Results for 'Marcelo GutiÉ'

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  1.  31
    Combining Valuations with Society Semantics.Víctor L. Fernández & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (1):21-46.
    Society Semantics, introduced by W. Carnielli and M. Lima-Marques, is a method for obtaining new logics from the combination of agents of a given logic. The goal of this paper is to present several generalizations of this method, as well as to show some applications to many-valued logics. After a reformulation of Society Semantics in a wider setting, we develop in detail two examples of application of the new formalism, characterizing a hierarchy of paraconsistent logics called Pn and a hierarchy (...)
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  2. Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas.Câmpus de Rio Claro, Maria Rita Caetano Chang, Conselho do Programa, Marcelo de Carvalho Borba, Miriam Godoy Penteado, Claudemir Murari, Maria Lucia Lorenzetti Wodewotzki, Heloísa da Silva Representante Discente, Antonio Vicente Marafioti Garnica & Rosa Lucia Sverzut Baroni - 1913 - Tópicos 18 (19).
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    Sumario analitico/summary.Corbl Josep & Sabates Marcelo - 2001 - Theoria 16 (1):40-43.
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    The proceedings of the plenary session on predictability in science: accuracy and limitations: 3-6 November 2006.Werner Arber, N. Cabibbo & Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo (eds.) - 2008 - Vatican City: Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
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    O místico e o feiticeiro. Contrapontos entre imagem técnica e narrativa seqüencial em Alan Moore e Vilém Flusser.Marcelo Bolshaw Gomes - 2013 - Flusser Studies 15 (1).
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    Estudios de la gubernamentalidad: La subjetividad como categoría de la política.Vanina Papalini, Marcelo Córdoba & Leonardo Marengo - 2012 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 8.
    Este artículo consiste de una referencia razonada a un conjunto definido de conceptos desarrollados en el seno de lo que ha llegado a conocerse como estudios de la gubernamentalidad. Comienza narrando sucintamente las vicisitudes conceptuales de un grupo de estudiosos anglosajones cuya apuesta intelectual, inspirada en gran medida por la analítica foucaultiana del poder, fue pensar la política sin reducirse—ni privilegiar—al Estado en tanto principio explicativo. A continuación, tras poner el foco sobre la noción de “procesos de subjetificación”, demuestra en (...)
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  7. Deja que entre la luz del sol: Archivos de gobierno e inseguridades nacionales.Barbara Weinstein & Marcelo Starcenbaum - 2010 - Aletheia: Cuadernos Críticos Del Derecho 1:10 - 6.
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  8. Knowledge and Politics: Case Studies in the Relationship Between Epistemology and Political Philosophy. Edited by Marcelo Dascal & Ora Gruengardand.Marcelo Dascal, Ora Gruengard, Jean-Louis Labarrière, Jean Hampton, Don Herzog, Sergio Cremaschi, Richard H. Popkin, Stephen Holmes, Myriam Bienenstock, Robert Paul Wolff, John Elster, Gideon Freudenthal, Alastair Hannay, James E. Bohman, Harry Redner & Istvàn M. Fehér - 1989 - Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
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    FABRI, Marcelo. Desencantando a ontologia - subjetividade e sentido ético em Levinas. Porto Alegre, EDIPUCRS, 1997.Marcelo L. Pelizzoli - 1999 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 44 (2):439-494.
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  10. Recognition and Critical Theory today.Gonçalo Marcelo - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (2):209-221.
    In dialogue with his interlocutor, Axel Honneth summarizes the way his work on recognition has unfolded over the past two decades. While he has retained his principal insights, some important parts of his theory have changed. He comments that if he were to rewrite The Struggle for Recognition today, he would focus more on institutions and the historicization of recognition patterns. He clarifies his stance on some contemporary controversial issues, including the crisis of capitalism, gay marriage, and his quarrel with (...)
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    Reconnaissance, critique sociale et politique: Entretien de Gonçalo Marcelo avec Emmanuel Renault.Gonçalo Marcelo & Emmanuel Renault - 2011 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 2 (1):134-149.
    Au cours de cet entretien, Emmanuel Renault nous offre un aperçu de la manière dont la thématique de la reconnaissance est traitée en France aujourd’hui, notamment à travers le renouveau des études sur Hegel et Marx. Il explique la façon dont la reconnaissance a pu s’ériger en paradigme (en dépit de ses usages multiples et variés en France comme ailleurs), au cours de la dernière décennie et le rôle joué par Axel Honneth dans ce procès. Finalement, il explicite sa manière (...)
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    El historiador en su gabinete: el juicio histórico y la filosofía de la historia.Ricardo Gutiérrez Aguilar - 2013 - Madrid: Plaza y Valdés.
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    Introducción a la ontología categorial: (estudio crítico sobre el pensamiento de Nicolai Hartmann).Vicente Gutiérrez Pascual - 1975 - Palencia: Ind. Gráf. Diario-Día.
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  14. Travestismo y violencia como estéticas subversivas en la literatura escrita por mujeres : Lobas de mar de Zoé Valdés.Teresa Puche Gutiérrez - 2021 - In Nicolás Amoroso, Olivia Fragoso Susunaga & Alejandra Olvera Rabadán (eds.), Lo estético en el arte, el diseño y la vida cotidiana. Ciudad de México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Azcapotzalco.
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  15. Individualismo y democracia: AproximaciÓn a algunos aspectos del pensamiento político de Alexis De Tocqueville.Marcelo L. Imperiale - 2004 - Sapientia 59 (215):33-48.
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    Un pensamiento complejo para un derecho simple: lectura a los estudios jurídicos.Hernando Salcedo Gutiérrez & Daniel Becerra (eds.) - 2014 - Medellín: Ediciones UNAULA.
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    Del pensamiento humano.Gutiérrez Soler & Julio Antonio - 1989 - Valencia: Samhi.
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    Acción, ética, política: nuevos parámetros de reflexión en ciencias sociales.Alberto Valencia Gutiérrez - 2014 - Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Siglo del Hombre Editores.
    No siempre somos contemporaneos de nuestro presente. Las circunstancias cambian, pero los antiguos modos de pensamiento no se transforman necesariamente de acuerdo con las nuevas condiciones, y el resultado es que comenzamos a valorar los nuevos problemas que aparecen en el horizonte de la inercia de categorias aprendidas para pensar situaciones ya superadas. Este libro recopila una serie de ensayos, resultado de un esfuerzo intencional del autor por poner a tono los parametros de la reflexion con las nuevas circunstancias a (...)
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  19. (1 other version)En el principio era la ética--: ensayo de interpretación del pensamiento de Estanislao Zuleta.Alberto Valencia Gutiérrez - 1996 - Santiago de Cali: Editorial Universidad del Valle.
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  20. Adding a temporal dimension to a logic system.Marcelo Finger & Dov M. Gabbay - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 (3):203-233.
    We introduce a methodology whereby an arbitrary logic system L can be enriched with temporal features to create a new system T(L). The new system is constructed by combining L with a pure propositional temporal logic T (such as linear temporal logic with Since and Until) in a special way. We refer to this method as adding a temporal dimension to L or just temporalising L. We show that the logic system T(L) preserves several properties of the original temporal logic (...)
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    La virtud cívica republicana en las sociedades contemporáneas. Resumen de Tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía de Marcelo Fernández Pavlovich.Marcelo Fernández Pavlovich - 2024 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 54 (1):e105.
    Resumen de tesis de Doctorado en Filosofía: La virtud cívica republicana en las sociedades contemporáneas de Marcelo Fernández Pavlovich.Directora: Dra. Graciela Vidiella. Fecha de defensa: 13 de setiembre de 2023.
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    When Materialists Intend to Resist Consumption: The Moderating Role of Self-Control and Long-Term Orientation.Marcelo Vinhal Nepomuceno & Michel Laroche - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (3):467-483.
    Prior research indicated that resistance to consumption contributes to the achievement of sustainable development goals and is associated with higher well-being. We investigate conditions under which materialists intend to resist consumption. We find that by enhancing self-control and long-term orientation, the intention to resist consumption and the frugality scores of high- and low-materialism individuals increase. These increases are stronger for those who believe that possessions are a source of happiness, but not for those who believe that possessions signal success or (...)
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  23.  14
    Explanations, belief revision and defeasible reasoning.Marcelo A. Falappa, Gabriele Kern-Isberner & Guillermo R. Simari - 2002 - Artificial Intelligence 141 (1-2):1-28.
    We present different constructions for nonprioritized belief revision, that is, belief changes in which the input sentences are not always accepted. First, we present the concept of explanation in a deductive way. Second, we define multiple revision operators with respect to sets of sentences (representing explanations), giving representation theorems. Finally, we relate the formulated operators with argumentative systems and default reasoning frameworks.
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    Great minds don't think alike.Marcelo Gleiser (ed.) - 2021 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    From Fall 2016 to Fall 2019 Marcelo Gleiser conducted a series of nine public dialogues between eminent scientists and humanists on challenging topics and ideas whose very definitions and meanings are disputed. Sponsored by the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth College, founded by Gleiser, these events were held in theaters and universities across the US and immediately followed by workshops, open to the public, at which attendees could converse directly with participants. Great Minds Don't Think Alike collects edited (...)
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  25. Types of polemics and types of polemical moves.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    The man who is seeking to convert another in the proper manner should do so in a dialectical and not in a contentious way ... he who asks questions in a contentious spirit and he who in replying refuses to admit what is apparent ... are both of them bad dialecticians.
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    Pragmatics and the philosophy of mind.Marcelo Dascal - 1983 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This volume deals with the relation between pragmatics and the philosophy of mind.
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    El amor en la política de la multitud: la perspectiva de Negri y Hardt.Mónica Gutiérrez Márquez - 2016 - [Guadalajra, Mexico?]: Universidad de Guadalajara, Centro Universitario de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
  28. El fin de la filosofía y otros ensayos.Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot - 1968 - [Medellín: Editorial Antorcha-Monserrate.
    El fin de la filosofía. -- Sobre la situación presente del pensamiento. -- Hegel. -- Sobre Soren Kierkegaard. -- La estética de Georg Lukács. -- Georg Buchner. -- Tomás Mann. -- Ernst Junger. -- Lo grotesco literario. -- Borges, el hacedor.
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    Eugenio María de Hostos: precursor de la bioética en América Latina.Roberto Gutiérrez Laboy - 2010 - Santo Domingo, República Dominicana: Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña.
  30. El silencio en Luis Villoro y Ramón Xirau.Pedro Stepanenko Gutiérrez - 2022 - In Claudia Tame Domínguez, López López & José Luis (eds.), Reflexiones críticas sobre la filosofía de Luis Villoro: un homenaje en el centenario de su nacimiento. [Puebla, Mexico?]: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
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  31. Investigación biomédica en los programas de educación en Colombia.María Fernanda Garcés Gutiérrez - 2019 - In Cuevas Silva, Juan María, Rincón Meléndez, Magda Liliana & Deyanira Duque Ortiz (eds.), Formación en ética de la investigación, bioética e integridad científica en Colombia. Bogotá, Colombia: Editorial Neogranadina.
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    La aurora de la razón vital: fenomenología y vitalismo en el origen de la filosofía de Ortega y Gasset.Antonio Gutiérrez Pozo - 2004 - Madrid: Mileto Ediciones.
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  33. La música en De lo espiritual en el arte, de Kandinsky.Humberto Luebbert Gutiérrez - 2001 - In Sergio Espinosa Proa (ed.), Consonancias y disonancias: filosofía y música en el fin de milenio. México: Unidad Academica de Docencia Superior, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.
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    Darwin en (y desde) México.Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez, Ricardo Noguera Solano, Rodríguez Caso, Juan Manuel & M. J. S. Hodge (eds.) - 2015 - México, DF: Siglo Veintiuno Editores.
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  35. La sémiologie de Leibniz.Marcelo Dascal - 1979 - Studia Leibnitiana 11 (1):146-150.
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  36.  61
    Hilbert-style Presentations of Two Logics Associated to Tetravalent Modal Algebras.Marcelo E. Coniglio & Martín Figallo - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (3):525-539.
    We analyze the variety of A. Monteiro’s tetravalent modal algebras under the perspective of two logic systems naturally associated to it. Taking profit of the contrapositive implication introduced by A. Figallo and P. Landini, sound and complete Hilbert-style calculi for these logics are presented.
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    The Stoics on Bodies and Incorporeals.Marcelo D. Boeri - 2001 - Review of Metaphysics 54 (4):723 - 752.
    The Stoics incorporeals are "somethings" which, albeit nonexistent strictly, are subsistent. For the Stoics things truly existent are bodies. So, the question is: what role do incorporeals play in Stoic ontology? The author endeavors to demonstrate that the interpretation that incorporeals are secondary realities (bodies being the primary ones) is not consistent with Stoic philosophy as a whole. At this point the argument is that bodies and incorporeals serve to complement each other in the sense that one cannot exist without (...)
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  38.  65
    Leibniz's two-pronged dialectic.Marcelo Dascal - 2008 - In Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 37--72.
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    Cut and pay.Marcelo Finger & Dov Gabbay - 2006 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 15 (3):195-218.
    In this paper we study families of resource aware logics that explore resource restriction on rules; in particular, we study the use of controlled cut-rule and introduce three families of parameterised logics that arise from different ways of controlling the use of cut. We start with a formulation of classical logic in which cut is non-eliminable and then impose restrictions on the use of cut. Three Cut-and-Pay families of logics are presented, and it is shown that each family provides an (...)
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  40.  6
    The island of knowledge: the limits of science and the search for meaning.Marcelo Gleiser - 2014 - New York: Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group.
    Do all questions have answers? How much can we know about the world? Is there such a thing as an ultimate truth? To be human is to want to know, to understand our origins and the meaning of our lives. In The Island of Knowledge, physicist Marcelo Gleiser traces our search for answers to the most fundamental questions of existence, the origin of the universe, the nature of reality, and the limits of knowledge. In so doing, he reaches a (...)
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  41. Many-valued logics and Suszko's thesis revisited.Marcelo Tsuji - 1998 - Studia Logica 60 (2):299-309.
    Suszko's Thesis maintains that many-valued logics do not exist at all. In order to support it, R. Suszko offered a method for providing any structural abstract logic with a complete set of bivaluations. G. Malinowski challenged Suszko's Thesis by constructing a new class of logics (called q-logics by him) for which Suszko's method fails. He argued that the key for logical two-valuedness was the "bivalent" partition of the Lindenbaum bundle associated with all structural abstract logics, while his q-logics were generated (...)
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  42. Interpretation and Understanding.Marcelo Dascal - 2006 - Critica 38 (114):93-98.
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    Aspectos Humanistas da Ordem Econômica e o Acesso Ao Tratamento da Ame.Marcelo Benacchio & Mikaele Santos - 2023 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 8 (2):100-116.
    O estudo propõe na temática da ordem econômica nacional, a possibilidade de convergência de valores do sistema capitalista com o desenvolvimento humano, a partir da problemática de promoção de acesso ao tratamento da Atrofia Muscular Espinhal 5q tipos I e II, que é oriundo de pesquisas e novas tecnologias promovidas pelas entidades privadas. Para tanto, buscou-se compreender o direito humano à vida e garantia do acesso e manutenção da saúde à luz do texto constitucional, assim como, a relação entre Estado (...)
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  44.  16
    El símbolo Del caballo en la poesía de Gonzalo rojas.Marcelo Coddou - 2006 - Alpha (Osorno) 22.
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    Una crítica reciente a la noción de significado literal.Marcelo Dascal - 1986 - Critica 18 (53):33-55.
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    El hombre futuro y la nueva sociedad.Darío Gutiérrez Martín - 1994 - Madrid: Sociedad de Educación Atenas.
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  47.  9
    La experiencia de la persona en el pensamiento de Edith Stein.Ananí Gutiérrez Aguilar - 2018 - Sevilla: Thémata.
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  48.  21
    A tirania dos poderes coniventes: O Brasil na conjuntura.Marcelo Hoffman - 2021 - Contemporary Political Theory 20 (2):78-81.
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    Latin America's Electoral Turn: Left, Right, and Wrong.Marcelo Leiras - 2007 - Constellations 14 (3):398-408.
  50. El formalismo de contextos generalizados y la medición cuántica.Marcelo Losada & Roberto Laura - 2019 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 9:83--94.
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