REVIEW]J. Beere - 2008 - Mind 117 (468):1097-1102.
  37.  18
    Variation with temperature of the refractive index and Lorentz–Lorenz function of solid argon.A. J. Eatwell & G. O. Jones - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 10 (108):1059-1066.
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    Operator Derivation of the Gauge-Invariant Proca and Lehnert Equations; Elimination of the Lorenz Condition.P. K. Anastasovski, T. E. Bearden, C. Ciubotariu, W. T. Coffey, L. B. Crowell, G. J. Evans, M. W. Evans, R. Flower, A. Labounsky, B. Lehnert, P. R. Molnár, S. Roy & J. P. Vigier - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (7):1123-1129.
    Using covariant derivatives and the operator definitions of quantum mechanics, gauge invariant Proca and Lehnert equations are derived and the Lorenz condition is eliminated in U(1) invariant electrodynamics. It is shown that the structure of the gauge invariant Lehnert equation is the same in an O(3) invariant theory of electrodynamics.
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    Helge Kragh, Ludvig Lorenz: A Nineteenth-Century Theoretical Physicist. Copenhagen: Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, 2018. Pp. 280. ISBN 978-8-7730-4417-9. DKK 240,00. [REVIEW]Bruce J. Hunt - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (2):370-372.
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    Book Reviews : Konrad Lorenz, The Waning of Humaneness, translated by Robert Warren Kickert. Little, Brown, Boston, 1987. Pp. 256, $17.95. [REVIEW]Theodora J. Kalikow - 1990 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 20 (3):403-408.
  41.  66
    The Sino-Soviet Split: Cold War in the Communist World. By Lorenz M. Lüthi; Two Suns in the Heavens: The Sino-Soviet Struggle for Supremacy, 1962–1967. By Sergey Radchenko. [REVIEW]J. -Guy Lalande - 2012 - The European Legacy 17 (4):548 - 549.
    The European Legacy, Volume 17, Issue 4, Page 548-549, July 2012.
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    Gerd Gigerenzer, Zeno Swijtink, Theodore Porter, Lorraine Daston, John Beatty and Lorenz Kruger. The Empire of Chance. How Probability Changed Science and Everyday Life. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989. Pp. xviii + 340. ISBN 0-521-33115-3. £32.50. [REVIEW]M. J. S. Hodge - 1991 - British Journal for the History of Science 24 (1):124-126.
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    Book reviews : Civilized man's eight deadly sins. By Konrad Lorenz. Trans. Marjorie Kerr Wilson. A Helen and Kurt Wolff book. New York: Harcourt Brace jovanovich, inc., 1974. Pp. XIII + 107, $4.95. [REVIEW]Theo J. Kalikow - 1978 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 8 (1):99-101.
  44. Lorenz B. Puntel, Sein und Gott. Ein systematischer Ansatz in Auseinandersetzung mit M. Heidegger, É. Lévinas und J.-L. Marion. [REVIEW]Josef Schmidt - 2011 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 118 (1):204.
  45. Instinct in the ‘50s: The British Reception of Konrad Lorenz’s Theory of Instinctive Behavior.Paul E. Griffiths - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (4):609-631.
    At the beginning of the 1950s most students of animal behavior in Britain saw the instinct concept developed by Konrad Lorenz in the 1930s as the central theoretical construct of the new ethology. In the mid 1950s J.B.S. Haldane made substantial efforts to undermine Lorenz''s status as the founder of the new discipline, challenging his priority on key ethological concepts. Haldane was also critical of Lorenz''s sharp distinction between instinctive and learnt behavior. This was inconsistent with Haldane''s (...)
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  46. Kuenen, D. J., Lorenz, K., Tinbergen, N., Schiller, P. H. And Von Uekxuell, J. - Instinctive Behavior. [REVIEW]M. Thomas - 1959 - Scientia 53 (94):269.
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    Begegnungen mit der Wertethik: M. Scheler, J. Hessen, H.-E. Hengstenberg, D. von Hildebrand, Imm. Kant, H. Rickert, N. Hartmann, G. Patzig, K. Lorenz, A. Gehlen.Hans Drexler - 1978 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
  48.  73
    Probability and Statistics in Historical PerspectiveThe Probabilistic Revolution. Volume I: Ideas in History. Lorenz Kruger, Lorraine J. Daston, Michael HeidelbergerThe Probabilistic Revolution. Volume II: Ideas in Science. Lorenz Kruger, Gerd Gigerenzer, Mary S. MorganClassical Probability in the Enlightenment. Lorraine J. Daston. [REVIEW]Donald MacKenzie - 1989 - Isis 80 (1):116-124.
  49.  49
    Pere Alberch: Originator of EvoDevo.John O. Reiss, Ann C. Burke, Charles Archer, Miquel de Renzi, Hernán Dopazo, Arantza Etxeberría, Emily A. Gale, J. Richard Hinchliffe, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Chris S. Rose, Diego Rasskin-Gutman & Gerd B. Müller - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (4):351-356.
    In September 2008, 10 years after the untimely death of Pere Alberch (1954–1998), the 20th Altenberg Workshop in Theoretical Biology gathered a group of Pere’s students, col- laborators, and colleagues (Figure 1) to celebrate his contribu- tions to the origins of EvoDevo. Hosted by the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) outside Vienna, the group met for two days of discussion. The meeting was organized in tandem with a congress held in May 2008 at the Cavanilles (...)
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    Leibniz et J.-S. Bach: métaphysique et pensée musicale à l'âge baroque.Arthur Dony - 2017 - Liège, Belgique: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
    La musique occupe une place singulière au sein de la philosophie de G.W. Leibniz (1646-1716). Si les développements que ce dernier y consacre sont peu nombreux et dispersés à travers son œuvre, ils n'en dessinent pas moins les contours d'une philosophie de la musique aussi pénétrante que méconnue. Celle-ci apparait tout à la fois comme l'expression et le modèle privilégié de sa métaphysique générale, dont la portée esthétique reste largement à explorer. Une œuvre en particulier, cependant, semble avoir déjà donné (...)
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