928 found
  1.  30
    Methodist Personality Transformation in Context: A Response to Haartman.H. Newton Malony - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):51-58.
    Haartman's analysis of ecstatic experience in early Methodism is contextualized within a brief review of the history of the movement and the theological assertions that underlay these religious behaviors. Wesley emphasized individual, as opposed to institutional religion and affrmed inductive as contrasted with deductive theology. "Sanctification," Wesley's term for personality transformation, is seen as positive ego development rather than regressive splitting of the ego. Maslow's "peak experience" is affrmed as a valid model for analyzing ecstatic behaviors. Methodism no longer (...)
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  2. Genuinely Ghanaian: A History of the Methodist Church Ghana, 1961–2000.Casely B. Essamuah - 2010
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    Methodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church’s Witness.Wonchul Shin - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):205-206.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Methodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church's Witness by Darryl W. StephensWonchul ShinMethodist Morals: Social Principles in the Public Church's Witness Darryl W. Stephens knoxville: university of tennessee press, 2016. 320 pp. $48.00Darryl W. Stephens's Methodist Morals presents a historical, theological, and ethical analysis of a particular form of social witness in the United Methodist Church (UMC): the Social Principles. Stephens mainly argues that (...)
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  4. The Allan Library: A Victorian Methodist Odyssey.Clive Field - 2013 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (2):69-105.
    The history of the Allan Library is here told systematically for the first time. This antiquarian collection of substantially foreign-language books and some manuscripts was formed by barrister Thomas Robinson Allan during the 1850s, 1860s and 1870s. His stated intention was to create a Methodist rival to Sion College Library and Dr Williamss Library. Allan donated it to the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in 1884, which funded the erection of purpose-built Allan Library premises opening in London in 1891. (...)
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  5.  28
    The Effects of Ḥanafī and Ẓāhirī Methodists’ Opinions About the Indication of General Utterances in Qur’ān and the Subject of Their Specification by al-Khabar al-Wāhid on Islamic Law Regulations.Mustafa Türkan - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):5-25.
    The subject of general utterances (al-lafdh al-āmm) being certain or presumptive in their usage as an indication to all their members is controversial amongst the methodists. Ḥanafī methodists suggest that the indication of general utterances to all of their members as certain and unless they are specified with a certain evidence, they can’t be specified with a presumptive evidence. Like the ḥanafī methodists, the ẓāhirī methodists also suggest that the general utterance is certain indicant for all of its members and (...)
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  6.  19
    Out on the fringe: Wales and the history of science.Iwan Rhys Morus - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Science 54 (1):87-97.
    Imagine a scene sometime in the 1750s in the depths of west Wales. This was wild country. Even a century later, George Borrow called it a ‘mountainous wilderness … a waste of russet-coloured hills, with here and there a black craggy summit’. Through this desolation rides the Reverend William Williams. As he rode, he read – and the book in his saddlebags on this occasion was William Derham'sAstro-Theology, first published some twenty years earlier. Williams was a leading figure in the (...)
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  7.  15
    Marvell's Religion: Was He a New Methodist?Caroline Robbins - 1962 - Journal of the History of Ideas 23 (2):268.
  8.  5
    The Legacy of Peggy Hiscock: European Women’s Contribution to the Growth of Christianity in Zambia.Jonathan Kangwa - 2020 - Feminist Theology 28 (3):316-333.
    The history of Christianity in Africa contains selected information reflecting patriarchal preoccupations. Historians have often downplayed the contributions of significant women, both European and indigenous African. The names of some significant women are given without details of their contribution to the growth of Christianity in Africa. This article considers the contributions of Peggy Hiscock to the growth of Christianity in Zambia. Hiscock was a White missionary who was sent to serve in Zambia by the Methodist Church in Britain. (...)
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    The Rhetoric of Homosexual Practice.John J. Anderson - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):601-625.
    Many Protestant denominations have or recently had policies that prohibit “self-avowed practicing homosexuals” from being ordained. By only prohibiting “practicing” homosexuals, proponents of these policies claim that they do not discriminate against homosexuals as a group since, technically, a homosexual can still be ordained as long as she is “non-practicing.” In other words, a condemnation of homosexual practice is not the same as a condemnation of homosexual persons. I argue that this is not the case; the rhetoric of homosexual practice (...)
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  10.  42
    Hegel's first american followers, the ohio Hegelians: J. B. stallo, Peter Kaufmann, moncure Conway, August willich.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1967 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 5 (4):378.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:378 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY these churches to deal reasonably with frontier conditions and popular prejudices is common knowledge, but it is often forgotten that their founder and guide during the critical days of growth was also an exponent of the late Scottish Enlightenment. To make this careful analysis of Campbell's philosophy, as an extraordinary specimen of empirical method, is a welcome achievement by an experienced empiricist. The volume (...)
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  11.  46
    The galenic and hippocratic challenges to Aristotle's conception theory.Michael Boylan - 1984 - Journal of the History of Biology 17 (1):83-112.
    As a result of this case study, additional questions arise. These can be cast into at least three groups. The first concerns the development of critical empiricism in the ancient world: a topic of much interest in our own century, expecially with regard to the work of the logical empiricists. Many of the same arguments are present in the ancient world and were hotly debated from the Hippocratic writers through and beyond Galen. Some of the ways in which Galen reacts (...)
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  12.  25
    From Environmental Stewardship To Environmental Holiness.Darryl W. Stephens - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (3):470-500.
    The descriptive moment in ethical reflection is helpfully informed by a careful consideration of what religious bodies have said about moral issues such as climate change. As a case study, this article identifies and interprets primary documents of The United Methodist Church (UMC) and its predecessor institutions, providing a detailed examination of the historical development of this denomination’s environmental witness statements. Methodism's long‐standing engagement with environmental ethics, out of which a concern for anthropogenic climate change incrementally emerged, includes significant (...)
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  13. Baptist Autographs in the John Rylands Library, Manchester, 1741-1907.Timothy Whelan - 2013 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (2):203-225.
    Within the holdings of The University of Manchesters John Rylands Library is a remarkable collection of 337 letters to and from Baptist ministers and laypersons written between 1741 and 1907. Nearly half can be found among the autograph collections of Thomas Raffles, Liverpool Congregationalist minister and educator, with another 103 letters belonging to the collections of the Methodist Archives. John Sutcliff, Baptist minister at Olney and an early leader within the Baptist Missionary Society, was the recipient of more than (...)
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  14.  36
    Haunting Guilt, Communities of Memory, and the Process of Atonement.Kara Barnette - 2017 - The Pluralist 12 (1):60-73.
    When Dylann Roof massacred nine people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in June of 2015, he re-ignited a long-running debate over the appropriateness of having the flag of the American Confederacy fly over South Carolina’s state house. To many people of all races, it seems inconceivable why anyone would defend flying the Confederate flag over the state house. The flag obviously represents the Confederate States of America; it obviously highlights one of the most painful (...)
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  15.  16
    Thinking Africa through Soga’s black spirituals: A theological reflection.Sandiswa L. Kobe - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):7.
    This article offers a critical reflection of Lizal’isidinga laKho (hymn 116) and Wazidala iinto zonke (hymn 16) written by Tiyo Soga and recorded in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa (MCSA) hymnal book. From the perspective of black theology of liberation (BTL), I historicise and contextualise hymn 116 and hymn 16 to debunk the argument that Tiyo Soga was alien to the lives, experiences of suffering and pain of his people. The article posits that hymn 116 and hymn 16 (...)
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  16.  34
    Historical and critical dictionary.John B. Wolf - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):85-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 85 scientious search for principles of method (and of peace) may have been one of the reasons why he was suspect in England, as were the Ramist "methodists." In any case, it is quite clear now that Hobbes was not a materialist, not even when he was writing De Corpore. HERBERT W. SCHNEIDER Claremont, CallJornia Pierre Bayle, Historical and Critical Dictionary selections. Translated with an Introduction and (...)
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  17.  23
    (1 other version)From Sousaphones to Superman: Narrative, Rhetoric, and Memory as Equipment for Living.Camille Kaminski Lewis - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (4):6-18.
    On June 17, 2015, white supremacist Dylann Roof marched into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and massacred nine black people in prayer. He credited his radicalization to the Council for Conservative Citizens, which was, in his words, "his gateway into the world of white nationalism."1 When Roof's selfies began to circulate—brandishing Confederate battle flags and standing in front of Greenville, South Carolina's own Museum and Library of Confederate History—the Southern civic sphere stammered in (...)
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  18.  11
    The Spatio-Temporal Theory of Individuation.Michael Potts - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (1):59-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SPATIO-TEMPORAL THEORY OF INDIVIDUATION MICHAEL POTTS Methodist Callege Fayetteville, North Carolina I. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW A. The Influence of Plato HE SPATIO-TEMPORAL theory of individuation has long history in the philosophical tradition. Its roots go ack to Aristotle's theory of individuation by matter,1 and ultimately back to Plato. In the Timaeus, Plato struggled with the problem of how forms are instantiated in the phenomenal world. Besides " (...)
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  19.  63
    Herbert Butterfield (1900-79) as a Christian historian of science.Regis Cabral - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 27 (4):547-564.
    Why is Butterfield's best-seller The Origins of Modern Science (1949) such a powerful big picture, nearly impossible to move away from? Considered in the context of his life, the contrast between his attacks on Whig history and the contents of his best-seller reveals that his big picture of science continues at the centre because of his spiritual beliefs and practices. Butterfield did not make explicit his Christian (Methodist) world view to his history of science readers, although one (...)
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  20.  28
    Panfletagem digital – espaço público, comunicação institucional e internet.José Aparecido de Oliveira - 2007 - Horizonte 5 (10):91-105.
    Resumo O presente artigo faz parte de uma pesquisa sobre os espaços de discussão criados, a partir da internet, entre os membros clérigos e leigos da Igreja Metodista, nos meses que antecederam o 18º Concílio Geral, realizado em 2006, conclave que resultou na saída da instituição dos organismos ecumênicos em que atua e que ajudou a fundar. O objetivo consistiu em avaliar as possibilidades e limitações da internet como emergente espaço público ampliado para as instituições. A análise teve como suporte (...)
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  21. Dealing with the Backlash Against Intelligent Design.William A. Dembski - unknown
    Why is that? The stakes are now considerably higher. Darwinism: Science or Philosophy? is the proceedings of a symposium that took place at Southern Methodist University in the spring of 1992. The focus of that symposium was Phillip Johnson’s then recently published book Darwin on Trial. At the time, Johnson was a novelty -- a respected professor of criminal law at Cal Berkeley who was raising doubts about evolution. All harmless, good fun, no doubt. And Berkeley has an illustrious (...)
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  22.  37
    A Study on the Salvation Army.Bayram Polat & Yasin Öner - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):373-396.
    William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, initially preached in Methodist Churches, later left this position and formed a social and religious formation called the "Christian Mission". This movement was named "Salvation Army" in 1878. The Salvation Army, organized in many countries, has established nursing homes for elderly, women and children and continues to attract attention and increase its reputation both locally and internationally with aid organizations, rehabilitation of prisoners, natural disasters, fight against human trafficking and aid to (...)
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  23.  25
    Debates on the Legitimacy of Infant Baptism in Christianity.Halil Temi̇ztürk - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):27-46.
    One of the theological disagreements in Christianity is the legitimacy of infant baptism. It was not discussed in the early period of Christianity. Nevertheless, it is one of the problems that have been debated especially since the post-reform period. Debates about infant baptism create differences in Christianity. Churches accepting infant baptism, espe¬cially the Catholic Church, acknowledge it as a tradition that has been practiced for thou¬sands of years. According to them, children were baptized by Jesus and the Church Fathers kept (...)
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  24.  8
    El fin de la idiotez y la muerte del hombre nuevo.Armando P. Ribas - 2004 - Miami, Fla.: Ediciones Universal.
    Armando P. Ribas was born in Ciego de vila, Cuba, in 1932 and died in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2020. In 1956 he graduated as a Juris Doctor from Saint Thomas of Villanova University in Havana, Cuba. He later studied Law and Economics at Southern Methodist University and Columbia University in the United States. In Argentina, he worked as a journalist and economist and from 1889 to 1990 and was a Deputy in that country. This book clearly explains the (...)
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  25.  16
    The roots of reformed moral theology.Bruce P. Baugus - 2022 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Reformation Heritage Books.
    A survey of moral theology from its biblical origins to the eve of the Reformation, demonstrating that Reformed moral sensibilities were received and developed from the greater church tradition.
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  26.  19
    Gegen Deutsches K.Z. Paradies. Thinking about Englishness on the Isle of Man during the Second World War.Dina Gusejnova - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (5):697-714.
    ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the intellectual output of the internees held captive as ‘enemy aliens’ on the Isle of Man during the Second World War. Looking at their interactions with local and national knowledge communities, including some Methodist priests who were responsible for introducing the internees to British political culture, it analyses how the social environment of internment created common intellectual experiences, which in turn led members of this involuntary community of displaced German-speaking scholars to form particular conceptions (...)
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  27.  26
    The Boston Personalist Tradition in Philosophy, Social Ethics, and Theology. [REVIEW]Frederick Ferré - 1989 - Idealistic Studies 19 (3):269-271.
    The many admirable, endearing—and frustrating—features of Boston Personalism are beautifully reflected in this book. It should be welcomed for several reasons. It is timely; indeed, it comes at a moment that may show an upsurge of interest in the Personalist tradition. It is handsome; Mercer University Press should be praised for producing a book that is a physical delight to hold and to read. It is solid; the editors should be congratulated for successfully turning a series of videotaped lectures into (...)
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  28.  14
    The History of Education in Europe.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    There is a common tradition in European education going back to the Middle Ages which long played a part in providing the curriculum of schools which catered both for the wealthy and for able sons of less well-to-do families. Originally published in 1974, this volume examines the relationship between education and society in the different countries of Europe from which differences in tradition and practice emerge. The countries discussed include: France, Germany, the former Soviet Union, Poland and Sweden.
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  29. Scepticism, relativism, and the structure of epistemic frameworks.Steven Bland - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):539-544.
    This paper has four aims: first, to outline the role of the sceptical problem of the criterion in the principal argument for epistemic relativism; second, to establish that methodist and particularist responses to the problem of the criterion do not, by themselves, constitute successful strategies for resisting epistemic relativism; third, to argue that a more fruitful strategy is to attempt to evaluate epistemic frameworks on the basis of the epistemic resources that they have in common; and finally, to make (...)
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  30. Mga Salik sa Pagkabigo ng Protestantismo na Lumaganap sa Pilipinas noong Panahon ng Kolonyalismong Amerikano.Mark Joseph Santos - 2023 - Yaman Digital History.
    Nang masakop ng Estados Unidos ang Pilipinas, dumating sa bansa ang isa pang uri ng Kristiyanismo na iba sa bitbit ng mga Espanyol-ang Protestantismo (na nagsimulang isilang noong ika-16 na dantaon sa Europa sa pamumuno nina Luther, Calvin, at Zwingli). Salaysay ni T. Valentino Sitoy (1989, iii, 7-11), 1899 unang dumating ang mga misyonerong Protestante sa Pilipinas, na kinabibilangan ng mga Presbyterian, Baptist, at Methodist. Kalaunan ay sinundan ito ng pagdating ng mga Episcopalian, Seventh-Day Adventist, United Brethren, Disciples, Christian (...)
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  31.  34
    History, Sociology and Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1971, this volume examines the relationship between the history and sociology of education. History does not stand in isolation, but has much to draw from and contribute to, other disciplines. The methods and concepts of sociology, in particular, are exerting increasing influence on historical studies, especially the history of education. Since education is considered to be part of the social system, historians and sociologists have come to survey similar fields; yet each discipline appears to (...)
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  32.  26
    Protestant Responses to Darwinism in Denmark, 1859–1914.Hans Henrik Hjermitslev - 2011 - Journal of the History of Ideas 72 (2):279-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Protestant Responses to Darwinism in Denmark, 1859–1914Hans Henrik HjermitslevFrom the 1870s onwards, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, published in On the Origin of Species (1859) and Descent of Man (1871), was an important topic among the followers of the influential Danish theologian N.F.S. Grundtvig (1783–1872). The Grundtvigians constituted a major faction within the Danish Evangelical-Lutheran Established Church, which included more than ninety percent of the population in the period (...)
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  33.  13
    Local Studies and the History of Education.History of Education Society - 2007 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1972, this book is concerned with education as part of a larger social history. Chapters include: The roots of Anglican supremacy in English education The Board schools of London The use of ecclesiastical records for the history of education Topographical resources: private and secondary education from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
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    Politics and Modernity: History of the Human Sciences Special Issue.Irving History of the Human Sciences, Robin Velody & Williams - 1993 - SAGE Publications.
    Politics and Modernity provides a critical review of the key interface of contemporary political theory and social theory about the questions of modernity and postmodernity. Review essays offer a broad-ranging assessment of the issues at stake in current debates. Among the works reviewed are those of William Connolly, Anthony Giddens, J[um]urgen Habermas, Alasdair MacIntyre, Richard Rorty, Charles Taylor and Roy Bhaskar. As well as reviewing the contemporary literature, the contributors assess the historical roots of current problems in the works of (...)
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  35. Gabriele Cornelli, Richard McKirahan, and Constantinos Macris, On Pythagoreanism.Ancient History North Bailey, Durham D. H. Eu, United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland Email: Northern - 2016 - Rhizomata 4 (2).
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  36.  78
    Mind in the shadows.Michael Detlefsen - 1998 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29 (1):123-136.
  37.  7
    Education and the Professions.History of Education Society - 1973 - Routledge.
    Part of the educational system in England has been geared towards the preparation of particular professions, while the identity and status of members of some professions have depended significantly on the general education they have received. Originally published in 1973, this volume explores the interaction between education and the professions. It also looks at the education of the main professions in sixteenth century England and at how twentieth century university teaching is a key profession for the training of new recruits (...)
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  38.  17
    Betül Başaran, Selim III, Social Control and Policing in Istanbul at the End of the Eighteenth Century.History James GrehanCorresponding authorDeptof & AmericaEmail: United States of - 2017 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 94 (1).
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    Agent-Regret and Clinical Realities: Responding to the “Nearly-Faultless Harmer”.Laura Kolbe A. Weill Cornell Medical Collegeb NewYork-Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):23-25.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 23-25.
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  40.  1
    The identity of man.Jacob Bronowski & American Museum of Natural History - 1965 - Garden City, N.Y.: Published for the American Museum of Natural History [by] the Natural History Press.
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    Francis Bacon's natural philosophy: a new source, a transcription of manuscript Hardwick 72A.Francis Bacon, Graham Rees, Christopher Upton & British Society for the History of Science - 1984 - British Society for the History of Science.
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  42. Hegel, Hinrichs, and Schleiermacher on Feeling and Reason in Religion: The Texts of Their 1821–22 Debate.Ed. trans. and with introductions by Eric von der Luft also including A. new critical edition of the German text of Hegel’S. “Hinrichs Foreword.” (Studies in German Thought and History & 3) - 1987.
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  43.  5
    1910, the Emancipation of Dissonance.Thomas Harrison & Professor of Ancient History Thomas Harrison - 1996 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    "1910 stands out as a model of interdisciplinary and comparative study.... It brilliantly illustrates the complexity of a crucial period in European culture... focusing in particular on the intellectual intricacies of Mitteleuropa on the eve of World War I and of the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian empire."—Lucia Re "Compellingly original.... In Harrison's work, Michelstaedter and his confreres (Campana, Slataper, Kokoschke, Rilke, Kandinsky, Lukàcs, Trakl, et al.) turn out to be considerably more fascinating and more emblematic of their time than anyone (...)
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  44. ‘A pool of Bethesda’: Manchester‘s First Wesleyan Methodist Central Hall.Angela Connelly - 2012 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 89 (1):105-125.
    Methodist Central Halls were built in most British towns and cities. They were designed not to look like churches in order to appeal to the working classes. Entirely multi-functional, they provided room for concerts, plays, film shows and social work alongside ordinary worship. Some contained shops in order to pay for the future upkeep of the building. The prototype for this programme was provided in Manchester and opened on Oldham Street in 1886. This article offers a first analysis of (...)
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  45.  22
    Rising against all odds: An analysis of the leadership experiences of three female clergy in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe.Martin Mujinga - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2).
    The Methodist Church in Zimbabwe was established in 1891. In 1977, it was granted autonomy by the British Methodist Church. From 1891, top church leadership has been dominated by male clergy. This article explores three instances of a challenge to this trend. The first occurred in 1994 when there was a leadership crisis in one of the districts, and for the first time, a woman was appointed district chairperson. The second followed the election in August 2004 of a (...)
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  46. Charting the early Methodist pilgrimage: the journal letters of Charles Wesley.Richard Heitzenrater - 2006 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 88 (2):39-57.
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    Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation: Selected Essays on American Literature.J. Leland Miller Professor of American History Literature and Eloquence Michael Davitt Bell & Michael Davitt Bell - 2001 - University of Chicago Press.
    In Culture, Genre, and Literary Vocation, Michael Davitt Bell charts the important and often overlooked connection between literary culture and authors' careers. Bell's influential essays on nineteenth-century American writers—originally written for such landmark projects as The Columbia Literary History of the United States and The Cambridge History of American Literature—are gathered here with a major new essay on Richard Wright. Throughout, Bell revisits issues of genre with an eye toward the unexpected details of authors' lives, and invites us (...)
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  48. The Early Methodist Peopie.Leslie F. Church - 1949
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  49. Chapter Seven: A Methodist View of Life and Learning: Conjoining Knowledge and Vital Piety.W. Stephen Gunter - 2015 - In Gary W. Jenkins & Jonathan Yonan, Liberal Learning and the Great Christian Traditions. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
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  50. Needless Schism: A Methodist Comment.A. W. Harrison - 1938 - Hibbert Journal 37:151.
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