Results for 'Manuela Boatcă'

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  1.  13
    The ManyNon-Wests Marx’s Global Modernity and the Coloniality of Labor.Manuela Boatcă - 2013 - In Rahel Jaeggi & Daniel Loick (eds.), Karl Marx - Perspektiven der Gesellschaftskritik. De Gruyter. pp. 209-226.
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    Latin America: Modernity, Globality, Critique.José Maurício Domingues & Manuela Boatcă - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):156-158.
  3.  27
    Constructing the Pluriverse: The Geopolitics of Knowledge.Bernd Reiter (ed.) - 2018 - Duke University Press.
    The contributors to _Constructing the Pluriverse_ critique the hegemony of the postcolonial Western tradition and its claims to universality by offering a set of “pluriversal” approaches to understanding the coexisting epistemologies and practices of the different worlds and problems we inhabit and encounter. Moving beyond critiques of colonialism, the contributors rethink the relationship between knowledge and power, offering new perspectives on development, democracy, and ideology while providing diverse methodologies for non-Western thought and practice that range from feminist approaches to scientific (...)
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    El tiempo que no cesa. La erosión de la frontera carcelaria.Manuela Cunha - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Nous remercions chaleureusement Manuela Ivone Cunha de nous avoir autorisé à reproduire ce texte. Cette étude renvoie à une étude plus ancienne que l'on trouvera ici. Elle a déjà paru dans RENGLONES 58-59, Noviembre de 2004-Abril de 2005. Alfred Gell defendía que “time is always one and the same, [but it is in] manifold ways that time becomes salient in human affairs”. La prisión es un contexto en donde se evidencia la exactitud de esta precisión. El tiempo en la (...)
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  5. Dreams and realities: selected fiction of Juana Manuela Gorriti.Juana Manuela Gorriti, Francine Masiello & Sergio Waisman - 2003
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    Attachment classification, psychophysiology and frontal EEG asymmetry across the lifespan: a review.Manuela Gander & Anna Buchheim - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  7.  8
    Sprachenwechsel: Akkulturation Und Mehrsprachigkeit der Brandenburger Hugenotten Vom 17. Bis 19. Jahrhundert.Manuela Böhm - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Annotation Die Studie behandelt die sprachliche Akkulturation der Hugenotten, die als franzAsische Protestanten am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts auch in Brandenburg Zuflucht fanden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Rekonstruktion der sprachlichen Integration dieser Migranten, die im Laufe der Zeit ihre franzAsische Sprache aufgaben und zur deutschen Sprache A1/4bergingen. Die Analyse der sprachlichen Situation in drei verschiedenen Hugenottenkolonien zeigt, wie die Sprachwechselprozesse, je nach Ort und Kontext, einen sehr unterschiedlichen Verlauf nahmen.
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    Retiro y ayuno: algunas prácticas religiosas de las mujeres andalusíes.Manuela Marín - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (2):471-471.
    A short number of entries in Andalusi biographical sources are devoted to pious women. These women are usually described as practising the recitation of the Quran, giving alms, leading a retired life and fasting. Together with other texts, these biographies draw a picture in which a secluded life and fasting became the privileged characteristics of religious piety among Andalusi women. Fasting, in particular, could be used as a means of going beyond the limits imposed on women by Muslim orthopraxis.
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    Commentary: Episodic Future Thinking about the Ideal Self Induces Lower Discounting, Leading to a Decreased Tendency toward Cheating.Manuela Sellitto - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  10. Education Enhances the Acuity of the Nonverbal Approximate Number System.Manuela Piazza, Pierre Pica, Véronique Izard, Elizabeth Spelke & Stanislas Dehaene - 2013 - Psychological Science 24 (4):p.
    All humans share a universal, evolutionarily ancient approximate number system (ANS) that estimates and combines the numbers of objects in sets with ratio-limited precision. Interindividual variability in the acuity of the ANS correlates with mathematical achievement, but the causes of this correlation have never been established. We acquired psychophysical measures of ANS acuity in child and adult members of an indigene group in the Amazon, the Mundurucú, who have a very restricted numerical lexicon and highly variable access to mathematics education. (...)
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    Das Dämonische bei Kierkegaard.Manuela Hackel - 2011 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2011 (2011):383-410.
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  12. Agnotology and the New Politicization of Science and Scientization of Politics.Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2017 - In David Tyfield, Rebecca Lave, Samuel Randalls & Charles Thorpe (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Political Economy of Science. New York, NY: Routledge International Handbooks. pp. 341-350.
  13.  43
    Eating disorders in adolescence: attachment issues from a developmental perspective.Manuela Gander, Kathrin Sevecke & Anna Buchheim - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  14.  14
    Embodied cognition and pleasure in ancient comic anger.Manuela Irarrazabal - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):103-116.
    Este artículo explora la aplicación de un modelo de cognición encarnada como lente para entender la ira en Lisístrata de Aristófanes. Se argumenta que la representación de la ira en esta comedia sigue un patrón encontrado en diferentes géneros de la literatura griega en que la emoción es asociada a un elemento de placer. Este elemento sensorial es encontrado desde una manera más articulada en Aristóteles hasta una variedad de metáforas que conectan la ira y el erotismo en otros autores. (...)
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    Developmental trajectory of number acuity reveals a severe impairment in developmental dyscalculia.Manuela Piazza, Andrea Facoetti, Anna Noemi Trussardi, Ilaria Berteletti, Stefano Conte, Daniela Lucangeli, Stanislas Dehaene & Marco Zorzi - 2010 - Cognition 116 (1):33-41.
  16. Epistemic Landscapes Reloaded: An Examination of Agent-Based Models in Social Epistemology.Manuela Fernández Pinto & Daniel Fernández Pinto - 2018 - Historical Social Research 43 (1):48-71.
    Weisberg and Muldoon’s epistemic landscape model (ELM) has been one of the most significant contributions to the use of agent-based models in philosophy. The model provides an innovative approach to establishing the optimal distribution of cognitive labor in scientific communities, using an epistemic landscape. In the paper, we provide a critical examination of ELM. First, we show that the computing mechanism for ELM is correct insofar as we are able to replicate the results using another programming language. Second, we show (...)
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  17.  18
    Shall We Play the Same? Pedagogical Perspectives on Infants’ and Children’s Imitation of Musical Gestures.Manuela Filippa, Maria Grazia Monaci, Susan Young, Didier Grandjean, Gianni Nuti & Jacqueline Nadel - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Advantages of system analysis applied to local spaces.Manuela Ortega & M. Concepción Segovia - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 58:13-25.
    Resumen: Este trabajo tiene como objetivo mostrar que el análisis sistémico aplicado a los espacios locales facilita la generación de propuestas para su desarrollo integral en el ámbito de la sostenibilidad. Los territorios están compuestos por elementos físicos y sociales que se interrelacionan y generan productos que los benefician o perjudican. Estos recursos pueden ser explotados o encontrarse ociosos por falta de actores que los desarrollen. Reaccionan ante las acciones internas y externas tanto humanas como naturales, entre las que se (...)
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  19. Mnemosyne. Un Trauerspiel moderno da Amburgo. In bianco e nero.Manuela Pallotto - 2010 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 3 (2).
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    Predicting Success in the Embryology Lab: The Use of Algorithmic Technologies in Knowledge Production.Manuela Perrotta & Alina Geampana - 2023 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 48 (1):212-233.
    This article analyzes local algorithmic practices resulting from the increased use of time-lapse (TL) imaging in fertility treatment. The data produced by TL technologies are expected to help professionals pick the best embryo for implantation. The emergence of TL has been characterized by promissory discourses of deeper embryo knowledge and expanded selection standardization, despite professionals having no conclusive evidence that TL improves pregnancy rates. Our research explores the use of TL tools in embryology labs. We pay special attention to standardization (...)
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  21. Globalización y exclusión social: acciones dirigidas a la integración en el marco de la Unión Europea.Manuela del Pilar Santos Pita - 2011 - Aposta 50:2 - 22.
    Este estudio se centra en las últimas acciones dirigidas a promover la plena integración de las personas con discapacidad. La Globalización en muchos caso ha llevado a la exclusión social de los grupos que sufren una mayor marginación, haciendo preciso promover desde las instituciones un enfoque social y económico integrado que considere la economía, el comercio, el empleo y la cohesión social como elementos interdependientes para la reducción de las desigualdades, debiéndose dar preeminencia a las reformas sociales que fomenten la (...)
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  22. Catalogo vichiano napoletano.Manuela Sanna - 1986 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 16:493-659.
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    La filosofía y la literatura como formas de conocimiento.Manuela Castro Santiago - 2004 - Diálogo Filosófico 60:491-500.
    Las relaciones entre la filosofía y la literatura han estado determinadas por la discusión y exclusión recíprocas. En este trabajo se plantea el origen de estas relaciones, considerando mito y logos como manifestación de una realidad única. Esta realidad se configura a partir de la confusión que se produce entre ser y parecer, que se plantea en el desvelamiento de la realidad a través de la creación materializada en la escritura. En este sentido, se puede considerar que la filosofía es (...)
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    Misurare la distanza: note sul rapporto tra sguardo e verità nella filosofia moderna.Manuela Sanna - 2020 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Stranierità: una filosofia dell'altrove.Manuela Verduci - 2017 - Firenze: Editrice Clinamen.
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    Depersonalization, Meditation, and the Experience of (No-)Self.Manuela Kirberg & Monima Chadha - 2024 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 31 (5):151-177.
    This paper aims to contribute to an integrated understanding of what goes missing in adverse meditation experiences and in cases of depersonalization disorder. Depersonalization disorder is characterized by distressing alterations in, and sometimes the complete disappearance of, the 'I'-sense. This paper examines the nature of the 'I'-sense and what it means to lose it from a Buddhist perspective. We argue for a nihilist position that the loss of the sense of self arises from misidentifications of the psychophysical complex with non-self (...)
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    The rule W: Wittgenstein and the concept woman.Manuela Teles - 2024 - Wittgenstein-Studien 15 (1):107-124.
    I address some issues on the concept woman that might illuminate both feminist thought and practice, and the interpretation of Wittgenstein. Using Sonia Sedivy’s New Wittgensteinian approach to accuse Neo-Wittgensteinians and their critics of still being essentialists about the concept art, I point out that Cressida Heyes’ Wittgensteinian anti-anti-essentialism concerning the concept woman is subject to the same accusation. Heyes suggests that, in the Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein provides feminist philosophers with a kind of anti-anti-essentialism based on which a dilemma concerning (...)
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  28.  27
    Twist Structures and Nelson Conuclei.Manuela Busaniche, Nikolaos Galatos & Miguel Andrés Marcos - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (4):949-987.
    Motivated by Kalman residuated lattices, Nelson residuated lattices and Nelson paraconsistent residuated lattices, we provide a natural common generalization of them. Nelson conucleus algebras unify these examples and further extend them to the non-commutative setting. We study their structure, establish a representation theorem for them in terms of twist structures and conuclei that results in a categorical adjunction, and explore situations where the representation is actually an isomorphism. In the latter case, the adjunction is elevated to a categorical equivalence. By (...)
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  29.  62
    (1 other version)Relational factors affecting dog social attraction to human partners.Manuela Wedl, Iris Schöberl, Barbara Bauer, Jon Day & Kurt Kotrschal - 2010 - Interaction Studies 11 (3):482-503.
    We previously showed that owner personality and human-dog relationship predicted the performance of a human-dog dyad in a practical task. Based on the same data set we presently investigate the effects of individual and social factors on the social attraction of dogs to their owners. Twenty-two male and female owners and their intact male dogs were observed during a “picture viewing” test, where we diverted the owner's attention away from their dog whilst it was permitted to move freely around the (...)
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  30.  77
    To Know or Better Not to: Agnotology and the Social Construction of Ignorance in Commercially Driven Research.Manuela Fernández Pinto - 2017 - Science and Technology Studies 30 (2):53-72.
    With an innovative perspective on the social character of ignorance production, agnotology has been a fruitful approach for understanding the social and epistemological consequences of the interaction between industry and scientific research. In this paper, I argue that agnotology, or the study of ignorance, contributes to a better understanding of commercially driven research and its societal impact, showing the ways in which industrial interests have reshaped the epistemic aims of traditional scientific practices, turning them into mechanisms of ignorance production. To (...)
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  31.  18
    Capitale sociale e partecipazione politica: associazioni e attivisti a Firenze.Manuela Caiani - 2003 - Polis 17 (1):61-92.
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    De la découverte scientifique à l'occultation du savoir : Isaac-Bénédict Prévost et la carie du blé (1798-1807).Manuela Canabal - 2010 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 63 (2):501-527.
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    The Conditions of Politics: Low-Caste Women's Political Agency in Contemporary North Indian Society.Manuela Ciotti - 2009 - Feminist Review 91 (1):113-134.
    In this article I analyse the structural and cultural conditions of low-caste women's political agency in urban north India. Whereas in Western feminist political theory, the sexual division of labour is considered to be a key constraint for women's political participation, I show how this has a secondary relevance in the context analysed. I argue that issues concerning the division of labour are intertwined with and subject to those of male consent and support for women's activities. I illustrate how it (...)
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  34.  13
    After the Camps: Semantic Shift and the Experience of Pain.Manuela Consonni - 2012 - In Esther Cohen (ed.), Knowledge and pain. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 84--187.
  35. Coleccionar, porquê?Manuela Ferreira - 2005 - Episteme 21.
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    " Reaction Time" in the Neural Network Module ART 1.Manuela Friedrich - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 56:215-238.
  37.  11
    Territorial Pacts in Socio-Economic and Law Literature.Manuela Galetto - 2009 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 23 (3):481-504.
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    Novità e riflessioni su due dipinti murali dell’alto Medioevo romano. L’affresco con sant’Agata e l’inedita pittura con busto di santa.Manuela Gianandrea - 2022 - Convivium 9 (2):44-61.
    Observations on Two Mural Paintings from Early Medieval Rome. Fresco of St Agatha and an Unknown Painting with a Bust of the Saint Little is known about the two fragments of early medieval Roman paintings with female saints considered here. One was first exhibited in 2016; the other remained totally obscure until it came onto the antiquarian art market 2019. The goal of this study is to provide context for these two pieces by attempting to reconstruct their original art historical (...)
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  39. Anatomie des Anti-Subjekts.Manuela Günter, Siegfried Kracauer, Walter Benjamin & Carl Einstein - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (3):612-613.
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    The neglected historical and philosophical connection between José Ingenieros and Ralph Waldo Emerson.Manuela Alejandra Gomez - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas (ed.), Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press.
    This chapter explores the impact of Ralph Waldo Emerson on Latin American philosopher José Ingenieros. The chapter maintains that this impact is crucial because it aids in understanding and appreciating Ingenieros and his moral philosophy and it has never before been explored. However, for over a hundred years, this unique connection has been hiding a link between Latin American philosophy and American pragmatism.
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    Tucidide e l'anfizionia di Delfi.Manuela Mari - 2006 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 130 (1):231-261.
    Η δελφική αμφικτυονία απουσιάζει από την ιστορία του Θουκυδίδη. Παρουσιάζουμε εδώ όλα τα γεγονότα που εντάσσονται στα χρονικά πλαίσια της ιστορίας του Θουκυδίδη, στα οποία η δελφική αμφικτυονία διαδραμάτισε κάποιο ρόλο, καθώς και τα γεγονότα εκείνα, στα οποία ο ρόλος της δελφικής αμφικτυονίας μαρτυρείται από άλλες πηγές: σε ορισμένες περιπτώσεις, η σιωπή του Θουκυδίδη εξηγείται από τις απαιτήσεις και το ρυθμό της αφήγησης και από τα κριτήρια που υιοθέτησε για την επιλογή των γεγονότων που θα συμπεριλάμβανε στην αφήγησή του· σε (...)
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  42.  55
    The state, human rights and the ethics of war termination: what should a just peace look like? A critical appraisal.Manuela Melandri - 2011 - Journal of Global Ethics 7 (3):241-249.
    The concept of jus post bellum deals with moral considerations in the aftermath of conflict and is concerned with how a just peace should look like. This paper analyses the concept of jus post bellum as developed by contemporary Just War theorists. Its aim is to provide a critical perspective on the proposed substantial scope of this concept. In other words, it will consider the question: in restoring peace after war, is it justified for just combatants to change the political (...)
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  43.  63
    Del linguaggio e dell’arte.Manuela T. Mihoci - 2007 - Cultura 4 (1):25-31.
    Being experienced (Erfahrung) means living. Around these two concepts: experience and living, I created this paper, as an approach to a pretty sensitive field of study, the religious one.The place of truth here can be read between the lines, but this issue stays open and needs more profound study. There is still a question: what is thepriority in studying religious experience: living as an inner and outer manifestation of a person, the analysis of a psychological report between the human being (...)
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    Esperienza religiosa e verita.Manuela Mihoci - 2005 - Cultura 2 (2):111-128.
    Being experienced (Erfahrung) means living. Around these two concepts: experience and living, I created this paper, as an approach to a pretty sensitive field of study, the religious one.The place of truth here can be read between the lines, but this issue stays open and needs more profound study. There is still a question: what is thepriority in studying religious experience: living as an inner and outer manifestation of a person, the analysis of a psychological report between the human being (...)
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    The Experience the Gift in a Model of Co-Therapy.Manuela Partinico & Paola Canna - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):47-54.
    The significant social and cultural transformations which took place in recent decades brought about significant changes in the way couples interact and deal with “the risk of bonding”. The vulnerability that characterizes the couple in post-modernity is the consequence of these changes. The application of a co-therapy model with couples in crisis is based on the premise of mutual gift, which has to be understood as both an exchange of expertise and professionalism to the benefit of the couple, and as (...)
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    What is an (abstract) neural representation of quantity?Manuela Piazza & Veronique Izard - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):348-349.
    We argue that Cohen Kadosh & Walsh's (CK&W's) definitions of neural coding and of abstract representations are overly shallow, influenced by classical cognitive psychology views of modularity and seriality of information processing, and incompatible with the current knowledge on principles of neural coding. As they stand, the proposed dichotomies are not very useful heuristic tools to guide our research towards a better understanding of the neural computations underlying the processing of numerical quantity in the parietal cortex.
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  47. La concezione Del corpo nelle opere di Francesco d'assisi.Manuela Sanson - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (1-2):180-208.
  48. La ética adquiere forma en la musicalidad de las palabras.Manuela Castro Santiago - 2003 - Diálogo Filosófico 55:99-106.
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    Une prison à l'épreuve du temps. Temporalités carcérales d'hier et d'aujourd'hui.Manuela Cunha - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Manuela Ivone P. da Cunha est professeur à l'Universidade do Minho, CRIA-UM et chercheur associé à l'IDEMEC. Nous la remercions de nous avoir autorisé à reproduire ce texte déjà paru dans S. Humbert, N. Derasse & J.-P. Royer, La prison, du temps passé au temps dépassé, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2012, p. 143-153. Nous avons souvent tendance, notamment dans les rencontres scientifiques qui font du temps leur protagoniste, à parler de différents types de temps – le temps de la - Anthropologie (...)
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    Embodied Learning: Why at School the Mind Needs the Body.Manuela Macedonia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:467787.
    Despite all methodological efforts made in the last three decades, Western instruction grounds on traditional principles. Most educational programs follow theories that are mentalistic, i.e., they separate the mind from the body. At school, learners sit, watch, listen, and write. The aim of this paper is to present embodied learning as an alternative to mentalistic education. Similarly, this paper wants to describe embodied learning from a neuroscientific perspective. After a brief historical overview, I will review studies highlighting the behavioral effectiveness (...)
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