Results for 'Marek Babiuch'

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  1. Contrary-to-duty obligations.Henry Prakken & Marek Sergot - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):91 - 115.
    We investigate under what conditions contrary-to-duty (CTD) structures lacking temporal and action elements can be given a coherent reading. We argue, contrary to some recent proposals, that CTD is not an instance of defeasible reasoning, and that methods of nonmonotonic logics are inadequate since they are unable to distinguish between defeasibility and violation of primary obligations. We propose a semantic framework based on the idea that primary and CTD obligations are obligations of different kinds: a CTD obligation pertains to, or (...)
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    After postmodernism in educational theory? A collective writing experiment and thought survey.Michael A. Peters, Marek Tesar & Liz Jackson - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1299-1307.
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    Syntactical and Semantical Characterization of a Class of Paraconsistent Logics.Krystyna Mruczek-Nasieniewska & Marek Nasieniewski - 2005 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34 (4):229-248.
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    Historiografia Władysława Tatarkiewicza w kontekście sporów metodologicznych.Andrzej Marek Nowik - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Author: Nowik Andrzej Marek Title: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ’S HISTORIOGRAPHY FROM THE METHODOLOGICAL POLEMICS POINT OF VIEW (Historiografia Władysława Tatarkiewicza w kontekście sporów metodologicznych) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 497-503 Keywords: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, MODERN PHILOSOPHY, METHODOLOGY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The purpose of this article is to show the main trends in philosophy that influenced Władyslaw Tatarkiewicz’s science research, with special consideration of neo-Kantianism (the (...)
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    Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Tumors Based on Multi-Image Texture Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced CT. Selection of the Most Appropriate Texture Features.Dorota Duda, Marek Krętowski & Johanne Bézy-Wendling - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):49-70.
    In this work, a system for the classification of liver dynamic contest- enhanced CT images is presented. The system simultaneously analyzes the images with the same slice location, corresponding to three typical acquisition moments. At first, the texture features are extracted separately for each acquisition mo- ment. Afterwards, they are united in one “multiphase” vector, characterizing a triplet of textures. The work focuses on finding the most appropriate features that characterize a multi-image texture. At the beginning, the features which are (...)
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    Robotic vocabulary building using extension inference and implicit contrast.Kevin Gold, Marek Doniec, Christopher Crick & Brian Scassellati - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (1):145-166.
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    Two Structures in One Object.Marek Piwowarczyk - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (4):659-678.
    In this article the author analyzes the problem stated by Ingarden in his ontology: under what conditions can the subject−properties structure and the whole−parts structure coexist in one object? After the presentation of Ingarden’s doctrines concerning both structures, the author argues that for Ingarden a whole is nothing over and above a plurality of objects linked by relations. However, Ingarden was convinced that a compound object is not identical with a whole which is associated with it. Then the author analyzes (...)
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    An executable specification of a formal argumentation protocol.Alexander Artikis, Marek Sergot & Jeremy Pitt - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (10-15):776-804.
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    Formal systems for modal operators on locales.Gonzalo E. Reyes & Marek W. Zawadowski - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (4):595 - 613.
    In the paper [8], the first author developped a topos- theoretic approach to reference and modality. (See also [5]). This approach leads naturally to modal operators on locales (or spaces without points). The aim of this paper is to develop the theory of such modal operators in the context of the theory of locales, to axiomatize the propositional modal logics arising in this context and to study completeness and decidability of the resulting systems.
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    The Effect of Priming with Photographs of Environmental Settings on Walking Speed in an Outdoor Environment.Marek Franěk & Lukáš Režný - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Staying power in sequential games.Steven J. Brams & Marek P. Hessel - 1983 - Theory and Decision 15 (3):279-302.
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    Does Skepticism Lead to Dogmatism?Anita Benisławska & Marek Kołata - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):139-148.
    The article juxtaposes Jan Srzednicki’s conception of cognition with Jean Piaget’s psychology of cognition. Human’s (child’s) cognition is syncretic. Various cognitive data are confused, systematized, dogmatized or become chaotic, and mistakes appear. These mistakes can be overcome thanks to analytical, intuitive or logical perspectives. Cognition moves from the sphere of “children’s dogmatism” to the world of “mature skepticism”. The syncretic cognition can be overcome thanks to various cognitive procedures, e.g., analytical, logical or intuitive. The intuitive cognition is primary and synthetic—it (...)
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    Science: Between Algorithm and Creativity.Jerzy Brzeziński, Francesco Coniglione & Tadeusz Marek - 1992
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    Posttraumatic stress and growth in adolescent childhood cancer survivors: Links to quality of life.Veronika Koutná, Marek Blatný & Martin Jelínek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Pediatric cancer can be considered an event potentially leading to posttraumatic stress symptoms as well as posttraumatic growth. While clinically significant levels of PTSS are rare in childhood cancer survivors, PTG is common in this population. However, the relationship of PTG to overall adaptation and quality of life in pediatric cancer patients is not clear. Therefore, our study aims to analyse the relationships of PTSS and PTG with QOL in childhood cancer survivors. In this study, 172 childhood cancer survivors completed (...)
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  15. Prostota (Boga - Simplicity of God).Marek Pepliński - 2016 - In Janusz Salamon (ed.), Przewodnik po filozofii religii. Nurt analityczny, Kraków 2016. Wydawnictwo WAM. pp. 87-107.
  16. Gerbertův úvod do geocentrické astronomie.Marek Otisk - 2010 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 32 (4):507-533.
    Studie se věnuje čtyřem astronomickým pomůckám, které vytvořil a užíval Gerbert z Aurillacu, remešský a ravennský arcibiskup, opat v Bobbiu a v letech 999–1003 papež. Gerbert vyučoval quadrivium především v Remeši a od jeho žáka Richera z Remeše a z Gerbertových dopisů víme o čtyřech jeho přístrojích, které poskytovaly srozumitelný a názorný úvod do geocentrického výkladu veškerenstva: 1. glóbus světové sféry s nastavitelným horizontem; 2. pozorovací hemisféra s pěti rovnoběžnými kruhy světové sféry ; 3. armilární sféra s vnitřním umístěním ekliptiky (...)
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  17. Dobroć (Boga - Goodness of God).Marek Pepliński - 2016 - In Janusz Salamon (ed.), Przewodnik po filozofii religii. Nurt analityczny, Kraków 2016. Wydawnictwo WAM. pp. 121-40.
    The paper presents some historical (Plato, Aristotle, Plotin, Augustine, Boethius, Aquinas) and main contemporary topics about different accounts of goodness of God understood as ontological goodness, perfection and as ethical goodness - impeccability and benevolence. The arguments for goodness of God are presented, mainly from stance of Thomas Aquinas classical theism as well as arguments against compatibility of essential goodness and omnipotence (N. Pike) and being an moral agent. The article draws perspective of different philosophical issues connected with goodness of (...)
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  18. DMN – klidová síť mozku: kandidát na nové neurovědecké paradigma.Marek Havlík - 2012 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 34 (2):227-254.
    Práce se zaměřuje na metodologicko-historické aspekty vývoje neurologie. V roce 2001 přišel Marcus Raichle s překvapujícím objevem, který je nyní obecně známý jako teorie Default Mode Network. DMN s sebou kromě nových poznatků o mozkové aktivitě přináší i kompletní přehodnocení dosavadních přesvědčení o mozku. Vědecká komunita předpokládala, že mozek je „reflexivním" nástrojem k vnějšímu prostředí a od tohoto přesvědčení odvíjela neurologický výzkum. DMN však přichází s pojetím neurální aktivity, jež není závislá na aktivní stimulaci mozku, což je v přímém protikladu (...)
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  19. Wartość kognitywna religijnego użycia języka we wczesnej analitycznej filozofii religii / Cognitive meaning of religious language in early analytical philosophy of religion 2016.Marek Pepliński - 2016 - In Janusz Salamon (ed.), Przewodnik Po Filozofii Religii: Nurt Analityczny. Wydawnictwo Wam. pp. 519-25.
    Short paper about debate on cognitive meaning of religious use of language in early analytic philosophy of religion. Published in Companion to Philosophy of Religion, edited by Janusz Salamon, Cracow: WAM, 2016.
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  20. Ani racjonalizacja światopoglądu, ani rezygnacja z mądrości. Czy metafilozofia Kazimierza Twardowskiego może być wyznacznikiem rzetelnie uprawianej filozofii klasycznej? / / Can Kazimierz Twardowski's metaphilosophy be the determinant of reliable practiced classical philosophy? 2018.Marek Pepliński - 2018 - Filo-Sofija 18 (40/1):41-78.
    The article aims to determine whether it is possible to build the reliably practiced classical philosophy, understood as a metaphysical research, directed towards the nature of objective reality. The purpose of this kind of philosophizing is knowledge and truth. Moreover, the practice of such philosophizing and its results should meet some of the characteristics of science. The paper establishes a set of conditions that have been imposed on the science of metaphysics by Kazimierz Twardowski. Among the conditions of such philosophizing (...)
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  21. Filozofowanie a prawda o człowieku / Philosophizing and the True Knowledge of Human Being, 2014.Marek Pepliński - 2014 - Filo-Sofija 26 (3):85-98.
    Philosophizing and the True Knowledge of Human Being -/- The article presents the principles and method of classical philosophy. This kind of philosophy, developed mainly in ancient and medieval times, is still viable and interesting today. What is more important, it can be used as grounds for academic philosophy. Doing so provides a philosopher with resources for autonomy in her philosophical inquiry as well as the usefulness and application of its results for various cultural, social, and political tasks. The last (...)
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  22. Historie neurogeneze: implicitní definice a pragmatická falsifikace.Marek Havlík - 2013 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 35 (3):353-379.
    Tato studie se snaží o filosofickou analýzu problematických aspektů neurogeneze. V první řadě se zaměřuje na moderní historii neurogeneze, která je obecně považována za historii dogmatického přesvědčení, které předpokládalo, že v mozku dospělého savce nemohou vzniknout nové neurony. Tato konvence přežívala v neurovědě po několik desítek let a její kořeny sahají až do dob Ramóna y Cajala. Důležitá část této filosofické analýzy se zaměřuje na aspekt tzv. zaštiťování dogmatu pomocí ad hoc hypotéz. Analýza se dále věnuje implicitním definicím, které hrají (...)
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    Re-negotiating an ethics of care in Kenyan childhoods 1.Sonja Arndt, Marek Tesar, Branislav Pupala, Ondrej Kaščák & Tata Mbugua - 2016 - Human Affairs 26 (3):288-303.
    Childhoods in contemporary Kenya are entangled with discourses of care in a post-colonial landscape. Such imaginaries of childhoods through discourses of ‘care’ and ‘charity’ are well established through Western lenses. Another lens that is often enacted is the lens of de-commercialised, un-spoilt, pure and innocent childhoods in the Kenyan landscape. In this study, the authors utilize Nel Nodding’s concept of an ethics of care, and a feminist lens, to explore this binary of Western views through real experiences of childhoods. This (...)
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    A note on the correctness of the causal ordering algorithm.Denver Dash & Marek J. Druzdzel - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (15):1800-1808.
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    O duszy: Arystoteles, Tomasz z Akwinu.Andrzej Marek Nowik, Renata Anna Muszyńska & Grzegorz Piotr Dudzik (eds.) - 1996 - Warszawa: Navo.
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  26. Dedičstvo koronakrízy: Ako lepšie zvládnuť ďalšiu pandémiu.Petr Špecián & Marek Hudík (eds.) - 2021 - Bratislava, Slovensko:
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  27. Logic and its Application in the Light of Ludwig Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy. Logical Notation and Natural Language.Mateusz Marek Radzki - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (1):35 - +.
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    Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives.Zbigniew Rau & Marek Tracz-Tryniecki (eds.) - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
    This book presents Tocqueville’s vision of the European continent, exploring his ideas of liberty, virtue, religion, patriotism, civic participation and democracy. Although Tocqueville is often revered as a classic writer on the subject of American democracy, this book focuses on the multifaceted importance of his ideas within a European context.
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  29. Modele eksperymentalne w procesie konstytuowania wiedzy medycznej.Tomasz Marek Rzepiński - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (2).
    The primary objective of this article is to analyse functions that experimental models have in the process of creating medical knowledge. When fulfilling this objective, we will refer to findings proposed by R. Harre and like this author; we will distinguish a special type of experimental models do called domesticated models. We will claim that constructing such models initiates three independent cognition activities undertaken in the process of establishing medical knowledge that is applied in clinical practice. Stabilisation of the model (...)
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  30. Relacja jednostka - społeczeństwo - system znaków - rzeczywistość.Teresa Rzepa & Marek Ziółkowski - 1983 - Studia Semiotyczne 13:111-122.
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  31. Bi-velocity model of mass transport in two-phase zone of ternary system.Marek Danielewski, Bartek Wierzba, Katarzyna Tkacz-Śmiech, Andrzej Nowotnik, Bogusław Bożek & Jan Sieniawski - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (16):2044-2056.
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    Strategic Socialism. The Updating of Cuba’s Model.Marek Hrubec - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (3):349-365.
    The article deals with the theme of updating of Cuba’s economic model mainly from the perspective of economic and political philosophy and its interdisciplinary contexts. First, it examines the historical origins of Cuba’s socialist model and the subsequent changes after the fall of the Eastern Bloc. Second, it analyses the actualization of Cuba’s model in the first two decades of the 21st century, that is, mainly the introduction of market and private ownership to complement planning and public ownership. Third, it (...)
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    Mably-- między utopią a reformą.Marek Blaszke - 1985 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    Kierkegaard wobec problemu ukrycia Boga.Marek Dobrzeniecki - 2019 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 67 (1):65-82.
    More than a few contemporary analytical philosophers of religion have tried to answer the atheistic argument from hiddenness presented in 1993 by John L. Schellenberg. In the paper the author focuses on the objections raised by Søren Kierkegaard with respect to the concept of faith that is displayed in Schellenberg’s philosophy of religion. The insight from the author living 150 years before the current debate allows us to notice the premises of the hiddenness argument that are commonly overlooked. One can, (...)
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    Czyn, przyszłość, naród: poglądy filozoficzne Augusta Cieszkowskiego.Marek N. Jakubowski - 1989 - Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk..
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    Testing the Level of Social Desirability During Job Interview on White-Collar Profession.Marek Preiss, Tereza Mejzlíková, Adéla Rudá, David Krámský & Jindra Pitáková - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  37. Reasoning under uncertainty.Francisco J. Díez & Marek J. Druzdzel - 2003 - In L. Nadel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
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    Ciało człowieka: studium z antropologii filozoficznej.Marek Drwięga - 2005 - Kraków: Księgarnia Akademicka.
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  39. Fraktale: konstrukcja czy emergencja Cz.I.Fraktalne jednostki emergencji w klasycznym schemacie pojęciowym.Jarosław Pietrak, Marek Szydłowski & Paweł Tambur - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (183):43-64.
    W projekcie badawczym, który w zamyśle będzie składał się z dwóch merytorycznie i logicznie powiązanych artykułów, formułujemy taki schemat pojęciowy, w którym adekwatna staje się charakterystyka struktur fraktalnych w kategoriach filozoficznej koncepcji emergencji. W pracy pierwszej przedstawiamy główne idee filozofii emergencji oraz dokonujemy prób uchwycenia w procesie generowania fraktali jednostek emergentnych. Pozostajemy jednak w obrębie klasycznego rozumienia badanej relacji. W pracy drugiej, na podstawie zademonstrowanych słabości ujęć klasycznych, jako niewystarczających w specyficznym kontekście badanych struktur matematycznych, pokazujemy, że dyskurs nad emergencją (...)
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    Jerzy Wróblewski: In Memoriam.Marek Zirk-Sadowski - 1991 - Ratio Juris 4 (1):86-91.
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    Regulae multiplicationis v abacistických textech Gerberta z Remeše, Abbona z Fleury, Herigera z Lobbes a Bernelia z Paříže.Marek Otisk - 2011 - Pro-Fil 12 (1):3-41.
    Tato studie se věnuje výkladu násobení podle čtyř nejstarších latinských středověkých autorů, kteří sepsali své texty o početních úkonech na abaku kolem roku 1000, tedy podle Gerberta z Remeše (Pravidla pro počítání na abaku, Regulae de numerorum abaci rationibus), Herigera z Lobbes (Pravidla počítání na abaku, Regulae numerorum super abacum), Abbona z Fleury (Komentář k Victorioně spisu Calculus, In Calculum Victorii commentario; resp. tzv. Abbonův abakus, Abbonis abacus) a Bernelia mladšího z Paříže (Kniha o abaku, Liber abaci). Po představení, vysvětlení (...)
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  42. Experience and analysis: proceedings of the 27th International Wittgenstein Symposium, 8th to 14th August 2004, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Austria).Maria E. Reicher & Johann Christian Marek (eds.) - 2005 - Vienna: ÖBV & HPT.
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    Thomas and the Thomists: The Achievement of Thomas Aquinas and His Interpreters. By Romanus Cessario, O.P. and Cajetan Cuddy, O.P. [REVIEW]Marek J. Duran - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39 (2):423-424.
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    Marek, Siesfrled. Die platonische Ideen lehre in ihren Motiven.Siegfried Marek - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Wspomnienie - Marek Czyżewski.Marek Czyżewski - 2011 - Etyka 44:118-120.
    Artykuł podejmuje polemikę z obiegowym rozumieniem tolerancji. Autor podkreśla znaczenie podziału na tolerancję jako postawę i na dyskursy o tolerancji. Następnie, w nawiązaniu i częściowo w dyskusji z koncepcją tolerancji zaproponowaną przez Iję Lazari Pawłowską, przedstawione jest rozróżnienie trzech odmian tolerancji, a także rozróżnienie odpowiednich trzech odmian nietolerancji. Rozważane są również niektóre paradoksy związane z tolerancją oraz ze zwalczaniem nietolerancji.
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    Ethics and Economic Life in Post-Communist Eastern Europe.Yolanta Babiuch - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3):295-301.
  47. Etyka biznesu z perspektywy polskich przedsiębiorstw.Jolanta Babiuch-Luxmoore - 1996 - Prakseologia 136 (136).
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  48. Konflikt interesów a przejrzysty system komunikacji społecznej.Jolanta Babiuch-Luxmoore - 1999 - Prakseologia 139 (139).
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    Hospital Ethics Committees in Poland.Marek Czarkowski, Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk & Beata Szymańska - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1525-1535.
    According to UNESCO guidelines, one of the four forms of bioethics committees in medicine are the Hospital Ethics Committees. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how the above guidelines are implemented in real practice. There were 111 hospitals selected out of 176 Polish clinical hospitals and hospitals accredited by Center of Monitoring Quality in Health System. The study was conducted by the survey method. There were 56 hospitals that responded to the survey. The number of HECs members fluctuated (...)
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    (1 other version)A strongly finite logic with infinite degree of maximality.Marek Tokarz - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (4):447 - 451.
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