Results for 'Mae Thamer'

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  1.  20
    Characterisation of health and social development.Rmvr Almeida, Mae Thamer & Ernst O. Attinger - 1992 - Journal of Biosocial Science 24 (1):1-8.
  2.  16
    La libéralisation de la recherche sur l’embryon humain et sur les cellules souches issues du corps humain dans le projet de loi relatif à la bioéthique.Anne Gilson-Maes - 2020 - Médecine et Droit 2020 (162):58-67.
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  3. Paul Ricœur: Symbols of Good and Evil in History, the Bible and in our Time.Marieke Maes - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (4):161-174.
    In his The Symbolism of Evil Ricœur explores the dynamics of human consciousness of evil in different cultures and times. Consciousness of evil is examined by looking at the different prevailing symbols wherein human beings confess their experience with evil. Although appeared in 1960, this study is still cited in recent publications in psychology, cultural anthropology and religion. In this article I describe the context of The Symbolism of Evil as the last part of Ricœur’s study of the will and (...)
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  4.  36
    Bescheidenheid en asymmetrie.Hans Maes - 2001 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 93 (2):117-135.
  5. Just Spirituality: How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action.Mae Elise Cannon - 2013
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  6. Verse: Dream Within Dream.Mae Winkler Goodman - 1952 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):147.
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  7. Epigenetics & generative dynamics : how development directs evolution.Mae-Wan Ho - 2013 - In Brian C. Goodwin, David Lambert, Chris Chetland & Craig Millar (eds.), The intuitive way of knowing: a tribute to Brian Goodwin. Edinburgh: Floris Books.
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    On the nature of sustainable Economic systems.Mae-Wan Ho - 1998 - World Futures 51 (3):199-221.
    A sustainable system has all the essential characteristics of an organism?an irreducible whole that develops, maintains and reproduces, or renews, itself by mobilizing material and energy captured from the environment. What is the nature of the material and energy mobilization that makes an organism? I begin with a brief description of a tentative theory of the organism?developed in detail elsewhere (Ho, 1993; 1994a; 1995a,b; 1996b,c)?as a dynamically and energetically closed domain of cyclic non?dissipative processes coupled to irreversible dissipative processes, which (...)
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    Rational taxonomy and the natural system.Mae-Wan Ho & Peter T. Saunders - 1993 - Acta Biotheoretica 41 (4):289-304.
    Since Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection, the idea of descent with modification came to dominate systematics, and so the study of morphology became subgugated to the reconstruction of phylogenies. Reinstating the organism in the theory of evolution (Ho & Saunders, 1979; Webster & Goodwin, 1982) leads to a project inrational taxonomy (Ho, 1986, 1988a), which attempts to classify biological forms on the basis of transformations on a given dynamical structure.Does rational taxonomy correspond to thenatural system that Linnaeus and (...)
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    Chuja taejŏn ch'aŭi munmok p'yŏbo.Mae-sun Kim - 1854 - [Seoul]: Sŏul Taehakkyo Kyujanggak Han'gukhak Yŏn'guwŏn.
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  11.  22
    Art and Pornography. Essay Review of Jerrold Levinson's Contemplating Art.H. R. V. Maes - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (3).
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    La loi naturelle selon Ambroise de Milan.Baziel Maes - 1967 - Roma: Presses de l'Université Grégorienne.
    La premiere partie exposera la conception ambrosienne de la nature en general, puis de la nature humaine plus specialement. Depuis plusieurs annees, pas mal d'etudes ont ete faites sur l'anthropologie chez plusieurs Peres de l'Eglise. Peu a peu s'est dessinee une reponse a cette question: comment les Peres voient-ils l'homme? Quelle est, pour eux, sa nature, son essence? Ces etudes ont beaucoup d'importance pour tous ceux qui veulent aborder le probleme de la loi naturelle chez les Peres. La seconde partie (...)
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  13.  58
    The Psychoanalytic and the Commonplace Experience of Silence.Charles Maes - 1983 - Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology 4:83-89.
  14. Een treffende gelijkenis. Over grappen en kunst.Hans Maes - 2007 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 99 (4):281-296.
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  15.  98
    Conversations on Art and Aesthetics.Hans Maes - 2017 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    What is art? What counts as an aesthetic experience? Does art have to beautiful? Can one reasonably dispute about taste? What is the relation between aesthetic and moral evaluations? How to interpret a work of art? Can we learn anything from literature, film or opera? What is sentimentality? What is irony? How to think philosophically about architecture, dance, or sculpture? What makes something a great portrait? Is music representational or abstract? Why do we feel terrified when we watch a horror (...)
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  16.  21
    Talia Mae Bettcher: What Is It Like To Be A Philosopher?Talia Mae Bettcher & Clifford Sosis - 2020 - What is It Like to Be a Philosopher.
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    Ninagawa's Production of Euripides' Medea.Mae Smethurst - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):1-34.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.1 (2002) 1-34 [Access article in PDF] Ninagawa's Production of Euripides' Medea Mae Smethurst [Figures]The Japanese theater director Yukio Ninagawa, known for expressing his opposition to repressive politics in his productions during the 1960s, claimed that he staged the Medea because he wanted Japanese women to know that they could be as strong, as straightforward, as the character Medea. Japan, which has been the largest (...)
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  18. Art and Pornography: Philosophical Essays.Hans Maes & Jerrold Levinson (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Art and Pornography presents a series of essays which investigate the artistic status and aesthetic dimension of pornographic pictures, films, and literature, and explores the distinction, if there is any, between pornography and erotic art. Is there any overlap between art and pornography, or are the two mutually exclusive? If they are, why is that? If they are not, how might we characterize pornographic art or artistic pornography, and how might pornographic art be distinguished, if at all, from erotic art? (...)
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  19. What Is a Portrait?Hans R. V. Maes - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (3):303-322.
    What I will aim for in answering the title question is extensional adequacy, that is, I will try to formulate an account that captures as much of the extension as possible of what we ordinarily think counts as a portrait. Two philosophers have recently and independently from one another embarked on the same project. Cynthia Freeland’s theory of portraiture, as it is developed in her book, Portraits and Persons, is discussed in Sections 1 and 2 of this paper. Sections 3 (...)
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    Sensorimotor Grounding of Musical Embodiment and the Role of Prediction: A Review.Pieter-Jan Maes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  21.  68
    The biology of free will.Mae-Wan Ho - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (3):231-244.
    According to Bergson , the traditional problem of free will is misconceived and arises from a mismatch between the quality of authentic, subjective experience and its description in language, in particular, the language of the mechanistic science of psychology. Contemporary western scientific concepts of the organism, on the other hand, are leading us beyond conventional thermodynamics as well as quantum theory and offering rigorous insights which reaffirm and extend our intuitive, poetic, and even romantic notions of spontaneity and free will. (...)
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  22. Chapter 6. Is the dysfunction component of the 'Harmful Dysfunction Analysis' stipulative?Maël Lemoine - 2021 - In Luc Faucher & Denis Forest (eds.), Defining Mental Disorders: Jerome Wakefield and his Critics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
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    Misattribution of agency in schizophrenia: An exploration of historical first-person accounts.J. Maes & A. Gool - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (2):191-202.
    This paper provides a concise description and discussion of bottom–up and top–down approaches to misattribution of agency in schizophrenia. It explores if first-person accounts of passivity phenomena can provide support for one of these approaches. The focus is on excerpts in which the writers specifically examine their experiences of external influence. None of the accounts provides arguments that fit easily with only one of the possible approaches, which is in line with current attempts to theoretical integration.
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    One-trial aversive conditioning to contextual cues: Effects of time of shock presentation on freezing during conditioning and testing.J. H. Roald Maes & Jo M. H. Vossen - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (5):403-406.
  25.  14
    Offender Agency in a State-Centred Sentencing Process: In Search of an Agentic Sentencing Model.Elise Maes - 2022 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 16 (3):575-609.
    Punishment is a grave intrusion into individual liberty, yet in most liberal criminal justice systems, including England and Wales, those punished are rarely directly engaged in determining their sentence. Consequently, the offender’s agency in respect of sentence—i.e. the offender’s capacity to play an active part in the sentencing process—is limited. Drawing on existing theories of punishment, the article argues that there may be justifications and scope for allowing offenders to exercise agency in a state-centred sentencing process, even though this scope (...)
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  26.  90
    On sticking labels.Jan Pieter M. A. Maes - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):503-504.
    Steels & Belpaeme (S&B) are clearly interested in the possible test their models may provide for human language theories. However, they only superficially address the assumptions underlying their own agent architecture, while these are of crucial relevance to the topic of human language. These assumptions fit an Augustinian picture of language, which Wittgenstein challenges in his Philosophical Investigations. It is too early to draw conclusions regarding human language evolution from such models.
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  27. The Arts vs Art with a Capital "A": Interview with Noël Carroll.Hans Maes - 2012 - Esthetica.
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  28. Further (Ms.) Understanding Legal Realism: Rescuing Judge Anna Moscowitz Kross.Mae C. Quinn - 1997 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 180:81.
  29. One-trial aversive conditioning to contextual crues: effects of time of shock presentation on freezing during conditioning and testing.Jh Roald Maes & Jmh Vossen - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (5):403-406.
  30.  34
    Dramatic Action in Greek Tragedy and Noh: Reading with and Beyond Aristotle.Mae J. Smethurst - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    By looking at 15th/16th realistic noh and Greek tragedies through the lens of Aristotle and of each other, this comparison reveals a previously unnoticed relationship between the structure of the tragedies and their performance, that is, the involvement of the third actor at the climactic moments of the plot in both and the actor stepping out of character in noh. This observation helps to account for Aristotle’s view that tragedy be limited to three actors.
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  31.  45
    Peaks and Troughs: Dysepiphany, Antiphany, and Melancholy.Hans Maes - 2023 - Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (1):197-208.
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  32.  93
    Existential Aesthetics.Hans Maes - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80.
    The aim of what I propose to call “existential aesthetics” is to investigate the various ways in which art and certain kinds of aesthetic practice or aesthetic experience can be of existential importance to people. Section I provides a definition of existential aesthetics, while Section II delineates this emerging field from cognate areas of research. Sections III and IV explore various subcategories and examples of existential aesthetics. Section V seeks to identify important avenues for future research and Section VI presents (...)
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  33. Falling in Love with a Film (Series).Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck - 2021 - In Hans Maes & Katrien Schaubroeck (eds.), Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Before Midnight: A Philosophical Exploration. New York: Routledge.
    Judging works of art is one thing. Loving a work of art is something else. When you visit a museum like the Louvre you make hundreds of judgements in the space of just a couple of hours. But you may grow to love only one or a handful of works over the course of your entire life. Depending on the art form you are most aligned with, this can be a painting, a novel, a poem, a song, a work of (...)
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  34.  15
    De politieke opiniepeilingen in België in 1987.Marc Maes & Erwin Das - 1988 - Res Publica 30 (2-3):369-389.
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    De politieke opinipeilingen in België in 1986.Marc Maes & Erwin Das - 1987 - Res Publica 29 (3):533-548.
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    De samenvoeging van de gemeenten : Studie van het besluitvormingsproces.Rudolf Maes - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (2):221-244.
    In the years 1975-1976 the Belgian government has given high priority to the restructuring of local government, resp. by the means of mergers of communes : the number of communes has decreased by that way from 2,359 to 596.In the decision-making emphasized were the initiatives taken by the Minister of the Interior as wel! on the domain of the elaboration of the proposals to delimitate the territory of the new communes as on the domain of the defining of the terms (...)
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  37.  16
    Le centenaire de William James. Les Congrès commémoratifs tenus aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique en 1941-42.André Maes - 1947 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 45 (5):73-106.
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    Misattribution of agency in schizophrenia: An exploration of historical first-person accounts.Jpma Maes & A. R. Van Gool - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (2):191-202.
    This paper provides a concise description and discussion of bottom–up and top–down approaches to misattribution of agency in schizophrenia. It explores if first-person accounts of passivity phenomena can provide support for one of these approaches. The focus is on excerpts in which the writers specifically examine their experiences of external influence. None of the accounts provides arguments that fit easily with only one of the possible approaches, which is in line with current attempts to theoretical integration.
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  39.  18
    The Way We Hold Our Bodies.Mae Scoby - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (2):419-424.
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  40. Referent ontology and centering in discourse.Maes Alfons - 1997 - Journal of Semantics 14 (3).
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  41.  12
    "België erkent geen regeringen, enkel staten" : Het geval Cambodja 1979-1991.Marc Maes - 1991 - Res Publica 33 (2):255-302.
    Since 1965 Belgian has stopped recognizing governments confining itself to the recognition of states only and maintaining diplomatie relations with the recognized states through wathever government able of exercising effective controle of those states' territory. Nota single exception to this doctrine was made untill 1979.In 1979 however Belgium refused to recognize the government installed in Phnom Penh following the Vietnamese intervention. One year later it also stopped recognizing the Khmer Rouge. In the UN however Belgium went on to accept the (...)
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  42. Claire: petit vade-mecum forcément incomplet d'un admirateur transi (et allophone).Gabriël Maes - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 119:117-123.
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    Politieke machten in België tussen de twee wereldoorlogen : De democratie tegenover de economische en financiele problemen en structuren.Frank Maes - 1962 - Res Publica 4 (4):380-387.
  44. The pragmatic value of cataphoric relations.A. Maes - 1987 - In Jan Nuyts & G. De Schutter (eds.), Getting one's words into line: on word order and functional grammar. Providence, RI, USA: Foris Publications.
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  45. Art or Porn: Clear division or false dilemma?Hans Maes - 2011 - Philosophy and Literature 35 (1):51-64.
    Jerrold Levinson conveniently summarizes the main argument of his essay "Erotic Art and Pornographic Pictures" in the following way:Erotic art consists of images centrally aimed at a certain sort of reception R1.Pornography consists of images centrally aimed at a certain sort of reception R2.R1 essentially involves attention to form/vehicle/medium/manner, and so entails treating images as in part opaque.R2 essentially excludes attention to form/vehicle/medium/manner, and so entails treating images as wholly transparent.R1 and R2 are incompatible.Hence, nothing can be both erotic art (...)
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  46. Intention, Interpretation and Contemporary Visual Art.Hans Maes - 2010 - British Journal of Aesthetics 50 (2):121-138.
    The role of the artist's intention in the interpretation of art has been the topic of a lively and ongoing discussion in analytic aesthetics. First, I sketch the current state of this debate, focusing especially on two competing views: actual and hypothetical intentionalism. Secondly, I discuss the search for a suitable test case, that is, a work of art that is interpreted differently by actual and hypothetical intentionalists, with only one of these interpretations being plausible. Many examples from many different (...)
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  47.  39
    Kunst of Pornografie? Een filosofische verkenning.Hans Maes & Petra van Brabandt - 2020 - Brussels: ASP. Edited by Hans Maes.
    Seks is overal. In kranten en tijdschriften, in advertenties op bushokjes, op televisie en het internet, op Instagram en Snapchat. Seks beheerst en betovert onze beeldcultuur. Af en toe roept die onafgebroken stroom van seksuele beelden kritiek op. We lezen over de ‘pornoficatie’ van onze cultuur en hoe de modeindustrie zelfs kinderen verleidt om sexy strings te kopen. We horen dat we aan porno verslaafd zijn, dat alles van waarde vervliegt en dat we steeds intensere prikkels nodig hebben. Een zeldzame (...)
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  48.  4
    The Impact of Trials on the Purification and Elevation of the Soul.Dr Kaddour A. Thamer & Dr Waththab K. Hussein - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:106-121.
    In this research, I explored the ways to purify and elevate the soul through various factors, most notably the impact of trials in preserving and elevating the soul. Just as education and moral refinement are crucial for disciplining, thriving, purifying, and reforming the soul, trials also play a significant role in preserving the soul, protecting it from misguidance, and reforming it. Trials contribute to the soul’s ascension in the ranks of servitude to Allah, acceptance of Allah’s decree, and submission to (...)
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  49. Modesty, asymmetry, and hypocrisy.Hans Maes - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38 (4):485-497.
    Numerous philosophers have tried to define modesty, but none of them succeeds in articulating the necessary and sufficient conditions for this virtue. Moreover, all existing accounts ignore the striking self-other asymmetry that is at the heart of modesty. Drawing on the analogy with the practice of giving presents, I clarify and further investigate this self-other asymmetry. In the process, I show why Bernard Williams is right in pointing out the notorious truth that a modest person does not act under the (...)
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  50. Defining sound art.Laura Maes & Marc Leman - 2017 - In Marcel Cobussen, Vincent Meelberg & Barry Truax (eds.), The Routledge companion to sounding art. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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