Results for 'Marcela Cecília Porcelli'

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  1.  20
    A Filosofia com adolescentes.Ana Paula Zerbato, Juliana Santos de Souza & Marcela Cecília Porcelli - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar uma experiência de Filosofia com Adolescentes na cidade de Araraquara. Buscamos fazer uma relação entre Filosofia e Adolescência e procuramos mostrar uma forma alternativa de se discutir Filosofia com jovens, diferenciada das propostas que partem da História da Filosofia.
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  2. Operaciones de autocuidado asociadas a la nutrición en madres de escolares chilenos.Cecilia Campos, Sonia Jaimovich, Jean Moore, Lisa Pawloski, Kathleen Gaffney & Marcela González - forthcoming - Horizonte.
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    Pasajes y paisajes: reflexiones sobre la práctica científica.María Martini, Roberto Marafioti & Florencia Rimoldi (eds.) - 2016 - Moreno, prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editora Universidad Nacional de Moreno.
    El desafío científico-político de coproducir y proveer "servicios climáticos" en el sudeste de Sudamérica / Cecilia Hidalgo -- Coproducción, ciencia y activismo : empoderamiento epistémico y retórico de activistas seropositivos en la Argentina / Emiliano Marello -- Coproducción en lactancia materna y alimentación del niño pequeño / Pablo Duran -- Coproducción de conocimientos entre especialistas y docentes mediados por una plataforma virtual gubernamental / Marisa Álvarez, Verónica Xhardez y Marcela Pologna -- Conocimiento científico, performatividad e interacción social: compromisos filosófico-sociológicos (...)
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    Asymmetric Epistemology: Field Notes from Training in Two Disciplines.Apollonya Maria Porcelli & Amy S. Teller - 2019 - Perspectives on Science 27 (2):187-213.
    The epistemic barriers to interdisciplinarity are understudied. To fill this gap, we ask whether a university initiative designed to reduce structural barriers to interdisciplinarity also facilitates the dissolution of epistemic ones. Through analytical autoethnography of graduate training in two disciplines, sociology and ecology, we develop the concept of asymmetric epistemology to better understand the unique epistemological position that emerges for interdisciplinarians. Building from feminist science and technology studies (STS) and scholarship on epistemic identities, our work illuminates how epistemologies are embodied (...)
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    The ConDialInt Model: Condensation, Dialogality, and Intentionality Dimensions of Inner Speech Within a Hierarchical Predictive Control Framework.Romain Grandchamp, Lucile Rapin, Marcela Perrone-Bertolotti, Cédric Pichat, Célise Haldin, Emilie Cousin, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, Marion Dohen, Pascal Perrier, Maëva Garnier, Monica Baciu & Hélène Lœvenbruck - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:454766.
    Inner speech has been shown to vary in form along several dimensions. Along condensation, condensed inner speech forms have been described, that are supposed to be deprived of acoustic, phonological and even syntactic qualities. Expanded forms, on the other extreme, display articulatory and auditory properties. Along dialogality, inner speech can be monologal, when we engage in internal soliloquy, or dialogal, when we recall past conversations or imagine future dialogs involving our own voice as well as that of others addressing us. (...)
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    Mixed Methods Approach to Describe Social Interaction During a Group Intervention for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Carlota Alcover, Ma Ángeles Mairena, Marcela Mezzatesta, Neus Elias, María Díez-Juan, Gemma Balañá, Mireia González-Rodríguez, Jairo Rodríguez-Medina, M. Teresa Anguera & Eulàlia Arias-Pujol - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    What are the ethical conflicts faced by Mexican internists?Octavio Márquez Mendoza, José de Jesús Garduño García, Marcela Veytia López, Jorge Rodríguez García, Rosalía García Peña & Benjamin Herreros - 2022 - Clinical Ethics 17 (4):409-414.
    Background No studies have been conducted in Mexico to ascertain what ethical problems doctors working at hospitals deal with. This article aims to describe the ethical conflicts most commonly identified by Mexican internists and the importance they attribute to each of these conflicts. Methods Voluntary survey to the members of the Internal Medicine Association of Mexico. Results Responses were submitted by 347 internists. Half of those face ethical conflicts almost always or frequently. The most commonplace and relevant conflicts are those (...)
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    Electrophysiological evidence of statistical learning in preverbal infants.Deahene Ghislaine, Kabdebon Claire, Biuatti Marco & Pena Marcela - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9.  19
    Perceived Vulnerability and Severity Predict Adherence to COVID-19 Protection Measures: The Mediating Role of Instrumental Coping.José Luis González-Castro, Silvia Ubillos-Landa, Alicia Puente-Martínez & Marcela Gracia-Leiva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 disease has caused thousands of deaths worldwide and required the rapid and drastic adoption of various protective measures as main resources in the fight to reduce the spread of the disease. In the present study we aimed to identify socio cognitive factors that may influence adherence to protective measures toward COVID-19 in a Spanish sample. This longitudinal study analyzes the predictive value of perceived severity and vulnerability of infection, self-efficacy, direct exposure to the virus, and instrumental focused coping (...)
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    Metodología aplicada en el cálculo de la incertidumbre de medición.Luís Gregorio Meza Contreras, William Ardila Urueña & Marcela Botero Arbeláez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Psicologia e presença feminina nos discursos médico e católico na primeira metade do século XX.Flávia Moreira Oliveira, Adriana Amaral do Espírito Santo, Marcela Peralva Aguiar & Ana Maria Jacó Vilela - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 31:184-198.
    Este artigo pretende analisar as interfaces da produção científica feminina no início do século XX com a constituição do espaço psi no Brasil, utilizando para tanto um artigo do periódico católico "A Ordem" e uma tese da Faculdade de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Para sermos mais precisos, nosso recor..
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    Comida y Sus Dimensiones Culturales.Ángela Otálvaro, Olga Vásquez & Diana Marcela Murcia - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (7):1-13.
    Introducción: La relación entre la comida y cultura es bastante amplia, por ello, se expone la agenda de investigación en torno al tema, a través de la revisión de artículos indexados publicados entre el 2016 y el 2022. Objetivo: sintetizar la producción académica de los últimos años teniendo en cuenta los temas claves, los países de producción y las corrientes teórico-metodológicas utilizadas en los diseños de investigación. Metodología: Revisión documental integrativa. Conclusiones: La literatura encontrada se presenta a través de seis (...)
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    Percepción de riesgo y factores asociados al consumo de drogas legales e ilegales en estudiantes de la Universidad de Boyacá.Mónica Patricia Pérez Prada, Paola Barreto Bedoya, Marcela América Roa Cubaque & Guiomar Haydee Rubiano Díaz - 2015 - Enfoques (Misc.) 1 (2):83-102.
    El objetivo de este artículo es describir la percepción de riesgo y los factores de protección y de riesgo frente al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas legales e ilegales en estudiantes de la Universidad de Boyacá. Es un estudio cuantitativo y descriptivo de corte transversal, para el cual se tomó una muestra de 573 estudiantes que fueron seleccionados mediante muestreo estratificado probabilístico. El instrumento utilizado fue la encuesta sobre consumo de drogas, factores y percepción de riesgo en estudiantes universitarios (CODEU) diseñado (...)
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    Moderating Effect of the Situation of Return or Relocation on the Well-Being and Psychosocial Trauma of Young Victims of the Armed Conflict in Colombia.Sandra Milena Quintero-González, Camilo Alberto Madariaga-Orozco, Anthony Constant Millán-de Lange, Diany Marcela Castellar-Jiménez & Jorge Enrique Palacio-Sañudo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Colombia is the second country with the highest number of internally displaced persons. In the last 10 years, more than 400,000 young people carry, in their life experiences, the title of victims. The psychological and social circumstances that determine the lives of displaced young people in the world are not unknown. Fear, the poor resources for social adaptation available to them, and the possible reproduction of the cycle of violence, represent psychosocial risk factors in the young and displaced population. In (...)
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    El campo teórico feminista: aportes epistemológicos y metodológicos.Jarquín Sánchez, María Elena & Marcela Lagarde (eds.) - 2016 - México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades.
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    Identificación de algunos aspectos de la capacidad de innovación de las empresas del sector metalmecánico de Risaralda Colombia.John Jairo Sánchez Castro, Lina Marcela Payan Betancur & Sandra M. Echeverri Sánchez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    El hipertexto como mediador en el desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas.Edilma Vargas, Ruth Elena Quiroz Posada & Claudia Marcela Trujillo Vargas - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Alexithymia Predicts Attrition and Outcome in Weight-Loss Obesity Treatment.Mario Altamura, Piero Porcelli, Beth Fairfield, Stefania Malerba, Raffaella Carnevale, Angela Balzotti, Giuseppe Rossi, Gianluigi Vendemiale & Antonello Bellomo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 in Italy: Worry Leads to Protective Behavior, but at the Cost of Anxiety.Giulia Prete, Lilybeth Fontanesi, Piero Porcelli & Luca Tommasi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The World Health Organization defined COVID-19 as a pandemic on March 11, due to the spread of the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in all continents. Italy had already witnessed a very fast spread that brought the Government to place the entire country under quarantine on March 11, reaching more than 30,700 fatalities in 2 months. We hypothesized that the pandemic and related compulsory quarantine would lead to an increase of anxiety state and protective behaviors to avoid infections. We aimed to investigate (...)
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  20.  60
    The importance of being Ernie.Marcela Herdova - 2021 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):257-263.
    Alfred Mele presents an influential argument for incompatibilism which compares an agent, Ernie, whose life has been carefully planned by the goddess Diana, to normal deterministic agents. The argument suggests both that Ernie is not free, and that there is no relevant difference between him and normal deterministic agents in respect of free will. In this paper, I suggest that what drives our judgement that Ernie is not free in the Diana case is that his actions are merely an extension (...)
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  21. Get lucky: situationism and circumstantial moral luck.Marcela Herdova & Stephen Kearns - 2015 - Philosophical Explorations 18 (3):362-377.
    Situationism is, roughly, the thesis that normatively irrelevant environmental factors have a great impact on our behaviour without our being aware of this influence. Surprisingly, there has been little work done on the connection between situationism and moral luck. Given that it is often a matter of luck what situations we find ourselves in, and that we are greatly influenced by the circumstances we face, it seems also to be a matter of luck whether we are blameworthy or praiseworthy for (...)
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  22. Self-control and mechanisms of behavior: Why self-control is not a natural mental kind.Marcela Herdova - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (6):731-762.
    In this paper, I argue for two main hypotheses. First, that self-control is not a natural mental kind and, second, that there is no dedicated mechanism of self-control. By the first claim, I simply mean that those behaviors we label as “self-controlled” are a somewhat arbitrarily selected hodgepodge that do not have anything in common that distinguishes them from other behaviors. In other words, self-control is a gerrymandered property that does not correspond to a natural mental or psychological kind. By (...)
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  23.  82
    This is a Tricky Situation: Situationism and Reasons-Responsiveness.Marcela Herdova & Stephen Kearns - 2017 - The Journal of Ethics 21 (2):151-183.
    Situations are powerful: the evidence from experimental social psychology suggests that agents are hugely influenced by the situations they find themselves in, often without their knowing it. In our paper, we evaluate how situational factors affect our reasons-responsiveness, as conceived of by John Fischer and Mark Ravizza, and, through this, how they also affect moral responsibility. We argue that the situationist experiments suggest that situational factors impair, among other things, our moderate reasons-responsiveness, which is plausibly required for moral responsibility. However, (...)
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  24.  60
    Trigger warning: no proximal intentions required for intentional action.Marcela Herdova - 2018 - Philosophical Explorations 21 (3):364-383.
    In this paper, I argue that some intentional actions are not triggered by proximal intentions; i.e. there are actions which are intentional, but lack relevant proximal intentions in their immediate causal history. More specifically, I first introduce various properties of intentions. I then argue that some actions (such as some spontaneous actions) are triggered by mental states which lack properties typically ascribed to intentions, yet these actions are still intentional. The view that all intentional actions are triggered by proximal intentions (...)
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    Réplica de Cecília L. Allemandi.Cecilia L. Allemandi - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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    Homenaje a Cecilia Braslavsky: conocimiento, historia y política en la educación.Cecilia Braslavsky, Inés Dussel, Pablo Pineau & Marcelo Caruso (eds.) - 2016 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Santillana.
  27.  2
    Liberalismo e republicanismo: avanços e contradições sobre o espaço público no pensamento de Hannah Arendt.Marcela Uchoa - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400276.
    The result of Hannah Arendt’s study of bourgeois revolutions reflects not only the contradictions and dichotomies of her thought, but is an important diagnosis of the impact of liberal policies, their contradictions and evolution within the history of democracy. Modern republicanism, although critical of liberalism, assimilated elements inherent to liberal democracy, for example, the importance of the law, always imputed based on ideological political precepts of its time. The relevance of this analysis allows us not only to understand the bases (...)
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  28.  78
    Are intentions in tension with timing experiments?Marcela Herdova - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (3):573-587.
    Libet’s timing experiments have resulted in some strong and unsavoury claims about human agency. These range from the idea that conscious intentions are epiphenomenal to the idea that we all lack free will. In this paper, I propose a new type of response to the various sceptical conclusions about our agency occasioned by both Libet’s work and other experiments in this testing paradigm. Indeed, my argument extends to such conclusions drawn from fMRI-based prediction experiments. In what follows, I will provide (...)
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    The self and its internal thought: In search for a psychological baseline.Andrea Scalabrini, Adriano Schimmenti, Michelangelo De Amicis, Piero Porcelli, Francesco Benedetti, Clara Mucci & Georg Northoff - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 97 (C):103244.
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    Barking Up the Wrong Tree: On Control, Transformative Experiences, and Turning Over a New Leaf.Marcela Herdova - 2020 - The Monist 103 (3):278-293.
    I argue that we do not intentionally and rationally shape our character and values in major ways. I base this argument on the nature of transformative experiences, that is, those experiences which are transformative from personal and epistemological points of view. The argument is roughly this. First, someone who undergoes major changes in her character or values thereby undergoes a transformative experience. Second, if she undergoes such an experience, her reasons for changing in a major way are inaccessible to her (...)
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  31.  63
    Transformative Moral Luck.Marcela Herdova - 2019 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 43 (1):162-180.
    Midwest Studies In Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    “The Return of my Grandfather Napoleon”: Ancestor worship, impiety, and collective possession in North Honduras.Marcela Perdomo - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12245.
    This paper analyzes Dolores's case of collective spirit possession as a paroxysmic form of possession idiom, serving as a powerful and creative internal mechanism that both safeguards and revitalizes the core structure of ancestor worship. Drawing on my ethnographic research in North Honduras since 2009, my study reveals that rather than leading to the erosion of possession rituals, entropic forces, such as resistance, modernity, and impiety serve as vital resources, reinforcing the foundations of ancestor worship. This paper explores possession idioms (...)
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  33. Self-Control.Marcela Herdova, Stephen Kearns & Neil Levy - 2022 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Self-control is a fundamental part of what it is to be a human being. It poses important philosophical and psychological questions about the nature of belief, motivation, judgment, and decision making. More immediately, failures of self-control can have high costs, resulting in ill-health, loss of relationships, and even violence and death, whereas strong self-control is also often associated with having a virtuous character. What exactly is self-control? If we lose control can we still be free? Can we be held responsible (...)
  34. What you Don't Know Can Hurt You: Situationism, Conscious Awareness, Control.Marcela Herdova - 2016 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 4 (1):45-71.
    The thesis of situationism says that situational factors can exert a signi cant in uence on how we act, o en without us being consciously aware that we are so in uenced. In this paper, I examine how situational factors, or, more speci cally, our lack of conscious awareness of their in uence on our behavior, a ect di erent measures of control. I further examine how our control is a ected by the fact that situational factors also seem to (...)
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  35.  63
    Nothing to Fear: Swap Cases and Personal Identity.Marcela Herdova - 2016 - Analytic Philosophy 57 (4):315-337.
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    (1 other version)El sonido viene a ti. Notas sobre ‘Filosofía y experimentación sonora' de Gustavo Celedón.Marcela Rivera Hutinel - 2024 - Otrosiglo 7 (2):369-374.
    Reseña de ‘Filosofía y experimentación sonora’ de Gustavo Celedón Bórquez, realizada por Marcela Rivera Hutinel, Dra. en Filosofía, académica de la Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. Gustavo Celedón Bórquez Filosofía y experimentación sonora Ediciones Metales Pesados 2023 Santiago 376 páginas ISBN: 9789566203100.
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  37. Difficult Circumstances: Situationism and Ability.Marcela Herdova & Stephen Kearns - 2019 - Journal of Ethical Urban Living 2 (1):63-91.
    Certain aspects of our situations often influence us in significant and negative ways, without our knowledge (call this claim “situationism”). One possible explanation of their influence is that they affect our abilities. In this paper, we address two main questions. Do these situational factors rid us of our abilities to act on our sufficient reasons? Do situational factors make it more difficult for us to exercise our abilities to act for sufficient reasons? We argue for the answer ‘sometimes’ to both (...)
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    La retórica de la peste, la metáfora de la guerra: los usos del lenguaje neoliberal.Marcela Rivera Hutinel - 2020 - Otrosiglo 4 (2):136-146.
    Exposición realizada por la Doctora en Filosofía Marcela Rivera Hutinel, en el ciclo de conversaciones “Crítica a la Epidemiología Política. Prácticas y racionalidad neoliberales en tiempos de pandemia”, organizado por el equipo editorial de la Revista de Filosofía Otrosiglo, octubre – diciembre 2020. Disponible en Youtube, canal Revista Otrosiglo. Lecture by Marcela Rivrea Hutinel, Ph. D., in the cycle of conversations “Criticism to the Political Epidemiology. Neoliberal practices and rationality in times of pandemics”, event organized by the editorial (...)
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  39. Simply Irresistible: Addiction, Responsibility, and Irresistible Desires.Marcela Herdova - 2015 - Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3 (1):196-216.
    In this paper I set out to investigate the claim that addicts lack su cient control over their drug-taking and are thus not morally responsible for it. More speci cally, I evaluate what I call the Simply Irresistible Argument, which proceeds from the claim that addictive desires are irresistible to the conclusion that addicts are not responsible for acting on such desires. I rst propose that we have to disambiguate the notion of an irresistible desire according to temporal criteria, and (...)
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    Testing the Analytical Rumination Hypothesis: Exploring the Longitudinal Effects of Problem Solving Analysis on Depression.Marcela Sevcikova, Marta M. Maslej, Jiri Stipl, Paul W. Andrews, Martin Pastrnak, Gabriela Vechetova, Magda Bartoskova & Marek Preiss - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    La violación originaria. Fenomenología del cuerpo sexualmente abusado.Marcela Venebra Muñoz - 2020 - Agora 40 (1):155-178.
    The central thesis developed in this paper is that sexual violence is a possibility founded in the — historical — constitutive conditions of the female body, which means that sexual violence against women is possible because of the availability of their bodies. The availability of the female body as a condition for rape is established in three principal moments: 1) The historical and spiritual determination of the subjective female identity as founded in the materiality of her own body —or her (...)
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    Comparing deterministic agents: A new argument for compatibilism.Marcela Herdova - 2024 - Philosophical Explorations 27 (1):106-121.
    This paper offers a new argument for compatibilism about moral responsibility by drawing attention to some overlooked implications of incompatibilism. More specifically, I argue that incompatibilists are committed to some unsavory claims about pairs of agents in deterministic worlds. These include comparative claims about moral responsibility, blameworthiness, desert, punishment, and the fittingness of reactive attitudes. I argue that we have good reasons to reject such comparisons because they fail to account for key differences between deterministic agents. This provides us with (...)
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    On why proximal intentions need to remain snubbed: a reply to Mele.Marcela Herdova - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (8):2025-2046.
    I argue against elements of Alfred Mele’s picture of the nature of intentions and the triggers of intentional actions. Mele (Philosophical Studies 176:2833–2853, 2019) offers rebuttals to my (Herdova, Philosophical Studies, 173(3), 573–587, 2016; Herdova, Philosophical Explorations, 21(3):364–383, 2018) and Ann Bumpus’s (2001) arguments which limit the scope of proximal intentions as triggers of intentional actions. Here I offer a response to Mele and provide further arguments in favor of my alternative understanding of intentions and the causes of intentional actions. (...)
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  44. Schelling's Late Negative Philosophy: Crisis and Critique of Pure Reason.Marcela García - 2011 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 3 (2):141-164.
    Schelling’s late philosophy is characterized by its division of philosophy into a “negative” and a “positive” approach. After developing positive philosophy, Schelling goes back in his last work (Darstellung der reinrationalen Philosophie) to a negative philosophy that is to play a critical role within Schelling’s late system by showing pure rationally the limits of pure reason. This critical task requires the failure and crisis of negative philosophy. In the article, I show why Schelling understands his late negative project as a (...)
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  45. Can Moral Authorities Be Hypocrites?Marcela Herdova - 2018 - In Jamie Carlin Watson & Laura K. Guidry-Grimes, Moral Expertise: New Essays from Theoretical and Clinical Bioethics. Springer International Publishing.
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  46. Theory of mind in nonhuman primates.Cecilia M. Heyes - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1):101-114.
    Since the BBS article in which Premack and Woodruff (1978) asked “Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind?,” it has been repeatedly claimed that there is observational and experimental evidence that apes have mental state concepts, such as “want” and “know.” Unlike research on the development of theory of mind in childhood, however, no substantial progress has been made through this work with nonhuman primates. A survey of empirical studies of imitation, self-recognition, social relationships, deception, role-taking, and perspective-taking suggests (...)
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    La filial de Matías Celedón: escritura de oficina.Marcela Labraña Cortés - 2024 - Aisthesis 75:26-50.
    Este artículo indaga, fundamentalmente, en los posibles vínculos que puedan establecerse entre las condiciones materiales y procedimientos escriturales de La filial de Matías Celedón y el concepto «muerte del autor» (1968) de Roland Barthes. También revisa la estructura y la atmósfera burocrática y agobiante de la oficina en la que se desarrolla la trama, planteando una comparación con dos obras clásicas sobre el tema: Bartleby el escribiente (1853) y Bouvard y Pécuchet (1880). Finalmente, alude a referentes de la poesía experimental (...)
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    Proportionality and the lives of combatants: a reply to Arthur Ripstein.Marcela Prieto Rudolphy - 2024 - Jurisprudence 15 (3):398-407.
    I. There is a deep tension in the laws of war. The laws that regulate the resort to war (jus ad bellum) are independent from the laws that regulate conduct in war (jus in bello). This implies that...
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    L’écospiritualité est-elle une corrélation?Marcela Lobo - 2017 - International Yearbook for Tillich Research 12 (1):109-128.
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    El concepto de voluntad en Pietro Pomponazzi. Una reconstrucción a partir del De fato, libero arbitrio et praedestinatione.Marcela Borelli - 2024 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 45 (2):153-173.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo desarrollar el concepto de voluntad en Pietro Pomponazzi, utilizando como texto central de análisis su tratado _De fato, libero arbitrio et praedestinatione_. Siguiendo la dinámica propia del pensamiento del autor, se exploran los alcances y limitaciones de la voluntad en el ámbito de la razón natural y la teología. Estos dos campos, delimitados con claridad y frecuentemente en conflicto en la obra de Pomponazzi, constituyen el fundamento para comprender las sutilezas de la voluntad. La presentación (...)
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