Results for 'Malina Szychowska'

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  1.  21
    Visual Perceptual Load Does Not Affect the Frequency Mismatch Negativity.Stefan Wiens, Erik van Berlekom, Malina Szychowska & Rasmus Eklund - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Malina, B J & Neyrey, J H - Portraits of Paul: An archaeology of ancient personality.B. J. Malina & J. H. Neyrey - 1998 - HTS Theological Studies 54 (1/2).
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    Le Contrat Naturel.Malina Stefanovska & Michel Serres - 1992 - Substance 21 (1):161.
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  4. Simpson’s Paradox.Gary Malinas - 2001 - The Monist 84 (2):265-283.
    This article examines Simpson's paradox as applied to the theory of probabilites and percentages. The author discusses possible flaws in the paradox and compares it to the Sure Thing Principle, statistical inference, causal inference and probabilistic analyses of causation.
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  5. The New Testament World. Insights from Cultural Anthropology.Bruce J. Malina - 1981
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  6. A Semantics for Pictures.Gary Malinas - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):275 - 298.
    The essay motivates and provides a semantics for pictorial representations. A taxonomy of pictorial denoting symbols is developed that determines a semantics which defines the following: S if true in picture Y, S is false in picture Y, S is neither true nor false in picture Y, Z is the content of Picture Y, Picture Y entails that S, Picture Y implies that S. The semantics is then applied to solve or resolve a number of puzzles concerning pictorial representation.
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  7. Social Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels.Bruce J. Malina & Richard L. Rohrbaug - 1992
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    Wealth and Poverty in the New Testament and Its World.Bruce J. Malina - 1987 - Interpretation 41 (4):354-367.
    Because terms like “wealth” and “poverty” derive their meaning from the normative cultural values within which they occur, any application of New Testament texts which fails to take cultural differences seriously can only misrepresent those texts.
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  9. Social-Science Commentary on the Letters of Paul.Bruce J. Malina & John J. Pilch - 2006
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    Physical properties.G. A. Malinas - 1973 - Philosophia 3 (1):17-31.
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    The Social Sciences and Biblical Interpretation: Reflections on Tradition and Practice.Bruce J. Malina - 1982 - Interpretation 36 (3):229-242.
    Because the biblical interpreter in dealing with texts must deal with language, and because language is a social product, methods must be found which can deal with that social dimension of the biblical texts.
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    We and They in Romans.Bruce J. Malina - 2002 - HTS Theological Studies 58 (2).
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    Scoring the InterpretationGame.Gary Malinas - 1992 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (4):16-19.
    A pair of interpreters of a speaker's sentences can disagree by assigning different truth-values to sentences in the speaker's language that the speaker neither accepts nor rejects. Alternately, they can assign different truth-values to some sentence that the speaker accepts as true. Neither source of disagreement is open to the speaker: on pain of inconsistency in the latter case, and ex hypothesis, the speaker neither accepts nor rejects the contested sentence in the former case. Arguably, interpreters possibilities of disagreement do (...)
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    Two Envelope Problems.Gary Malinas - 2006 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 9:153-158.
    When decision makers have more to gain than to lose by changing their minds, and that is the only relevant fact, they thereby have a reason to change their minds. While this is sage advice, it is silent on when one stands more to gain than to lose. The two envelope paradox provides a case where the appearance of advantage in changing your mind is resilient despite being a chimera. Setups that are unproblematically modeled by decision tables that are used (...)
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    Roman Ingarden. Filozof i fotograf – katalog wystawy.Malina Barcikowska - 2021 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (1):187.
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    Sztuka i mit a „tożsamość kryzysowa” w hermeneutyce Hansa-Georga Gadamera.Malina Barcikowska - 2019 - Ruch Filozoficzny 75 (3):73.
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  17. Wartości etyczne i estetyczne w myśli Kierkegaarda.Malina Barcikowska - 2009 - Ruch Filozoficzny 66 (2).
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    Pesticides and Policies.G. A. Malinas - 1984 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (1):123-131.
    The decision to accept or to reject an empirical hypothesis concerning the risks and hazards of a pesticide requires assessing the cost's of error if the wrong decision is taken. The assessment of such costs involves scientists in problems which are closely related to those which policy‐makers face in deciding what to do in view of the information provided by scientists. These problems include the unforeseeable effects of agricultural technologies, the assessments of costs and benefits, and the choice of decision (...)
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    Community Networking and Perceptions of Civic Value.Anna Malina - 2002 - Communications 27 (2):211-234.
    Important questions revolve around whether the design and implementation of electronic networks will help re-invent conventional power constructs or whether they will encourage entirely new and more equitable practices in civic society. The main goal of this paper is to critically examine the concept of community networking and associations with civic usefulness and community development. This paper will specifically look at findings from a case study of a community network in Edinburgh, Scotland: the Craigmillar Community Information Service. First, the paper (...)
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    e-Transforming Democracy in the UK. Consideration of Developments and Suggestions for Empirical Research.Anna Malina - 2003 - Communications 28 (2):135-155.
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    (1 other version)Exclus et précaires dans le Japon contemporain.David Antoine Malinas - 2006 - Cités 27 (3):41-53.
    La « décennie perdue ». Tel est le nom donné aux dix années noires qui se sont égrainées de 1990 à 2000 au Japon. C’est durant cette période qu’un « nouveau » phénomène sans-abri s’est développé dans les grandes métropoles japonaises et s’est imposé, à l’instar du chômage en France, comme le point cardinal de la question sociale au Japon.Au croisement des années 1990,..
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    Free fall de William Golding: Un récit placé sous le signe du livre.Brigitte Malinas-Vaugien - 2006 - In Maxence Caron & Jocelyn Benoist, Heidegger. Paris: Cerf. pp. 797--477.
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  23. Free will as an open scientific problem * by mark Balaguer.G. Malinas - 2010 - Analysis 70 (4):793-795.
    (No abstract is available for this citation).
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  24. On justifying and excusing coercion.G. Malinas - 1980 - In Don S. Mannison, Michael A. McRobbie & Richard Sylvan, Environmental Philosophy. Dept. Of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University. pp. 376-383.
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    Praktyczny sceptycyzm.Gary Malinas - 2003 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 51 (2):103-125.
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    Reflective coherence and Newcomb problems: A simple solution.Gary Malinas - 1993 - Theory and Decision 35 (2):151-166.
    Two-boxers in Newcomb Problems face the question: Why aren't you rich? The essay argues that one-boxers have a false sense of advantage. They fail to align their credences during deliberation with the credences they will have when they act. This puts them in violation of the so-called Principle of Reflection, and it exposes them to a dynamic Dutch Book that will leach any gains they achieve away.
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    Sensations and understanding.G. A. Malinas - 1975 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 53 (1):28-35.
  28.  88
    Simpson's paradox and the wayward researcher.Gary Malinas - 1997 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 75 (3):343 – 359.
    Simpson's Paradox is introduced and analysed via the mishaps of a researcher who at first falls afoul of the traps Simpson-reversals can set, and then he learns to exploit those traps to advantage. (Note: An error in the treatment of the Sure Thing Principle is corrected in "Simpson's Paradox: A Logically Benign, Empirically Treacherous Hydra").
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  29. STALNAKER, R. C.: "Inquiry".G. A. Malinas - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64:365.
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    Supportive Social Interactions in Infertility Treatment Decrease Cortisol Levels: Experimental Study Report.Alicja Malina, Małgorzata Głogiewicz & Jakub Piotrowski - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Third culture? From the arts to the sciences and back again.Roger F. Malina - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):179-183.
    I substantiate the argument that lead me to believe very strongly that we need to find new ways for the arts and sciences to collaborate, and to create a networked culture that brings the arts and humanities into interaction with the sciences and engineering. Our world faces many problems, on all scales, and we must use all the different approaches to create a world culture that is sustainable and respects and nurtures the differing world-views of each community. We have no (...)
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  32. Two envelope problems and the roles of ignorance.Gary Malinas - 2003 - Acta Analytica 18 (1-2):217-225.
    Four variations on Two Envelope Paradox are stated and compared. The variations are employed to provide a diagnosis and an explanation of what has gone awry in the paradoxical modeling of the decision problem that the paradox poses. The canonical formulation of the paradox underdescribes the ways in which one envelope can have twice the amount that is in the other. Some ways one envelope can have twice the amount that is in the other make it rational to prefer the (...)
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    ‘Third Way’ Transitions: Building ‘Benevolent Capitalism’ for the Information Society.Anna Malina - 1999 - Communications 24 (2):167-188.
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    A Well-Staged "Coup de Theatre": The Royal "Lit de Justice" of 1718.Malina Stefanovska - 1996 - Substance 25 (2):93.
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    Exemplary or Singular?: The Anecdote in Historical Narrative.Malina Stefanovska - 2009 - Substance 38 (1):16-30.
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    Symbols, Equivalence, Hierarchy.Malina J. Stefanova - 1990 - Semiotics:177-187.
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    Adopting Temperance-Oriented Behavior? New Possibilities for Consumers and Their Food Waste.Ruxandra Malina Petrescu-Mag, Dacinia Crina Petrescu & Guy M. Robinson - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):5-26.
    The ongoing conflict between the economic imperative of stimulating consumption as part of the proliferation of neoliberal ideals of consumer supremacy and growing concern to increase environmental protection presents an opportunity to focus on consumption with respect to ethical behavior. Ethical concerns regarding purchasing and consumption behavior are addressed here in relation to the adoption of principles associated with temperance as applied to self-restraint in food purchase and consumption. The paper outlines theological links to the concept of temperance as applied (...)
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  38. BLACKBURN, Simon "Meaning, Reference and Necessity". [REVIEW]G. A. Malinas - 1979 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 57:101.
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  39. P. Forrest: "The Dynamics of Belief". [REVIEW]Gary Malinas - 1988 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 66:432.
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    PUTNAM, H.: "Reason, Truth and History". [REVIEW]G. A. Malinas - 1983 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 61:300.
  41.  18
    Review of Jerrold J. Katz, Realistic Rationalism. [REVIEW]G. A. Malinas - 2000 - Studia Logica 64 (3):425-429.
  42.  30
    Scientist, Quo Vadis Without Ethics? An Introduction to Special Collection on “Environmental Ethics: Issues and Perspectives from Romania”.Ruxandra Malina Petrescu-Mag, Dacinia Crina Petrescu & Alexandru Ozunu - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):1-4.
    An introduction to special collection on “Environmental Ethics: Issues and Perspectives from Romania”.
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    Creativity and Cognition in Extreme Environments: The Space Arts as a Case Study.Kathryn Hays, Cris Kubli & Roger Malina - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Humans, like all organisms, have evolved to survive in specific environments, while some elect or are forced to live and work in extreme environments. Understanding cognition as it relates to environmental conditions, we use 4E cognition as a framework to explore creativity in extreme environments. Our paper examines space arts as a case study through the history, present practices, and future possible arts in the context of humans beyond the Kármán boundary of the Earth’s atmosphere. We develop a proposed taxonomy (...)
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    Allostatic load and socioeconomic status in polish adult men.Anna Lipowicz, Alicja Szklarska & Robert M. Malina - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (2):1-13.
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    Beliefs and Actions Towards an Environmental Ethical Life: The Christianity-Environment Nexus Reflected in a Cross-National Analysis.Ruxandra Malina Petrescu-Mag, Adrian Ana, Iris Vermeir & Dacinia Crina Petrescu - 2020 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 33 (3):421-446.
    The present study seeks to introduce the European Christian community to the debate on environmental degradation while displaying its important role and theological perspectives in the resolution of the environmental crisis. The fundamental question authors have asked here is if Christianity supports pro-environmental attitudes compared to other religions, in a context where religion, in general, represents the ethical foundation of our civilization and, thus, an important behavior guide. The discussion becomes all the more interesting as many voices have identified the (...)
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    Designing E-Democracy in Scotland.Angus Whyte, Anna Malina & Ann Macintosh - 2002 - Communications 27 (2):261-278.
    The move towards the use of new technologies and the new focus on citizen engagement in Scotland provides the opportunity for e-democracy to emerge. Working towards the goal of e-democracy, the International Teledemocracy Centre is developing a body of ICT, supporting skills, tools and techniques, designed specifically to facilitate the use of technology, capable of enhancing democratic engagement. This paper begins to articulate how citizens are engaging with government and with their elected representatives about issues that concern them, using technology (...)
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    The Little Chernobyl of Romania: The Legacy of a Uranium Mine as Negotiation Platform for Sustainable Development and the Role of New Ethics.Dacinia Crina Petrescu, Ruxandra Malina Petrescu-Mag & Ancuta Radu Tenter - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (1):51-75.
    The study uncovers the drama of Stei Baita (Romania), a former uranium mine, which experienced during the communism period, an intensive industrialization. This shaped the territorial pattern, cultural, economic and social relationships, with a tremendous impact on the quality of the environment which was sacrificed against a rapid of a so-called economic growth. Stei Baita is a classic example of legacy mine land and the authors aim is to capture and assess all important aspects of sustainable development within this study-case (...)
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    Influence of height on attained level of education in males at 19 years of age.Alicja Szklarska, Sławomir Kozieł, Tadeusz Bielicki & Robert M. Malina - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (4):575-582.
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    I’m doing the right thing! Technological intimate partner violence and social media use: the moderating role of moral absolutism and the mediating role of jealousy.Ioan-Alex Merlici, Alexandra Maftei, Mălina Corlătianu, Georgiana Lăzărescu, Oana Dănilă & Cornelia Măirean - 2023 - Ethics and Behavior 33 (6):490-504.
    The present study investigated the associations between social media use integration and Technological Intimate Partner Violence (TIPV) while also exploring the mediating role of the three dimensions of jealousy and the moderating role of moral absolutism. Our sample consisted of 404 adults aged 18 to 59. The results indicated a significant positive effect of social media use integration on cognitive jealousy and TIPV. Social media use integration was correlated with behavioral jealousy and TIPV, while TIPV was positively associated with all (...)
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  50. The Editor and the Associate Editors thank the Consulting Editors, the Members of the Editorial Board and the following philosophers for their help with refereeing papers during the period July 1994 to June 1995. Adeney, Douglas Kennett, Jeanette Agar, Nicholas Lamarque, Peter. [REVIEW]David Armstrong, Rae Langton, Robert Audi, Jerrold Levinson, John Bacon, David Lewis, Rick Benitez, Gary Malinas, John Biro & Jeff Malpas - 1995 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73 (4).
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