Results for 'Marek Sojka'

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  1.  6
    Neomesjanizm a recepcja Cieszkowskiego.Marek Sojka - 1986 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich.
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    O logice obliczeniowej.Marek Suchenek - 1980 - Warszawa: Wydawn. Politechniki Warszawskiej.
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  3. From Bisimulation Quantifiers to Classifying Toposes.Silvio Ghilardi & Marek Zawadowski - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 193-220.
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    Posttraumatic stress and growth in adolescent childhood cancer survivors: Links to quality of life.Veronika Koutná, Marek Blatný & Martin Jelínek - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Pediatric cancer can be considered an event potentially leading to posttraumatic stress symptoms as well as posttraumatic growth. While clinically significant levels of PTSS are rare in childhood cancer survivors, PTG is common in this population. However, the relationship of PTG to overall adaptation and quality of life in pediatric cancer patients is not clear. Therefore, our study aims to analyse the relationships of PTSS and PTG with QOL in childhood cancer survivors. In this study, 172 childhood cancer survivors completed (...)
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    Syntactical and Semantical Characterization of a Class of Paraconsistent Logics.Krystyna Mruczek-Nasieniewska & Marek Nasieniewski - 2005 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34 (4):229-248.
  6.  21
    Historiografia Władysława Tatarkiewicza w kontekście sporów metodologicznych.Andrzej Marek Nowik - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Author: Nowik Andrzej Marek Title: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ’S HISTORIOGRAPHY FROM THE METHODOLOGICAL POLEMICS POINT OF VIEW (Historiografia Władysława Tatarkiewicza w kontekście sporów metodologicznych) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 497-503 Keywords: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, MODERN PHILOSOPHY, METHODOLOGY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The purpose of this article is to show the main trends in philosophy that influenced Władyslaw Tatarkiewicz’s science research, with special consideration of neo-Kantianism (the (...)
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    Matter in Its 'Infinity'.T. J. Blakeley, Jiři Marek & L. E. Musberg - 1984 - Studies in Soviet Thought 27 (1):25-31.
    Consistent application of dialectical materialism leads Marxism-Leninism to the assertion that matter is infinite in its properties. However, the history of physics shows that the various levels of matter possess geometric dimensions that originate at the lowest level and continue through the others. The search for absolute natural constants -- which Planck called the most pleasant task of physics -- shows the conviction of the physicists that there is a limit to the parameters, a limit beyond which matter is no (...)
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    Counting proofs in propositional logic.René David & Marek Zaionc - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (2):185-199.
    We give a procedure for counting the number of different proofs of a formula in various sorts of propositional logic. This number is either an integer (that may be 0 if the formula is not provable) or infinite.
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    Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Liver Tumors Based on Multi-Image Texture Analysis of Contrast-Enhanced CT. Selection of the Most Appropriate Texture Features.Dorota Duda, Marek Krętowski & Johanne Bézy-Wendling - 2013 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 35 (1):49-70.
    In this work, a system for the classification of liver dynamic contest- enhanced CT images is presented. The system simultaneously analyzes the images with the same slice location, corresponding to three typical acquisition moments. At first, the texture features are extracted separately for each acquisition mo- ment. Afterwards, they are united in one “multiphase” vector, characterizing a triplet of textures. The work focuses on finding the most appropriate features that characterize a multi-image texture. At the beginning, the features which are (...)
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  10. Fraktale: konstrukcja czy emergencja Cz.I.Fraktalne jednostki emergencji w klasycznym schemacie pojęciowym.Jarosław Pietrak, Marek Szydłowski & Paweł Tambur - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (183):43-64.
    W projekcie badawczym, który w zamyśle będzie składał się z dwóch merytorycznie i logicznie powiązanych artykułów, formułujemy taki schemat pojęciowy, w którym adekwatna staje się charakterystyka struktur fraktalnych w kategoriach filozoficznej koncepcji emergencji. W pracy pierwszej przedstawiamy główne idee filozofii emergencji oraz dokonujemy prób uchwycenia w procesie generowania fraktali jednostek emergentnych. Pozostajemy jednak w obrębie klasycznego rozumienia badanej relacji. W pracy drugiej, na podstawie zademonstrowanych słabości ujęć klasycznych, jako niewystarczających w specyficznym kontekście badanych struktur matematycznych, pokazujemy, że dyskurs nad emergencją (...)
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    (1 other version)On Some σ‐Algebras Containing the Projective Sets I.C. A. di Prisco & Wiktor Marek - 1982 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 28 (33‐38):525-538.
  12. The Logic Programming Paradigm: A 25-Year Perspective.Krzysztof R. Apt, Victor W. Marek, Mirek Truszczynski & David S. Warren - 2002 - Studia Logica 71 (1):145-148.
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    A note on the correctness of the causal ordering algorithm.Denver Dash & Marek J. Druzdzel - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (15):1800-1808.
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    Realność czasu.Marek Łagosz - 2007 - Wrocław: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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  15. Na czym polega praca matematyków? (E. Livingston, \"The Ethnomethodological Foundations of Mathematics\", London 1986).Marek Czyżewski - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 267 (2).
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  16. Czy możliwa jest ogólna teoria informacji?Marek Hetmański - 2010 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 46 (185):395-420.
    W artykule rozważana jest możliwość powstania ogólnej teorii informacji, która miałaby szerszy zakres tematyczny i wyższy stopień ogólności niż matematyczna teoria komunikacji (łączności) Shannona. Uzasadnieniem takiego oczekiwania jest nie tylko dojrzałość wielu współczesnych koncepcji i teorii informacji, głównie formalnych i matematycznych, lecz również znaczące zmiany w sferze masowej komunikacji i komputerowych systemów informacyjnych (dokonujące się w tzw. zwrocie informacyjnym). Omawiane są koncepcje takich autorów, jak C. Shannon, N. Wiener, Y. Bar-Hillel, K. Devlin, F. Adams, F. Dretske, P. Adriaans oraz J. (...)
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  17. Filozofia w Lublinie (\"Człowiek i świat człowieka\", Lublin).Marek Hetmański - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 293 (4).
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  18. Refleksja nad poznaniem ludzkim w koncepcji G. H. Meada.Marek Hetmański - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 245 (4).
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  19. Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Ludwig Siep, Hans-Ulrich Thamer, Norbert Waszek, Hegelianizm und Saint-Simonismus, mentis.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2010 - Ruch Filozoficzny 67 (1).
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  20. Marksistowska idea negatywnie zniesionego kapitalizmu. Szkic do rekonstrukcji.Marek Kozłowski - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 242 (1-2).
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    Poznanian School of Dialogue.Marek Nowak - 2007 - Dialogue and Universalism 17 (7/8):159-169.
    Theological Faculty of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań organized a series of sessions devoted to problems of dialogue. Professor Baniak, the main organizer of those meetings, invited philosophers, theologians, pedagogues, psychologists and other intellectuals/scientists, whose area of interest was dialogue. The first conference took place in June 2001, the last in June 2007, and organizers have a hope that the endeavor would be continued. Lectures given at conferences were devoted to many subjects—classical philosophy of dialogue, dialogue in theological thought, (...)
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    Kontrowersje wokół racjonalności technologicznej w Dialogach Stanisława Lema.Marek Tański - 2007 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 55 (2):81-97.
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    Does Skepticism Lead to Dogmatism?Anita Benisławska & Marek Kołata - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (1-3):139-148.
    The article juxtaposes Jan Srzednicki’s conception of cognition with Jean Piaget’s psychology of cognition. Human’s (child’s) cognition is syncretic. Various cognitive data are confused, systematized, dogmatized or become chaotic, and mistakes appear. These mistakes can be overcome thanks to analytical, intuitive or logical perspectives. Cognition moves from the sphere of “children’s dogmatism” to the world of “mature skepticism”. The syncretic cognition can be overcome thanks to various cognitive procedures, e.g., analytical, logical or intuitive. The intuitive cognition is primary and synthetic—it (...)
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  24.  8
    Science: Between Algorithm and Creativity.Jerzy Brzeziński, Francesco Coniglione & Tadeusz Marek - 1992
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    German conservatives and colonial policy.Chairperson Takamaro Hanzawa & Marek Czapliński - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (1):384-389.
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  26. 1. Praha.B. -Kuťakova Mouchova, E. Marek & V. Disco Latine - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    O duszy: Arystoteles, Tomasz z Akwinu.Andrzej Marek Nowik, Renata Anna Muszyńska & Grzegorz Piotr Dudzik (eds.) - 1996 - Warszawa: Navo.
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    W kręgu idei Włodzimierza Sołowjowa.Włodzimierz Rydzewski & Marek Kita (eds.) - 2002 - Kraków: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego.
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  29.  17
    The Normative Permission and Legal Utterances.Marek Zirk-Sadowski - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):194-202.
    The author proves that rejecting the existence of permissive norms and limitation of norms to prohibitions and commands alone is possible only with reducing the idea of a function. The essence of the function is then the ability of the expression to generate independently the universal norm formation. Such manipulation is easy on the level of logical analysis, but proves risky from other points of view. If we want the deontic logic, which we construct, to consider the fact that permission (...)
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    Introduction to the Logic of Norms, Values and Decisions. [REVIEW]Johann Christian Marek - 1975 - Philosophy and History 8 (1):27-29.
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  31. Śmierć mózgu jako kryterium śmierci człowieka.Marek Babiuch - 2009 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 71.
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  32. Pacjent w przewlekłym stanie wegetatywnym.Marek Babiuch & Małgorzata Mikaszewska-Sokołowicz - 2009 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 71.
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  33. Buddyjskie pojęcie pradźńapti i jego wykładnia w filozofii Nagardźuny.Marek Szymański - 2014 - Analiza I Egzystencja 28:93-120.
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  34. Unde malum? Marginal notes on Kozielecki’s considerations.Marek Tański - 2014 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 4 (3-4):139-145.
    The author considers the problem of evil in the transgressive concept often identified with destructive transgressions. He describes possible approaches to the problem of evil asking, at the same time, about its source. He also carries out a discussion with reference to Kozielecki’s concept in comparison with other researchers of this issue in the area of anthropology (Immanuel Kant, Gottfried W. Leibniz, Leszek Kolakowski, Konrad Lorenz, Hannah Arendt, Herbert A. Simon and Philip Zimbardo). Evil is treated by Kozielecki as destructive (...)
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    Wspomnienie - Marek Czyżewski.Marek Czyżewski - 2011 - Etyka 44:118-120.
    Artykuł podejmuje polemikę z obiegowym rozumieniem tolerancji. Autor podkreśla znaczenie podziału na tolerancję jako postawę i na dyskursy o tolerancji. Następnie, w nawiązaniu i częściowo w dyskusji z koncepcją tolerancji zaproponowaną przez Iję Lazari Pawłowską, przedstawione jest rozróżnienie trzech odmian tolerancji, a także rozróżnienie odpowiednich trzech odmian nietolerancji. Rozważane są również niektóre paradoksy związane z tolerancją oraz ze zwalczaniem nietolerancji.
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    Marek, Siesfrled. Die platonische Ideen lehre in ihren Motiven.Siegfried Marek - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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    Kulturoznawstwo i jego źródła.Jacek Sójka - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):171-181.
    Author: Sójka Jacek Title: STUDIES IN CULTURE AND THEIR ORIGINS (Kulturoznawstwo i jego źródła) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.12, number: 2011/1, pages: 171-181 Keywords: STUDIES IN CULTURE, CULTURAL STUDIES, PHILOSOPHY OF CULTURE, SOCIOLOGY OF CULTURE, JÓZEF CHAŁASIŃSKI, JERZY KMITA Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:In this paper the author traced the origins of studies in culture (in Polish: kulturoznawstwo). The first part deals with the philosophical tradition out of which several (...)
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  38.  14
    A Heated Debate: Meta-Theoretical Studies on Current Climate Research and Public Understanding of Science.Maria M. Sojka - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Ever since climate change has been identified as one of the most significant challenges of humanity, climate change deniers have repeatedly tried to discredit the work of scientists. To show how these processes work, Maria M. Sojka examines three ideals about how science should operate. These ideals concern the understanding of uncertainties, the relationship between models and data, and the role of values in science. Their widespread presence in the public understanding of science makes it easy for political and (...)
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  39.  49
    The impact of trust on employee participation in Poland.Jacek Sójka - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 21 (2-3):229 - 236.
    This paper comments on five problems concerning the transformation of the Polish economy with special emphasis on employee participation and trust. 1) There can be no ethical evaluation or justification of employee participation independent of the goals of the transformation. 2) In Poland this participation is affected by deep distrust towards the whole process of transformation. 3) Privatisation is the topic most often mentioned in this connection. 4) The definition of trust becomes even more crucial when the phenomenon of distrust (...)
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  40.  33
    Kuala Lumpur: Community, Infrastructure and Urban Inclusivity.Marek Kozlowski, Asma Mehan & Krzysztof Nawratek - 2020 - Routledge.
    Kuala Lumpur is a diverse city representing many different religions and nationalities. Recent government policy has actively promoted unity and cohesion throughout the city; and the country of Malaysia, with the implementation of a programme called 1Malaysia. In this book, the authors investigate the aims of this programme – predominantly to unify the Malaysian society – and how these objectives resonate in the daily spatial practices of the city’s residents. -/- This book argues that elements of urban infrastructure could work (...)
  41.  4
    Editorial Boards of Finance Journals: The Gender Gap and Social Networks.Barbara Bedowska-Sójka, Claudia Tarantola, Codruta Mare, Alessia Paccagnini, Belma Öztürkkal, Galena Pisoni, Albulena Shala, Rezarta Perri & Hanna Kristín Skaftadótti - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    We investigate gender disparities and network linkages among editors of Finance journals at the end of 2022. The role of journal editors in shaping academic disciplines is crucial, yet gender imbalances and the geographic concentration of editors remain poorly understood. Ethical considerations arise when examining the representation of women on editorial boards, as these imbalances can impact academic equity and the diversity of perspectives. We examine the gender composition of editorial boards and uncover the network structures among editors, seeking to (...)
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  42.  20
    Jerzy Kmita - twórca środowiska.Jacek Sójka - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)):15-16.
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  43. Podmiotowy charakter odpowiedzialności.Jacek Sójka - 2002 - Prakseologia 142 (142):29-36.
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  44. Pomiędzy filozofią a socjologią (na marginesie artykułu B. Chwedeńczuka \"O udręczeniu, jakie daje filozofia\").Jacek Sójka - 1986 - Studia Filozoficzne 244 (3).
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  45. Prakseologia i pragmatyzm. O poglądach F. Byrona Nashera w stulecie tej pierwszej.Jacek Sójka - 1998 - Prakseologia 138 (138).
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  46. Formal and existential analysis of subject and properties.Marek Rosiak - 2006 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 91 (1):285-299.
    The paper is a contribution to the object ontology. The general approach assumed in the investigation is that of Roman Ingarden's The Controversy Over the Existence of the World where an object is the subject-of-properties. The analysis of the form and the mode of existence of properties leads to the rejection of both negative and general properties. Each property is an individual qualitative moment of a particular object. Its form reveals existential heteronomy: the quality of the property is not immanent (...)
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    On the paradoxical book of Bell.Marek Żukowski - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (3):566-575.
  48. O sposobach uprawiania etyki gospodarczej.Jacek Sójka - 1996 - Prakseologia 136 (136).
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  49. W stronę praktyki. Etyka gospodarcza a problem podstaw.Jacek Sójka - 2001 - Prakseologia 141 (141):333-344.
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  50.  16
    Czy da się pominąć ontologię? Uwagi na marginesie Pytań i odpowiedzi Adama Jonkisza.Marek Lechniak - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):281-303.
    In this paper I first present in a few sentences the main theses of Ajdukiewicz’s theory of questions, then I briefly express the main theses of Professor Jonkisz’s book and the indisputable advantages of this work. Then I put forward my objections to some theoretical solutions adopted by the Author, namely the assumption that datum questionis is sequence of components without any syntactic requirements, the assumption about the special character of the so called generalized negation and the assumption that no (...)
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