Results for 'Luc Leguérinel'

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  1.  16
    Myśl Jacques’a Poulaina o człowieku i instytucjach.Luc Leguérinel - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 38:27-62.
    The purpose of this article is to propose a synthesis of Jacques Poulain's philosophical reflection on language and its importance for human being and for the society. To do this, we begin with presenting what Poulain has constantly established in the light of anthropobiological knowledge in his various works by showing that the child does not directly enter the world through senses or action, but through language and that it cannot enter the world and become a subject able to think (...)
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    Pythagoras Redivivus: Studies on the Texts Attributed to Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans.Constantinos Macris, Luc Brisson & Tiziano Dorandi (eds.) - 2021 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Die vorliegende Sammlung von Aufsätzen einiger der weltbesten Spezialisten der antiken griechischen Philosophie konzentriert sich auf die philosophischen Texte, die während der hellenistischen und kaiserlichen Zeit Pythagoras und den Pythagoreern zugeschrieben wurden. Ihre unbekannten Verfasser behaupten, die Positionen der ursprünglichen pythagoreischen Schule zur Metaphysik, Theologie, Zahlenphilosophie, Physik, Logik, politischen Philosophie, Ethik und zur richtigen Lebensweise zu vermitteln. Die kühnsten unter ihnen präsentieren sich als die Quellen, aus denen Platon und Aristoteles die Inspiration für den Timaios und die Kategorien geschöpft haben. (...)
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  3. The being-with of being-there.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (1):1-15.
    In Being and Time, Heidegger affirms that being-with or Mitsein is an essential constitution of Dasein but he does not submit this existential to the same rigorous analyses as other existentials. In this essay, Jean-Luc Nancy points to the different places where Heidegger erased the possibility of thinking an essential with that he himself opened. This erasure is due, according to Nancy, to the subordination of Mitsein to a thinking of the proper and the improper. The polarization of Being-with between (...)
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    The reason of the gift.Jean-Luc Marion - 2011 - Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
    The phenomenological origins of the concept of givenness -- Remarks on the origins of Gegebenheit in Heidegger's thought -- Substitution and solicitude: how Levinas re-reads Heidegger -- Sketch of a phenomenological concept of sacrifice.
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  5. Bayle et les apories de la science divine.Jean-Luc Solere - 2002 - In Olivier Boulnois, Jacob Schmutz & Jean-Luc Solère (eds.), Le Contemplateur et les Idées. Modèles de la science divine, du néoplatonisme au XVIIIe siècle. Paris, France: Vrin. pp. 271-326.
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  6. (1 other version)Why do we Think Racially? Culture, Evolution, and Cognition.Edouard Machery & Luc Faucher - unknown
    Contemporary research on racial categorization is mostly encompassed by two research traditions—social constructionism and the cognitive-cum-evolutionary approach. Although both literatures have some plausible empirical evidence and some theoretical insights to contribute to a full understanding of racial categorization, there has been little contact between their proponents. In order to foster such contacts, we critically review both traditions, focusing particularly on the recent evolutionary/cognitive explanations of racial categorization. On the basis of this critical survey, we put forward a list of eleven (...)
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  7. Dominican Debates on the Intensification of Qualities at the Beginning of the 14th Century.Jean-Luc Solere - 2020 - In Andreas Speer & Andrea Colli (eds.), Censures, Condemnations, Corrections in Late Medieval Schools. pp. 293-346.
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    Fast quantum algorithms for handling probabilistic and interval uncertainty.Vladik Kreinovich & Luc Longpré - 2004 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 50 (4-5):405-416.
    In many real-life situations, we are interested in the value of a physical quantity y that is difficult or impossible to measure directly. To estimate y, we find some easier-to-measure quantities x1, … , xn which are related to y by a known relation y = f. Measurements are never 100% accurate; hence, the measured values equation image are different from xi, and the resulting estimate equation image is different from the desired value y = f. How different can it (...)
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    Prolegomena to charity.Jean-Luc Marion - 2002 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In seven essays that draw from metaphysics, phenomenology, literature, Christological theology, and Biblical exegesis,Marion sketches several prolegomena to a future fuller thinking and saying of love’s paradoxical reasons, exploring evil, freedom, bedazzlement, and the loving gaze; crisis, absence, and knowing.
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    The Jurisdiction of the Hegelian monarch.Jean-Luc Nancy, Mary Ann & Peter Caws - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49 (2):481-516.
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  11. Tension et intention. Esquisse de l’histoire d’une notion.Jean-Luc Solere - 2007 - In Lambros Couloubaritsis & Antonino Mazzù (eds.), Questions sur l’Intentionnalité. pp. 59-124.
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    “Aimer penser mourir.Jean-Luc Gouin - 1990 - Philosopher: revue pour tous 9:75-89.
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    Merleau-Ponty et le marxisme ou La difficulté de tolérer l’intolérable.Jean-Luc Gouin - 1991 - Philosophiques 18 (1):95-117.
    L'extrême barbarie de la seconde guerre mondiale, et l'espoir d'une vie différente pour l'humanité, ont amené M. Merleau-Ponty à réfléchir sur le marxisme - théorique d'une part, stalinien d'autre part. Notre projet consiste à suivre son cheminement intellectuel à cet égard depuis ses premiers écrits politiques de '45 jusqu'en I960, quelques mois à peine avant sa mort subite survenue il y a exactement trente ans, en mai 1961. Mais en quoi est-il pertinent, à l'heure où un vent d'Histoire plane sur (...)
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    Espero estar en la verdad: la búsqueda ontológica de Paul Ricoeur.Lucı́a Herrerías Guerra - 1996 - Roma: Editrice Pontificia università gregoriana.
    La pregunta crucial en todas las culturas a lo largo de los siglos es la pregunta por el Fundamento de lo real. Pero es posible pensar el Fundamento -articularlo especulativamente- o nos tenemos que contentar con nombrarlo? O podemos narrarlo, contar su historia? Esa pregunta por el Fundamento esta presente tambien en la filosofia de Paul Ricoeur; recorriendo su obra, descubrimos diversas zonas de pensamiento en las que esa interrogacion surge y resurge, implicita o explicitamente, bajo la forma de una (...)
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    Le capitalisme et l'oppression des femmes : pour un retour à Marx.Elsa Gimenez & Luc Benoit - 2001 - Actuel Marx 30:61.
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    From Animal to Environment: The Narrative of a Research on Nature from the 18th Century to the Present Day.Jean-Luc Guichet - 2024 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 33 (4):363-374.
    This paper is the text of a lecture given at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski on 2 November 2023 at the invitation of Professor Irena Kristeva. Its purpose is to retrace the path of my research, from the question of the Animal in the eighteenth century to the theme, at the same time, of the environment associated with the construction of the modern Ego and which gave rise to my latest book published in 2020: Figures of the Self and the (...)
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    Les jardins de l'écoute.Jean-Luc Hervé - 2018 - Paris: Éditions MF. Edited by Anne Cauquelin.
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  18. L'être et l'affection.Jean-luc Marion - 1980 - Archives de Philosophie 43 (3):433.
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    Substantia.Jean-Luc Marion & Enrique A. Eguiarte B. - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):507-519.
    The aim of J.-L. Marion’s article is to revisit the important debate on the place of Augustine in the history of metaphysics. Often, quibbles arise upon considering the use of substance (substantia) by Augustine, not only as approximative of essentia and as synonymous with ousia, but in deciding whether in so doing Augustine effectuates a ‘metaphysical turn’. While he elsewhere argues that Augustine is a pre-metaphysical thinker, in this article Marion focuses on showing the diverse range of usages of the (...)
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  20.  20
    Thinking Elsewhere.Jean-Luc Marion & Brian W. Becker - 2019 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 1 (1):5-26.
    This essay traces the phenomenon of revelation beginning with the humblest, to the most personal, to the most exalted. Through this analysis, we discover several qualities of revelation: it reveals itself from itself, reveals a new world to me, and reveals another me to myself and to others. Turning to divine Revelation, a further set of concepts is uncovered: the witness who encounters a Revelation without understanding it, a resistance to the testimony of the witness, and a paradox that provokes (...)
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    Automation, Alteration.Jean-Luc Nancy & Daniel Ross - 2021 - Philosophy Today 65 (2):235-240.
    Is “philosophy after automation” a theme or a question? One might hesitate about this, because we may wonder whether or not it implies that philosophy could disappear after automation, or at least be subject to serious revision. Philosophy could be read as a historical movement towards self-determination [autodétermination] as well as the exposition of the limit of such a program of archi-autonomy. The Cartesian event is essentially ambivalent, and man alone in the world is undoubtedly also the one who can (...)
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    L'efficacia Della Volontà Nel Xvi E Xvii Secolo.Francesco Paolo Adorno & Luc Foisneau (eds.) - 2002 - Rome, Italie: Edizioni di Storia E Letteratura.
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    Commentaires sur le système de classification Des angiospermes de takhtajan.Denis Barabé & Luc Brouillet - 1982 - Acta Biotheoretica 31 (2):127-141.
    The authors analyze Takhtajan's system of classification of the Angiosperms in relation to the principles of evolutionary and cladistic systematics. It is shown that Takhtajan belongs to the evolutionary school: he identifies the ancestors of some taxa, he accepts polytomous branching and he groups taxa on the basis of primitive as well as derived character states. Takhtajan's notion of weighted similarity does not appear to be based on objective criteria, when determining the weight and evolutionary status of characters.After a summary (...)
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  24. Dépistage systématique des cancers cutanés?Jean-Luc Belche - 2012 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 11 (7).
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    Petite philosophie des mathématiques vagabondes.Luc de Brabandere - 2011 - Paris: Eyrolles. Edited by Christophe Ribesse.
    Créativité et mathématiques ne font pas bon ménage dans l'inconscient collectif. Pourtant à l'heure d'Internet, il existe bien une manière de revisiter la géométrie, l'algèbre ou même la logique. Il suffit de prendre un peu de distance par rapport aux calculs, de se donner quelques libertés par rapport à l'histoire, de changer de point de vue... En vagabondant à travers l'histoire et l'application des mathématiques, les auteurs se livrent ici à un jeu de vulgarisation d'une saveur et d'une subtilité inédites. (...)
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  26. “L'interloqué”.Jean-Luc Marion - 1988 - Topoi 7 (2):175-180.
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  27. Les degrés de forme selon Henri de Gand (Quodl. IV, q.15).Jean-Luc Solere - 2003 - In J. Decorte, Guy Guldentops & Carlos G. Steel (eds.), Henry of Ghent and the transformation of scholastic thought: studies in memory of Jos Decorte. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. pp. 127-155.
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  28. Corpus, coll. « L'Elémentaire ».Jean-luc Nancy - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (4):556-556.
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  29. Da Intellettuali Anarchici A Testimonio Di Dio.Jean-luc Barre, Jacques Maritain & Raisa Maritain - 2001 - Revista Agustiniana 42:902-904.
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    Les mutations du sacré et du symbolique dans les sociétés contemporaines : regard sur les festivités « rave ».Pierre-Luc Lortie - 2004 - Horizons Philosophiques 15 (1):79-90.
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    CHAPTER 10. How to Think about Rights.Alain Renaut & Luc Ferry - 1994 - In Mark Lilla (ed.), New French Thought: Political Philosophy. Princeton University Press. pp. 147-154.
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    Atheism and Monotheism.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2006 - In Santiago Zabala (ed.), Weakening Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Gianni Vattimo. Ithaca: Mcgill-Queen's University Press. pp. 387-399.
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  33. Fragments de la bêtise.Jean-luc Nancy - 1988 - The Temps de la Réflexion 9:13.
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    Hegel: l'Inquietudine Del Negativo.Jean-luc Nancy & Antonella Moscati - 1998
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    Identity: Fragments, Frankness.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2020 - Fordham University Press.
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  36. Philosophy as chance.Jean-Luc Nancy - 2007 - In William John Thomas Mitchell & Arnold Ira Davidson (eds.), The late Derrida. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Myths and the Convulsions of History.Luc de Heuscb & Robert Blohm - 1972 - Diogenes 20 (78):64-86.
    Some original forms of state emerge from the clan structures in central Africa in the 16th and 17th centuries, beyond the reach of any European influence. The oral epic traditions which echo these events draw from the founts of Bantu mythic thought. The Luba national epic recounts the dramatic origin of its sacred royalty and describes the passage from a primitive culture to a refined civilization, from an uneventful history to one full of movement; but above all it abandons itself (...)
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  38. What are works of law?Jean-Luc Lefebvre - 2009 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 87 (2):493-511.
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    Altered Inhibitory Mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence From Lexical Decision and Simple Reaction Time Tasks.Alban Letanneux, Jean-Luc Velay, François Viallet & Serge Pinto - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    IntroductionAlthough the motor signs of Parkinson’s disease are well defined, nonmotor symptoms, including higher-level language deficits, have also been shown to be frequent in patients with PD. In the present study, we used a lexical decision task to find out whether access to the mental lexicon is impaired in patients with PD, and whether task performance is affected by bradykinesia.Materials and MethodsParticipants were 34 nondemented patients with PD, either without medication or under optimum medication. A total of 19 age-matched control (...)
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    The politics of Levinas’ phenomenology.Hugo Letiche & Jean-Luc Moriceau - unknown
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  41. Cézanne's certainty.Jean-Luc Marion - 2011 - In Jacques Khalip, Robert Mitchell, Giorgio Agamben, Cesare Casarino, Peter Geimer & Mark Hansen (eds.), Releasing the Image: From Literature to New Media. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
  42. L'Idole et la Distance. Cinq études, 1 vol, Coll. Figures.Jean-luc Marion - 1980 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 85 (2):280-280.
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    Les limites de la phénoménalité.Jean-Luc Marion - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):61-76.
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  44. (2 other versions)Sur l'ontologie grise de Descartes. Science cartésienne et savoir aristotélicien dans les Regulae.Jean-luc Marion - 1976 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 81 (4):566-568.
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  45. Edition de la question ordinaire n° 18, « de intensione virtutum”, de Godefroid de Fontaines.Jean-Luc Solere & Jean Céleyrette - 2009 - In José Meirinhos & Olga Weijers (eds.), Florilegium Medievale. Études offertes à Jacqueline Hamesse. Turnhout - Porto: Brepols. pp. 83-107.
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    (1 other version)Comment transmettre le souvenir de l'esclavage?Jean-Luc Bonniol - 2006 - Cités 25 (1):181-185.
    Le passé de l’Occident reste marqué par une tache indélébile, celle de l’horreur de l’esclavage colonial. Il est certes aujourd’hui avéré que la traite atlantique ne fut que l’une des traites négrières, à côté de la traite arabe au travers du Sahara et le long des côtes de l’océan Indien, qui s’étale sur une plus longue durée, et des traites africaines internes au continent... Mais en elle s’exprime un scandale spécifique, celui de la contradiction entre une pratique et des idéaux (...)
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    Archives and Libraries in Greco-Roman Egypt.Jean-Luc Fournet - 2018 - In Sabine Kienitz, Michael Friedrich, Christian Brockmann & Alessandro Bausi (eds.), Manuscripts and Archives: Comparative Views on Record-Keeping. De Gruyter. pp. 171-200.
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    Alain de Lille, le docteur universel.Alain Galonnier, Jean-Luc Solere & Anca Vasiliu (eds.) - 2005 - Brepols.
  49. Positivité et transcendance. Suivi de Levinas et la phénoménobgie.Emmanuel Levinas & Jean-luc Marion - 2001 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 63 (1):182-183.
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    On the Phenomena of Suffering.Jean-Luc Marion - 2015 - In Richard Kearney & Brian Treanor (eds.), Carnal Hermeneutics. New York: Fordham. pp. 145-147.
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