Results for 'Marguerite Guillaume'

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  1.  4
    Assessment of decision-making autonomy in chronic pain patients: a pilot study.Marguerite D’Ussel, Emmanuelle Sacco, Nathan Moreau, Julien Nizard & Guillaume Durand - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Patient decision-making autonomy refers to the patients’ ability to freely exert their own choices and make their own decisions, given sufficient resources and information to do so. In pain medicine, it is accepted that appropriate beneficial management aims to propose an individualized treatment plan shared with the patients, as agents, to help them live as autonomously as possible with their pain. However, are patients in chronic pain centers sufficiently autonomous to participate in the therapeutic decisions that concern them? As this (...)
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  2. Une source négligée de la bataille de Mantzikert: Les „Gesta Roberti Wiscardi" de Guillaume d'Apulie.Marguerite Mathieu - 1950 - Byzantion 20:89-103.
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    Of Two Lives One? Jean-Charles-Marguerite-Guillaume Grimaud and the Question of Holism in Vitalist Medicine.Elizabeth A. Williams - 2008 - Science in Context 21 (4):593-613.
    ArgumentMontpellier vitalists upheld a medical perspective akin to modern “holism” in positing the functional unity of creatures imbued with life. While early vitalists focused on the human organism, Jean-Charles-Marguerite-Guillaume Grimaud investigated digestion, growth, and other physiological processes that human beings shared with simpler organisms. Eschewing modern investigative methods, Grimaud promoted a medically-grounded “metaphysics.” His influential doctrine of the “two lives” broke with Montpellier holism, classifying some vital phenomena as “higher” and others as “lower” and attributing the “nobility” of (...)
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    Secrets: Humanism, Mysticism, and Evangelism in Erasmus of Rotterdam, Bishop Guillaume Briçonnet, and Marguerite de Navarre, written by Jacob Vance.Jan Miernowski - 2016 - Erasmus Studies 36 (1):91-94.
  5. La source première et directe du dialogue en forme de vision nocturne: La lettre de Guillaume briçonnet à Marguerite de navarre, du 15 septembre 1524. Publication et commentaire. [REVIEW]Christine Martineau & Christian Grouselle - 1970 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 32 (3):559-577.
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    (1 other version)L'influence du 'Miroir des Simples Ames anéanties' de Marguerite Porete sur la pensée de l'auteur anonyme du 'Nuage d'Inconnaissance'.G. Lachaussée - 1997 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 64 (2):385-399.
    Le XIVe siècle peut sans nul doute être considéré comme «l’âge d’or» de la mystique en Angleterre. Parmi les noms de R. Rolle, W. Hilton, J. de Norwich, l’auteur du Nuage d’Inconnaissance occupe une place importante, gardant un anonymat manifestement recherché. Il apparaît très vraisemblable que cet Anonyme ait longtemps et assidûment fréquenté les milieux cartusiens, s’il n’a pas été lui-même chartreux, avant peut-être de choisir une vie plus radicalement érémitique. Le but de son œuvre est l’union à Dieu par (...)
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    Literature, Art and the Pursuit of Decay in Twentieth-Century France.Timothy Mathews - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Literature, Art and the Pursuit of Decay, Timothy Mathews examines work by a range of writers and painters working in France in the twentieth century. The well-illustrated book engages with canonical figures - Guillaume Apollinaire, Marguerite Duras and Jean Genet, Roland Barthes, Pablo Picasso and René Magritte - as well as more neglected individuals including Robert Desnos and Jean Fautrier. Mathews draws on psychoanalysis, existentialism and poststructuralism to show how both literature and fine art promote the value (...)
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    Robust Correlation Analyses: False Positive and Power Validation Using a New Open Source Matlab Toolbox.Cyril R. Pernet, Rand Wilcox & Guillaume A. Rousselet - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Patriarchal power as unjust: tyranny in seventeenth-century Venice.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (4):718-737.
    ABSTRACTIn the debate about the worth of women in sixteenth and seventeenth century Italy three pro-woman authors of the period, Moderata Fonte, Lucrezia Marinella, and Arcangela Tarabotti, develop...
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  10. Van Rensselaer Potter : penser la bioéthique autrement.Guillaume Paré & Michel Bergeron - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (1):79.
    En 2021, le livre de Van Rensselaer Potter intitulé Bioethics: Bridge to the Future a célébré son cinquantième anniversaire de parution. Or, la conception de la bioéthique proposée par l’auteur diffère de celle d’André Hellegers, qui a fait école. Pourtant, conçu comme guide, Potter y présente des éléments importants pour penser la place de la bioéthique dans le contexte sociétal et le développement actuelle des connaissances. Dans le texte qui suit, nous abordons certains éléments du contexte dans lequel ce livre (...)
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    Repenser la condition humaine: hommages à Gustave Guillaume, 1883-1960 et Jean Piaget, 1896-1980.Gustave Guillaume, Jean Piaget & André Jacob (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Riveneuve éditions.
    La réflexion philosophique, dont l'ouverture à l'univers dans lequel nous nous découvrons - avec une acuité proportionnelle à un étonnement renouvelé - n'a pas de limites, n'en est que plus tributaire des sciences et des techniques, des arts et de multiples activités qui régissent plus ou moins fructueusement notre expérience. Or, au sein des sciences humaines, privilégiées pour éclairer une condition que nous ne saurions cesser d'interpréter, peu d'oeuvres du dernier siècle auront enrichi en le précisant notre être-au-monde, comme la (...)
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    Single-Trial Analyses: Why Bother?Cyril R. Pernet, Paul Sajda & Guillaume A. Rousselet - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Aristotle on definition.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2007 - Boston: Brill.
    This work examines Aristotle's discussions of definition in his logical works and the Metaphysics, and argues for the importance of definitions of simple ...
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  14.  41
    The Superiority of Women in the Seventeenth Century.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (1):1-19.
    Early feminist or pro-woman works often combine the claim that the rational souls of men and women are the same with an argument for the superiority of women. This article considers two such works, Lucrezia Marinella's The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects and Vices of Men (Venice, 1601 [1999]) and Marguerite Buffet's In Praise of Illustrious Learned Women, both Ancient and Modern (Paris, 1668), in order to show the continuities and distinctive features of feminist arguments for (...)
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    Zvolit si Evropu: Konstantin Sigov a lidská důstojnost.Marguerite Léna - 2024 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2023 (65):139-148.
    Czech translation of Marguerite Léna’s Choisir l’ Europe: Constantin Sigov et la dignité humaine.
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  16. Sophismes, coll. « Sic et non ».Jean Buridan, Joël Biard, Guillaume Heytesbury & Fabienne Pironet - 1999 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 189 (4):527-529.
  17. Posterior elongation in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii involves stem cells molecularly related to primordial germ cells.Gazave Eve, Béhague Julien, Lucie Laplane, Guillou Aurélien, Demilly Adrien, Balavoine Guillaume & Vervoort Michel - 2013 - Developmental Biology 1 (382):246-267.
    Like most bilaterian animals, the annelid Platynereis dumerilii generates the majority of its body axis in an anterior to posterior temporal progression with new segments added sequentially. This process relies on a posterior subterminal proliferative body region, known as the "segment addition zone" (SAZ). We explored some of the molecular and cellular aspects of posterior elongation in Platynereis, in particular to test the hypothesis that the SAZ contains a specific set of stem cells dedicated to posterior elongation.We cloned and characterized (...)
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    The Origins of Phenomenology in Austro‐German Philosophy.Guillaume Fréchette - 2019 - In John Shand (ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 418–453.
    The development of phenomenology in nineteenth‐century German philosophy is that of a particular stream within the larger historical‐philosophical complex of Austro‐German philosophy. As the “grandfather of phenomenology” resp. the “disgusted grandfather of phenomenology,” but also as the key figure on the “Anglo‐Austrian Analytic Axis”, Brentano is at the source of the two main philosophical traditions in twentieth‐century philosophy. This chapter focuses mainly on his place in nineteenth‐century European philosophy and on the central themes and concepts in his philosophy that were (...)
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  19. Envy and resentment.Marguerite La Caze - 2001 - Philosophical Explorations 4 (1):31-45.
    Envy and resentment are generally thought to be unpleasant and unethical emotions which ought to be condemned. I argue that both envy and resentment, in some important forms, are moral emotions connected with concern for justice, understood in terms of desert and entitlement. They enable us to recognise injustice, work as a spur to acting against it and connect us to others. Thus, we should accept these emotions as part of the ethical life.
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  20. The relationship between sexist, non-sexist, woman-centred and feminist research in the social sciences.Marguerite Eichler - 1987 - In Greta Hofman Nemiroff (ed.), Women and Men: Interdisciplinary Readings on Gender. Fitzhenry & Whiteside. pp. 21--53.
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    Robot introspection through learned hidden Markov models.Maria Fox, Malik Ghallab, Guillaume Infantes & Derek Long - 2006 - Artificial Intelligence 170 (2):59-113.
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    Ancient Women Philosophers: Recovered Ideas and New Perspectives, edited by Katharine R. O’Reilly and Caterina Pellò.Marguerite Deslauriers - forthcoming - Mind.
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    Aristotle on Sexual difference: metaphysics, biology and politics.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Aristotle's remarks about the differences between the sexes have become infamous for their implications for the social status of women. In his observations on female biology, Aristotle claims that "the female nature is, as it were, a deformity." In describing women's role in the public sphere, he claims that women are naturally subordinate because, while they possess a deliberative faculty, that capacity is "without authority." While both claims express the "inferiority" of female bodies/women relative to male bodies/men, it is not (...)
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    Comparing Numerical Comparison Tasks: A Meta-Analysis of the Variability of the Weber Fraction Relative to the Generation Algorithm.Mathieu Guillaume & Amandine Van Rinsveld - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  25. (1 other version)Aristotle on the Virtues of Slaves and Women.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25:213-31.
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    De transitu Hellenismi ad Christianismum, de Guillaume Budé.Guillaume Budé - 1973 - Sherbrooke,: Éditions paulines. Edited by Maurice Lebel.
  27. Marinella and her interlocutors: hot blood, hot words, hot deeds.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (10):2525-2537.
    In the treatise called La nobiltà et l’eccellenza delle donne co’ diffetti et mancamenti de gli uomini Lucrezia Marinella claims that women are superior to men. She argues that men are excessively hot, and that heat in a high degree is detrimental to the intellectual and moral capacities of a person. The aim of this paper is to set out Marinella’s views on temperature differences in the bodies of men and women and the effects of bodily constitution on the capacities (...)
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    Courage: Definition and distinctions.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2021 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:247-267.
    Afin d’examiner la définition du courage chez Aristote, cet article pose un certain nombre de questions de procédure. (i) Comment Aristote s’y prend-il pour construire la définition du courage dans sa philosophie morale et politique? Suit-il réellement la procédure de rassemblement et de division qu’il a héritée de Platon, mais qu’il a aussi révisée et continué à prôner dans ses développements théoriques sur la définition? (ii) La définition du courage que pose Aristote a-t-elle la structure qu’il recommande, sur laquelle il (...)
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    Thumos in Aristotle’s Politics VII.7.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):57-76.
    Aristotle claims that the citizens of the best city should be both intelligent and spirited at Politics VII.7 1327b19-38. While he treats intelligence as an unqualified good, thumos is valuable but problematic. This paper has two aims: to consider the political value of spirit in Aristotle’s Politics and in particular to identify the ways in which it is both essential to political excellence and yet insufficient for securing it, and to use this analysis of the role of spirit in the (...)
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  30. Sexual Difference in Aristotle's Politics and His Biology.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2009 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 102 (3):215-231.
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    Kierkegaard.Marguerite Grimault - 1962 - Paris: Seuil. Edited by Søren Kierkegaard.
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    In search of Junian Latins.Marguerite Hirt - 2018 - História 67 (3):288.
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    The doctrine of the self in st. Augustine and in Descartes.Marguerite Wither Kehr - 1916 - Philosophical Review 25 (4):587-615.
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    The Effects of “Going Private” on Corporate Financial and Corporate Social Performance.Marguerite Schneider & Alix Valenti - 2008 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 19:236-245.
    The newly private corporation challenges scholars to re-examine corporate social responsibility under a markedly different governance system. We theorize regarding the implications of public corporations going private through use of private equity. The new governance system includes few owners and an expert, involved board of directors; combined with a greatly reduced public presence, public-to-private firms are proposed to place greater emphasis on financial performance and lesser emphasis on social performance. Several variables are proposed to moderate the lesser emphasis on social (...)
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    The Effects of “Going Private” Using Private Equity: The Newly Private Corporation and the Dimensions of Corporate Performance.Marguerite Schneider & Alix Valenti - 2010 - Business and Society Review 115 (1):75-106.
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    Probability, conformation, and simplicity. Readings in the philosophy of inductive logic.Marguerite H. Foster & Michael L. Martin - 1970 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 35 (3):451-454.
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    Response to Kingsley Price's?How can Music Seem to be Emotional?Marguerite Nering - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (1):71-75.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.1 (2004) 71-75 [Access article in PDF] Response to Kingsley Price's "How Can Music Seem to be Emotional" Marguerite Nering Calgary, Canada Kingsley Price argues that music, since it is not personal, cannot be emotional but can only seem emotional. In an earlier draft of this paper he described it more fully: "Music is not a person, cannot possibly harbor an inward life, (...)
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    The Psychoanalysis of Sense: Deleuze and the Lacanian School.Guillaume Collett - 2016 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Guillaume Collett questions to what extent we can locate Deleuze within the Lacanian School during the late-1960s, prior to Guattari. In so doing, he offers a new, integrated reading of Deleuze's The Logic of Sense by understanding it as a 'psychoanalysis of sense', and gives a new interpretation of Deleuze's conception of philosophy itself. The Psychoanalysis of Sense shows that Deleuze was not merely aware of the debates animating the Lacanian School during the 1960s: he sought to contribute to (...)
  39. Descriptive Psychology: Brentano and Dilthey.Guillaume Fréchette - 2020 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 10 (1):290-307.
    Although Wilhelm Dilthey and Franz Brentano apparently were pursuing roughly the same objective—to offer a description of our mental functions and of their relations to objects—and both called their respective research programs ‘descriptive psychology’, they seem to have used the term to refer to two different methods of psychological research. In this article, I compare analyses of these differences. Against the reading of Orth but also against a possible application of recent relativist accounts of the epistemology of peer disagreement to (...)
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    Marie de Gournay and Aristotle on the Unity of the Sexes.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2019 - In Eileen O’Neill & Marcy P. Lascano (eds.), Feminist History of Philosophy: The Recovery and Evaluation of Women’s Philosophical Thought. Springer, NM 87747, USA: Springer. pp. 281-299.
    Marie de Gournay, in a central argument in the pamphlet Égalité des hommes et des femmes [The Equality of Women and Men], offers an interpretation of an argument for equality that she attributes to ‘the School.’ I argue that Gournay is drawing on Aristotle’s Metaphysics to formulate an argument for the equality of women; that she does not temper that argument with claims for the superiority of women, which makes her unique for some time; and that her alleged misrepresentation of (...)
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    A Property Rights Analysis of Newly Private Firms: Opportunities for Owners to Appropriate Rents and Partition Residual Risks.Marguerite Schneider & Alix Valenti - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (3):445-471.
    ABSTRACT:A key factor in the decision to convert a publicly owned company to private status is the expectation that value will be created, providing the firm with rent. These rents have implications regarding the property rights of the firm’s capital-contributing constituencies. We identify and analyze the types of rent associated with the newly private firm. Compared to public firms, going private allows owners the potential to partition part of the residual risk to bond holders and employees, rendering them to be (...)
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    La Correspondance d'Érasme et de Guillaume Budé.Desiderius Erasmus, Guillaume Budé & Marie-Madeleine de la Garanderie - 1967 - Paris,: J. Vrin. Edited by Guillaume Budé & Marie-Madeleine de La Garanderie.
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    Intricate Axioms as Interaction Axioms.Guillaume Aucher - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (5):1035-1062.
    In epistemic logic, some axioms dealing with the notion of knowledge are rather convoluted and difficult to interpret intuitively, even though some of them, such as the axioms.2 and.3, are considered to be key axioms by some epistemic logicians. We show that they can be characterized in terms of understandable interaction axioms relating knowledge and belief or knowledge and conditional belief. In order to show it, we first sketch a theory dealing with the characterization of axioms in terms of interaction (...)
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    Marie de gournay and Montaigne.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2008 - Angelaki 13 (2):5 – 15.
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    Peut-on déconstruire la tradition empiriste? : À propos de la critique bradleyenne de la psychologie associationniste.Guillaume Lejeune - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (1):53-77.
    Guillaume Lejeune | : La philosophie de Bradley se présente moins comme une tentative d’importation de la pensée allemande en Angleterre que comme une volonté de régler par le recours à divers écoles les problèmes dans lesquels la tradition empiriste se dépêtre : un atomisme de la connaissance et une conception externaliste des relations qui rendraient impossible une vision unitaire de l’expérience. La critique que développe Bradley de l’association d’idées dans la mesure où elle fait ressortir les présuppositions de (...)
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    The Language of Violence: Chiastic Encounters.Marguerite Caze - 2016 - Sophia 55 (1):115-127.
    In her recent book, Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary, Ann Murphy suggests that the philosophical imaginary, in particular that of contemporary continental philosophy, is imbued with images of violence. The concept of the philosophical imaginary is drawn from the work of Michèle Le Dœuff to explore the role of images of violence in philosophy. Murphy sets the language of violence, reflexivity, and critique against that of vulnerability, ambiguity and responsibility. Her concern is that images of violence have become and may (...)
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    If Motivation Was a Key Factor in Aerobic Performance in Tropical Climate?Guillaume R. Coudevylle, Stéphane Sinnapah, Aurélie Collado, Fabien Fenouillet, Olivier Hue, Matthieu Parrat & Nicolas Robin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This mini review examines the impact of tropical climate on motivational factors during aerobic performance and proposes the tracks of an integrative theoretical model to better understand the direct and indirect motivational mechanisms that can operate on athletic performances. TC is detrimental for aerobic performance and, although it clearly induces physiological constraints, these do not seem to be the only factors that explain the performance decline. Indeed, TC performance researchers have developed a theory of anticipation, which suggests that the brain (...)
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  48. Stephen Halliwell, The Poetics of Aristotle: translation and commentary Reviewed by.Marguerite Deslauriers - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (7):271-273.
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    Le côté vache du commun.Marguerite Holstein - 2011 - Multitudes 45 (2):121-123.
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    The concave mirror: from imitation to expression in French esthetic theory, 1800-1830.Marguerite Iknayan - 1983 - Saratoga, Calif.: ANMA Libri.
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