Results for 'Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber and Rolf Pfeifer'

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  1.  17
    The Unconscious: A Bridge Between Psychoanalysis and Cognitive Neuroscience.Mark Solms & Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalysis was characterised by Freud as ‘the science of the unconscious mind’, and he never gave up hope that future developments in the neurosciences might contribute to a scientific foundation of psychoanalysis. This book explores the critical interdisciplinary dialogue between contemporary psychoanalysis and cognitive science, building bridges between researchers and clinicians to enable a better understanding of their passions, professional realities and engagement with psychoanalysis. Each chapter presents clinical case studies of the unconscious, alongside key areas of debate and development, (...)
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  2. Can Psychodynamically Oriented Early Prevention for “Children-at-Risk” in Urban Areas With High Social Problem Density Strengthen Their Developmental Potential? A Cluster Randomized Trial of Two Kindergarten-Based Prevention Programs.Tamara Fischmann, Lorena K. Asseburg, Jonathan Green, Felicitas Hug, Verena Neubert, Ming Wan & Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Children who live on the margins of society are disadvantaged in achieving their developmental potential because of the lack of a necessary stable environment and nurturing care. Many early prevention programs aim at mitigating such effects, but often the evaluation of their long-term effect is missing. The aim of the study presented here was to evaluate such long-term effects in two prevention programs for children-at-risk growing up in deprived social environments focusing on child attachment representation as the primary outcome as (...)
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    Transition to Kindergarten: Negative Associations between the Emotional Availability in Mother–Child Relationships and Elevated Cortisol Levels in Children with an Immigrant Background.Constanze Rickmeyer, Judith Lebiger-Vogel & Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:251843.
    Background: The transition to child care is a challenging time in a child’s life and leads to elevated levels of cortisol. These elevations may be influenced by the quality of the mother-child-relationship. However, remarkably little is known about cortisol production in response to the beginning of child care among children-at-risk such as children with an immigrant background. However, attending kindergarten or any other child day-care institution can for example have a compensating effect on potential language deficits thus improving the educational (...)
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    Fostering Emotional Availability in Mother-Child-Dyads With an Immigrant Background: A Randomized-Controlled-Trial on the Effects of the Early Prevention Program First Steps.Judith Lebiger-Vogel, Constanze Rickmeyer, Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber & Patrick Meurs - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundIn many Western countries like Germany, the social integration of children with an immigrant background has become an urgent social tasks. The probability of them living in high-risk environments and being disadvantaged regarding health and education-related variables is still relatively higher. Yet, promoting language acquisition is not the only relevant factor for their social integration, but also the support of earlier developmental processes associated with adequate early parenting in their first months of life. The Emotional Availability Scales measure the quality (...)
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  5.  36
    Psychoanalytische und kognitiv-behaviorale Langzeitbehandlung chronisch depressiver Patienten bei randomisierter oder präferierter Zuweisung.Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Martin Hautzinger, Wolfram Keller, George Fiedler, Ulrich Bahrke, Lisa Kallenbach, Johannes Kaufhold, Alexa Negele, Helmut Küchenhoff, Felix Günther, Bernhard Rüger, Mareike Ernst, Patrick Rachel & Manfred Beutel - 2019 - Psyche 73 (2):77-105.
    Die Autoren berichten über die erste kontrollierte Psychotherapiestudie, die psychoanalytische und kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Langzeitpsychotherapien mit randomisierter und präferierter Zuweisung mit­einander vergleicht. In vier Behandlungszentren wurden 554 chronisch depressive Patienten interviewt, von denen 252 in die Studie aufgenommen werden konnten. In den Selbsteinschätzungen der Patienten zeigten sich große und stabile Veränderungen. Die vollständige Remissionsrate (für BDI) lag nach einem Jahr bei 34 % und stieg auf 45 % nach drei Jahren. Analoge Ergebnisse zeigten sich in den Einschätzungen der unabhängigen, bezogen auf die (...)
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  6.  19
    Psychoanalytische Fokaltherapien für Patienten mit Zwangsstörungen?Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Lisa Kallenbach, Lorena Asseburg, Judith Lebiger-Vogel & Constanze Rickmeyer - 2017 - Psyche 71 (8):704-732.
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  7.  24
    Psychoanalytische und kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Langzeittherapien bei chronischer Depression: Die LAC-Depressionsstudie.Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Ulrich Bahrke, Manfred Beutel, Heinrich Deserno, Jens Edinger, Georg Fiedler, Antje Haselbacher, Martin Hautzinger, Lisa Kallenbach, Wolfram Keller, Alexa Negele, Nicole Pfenning-Meerkötter, Hila Prestele, Tanja Strecker-von Kannen, Ulrich Stuhr & Andreas Will - 2010 - Psyche 64 (9):782-832.
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  8.  12
    Psychoanalyse als plurale Wissenschaft des Unbewussten.Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber - 2021 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 46 (2):253-267.
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  9.  15
    Traumforschung in der Psychoanalyse: Klinische Studien, Traumserien, extraklinische Forschung im Labor.Tamara Fischmann, Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber & Horst Kächele - 2012 - Psyche 66 (9):833-861.
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  10.  19
    Wie können nachhaltige Veränderungen in Langzeittherapien untersucht werden?Johannes Kaufhold, Ulrich Bahrke, Lisa Kallenbach, Alexa Negele, Mareike Ernst, Wolfram Keller, Patrick Rachel, George Fiedler, Martin Hautzinger, Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber & Manfred Beutel - 2019 - Psyche 73 (2):106-133.
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    A Winter's Journey: Four Conversations with Marianne Brausch.Paul Virilio & Marianne Brausch - 2011 - Seagull Books.
    French cultural theorist and urbanist Paul Virilio is best known for his writings on media, technology, and architecture. Gathered here in _A Winter’s Journey _are four remarkable conversations in which Virilio and architectural writer Marianne Brausch look at a twentieth century characterized by enormous technological acceleration and by technocultural accidents of barbarism and horror. The dialogues in _A Winter_’_s Journey—_structured loosely around the dates 1940, 1950, 1960, and 1980—chart Virilio’s intimate intellectual biography, from his childhood lived against the unstable (...)
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  12. Laying Aside the Law: The Silences of Presumptive Positivism.Marianne Constable - 1999 - In Frederick F. Schauer & Linda Meyer, Rules and reasoning: essays in honour of Fred Schauer. Portland, Or.: Hart. pp. 61--78.
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    The Abolition of the Right to Fire-No-Fault is in Divorce Only.Marianne Moody Jennings - 1988 - Business and Society 27 (1):23-28.
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    Preaching to the Converted. Why Argue When Everyone Agrees?Marianne Doury - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (1):99-114.
    This paper discusses the definition of argumentation as a means for persuading an audience on the acceptability of a thesis. It is argued that persuasion is a goal that relates more to the communicative situation, the type of interaction or the type of discourse, rather than to the argumentative nature of it. Departing from the analysis of a short conversational sequence between people who agree on an issue and nevertheless argue, I suggest that a definition of argumentation in terms of (...)
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  15.  32
    The seven signs of ethical collapse: how to spot moral meltdowns in companies-- before it's too late.Marianne Jennings - 2006 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Do you want to make sure you · Don’t invest your money in the next Enron? · Don’t go to work for the next WorldCom right before the crash? · Identify and solve problems in your organization before they send it crashing to the ground? Marianne Jennings has spent a lifetime studying business ethics---and ethical failures. In demand nationwide as a speaker and analyst on business ethics, she takes her decades of findings and shows us in The Seven Signs (...)
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  16. A literature review of approaches to the professionalism of journalists.Marianne Allison - 1986 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 1 (2):5 – 19.
    This literature review of professionalism was prepared by San Jose State University graduate student Marianne Allison as a research committee project of the Mass Communication and Society Division, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. The project was prepared under the guidance of Professor Diana Stover Tillinghast. It reviews the literature on two approaches to professionalism in general and of the professionalism of journalists in particular: the ?structural?functionalist approach?; and the ?power approach.?; Traditional and recent discussions of the (...)
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    Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases.Marianne C. Snijdewind, Donald G. van Tol, Bregje D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen & Dick L. Willems - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):292-296.
    Background Since the enactment of the euthanasia law in the Netherlands, there has been a lively public debate on assisted dying that may influence the way patients talk about euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide with their physicians and the way physicians experience the practice of EAS. Aim To show what developments physicians see in practice and how they perceive the influence of the public debate on the practice of EAS. Methods We conducted a secondary analysis of in-depth interviews with 28 Dutch (...)
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    In the Midst of … Words Inside-Out: Pandemic Rhetorics.Marianne Constable - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (3):261-266.
    In the midst of the 2020 pandemic produced by an invisible virus, words bring the world near. Words come in from a threatening outside, even as their use turns those who are inside outward. Speech practices reconfigure work and non-work, while politics, like language, turns inside-out.
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    Ordenando las imágenes: la imaginación retórica y la polémica antipelagiana de Agustín después de 418.Marianne Djuth - 2007 - Augustinus 52 (204):49-56.
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  20. Lives transformed : John Whethamstede's use of Plutarch's lives.Marianne Pade - 2017 - In Patrick Baker, Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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    Bioethics: an introduction.Marianne Talbot - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    An understanding of the ethical implications of their work is now essential for all scientists. This accessible textbook clearly explains bioethical theories and their philosophical foundations to science students, enabling them to confidently take part in the key ethical debates of biotechnology. Over 200 activities introduce topics for personal reflection and discussion points encourage students to think for themselves and build their own arguments. Highlighting the potential pitfalls for those new to bioethics, each chapter features boxes providing factual information and (...)
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  22.  50
    Mechanisms of visual threat detection in specific phobia.Mariann R. Weierich & Teresa A. Treat - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (6):992-1006.
  23.  44
    What We Mean by Experience.Marianne Janack - 2012 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Social scientists and scholars in the humanities all rely on first-person descriptions of experience to understand how subjects construct their worlds. The problem they always face is how to integrate first-person accounts with an impersonal stance. Over the course of the twentieth century, this problem was compounded as the concept of experience itself came under scrutiny. First hailed as a wellspring of knowledge and the weapon that would vanquish metaphysics and Cartesianism by pragmatists like Dewey and James, by the century's (...)
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    Efficient Causality in Human Actions.Marianne Miller Childress - 1951 - Modern Schoolman 28 (3):191-222.
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  25. Reflections on Law as a Profession of Words.Marianne Constable - 1998 - In Bryant G. Garth & Austin Sarat, Justice and power in sociolegal studies. [Chicago, Ill.]: American Bar Foundation. pp. 19--35.
  26.  9
    Response to Maines.Marianne L. A. Leung, Elizabeth Higginbotham & Lynn Weber Cannon - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (2):248-250.
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    Waarom ergeren theologen zich aan John Hick?Marianne Moyaert - 2010 - Bijdragen 71 (2):159-179.
    The pluralist hypothesis as popularised by John Hick, which postulates the rough equality of religious traditions, has gained wide approval especially within interreligious circles. Nonetheless, Hick remains one of the most contested philosophers of religion of the twentieth century. Most notably, theologians have been highly critical; their polemical reactions to his pluralist hypothesis reveal their irritation. The question is: from where does this irritation arise? Why are these theologians so offended by a philosopher? How are we to understand the polemics (...)
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  28. John Wethamstede: Granarium, pars prima, "Paulus"/Granarium, part one, "Paulus".Marianne Pade - 2017 - In Patrick Baker, Biography, historiography, and modes of philosophizing: the tradition of collective biography in early modern Europe. Boston: Brill.
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  29. Ethical reflections on critical ethnography.Marianne Dovemark - 2019 - In Hugh Busher & Alison Fox, Implementing ethics in educational ethnography: regulation and practice. New York, NY: Routledge.
  30.  61
    Discussing End-of-Life Decisions in a Clinical Ethics Committee: An Interview Study of Norwegian Doctors’ Experience.Marianne K. Bahus & Reidun Førde - 2016 - HEC Forum 28 (3):261-272.
    With disagreement, doubts, or ambiguous grounds in end–of-life decisions, doctors are advised to involve a clinical ethics committee. However, little has been published on doctors’ experiences with discussing an end-of-life decision in a CEC. As part of the quality assurance of this work, we wanted to find out if clinicians have benefited from discussing end-of-life decisions in CECs and why. We will disseminate some Norwegian doctors’ experiences when discussing end-of-life decisions in CECs, based on semi-structured interviews with fifteen Norwegian physicians (...)
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  31. Language-specific encoding of placement events in gestures.Marianne Gullberg - 2010 - In Jürgen Bohnemeyer & Eric Pederson, Event representation in language and cognition. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Countering essentialism in psychiatric narratives.Marianne D. Broeker & Sarah Arnaud - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The practice of self-diagnosing, amplified by the spread of psychiatric knowledge through social media, has grown rapidly. Yet, the motivations behind this trend, and, critically, its psychological repercussions remain poorly understood. Self-ascribing a psychiatric label always occurs within a broader narrative context, with narratives serving as essential interpretive tools for understanding oneself and others.In this paper, we identify four principal motivators for people pursuing self-diagnosis, pertaining to 1. waiting time and cost of mental health resources, 2. recognition, 3. identity formation, (...)
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    (1 other version)La poupée Barbie.Marianne Debouzy - 1996 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 2:19-19.
    L'apparition de la poupée Barbie en 1959 ­ c'est-à-dire la substitution d'une poupée femme à une poupée enfant ­ marque une rupture dans la socialisation des petites filles. Pur produit des années 1950, la poupée Barbie s'adapte à toutes les décennies qui suivent car elle est avant tout le symbole d'une société de consommation qui sait récupérer toutes les modes, même celles qui paraissent les plus avancées. Elle est aussi le symbole du simulacre dans un monde qui est de plus (...)
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    Agustín sobre la metafísica de la creación y los milagros.Marianne Djuth - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):317-330.
    This essay explores Augustine philosophical conception of miracles in the context of a longstanding debate on the status of miracles expressed primarily in the De Genesi ad Litteram and De Trinitate. Over a half century ago P. D. Vooght remarked that Augustine “had opened up some profound and subtle views on the problem of miracles.” Dissatisfied with De Vooght’s conclusions, John Mourant and Leopold Tanganagba subsequently offered interpretations of their own on Augustine’s conception of miracles. Because Augustine’s conception of miracles (...)
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    Seeking the Hidden in Female and Secret Images: Learning About Culture as Spiritual Experience.Marianne George - 1995 - Anthropology of Consciousness 6 (1):9-16.
  36.  26
    Omitted evidence undermines sexual motives explanation for attractiveness bias.Marianne LaFrance & Alice H. Eagly - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Commentary on Conducting Research in Online Communities.Marianne Ryan - 2008 - Teaching Ethics 8 (2):125-134.
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    Federal Ethics Regulations Governing Internet Research.Marianne Ryan - 2012 - Teaching Ethics 12 (2):127-136.
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    “Minimal self” locked into a model: exploring the prospect of formalizing intentionality in schizophrenia.Marianne D. Broeker & Matthew R. Broome - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):331-352.
    Computational psychiatry is a quickly evolving discipline that aims to understand psychopathology in terms of computational, hence algorithmic processes. While cognitive phenomena, especially beliefs or ways of “reasoning”, can more easily be formalized, meaning re-described in mathematical terms and then entered computational models, there is speculation as to whether phenomenology might be formalizable too. In other words, there are speculations in terms of what aspects of the human experience, rather than specific cognitive processes alone, can enter computational models. Here, we (...)
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    The Benefits of Patient Involvement for Translational Research.Marianne Boenink, Simone Burg, Anna Laan, Elisa Garcia & Lieke Scheer - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (3):225-241.
    The question we raise in this paper is, whether patient involvement might be a beneficial way to help determine and achieve the aims of translational research and, if so, how to proceed. TR is said to ensure a more effective movement of basic scientific findings to relevant and useful clinical applications. In view of the fact that patients are supposed to be the primary beneficiaries of such translation and also have relevant knowledge based on their experience, listening to their voice (...)
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  41.  41
    The Norwegian Petroleum Fund: Savings for Future Generations?Marianne Takle - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (2):147-167.
    The Norwegian state-owned Petroleum Fund's market value is more than one trillion US dollars, and the Norwegian state has become one of the world's largest stockowners. The Fund was established in 1990 and in 2006 and renamed the ‘Government Pension Fund Global’, as savings for future generations. What kind of values form the basis for describing the Petroleum Fund in this way? This article shows that the idea that present generations should not empty the North Sea of oil and gas (...)
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  42. The Humane Community: Husserl Versus Stein.Marianne Sawicki - 2003 - In Richard Feist & William Sweet, Husserl and Stein. The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy. pp. 141--154.
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    Introduction.Marianne Janack - 2010 - In Feminist Interpretations of Richard Rorty. Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This introduction includes a short summary discussion of all the articles included in the volume. In addition to reprints of Rorty's essays about pragmatism and feminism, the volume includes essays by John C. Adams, Linda Martín Alcoff, Sharyn Clough, Nancy Fraser, Sabina Lovibond, Alessandra Tanesini, Georgia Warnke, and Steven Yarbrough.
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    Deliberation on GMOs: A Study of How a Citizens’ Jury Affects the Citizens’ Attitudes.Marianne Aasen & Arild Vatn - 2013 - Environmental Values 22 (4):461-481.
    Deliberative processes provide an important alternative input to environmental politics as they may, in contrast to often used market simulations, provide an arena for 1) discussion of lay participants’ values, 2) articulating arguments grounded in other values than consequentialistic, and 3) capturing weakly comparable values. A case study of a Citizens’ Jury (CJ) on genetically modified plants was used to investigate how the framing of the process affected the attitude formation among the citizens. The formal set up of this specific (...)
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    Døden og venskabet: en studie i Senecas breve.Marianne Alenius - 1974 - København: Gad.
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  46. The causal roots of probability.Marianne Belis - 2007 - In Federica Russo & Jon Williamson, Causality and Probability in the Sciences. College Publications. pp. 5--295.
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    Fulgentius of Ruspe.Marianne Djuth - 1989 - Augustinian Studies 20:39-60.
  48.  73
    Kontingente und notwendige Unsterblichkeit: Einige begriffliche Präzisierungen zur Makropulos-Debatte.Marianne Kreuels - 2010 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 64 (2):246-259.
    Seit der Veröffentlichung von Bernard Williams' Aufsatz Die Sache Makropulos. Reflexionen über die Langeweile der Unsterblichkeit wird die Frage diskutiert, ob Unsterblichkeit für den Menschen wünschenswert sein kann. Im vorliegenden Aufsatz beziehe ich mich auf diese Debatte, möchte aber weniger Stellung beziehen, als vielmehr darauf hinweisen, dass eine entscheidende begriffliche Unterscheidung zwischen zwei verschiedenen möglichen Formen der Unsterblichkeit in der Diskussion bisher vernachlässigt wurde: die Unterscheidung zwischen kontingenter und notwendiger Unsterblichkeit. Während ich diese Unterscheidung im ersten Teil des Aufsatzes herausarbeite, (...)
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    International Service Learning: Engaging Host Communities.Marianne Larsen (ed.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    International service learning programs are growing more popular with students looking to advance their skills and knowledge to become global citizens. While the benefits of these programs among students are well documented, little is known about the implications they have on host communities themselves. This volume explores the impact of ISL programs on members of host communities who are increasingly influenced by the presence of international students in their lives. Drawing upon post-colonial, feminist and other critical and decolonizing theories, it (...)
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    The Problem of Action in the Commentary of St. Thomas Aquinas on the Physics of Aristotle.Marianne Therese Miller - 1946 - Modern Schoolman 23 (4):200-226.
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