Results for 'Low Yin Yee Sharon'

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  1.  47
    The Child with a Brain Tumour: Vulnerability Perspectives from Neurosurgery.Low Yin Yee Sharon & Seow Wan Tew - 2015 - Asian Bioethics Review 7 (2):250-256.
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    'Who is Responsible for this Patient?': A Case Study Analysis of Conflicting Interests between Patient, Family and Doctor in a Singaporean Context.Low Yin Yee Sharon - 2011 - Asian Bioethics Review 3 (3):261-271.
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    Direct and Multiplicative Effects of Ethical Dispositions and Ethical Climates on Personal Justice Norms: A Virtue Ethics Perspective.Victor P. Lau & Yin Yee Wong - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):279-294.
    From virtue ethics and interactionist perspectives, we hypothesized that personal justice norms (distributive and procedural justice norms) were shaped directly and multiplicatively by ethical dispositions (equity sensitivity and need for structure) and ethical climates (egoistic, benevolent, and principle climates). We collected multisource data from 123 companies in Hong Kong, with personal factors assessed by participants’ self-reports and contextual factors by aggregations of their peers. In general, LISREL analyses with latent product variables supported the direct and multiplicative relationships. Our findings could (...)
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    “Dying Well” in Singapore: Reflecting on Terminal Cancer Management.Sharon Low - 2012 - Asian Bioethics Review 4 (3):226-235.
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    How should we deal with misattributed paternity? A survey of lay public attitudes.Georgia Lowe, Jonathan Pugh, Guy Kahane, Louise Corben, Sharon Lewis, Martin Delatycki & Julian Savulescu - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (4):234-242.
    Background: Increasing use of genetic technologies in clinical and research settings increases the potential for misattributed paternity to be identified. Yet existing guidance from the President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Biomedical and Behavioral Research and the Institute of Medicine (among others) offers contradictory advice. Genetic health professionals are thus likely to vary in their practice when misattributed paternity is identified, and empirical investigation into the disclosure of misattributed paternity is scarce. Given the relevance of this ethical (...)
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    The role of palliative medicine in ICU bed allocation in COVID-19: a joint position statement of the Singapore Hospice Council and the Chapter of Palliative Medicine Physicians.Lalit Kumar Radha Krishna, Han Yee Neo, Elisha Wan Ying Chia, Kuang Teck Tay, Noreen Chan, Patricia Soek Hui Neo, Cynthia Goh, Tan Ying Peh, Min Chiam & James Alvin Yiew Hock Low - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (2):205-211.
    Facing the possibility of a surge of COVID-19-infected patients requiring ventilatory support in Intensive Care Units, the Singapore Hospice Council and the Chapter of Palliative Medicine Physicians forward its position on the guiding principles that ought to drive the allocation of ICU beds and its role in care of these patients and their families.
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    The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Employee Outcomes in Private and Public Limited Companies in Malaysia.Koon Vui-Yee - 2015 - Journal of Human Values 21 (2):75-86.
    This study investigates the interaction effects of two business strategies (differentiation and low cost) and human resource (HR) management (HRM) practices (recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, performance management, employment security and work–life balance) on employee outcomes (organizational commitment, turnover intention, employee involvement and job satisfaction). These relationships are further analyzed on the extent of differences between public and private limited companies in Malaysia. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is used to examine the effect of the three variables and the (...)
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    Group Norms Influence Children’s Expectations About Status Based on Wealth and Popularity.Kathryn M. Yee, Jacquelyn Glidden & Melanie Killen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Children’s understanding of status and group norms influence their expectations about social encounters. However, status is multidimensional and children may perceive status stratification differently across multiple status dimensions. The current study investigated the effect of status level and norms on children’s expectations about intergroup affiliation in wealth and popularity contexts. Participants were randomly assigned to hear two scenarios where a high- or low-status target affiliated with opposite-status groups based on either wealth or popularity. In one scenario, the group expressed an (...)
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  9.  26
    Context Matters! Why Termsof Transaction as Well as Autonomy Should Be Analyzed in the Context of Low-Income Countries.Sharon Bassan - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (5):48-50.
  10.  4
    Parental awareness and perspectives on newborn screening in China: a questionnaire-based study.Xiaoshan Yin, Peiyao Wang, Ziyan Cen, Zinan Yu, Qimin He, Benqing Wu & Xinwen Huang - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-8.
    Low parental awareness and knowledge about newborn screening have been identified as a public issue. This study explored Chinese parents’ self-evaluation of awareness, knowledge, and methods of receiving information about newborn screening. Using convenience sampling, we included 614 respondents who were expectant parents or parents of children aged 0-3 years. Our self-made questionnaire comprised four sections: sociodemographic characteristics, self-evaluation of awareness, detailed knowledge about newborn screening, and practical and expected methods of receiving newborn screening information. We found that 72.9% of (...)
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    Social anxiety modulating early processing for social threat words: an ERP study.Fei Yin, Feng Si, Shuhui Huo, Zhengjun Wang, Haibo Yang, Xiwu Zhao & Jianqin Cao - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Even though some recent research revealed individuals with HSA typically display enhanced processing in the early stages of emotional information processing due to hypervigilance and vulnerability to negative stimuli, it is still unclear whether social anxiety affects the time course underlying processing bias for emotional stimuli. Therefore, the present study aimed to explore the early stage of processing social threat stimuli in high social anxiety (HSA) individuals by recording RTs and EEG data in the emotional Stroop task. Behavioral data showed (...)
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  12. A scoping review of human genetic resources management policies and databases in high- and middle-low-income countries.Hongwei Liu, Yin Liu, Yanyan Zhao, Yingqi Ma, Qiong Chen, Huifang Xu, Xiaoyang Wang, Xiaoli Guo, Hong Wang, Zelong Chen, Shaokai Zhang & Binbin Han - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-15.
    This review examines global human genetic resources management, focusing on genetic data policies and repositories in high- and middle-low-income countries. A comprehensive search strategy was employed across multiple databases, including official government websites and Google, to gather relevant literature on human genetic resources management policies and genetic resource databases. Documents were screened for relevance, focusing on high-income countries (United States, United Kingdom, Japan) and middle-low-income countries (China, India, Kenya). Data were extracted, coded, and analyzed to identify common themes and differences (...)
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  13.  33
    Ethical challenges in clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic in an academic healthcare institution in Malaysia: A qualitative study.Sharon Kaur, Mark Tan Kiak Min, Shu Hui Ng & Chirk Jenn Ng - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (3):243-251.
    Background Healthcare professionals (HCPs) face a myriad of ethical challenges during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. However, there is limited literature examining the ethical challenges faced by HCPs in low- and medium-income countries. The research was designed to explore the ethical challenges experienced by HCPs in a Malaysian hospital setting during the pandemic. Methods Semistructured interviews were conducted via video calls with 10 Malaysian HCPs across different clinical disciplines involved in managing patients diagnosed with COVID-19 infections. The calls were (...)
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  14.  25
    Current Status of Research Ethics Capacity in Myanmar.Zaw-Zaw Oo, Yin-Thet-Nu Oo, Mo-Mo Than, Khine Zaw Oo, Min Wun, Kyaw-Soe Htun & Henry Silverman - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (2):123-132.
    Myanmar has recently surfaced from total military rule and efforts at conducting research to enhance the health of the population has increased during the recent democratization process, both from the military and civil sectors as well as support from international agencies. International guidelines mandate that such research requires prior ethics review in accordance with international standards. Previous commentators have expressed concerns, however, regarding the degree of adequate training in research ethics for investigators, the optimal functioning of Research Ethics Committees, and (...)
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    Do complex moral reasoners experience greater ethical work conflict?E. Sharon Mason & Peter E. Mudrack - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1311-1318.
    Individuals who disagree that organizational interests legitimately supersede those of the wider society may experience conflict between their personal standards of ethics and those demanded by an employing organization, a conflict that is well documented. An additional question is whether or not individuals capable of complex moral reasoning experience greater conflict than those reasoning at a less developed level. This question was first positioned in a theoretical framework and then investigated using 115 survey responses from a student sample. Correlational analysis (...)
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  16.  21
    From the Front.Nicolas Aliferis & Avi Sharon - 2020 - Arion 28 (2):123-136.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From the Front NICOLAS ALIFERIS (Translated by Avi Sharon) The poems in Nicolas Aliferis’s 1998 collection “From the Front” offer a panorama of postcard views and epistolary voices from across the Greek oikoumene during the years 1897 through 1922. While the title has military tones, they are not all soldier’s letters. In point of fact, this was a period when the territorial limits of Greece, “the Front,” were (...)
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    Bargaining theory and cooperative fishing participation on ifaluk atoll.Richard Sosis, Sharon Feldstein & Kim Hill - 1998 - Human Nature 9 (2):163-203.
    In this paper we examine the merit of bargaining theory, in its economic and ecological forms, as a model for understanding variation in the frequency of participation in cooperative fishing among men of Ifaluk atoll in Micronesia. Two determinants of bargaining power are considered: resource control and a bargainer’s utility gain for his expected share of the negotiated resource. Several hypotheses which relte cultural and life-course parameters to bargaining power are tested against data on the frequency of cooperative sail-fishing participation. (...)
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  18. Similarity-based viewspace interpolation and the categorization of 3D objects.Shimon Edelman & Sharon Duvdevani-Bar - 1997 - In Shimon Edelman & Sharon Duvdevani-Bar, Proc. Edinburgh Workshop on Similarity and Categorization.
    Visual objects can be represented by their similarities to a small number of reference shapes or prototypes. This method yields low-dimensional (and therefore computationally tractable) representations, which support both the recognition of familiar shapes and the categorization of novel ones. In this note, we show how such representations can be used in a variety of tasks involving novel objects: viewpoint-invariant recognition, recovery of a canonical view, estimation of pose, and prediction of an arbitrary view. The unifying principle in all these (...)
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  19.  55
    Reasonable Suspicion of Child abuse: Finding a Common Language.Benjamin H. Levi & Sharon G. Portwood - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (1):62-69.
    A father brings his six-year-old daughter and her older sister to their pediatrician to be evaluated for a history of cough, runny nose, and low-grade fever. In addition to signs of a cold, the girl's nasal bridge is quite swollen and bruised. When asked how her nose was injured, she shrugs, and her father's only conjecture is that she sleepwalks and might have bumped into something. The father sits impatiently and as questioning progresses becomes increasingly defensive, at one point angrily (...)
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  20.  22
    Consumer perception and understanding of the risks of antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in farming.Áine Regan, Sharon Sweeney, Claire McKernan, Tony Benson & Moira Dean - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):989-1001.
    To combat the OneHealth threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the use of antibiotics in agriculture is subject to significant governance-led initiatives to change food system behaviours, including promoting more responsible use of antibiotics on farms through market-level interventions. To combat knowledge gaps about how consumers perceive risks associated with antibiotic use and AMR in farming, the current study carried out an in-depth qualitative focus group study incorporating a risk information exposure exercise with food consumers on the island of Ireland (_n_ (...)
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  21.  36
    Assessing Research Ethics Committees in Myanmar: Results of a Self-Assessment Tool.Zaw Zaw Oo, Min Wun, Yin Thet Nu Oo, Kyaw Swa Mya & Henry J. Silverman - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (1):37-49.
    Human subjects research has increased in Myanmar since 2010 and, accordingly, the establishment of research ethics committees has increased review of these research studies. However, characteristics that reflect the operations of RECs in Myanmar have not been assessed. To assess the structures and processes of RECs at medical institutions in Myanmar, we used a self-assessment tool for RECs operating in low- and middle-income countries. This tool consists of the following ten domains: organizational aspects, membership and ethics training, submission arrangements and (...)
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  22.  56
    Stressful Life Events and Subjective Well-Being in Vocational School Female Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Depression and the Moderating Role of Perceived Social Support.Mingkun Ouyang, Danni Gui, Xiao Cai, Yulong Yin, Xiaoling Mao, Shaoxu Huang, Pan Zeng & Pengcheng Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Stressful life events and subjective well-being are negatively related, but there is little research in the current literature exploring the mediating and moderating mechanisms underlying this association, especially for female adolescents in vocational schools who are subjected to undesirable life events. In the present study, we examined the mediating role of depression in the association between stressful life events and female adolescents’ subjective well-being, as well as the moderating role of perceived social support in the direct and indirect relations involved. (...)
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  23.  61
    Informed consent in paediatric critical care research – a South African perspective.Brenda M. Morrow, Andrew C. Argent & Sharon Kling - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):62.
    Medical care of critically ill and injured infants and children globally should be based on best research evidence to ensure safe, efficacious treatment. In South Africa and other low and middle-income countries, research is needed to optimise care and ensure rational, equitable allocation of scare paediatric critical care resources.
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  24.  14
    Chinese Physicians’ Attitudes toward and Understanding of Medical Professionalism: Results of a National Survey.Jing-Bao Nie, Xiaolei Bao, Xiuyun Yin & Linying Hu - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (2):135-147.
    BackgroundMedical professionalism has been developing in the Peoples’ Republic of China as one way to better address perennial and new challenges in healthcare in an ever-changing society. Among many recent developments in this area is promotion by the national Chinese Medical Doctor Association of the principles and values contained in the international document, “Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium: A Physician Charter.”ObjectiveTo discover Chinese physicians’ attitudes toward and understanding of medical professionalism.MethodologyThe authors distributed a self-reporting questionnaire that included 34 statements (...)
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    Antiepileptic Efficacy and Network Connectivity Modulation of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation by Vertex Suppression.Cong Fu, Aikedan Aisikaer, Zhijuan Chen, Qing Yu, Jianzhong Yin & Weidong Yang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    A core feature of drug-resistant epilepsy is hyperexcitability in the motor cortex, and low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation is a suitable treatment for seizures. However, the antiepileptic effect causing network reorganization has rarely been studied. Here, we assessed the impact of rTMS on functional network connectivity in resting functional networks and their relation to treatment response. Fourteen patients with medically intractable epilepsy received inhibitive rTMS with a figure-of-eight coil over the vertex for 10 days spread across two weeks. We designed (...)
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  26.  14
    The Search for and Presence of Calling: Latent Profiles and Relationships With Work Meaning and Job Satisfaction.Feifei Li, Runkai Jiao, Dan Liu & Hang Yin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous studies showed inconsistent results on the association between searching for calling and its psychosocial functioning outcomes. The link of searching for calling to its psychosocial functioning outcomes may be influenced by the presence of calling because the search for and presence of calling can co-exist within individuals. Thus, the present study employed a person-centered method to identify subgroups combining the search for and presence of a calling and then explore the identified profiles' differences in work meaning and job satisfaction. (...)
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  27.  20
    Functional Deficits and Structural Changes Associated With the Visual Attention Network During Resting State in Adult Strabismic and Anisometropic Amblyopes.Hao Wang, Minglong Liang, Sheila G. Crewther, Zhengqin Yin, Jian Wang, David P. Crewther & Tao Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Our previous study has shown impaired blood oxygen level-dependent /functional magnetic resonance imaging activation of the visual attention network in strabismic amblyopia. However, there has been no comparison of resting state fMRI activation and functional connectivity in brain regions of interest along the visual attention network including visual cortex, intraparietal sulcus, and frontal eye fields during closed eye resting across the SA, or anisometropic amblyopes groups. Hence, we compared, gray matter volume, amplitude of low frequency fluctuations, regional homogeneity, and FC (...)
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  28.  29
    Perceptions of slow codes by nurses working on internal medicine wards.Freda DeKeyser Ganz, Rotem Sharfi, Nehama Kaufman & Sharon Einav - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1734-1743.
    Background: Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is the default procedure during cardio-pulmonary arrest. If a patient does not want cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, then a do not attempt resuscitation order must be documented. Often, this order is not given; even if thought to be appropriate. This situation can lead to a slow code, defined as an ineffective resuscitation, where all resuscitation procedures are not performed or done slowly. Research objectives: To describe the perceptions of nurses working on internal medicine wards of slow codes, including the (...)
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  29.  25
    Maternal Interaction With Infants Among Women at Elevated Risk for Postpartum Depression.Sherryl H. Goodman, Maria Muzik, Diana I. Simeonova, Sharon A. Kidd, Margaret Tresch Owen, Bruce Cooper, Christine Y. Kim, Katherine L. Rosenblum & Sandra J. Weiss - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:737513.
    Ample research links mothers’ postpartum depression (PPD) to adverse interactions with their infants. However, most studies relied on general population samples, whereas a substantial number of women are at elevated depression risk. The purpose of this study was to describe mothers’ interactions with their 6- and 12-month-old infants among women at elevated risk, although with a range of symptom severity. We also identified higher-order factors that best characterized the interactions and tested longitudinal consistency of these factors from 6 to 12 (...)
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    The Rose of Sharon: What Is the Ideal Timing for Palliative Care Consultation versus Ethics Consultation?Jennifer La Via & David Schiedermayer - 2012 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 23 (3):231-233.
    Ethics committees and palliative care consultants can function in a complementary fashion, seamlessly and effectively. Ethics committees can “air” and help resolves issues, and palliative care consultants can use a low-key, longitudinal approach.
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  31. Critical Thinking.Sharon Bailin & Harvey Siegel - 2002 - In Nigel Blake, Paul Smeyers, Richard D. Smith & Paul Standish, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 181–193.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Nature of Critical Thinking Critical Thinking: Skills/Abilities and Dispositions Critical Thinking and the Problem of Generalizability The Relationship Between Critical Thinking and Creative Thinking “Critical Thinking” and Other Terms Referring to Thinking Critical Thinking and Education Critiques of Critical Thinking Conclusion.
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  32. Living in a Dissonant World: Toward an Agonistic Cosmopolitics for Education.Sharon Todd - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (2):213-228.
    As a flashpoint for specific instances of conflict, Muslim sartorial practices have at times been seen as being antagonistic to “western” ideas of gender equality, secularity, and communicative practices. In light of this, I seek to highlight the ways in which such moments of antagonism actually might be understood on “cosmopolitical” terms, that is, through a framework informed by a critical and political approach to cosmopolitanism itself. Thus, through an “agonistic cosmopolitics” I here argue for a more robust political understanding (...)
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  33.  34
    The Battling Botanist: Daniel Trembly MacDougal, Mutation Theory, and the Rise of Experimental Evolutionary Biology in America, 1900-1912.Sharon Kingsland - 1991 - Isis 82 (3):479-509.
  34.  69
    Failing a student nurse.Sharon Black, Joan Curzio & Louise Terry - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (2):224-238.
    The factors preventing registered nurses from failing students in practice are multifaceted and have attracted much debate over recent years. However, writers rarely focus on what is needed to fail an incompetent pre-registration nursing student in their final placement. This hermeneutic study explored the mentor experience of failing a pre-registration nursing student in their final placement. A total of 19 mentors were recruited from 7 different healthcare organisations in both inner city and rural locations in the southeast of England. Participants (...)
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  35. The Role of Case Study Research in Political Science: Evidence for Causal Claims.Sharon Crasnow - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (5):655-666.
    Political science research, particularly in international relations and comparative politics, has increasingly become dominated by statistical and formal approaches. The promise of these approaches shifted the methodological emphasis away from case study research. In response, supporters of case study research argue that case studies provide evidence for causal claims that is not available through statistical and formal research methods, and many have advocated multimethod research. I propose a way of understanding the integration of multiple methodologies in which the causes sought (...)
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  36. Education for Citizenship and ‘Ethical Life’: An Exploration of the Hegelian Concepts of Bildung and Sittlichkeit.Sharon Jessop - 2012 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 46 (2):287-302.
    The significance of German Romantic and Hegelian philosophy for educational practice is not attended to as much as it deserves to be, both as a matter of historical interest and of current importance. In particular, its role in shaping the thought of John Dewey, whose educational philosophy is of seminal importance for discussions on education for citizenship, is of considerable interest, as recent work by Jim Garrison (2006) and James Good (2006; 2007) has shown. This article focuses on the Hegelian (...)
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    Regarding the Rise in Autism: Vaccine Safety Doubt, Conditions of Inquiry, and the Shape of Freedom.Sharon R. Kaufman - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):8-32.
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  38. Default Reasonableness and the Mathoids.Sharon Berry - 2013 - Synthese 190 (17):3695-3713.
    In this paper I will argue that (principled) attempts to ground a priori knowledge in default reasonable beliefs cannot capture certain common intuitions about what is required for a priori knowledge. I will describe hypothetical creatures who derive complex mathematical truths like Fermat’s last theorem via short and intuitively unconvincing arguments. Many philosophers with foundationalist inclinations will feel that these creatures must lack knowledge because they are unable to justify their mathematical assumptions in terms of the kind of basic facts (...)
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  39. Collateral Damage: How High-Stakes Testing Corrupts America's Schools.Sharon L. Nichols, David C. Berliner & Nel Noddings - 2007 - Harvard Education Press.
    Drawing on their extensive research, Nichols and Berliner document and categorize the ways that high-stakes testing threatens the purposes and ideals of the American education system. For more than a decade, the debate over high-stakes testing has dominated the field of education. This passionate and provocative book provides a fresh perspective on the issue and powerful ammunition for opponents of high-stakes tests. Their analysis is grounded in the application of Campbell’s Law, which posits that the greater the social consequences associated (...)
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    Philosophy and the City: Classic to Contemporary Writings.Sharon M. Meagher (ed.) - 2008 - State University of New York Press.
    The definitive source book on philosophy and the city.
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  41. (1 other version)Can Science Be Objective? Longino's Science as Social Knowledge.Sharon L. Crasnow - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (3):194-201.
    InScience as Social Knowledge, Helen Longino offers a contextual analysis of evidential relevance. She claims that this “contextual empiricism” reconciles the objectivity of science with the claim that science is socially constructed. I argue that while her account does offer key insights into the role that values play in science, her claim that science is nonetheless objective is problematic.
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    American Pragmatism and the Global City: Engaging Saskia Sassen’s Work.Sharon M. Meagher - 2013 - The Pluralist 8 (3):83-89.
    A Dialogue between American pragmatists in the Deweyan tradition and Saskia Sassen is profitable in at least two ways. First, Sassen’s call for “analytic tactics” might be understood in terms of Dewey’s understanding of “soft method.” Second, Sassen is a model of the publicly engaged scholar, not only because she lives the work but also because she connects theory and empirical research in ways that are necessary if we are to follow the Deweyan call to philosophers to address social problems (...)
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    (1 other version)The logic of rationality.Sharon Ryan - 1998 - Philosophia 26 (3-4):525-528.
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    Towards a balanced approach to identifying conflicts of interest faced by institutional review boards.Sharon Kaur & Sujata Balan - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (5):341-361.
    The welfare and protection of human subjects is critical to the integrity of clinical investigation and research. Institutional review boards were thus set up to be impartial reviewers of research protocols in clinical research. Their main role is to stand between the investigator and her human subjects in order to ensure that the welfare of human subjects are protected. While there is much literature on the conflicts of interest faced by investigators and researchers in clinical investigations, an area that is (...)
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    In defence of a faith-like model of love: a reply to John Lippitt’s “Kierkegaard and the problem of special relationships: Ferreira, Krishek, and the ‘God filter”’.Sharon Krishek - 2014 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 75 (2):155-166.
    In his major work on love, Works of Love, Kierkegaard clearly and robustly affirms the moral superiority of neighbourly love, and approves preferential love on one condition: that it serve as an instance of neighbourly love. But can an essentially preferential love be an instance of the essentially non-preferential neighbourly love? John Lippitt seems to think it can. In his paper “Kierkegaard and the problem of special relationships: Ferreira, Krishek, and the ‘God filter”’ he defends Kierkegaard’s position in Works of (...)
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  46.  18
    11 Welcoming and Difficult Learning.Sharon Todd - 2008 - In Denise Egéa-Kuehne, Levinas and Education: At the Intersection of Faith and Reason. New York: Routledge. pp. 18--170.
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    Bringing the Politics Back In: A Critical Analysis of Quality Discourses in Education.Sharon Gewirtz - 2000 - British Journal of Educational Studies 48 (4):352-370.
    This paper considers the consequences of, and tensions within, New Labour's quality agenda for schools. In particular, it draws attention to the way in which official versions of quality, characterised by a narrow, economistic instrumentality, are being promoted in schools by various forms of quality control that are marginalising broader, more humanistic conceptions of quality. It is also argued that, despite New Labour's rhetorical emphasis on education for citizenship, the mechanisms of quality control favoured by the government tend to produce (...)
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    For the Sake of the Children: Destigmatizing Intersexuality.Sharon E. Preves - 1998 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (4):411-420.
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    Philosophical Society for the Study of Sport 1998.Sharon Kay Stall - 1999 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 26 (1):95-104.
  50. Roland Barthes, The Neutral: Lecture Course at the College de France (1977-1978) Reviewed by.Sharon M. Meagher - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (5):323-325.
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