Results for 'Marcin Ziomek'

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  1.  13
    Bocheński’s model of the development of logic.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (2):211-224.
    According to Bocheński’s description of the history of formal logic, there clearly is some objective development, though far from being cumulative or linear. The history of logic throughout the world consists of three relatively short pinnacles preceded by also short periods of awakening and followed by periods of extensive commentary running into long periods of standstill and decadence, when nearly all achievements are consigned to oblivion.
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    Logika czasu empirycznego: funktor realizacji czasowej w językach teorii fizykalnych.Marcin Tkaczyk - 2009 - Lublin: Wydawnictwo Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Etyka ekonomiczna średniowieczna.Marcin Bukała - 2004 - Etyka 37:85-101.
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  4. Etyka przedsiębiorczości w późnośredniowiecznej scholastyce - wprowadzenie do problematyki.Marcin Bukała - 2009 - Prakseologia 149 (149):107-132.
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    „Ein Schriftsteller, der politische Gegenstände in sein künstlerisches Schaffen einbeziehen will, muß an der Politik gelitten haben” Klaus Mann und die Politik. „Mephisto – Roman einer Karriere” oder Karriere eines Romans.Marcin Gołaszewski - 2015 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 11.
    The novel "Mephisto" is one of the most well-known texts by Klaus Mann. Its fame results not only from its literary virtuosity, but also and primarily from the enormous media attention which was caused by the novel’s publication. The decision of the Federal Constitutional Court, in which it dealt with the relationship between freedom of art and other constitutionally guaranteed rights of individuals, launched the unprecedented career of this novel. This article describes Klaus Mann’s political views and their development in (...)
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  6. Analityczność w Dwóch dogmatach empiryzmu.Marcin Gokieli - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 34 (2):137-146.
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    Certainty and mortality prediction in critically ill children.J. P. Marcin - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (3):304-307.
    Objectives: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between a physician’s subjective mortality prediction and the level of confidence with which that mortality prediction is made.Design and participants: The study is a prospective cohort of patients less than 18 years of age admitted to a tertiary Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at a University Children’s Hospital with a minimum length of ICU stay of 10 h. Paediatric ICU attending physicians and fellows provided mortality risk predictions and the level (...)
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    Krótki raport o użytkowaniu historii.Marcin Kula - 2004 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Naukowe PWN.
  9.  8
    Abbreviations Used in Current Issue.Marcin Podbielski - 2015 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 20 (2):123-124.
    This article lists all abbreviations used in this issue of "Forum Philosophicum".
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    Toward a unified view of time: Erwin W. Straus’ phenomenological psychopathology of temporal experience.Marcin Moskalewicz - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):65-80.
    The article covers Erwin W. Straus’ views on the problem of time and temporal experience in the context of psychopathology. Beside Straus’ published scholarship, including his papers dealing exclusively with the subject of time, the sources utilized in this essay comprise several of Straus’ unpublished manuscripts on temporality, with the primary focus on the 1952 manuscript Temporal Horizons, which is discussed in greater detail and subsequently published for the first time in this journal. In the first part of the article, (...)
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    Fluid Intelligence as a Mediator of the Relationship between Executive Control and Balanced Time Perspective.Marcin Zajenkowski, Maciej Stolarski, Joanna Witowska, Oliwia Maciantowicz & Paweł Łowicki - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Speech Act Pluralism in Argumentative Polylogues.Marcin Lewinski - 2021 - Informal Logic 42 (4):421-451.
    I challenge two key assumptions of speech act theory, as applied to argumentation: illocutionary monism, grounded in the idea each utterance has only one (primary) illocutionary force, and the dyadic reduction, which models interaction as a dyadic affair between only two agents (speaker-hearer, proponentopponent). I show how major contributions to speech act inspired study of argumentation adhere to these assumptions even as illocutionary pluralism in argumentative polylogues is a significant empirical fact in need of theoretical attention. I demonstrate this with (...)
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  13.  30
    Multidisciplinarity, Interdisciplinarity, and Transdisciplinarity: The Tower of Babel in the Age of Two Cultures.Marcin J. Schroeder - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (2):26.
    Despite the continuous emphasis on globalization, we witness increasing divisions and divisiveness in all domains of human activities. One of the reasons, if not the main one, is the intellectual fragmentation of humanity, compared in the title to the failed attempt at building the Biblical Tower of Babel. The attempts to reintegrate worldview, fragmented by the specialization of education (C.P. Snow’s The Two Cultures) and expected to be achieved through reforms in curricula at all levels of education, were based on (...)
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    Enhancing Health and Wellbeing through Immersion in Nature: A Conceptual Perspective Combining the Stoic and Buddhist Traditions.Marcin Fabjański & Eric Brymer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:278852.
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    The forest, the trees, or both? Hierarchy and interactions between gist and object processing during perception of real-world scenes.Marcin Furtak, Liad Mudrik & Michał Bola - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104983.
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  16.  21
    Belief Changes and Cognitive Development: Doxastic Logic $${\mathsf {LCB}}$$.Marcin Łyczak - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (2):157-171.
    We present the logic$${\mathsf {LCB}}$$LCBwhich is expressed in a propositional language constantly enriched by new atomic expressions. Our formal framework is the propositional doxastic logic$${\mathsf {KD45}}$$KD45with the belief operator$${\mathcal {B}}$$B, extended by the$${\mathcal {C}}$$Coperator, to be readit changes that.... We describe the changing beliefs of an agent who uses progressively expanding language. The approach presented here allows us to weaken pragmatic objections to the so-called principle ofnegative retrospectionaccepted in$${\mathsf {KD45}}$$KD45and the problem oflogical omniscience. In what follows, we present the expanding (...)
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    Temporal experience as a core quality in mental disorders.Marcin Moskalewicz & Michael A. Schwartz - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (2):207-216.
    The goal of this paper is to introduce Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences’ thematic issue on disordered temporalities. The authors begin by discussing the main reason for the neglect of temporal experience in present-day psychiatric nosologies, mainly, its reduction to clock time. Methodological challenges facing research on temporal experience include addressing the felt sense of time, its structure, and its pre-reflective aspects in the life-world setting. In the second part, the paper covers the contributions to the thematic issue concerning temporal (...)
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    Correspondence Theory of Semantic Information.Marcin Miłkowski - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):485-510.
    A novel account of semantic information is proposed. The gist is that structural correspondence, analysed in terms of similarity, underlies an important kind of semantic information. In contrast to extant accounts of semantic information, it does not rely on correlation, covariation, causation, natural laws, or logical inference. Instead, it relies on structural similarity, defined in terms of correspondence between classifications of tokens into types. This account elucidates many existing uses of the notion of information, for example, in the context of (...)
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    An unlikely bifurcation: history of sustainable (but not Green) chemistry.Marcin Krasnodębski - 2023 - Foundations of Chemistry 25 (3):463-484.
    The concept of green chemistry dominated the imagination of environmentally-minded chemists over the last thirty years. The conceptual frameworks laid by the American Environmental Protection Agency scholars in the 1990s constitute today the core of a line of thinking aimed at transforming chemistry into a sustainable science. And yet, in the shadow of green chemistry, a broader, even if less popular, concept of sustainable chemistry started taking shape. Initially, it was either loosely associated with green chemistry or left undefined as (...)
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  20. Representational unification in cognitive science: Is embodied cognition a unifying perspective?Marcin Miłkowski & Przemysław Nowakowski - 2019 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 1):67-88.
    In this paper, we defend a novel, multidimensional account of representational unification, which we distinguish from integration. The dimensions of unity are simplicity, generality and scope, non-monstrosity, and systematization. In our account, unification is a graded property. The account is used to investigate the issue of how research traditions contribute to representational unification, focusing on embodied cognition in cognitive science. Embodied cognition contributes to unification even if it fails to offer a grand unification of cognitive science. The study of this (...)
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    Jerzy Łoś Positional Calculus and the Origin of Temporal Logic.Marcin Tkaczyk & Tomasz Jarmużek - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1.
  22. Jak udawać dualistę, wprowadzając epicykle do funkcjonalizmu?Marcin Miłkowski - 2011 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 78.
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    Logika teologii objawionej w pismach Alberta Wielkiego i Tomasza z Akwinu.Marcin Trepczyński - 2013 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 61 (3):61-76.
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    Characterization of Birkhoff’s Conditions by Means of Cover-Preserving and Partially Cover-Preserving Sublattices.Marcin Łazarz - 2016 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45 (3/4).
    In the paper we investigate Birkhoff’s conditions and. We prove that a discrete lattice L satisfies the condition ) if and only if L is a 4-cell lattice not containing a cover-preserving sublattice isomorphic to the lattice S*7. As a corollary we obtain a well known result of J. Jakub´ık from [6]. Furthermore, lattices S7 and S*7 are considered as so-called partially cover-preserving sublattices of a given lattice L, S7 ≪ L and S7 ≪ L, in symbols. It is shown (...)
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    O niesłuszności deprecjonowania rozważań ekonomicznych Arystotelesa.Marcin W. Bukała - 2019 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 64.
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  26. Ontologiczne założenia logiki etycznej.Marcin Drofiszyn - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:21-60.
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  27. Stan badań nad przemysłami środkowo-późnoneolitycznymi na Pomorzu Zachodnim.Marcin Dziewanowski - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 28:25 - 56.
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    Why the term ‘persistent therapy’ is not worse than the term ‘medical futility’.Marcin Paweł Ferdynus - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (5):350-352.
    The discussion around the use of the term ‘medical futility’ began in the late 1980s. The Polish Working Group on End-of-Life Ethics joined this discussion in 2008. They offered their own approach to the issues regarding medical futility based on the category of persistent therapy. According to the PWG, ‘persistent therapy is the use of medical procedures to maintain the life function of the terminally ill in a way that prolongs their dying, introducing excessive suffering or violating their dignity’. In (...)
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    Wobec Formy Otwartej Oskara Hansena: Idea - Utopia - Reinterpretacja.Marcin Lachowski, Magdalena Linkowska & Zbigniew Sobczuk (eds.) - 2009 - Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
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    Arguing About “COVID”: Metalinguistic Arguments on What Counts as a “COVID-19 Death”.Marcin Lewiński & Pedro Abreu - 2022 - In Steve Oswald (ed.), The Pandemic of Argumentation. Springer.
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    Incommensurability vs linguistic relativity (niewspólmiernosc a relatywizm jezykowy).Trybulec Marcin - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3 (67)).
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    Sources of Modern Natural Law in Hugo Grotius’s Political Philosophy.Marcin Mazurek - 2021 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 65:55-67.
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    Zwischen Jena und Berlin. Die ‚Reduktion‘ der Dialektik im Prozess der Entwicklung des Hegelschen Systems.Marcin Pańków - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):145-154.
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  34. O kantowskiej krytyce dowodu ontologicznego.Marcin Poręba - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 286 (9).
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  35. Poglądy Kanta na matematykę a konstruktywizm.Marcin Poręba - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
    The author rejects the opinion that Kant’s views on mathematics lend in any interesting sense support to constructivism, understood as the thesis that the truth conditions of mathematical propositions consist in the existence of their constructive proofs or in the possibility of proving them constructively. Kant’s insistence on the role of intuitive construction in mathematics is here interpreted as a thesis concerning mathematical concepts, not mathematical objects, and therefore not in any sense implying that the objects of mathematical cognition cannot (...)
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  36. Nabokov: jak i po co czytać uważnie?Marcin Rychter - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (2):405-410.
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    Teaching musical fiction.Marcin Stawiarski - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (4):pp. 78-88.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Teaching Musical FictionMarcin Stawiarski (bio)IntroductionGiven the increasing interest in musico-literary studies, I wish to examine some ways in which music can be used for pedagogical purposes in teaching literature. It has been widely recognized that music and poetry sprang from the common origin of chant or incantation.1 Throughout the ages, the sister arts sometimes went hand in hand and sometimes parted company, but since the end of the nineteenth (...)
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    Models of Environment.Marcin Miłkowski - 2016 - In Roger Frantz & Leslie Marsh (eds.), Minds, Models and Milieux: Commemorating the Centennial of the Birth of Herbert Simon. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 227-238.
    Herbert A. Simon is well known for his account of bounded rationality. Whereas classical economics idealized economic agency and framed rational choice in terms of the decision theory, Simon insisted that agents need not be optimal in their choices. They might be mere satispcers, i.e., attain good enough goals rather than optimal ones. At the same time, behaviorally as well as computationally, bounded rationality is much more realistic.
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    Towards Formal Representation and Evaluation of Arguments.Marcin Selinger - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):379-393.
    The aim of this paper is to propose foundations for a formal model of representation and numerical evaluation of a possibly broad class of arguments, including those that occur in natural discourse. Since one of the most characteristic features of everyday argumentation is the occurrence of convergent reasoning, special attention should be paid to the operation ⊕, which allows us to calculate the logical force of convergent arguments with an accuracy not offered by other approaches.
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  40. Explaining the Computational Mind.Marcin Miłkowski - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In the book, I argue that the mind can be explained computationally because it is itself computational—whether it engages in mental arithmetic, parses natural language, or processes the auditory signals that allow us to experience music. All these capacities arise from complex information-processing operations of the mind. By analyzing the state of the art in cognitive science, I develop an account of computational explanation used to explain the capacities in question.
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    Postmodern Music and its Future.Marcin Rychter - 2019 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (3):43-56.
    The essay presents an attempt at characterizing contemporary music’s culture by identifying a dialectical tension between “modern” and “postmodern” currents in it. After initial considerations on the manifold usages of the term “postmodernism,” five composers’ approaches will be analyzed: John Cage, Philip Glass (and other minimalists), Bernhard Lang, Mauricio Kagel and Johannes Kreidler. However different they may be from one another, all these composers are being interpreted as undermining, in various ways, the practice and theoretical background of modernist avant-garde music. (...)
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  42.  44
    Modelling Empty Representations: The Case of Computational Models of Hallucination.Marcin Miłkowski - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli (eds.), Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer. pp. 17--32.
    I argue that there are no plausible non-representational explanations of episodes of hallucination. To make the discussion more specific, I focus on visual hallucinations in Charles Bonnet syndrome. I claim that the character of such hallucinatory experiences cannot be explained away non-representationally, for they cannot be taken as simple failures of cognizing or as failures of contact with external reality—such failures being the only genuinely non-representational explanations of hallucinations and cognitive errors in general. I briefly introduce a recent computational model (...)
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  43. Reprezentacje w systemach klasycznych i koneksjonistycznych.Marcin Miłkowski - 2009 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 3.
    Autor artykułu broni tezy, że niektóre systemy obliczeniowe mogą mieć własności semantyczne. Wskazana została klasa systemów obliczeniowych, w których reprezentacje mogą mieć przynajmniej dwie własności: własność odnoszenia się do obiektów (desygnowanie) i własność wspomagania rozpoznawania obiektów oznaczanych przez daną reprezentację (konotowanie). Autor argumentuje także, że własności semantyczne reprezentacji nie zależą wyłącznie od architektury systemów obliczeniowych, w których te reprezentacje występują. Konkretna architektura obliczeniowa nie jest czynnikiem kluczowym, a bodaj najmniej istotne są same rodzaje struktur danych, które mają mieć własności desygnowania (...)
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    Clinical Ethics Consultation in the Transition Countries of Central and Eastern Europe.Marcin Orzechowski, Maximilian Schochow & Florian Steger - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):833-850.
    Since 1989, clinical ethics consultation in form of hospital ethics committees was established in most of the transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Up to now, the similarities and differences between HECs in Central and Eastern Europe and their counterparts in the U.S. and Western Europe have not been determined. Through search in literature databases, we have identified studies that document the implementation of clinical ethics consultation in Central and Eastern Europe. These studies have been analyzed under the following (...)
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    Argumentation in political deliberation.Marcin Lewiński & Dima Mohammed - 2013 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 2 (1):1-9.
    In this paper I shed light on the multi-purposive nature of debates in the European Parliament. As a case in point, I examine a debate on immigration in the wake of a migratory crisis in the Italian island of Lampedusa in early 2011. I analyze the points of view argued for by MEPs, aiming at identifying the different institutional goals that are typically pursued and characterizing the ways in which these goals shape the argumentative exchanges. The link between the multiple (...)
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  46. From Wide Cognition to Mechanisms: A Silent Revolution.Marcin Miłkowski, Robert Clowes, Zuzanna Rucińska, Aleksandra Przegalińska, Tadeusz Zawidzki, Joel Krueger, Adam Gies, Marek McGann, Łukasz Afeltowicz, Witold Wachowski, Fredrik Stjernberg, Victor Loughlin & Mateusz Hohol - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    In this paper, we argue that several recent ‘wide’ perspectives on cognition (embodied, embedded, extended, enactive, and distributed) are only partially relevant to the study of cognition. While these wide accounts override traditional methodological individualism, the study of cognition has already progressed beyond these proposed perspectives towards building integrated explanations of the mechanisms involved, including not only internal submechanisms but also interactions with others, groups, cognitive artifacts, and their environment. The claim is substantiated with reference to recent developments in the (...)
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    Ethical aspects of entrepreneurship.Marcin W. Staniewski, Wojciech Słomski & Katarzyna Awruk - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (1).
    Ethics is one of the features of contemporary civilization. It is widely discussed and elaborated upon; it may even be taught or otherwise introduced into one’s life. One of the areas where ethics has become increasingly important is economic activity or, in broader terms, business. Business activity is the domain of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). It brings about an array of both economic and social benefits. Such activity is performed by persons who differ in many respects (e. g. in (...)
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    Neither the Harm Principle nor the Best Interest Standard Should Be Applied to Pediatric Research.Marcin Waligora, Karolina Strzebonska & Mateusz T. Wasylewski - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (8):72-74.
    Application of either the harm principle or the best interest standard to medical decision making conflicts with some types of pediatric research that pose elevated risk without the reasonable prob...
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    Argumentative Discussion: The Rationality of What?Marcin Lewiński - 2019 - Topoi 38 (4):645-658.
    Most dialectical models view argumentation as a process of critically testing a standpoint. Further, they assume that what we critically test can be analytically reduced to individual and bi-polar standpoints. I argue that these two assumptions lead to the dominant view of dialectics as a bi-partisan argumentative discussion in which the yes-side argues against the doubter or the no-side. I scrutinise this binary orientation in understanding argumentation by drawing on the main tenets of normative pragmatic and pragma-dialectical theories of argumentation. (...)
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    Computational complexity reduction and interpretability improvement of distance-based decision trees.Marcin Blachnik & Mirosław Kordos - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 288--297.
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