Results for 'Luciano Fabro'

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    Kunst wordt terug kunst.Luciano Fabro - 1991 - Gent, België: Imschoot.
    "Livre publié à l'occasion de la série d'expositions, Affinités Sélectives, au Paleis voor Schone Kunsten à Bruxelle, organisées par Bernard Marcadé.
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  2. Instruction to Authors 279–283 Index to Volume 20 285–286.Christian Lotz, Corinne Painter, Sebastian Luft, Harry P. Reeder, Semantic Texture, Luciano Boi, Questions Regarding Husserlian Geometry, James R. Mensch & Postfoundational Phenomenology Husserlian - 2004 - Husserl Studies 20:285-286.
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  3. E quando ser o que se é tornou-se uma fundada suspeita: elementos de um estética de classe e do preconceito.Francisco Luciano Teixeira Filho - 2016 - O Público E o Privado 14 (28):223-251.
    O presente artigo relata a estética de classe de um grupo social que foi chamado de pirangueiro. A partir de uma pesquisa observacional, com amparo referencial nas teorias do habitus e do campo, em Bourdieu, baseada na técnica de flanagem, reconstruiu-se a ideia do subcampo da moda de resistência, que se apresenta como contraposição ao campo da moda dominante. Com essa moda de resistência, o jovem pirangueiro traz um elemento de auto-distinção e, ao mesmo tempo, um critério de preconceito.
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    False Identity Detection Using Complex Sentences.Merylin Monaro, Luciano Gamberini, Francesca Zecchinato & Giuseppe Sartori - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  5. A paixão e a linguagem na mecânica da paz política no leviatã de Thomas Hobbes.Francisco Luciano Teixeira Filho - 2015 - Argumentos 7 (14):100-112.
    O artigo trata da ideia de paz política desde a mecânica dos corpos no Leviatã de Thomas Hobbes. Buscou-se compreender como um pressuposto egoísta pode chegar a uma ideia de consenso pela linguagem.
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  6. A razão unidimensional e as razões para a transformação da história: a arte entre Hegel e Marcuse.Francisco Luciano Teixeira Filho - 2011 - Intuitio 4 (2):183-196.
    O presente trabalho constrói uma ponte teórica entre Hegel e Marcuse, com intento de demonstrar a possibilidade de transformações históricas concretas, oferecida pela experiência estética. Tendo como paradigma a sociedade administrada, procurou-se estabelecer, a partir de Marcuse e Hegel, um caminho que demonstra como o indivíduo plasma a razão na história, o que pressupõe uma ação libertadora consciente. Todavia, em uma sociedade unidimensional, não há abertura para outras dimensões e, portanto, a razão unidimensional se torna totalitária, paralisando a história. Nesse (...)
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  7. Quartero. HWP 247.J. Kirsch, Kossoy Lr, B. M. Landgren, A. Laws-King, Leese Hj, Li Tc, Liu Dy, H. C. Liu, A. A. Luciano & Mahmood Ta - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 927.
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  8. A. obras de colaboración.A. Castaldo, C. O. Mazza, R. Coseglia, C. Fabro, D. Rops, A. U. Floridi & F. J. Shenn - 1969 - Salmanticensis 16:397.
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    Word versus task representation in neural networks.Thomas Elbert, Christian Dobell, Alessandro Angrilli, Luciano Stegagno & Brigitte Rockstroh - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):286-287.
    The Hebbian view of word representation is challenged by findings of task (level of processing)-dependent, event-related potential patterns that do not support the notion of a fixed set of neurons representing a given word. With cross-language phonological reliability encoding more asymmetrical left hemisphere activity is evoked than with word comprehension. This suggests a dynamical view of the brain as a self-organizing, connectivity-adjusting system.
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    (1 other version)Understanding mirror neurons.Giorgio Metta, Giulio Sandini, Lorenzo Natale, Laila Craighero & Luciano Fadiga - 2006 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 7 (2):197-232.
    This paper reports about our investigation on action understanding in the brain. We review recent results of the neurophysiology of the mirror system in the monkey. Based on these observations we propose a model of this brain system which is responsible for action recognition. The link between object affordances and action understanding is considered. To support our hypothesis we describe two experiments where some aspects of the model have been implemented. In the first experiment an action recognition system is trained (...)
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    Light scattering by transverse waves in supercooled glycerol.Filippo Scarponi, Lucia Comez, Daniele Fioretto & Luciano Palmieri - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (13-16):1447-1452.
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    Metascience is on the move.K. Brad Wray & Luciano Boschiero - 2017 - Metascience 26 (2):173-174.
  13. Luciano Floridi—commentary on the onlife manifesto.Luciano Floridi - 2014 - In The online manifesto: being human in a hyper-connected era. Cham: Springer Nature. pp. 21–23.
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    Philosophy and computing: an introduction.Luciano Floridi - 1999 - Routledge.
    Philosophy and Computing explores each of the following areas of technology: the digital revolution; the computer; the Internet and the Web; CD-ROMs and Mulitmedia; databases, textbases, and hypertexts; Artificial Intelligence; the future of computing. Luciano Floridi shows us how the relationship between philosophy and computing provokes a wide range of philosophical questions: is there a philosophy of information? What can be achieved by a classic computer? How can we define complexity? What are the limits of quantam computers? Is the (...)
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    The Intensive Hermeneutics of Thomistic Philosophy: The Notion of Participation.Cornelio Fabro & B. M. Bonansea - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (3):449 - 491.
    IN THE PLATONIC TRADITION, the term "participation" signifies the fundamental relationship of both structure and dependence in the dialectic of the many in relation to the One and of the different in relation to the Identical, whereas in Christian philosophy it signifies the total dependence of the creature on its Creator. The term participation has played an extensive role in Patristic and medieval speculation.
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  16. Materialismo dialettico e materialismo storico: Feuerback, Marx, Engels. Introd., traduzione e note a cura di Cornelio Fabro.Cornelio Fabro - 1962 - Brescia: La Scuola.
  17. Dall'essere All'esistente. --.Cornelio Fabro - 1957 - Morcelliana.
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  18. (1 other version)The Transcendentality of Ens-Esse and the Ground of Metaphysics.Cornelio Fabro - 1966 - International Philosophical Quarterly 6 (3):389-427.
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  19. AI as Agency Without Intelligence: on ChatGPT, Large Language Models, and Other Generative Models.Luciano Floridi - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (1):1-7.
  20.  50
    The logic of information: a theory of philosophy as conceptual design.Luciano Floridi - 2019 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Luciano Floridi presents an innovative approach to philosophy, conceived as conceptual design. His starting-point is that reality provides the data which we transform into information. He explores how we make, transform, refine, and improve the objects of our knowledge, and defends the radical idea that knowledge is design.
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    (1 other version)The philosophy of information.Luciano Floridi - 2010 - The Philosophers' Magazine 50:42-43.
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  22. Tolerant paternalism: pro-ethical design as a resolution of the dilemma of toleration.Luciano Floridi - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (6):1669-1688.
    Toleration is one of the fundamental principles that inform the design of a democratic and liberal society. Unfortunately, its adoption seems inconsistent with the adoption of paternalistically benevolent policies, which represent a valuable mechanism to improve individuals’ well-being. In this paper, I refer to this tension as the dilemma of toleration. The dilemma is not new. It arises when an agent A would like to be tolerant and respectful towards another agent B’s choices but, at the same time, A is (...)
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  23. Digital’s cleaving power and its consequences.Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (2):123-129.
    The digital is deeply transforming reality. Through discussion of concepts such as identity, location, presence, law and territoriality, this article explores why and how these transformations are occurring, and highlights the importance of having a design and a plan for our new digital world.
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  24. Gegenwart Und Tradition, Strukturen des Denkens Eine Festschrift Für Bernhard Lakebrink Mit Beiträgen von Gerhart Baumann Èt Al. Cornelio Fabro, Herausgeber.Bernhard Lakebrink, Gerhart Baumann & Cornelio Fabro - 1969 - Rombach.
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    Giorgio G.F. Hegel: la dialettica: antologia sistematica.Cornelio Fabro - 2012 - Segni (RM): Edivi.
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    L’esperienza metafisica dell’essere.Cornelio Fabro - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 4:57-63.
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  27. Le problème de l'Église chez Newman et Kierkegaard.C. Fabro - 1977 - Revue Thomiste 1:30-90.
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    Reflections on Suffering.Cornelio Fabro - 2018 - The Incarnate Word 5 (1):175-179.
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    Scepticism and the foundation of epistemology: a study in the metalogical fallacies.Luciano Floridi - 1996 - Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    Can knowledge provide its own justification? This sceptical challenge - known as the problem of the criterion - is one of the major issues in the history of epistemology, and this volume provides its first comprehensive study, in a span of time that goes from Sextus Empiricus to Quine. After an essential introduction to the notions of knowledge and of philosophy of knowledge, the book provides a detailed reconstruction of the history of the problem. There follows a conceptual analysis of (...)
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    (1 other version)How to Counter Moral Evil: Paideia and Nomos.Luciano Floridi - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (1):1-5.
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    Considerazioni sull’infosfera. S&F : a colloquio con Luciano Floridi.Luciano Floridi & Christian Fuschetto - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 22:131–136.
    New developments in the field of communication and information technology will profoundly reshape the answers to questions of deep interest for humanity and philosophy. Who are we and what kind of relationship we establish among us? The boundaries between real life and virtual life tend to evanish. We are progressively becoming part of a global “infosphere”. This candid interview with professor Floridi try to shed some light on these issues, by considering the philosophical framework developed by the “infosphere philosopher”.
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  32. The philosophy of presence: from epistemic failure to successful observability.Luciano Floridi - 2005 - Presence Teleoperators and Virtual Environments 14 (6):656–667.
    The paper introduces a new model of telepresence. First, it criticises the standard model of presence as epistemic failure, showing it to be inadequate. It then replaces it with a new model of presence as successful observability. It further provides reasons to distinguish between two types of presence, backward and forward. The new model is then tested against two ethical issues whose nature has been modified by the development of digital information and communication technologies, namely pornography and privacy, and shown (...)
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  33. The logic of being informed.Luciano Floridi - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49 (196):433-460.
    One of the open problems in the philosophy of information is whether there is an information logic (IL), different from epistemic (EL) and doxastic logic (DL), which formalises the relation “a is informed that p” (Iap) satisfactorily. In this paper, the problem is solved by arguing that the axiom schemata of the normal modal logic (NML) KTB (also known as B or Br or Brouwer’s system) are well suited to formalise the relation of “being informed”. After having shown that IL (...)
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  34. Open problems in the philosophy of information.Luciano Floridi - 2004 - Metaphilosophy 35 (4):554-582.
    The philosophy of information (PI) is a new area of research with its own field of investigation and methodology. This article, based on the Herbert A. Simon Lecture of Computing and Philosophy I gave at Carnegie Mellon University in 2001, analyses the eighteen principal open problems in PI. Section 1 introduces the analysis by outlining Herbert Simon's approach to PI. Section 2 discusses some methodological considerations about what counts as a good philosophical problem. The discussion centers on Hilbert's famous analysis (...)
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  35. Infraethics—on the conditions of possibility of morality.Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (4):391-394.
    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) place a crucial emphasis on accountability, intellectual property rights, neutrality, openness, privacy, transparency, and trust; they provide a platform or infrastructure of social norms and expectations. Developing the concept of infraethics, this paper argues that all societies need rules for effective co-ordination and collaboration of their infrastructures, and that their design and maintenance is one of the crucial challenges for our own world today. -/- .
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    Sextus Empiricus: the transmission and recovery of pyrrhonism.Luciano Floridi - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The subject is Sextus Empiricus, one the chief sources of information on ancient philosophy and one of the most influential authors in the history of skepticism. Sextus' works have had an extraordinary influence on western philosophy, and this book provides the first exhaustive and detailed study of their recovery, transmission, and intellectual influence through Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. This study deals with Sextus' biography, as well as the history of the availability and reception of his works. (...)
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  37. How to design AI for social good: seven essential factors.Luciano Floridi, Josh Cowls, Thomas C. King & Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1771–1796.
    The idea of artificial intelligence for social good is gaining traction within information societies in general and the AI community in particular. It has the potential to tackle social problems through the development of AI-based solutions. Yet, to date, there is only limited understanding of what makes AI socially good in theory, what counts as AI4SG in practice, and how to reproduce its initial successes in terms of policies. This article addresses this gap by identifying seven ethical factors that are (...)
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  38. The unsustainable fragility of the digital, and what to do about it.Luciano Floridi - 2017 - Philosophy and Technology 30 (3):259-261.
    2017 saw the occurrence of two major IT disasters: the meltdown that plunged into chaos British Airways’ flights at Heathrow and Gatwick airports, and the WannaCry malware hit on Microsoft Windows systems. Incidents like these exemplify how fragile the digital is and how systemic the problems caused by digital failures can be. This paper explores some possible solutions to ensure that any damage caused by such failures is limited. These include redundancy, reflexivity and insurance, accountability, and collaboration.
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    Don Giuseppe de Luca.Cornelio Fabro - 2020 - The Incarnate Word 7 (2):195-204.
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    Huomo, la natura, l' essere.Cornelio Fabro - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:149-156.
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    Introduzione a san Tommaso: la metafisica tomista & il pensiero moderno.Cornelio Fabro - 1983 - Milano: Edizioni Ares.
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  42. Karl Rahner e l'ermeneutica tomistica.Cornelio Fabro - 1972 - Piacenza,: Divus Thomas.
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    La svolta antropologica di Karl Rahner.Cornelio Fabro - 1974 - Milano,: Rusconi.
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    Materialismo dialettico e materialismo storico.Cornelio Fabro - 2016 - Segni (RM): EDIVI. Edited by Ludwig Feuerbach, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels.
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    Metaphysica.Cornelio Fabro - 2022 - Segni (RM): ED.IVI. Edited by Elvio Celestino Fontana.
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    Problemi dell' esistenzialismo.Cornelio Fabro - 1945 - Roma,: Editrice A.V.E..
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    Get ready for cyberwar.Luciano Floridi - 2009 - The Philosophers' Magazine 46:12-13.
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    Sophocles and the language of tragedy.Luciano A. Sabattini - 2012 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 16 (2):192-196.
    La idea de que el cuerpo (σῶμα) es una tumba (σῆμα) donde el alma permanece encerrada cumpliendo un castigo por una antigua culpa es transmitida por Platón, quien la atribuye a los órficos. Filón de Alejandría utilizó en diversos pasajes de su obra esta metáfora de procedencia órfica. Nuestro interés consiste en analizar el sentido que Filón le asigna y el modo en que reelabora el significado que le fue asignado en la tradición órfica y en la interpretación platónica. Intentaremos (...)
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    La reforma del estado y las políticas públicas.Luciano Tomassini - 1994 - [Santiago]: Universidad de Chile, Centro de Análisis de Políticas Públicas.
    Tomassini, formerly of ECLA and the Inter-American Development Bank, and now Executive Secretary of the Univ. of Chile's Center for the Analysis of Public Policy, argues that Latin American countries need leaner, more dynamic, and more responsive state structures to match their more open, competitive, and productive economies. He links durable economic growth and efficiency to both social equity and political stability, and argues that structures and processes that facilitate access to capital and technology for all can make decisive contributions (...)
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    On Good and Evil, the Mistaken Idea That Technology Is Ever Neutral, and the Importance of the Double-Charge Thesis.Luciano Floridi - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (3):1-5.
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