Results for 'Marc Renauld'

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  1. Grounding, scientific explanation, and Humean laws.Marc Lange - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):255-261.
    It has often been argued that Humean accounts of natural law cannot account for the role played by laws in scientific explanations. Loewer (Philosophical Studies 2012) has offered a new reply to this argument on behalf of Humean accounts—a reply that distinguishes between grounding (which Loewer portrays as underwriting a kind of metaphysical explanation) and scientific explanation. I will argue that Loewer’s reply fails because it cannot accommodate the relation between metaphysical and scientific explanation. This relation also resolves a puzzle (...)
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    Precis of Because Without Cause: Non‐Causal Explanations in Science and Mathematics.Marc Lange - 2019 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (3):714-719.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, Volume 99, Issue 3, Page 714-719, November 2019.
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    Les conseillers en politiques du secteur public devraient-ils se soucier de la théorie des optima de second rang?Marc-Kevin Daoust & Victor Babin - 2024 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 18 (1):4-28.
    La théorie des optima de second rang est une contribution formelle au domaine de l’optimisation de l’utilité (ou du bien-être). Elle stipule que, dans certaines circonstances « imparfaites », l’approximation d’un idéal est sous-optimale. Dans cet article, nous tentons de déterminer si la théorie peut être utile aux conseillers œuvrant dans le secteur public. Nous présentons les conditions dans lesquelles la théorie pourrait s’avérer pertinente pour les conseillers du secteur public, et en particulier la condition d’inséparabilité entre différentes variables d’un (...)
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    On the social and personal value of existence.Marc Fleurbaey & Alex Voorhoeve - 2015 - In . pp. 95-109.
    If a potential person would have a good life if he were to come into existence, can we coherently regard his coming into existence as better for him than his never coming into existence? And can we regard the situation in which he never comes into existence as worse for him? In this paper, we argue that both questions should be answered affirmatively. We also explain where prominent arguments to differing conclusions go wrong. Finally, we explore the relevance of our (...)
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  5. Choosing between the long and short informational routes to psychological explanation.Marc Champagne - 2013 - Philosophical Psychology 26 (1):129-138.
    Following recent work by Don Ross (Ross, 2000; Ross & Spurrett, 2004), I contrast the influential theories of Daniel Dennett and Paul Churchland in information-theoretic terms. Dennett makes much of the fact that the morphological shorthand which emerges before a witness as she looks upon cohesive aggregates of matter commands some measure of predictive power. This, for him, speaks against eliminating recourse to an intentional vocabulary. By contrast, the eliminative materialism defended by Churchland does not gloss such informational compressibility as (...)
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    The Narrative Practice Hypothesis and Externalist Theory Theory: For Compatibility, Against Collapse.Marc Slors - 2009 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 16 (6-8):6-8.
    What defence does the Narrative Practice Hypothesis have against the charge that it is a covert form of externalist theory theory ? I discuss and reject Dan Hutto's own strategies and argue that the NPH remains vulnerable to a threat of collapse into externalist TT as long as narrative folk-psychological explanation is differentiated from simple belief-desire explanation merely by a degree of complexity, subtlety and/or context-sensitivity. It is entirely plausible, however, that there is a more principled distinction between these two (...)
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    Ethics and the study of carnivores: Doing science while respecting animals.Marc Bekoff & Dale Jamieson - 2006 - In Animal Passions and Beastly Virtues: Reflections on Redecorating Nature. Temple University Press. pp. 232-261.
    The human relationship to nature is a deeply ambiguous one. Human animals are both a part of nature and distinct from it. They are part of nature in the sense that, like other forms of life, they were brought into existence by natural processes, and, like other forms of life, they are dependent on their environment for survival and success. Yet humans are also reflective animals with sophisticated cultural systems. Because of their immense power and their ability to wield it (...)
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    Narrative Dynamics: Essays on Time, Plot, Closure, and Frames (review).Marc Singer - 2003 - Symploke 11 (1):260-261.
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  9. Belichaamde sociale cognitie: consequenties voor de status van'theory of mind'.Marc Slors - 2012 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 104 (3).
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    Introduction.Marc Slors & Sven Walter - 2002 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 65 (1):1-13.
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    Tussen wetenschap en dagelijks leven.Marc Slors - 2017 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 109 (2):205-209.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  12. How much of communitarianism is left (and right).Marc Stier - 1998 - In Peter Augustine Lawler & Dale D. McConkey (eds.), Community and political thought today. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. pp. 43--70.
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  13. The Value of a Life-Year and the Intuition of Universality.Marc Fleurbaey & Gregory Ponthiere - 2022 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 22 (3):355-381.
    When considering the social valuation of a life-year, there is a conflict between two basic intuitions: on the one hand, the intuition of universality, according to which the value of an additional life-year should be universal, and, as such, should be invariant to the context considered; on the other hand, the intuition of complementarity, according to which the value of a life-year should depend on what this extra-life-year allows for, and, hence, on the quality of that life-year, because the quantity (...)
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  14. Mystery of mysteries: Darwin and the species problem.Marc Ereshefsky - unknown
    Darwin offered an intriguing answer to the species problem. He doubted the existence of the species category as a real category in nature, but he did not doubt the existence of those taxa called ‘‘species’’. And despite his scepticism of the species category, Darwin continued using the word ‘‘species’’. Many have said that Darwin did not understand the nature of species. Yet his answer to the species problem is both theoretically sound and practical. On the theoretical side, DarwinÕs answer is (...)
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    Junger Kitsch: [nun zeigte sich, dass Kitsch erst im Auge des Betrachters entsteht].Marc Pfaff - 2008 - Berlin: Lit.
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    Hommage à : Jean Rouch . La ciné-transe, une pensée fertile.Marc Henri Piault - 2004 - Hermes 39:210.
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  17. Analyomen 2, Volume III: Philosophy of Mind, Practical Philosophy.Marc-Denis Weitze - 1997 - Hawthorne: De Gruyter.
  18. What Anchors Semiosis: How Descartes Changed the Subject.Marc Champagne - 2008-09 - RS/SI (Recherches Sémiotiques / Semiotic Inquiry) 28 (3-1):183–197.
    The goal of this article is twofold. First, it revises the historiographic partition proposed by John Deely in Four Ages of Understanding (2001) by arguing that the moment marking the beginning of philosophical Modernity has been vividly recorded in Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy with the experiment with the wax. Second, an upshot of this historical study is that it helps make sense of Deely’s somewhat iconoclastic use of the words “subject” and “subjectivity” to designate mind-independent worldly things. The hope (...)
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  19. Three Time Scales of Neural Self-Organization Underlying Basic and Nonbasic Emotions.Marc D. Lewis & Zhong-xu Liu - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (4):416-423.
    Our model integrates the nativist assumption of prespecified neural structures underpinning basic emotions with the constructionist view that emotions are assembled from psychological constituents. From a dynamic systems perspective, the nervous system self-organizes in different ways at different time scales, in relation to functions served by emotions. At the evolutionary scale, brain parts and their connections are specified by selective pressures. At the scale of development, connectivity is revised through synaptic shaping. At the scale of real time, temporary networks of (...)
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  20. Immodesty and permissivism.Marc-Kevin Daoust & David Montminy - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-21.
    What is the relationship between Immodesty and Permissivism? For permissivists, epistemically rational agents are sometimes permitted to take incompatible doxastic attitudes towards P. Immodesty is a requirement governing our estimations or beliefs about our own credences and standards. If agents believe that their standards and credences are not among the most truth-conducive ones available to them, they are not immodest. Some philosophers think that Immodesty is incompatible with Intrapersonal Permissivism :41–56, 2014, J Philos 116:237–262, 2019). Others think that Immodesty can (...)
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  21. The Melting and Mocking of Voices in Contemporary American Fiction.Marc Blanchard - 1992 - Semiotica 88 (3-4):341-351.
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  22. Principe et Méthode de la Métaphysique.A. Marc - 1934 - Archives de Philosophie 11:303-328.
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    Nietzsche for beginners.Marc Sautet, Patrick Roussignac & Rupert Griffin - 1995 - Sophia 34 (2):105-106.
    The unorthodox life and ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche come alive in this documentary history. Here is a clear picture of the time in which this revolutionary philosopher lived and worked. We meet the luminaries of the age: Richard Wagner, Bismark, Freud and Darwin. We learn of Nietzsche’s famous love affairs, his theories of the Superman, the Antichrist and nihilism, as well as his impact on Twentieth Century thinking. And we see how the Nazi’s annexed and deformed Nietzsche’s thought to serve (...)
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    Wahrheit und Lüge als Ideologie. Das Beispiel des „Machiavellismus “.Marc Schweska - 2004 - In Steffen Greschonig & Christine S. Sing (eds.), Ideologien zwischen Lüge und Wahrheitsanspruch. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag. pp. 5--26.
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    Self and Substance in Leibniz.Marc Elliott Bobro - 2004 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    "We are omniscient but confused," says Leibniz. He also says that we live in the best of all possible worlds, yet do not causally interact. So what are we? Leibniz is known for many things, including the ideality of space and time, calculus, plans for a universal language, theodicy, and ecumenism. But he is not known for his ideas on the self and personal identity. This book shows that Leibniz offers an original, internally coherent theory of personal identity, a theory (...)
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    A cognitive explanation of the perceived normativity of cultural conventions.Marc Slors - 2019 - Mind and Language 36 (1):62-80.
    I argue that cultural conventions such as social etiquette facilitate a specific (non‐Lewisian) kind of action coordination—role–interaction coordination—that is required for division of labour. Playing one's roles and coordinating them with those of others is a form of multitasking. Such multitasking is made possible on a large scale because we can offload cognition aimed at coordination onto a stable infrastructure of cultural conventions. Our natural tendency to prefer multitasking in instances where one task requires low cognitive control can thus explain (...)
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    Redecorating Nature: Reflections on Science, Holism, Community, Humility, Reconciliation, Spirit, Compassion, and Love.Marc Bekoff - 2000 - Human Ecology Review 7 (1):59-67.
    Numerous humans - in my opinion, far too many - continue to live apart from nature, rather than as a part of nature. In this personal essay I discuss various aspects of traditional science and suggest that holistic and heart-driven compassionate science needs to replace reductionist and impersonal science. I argue that creative proactive solutions drenched in deep caring, respect, and love for the universe need to be developed to deal with the broad range of problems with which we are (...)
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  28. The Case for an International Hard Law on Corporate Killing.Marc Johnson - 2024 - Keele Law Review 5 (1):1-28.
    On 4 December 2006, during discussions on the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Bill, Andrew Dismore, Member of Parliament and then Chair of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, said, ‘Organisations can kill people … but it is the actions and omissions of people in organisations that cumulatively cause death’. However, the corporate entity is a vehicle for the communal actions of those who guide the business activities. Attempting to seek out persons or people that are solely responsible for deaths (...)
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  29. Metaphysique, éthique et politique dans l'oeuvre du docteur Franciscus van den Enden : Contribution a l'étude des sources des écrits de B. de Spinoza : Sommaire de la thèse de doctorat d'état - es lettres.Marc Bedjaï - 1990 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 6:291.
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    Cognitive Ethology.Marc Bekoff - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 371–379.
    Cognitive ethology is the comparative, evolutionary, and ecological study of nonhuman animal (hereafter animal) minds, including thought processes, beliefs, rationality, information processing, and consciousness. It is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field of science that is attracting much attention from researchers in numerous, diverse disciplines, including those interested in animal welfare. Cognitive ethology can trace its beginnings to the writings of Charles Darwin, an anecdotal cognitivist, and some of his contemporaries and disciples. Their approach incorporated appeals to evolutionary theory, interests in (...)
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    Vulture.Marc Bekoff - 2012 - Journal of Animal Ethics 2 (2):217-218.
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    Aesthetic and Illusion of Daily Life.Marc E. Blanchard - 1990 - In Frederick Burwick & Walter Pape (eds.), Aesthetic illusion: theoretical and historical approaches. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 1989--79.
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    Comparing the Laws of Privacy.Marc Jonathan Blitz - 2017 - Criminal Justice Ethics 36 (2):265-277.
    Ronald Krotoszynski’s Privacy Revisited: A Global Perspective on the Right to Be Let Alone is, in a sense, three books in one. It is, on the one hand, an engaging and systematic tour of different l...
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    Sartre et le dehors : Par-delà le circuit de l'être.Marc Blondin - 2006 - Horizons Philosophiques 17 (1):69-90.
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    Discrimination and categorization across the life span.Marc H. Bornstein - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):757-758.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophie et révélation chez Schelling.Marc Maesschalck - 1989 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 20 (4):421-439.
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    (1 other version)Questions sur le langage poétique à partir de Roman Jakobson.Marc Maesschalk - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (4):470-503.
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    Neutralising luck, rewarding effort.Marc Fleurbaey - 2005 - Philosophical Books 46 (3):188-198.
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    Human Action, Deliberation and Causation.Marc Slors - 1998 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  40. The Importance and Limits of Phenomenological Mind.Marc Slors - 2008 - Abstracta 4 (3):34-44.
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    Self-organising Cognitive Appraisals.Marc D. Lewis - 1996 - Cognition and Emotion 10 (1):1-26.
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    The Lie of the Fox: Rousseau's Theory of Verbal, Monetary and Political Representation.Marc Shell - 1974 - Substance 4 (10):111.
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    Intentional content in psychopathologies requires an expanded interpretivism.Marc Slors, Jolien C. Francken & Derek Strijbos - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42:e26.
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    Primate People: Saving Nonhuman Primates Through Education, Advocacy, and Sanctuary.Marc Bekoff - 2012 - University of Utah Press.
    This thought-provoking collection sheds light on the plight of our nonhuman primate cousins--and what we can do to help.
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    ’Si vous allez derrière un thé'tre...’: La Bruyère’s moral gestures.Marc E. Blanchard - 1984 - Semiotica 51 (1-3).
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    Gaining (on) momentum.Marc N. Branch - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):92-93.
    Nevin & Grace's approach is an interesting and useful attempt to find ways to measure “core” effects of a history of exposure to reinforcement. The momentum analogy makes intuitive sense, and the evidence for its utility is increasing. Several questions remain, however, about how the analogy will fare in the case of concurrent rather than sequential activities, about the use of extinction as a method to test resistance to change, and about the generality of some of the effects.
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    Le Malin Genie Des Langues.Marc Crépon - 2000 - Paris: Vrin.
    Ce que les philosophes ont pu dire de la particularite de la (des) langue(s) dans lesquelles ils s'expriment, du rapport entre les idiomes philosophiques, de leur classification et de leur traduction repond a un double souci: circonscrire (ou elargir) la communaute de ceux auxquels ils s'adressent, designer la situation historique et annoncer le destin du nous qui se trouve ainsi determine. Le genie des langues est alors, le plus souvent, l'operateur logique qui permet le repli de la communaute sur ce (...)
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    Beyond Standard Model Collider Phenomenology of Higgs Physics and Supersymmetry.Marc Christopher Thomas - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This thesis studies collider phenomenology of physics beyond the Standard Model at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It also explores in detail advanced topics related to Higgs boson and supersymmetry - one of the most exciting and well-motivated streams in particle physics. In particular, it finds a very large enhancement of multiple Higgs boson production in vector-boson scattering when Higgs couplings to gauge bosons differ from those predicted by the Standard Model. The thesis demonstrates that due to the loss of (...)
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  49. What Inference to the Best Explanation Is Not: A Response to Roche and Sober's Screening-Off Challenge to IBE.Marc Lange - 2020 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 39:27-42.
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    Beyond cry and laugh: Toward a multilevel model of language production.Marc H. Bornstein & Gianluca Esposito - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (6):548-549.
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