Results for 'Luisa Giacobbe'

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  1. Gli artisti di Supports/Surfaces e l'esperienza del limite. Dalla decostruzione del quadro alla dialettica dello spazio.Luisa Giacobbe - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    At the end of the 1960s “Supports/Surfaces” artists start deconstructing paintings to jeopardize their representational qualities. Claude Viallat and Daniel Dezeuze, for example, process canvases and frames to highlight their phisical aspect as opposed to the illusionistic realm or representation. This way polarities such as form/space and illusionistic space/real space start having a new, dialectic relationship.
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    Vincenzo di Blasi, autor contestatario y filógino en la Querella de las Mujeres en Italia, y su respuesta a las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles.Giuliana Antonella Giacobbe - 2023 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de Las Ideas 17:77-82.
    El objetivo del presente artículo se centra en la labor contestataria y filógina del escritor siciliano Vincenzo di Blasi en relación con las teorías misóginas de Aristóteles expuestas en sus obras _La reproducción de los animales _y _Política, _ambas escritas en el siglo IV a.C_._ El artículo se abre con una introducción sobre los estudios que se han emprendido sobre las definiciones aristotélicas de la mujer para definir un marco teórico de partida. Posteriormente, se exponen de manera contrastada las teorías (...)
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    A comparative analysis of ethical perceptions in marketing research: U.s.A. Vs. canada. [REVIEW]Ralph W. Giacobbe & Madhav N. Segal - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (3):229 - 245.
    The study compares Canadian and U.S. marketing researchers' attitudes, perceptions and intentions related to several areas of ethical concern. A particular focus involves salience of norms common to marketing research codes of ethics (COEs) and familiarity of such codes to marketing research professionals. Researchers' attitudes towards today's ethical climate are identified and compared between the two countries. Relationships are examined between familiarity, ethical intention and salience. Results indicate that U.S. and Canadian marketing researchers have similar perceptions of the relative importance (...)
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    Informed consent for clinical trials of deep brain stimulation in psychiatric disease: challenges and implications for trial design: Table 1.Nir Lipsman, Peter Giacobbe, Mark Bernstein & Andres M. Lozano - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):107-111.
    Advances in neuromodulation and an improved understanding of the anatomy and circuitry of psychopathology have led to a resurgence of interest in surgery for psychiatric disease. Clinical trials exploring deep brain stimulation (DBS), a focally targeted, adjustable and reversible form of neurosurgery, are being developed to address the use of this technology in highly selected patient populations. Psychiatric patients deemed eligible for surgical intervention, such as DBS, typically meet stringent inclusion criteria, including demonstrated severity, chronicity and a failure of conventional (...)
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    Neurocognitive Predictors of Response in Treatment Resistant Depression to Subcallosal Cingulate Gyrus Deep Brain Stimulation.Shane J. McInerney, Heather E. McNeely, Joseph Geraci, Peter Giacobbe, Sakina J. Rizvi, Amanda K. Ceniti, Anna Cyriac, Helen S. Mayberg, Andres M. Lozano & Sidney H. Kennedy - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  6. The Use of Tractography-Based Targeting in Deep Brain Stimulation for Psychiatric Indications.Benjamin Davidson, Nir Lipsman, Ying Meng, Jennifer S. Rabin, Peter Giacobbe & Clement Hamani - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Living with Robots.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - Harvard University Press.
    "Cover " -- "Title Page " -- "Copyright " -- "Contents " -- "Preface to the English Edition" -- "Introduction" -- "1. The Substitute" -- "2. Animals, Machines, Cyborgs, and the Taxi " -- "3. Mind, Emotions, and Artificial Empathy " -- "4. The Other Otherwise " -- "5. From Moral and Lethal Machines to Synthetic Ethics " -- "Notes" -- "Works Cited" -- "Acknowledgments" -- "Credits.
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  8. Anthropomorphism in Human–Robot Co-evolution.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:468.
    Social robotics entertains a particular relationship with anthropomorphism, which it neither sees as a cognitive error, nor as a sign of immaturity. Rather it considers that this common human tendency, which is hypothesized to have evolved because it favored cooperation among early humans, can be used today to facilitate social interactions between humans and a new type of cooperative and interactive agents - social robots. This approach leads social robotics to focus research on the engineering of robots that activate anthropomorphic (...)
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  9. Unarticulated constituents revisited.Luisa Martí - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (2):135 - 166.
    An important debate in the current literature is whether “all truth-conditional effects of extra-linguistic context can be traced to [a variable at; LM] logical form” (Stanley, ‘Context and Logical Form’, Linguistics and Philosophy, 23 (2000) 391). That is, according to Stanley, the only truth-conditional effects that extra-linguistic context has are localizable in (potentially silent) variable-denoting pronouns or pronoun-like items, which are represented in the syntax/at logical form (pure indexicals like I or today are put aside in this discussion). According to (...)
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    Cues to intention: The role of movement information.Luisa Sartori, Cristina Becchio & Umberto Castiello - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):242-252.
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    Does the intention to communicate affect action kinematics?Luisa Sartori, Cristina Becchio, Bruno G. Bara & Umberto Castiello - 2009 - Consciousness and Cognition 18 (3):766-772.
    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of communicative intention on action. In Experiment 1 participants were requested to reach towards an object, grasp it, and either simply lift it or lift it with the intent to communicate a meaning to a partner . Movement kinematics were recorded using a three-dimensional motion analysis system. The results indicate that kinematics was sensitive to communicative intention. Although the to-be-grasped object remained the same, movements performed for the ‘communicative’ condition (...)
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  12. The Acquisition of Disjunction: Evidence for a Grammatical View of Scalar Implicatures.Luisa Meronib - unknown
    This paper investigates young children's knowledge of scalar implicatures and downward entailment. In previous experimental work, we have shown that young children access the full range of truth-conditions associated with logical words in classical logic, including the disjunction operator, as well as the indefinite article. The present study extends this research in three ways, taking disjunction as a case study. Experiment 1 draws upon the observation that scalar implicatures (SIs) are cancelled (or reversed) in downward entailing (DE) linguistic environments, e.g., (...)
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    Emotions in Relation. Epistemological and Ethical Scaffolding for Mixed Human-Robot Social Ecologies.Luisa Damiano & Paul Gerard Dumouchel - 2020 - Humana Mente 13 (37).
    In this article we tackle the core question of machine emotion research – “Can machines have emotions?” – in the context of “social robots”, a new class of machines designed to function as “social partners” for humans. Our aim, however, is not to provide an answer to the question “Can robots have emotions?” Rather we argue that the “robotics of emotion” moves us to reformulate it into a different one – “Can robots affectively coordinate with humans?” Developing a series of (...)
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    Complementary actions.Luisa Sartori & Sonia Betti - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  15. At the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface in Child Language.Luisa Meronia - unknown
    This paper investigates scalar implicatures and downward entailment in child English. In previous experimental work we have shown that adults’ computation of scalar implicatures is sensitive to entailment relations. For instance, when the disjunction operator or occurs in positive contexts, an implicature of exclusivity arises. By contrast when the disjunction operator occurs within the scope of a downward entailing linguistic expression, no implicature of exclusivity is computed. Investigations on children’s computation of scalar implicatures in the same contexts have led to (...)
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    Zero N: Number features and ⊥.Luisa Martí - 2022 - Natural Language Semantics 30 (2):215-237.
    In this paper I demonstrate that there is an explanation of the number marking we see on nouns when they combine with the numeral _zero_ which combines Martí’s (Semant. Pragmat., 2020a, ) account of the morphosyntax and semantics of the numeral-noun construction with Bylinina and Nouwen’s (Glossa 3(1):98, 2018 ) semantics for _zero_ and which does not need to appeal to any further principles (e.g., agreement).
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    Liberté, volonté, responsabilité : Faust Socin, Gerhard Johannes Vossius et les arminiens de Hollande.Luisa Simonutti - 2005 - Astérion 3 (3).
    L’article de Luisa Simonutti traite de la critique et de la reprise de certains concepts clés de la pensée de Socin (liberté, volonté, responsabilité) par des arminiens de Hollande. Cet héritage complexe est plus qu’un épisode de la réaction vaste et articulée qui se manifesta à la fin du XVIe siècle – et qui s’étendit sur tout le XVIIe siècle – contre les œuvres et les idées du Siennois. Cet événement doit aussi être interprété comme le moment d’une confrontation (...)
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    (1 other version)Lukasiewicz and Symmetrical Heyting Algebras.Luisa Iturrioz - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 23 (7‐12):131-136.
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    Grammar versus Pragmatics: Carving Nature at the Joints.Luisa Martí - 2015 - Mind and Language 30 (4):437-473.
    I argue that the debate on the division of labor between grammar and pragmatics, at least as it pertains to pragmatic free enrichment, needs to be better grounded empirically. Often, only a reduced set of facts from English is used to substantiate claims regarding pragmatic free enrichment. But considering a reduced set of facts from a single language can only afford limited (and, sometimes, wrong) results, because we can merely see whatever this one language chooses to express. Two cases studies (...)
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    The Symbolic Order of the Mother.Luisa Muraro, Francesca Novello & Alison Stone - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    Argues that affirming the irreducible differences between men and women can lead to more transformative politics than the struggle for abstract equality between the sexes. In The Symbolic Order of the Mother Luisa Muraro identifies the bond between mother and child as ontologically fundamental to the development of culture and politics, and therefore as key to achieving truly emancipatory political change. Both corporeal development and language acquisition, which are the sources of all thinking, begin in this relationship. However, Western (...)
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    Vivere con i robot: una conversazione sulla robotica sociale.Luisa Damiano, Paul Dumouchel, Luca Lo Sapio & Delio Salottolo - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 22:137-152.
    Living with the Robots. A Conversation about social Robotics This interview aims at focusing some aspects of an intriguing discipline known as social Robotics. In particular, we try to get familiar with concepts and philosophical frameworks which deal with this new human enterprise. Paul Dumouchel and Luisa Damiano will help us to get in contact with a scenario in which emotions, reason and ethics will be partially revised by a somehow different perspective about human-robot interaction and sociality.
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    Un livre et ses présents : corps et paroles de femmes dans la théologie Occidentale.Luisa Muraro - 2000 - Clio 12.
    Venant de Belgique, où elle poursuit des recherches comparatives de longue durée sur les femmes dans les mouvements mystiques médiévaux, dans lesquels les béguines anversoises ont joué un rôle décisif, Luisa Muraro s’est arrêtée à Paris et le séminaire qu’elle a donné à la Maison des sciences de l’Homme, le 25 mars 1999, fut l’occasion d’une rencontre avec une personnalité exceptionnelle, dont l’itinéraire, l’expérience, le non-conformisme, la recherche inquiète soucieuse de prendre à bras-l...
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    Escritura y secreto.Luisa Valenzuela - 2003 - Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica de España.
    El secreto en todas sus vertientes, en todas sus facetas, vericuetos, senderos. Pero sobre todo el Secreto en la literatura, pues como dice Luisa Valenzuela, en su estilo mordaz, agudo, siempre entre guinos y complicidades: "No hay literatura sin secreto."Detras de cada palabra se esconde el misterio, un laberinto en el que todo puede suceder: de la pasion a la ternura; del crimen a la sublimacion. Encontrar el hilo conductor, salvador, descifrador, o ahondar sus diversidades, es papel de quien (...)
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    Contents.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - In Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel, Living with Robots. Harvard University Press.
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    The semantics of plural indefinite noun phrases in Spanish and Portuguese.Luisa Martí - 2008 - Natural Language Semantics 16 (1):1-37.
    In this paper I provide a decompositional analysis of three kinds of plural indefinites in two related languages, European Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. The three indefinites studied are bare plurals, the unos (Spanish)/uns (Portuguese) type, and the algunos (Spanish)/alguns (Portuguese) type. The paper concentrates on four properties: semantic plurality, positive polarity, partitivity, and event distribution. The logic underlying the analysis is that of compositionality, applied at the subword level: as items become bigger in form (with the addition of morphemes), they (...)
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  26. “fusão de horizontes” ao “conflito de interpretações”: a hermenêutica entre HG GADAMER e P. RICOEUR.Luísa Portocarreiro F. Da Silva - 1992 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 1 (1):127-153.
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    Restoring Indefinites to Normalcy: An Experimental Study on the Scope of Spanish algunos: Articles.Luisa Martí - 2007 - Journal of Semantics 24 (1):1-25.
    It is widely assumed that the scope of indefinites is island insensitive, i.e., that, generally, an indefinite inside of a syntactic island, such as an adjunct clause, is capable of taking scope outside of that island. This paper challenges this assumption by studying the scope behaviour of the Spanish plural indefinite algunos ’). It presents an experimental study that shows that the scope of algunos is not free and depends on its syntactic environment, at least in the dialect of Spanish (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Heráclito e heraclitismo no crátilo de platão.Luisa Severo Buarque - forthcoming - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental.
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  29. História da tecnologia.Luisa Dolza - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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    First-Year Law Students’ and Teacher’s Questioning in Class.Luísa Ribeiro, Pedro Rosário, Iněs Moreira & Rosário Serrão Cunha - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    First-Year Students Background and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Student Engagement.Luísa Ribeiro, Pedro Rosário, José Carlos Núñez, Martha Gaeta & Sonia Fuentes - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Introduction.Luisa Simonutti - 2019 - In Locke and Biblical Hermeneutics: Conscience and Scripture. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-8.
    The volume presents the illuminating research carried out by international scholars of Locke’s thought and the early modern period in general. The essays address the theoretical and historical contexts of Locke’s analytical methodology and come together in a multidisciplinary approach that sets biblical hermeneutics in relation to his philosophical, historical, and political thought, and to the philological and doctrinal culture of his time. Centring on the last decade of Locke’s life and the publication of his posthumous works, these studies illustrate (...)
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    Locke’s Biblical Hermeneutics on Bodily Resurrection.Luisa Simonutti - 2019 - In Locke and Biblical Hermeneutics: Conscience and Scripture. Springer Verlag. pp. 55-74.
    Not unlike the Catholics, the English Reformed circles—the Church of England—upheld the legitimacy of the Revelation and miracles, recognised the Mosaic account of creation, original sin and the Trinity, the non-corporeal nature of spiritual substance, the eternity of punishment or reward and the primacy of Church over State. And so where did Locke’s hermeneutics fit into this complex panorama in terms of the interpretations of Christian anthropology and the resurrection? As underscored in the early chapters of The Reasonableness of Christianity, (...)
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    Tolerance for sexual harassment related to self-reported sexual victimization.Luisa Deluca, Donna Caldwell, Bernice Lott & Mary Ellen Reilly - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (1):122-138.
    A sample of college women and men responded to a survey assessing attitudes, beliefs, experiences, and behaviors relevant to sexual harassment and assault. Men were more tolerant of sexual harassment, more likely to believe that heterosexual relationships were adversarial, more likely to subscribe to rape myths, and more likely to admit that they might sexually assault someone under some circumstances. Data from the present study support the proposition that relevant affective, cognitive, and behavioral indices of hostile sexuality directed against women (...)
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    Symmetrical Heyting algebras with operators.Luisa Iturrioz - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (2):33-70.
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    `Utopia' and Desire.Luisa Passerini - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 68 (1):11-30.
    This article explores the change in meaning of the term `utopia' between 1968 and today. It proposes an interpretation of 1968 based on the connection between utopia and desire; the emergence of subjectivity in history meant a new way of becoming subjects of one's own history, and a new understanding of socio-political change, as including daily life and personal emotions.
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    Clock Walking and Gender: How Circular Movements Influence Arithmetic Calculations.Luisa Lugli, Stefania D’Ascenzo, Anna M. Borghi & Roberto Nicoletti - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Lady Damaris Masham, liberty, reason and the love of God.Luisa Simonutti - 2018 - Laboratorio dell’ISPF 15.
    Damaris Cudworth Masham was convinced that the “useful knowledge” has a theoretical, practical and pedagogic content. Man has a social destiny and we cannot offend the divine wisdom assuming that religion precludes this approach and expects the breakdown of society. Reason therefore has a prominent character on the will and free will is the pillar of moral practice. This thought reveals an affinity with the Lockean concept of “person” and “identity” and the central role of individual liberty for love of (...)
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    Depression affecting moral judgment.Luisa Terroni & Renerio Fraguas - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):352-352.
    Depressive mood can be involved in the moral judgments made by people with depression. Here, we focus on the negative judgments depressed patients have of themselves and the world. Possibly, the alterations in moral judgment in subjects with depression can be understood by taking into account the neural basis of depression.
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    5. From Moral and Lethal Machines to Synthetic Ethics.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2017 - In Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel, Living with Robots. Harvard University Press. pp. 170-206.
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    La place du sujet dans la sémiotique de Greimas.Luisa Ruiz Moreno - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (219):183-200.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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  42. Dispositional Mindfulness and Subjective Time in Healthy Individuals.Luisa Weiner, Marc Wittmann, Gilles Bertschy & Anne Giersch - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:182436.
    How a human observer perceives duration depends on the amount of events taking place during the timed interval, but also on psychological dimensions, such as emotional-wellbeing, mindfulness, impulsivity, and rumination. Here we aimed at exploring these influences on duration estimation and passage of time judgments. One hundred and seventeen healthy individuals filled out mindfulness (FFMQ), impulsivity (BIS-11), rumination (RRS), and depression (BDI-sf) questionnaires. Participants also conducted verbal estimation and production tasks in the multiple seconds range. During these timing tasks, subjects (...)
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    Comentario a” Vida individual, vida social y conocimiento dialéctico: lenguaje e individuación social.Luisa Iñigo - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400206.
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    SinSO: An ontology of sustainability in software.Luisa Restrepo, César Pardo, Jose Aguilar, Mauricio Toro & Elizabeth Suescún - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (3):231-263.
    Sustainability in systems refers to applying sustainable principles and practices to create more resilient, efficient, and equitable systems that promote the well-being of people and the planet. Sustainability is an essential topic in contemporary software engineering, and its relationship with the characteristics and properties of a system or product called quality attributes is still an open question since each researcher has established their definition of sustainability in software. This has created diverse terms and concepts for distinct application environments and scopes, (...)
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  45. Humanismo retórico, viquismo y unamunismo.Luisa Montaño Montero & Jéssica Sánchez Espillaque - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
    Este trabajo analiza la historicidad del lenguaje como prioridad ontológica del humanismo retórico . Esta indagación se proyecta en el seguimiento de la relación que establece Unamuno entre la palabra y el pensamiento.This work analyses the historicity of language as an ontological priority of rhetorical humanism . The research is linked to the relationship established by Unamuno between word and thought.
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    Emotions in (Human-Robot) Relation. Structuring Hybrid Social Ecologies.Luisa Damiano & Paul Dumouchel - 2023 - In Catrin Misselhorn, Tom Poljanšek, Tobias Störzinger & Maike Klein, Emotional Machines: Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine Interaction. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 61-82.
    This essay tackles the core question of machine emotion research—“Can machines have emotions?”—with regard to “social robots”, the new class of machines designed to function as “social partners” for humans. Our aim, however, is not to provide an answer to that question. Rather we argue that “robotics of emotion” moves us to ask a different question—“Can robots establish meaningful affective coordination with human partners?” Developing a series of arguments relevant to theory of emotion, philosophy of AI and the epistemology of (...)
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    Esperanza en el pan a secas de Mohamed Chukri.Luisa Ripoll Alberola - 2023 - Relectiones 10:73-89.
    En su infancia Mohamed Chukri se ve arrastrado por la miseria, la violencia intrafamiliar, consume prostitución y se prostituye, fuma kif, trasnocha en los bares, roba y trabaja con contrabandistas. Todo ello lo narra en la novela El pan a secas (1973). En este artículo se analiza la novela en clave de esperanza/desesperanza. La novela se divide en dos: episodios de infancia (negativos, desesperanza) y de adolescencia (positivos, esperanza recuperada). Resiliencia, libertad y esperanza están íntimamente ligadas.
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  48. Do Jardim do Éden às terras de vera Cruz.Luísa Borralho & Mário Fortes - 2002 - Episteme 15:71-93.
    As descrições da flora brasílica efectuadas desde a chegada de Pedro Álvares Cabral traduzem não só as perplexidades do passado no reconhecimento de exemplares botânicos desconhecidos na Europa, mas essencialmente formas de intelegibilidade distintas sobre um mesmo objecto, cuja exploração ao longo dos últimos quatro séculos tem vindo a acompanhar o desenvolvimento da ciência.Os primeiros registos de plantas de Terras de Vera Cruz, efectuados no século XVI, apresentam-se como limitados tanto pela forma narrativa e descritiva então corrente como pela subjectividade (...)
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  49. Rough sets and three-valued structures.Luisa Iturrioz - 1999 - In E. Orłowska, Logic at Work. Heidelberg. pp. 24--596.
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    Danto, l’arte e i regimi di storicità. Un percorso di lettura.Luisa Sampugnaro - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 77:140-155.
    The article aims to provide a point of view for understanding the conceptual genesis of ‘post-history’, the key idea of Danto’s theory of contemporary art. To do this, reference is made to an essay from Beyond the Brillo Box which analyzes the various forms the past has assumed in the Western tradition, from the point of view of the influence exerted from narrative structures on artists and their practices. Danto’s argument will be clarified through the notion of ‘regime of historicity’ (...)
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