Results for 'Maria Auxiliadora Fontana Baseio'

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  1.  14
    Perspectivas de um novo espaço representacional humano: crítica de fronteiras na interface da Literatura e da Antropologia.Maria Auxiliadora Fontana Baseio & Maria Zilda Da Cunha - 2015 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (2).
    A cultura humana envolve uma rede complexa de dinâmicas e de trocas simbólicas. Entre as perspectivas teóricas que propiciam perscrutar liames dessas dinâmicas, possibilitando vislumbrar horizontes de tendências de novos paradigmas que se engendram nas fronteiras móveis de formas de representação da vida humana, entendemos que os Estudos Comparados de Literatura, por sua natureza interdisciplinar, possibilitam canais de comunicação entre várias disciplinas e áreas do conhecimento. Como espaço de reflexão, a perspectiva contemporânea desses estudos vem encorajando a tomada de consciência (...)
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    Empathy in Brazilian nursing professionals.Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Rodrigo Guimarães dos Santos Almeida, Mirella Castelhano Souza, Alessandra Mazzo, Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes & Jose Carlos Amado Martins - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (3):367-376.
    Background: Essential for the help relation, empathy is the ability to understand, share, and perceive the subjective experience of other human beings. Objective: The objective in this non-experimental, exploratory, and descriptive research was to verify, observe, and document empathy in nursing professionals. Research design: Non-experimental, exploratory, and descriptive research. Participants and research context: the study was conducted at two large hospitals, one public and the other private, across all shifts. The sample included 159 individuals. A questionnaire was used to identify (...)
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  3. Didática fundamentada na teoria de Piaget.Maria Auxiliadora Versiani Cunha - 1972 - Rio: [de Janeiro] Forense.
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    Formação da consciência histórica ou desenvolvimento de competências? Considerações sobre o ensino de história para jovens brasileiros - doi.Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (1):87-116.
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    As Coreografias Institucionais No Cenário da Pandemia da Covid-19: O Ensino e a Aprendizagem No Modo Remoto Emergencial.Ernandes Rodrigues do Nascimento & Maria Auxiliadora Soares Padilha - 2023 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 11.
    As coreografias institucionais no cenário da pandemia da COVID-19: o ensino e a aprendizagem no modo remoto emergencial,de Ernandes Rodrigues do Nascimento e Maria Auxiliadora Sozares Padilha, último capítulo, trata das experiências de aprendizagemdos estudantes utilizando diversas metodologias ativas de acordo com os objetivos das aulas. Para eles, quando as coreografiasinstitucionais são focadas em melhorarem a experiência dos usuários, a IES termina criando condições que podem lhe dar suporteem momento de crise, minimizando, assim, os impactos negativos.
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  6. Quem sabe ler editoriais?: Desenvolvendo habilidades de leitura através de sequência didática.Isabel Maria Paese Pressanto, Niura Maria Fontana & Neires Maria Soldatelli Paviani - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (2):128-140.
    A partir da constatação de problemas no desempenho leitor de universitários, projeto de pesquisa realizado na Universidade de Caxias do Sul buscou oportunizar aos alunos o desenvolvimento de habilidades de leitura pelo uso de material instrucional composto por sequências didáticas baseadas em diferentes gêneros do discurso. Descrevemos aqui a sequência que tem como núcleo o editorial. Os alunos envolvidos, ingressantes em cursos de graduação, foram divididos em grupo experimental (GE), submetido à sequência de leitura aqui descrita, e grupo de controle (...)
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  7.  58
    Empathic profile of nursing freshmen.Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes, Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Mirella Castelhano Souza, Valtuir Duarte Souza-Junior, Simone de Godoy, Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura & Sara Soares dos Santos - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2298-2305.
    Objective: To analyze the empathic profile and the empathy scores of freshmen of the nursing course. Design and participants: Descriptive study involving 399 freshmen students of two modalities of nursing courses: Bachelor and Bachelor and Teaching Diploma, in the period from 2012 to 2015. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the Empathy Inventory were applied. Ethical considerations: The research received approval from the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing. The students registered their acceptance (...)
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  8. Oficinas pedagógicas: relato de uma experiência.Neires Maria Soldatelli Paviani & Niura Maria Fontana - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):77-88.
    No âmbito educacional, a articulação entre teoria e prática encontra na metodologia das oficinas pedagógicas um recurso oportuno. Este artigo caracteriza a oficina pedagógica como forma de construir conhecimento a partir da ação e da reflexão e relata sucintamente uma experiência de oficinas oferecidas a professores da Rede Municipal de Ensino. O resultado das oficinas sugere ser essa técnica bastante eficaz na formação continuada de professores.
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    Chemistry of the Amazon: Biodiversity, Natural Products, and Environmental Issues.Peter Rudolf Seidl, Otto Richard Gottlieb & Maria Auxiliadora Coelho Kaplan (eds.) - 1974 - American Chemical Society.
    Discusses biodiversity conservation in tropical rainforests. Presents an overview of research on bioactive natural products from the Amazon. Examines current research and investigations of the chemical evolution. Addresses biogeochemistry issues of tropical systems. Provides an overview of environmental issues related to Amazon biodiversity, including the impact of surface mining on the quality of air, water, and soil.
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    Resilience Assessment Scale for the Prediction of Suicide Reattempt in Clinical Population.David Sánchez-Teruel, María Auxiliadora Robles-Bello, José Antonio Muela-Martínez & Ana García-León - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective of this work was to construct and validate an instrument for assessing resilience to suicide attempts in a Spanish clinical population that has made a previous attempt, and to verify its efficacy for predicting future suicide reattempts at 6 months. For the construction of a Scale of Resilience to Suicide Attempts the theoretical-rational strategy was used. The constructed SRSA-18 consisted of 18 items and 3 subdimensions, had high internal consistency and a high positive correlation with the Suicide Resilience (...)
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    Empathizing and systemizing profiles of Brazilian and Portuguese nursing undergraduates.Mirella Castelhano Souza, Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes, José Carlos Amado Martins, Simone de Godoy, Valtuir Duarte Souza-Junior, Maria Auxiliadora Trevizan, Sara Soares dos Santos, Luís Miguel Nunes de Oliveira, Maria Clara Amado Apóstolo Ventura & Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):221-229.
    Aim: To analyze the empathizing and systemizing profiles of Brazilian and Portuguese nursing undergraduates. Background: Empathy is a fundamental skill for nursing practice and should be analyzed during the student’s education. Methods: Descriptive study with cross-sectional design. Participants were 968 undergraduate students, including 215 (22.2%) Brazilians from a university in the state of São Paulo and 753 (77.8%) Portuguese students from a higher education institution in central Portugal. The Portuguese and Brazilian versions of the Empathizing/Systemizing Quotient have good internal consistency (...)
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    Resenha de A Critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Memory.Glaupy Fontana Ribas & Úrsula Maria Coelho Lied - 2020 - Cognitio 20 (2):456-460.
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    Response Inhibition and Interference Suppression in Individuals With Down Syndrome Compared to Typically Developing Children.Laura Traverso, Martina Fontana, Maria Carmen Usai & Maria C. Passolunghi - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Maria José Fontana: L'Athenaion Politeia del V secolo a. C. Pp. 103. Palermo: privately printed, 1968. Paper, L. 1,300.D. M. Lewis - 1971 - The Classical Review 21 (1):126-126.
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    escuelas agrícolas salesianas en el proceso de territorialización estatal de la Patagonia y la formación de su sistema educativo.Silvia Omenetto & María Andrea Nicoletti - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (2):1-27.
    Para reconstruir la historia de la Patagonia desde una perspectiva que pone al sistema escolar en el centro, es inevitable centrar la atención en el aporte social y educativo de las Congregaciones salesianas, Salesianos e Hijas de María Auxiliadora, que se inició a fines del siglo XIX y principios del siglo XX. En la Patagonia, de hecho, las Congregaciones asumieron un papel relevante, mostrando un monopolio misionero y educativo desde 1880, aunque en algunos espacios y en distintos momentos, existieron (...)
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  16. FONTANA, Niura Maria; PAVIANI, Neires Maria Soldatelli; PRESSANTO, Isabel Maria Paese. Práticas de linguagem: gêneros discursivos e interação Caxias do Sul: Educs, 2009.Simone Viapiana - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (2).
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    Monumentos de cultura: testimonios de barbarie: Monuments of Culture: Testimony of Savagery.Alicia Gloria Auxiliadora Rubio - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:137-144.
    Toda imagen es un modo de mirar, de descubrir la realidad. La mirada del pintor o la del fotógrafo guarda para el futuro una parte, infinitesimal, del espacio. Solamente queda para la posteridad lo que ellos quieren que perdure. Las imágenes hablaron durante siglos acerca del pasado. Las pinturas retrataban las costumbres de la sociedad. La autoridad consagrada por el orden imperante resultaba reforzada por el arte canónico. Después de la invención de la fotografía las imágenes de guerra dejaron de (...)
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  18.  29
    Non Sibi, Sed Omnibus: Influence of Supplier Collective Behaviour on Corporate Social Responsibility in the Bangladeshi Apparel Supply Chain.Enrico Fontana & Niklas Egels-Zandén - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):1047-1064.
    Local supplier corporate social responsibility in developing countries represents a powerful tool to improve labour conditions. This paper pursues an inter-organizational network approach to the global value chain literature to understand the influence of suppliers’ collective behaviour on their CSR engagement. This exploratory study of 30 export-oriented and first-tier apparel suppliers in Bangladesh, a developing country, makes three relevant contributions to GVC scholarship. First, we show that suppliers are interlinked in a horizontal network that restricts unilateral CSR engagement. This is (...)
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  19.  51
    Modelling 'evo‐devo' with RNA.Walter Fontana - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (12):1164-1177.
    The folding of RNA sequences into secondary structures is a simple yet biophysically grounded model of a genotype–phenotype map. Its computational and mathematical analysis has uncovered a surprisingly rich statistical structure characterized by shape space covering, neutral networks and plastogenetic congruence. I review these concepts and discuss their evolutionary implications. BioEssays 24:1164–1177, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Periodicals, Inc.
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  20. Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes: Theorizing Coalition Against Multiple Oppressions.María Lugones - 2003 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  21.  15
    Agravante de Género: Cinco Años de Vigencia.M. ª Auxiliadora Díaz Velázquez - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 2 (2):87-110.
    Este trabajo tiene por objeto el estudio de la agravante de discriminación por razón de género recogida en el art. 22.4ª del C.P, por la Ley Orgánica 1/2015, de 30 de marzo. Nos vamos a centrar en el estudio del fundamento y elementos de la circunstancia agravante. Se prosigue, con el análisis de su compatibilidad con otras agravantes genéricas y su régimen de comunicabilidad a los partícipes del delito. Sin olvidar, el examen de las sentencias dictadas por el Tribunal Supremo.
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    Gap Between the ‘Ought’ and the ‘is’ of the Third Sector: A Qualitative Case Study of Andalusia (Spain).Auxiliadora González-Portillo & Germán Jaraíz-Arroyo - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (1):67-82.
    The origin of the Third Sector (TS) in Spain is rooted in the defence of social rights and demands made of the State regarding social transformation. With the development of the Welfare State, the role of the TS has progressively changed, becoming primarily a provider of services to Public Administrations (PAs), and moving away from its roots advocating and demanding social justice. This article examines the distance between the original intentions (‘ought’) and the current day-to-day actions (‘is’) of the TS (...)
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  23.  61
    Love of Country and Love of God: The Political Uses of Religion in Machiavelli.Benedetto Fontana - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (4):639-658.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Love of Country and Love of God: The Political Uses of Religion in MachiavelliBenedetto Fontana*This paper will discuss the place of religion in Machiavelli’s thought. 1 The traditional and generally accepted interpretation presents Machiavelli’s religion as a belief system whose value is determined by its functional utility to the state. In this he is said to resemble Cicero, 2 Montesquieu, 3 and Tocqueville, 4 among others. This view (...)
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  24.  25
    Sallust and the politics of Machiavelli.Benedetto Fontana - 2003 - History of Political Thought 24 (1):86-108.
    This essay examines the place of Sallust in Machiavelli's political theory. Such an examination is necessary and fruitful for two basic reasons. First, the interpretative and secondary literature on Machiavelli's classical sources has neglected, with very few exceptions, the influence and role Sallust may have played in the formulation of Machiavelli's thinking. Second, the essay argues that Sallust is important to Machiavelli's attempt to recover republican liberty. At the core of Machiavelli's project to discover 'new modes and orders' is the (...)
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    Tacitus on empire and republic.Benedetto Fontana - 1993 - History of Political Thought 14 (1):27-40.
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    Introduction.Biancamaria Fontana - 2008 - In Montaigne's Politics: Authority and Governance in the Essais. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-25.
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    Logos and Kratos: Gramsci and the Ancients on Hegemony.Benedetto Fontana - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (2):305.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.2 (2000) 305-326 [Access article in PDF] Logos and Kratos: Gramsci and the Ancients on Hegemony Benedetto Fontana * The purpose of this paper is to locate Gramsci's concept of hegemony, and its related ideas of civil society, the national-popular and the people-nation, within the political thought of classical antiquity. 1 In so doing, the paper seeks to identify strands or elements (...)
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  28. L'obscurcissement de l'«esse» dans l'école thomiste.Elvio Celestino Fontana - 2011 - Revue Thomiste 111:71-102.
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    9. Machiavelli and the Gracchi: Republican Liberty and Class Conflict.Benedetto Fontana - 2017 - In David Johnston, Nadia Urbinati & Camila Vergara (eds.), Machiavelli on Liberty and Conflict. London: University of Chicago Press. pp. 235-256.
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    Rethinking the Politics of Commercial Society: The Edinburgh Review 1802–1832.Biancamaria Fontana - 1985 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores the sources of modern British liberalism through a study of the Edinburgh Review, the most influential and controversial early nineteenth-century British periodical. Founded by a group of young Scottish intellectuals in 1802, the Review served as a principal channel through which the ideas of the Scottish Enlightenment gained wider currency, and did much to popularize the doctrines of economic and political reform. As Dr Fontana shows in this lucid and keen analysis, the first thirty years in (...)
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  31. Review Article: Rhetoric and Power in Machiavelli.Benedetto Fontana - 2009 - European Journal of Political Theory 8 (2):263-274.
  32.  20
    Husserl e Nietzsche: A “Transmutação” Do Niilismo.Vanessa Furtado Fontana - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 30 (30):20-38.
    O artigo pretende pensar o aspecto afirmativo do pensamento de Nietzsche ao propor uma “transmutação” do niilismo. Transmutação está em destaque, pois para Nietzsche o niilismo faz parte da vontade de potência, ou seja, para superar o niilismo decadente da cultura europeia e ocidental é necessário saber direcionar o aspecto negativo, ou melhor, da crítica aos valores tradicionais, para afirmar a vida, o ‘sujeito criador’ e a finitude. Ao pensar no poder do aspecto niilista presente na transmutação da cultura, poder (...)
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  33. Victorian doors.Ernest Fontana - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (1):277-288.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Victorian DoorsErnest L. FontanaILet us begin with a simple observation. If we confine ourselves to mid- and late-nineteenth Anglophone (Victorian) poetry that employs traditional verse stanzas or rooms, it is perhaps not surprising that a line terminating with door most often rhymes with more, particularly as more is found in such locutions as no more or evermore.1 For example, in the work of Emily Dickinson, door rhymes with a (...)
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  34. Psychological Essentialism and Dehumanization.Maria Kronfeldner - 2020 - In Routledge Handbook of Dehumanization. London, New York: Routledge.
    In this Chapter, Maria Kronfeldner discusses whether psychological essentialism is a necessary part of dehumanization. This involves different elements of essentialism, and a narrow and a broad way of conceptualizing psychological essentialism, the first akin to natural kind thinking, the second based on entitativity. She first presents authors that have connected essentialism with dehumanization. She then introduces the error theory of psychological essentialism regarding the category of the human, and distinguishes different elements of psychological essentialism. On that basis, Kronfeldner (...)
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  35.  21
    Centralidade e Seletividade da Matemática: Da Paideia Platônica À Contemporaneidade.Milena Fontana & Vicente Zatti - 2023 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 11.
    Nesse trabalho apresentamos os resultados obtidos na pesquisa “A centralidade da Matemática no currículo: um estudo sobre as origens a partir da paideia platônica”. Partimos do estudo bibliográfico da paideia platônica, com o objetivo de demonstrar que a Matemática é central no sistema educacional platônico na medida em que possui a função de instrumentalizar o pensamento e formar homens aptos a guiarem-se pela razão em todos os aspectos da vida. Caberia à Matemática, dada sua dificuldade, o papelde selecionar os homens (...)
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    Virtual Domes. Utopian architecture at the dawn of Virtual Reality.Margherita Fontana - 2023 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 16 (1):95-103.
    This paper examines the theoretical and practical aspects of geodesic dome architecture in North America as part of an aesthetic of virtualization. Geodesic domes can be conceived of as virtual environments designed as alternatives to the contemporary world and its internal crises. They were originally a tool of the American counterculture of the 1960s to search for futuristic housing solutions which responded to ecological concerns. The contribution traces some of the most important phases of dome architecture, which crossed paths with (...)
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  37.  24
    Saving the World? How CSR Practitioners Live Their Calling by Constructing Different Types of Purpose in Three Occupational Stages.Enrico Fontana, Sanne Frandsen & Mette Morsing - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (4):741-766.
    Much attention in the meaningful work literature has been devoted to calling as an orientation toward work characterized by a strong sense of purpose and a prosocial motivation beyond self-gain. Nonetheless, debate remains as to whether individuals change or maintain their calling, and especially whether they live their calling differently in different occupational stages. In this article, we respond to this conundrum through an analysis of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) occupation—substantiated by interviews with 57 CSR practitioners from Swedish international (...)
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    Destin funeste de la symbiose : le cas des sœurs Papin.Christelle Fontana, Aldona Lemiszewska & Gaëlle Oberlé - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 246 (1):89-103.
    Les sœurs Papin, auteures d’un fait divers tragique qui a sidéré la France en 1933, ont inspiré, voire fasciné, hommes de lettres, cinéastes, psychanalystes. Christine et Léa Papin seraient dépositaires des traumatismes familiaux inter et transgénérationnels non transformés et clivés. Séparées dans la petite enfance, placées par leur mère comme domestiques chez la famille Lancelin, elles reproduiraient entre elles le lien d’interdépendance symbiotique instaurée auparavant avec elle. Le retour du vécu traumatique clivé et l’ébranlement de la symbiose consécutif à la (...)
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    Women in Wildfire Crises: Exploring Lived Experiences of Conflict through Forum Theatre (Creative Intervention).Lorenza Fontana, Angelo Miramonti & Caleb Johnston - 2023 - Studies in Social Justice 17 (2):269-279.
    This creative intervention draws on our recent work investigating the lived experiences of poor rural communities in Bolivia’s Chiquitania, a region deeply affected by wildfires in recent years. We share learning and materials from our project, Playing with Fire, situated at the interface of and combining Boal’s model of Forum Theatre and social science research. The aim and hope of the project were to use Forum Theatre to open up space for dialogue on the complex and entangled gendered, social and (...)
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    The democratic problems with Washington as the capital.David Fontana - 2023 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 24 (2):119-139.
    Democracy demands a capital city that represents a country and is not removed from it. If the government is to be of the people and for the people, then the capital must be able to relate to the people—and the people to the capital. In the United States, democracy struggles not just because of what happens outside of and comes to Washington, but because of what happens inside Washington. The federal government, in other words, faces democratic problems because of the (...)
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  41. Présentation des oeuvres complètes.Elvio Celestino Fontana - 2011 - Revue Thomiste 111:3-6.
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    Acknowledgments.Biancamaria Fontana - 2008 - In Montaigne's Politics: Authority and Governance in the Essais. Princeton University Press.
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  43. Actualité et originalité de l'«esse» thomiste.Elvio Celestino Fontana - 2011 - Revue Thomiste 111:7-70.
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  44. Antonio Gramsci-Philosophy, politics, and culture-Introduction.B. Fontana - 1998 - Philosophical Forum 29 (3-4):91-92.
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    André Neher: apertura di Spirito, coraggio della fede.Raniero Fontana - 2020 - Villa Verucchio (RN): Pazzini editore.
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    A patient's experience.Marian Fontana - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (5):20.
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    Altered States.David Fontana - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 217–226.
    This chapter examines the varieties of mystical experience, which can occur spontaneously, or be triggered by specific interventions or practices such as the contemplative and meditative practices, found within Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist spiritual traditions. It examines the similarities and differences of transcendent versus immanent experiences, the levels or stages of mystical experiences, the conditions that facilitate them, and the influence of prevailing beliefs and culture on how they are interpreted and described. It also considers the relation of (...)
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  48. Altered States through Meditation and Dreams.David Fontana - 2001 - In David Lorimer (ed.), Thinking beyond the brain: a wider science of consciousness. Edinburgh: Floris Books. pp. 71.
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    Bibliography.Biancamaria Fontana - 2008 - In Montaigne's Politics: Authority and Governance in the Essais. Princeton University Press. pp. 183-202.
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    Complexity.Walter Fontana & Susan Ballati - 1999 - Complexity 4 (3):14-16.
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