Results for 'Marco Pascucci'

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  1. David Hume e la passione dell'orgoglio.Marco Pascucci - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia 84 (1):131-147.
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  2. Proceedings of the 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium.Marco Degano, Tom Roberts, Giorgio Sbardolini & Marieke Schouwstra (eds.) - 2022
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    A ModalWalk Through Space.Marco Aiello & Johan van Benthem - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (3):319-363.
    We investigate the major mathematical theories of space from a modal standpoint: topology, affine geometry, metric geometry, and vector algebra. This allows us to see new fine-structure in spatial patterns which suggests analogies across these mathematical theories in terms of modal, temporal, and conditional logics. Throughout the modal walk through space, expressive power is analyzed in terms of language design, bisimulations, and correspondence phenomena. The result is both unification across the areas visited, and the uncovering of interesting new questions.
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    Critical Theory and the “Animal Question”.Marco Maurizi - 2013 - Society and Animals 21 (5):489-493.
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    Il linguaggio nell'età dei Lumi. Teorie linguistiche nell'Europa del XVIII secolo.Marco Costantini & Pierluigi D'Agostino - 2023 - Lo Sguardo 37.
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    Die Autonomie des,souveränen Individuums‘ in Nietzsches Genealogie der Moral.Marco Brusotti - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):26-48.
    The second essay of Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals introduces the ‘sovereign individual’ as ‘responsible’, ‘autonomous’ and ‘free’. Does this affirmative use of moral terminology reveal an unexpected affinity between Nietzsche’s thought and philosophical modernity? In the last decades, this issue has been at the heart of a vast and controversial debate. My analysis shows that, rather than throwing light on Nietzsche’s general position, the specific use of Kantian terms in this passage of GM is due to a polemical intention. Implicitly, (...)
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  7. Jeremy Bentham, deontologia, ed. Sergio Cremaschi (florence: La nuova italia, 2001), pp. 231.Marco E. L. Guidi - 2005 - Utilitas 17 (2):238-240.
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    Mariangela Ripoli, itinerari Della felicità: La filosofia giuspolitica di Jeremy Bentham, James mill, John Stuart mill (turin: Giappichelli, 2001), pp. 346.Marco E. L. Guidi - 2004 - Utilitas 16 (3):341-343.
  9. Il contributo di edith stein alla chiarificazione fenomenologica e antropologico-teologica della corporeità.Marco Salvioli - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (1):71-126.
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    A crisis of religious diversity: Debating integration in post-immigration Europe.Marco Scalvini - 2016 - Discourse and Communication 10 (6):614-634.
    The growing cultural complexity in the face of new immigration waves influences the public understanding of religious diversity. The two central questions of this article are as follows: first, ‘how much religious difference and of what kind is compatible within Europe?’ and second, ‘to what extent can Muslim diversity be integrated into Europe?’. This article undertakes an investigation of these questions and explores the extent to which discourses on religious diversity imply boundary making and aim at limiting the religious freedom (...)
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    On the origins of metamathematical investigations: Independence and consistency at the turn of the 19th century.Marco Borga - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (1).
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    Introduction.Marco Casali, Marie Michon & Charles Pence - 2024 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 11 (1):1-4.
    L’objectif de ce numéro spécial est d’ouvrir la réflexion sur la notion de vague à partir du prisme de la philosophie des sciences, afin d’interroger le sens de cette notion dans différents domaines de la recherche scientifique.
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  13. Tyrants at work: philosophy and politics in Alexandre Kojève.Marco Filoni & Massimo Palma (eds.) - 2024 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  14. Il processo decisionale italiano e le politiche comunitarie.Marco Giuliani - 1992 - Polis 6 (2):307-42.
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    Non-canonical case marking on subjects in Russian and Lithuanian.Marco Magnani - 2019 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 1 (2):175-196.
    In case-marking languages with nominative-accusative alignment the subject of a sentence is usually marked by nominative case. In some of these languages, however, the subject of a number of verbs is either consistently or alternately marked by another, non-nominative case. Such non-canonical case marking has often been approached in the linguistic literature as a phenomenon at the interface between syntax and semantics. Yet the predictions of this kind of approach seem more probabilistic than regular. This paper offers a new perspective (...)
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    Annamaria Loche, Jeremy Bentham e la ricerca del buongoverno, Milano, Angeli, 1991, pp. 260.Marco Guidi - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (1):162.
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    DIAZ, Carlos: Jacques Ellul, Fundación Emmanuel Mounier, Madrid, 2014, 121p.Marco Marian - 2015 - Agora 34 (2).
    Recensiòn del libro Jacques Ellul de Carlos Díaz.
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  18. Della nozione di “filosofia virtuale” e degli altri strumenti ermeneutici​​​ messi a punto da Livio Rossetti per ripensare i presocratici.Marco Montagnino - unknown
    The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the contributions made by Livio Rossetti to the methodologies of inquiry into ancient philosophical thought, with a specific focus on the hermeneutical tools he has developed over the course of his extensive research activity. This article will examine, in particular, the concept of “virtual philosophy” and of other “tools of the trade,” which the scholar has further refined within his latest book, Ripensare i presocratici.
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  19. Hattiangadi's theory of scientific problems and the structure of standard epistemologies.Marco Giunti - 1988 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 39 (4):421-439.
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    Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi, parts and places, the structures of spatial representation.Marco Aiello - 2001 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 10 (2):269-272.
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  21. Di cosa è fatta la speranza: lettura di Bloch.Marco Cangiotti - 1985 - Urbino: QuattroVenti.
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  22. Scritti politici.Marco Minghetti - 1986 - [Roma]: Direzione generale delle informazioni, dell'editoria e della proprietà letteraria, artistica e scientifica. Edited by Raffaella Gherardi.
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    Structuring didactic materials on the web (STRUCT).Marco Alfano, Nicola Cuscino & Biagio Lenzitti - 2009 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 42 (1):51.
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  24. Questioning Northrop Frye’s Adaptation of Vico.Marco Andreacchio - 2010 - Interpretation 37 (3):281-305.
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  25. Il patto spirituale tra corano E letteratura sufi.Marco Aurelio Golfetto - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (3):92-116.
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    Tractable reasoning via approximation.Marco Schaerf & Marco Cadoli - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 74 (2):249-310.
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    Walter Benjamin e Dante: una costellazione nello spazio delle immagini.Marco Maggi - 2017 - Roma: Donzelli editore.
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  28. Wittgenstein, la imagen mnemónica y la imaginación estética.Salvador Rubio Marco - 2006 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):95-110.
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  29. Can the Fall of Sovereignty Undermine the Rise of Democracy in Africa.Marco Massoni - 2003 - In Josephat Obi Oguejiofor (ed.), Philosophy, democracy, and responsible governance in Africa. Enugu, Nigeria: Delta Publications. pp. 1--381.
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    Por una crítica de la "Diferencia".Marco Maureira - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (3):683-701.
    El presente artículo analiza el concepto de Diferencia en la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze. Se constata, en este sentido, que la dicotomía inmanencia-trascendencia juega un papel protagónico en la articulación de dicha propuesta. Si bien un plano de composición inmanente no entra en una dialéctica negativa de tipo hegeliano respecto a un plano de organización trascendente, la primacía del primero resulta evidente en la conceptualización de la diferencia. Así, analizaremos las tensiones generadas por dicho enfoque en lo concerniente al despliegue (...)
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    Istituzioni ritmiche e fine del tempo." Modo" e" neuma" nel canto gregoriano e in Olivier Messiaen.Marco Mazzolini - 2010 - Doctor Virtualis 10:177-191.
    Prendendo le mosse dall’esame del ciclo pianistico Quatre études de rythme, di Olivier Messiaen , scritto fra il 1949 e il 1950, l’articolo delinea un sintetico confronto fra due differenti espressioni dell’arte musicale. Da un lato una composizione della metà del Novecento: repertorio profano, strumentale, frutto di concezioni individuali, testimonianza della fase post-tonale del pensiero musicale. Dall’altro la monodia gregoriana: repertorio sacro, vocale, anonimo, che esprime concetti formali pre-tonali. Occasione di tale raffronto è l’indagine sulla portata concettuale e tecnica di (...)
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    Populismo. L'oscura chiarezza di una categoria politica.Marco Baldassari - 2015 - Società Degli Individui 52:63-75.
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    Is behavioral genetics ‘too-big-to-know’ science?Marco Battaglia - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):360-360.
    Several new molecular findings and concepts furnish evidence in support of geneneogenomicsclassical” behavioral genetics modeling.
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    Lavoisier as a reader of chemical literature/Lavoisier lecteur de la littérature chimique.Marco Beretta - 1995 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 48 (1):71-94.
  35. Leonardo and Lucretius.Marco Beretta - 2009 - Rinascimento 49:341.
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  36. La Formazione Letteraria di Pirandello.Marco Boni - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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    Onde audiovisive: il complesso rapporto tra arte, musica e cinema.Marco Brama - 2018 - Tricase (LE) - Italy: Youcanprint Self-Publishing.
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  38. Forme del cooperare.Marco Emilio & Enrico Miatto (eds.) - 2024
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  39. Forme del cooperare.Marco Emilio & Enrico Miatto (eds.) - 2024
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    La politica di una nuova umanità.Marco Guzzi (ed.) - 2023 - Milano: Paoline.
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  41. Why Frege would not be a neo‐Fregean.Marco Ruffino - 2003 - Mind 112 (445):51-78.
    In this paper, I seek to clarify an aspect of Frege's thought that has been only insufficiently explained in the literature, namely, his notion of logical objects. I adduce some elements of Frege's philosophy that elucidate why he saw extensions as natural candidates for paradigmatic cases of logical objects. Moreover, I argue (against the suggestion of some contemporary scholars, in particular, Wright and Boolos) that Frege could not have taken Hume's Principle instead of Axiom V as a fundamental law of (...)
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  42. Screens after Dos Passos's U.S.A. trilogy : current answers for the eyeminded public.Salvador Rubio Marco - 2016 - In Dominique Chateau & José Moure (eds.), Screens: from materiality to spectatorship: a historical and theoretical reassessment. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    The multi-engine asp solver me-asp.Marco Maratea, Luca Pulina & Francesco Ricca - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 484--487.
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    A relação entre pós-modernidade E religião segundo Gianni Vattimo.Marco Cesar de Souza Melo - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (7):30-37.
    Este trabalho apresenta algumas considerações do pensador italiano Gianni Vattimo acerca da religião na idade contemporânea. O referido filósofo tem como base de suas reflexões a ideia de uma filosofia pós-moderna que se caracteriza pela desconstrução da metafísica da tradição moderna. Nesse sentido, o autor visualiza nas filosofias de Nietzsche e Heidegger a inauguração de uma nova orientação do pensamento ocidental, marcada por esse rompimento com as filosofias totalizantes e pela consideração do ser como resultado das circunstancias eventuais que compõem (...)
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    Le choc des émotions au tournant des Lumières.Marco Menin (ed.) - 2022 - Torino: Accademia University Press.
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    L'emergenza del sentimento.Marco Menin (ed.) - 2020 - Torino: Accademia University Press.
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    From Portuguese America Brazil was born—antilusitanism and civilising tensions.Marco Morel - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):639-646.
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    Commercial Video Games in School Teaching: Two Mixed Methods Case Studies on Students’ Reflection Processes.Marco Rüth & Kai Kaspar - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Commercial video games are popular entertainment media and part of students’ media reality. While commercial video games’ main purpose is not learning, they nonetheless could and should serve as objects of reflection in formal educational settings. Teachers could guide student learning and reflection as well as motivate students with commercial video games, but more evidence from formal educational settings is required. We conducted two mixed methods case studies to investigate students’ reflection processes using commercial video games in regular formal high (...)
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    La honte est-elle immorale? Ruwen Ogien Collection «Le temps d'une question» Paris, Bayard, 2002, 166 p.Marco Bélanger - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (2):401-.
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    Case Report: Burden of Illness in Narcolepsy Type 1: Hikikomori in a Teenage Girl.Marco Filardi, Vincenza Blunda, Stefano Vandi, Alessandro Musetti, Annio Posar, Paola Visconti, Fabio Pizza, Giuseppe Plazzi & Christian Franceschini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Narcolepsy type 1 deeply impacts on quality of life, especially during adolescence, with NT1 children and adolescents that frequently report difficulties in integration with peers and decreased participation in after-school activities. Here we describe the case of NT1 teenager girl presenting with severe physical and social withdrawal, fulfilling the proposed diagnostic criteria for hikikomori, together with the classic NT1 symptoms. Social withdrawal is an overlooked phenomenon among NT1 children and adolescents that, if present, require a multidisciplinary approach and personalized interventions, (...)
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