Results for 'Margje ter Haar'

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  1.  26
    Evidence Quality and Persuasiveness: Germans Are Not Sensitive to the Quality of Statistical Evidence.Jos Hornikx & Margje ter Haar - 2013 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 13 (5):483-501.
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    Shifting terminology and confusing representations.Aartjan Hilberink ter Haar - 2023 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 17-4 (17-4):31-52.
    L’évolution de la terminologie relative au handicap intellectuel a été examinée pour comprendre les débats sur les préférences linguistiques. Les articles de journaux néerlandais publiés entre 1950 et 2020 et contenant des termes relatifs au handicap intellectuel ont été analysés à l’aide d’une analyse de contenu quantitative et qualitative. Les résultats ont montré que la terminologie liée au handicap intellectuel a changé dans la presse en faveur de celle adoptée par les organisations de personnes handicapées, les universitaires et le gouvernement. (...)
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  3. Turning Points in Physics.R. J. Blin-Stoyle, D. ter Haar, K. Mendelssohn, G. Temple, F. Waismann & D. H. Wilkinson - 1960 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 11 (42):167-168.
  4.  64
    Gerrie ter Haar oi James J. Busuttil (eds.), The Freedom to Do God's Will. Religious Fundamentalism and Social Change.Roxana Havrici - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):244-245.
    Gerrie ter Haar oi James J. Busuttil (eds.), The Freedom to Do God’s Will. Religious Fundamentalism and Social Change Routledge, London and New York, 2003.
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    Gerrie ter Haar, James J. Busuttil (eds.) Bridge or barrier: religion, violence and visions for peace.Christian Schuster - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):240-243.
    Gerrie ter Haar, James J. Busuttil (eds.) Bridge or barrier: religion, violence and visions for peace Ed. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2005.
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    Follower and Heir of the Prophet: Shaykh Aḥmad Sirhindī (1564-1624) as MysticFollower and Heir of the Prophet: Shaykh Ahmad Sirhindi (1564-1624) as Mystic. [REVIEW]Yohanan Friedmann & J. G. J. Ter Haar - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):460.
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    Masters of Modern Physics: The Scientific Contributions of H. A. Kramers. D. ter Haar.Helge Kragh - 1999 - Isis 90 (3):616-617.
  8.  29
    From Rome to Constantinople: Studies in Honour of Averil Cameron. Edited by Hagit Amirav and Bas ter Haar Romeny.Barbara Crostini - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (3):465-466.
  9.  10
    Religious Culture and Violence in Traditional China. Barend ter Haar[REVIEW]Don J. Wyatt - 2020 - Journal of Religion and Violence 8 (1):111-113.
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    Twentieth Century The Old Quantum Theory. By D. ter Haar. Edited with a historical introduction. Pp. x + 206. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967. 21s. [REVIEW]Thomas Kuhn - 1968 - British Journal for the History of Science 4 (1):80-81.
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    Religion and the Future of Human Rights. [REVIEW]Jared M. Phillips - 2014 - Human Rights Review 15 (3):349-352.
    This is an excerpt from the contentReligion and Human Rights: An Introductionby John Witte and M. Christian Green, eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011Religion and Development: Ways of Transforming the Worldby Gerrie ter Haar London: Hurst & Co., 2011The question of religion in either human rights or development has sparked long and loud debate in the wake of the Cold War. This discourse focuses on whether or not religion is needed in a post-Enlightenment world, and if it is what (...)
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    Christian virtue ethics and the ‘sectarian temptation’.Joseph J. Kotva - 1994 - Heythrop Journal 35 (1):35-52.
    ABSTRACT‘Not in Heaven’: Coherence and Complexity in Biblical Narrative. Edited by J. P. Rosenblatt and J. C. Sitterson Jr.Towards a Grammar of Biblical Poetics: Tales of the Prophets. By Herbert Chanan Brichto.The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant. By John Dominic Crossan.Jesus and the Oral Gospel Tradition. Edited by Henry Wansbrough.The Rhetoric of Righteousness in Romans 3.21‐26. By Douglas A. Campbell.Paul and the Rhetoric of Reconciliation: An Exegetical Investigation of rhe Language and Composition of I Corinthians. By (...)
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  13.  77
    Het Christelijk platonisme van prof. dr. CJ. de Vogel in nieuwe belichting.Abraham P. Bos - 2003 - Philosophia Reformata 68 (1):69-76.
    Het is zeer verheugend dat een nieuw boek van mevr. C.J. de Vogel verschenen is. Het is historisch van belang en de schrijfster verdient het, dat mede hierdoor nog weer eens de aandacht gevestigd wordt op haar persoon en haar werk. Daaraan wordt ook bijgedragen door de ‘Prof. dr. C.J. de Vogel Stichting ter bevordering van de wijsbegeerte der klassieke Oudheid’ die zich heeft ingezet voor het organiseren van de ‘C.J. de Vogel-Memorial lectures’. Deze vormen nu reeds bijna (...)
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  14.  20
    Heidegger and the Essence of Man.Michel Haar & Herbert L. Dreyfus - 1993 - State University of New York Press.
    Michel Haar argues that Heidegger went too far in transferring all traditional properties of man to being.
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  15. (1 other version)Heidegger et l'essence de l'homme.Michel Haar - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (3):559-561.
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  16. Le chant de la Terre. Heidegger et les assises de l'histoire de l'Être, « Bibl. de philosophie et d'Esthétique ».Michel Haar - 1992 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 97 (4):562-566.
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  17. Nietzsche et la métaphysique, coll. « Tel. ».Michel Haar - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (4):464-465.
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    Par-delà le nihilisme: nouveaux essais sur Nietzsche.Michel Haar - 1998 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    La pensée de Nietzsche, loin d'avoir vieilli, suggère et appelle de nouvelles et continuelles reformulations. Le souci qui fut le sien, celui du dépassement du nihilisme, demeure notre souci premier. Le nihilisme n'est pas l'absence de valeurs et de sens, mais leur affaiblissement indéfini. Les sens anciens, subsistent mais frappés d'asthénie, d'insuffisance, d'irréalité. Dans le nihilisme, rien ne vaut plus, ou tout se vaut, tout s'égalise, tout est égal, équivalent, sans force. Tout est dépassé, usé, affaibli, terni, mourant. Pour sortir (...)
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  19.  19
    Une mort tres douce: End-of-life decisions in France; reflections from a Dutch perspective.Margje H. Haverkamp & Johannes J. M. van Delden - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (3):367-376.
    Cette étude analyse la pensée actuelle sur les décisions-fin-de-vie (DfdV) en France d’un point de vue hollandais. Un nombre limité d’interviews avec des ‘opinion-leaders’ français est pris comme base du project. Jusqu’au jour présent, le domaine des DfdV en France a été troublé en l’absence de définitions et de législation plus spécifiques. Les médecins français pourront faire face à un dilemme en soignant un malade mourant, pris en étau entre le caractère illégal officiel de l’euthanasie d’une part et l’obligation professionnelle (...)
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  20.  9
    Une mort tres douce: End-of-life decisions in France; reflections from a Dutch perspective.Margje Haverkamp & Johannes Delden - 2006 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (3):367-376.
    SummaryThis study considers the range of thinking about end-of-life decisions (ELD) in France from a Dutch point of view, taking a small number of interviews with important French opinion-leaders as a basis. Until today, end-of-life care in France has been clouded with uncertainty pending the enactment of more specific definitions and regulations. French physicians could face a dilemma in treating a dying patient, caught between an official ban on ELD and a professional obligation to treat cases individually. The practical consequence (...)
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  21.  78
    Le primat de la Stimmung sur la corporéité du Dasein.Michel Haar - 1986 - Heidegger Studies 2:67-80.
  22.  23
    Dormio: A targeted dream incubation device.Adam Haar Horowitz, Pattie Maes & Robert Stickgold - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 83:102938.
  23. Nietzsche and metaphysical language.Michel Haar - 1971 - Man and World 4 (4):359-395.
  24.  15
    Representing Time in Natural Language: The Dynamic Interpretation of Tense and Aspect.Alice G. B. Ter Meulen - 1997 - MIT Press.
    The topic of temporal meaning in texts has received considerable attention in recent years from scholars in linguistics, logical semantics, cognitive science, and artificial intelligence. Representing Time in Natural Language offers a systematic and detailed account of how we use temporal information contained in a text or in discourse to reason about the flow of time, inferring the order in which events happened when this is not explicitly stated. A new representational system is designed to formalize an appropriately context-dependent notion (...)
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  25.  21
    E. L. Youmans: A Chapter in the Diffusion of Science in America.Charles M. Haar - 1948 - Journal of the History of Ideas 9 (2):193.
  26.  23
    The Song of the Earth: Heidegger and the Grounds of the History of Being.Michel Haar - 1993
  27.  37
    Nietzsche and Metaphysics.Michel Haar - 1996 - State University of New York Press.
    Provides an assessment of the overcoming of metaphysics urged by Nietzsche--a critical and reconstructive overcoming. He also probes Nietzsche's project of subverting subjectivity.
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  28.  19
    Popper, Otto Selz and the Rise of Evolutionary Epistemology.Michel ter Hark - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about Karl Popper's early writings before he began his career as a philosopher. The purpose of the book is to demonstrate that Popper's philosophy of science, with its emphasis on the method of trial and error, is largely based on the psychology of Otto Selz, whose theory of problem solving and scientific discovery laid the foundation for much of contemporary cognitive psychology. By arguing that Popper's famous defence of the method of falsification as well as his elaboration (...)
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  29. Attunement and thinking.Michel Haar - 1992 - In Hubert L. Dreyfuss & Harrison Hall (eds.), Heidegger: a critical reader. Cambridge, USA: Blackwell. pp. 159.
  30.  37
    National Socialism as a Doctrine of Rancour.Menno ter Braak - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (3):105-120.
    This essay by the Dutch modernist writer Menno ter Braak, ‘National Socialism as a Doctrine of Rancour’, was written in 1937 just before the German annexation of the Netherlands. It is a rare examination of how the concept ressentiment can be used to analyse 1930s National Socialism, outlining the ways in which the fascist variant of ressentiment is both distinctive and also, nonetheless, connected to its democratic and socialist versions. The essay develops Nietzsche’s and Scheler’s understandings of ressentiment by applying (...)
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  31.  12
    Brain Activity Reveals Multiple Motor-Learning Mechanisms in a Real-World Task.Shlomi Haar & A. Aldo Faisal - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  32.  49
    Indigenous Insights into Ethical Leadership: A Study of Māori Leaders.Jarrod Haar, Maree Roche & David Brougham - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (3):621-640.
    The need for ethical leadership in navigating today’s complex, global and competitive organisations has been established. While research has confirmed the importance of ethical leaders in promoting positive organisational and employee outcomes, scant research has examined the antecedents of ethical leadership. Furthermore, there has been a call for further examination of leadership models, particularly indigenous leadership models. Responding to these issues, this study suggests Māori leaders’ values add insights into enhancing ethical leadership. Three studies confirm the role of Māori values (...)
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  33. Le chant de la terre.Michel Haar - 1988 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (3):363-363.
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  34. Painting, Perception, Affectivity.Michel Haar & Véronique M. Foti - 1996 - In Véronique Marion Fóti (ed.), Merleau-Ponty: difference, materiality, painting. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
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    Simulation and Calibration: Mitigating Uncertainty.Deborah Haar - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):985-996.
    Calibrating a simulation is a crucial step for certain kinds of simulation modeling, and it results in a simulation that is epistemically different from its pre- or uncalibrated counterpart. This article discusses how simulation model builders mitigate uncertainty about model parameters that are necessary for modeling through calibration and argues that the simulation outcomes after calibration are physically meaningful and relevant. When evaluating the epistemic status of computer simulations, comparisons between computer simulations and traditional experiments need to consider this important (...)
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  36.  11
    De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum.Maximilian Haars - 2023 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 31 (2):143-169.
    This article examines the role of taste perception in Galen’s research on simple drugs in relation to the acquisition of knowledge. To this end, 1.) I make it plausible through an examination of sources that the sometimes increased, more detailed and divergent indications of taste compared to his predecessors, especially Dioscorides and Sextius Niger, are based on Galen’s own research, 2.) reconstruct Galen’s research practice and 3.) examine the presentation of his results in linguistic and logical terms and explain the (...)
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  37.  45
    Heidegger and the God of hölderlin.Michel Haar & Reginald Lilly - 1989 - Research in Phenomenology 19 (1):89-100.
  38. Heidegger şi esenţa omului.Michel Haar - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  39. Nietzsche and Van gogh: Representing the tragic.Michel Haar - 1994 - Research in Phenomenology 24 (1):15-24.
  40. Translated by M. Gendre.Michel Haar - 1997 - In Phillip Blond (ed.), Post-Secular Philosophy: Between Philosophy and Theology. New York: Routledge. pp. 82.
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    The doubleness of the unthought of the overman: Ambiguities of Heideggerian political thought.Michel Haar & Lang Baker - 1990 - Research in Phenomenology 20 (1):87-111.
  42.  56
    The joyous struggle of the sublime and the musical essence of joy.Michel Haar & Peg Birmingham - 1995 - Research in Phenomenology 25 (1):68-89.
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  43. The obsession of the other: Ethics as traumatization.Michel Haar & Marin Gillis - 1997 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 23 (6):95-107.
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  44. The history of Being and its Hegelian model.Michel Haar - 1999 - In Rebecca Comay & John McCumber (eds.), Endings: questions of memory in Hegel and Heidegger. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 45--56.
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  45. The play of Nietzsche in Derrida.Michel Haar - 1992 - In David Wood (ed.), Derrida: a critical reader. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell. pp. 52--71.
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  46. CRde M. Froment-Meurice, Solitudes...(1989).Michel Haar - 1991 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 255.
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  47. Empty time and indifference to being.Michel Haar - 1999 - In James Risser (ed.), Heidegger toward the turn: essays on the work of the 1930s. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 295--318.
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  48.  14
    La fracture de l'histoire: douze essais sur Heidegger.Michel Haar - 1994 - Editions Jérôme Millon.
    L'Histoire occidentale, devenue planétaire, donne aujourd'hui des signes d'épuisement. Elle semble incapable d'imaginer son avenir. Sera-t-il un crépuscule interminable, ou verra-t-il une nouvelle aurore? Depuis longtemps déjà, au-dessus de la " Terre du Soir ", le soleil des grands principes qui firent époque, décline. Sommes-nous sur le point d'entrer dans une longue " nuit du monde ", où seuls nous guideront quelques feux clignotants et nos divers écrans allumés en permanence? Les utopies sur la " fin de l'Histoire " se (...)
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  49.  17
    Late Merleau-ponty's proximity to and distance from Heidegger.Michel Haar - 1999 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 30 (1):18-34.
  50.  7
    Martin Heidegger : cahier.Michel Haar - 1983 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    Lire Heidegger, c'est relire autrement tout ce que nous lisons. Ce Cahier invite à mieux comprendre la pensée heideggérienne autours des thèmes principaux qu'il aborde.Des essais, témoignages et lettres retracent l'impacte de sa pensée dans la culture moderne.Textes de : Walter Biemel, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Ernst Jünger, Roger Munier, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Herbert Marcuse, Jean-Luc Marion, John Sallis, David Farrel Krell, Jean-François Courtine, Jean Beauffret, Dominique Janicaud, Otto Pöggeler, Jean-Louis Chrétien, Jean-Pierre Charcosset, F. Wybrands, Jacques Taminiaux, Hubert L. Dreyfus, Marc (...)
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