Results for 'Madelon Kokhuis'

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  1.  35
    Ownership and use of ‘old’ and ‘new’ media among ethnic minority youth in the Netherlands. The role of the ethno-cultural position.Johannes W. J. Beentjes, Madelon Kokhuis, Cindy Van Summeren & Leen D'Haenens - 2002 - Communications 27 (3):365-393.
    The starting point of the present study is to investigate which environmental factors play a role in the media behavior of ethnic minority youth. To what extent do socio-demographic characteristics influence ownership and use of the media? We also address the role of religion, cultural origin and the cultural distance between ethnic minority youth and indigenous Dutch youth. Three numerically important groups of ethnic minority youth are discussed: Turks, Moroccans and Surinamese. In a survey conducted among Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese (...)
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  2.  44
    Apparent amnesia on experimental memory tests in dissociative identity disorder: An exploratory study.Madelon L. Peters, Seger A. Uyterlinde, John Consemulder & Onno van der Hart - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (1):27-41.
    Dissociative identity disorder (DID; called multiple personality disorder in DSMIII-R) is a psychiatric condition in which two or more identity states recurrently take control of the person's behavior. A characteristic feature of DID is the occurrence of apparently severe amnestic symptoms. This paper is concerned with experimental research of memory function in DID and focuses on between-identity transfer of newly learned neutral material. Previous studies on this subject are reviewed and a pilot study with four subjects is described. This study (...)
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  3. Examining classroom interactions related to difference in students' science achievement.Madelon F. Zady, Pedro R. Portes & V. Dan Ochs - 2003 - Science Education 87 (1):40-63.
  4.  32
    Grandparental Support and Maternal Postpartum Mental Health.Madelon M. E. Riem, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, Maaike Cima & Marinus H. van IJzendoorn - 2023 - Human Nature 34 (1):25-45.
    Support from grandparents plays a role in mothers’ perinatal mental health. However, previous research on maternal mental health has mainly focused on influences of partner support or general social support and neglected the roles of grandparents. In this narrative review and meta-analysis, the scientific evidence on the association between grandparental support and maternal perinatal mental health is reviewed. Searches in PubMed, EMBASE, MEDLINE, Scopus, and PsycINFO yielded 11 empirical studies on N = 3381 participants, reporting on 35 effect sizes. A (...)
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  5.  23
    Remarks about the Nietzschean dancing God.Isabelle Madelon-Wienand - 1998 - South African Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):301-312.
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    Nietzsche. [REVIEW]Isabelle Madelon-Wienand - 1998 - New Nietzsche Studies 2 (3-4):111-112.
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    Par-delà le nihilisme. Nouveaux essais sur Nietzsche. [REVIEW]Isabelle Madelon-Wienand - 1999 - New Nietzsche Studies 3 (3-4):129-132.
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  8.  17
    Exposure to infant images enhances attention control in mothers.Annemiek Karreman & Madelon M. E. Riem - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (5):986-993.
    Viewing cute images has been reported to promote performance on tasks requiring carefulness, possibly related to an enhanced positive emotional state. However, it is unclear whether viewing infant...
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  9.  11
    Reminiscing: Autobiographical Notes.Paul Arthur Schilpp & Madelon Golden Schlipp - 1996 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    "This autobiographical reminiscing started more than ten years ago," wrote German-American philosopher Paul Arthur Schilpp at the age of ninety-five.
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  10.  27
    Effect of stimulus pattern on temporal acuity in the somatosensory system.William R. Uttal & Madelon Krissoff - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (6):878.
  11.  28
    An Integrative Review of the Influence of Expectancies on Pain.Kaya J. Peerdeman, Antoinette I. M. Van Laarhoven, Madelon L. Peters & Andrea W. M. Evers - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  12.  11
    Innovación, cultura y tamaño: la microempresa en una región ultraperiférica.Teresa González de la Fe, Nuria Hernández Hernández & Madelon Van Oostrom - 2012 - Arbor 188 (753):113-134.
    El análisis de las actividades, actitudes, creencias y comportamientos innovadores en las microempresas tiene pocos antecedentes en los estudios sobre la innovación, a pesar de que este colectivo representa a más del 95% del tejido empresarial en España y en el entorno europeo. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados empíricos de un estudio sobre la innovación en microempresas, que trata de identificar y explicar los factores que más inciden en su capacidad innovadora, basándose en el enfoque de la Triple (...)
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  13.  96
    Procedural memory in dissociative identity disorder: When can inter-identity amnesia be truly established?☆.Rafaële J. C. Huntjens, Albert Postma, Liesbeth Woertman, Onno van Der Hart & Madelon L. Peters - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (2):377-389.
    In a serial reaction time task, procedural memory was examined in Dissociative Identity Disorder . Thirty-one DID patients were tested for inter-identity transfer of procedural learning and their memory performance was compared with 25 normal controls and 25 controls instructed to simulate DID. Results of patients seemed to indicate a pattern of inter-identity amnesia. Simulators, however, were able to mimic a pattern of inter-identity amnesia, rendering the results of patients impossible to interpret as either a pattern of amnesia or a (...)
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  14.  26
    Editorial: Resilience Resources in Chronic Pain Patients: The Path to Adaptation.Carmen Ramírez-Maestre, Rocío de la Vega, John Andrew Sturgeon & Madelon Peters - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  15. A Hardcastle, Valerie Gray, 173 Pauen, Michael, 202 Peters, Madelon L., 27 Heywood, CA, 410 Azzopardi, Paul, 292 Hirshman, Elliot, 103 Hobson, J. Allan, 67 R B. [REVIEW]Valerie Huemer, Cristina Ramponi, Talis Bachmann, G. Keith Humphrey, Antti Revonsuo, Marlene Behrmann, Raffaella Ricci, Neil Binder, Edoardo Bisiach & Marc Jeannerod - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7:647.
  16.  19
    Laughter in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times: Epistemology of a Fundamental Human Behavior, its Meaning, and Consequences.Albrecht Classen (ed.) - 2010 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Introduction: Laughter as an expression of human nature in the Middle Ages and the early modern period: literary, historical, theological, philosophical, and psychological reflections -- Judith Hagen. Laughter in Procopius's wars -- Livnat Holtzman. "Does God really laugh?": appropriate and inappropriate descriptions of God in Islamic traditionalist theology -- Daniel F. Pigg. Laughter in Beowulf: ambiguity, ambivalence, and group identity formation -- Mark Burde. The parodia sacra problem and medieval comic studies -- Olga V. Trokhimenko. Women's laughter and gender politics (...)
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  17.  26
    A historicização da herança geracional segundo a teoria freudiana: um imperativo para os estudos psicanalíticos feministas.Virginia Helena Ferreira da Costa - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    Procuramos expor o pluralismo de leituras da obra freudiana mediante a exploração da hipótese de historicização da formação psíquica dos sujeitos, especialmente relativa ao complexo de Édipo e Supereu. Partindo da perspectiva de estudos feministas, verificamos no corpus teórico freudiano se há a possibilidade de que o avanço sócio-histórico seja um fator de modificação de concepções que, na leitura freudiana clássica, seriam lidas como imutáveis, fixas e rígidas cultural e historicamente. Madelon Sprengnether, Nancy Chodorow e Judith Butler serão retomadas (...)
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  18.  28
    Transitional Objects and Potential Spaces: Literary Uses of D. W. Winnicott.Peter L. Rudnytsky (ed.) - 1993 - Columbia University Press.
    D. W. Winnicott is increasingly recognized as one of the most important psychoanalysts since Freud, but the relevance of his Independent version of object relations theory to psychoanalytic literary criticism has not been sufficiently appreciated. As Peter L. Rudnytsky notes, "There must be ten literary critics conversant with Lacan's ecrits for every one who has read Winnicott's Playing and Reality." Transitional Objects and Potential Spaces begins to redress this imbalance. The title and subtitle of this collection highlight three of Winnicott's (...)
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