Results for 'Manuel Grannell Muñiz'

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  1. Del pensar venezolano.Manuel Grannell Muñiz - 1967 - Caracas,: Ediciones Catana.
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    Ministerios en la misión de la Iglesia.Juan Manuel Rodríguez Muniz - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (28):387-415.
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    Materialismo consumista e (in)felicidad: una revisión de la bibliografía.Manuel López-Casquete, José A. Muñiz-Velázquez & Diego Gómez-Baya - 2018 - Arbor 194 (788):452.
    En este artículo llevamos a cabo una extensa revisión de la literatura científica en lo relativo a los vínculos entre materialismo y felicidad, desde un enfoque multidisciplinar que incluye la psicología, la comunicación, la economía y la ética. La línea dominante en la bibliografía insiste en vincular un mayor materialismo con una menor auto-percepción de felicidad y de bienestar, y con una mayor propensión a la depresión. En esta revisión atendemos a los aspectos que así lo evidencian, al rumbo actual (...)
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    Dionisio Borobio, El sacramento de la penitencia en la Escuela de Salamanca. Francisco de Vitoria, Melchor Cano y Domingo Soto, Salamanca, Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, 2006, 252 páginas. [REVIEW]Juan Manuel Rodríguez Muniz - 2023 - Isidorianum 15 (31):338-340.
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  5. (1 other version)Conceptual Engineering: A Road Map to Practice.Manuel Gustavo Isaac, Steffen Koch & Ryan Nefdt - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (10):1-15.
    This paper discusses the logical space of alternative conceptual engineering projects, with a specific focus on (1) the processes, (2) the targets and goals, and (3) the methods of such projects. We present an overview of how these three aspects interact in the contemporary literature and discuss those alternative projects that have yet to be explored based on our suggested typology. We show how choices about each element in a conceptual engineering project constrain the possibilities for the others, thereby giving (...)
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  6. Building better beings: a theory of moral responsibility.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Part I: Building blocks. 1. Folk convictions -- 2. Doubts about libertarianism -- 3. Nihilism and revisionism -- 4. Building a better theory -- Part II. A theory of moral responsibility. 5. The primacy of reasons -- 6. Justifying the practice -- 7. Responsible agency -- 8. Blame and desert -- 9. History and manipulation --10. Some conclusions.
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  7. Post-Truth Conceptual Engineering.Manuel Gustavo Https://Orcidorg Isaac - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (1):199-214.
    Conceptual engineering is the method for assessing and improving our concepts. Some have recently claimed that the implementation of such method in the form of ameliorative projects is truth-driven and should thus be epistemically constrained, ultimately at least (Simion 2018; cf. Podosky 2018). This paper challenges that claim on the assumption of a social constructionist analysis of ideologies, and provides an alternative, pragmatic and cognitive framework for determining the legitimacy of ameliorative conceptual projects overall. The upshot is that one should (...)
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  8. What Should Conceptual Engineering Be All About?Isaac Manuel Gustavo - 2021 - Philosophia: A Global Journal of Philosophy 49 (5):2041-2051.
    Conceptual engineering is commonly characterized as the method for assessing and improving our representational devices. Little has been said, however, on how best to construe these representational devices—in other words, on what conceptual engineering should be all about. This paper tackles this problem with a basic strategy: First, by presenting a taxonomy of the different possible subject matters for conceptual engineering; then, by comparatively assessing them and selecting the most conducive one with a view to making conceptual engineering an actionable (...)
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  9. Black-box artificial intelligence: an epistemological and critical analysis.Manuel Carabantes - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (2):309-317.
    The artificial intelligence models with machine learning that exhibit the best predictive accuracy, and therefore, the most powerful ones, are, paradoxically, those with the most opaque black-box architectures. At the same time, the unstoppable computerization of advanced industrial societies demands the use of these machines in a growing number of domains. The conjunction of both phenomena gives rise to a control problem on AI that in this paper we analyze by dividing the issue into two. First, we carry out an (...)
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  10. Situationism and Moral Responsibility: Free Will in Fragments.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant, Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Many prominent accounts of free will and moral responsibility make use of the idea that agents can be responsive to reasons. Call such theories Reasons accounts. In what follows, I consider the tenability of Reasons accounts in light of situationist social psychology and, to a lesser extent, the automaticity literature. In the first half of this chapter, I argue that Reasons accounts are genuinely threatened by contemporary psychology. In the second half of the paper I consider whether such threats can (...)
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  11. Working Retirees? A Liberal Case for Retirement as Free Time.Manuel Sá Valente - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (4):523-537.
    Retirement is often viewed as a reward for a working life. While many have reason to want a work-free retirement, not everyone does. Should working retirees have to give up their retirement pension and, consequently, their status as retirees? The answer, I argue, boils down to whether we conceive of retirement as free time (need-free) or as leisure (work-free). In this article, I put forward a liberal case in favour of free time, despite whether our liberalism leans towards perfectionism or (...)
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  12. The Philosophy of Accidentality.Manuel Vargas - 2020 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 6 (4):391-409.
    In mid-twentieth-century Mexican philosophy, there was a peculiar nationalist existentialist project focused on the cultural conditions of agency. This article revisits some of those ideas, including the idea that there is an important but underappreciated experience of one's relationship to norms and social meanings. This experience—something called accidentality—casts new light on various forms of social subordination and socially scaffolded agency, including cultural alienation, biculturality, and double consciousness.
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    An introduction to paraconsistent logics.Manuel Eugen Bremer - 2005 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book gives an overview of paraconsistent logics - that is logics which allow for inconsistency. Although allowing for inconsistency, paraconsistent logics are worth considering: Logical systems are worth considering in their own right since we can learn about very abstract structural properties of logics and the concepts employed within them such as negation, necessity and consistency. Some non-classical logics are especially of interest from a philosophical perspective since they alone offer the possibility of solving or even stating some philosophical (...)
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  14. Revisionism.Manuel Vargas - 2007 - In John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom & Manuel Vargas, Four Views on Free Will. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    The Neglected Ethical and Spiritual Motivations in the Workplace.Manuel Guillén, Ignacio Ferrero & W. Michael Hoffman - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):803-816.
    Understanding what motivates employees is essential to the success of organizational objectives. Therefore, properly capturing and explaining the full range of such motivations are important. However, the classical and most popular theories describing employee motives have neglected, if not omitted entirely, the importance of the ethical and spiritual dimensions of motivation. This has led to a model of a person as self-interested, amoral, and non-spiritual. In this paper, we attempt to expose this omission and offer a more complete taxonomy of (...)
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    More than belief: a materialist theory of religion.Manuel A. Vásquez - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The rise of foundational dualism and the eclipse of the body -- "Body am I entirely, and nothing else": non-reductive materialism and the struggle against dualism -- Toward a materialist phenomenology of religion -- The phenomenology of embodiment and the study of religion -- Religious bodies as social artifacts -- Holding social constructionism in check: the recovery of the active, lived body -- A cultural neurophenomenology of religion: enter the embodied mind -- The eclipse of practice: textualism at large -- (...)
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  17. The social constitution of agency and responsibility : oppression, politics, and moral ecology.Manuel R. Vargas - 2018 - In Marina Oshana, Katrina Hutchison & Catriona Mackenzie, Social Dimensions of Moral Responsibility. New York: Oup Usa.
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  18. Information and Information Flow: An Introduction.Manuel Bremer & Daniel Cohnitz - 2004 - De Gruyter.
    This book is conceived as an introductory text into the theory of syntactic and semantic information, and information flow.
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  19. On the importance of history for responsible agency.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 127 (3):351-382.
    In this article I propose a resolution to the history issue for responsible agency, given a moderate revisionist approach to responsibility. Roughly, moderate revisionism is the view that a plausible and normatively adequate theory of responsibility will require principled departures from commonsense thinking. The history issue is whether morally responsible agency – that is, whether an agent is an apt target of our responsibility-characteristic practices and attitudes – is an essentially historical notion. Some have maintained that responsible agents must have (...)
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    Suffering is not enough: Assisted dying for people with mental illness.Manuel Trachsel & Ralf J. Jox - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (5):519-524.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 5, Page 519-524, June 2022.
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    Ethical Climate, Organizational Identification, and Employees’ Behavior.Manuel Teresi, Davide Dante Pietroni, Massimiliano Barattucci, Valeria Amata Giannella & Stefano Pagliaro - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  22. Optimal representations and the Enhanced Indispensability Argument.Manuel Barrantes - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):247-263.
    The Enhanced Indispensability Argument appeals to the existence of Mathematical Explanations of Physical Phenomena to justify mathematical Platonism, following the principle of Inference to the Best Explanation. In this paper, I examine one example of a MEPP—the explanation of the 13-year and 17-year life cycle of magicicadas—and argue that this case cannot be used defend the EIA. I then generalize my analysis of the cicada case to other MEPPs, and show that these explanations rely on what I will call ‘optimal (...)
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    Functionalisms and the Philosophy of Action.Manuel Vargas - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (1):41-55.
    Focusing on the recent work of Michael Bratman as emblematic of several important developments in the philosophy of action, I raise four questions that engage with a set of interlocking concerns about systemic functionalism in the philosophy of action. These questions are: (i) Are individual and institutional intentions the same kind of thing? (ii) Can the risk of proliferation of systemic functional explanations be managed? (iii) Is there an appealing basis for the apparent methodological individualism in our theories of action (...)
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  24. Structural explanations: impossibilities vs failures.Manuel Barrantes - 2023 - Synthese 201 (4):1-15.
    The bridges of Königsberg case has been widely cited in recent philosophical discussions on scientific explanation as a potential example of a structural explanation of a physical phenomenon. However, when discussing this case, different authors have focused on two different versions, depending on what they take the explanandum to be. In one version, the explanandum is the _failure_ of a given individual in performing an Eulerian walk over the bridge system. In the other version, the explanandum is the _impossibility_ of (...)
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    Big Tech and Antitrust: An Ordoliberal Analysis.Manuel Wörsdörfer - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-39.
    The past few years have seen the opening of several antitrust investigations against some of the most dominant and powerful companies in the world—e.g., the U.S. Department of Justice, numerous states, and the Federal Trade Commission have sued Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and the E.U. has launched additional proceedings against Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. This paper looks at the latest trends and developments in the E.U. and the USA and analyzes the different regulatory approaches taken from a distinct business (...)
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  26. Psychopaths and moral knowledge.Manuel Vargas & Shaun Nichols - 2007 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 14 (2):157-162.
    Neil Levy (2007) argues that empirical data shows that psychopaths lack the moral knowledge required for moral responsibility. His account is intriguing, and it offers a promising way to think about the significance of psychopaths for work on moral responsibility. In what follows we focus on three lines of concern connected to Levy's account: his interpretation of the data, the scope of exculpation, and the significance of biological explanations for anti-social behavior.
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    European vs. American approaches to institutionalisation of business ethics: the Spanish case.Manuel Guillén, Domènec Melé & Patrick Murphy - 2002 - Business Ethics: A European Review 11 (2):167-178.
    This paper reports on a study of the largest Spanish corporations concerning the status of corporate ethics policies. The research project, the first of its kind in Spain, has two parts. First, the types of formal documents the companies use are analysed, including those dealing with ethical values or norms. Three groups of companies are distinguished: the first group has no formal documents dealing with ethical values, and the reasons given for not having any ethical statement are discussed. A second (...)
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    Slavery and Race: Philosophical Debates in the Eighteenth Century.Manuel Fasko - 2024 - Critical Philosophy of Race 12 (2):419-426.
    Due to a mistake of mine the review does not contain my acknowledgements. Thus, I want to take the space here to thank Prof. Dwight K. Lewis and Prof. Peter West for their insightful and constructive feedback on earlier drafts of this review.
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  29. An Introduction to Paraconsistent Logics.Manuel Bremer - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):447-451.
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  30. Why the luck problem isn't.Manuel Vargas - 2012 - Philosophical Issues 22 (1):419-436.
    The Luck Problem has existed in one form or another since David Hume, at least. It is perhaps as old as Stoic objections to the Epicurean swerve. Although the general issue admits of different formulations with subtly different emphases, the characterization of it that will serve as my target focuses on “cross-worlds” luck, a kind of luck that arises when the decision-making of agents is indeterministic.
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    Facilitated detection of angry faces: Initial orienting and processing efficiency.Manuel G. Calvo, Pedro Avero & Daniel Lundqvist - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (6):785-811.
  32. (1 other version)Is the Gender Pension Gap Fair?Manuel Sá Valente - 2025 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 42 (1):320-336.
    The income gap between women and men expands with age, culminating in a gender pension gap in old age that is much larger than pay gaps earlier in life. In this article, I question two attempts to justify gender pension gaps. One insists that lower financial contribution justifies women's lower overall pensions. The second states that women must receive less monthly because they live longer. I argue that neither of these reasons is fair in a gender-unjust world. Rather than justifying (...)
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  33. Human Dignity as High Moral Status.Manuel Toscano - 2011 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 6 (2):4-25.
    In this paper I argue that the idea of human dignity has a precise and philosophically relevant sense. Following recent works,we can find some important clues in the long history of the term.Traditionally, dignity conveys the idea of a high and honourable position in a hierarchical order, either in society or in nature. At first glance, nothing may seem more contrary to the contemporary conception of human dignity, especially in regard to human rights.However,an account of dignity as high rank provides (...)
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    The prophets of Paris.Frank Edward Manuel - 1962 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
    Turgot, Baron de l'Aulne: The future of mind.--Marquis de Condorcet: The taming of the future.--Comte de Saint-Simon: The pear is ripe.--Children of Saint-Simon: The triumph of love.--Charles Fourier: The burgeoning of instinct.--Auguste Comte: Embodiment in the great being.
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    Common But Differentiated: A Theory of Responsibility for Environmental Harm.Manuel Rodeiro - 2022 - Ethics and the Environment 27 (1):79-100.
    Environmental theorists and practitioners generally accept that responsibility for environmental harm is best understood as common but differentiated, yet little work has been done to philosophically articulate this idea. This paper develops this theory by bringing Iris Marion Young's two-tiered model of responsibility to bear on the topic of addressing and redressing environmental damage. I demonstrate how her approach can satisfy the commonality criterion (i.e. that everyone has a role to play in confronting environmental harm), while still satisfying the differentiation (...)
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    Generative models as parsimonious descriptions of sensorimotor loops.Manuel Baltieri & Christopher L. Buckley - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The Bayesian brain hypothesis, predictive processing, and variational free energy minimisation are typically used to describe perceptual processes based on accurate generative models of the world. However, generative models need not be veridical representations of the environment. We suggest that they can be used to describe sensorimotor relationships relevant for behaviour rather than precise accounts of the world.
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    Contested terms and philosophical debates.Manuel R. Vargas - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2499-2510.
    There are two standard theoretical responses to putative errors in ordinary thinking about some given target property: eliminativism or revisionism. Roughly, eliminativism is the denial that the target property exists, and revisionism is the view that the property exists, but that people tend to have false beliefs about it. Recently, Shaun Nichols has proposed a third option: discretionism. Discretionism is the idea that some terms have multiple reference conventions, so that it may be true to say with eliminativists that the (...)
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    Human Observers and Automated Assessment of Dynamic Emotional Facial Expressions: KDEF-dyn Database Validation.Manuel G. Calvo, Andrés Fernández-Martín, Guillermo Recio & Daniel Lundqvist - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:397727.
    Most experimental studies of facial expression processing have used static stimuli (photographs), yet facial expressions in daily life are generally dynamic. In its original photographic format, the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces (KDEF) has been frequently utilized. In the current study, we validate a dynamic version of this database, the KDEF-dyn. To this end, we applied animation between neutral and emotional expressions (happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgusted, and surprised; 1,033-ms unfolding) to 40 KDEF models, with morphing software. Ninety-six human observers categorized (...)
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    Medicine, market and communication: ethical considerations in regard to persuasive communication in direct-to-consumer genetic testing services.Manuel Schaper & Silke Schicktanz - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Commercial genetic testing offered over the internet, known as direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT), currently is under ethical attack. A common critique aims at the limited validation of the tests as well as the risk of psycho-social stress or adaption of incorrect behavior by users triggered by misleading health information. Here, we examine in detail the specific role of advertising communication of DTC GT companies from a medical ethical perspective. Our argumentative analysis departs from the starting point that DTC GT (...)
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    Disagreeing with Experts.Manuel Almagro Holgado & Neftalí Villanueva Fernández - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 31 (3):402-423.
    This paper addresses the question of who should be trusted as an expert and when, particularly in the context of public deliberation. Trust in experts is crucial in making decisions about public policies that involve complex information beyond the expertise of most people. However, fruitful deliberation also requires being able to resist misinformation campaigns, no matter how widespread these might be; being able, in general, to evaluate the evidence at our disposal and form our own opinions. The purpose of this (...)
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  41. Against Metaphysical Necessity. Alethic Modalities in Updated Logical Empiricism.Manuel Bremer - manuscript
    The paper argues against a commitment to metaphysical necessity, semantic modalities are enough. The best approaches to elucidate the semantic modalities are (still) versions of lingustic ersatzism and fictionalism, even if only developed in parts. Within these necessary properties and the difference between natural and semantic laws can be accounted for. The proper background theory for this is an updated version of Logical Empiricism, which is congenial to recent trends in Structural Realism. The anti-metaphysical attitude of Logical Empiricism deserves revitalization. (...)
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  42. Philosophy and the Folk: On Some Implications of Experimental Work For Philosophical Debates on Free Will.Manuel Vargas - 2006 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 6 (1-2):239-254.
    I discuss experimental work by Nichols, and Nichols and Knobe, with respect to the philosophical problems of free will and moral responsibility. I mention some methodological concerns about the work, but focus principally on the philosophical implications of the work. The experimental results seem to show that in particular, concrete cases we are more willing to attribute responsibility than in cases described abstractly or in general terms. I argue that their results suggest a deep problem for traditional accounts of compatibilism, (...)
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    Algunos fundamentos de la filosofía realista de Santo Tomás de Aquino para una valoración de la inteligencia artificial (IA).Manuel Ocampo Ponce - 2024 - Perseitas 12:72-92.
    En 1956, se introdujo el término de inteligencia artificial (IA) para referirse a una tecnología que es capaz de emular las operaciones cognoscitivas del ser humano mediante el uso de sistemas computacionales y programas informáticos, con el fin de ayudar a la toma de decisiones en distintas áreas de conocimiento.Sin embargo, se ha llegado a cuestionar si debe emplearse el calificativo de inteligencia a esos usos de la tecnología digital. También, se ha generado preocupación sobre sus implicaciones éticas, debido a (...)
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    Genos and Eidos in Plato.Fernando Muniz & George Rudebusch - 2023 - Ancient Philosophy 43 (1):35-50.
    English translates ‘genos’ as kind and ‘eidos’ as form, which differ in meaning as much as ‘herd’ and ‘brand’ do. But there are hard passages where ‘genos’ and ‘eidos’ have appeared to be synonyms, usually given the new meaning class. We show that, although ‘genos’ and ‘eidos’ are never synonyms and continue to mean kind and form, the word ‘eidos’ can be used figuratively, as a metonym, for a genos.
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    Eco-relational Pluralism: Political Liberalism’s Challenge to the Economic Growth Imperative.Manuel Rodeiro - 2024 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 27 (3):316-332.
    Rawls theorizes principles of justice as defining a ‘pact of reconciliation’ between diverse conceptions of the good. What does fulfillment of this pact entail when reasonable pluralism is recognized as having an environmental dimension? Fair acknowledgment of the plurality of citizens’ relationships with the natural world challenges the neutrality of aims conventionally used to justify ecocide, including the promotion of economic growth and development. This paper explores how ecocide constitutes a violation of equal basic liberties and state neutrality as per (...)
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    Casos legítimos de perforación de los límites mínimos penales por desproporción con la culpabilidad y con la lesividad.Manuel Serrano - 2025 - Vox Iuris 43 (2):63-76.
    Una de las estrategias legislativas más extendidas en el ámbito penal es la de establecer límites mínimos y límites máximos para cada delito. De esta manera, al momento de determinar la pena para el caso en concreto, los jueces utilizan estos límites como guías de menor o mayor reproche por la conducta cometida. Entre los elementos en los que se apoyan los jueces para esta determinación se encuentran la culpabilidad del agente al momento de cometer el hecho y la lesividad (...)
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    Dividing Plato’s Kinds.Fernando Muniz & George Rudebusch - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (4):392-407.
    A dilemma has stymied interpretations of the Stranger’s method of dividing kinds into subkinds in Plato’sSophistandStatesman. The dilemma assumes that the kinds are either extensions or intensions. Now kinds divide like extensions, not intensions. But extensions cannot explain the distinct identities of kinds that possess the very same members. We propose understanding a kind as like an animal body—the Stranger’s simile for division—possessing both an extension and an intension. We find textual support in the Stranger’s paradigmatic four steps for collecting (...)
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  48. How to solve the problem of free will.Manuel Vargas - 2013 - In Paul Russell & Oisin Deery, The Philosophy of Free Will: Essential Readings From the Contemporary Debates. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 400.
    This paper outlines one way of thinking about the problem of free will, some general reasons for dissatisfactions with traditional approaches to solving it, and some considerations in favor of pursuing a broadly revisionist solution to it. If you are looking for a student-friendly introduction to revisionist theorizing about free will, this is probably the thing to look at.
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  49. Response to Kane, Fischer, and Pereboom.Manuel Vargas - 2007 - In John Martin Fischer, Robert Kane, Derk Pereboom & Manuel Vargas, Four Views on Free Will. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Reasoning about relations: Spatial and nonspatial problems.Manuel Carreiras & Carlos Santamaria - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (3):191 – 208.
    Two experiments investigated the mental representation of spatial and nonspatial two-dimensional problems. The experiments were designed to contrast opposite predictions of the model theory of reasoning and the formal rules of inference theories. Half of the problems required more inferential steps but only one model, whereas the other half required fewer inferential steps but two models. According to the inference rules, theory problems that require more inferential steps should be harder, whereas the model-based theory predicts that problems that require two (...)
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