Results for 'Luke Clements'

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  1.  11
    Ugly, Deformed and Grubby: The Common Law and Human Rights1.Luke Clements - 2005 - In Jennifer Gunning & Søren Holm, Ethics, Law, and Society. Ashgate. pp. 1--223.
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    The Conservation, Cataloguing and Digitization of Fr. Luke Wadding's Papers at University College Dublin.Benjamin Hazard - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:477-489.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:At St. Isidore’s Franciscan College in Rome, the following maxim attributed to St. Patrick is inscribed above the door-way of the church: Si quae difficiles quaestiones in hac insula oriantur ad Sedem Apostolicam referantur; ut Christiani ita et Romani sitis.1 The college was founded in 1625 by Luke Wadding, O.F.M. and, under his direction, became a major seat of theological learning and political influence for the Irish in (...)
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  3. The Gospel According to John, Access to God, at the Obscure Origins of Christianity.François Bovon - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (146):37-50.
    For eighteen centuries the Christian church believed that the fourth gospel was drawn up by the son of Zebedee, John, when the latter lived in Ephesus in his old age. As Clement of Alexandria suggests (II-III century) the beloved disciple wanted to emphasize the divine nature of the Son of which the synoptic gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke had marked the historical insertion and the human nature.
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  4. Combining Minds: How to Think about Composite Subjectivity.Luke Roelofs - 2019 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book explores a neglected philosophical question: How do groups of interacting minds relate to singular minds? Could several of us, by organizing ourselves the right way, constitute a single conscious mind that contains our minds as parts? And could each of us have been, all along, a group of mental parts in close cooperation? Scientific progress seems to be slowly revealing that all the different physical objects around us are, at root, just a matter of the right parts put (...)
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    Combining moral truth with pastoral compassion: (the papers and articles of Clement Campos, C.Ss.R).Clement Campos - 2018 - Bengaluru: ATC Publishers. Edited by Assisi Saldanha.
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    Religion and Theism: The Forwood Lectures Delivered at Liverpool University, 1933. Together with a Chapter on the Psychological Accounts of the Origin of Belief in God.Clement C. J. Webb - 1934 - Routledge.
    Four lectures on the Philosophy of Religion are included in this compact book along with an extra chapter on the psychology of belief in God. In a search for an acceptable theism, the author examines religious faith and human personality via many theories and facets of thinking, referring to psychologists, theologians and philosophers who have battled with similar questions. Originally published a year after the lectures were presented, this is an interesting classic volume by a well-known theorist of the early (...)
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    Can political realism be action-guiding?Luke Ulaş - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (4):528-553.
    Various political realists claim the superior ‘action-guiding’ qualities of their way of approaching normative political theory, as compared to ‘liberal moralism’. This paper subjects that claim to critique. I first clarify the general idea of action-guidance, and identify two types of guidance that a political theory might try to offer – ‘prescriptive action-guidance’ and ‘orienting action-guidance’ – together with the conditions that must be met before we can understand such guidance as having been successfully offered. I then go on to (...)
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    Care, autonomy, and justice: feminism and the ethic of care.Grace Clement - 1996 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Newcomers and more experienced feminist theorists will welcome this even-handed survey of the care/justice debate within feminist ethics. Grace Clement clarifies the key terms, examines the arguments and assumptions of all sides to the debate, and explores the broader implications for both practical and applied ethics. Readers will appreciate her generous treatment of the feminine, feminist, and justice-based perspectives that have dominated the debate.Clement also goes well beyond description and criticism, advancing the discussion through the incorporation of a broad range (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Asexuality.Luke Brunning & Natasha McKeever - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (3):497-517.
    Asexuality is overlooked in the philosophical literature and in wider society. Such neglect produces incomplete or inaccurate accounts of romantic life and harms asexual people. We develop an account of asexuality to redress this neglect and enrich discussion of romantic life. Asexual experiences are diverse. Some asexual people have sex; some have romantic relationships in the absence of sex. We accept the common definition of asexuality as the absence of sexual attraction and explain how sexual attraction and sexual desire differ (...)
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    Le cynisme à la Renaissance d'Erasme à Montaigne.Michèle Clement - 2005 - Genève: Droz. Edited by Loys Du Puys & Diogenes.
    Quiconque considère la résurgence du cynisme à la Renaissance pénètre un domaine vaste, mais laissé en friche par les philosophes et délaissé des littéraires. Quelques exemples suffisent à en évaluer l'étendue : reconnaître Diogène dans le Christ et faire - subrepticement - du premier des Adages un adage diogénique ; s'assimiler à Diogène roulant son tonneau pour illustrer la fabrique du Tiers Livre ; attaquer saint Augustin pour son incapacité à comprendre l'impudeur des cyniques ; souhaiter comme idéal pour l'homme (...)
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    La langue claire de Descartes.Bruno Clément - 2009 - Rue Descartes 65 (3):20.
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  12. L'insegnamento della filosofia nelle scuole sperimentali: rapporto della Società filosofica italiana.Clemente Lanzetti & Cesare Quarenghi (eds.) - 1994 - Roma: Laterza.
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  13. The unity of consciousness, within subjects and between subjects.Luke Roelofs - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (12):3199-3221.
    The unity of consciousness has so far been studied only as a relation holding among the many experiences of a single subject. I investigate whether this relation could hold between the experiences of distinct subjects, considering three major arguments against the possibility of such ‘between-subjects unity’. The first argument, based on the popular idea that unity implies subsumption by a composite experience, can be deflected by allowing for limited forms of ‘experience-sharing’, in which the same token experience belongs to more (...)
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  14. Letting go of blame.Luke Brunning & Per-Erik Milam - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 106 (3):720-740.
    Most philosophers acknowledge ways of overcoming blame, even blame directed at a culpable offender, that are not forgiving. Sometimes continuing to blame a friend for their offensive comment just isn't worth it, so we let go instead. However, despite being a common and widely recognised experience, no one has offered a positive account of letting go. Instead, it tends to be characterised negatively and superficially, usually in order to delineate the boundaries of forgiveness. This paper gives a more complete and (...)
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  15. Phenomenal Blending and the Palette Problem.Luke Roelofs - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):59-70.
    I discuss the apparent discrepancy between the qualitative diversity of consciousness and the relative qualitative homogeneity of the brain's basic constituents, a discrepancy that has been raised as a problem for identity theorists by Maxwell and Lockwood (as one element of the ‘grain problem’), and more recently as a problem for panpsychists (under the heading of ‘the palette problem’). The challenge posed to panpsychists by this discrepancy is to make sense of how a relatively small ‘palette’ of basic qualities could (...)
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    Hacia un nuevo Laocoonte.Clement Greenberg - 2020 - Co-herencia 17 (33):19-39.
    El modernismo es una teoría de la relación del arte con su medio, y en ningún lugar se ve esto más claro que en el pensamiento de Clement Greenberg. Greenberg fue probablemente el crítico de arte más influyente del siglo xx, uno de los responsables del reconocimiento del impresionismo abstracto y de la pintura de campos de color, así como del desplazamiento del centro del mundo del arte desde París a Nueva York. Su práctica como crítico de arte estaba, además, (...)
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    Dimension poétique: caractères & états poétiques de l'expérience.Clément Bodet, Alain Chareyre-Méjan & Ludovic Iacovo (eds.) - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Poétique" ne se dit pas seulement d'un type d'énonciation, mais aussi et surtout d'une épreuve de vérité irréductible à la forme linguistique. A quelle vérité conduit l'expérience poétique, si cela est possible? Cet ouvrage nous parle de l'état poétique comme une révélation sans surnature ni transcendance et qui possède les caractères d'une manière plénière d'être, une éthique, capable de fonder les principes de la vie bonne.
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    La République islamique d’Iran.Clément Therme & Gaëtane Lamarche-Vadel - 2021 - Multitudes 83 (2):130-140.
    L’auteur analyse la politique intérieure et extérieure de la République islamique d’Iran en phase avec une situation économique et sociale très dégradée et un contexte géopolitique fortement bousculé ces derniers temps. L’élection du nouveau président Joe Biden aux États-Unis, la surenchère de l’Iran sur le programme d’enrichissement de l’uranium, les élections iraniennes prochaines avec une tendance néoconservatrice annoncée, le rapprochement israélo-gulfien obligent à rebattre les cartes. Comment ces phénomènes vont-ils se croiser et dans quel sens? Apaisement ou au contraire durcissement (...)
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    An idealised account of mechanistic computation.Luke Kersten - 2024 - Synthese 203 (99):1-23.
    The mechanistic account of computation offers one promising and influential theory of computational implementation. The aim of this paper is to shore up its conceptual foundations by responding to several recent challenges. After outlining and responding to a recent proposal from Kuokkanen (2022a), I suggest that computational description should be conceptualised as a form of idealisation (selectively attending to modified subsets of model features) rather than abstraction (selectively attending to subsets of features within a target system). I argue that this (...)
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    Présentation.Clément Lion - 2023 - Philosophie 157 (2):3-13.
    “Logic and Agon” is the text of a lecture given in Rome in 1958 by the German philosopher and mathematician Paul Lorenzen. In this inaugural text are laid the foundations of the dialogic logic, which represents an alternative approach to the question of meaning and logical truth, based on a dynamic formalism. Through the enrichment of the standard approach to logic with original tools, it allows a philosophical explanation of the foundations of the concept of formal validity. Clément Lion proposes (...)
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  21. If Panpsychism Is True, Then What? Part 1: Ethical Implications.Luke Roelofs & Nicolas Kuske - forthcoming - Giornale di Metafisica.
    Panpsychism is a striking metaphysical claim: every part of the physical world has some form of consciousness. Does this striking claim have equally striking ethical implications? Does it change what duties we owe to which beings, or how we should understand the relation between self-interest and altruism? Some defenders as well as critics of panpsychism have suggested it does. Others have disagreed. In this paper, we attempt to survey and organize these existing discussions. We suggest that panpsychism is likely to (...)
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  22. The Distinctiveness of Polyamory.Luke Brunning - 2018 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (3):513-531.
    Polyamory is a form of consensual non-monogamy. To render it palatable to critics, activists and theorists often accentuate its similarity to monogamy. I argue that this strategy conceals the distinctive character of polyamorous intimacy. A more discriminating account of polyamory helps me answer objections to the lifestyle whilst noting some of its unique pitfalls. I define polyamory, and explain why people pursue this lifestyle. Many think polyamory is an inferior form of intimacy; I describe four of their main objections. I (...)
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    (1 other version)Taking Animals Seriously: Mental Life and Moral Status.Brian Luke & David DeGrazia - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):300.
    David DeGrazia’s stated purposes for Taking Animals Seriously are to apply a coherentist methodology to animal ethics, to do the philosophical work necessary for discussing animal minds, and to fill in some of the gaps in the existing literature on animal ethics.
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    Truth machines: synthesizing veracity in AI language models.Luke Munn, Liam Magee & Vanicka Arora - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (6):2759-2773.
    As AI technologies are rolled out into healthcare, academia, human resources, law, and a multitude of other domains, they become de-facto arbiters of truth. But truth is highly contested, with many different definitions and approaches. This article discusses the struggle for truth in AI systems and the general responses to date. It then investigates the production of truth in InstructGPT, a large language model, highlighting how data harvesting, model architectures, and social feedback mechanisms weave together disparate understandings of veracity. It (...)
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  25. Borderline Cases and the Collapsing Principle.Luke Elson - 2014 - Utilitas 26 (1):51-60.
    John Broome has argued that value incommensurability is vagueness, by appeal to a controversial about comparative indeterminacy. I offer a new counterexample to the collapsing principle. That principle allows us to derive an outright contradiction from the claim that some object is a borderline case of some predicate. But if there are no borderline cases, then the principle is empty. The collapsing principle is either false or empty.
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  26. No Such Thing as Too Many Minds.Luke Roelofs - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (1):131-146.
    Many philosophical views have the surprising implication that, within the boundaries of each human being, there is not just one mind, but many: anywhere from two (the person and their brain, or the person and their body) to trillions (each of the nearly-entirely-overlapping precise entities generated by the Problem of the Many). This is often treated as absurd, a problem of ‘Too Many Minds’, which we must find ways to avoid. It is often thought specifically absurd to allow such a (...)
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    Clement of Alexandria: a study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism.Salvatore Romano Clemente Lilla - 1971 - [London]: Oxford University Press.
  28. Good Faith as a Normative Foundation of Policing.Luke William Hunt - 2023 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 17 (3):1-17.
    The use of deception and dishonesty is widely accepted as a fact of life in policing. This paper thus defends a counterintuitive claim: Good faith is a normative foundation for the police as a political institution. Good faith is a core value of contracts, and policing is contractual in nature both broadly (as a matter of social contract theory) and narrowly (in regard to concrete encounters between law enforcement officers and the public). Given the centrality of good faith to policing, (...)
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  29. A Probabilistic Analysis of Causation.Luke Glynn - 2011 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 62 (2):343-392.
    The starting point in the development of probabilistic analyses of token causation has usually been the naïve intuition that, in some relevant sense, a cause raises the probability of its effect. But there are well-known examples both of non-probability-raising causation and of probability-raising non-causation. Sophisticated extant probabilistic analyses treat many such cases correctly, but only at the cost of excluding the possibilities of direct non-probability-raising causation, failures of causal transitivity, action-at-a-distance, prevention, and causation by absence and omission. I show that (...)
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  30. Saṅkṣēpavēdartthaṃ: tr̲ānslit̲t̲ar̲ēṣanuṃ parāvarttanavuṃ vyākhyānavuṃ ataṅṅiya putiya patipp.Clement Pianius - 1980 - Tiruvanantapuraṃ: Kārmel Pabḷiṣiṅg Senr̲ar. Edited by Mathew Ulakamthara.
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    Antonio Rosmini asceta e mistico.Clemente Rebora - 1980 - Vicenza: La locusta.
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    Habermas contre l’École de Francfort.Clément Rodier - 2022 - Actuel Marx 71 (1):131-146.
    Comment se fait-il qu’Habermas soit considéré, en France, comme un membre à part entière de l’École de Francfort, voire comme son incarnation contemporaine? En dévoilant l’histoire qui se cache derrière cette image spécifiquement française, cet article souhaite détacher Habermas de la « première génération » de l’École de Francfort pour retrouver les impulsions théoriques de cette dernière. Ainsi libérée de la tutelle habermassienne, la Théorie critique originelle retrouve le statut d’une pensée à part entière, dont les intuitions critiques, autant que (...)
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    The Feminine and the Sacred.Catherine Clément & Julia Kristeva - 2001 - Columbia University Press.
    In November 1996, Catherine Clément and Julia Kristeva began a correspondence exploring the subject of the sacred. In this collection of those letters Catherine Clément approaches the topic from an anthropologist's point of view while Julia Kristeva responds from a psychoanalytic perspective. Their correspondence leads them to a controversial and fundamental question: is there anything sacred that can at the same time be considered strictly feminine? The two voices of the book work in tandem, fleshing out ideas and blending together (...)
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  34. Compersion: An Alternative to Jealousy?Luke Brunning - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (2):225-245.
    Compersion is an important concept for non-monogamous people. Often described as jealousy's opposite, compersion labels positive feelings toward the intimacy of a beloved with other people. Since many people think jealousy is ordinary, intransigent, and even appropriate, compersion can seem psychologically and ethically dubious. I make the case for compersion, arguing it focuses on the flourishing of others and is thus not akin to pride, vicarious enjoyment, or masochistic pleasure. People cultivate compersion by softening their propensity to be jealous and (...)
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  35. Combining Minds: A Defence of the Possibility of Experiential Combination.Luke Roelofs - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Toronto
    This thesis explores the possibility of composite consciousness: phenomenally conscious states belonging to a composite being in virtue of the consciousness of, and relations among, its parts. We have no trouble accepting that a composite being has physical properties entirely in virtue of the physical properties of, and relations among, its parts. But a long­standing intuition holds that consciousness is different: my consciousness cannot be understood as a complex of interacting component consciousnesses belonging to parts of me. I ask why: (...)
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  36. The Sound of Music: Externalist Style.Luke Kersten & Robert A. Wilson - 2016 - American Philosophical Quarterly 53 (2):139-154.
    Philosophical exploration of individualism and externalism in the cognitive sciences most recently has been focused on general evaluations of these two views (Adams & Aizawa 2008, Rupert 2008, Wilson 2004, Clark 2008). Here we return to broaden an earlier phase of the debate between individualists and externalists about cognition, one that considered in detail particular theories, such as those in developmental psychology (Patterson 1991) and the computational theory of vision (Burge 1986, Segal 1989). Music cognition is an area in the (...)
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    Testing the Motivational Strength of Positive and Negative Duty Arguments Regarding Global Poverty.Luke Buckland, Matthew Lindauer, David Rodríguez-Arias & Carissa Véliz - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (3):699-717.
    Two main types of philosophical arguments have been given in support of the claim that the citizens of affluent societies have stringent moral duties to aid the global poor: “positive duty” arguments based on the notion of beneficence and “negative duty” arguments based on noninterference. Peter Singer’s positive duty argument (Singer 1972) and Thomas Pogge’s negative duty argument (Pogge 2002) are among the most prominent examples. Philosophers have made speculative claims about the relative effectiveness of these arguments in promoting attitudes (...)
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  38. Moral motivation and the evil-god challenge.Luke Wilson - 2021 - Religious Studies 57 (4):703-716.
    The evil-god challenge holds that theism is highly symmetrical to the evil-god hypothesis and thus it is not more reasonable to accept one rather than the other. But, since it is not reasonable to accept the evil-god hypothesis, it is not reasonable to accept theism. This article will primarily focus on defending the challenge from two recent objections which hold that it follows from the nature of moral motivation that theism is intrinsically much more likely to be true than the (...)
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    A New Mark of the Cognitive? Predictive Processing and Extended Cognition.Luke Kersten - 2022 - Synthese 200 (281):1-25.
    There is a longstanding debate between those who think that cognition extends into the external environment and those who think it is located squarely within the individual. Recently, a new actor has emerged on the scene, one that looks to play kingmaker. Predictive processing says that the mind/brain is fundamentally engaged in a process of minimising the difference between what is predicted about the world and how the world actually is, what is known as ‘prediction error minimisation’. The goal of (...)
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    Thrills, chills, frissons, and skin orgasms: toward an integrative model of transcendent psychophysiological experiences in music.Luke Harrison & Psyche Loui - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    When and Why Is Research without Consent Permissible?Luke Gelinas, Alan Wertheimer & Franklin G. Miller - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (2):35-43.
    The view that research with competent adults requires valid consent to be ethical perhaps finds its clearest expression in the Nuremberg Code, whose famous first principle asserts that “the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” In a similar vein, the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights states that “no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.” Yet although some formulations of the consent principle allow no exceptions, others hold (...)
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  42. Policing, Brutality, and the Demands of Justice.Luke William Hunt - 2021 - Criminal Justice Ethics 40 (1):40-55.
    Why does institutional police brutality continue so brazenly? Criminologists and other social scientists typically theorize about the causes of such violence, but less attention is given to normative questions regarding the demands of justice. Some philosophers have taken a teleological approach, arguing that social institutions such as the police exist to realize collective ends and goods based upon the idea of collective moral responsibility. Others have approached normative questions in policing from a more explicit social-contract perspective, suggesting that legitimacy is (...)
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    When clinical trials compete: prioritising study recruitment.Luke Gelinas, Holly Fernandez Lynch, Barbara E. Bierer & I. Glenn Cohen - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (12):803-809.
    It is not uncommon for multiple clinical trials at the same institution to recruit concurrently from the same patient population. When the relevant pool of patients is limited, as it often is, trials essentially compete for participants. There is evidence that such a competition is a predictor of low study accrual, with increased competition tied to increased recruitment shortfalls. But there is no consensus on what steps, if any, institutions should take to approach this issue. In this article, we argue (...)
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    Rethinking race in medical decision making.Clement J. Bottino - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (5):447-449.
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    Anastasius of Sinai: Biblical Scholar.Clement Kuehn - 2010 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 103 (1):55-81.
    Anastasius of Sinai is best known as a seventh century monk, theologian, and presbyter, whose writings defended the Chalcedonian creed, explored the union of God and humanity, and supported his congregation's faith after the Moslem invasion of Egypt. His Hexaemeron reveals yet another facet of his work: that of biblical scholarship. In this extensive commentary on the creation account of Genesis, Anastasius compares and discusses several Greek translations of the biblical text. Thus he becomes for us an important source of (...)
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  46. Tendenzen in der Ästhetik.Clement Reichholf - 1984 - In Peter Lüftenegger, Philosophie und Gesellschaft. Wien: Institut für Wissenschaft und Kunst.
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  47. Attualità di A. Rosmini.Clemente Riva - 1970 - Roma,: Studium.
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    Social Appraisal and Social Referencing: Two Components of Affective Social Learning.Fabrice Clément & Daniel Dukes - 2017 - Emotion Review 9 (3):253-261.
    Social learning is likely to include affective processes: it is necessary for newcomers to discover what value to attach to objects, persons, and events in a given social environment. This learning relies largely on the evaluation of others’ emotional expressions. This study has two objectives. Firstly, we compare two closely related concepts that are employed to describe the use of another person’s appraisal to make sense of a given situation: social appraisal and social referencing. We contend that social referencing constitutes (...)
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    Authorship Matrix: A Rational Approach to Quantify Individual Contributions and Responsibilities in Multi-Author Scientific Articles.T. Prabhakar Clement - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (2):345-361.
    We propose a rational method for addressing an important question—who deserves to be an author of a scientific article? We review various contentious issues associated with this question and recommend that the scientific community should view authorship in terms of contributions and responsibilities, rather than credits. We propose a new paradigm that conceptually divides a scientific article into four basic elements: ideas, work, writing, and stewardship. We employ these four fundamental elements to modify the well-known International Committee of Medical Journal (...)
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    The Role of Rewards in Motivating Participation in Simple Warfare.Luke Glowacki & Richard W. Wrangham - 2013 - Human Nature 24 (4):444-460.
    In the absence of explicit punitive sanctions, why do individuals voluntarily participate in intergroup warfare when doing so incurs a mortality risk? Here we consider the motivation of individuals for participating in warfare. We hypothesize that in addition to other considerations, individuals are incentivized by the possibility of rewards. We test a prediction of this “cultural rewards war-risk hypothesis” with ethnographic literature on warfare in small-scale societies. We find that a greater number of benefits from warfare is associated with a (...)
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