Results for 'Marianne Moody Jennings'

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  1.  13
    The Abolition of the Right to Fire-No-Fault is in Divorce Only.Marianne Moody Jennings - 1988 - Business and Society 27 (1):23-28.
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    The seven signs of ethical collapse: how to spot moral meltdowns in companies-- before it's too late.Marianne Jennings - 2006 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Do you want to make sure you · Don’t invest your money in the next Enron? · Don’t go to work for the next WorldCom right before the crash? · Identify and solve problems in your organization before they send it crashing to the ground? Marianne Jennings has spent a lifetime studying business ethics---and ethical failures. In demand nationwide as a speaker and analyst on business ethics, she takes her decades of findings and shows us in The Seven (...)
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    (2 other versions)Business ethics: case studies and selected readings.Marianne Jennings - 2002 - Mason, Ohio: Thomson/South-Western.
    Packed with real-life examples of business decisions gone awry, the 8th Edition of BUSINESS ETHICS: CASE STUDIES AND SELECTED READINGS explores the complex issues of business ethics from the leaders' perspectives. This best-selling text offers a rare collection of readings which examines the business decision-making processes of many types of leaders, while revealing some of the common factors that push them over ethical lines they might not otherwise cross. A combination of short and long cases, readings, hypothetical situations, and current (...)
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  4. Why an international code of business ethics would be good for business.Larry R. Smeltzer & Marianne M. Jennings - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (1):57 - 66.
    Many international business training programs present a viewpoint of cultural relativism that encourages business people to adapt to the host country's culture. This paper presents an argument that cultural relativism is not always appropriate for business ethics; rather, a code of conduct must be adapted which presents guidelines for core ethical business conduct across cultures. Both moral and economic evidence is provided to support the argument for a universal code of ethics. Also, four steps are presented that will help ensure (...)
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    Professional and Organizational Leadership Role in Ethics Management: Avoiding Reliance on Ethical Codification and Nurturing Ethical Culture.Marianne Jennings & Islam H. El-Adaway - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (4):1-30.
    The engineering profession has experienced some ethical cases that were rarely reported, scrutinized, or discussed because: they did not necessarily represent violations of existing codes even if they breached ethical principles; those within the organization were not prepared to take steps to address the issues or impose sanction; an/or some of the personnel associated with these cases resorted to silence to avoid being labeled as trouble-makers in their organizations and, perhaps, more broadly, in society. The goal of this paper is (...)
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  6. The regulatory life cycle.Marianne M. Jennings - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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  7. Principles and Influence in Codes of Ethics: A Centering Resonance Analysis Comparing Pre- and Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Codes of Ethics.Heather E. Canary & Marianne M. Jennings - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):263-278.
    This study examines the similarities and differences in pre- and post-Sarbanes-Oxley corporate ethics codes and codes of conduct using the framework of structuration theory. Following the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) legislation in 2002 in the United States, publicly traded companies there undertook development and revision of their codes of ethics in response to new regulatory requirements as well as incentives under the U.S. Corporate Sentencing Guidelines, which were also revised as part of the SOX mandates. Questions that remain are (...)
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    The ethics of worker safety nets for corporate change.Marianne M. Jennings, Larry R. Smeltzer & Marie F. Zener - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (6):459 - 468.
    Corporate change and employee dislocation are inevitable in a free market. However, the current employment relationship in the U.S. that affords a perceived employment safety net is contrary to the natural canon of honesty. Employees cannot be guaranteed employment when a company fails or a product is no longer viable. Attempts to provide costly employment safety nets cause a firm to allocate resources to nonproductive programs that may ultimately cause a loss of competitiveness. These strategies to provide alternate employment may (...)
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    Psychoanalytische und kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutische Langzeittherapien bei chronischer Depression: Die LAC-Depressionsstudie.Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Ulrich Bahrke, Manfred Beutel, Heinrich Deserno, Jens Edinger, Georg Fiedler, Antje Haselbacher, Martin Hautzinger, Lisa Kallenbach, Wolfram Keller, Alexa Negele, Nicole Pfenning-Meerkötter, Hila Prestele, Tanja Strecker-von Kannen, Ulrich Stuhr & Andreas Will - 2010 - Psyche 64 (9):782-832.
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  10. The ethics of slotting: Is this bribery, facilitation marketing or just plain competition? [REVIEW]Robert J. Aalberts & Marianne M. Jennings - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 20 (3):207 - 215.
    The practice of manufacturers' payments of fees to retailers for the display and sale of their products has become a common practice. In the grocery retail business, the fees paid by manufacturers are called slotting fees, or a payment made for a slot on the shelf. The same practice is used now in the retail book industry. Large book chains command high fees from publishers for the prominent display of books. Entrepreneur's products are often precluded from stores and markets because (...)
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  11.  18
    Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader.Wayne C. Booth, Dudley Barlow, Orson Scott Card, Anthony Cunningham, John Gardner, Marshall Gregory, John J. Han, Jack Harrell, Richard E. Hart, Barbara A. Heavilin, Marianne Jennings, Charles Johnson, Bernard Malamud, Toni Morrison, Georgia A. Newman, Joyce Carol Oates, Jay Parini, David Parker, James Phelan, Richard A. Posner, Mary R. Reichardt, Nina Rosenstand, Stephen L. Tanner, John Updike, John H. Wallace, Abraham B. Yehoshua & Bruce Young (eds.) - 2005 - Sheed & Ward.
    Do the rich descriptions and narrative shapings of literature provide a valuable resource for readers, writers, philosophers, and everyday people to imagine and confront the ultimate questions of life? Do the human activities of storytelling and complex moral decision-making have a deep connection? What are the moral responsibilities of the artist, critic, and reader? What can religious perspectives—from Catholic to Protestant to Mormon—contribute to literary criticism? Thirty well known contributors reflect on these questions, including iterary theorists Marshall Gregory, James Phelan, (...)
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  12. RE Jennings and N A. Friedrich, Proof and Consequence: An Introduction to Classical Logic Reviewed by.Marianne LeNabat - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (4):273-274.
  13.  7
    American Poetry.Irvin Ehrenpreis & Elizabeth Jennings - 1973 - Hodder Education.
    Studies on American poetry by ten contributors. Notes at the end of each chapter.
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    Framing Narratives.Gregory Currie - 2007 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 60:17-42.
    Marianne Dashwood was well able to imagine circumstances both favourable and unfavourable to her. But for all her romantic sensibility she was not able to imagine these things from anything other than her own point of view. ‘She expected from other people the same opinions and feelings as her own, and she judged of their motives by the immediate effect of their actions on herself.’ Unlike her sister, she could not see how the ill-crafted attentions of Mrs. Jennings (...)
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  15. Practical wisdom and moral imagination in Sense and Sensibility.Karen Stohr - 2006 - Philosophy and Literature 30 (2):378-394.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Practical Wisdom and Moral Imagination in Sense and SensibilityKaren StohrThere is no single virtue more important to Aristotle's ethical theory than the intellectual virtue of phronesis, or practical wisdom. Yet for all its importance, it is not easy to make sense of this virtue, either in Aristotle's own writings or in virtue ethics more generally. Insofar as Aristotle defines it, he does so opaquely, saying it is "a state (...)
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    Religion and Science in America: Struggling for Coherence.James B. Miller - 1998 - Zygon 33 (1):147-153.
    James Gilbert has provided fascinating and valuable historical sketches of the interactions of science and religion in American culture in this century, especially those taking place between 1945 and 1962. Yet, taken together, it is unclear what conclusion is to be drawn from these interactions. Ambiguity about the variety of forms of the science‐and‐religion relationship and about the referent of the termreligion make the task of apprehending a coherent pattern among these sketches very difficult.
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  17. Consciousness and Mind.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - forthcoming - In Marcus Rossberg, The Cambridge Handbook of Analytic Philosophy. Cambridge University Press.
    Some of the oldest and deepest questions in philosophy fall under the umbrella of consciousness and mind: What is the mind and how is it related to the body? What provides our thoughts with content? How is consciousness related to the natural world? Do we have distinctive causal powers? Analytic philosophers have made significant progress on these and related problems in the last century. Given the high volume of work on such topics, this chapter is necessarily selective. It offers major (...)
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  18. Moral Progress and Human Agency.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (1):153-168.
    The idea of moral progress is a necessary presupposition of action for beings like us. We must believe that moral progress is possible and that it might have been realized in human experience, if we are to be confident that continued human action can have any morally constructive point. I discuss the implications of this truth for moral psychology. I also show that once we understand the complex nature and the complicated social sources of moral progress, we will appreciate why (...)
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  19. The Idea of Moral Progress.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1999 - Metaphilosophy 30 (3):168-185.
    This paper shows that moral progress is a substantive and plausible idea. Moral progress in belief involves deepening our grasp of existing moral concepts, while moral progress in practices involves realizing deepened moral understandings in behavior or social institutions. Moral insights could not be assimilated or widely disseminated if they involved devising and applying totally new moral concepts. Thus, it is argued, moral failures of past societies cannot be explained by appeal to ignorance of new moral ideas, but must be (...)
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  20. (1 other version)Truth and consequence in mediaeval logic.Ernest A. Moody - 1953 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
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  21. Truth and Consequence in Mediaeval Logic.Ernest A. Moody - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (112):91-92.
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  22.  59
    Who’s to (Instrumentally) Blame? Influenceability vs. Reasons-Responsiveness.Kristoffer Moody - forthcoming - Synthese.
    Blame is typically justified on the basis of retrospective desert. However, an emerging strand of account gives an alternative justification for blame: the forward-looking, or proleptic, effects of that blame in cultivating a desirable form of agency, shared moral considerations responsive agency. These instrumentalist accounts differ as to their grounding conditions: the agential features that licence blame in cases of moral failure. Some accounts advocate grounding such justified blame in terms of whether or not the agent meets the condition of (...)
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  23.  33
    Behavior of the Lower Organisms.H. S. Jennings - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (24):658-666.
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    Reconceptualizing Autonomy: A Relational Turn in Bioethics.Bruce Jennings - 2016 - Hastings Center Report 46 (3):11-16.
    History's judgment on the success of bioethics will not depend solely on the conceptual creativity and innovation in the field at the level of ethical and political theory, but this intellectual work is not insignificant. One important new development is what I shall refer to as the relational turn in bioethics. This development represents a renewed emphasis on the ideographic approach, which interprets the meaning of right and wrong in human actions as they are inscribed in social and cultural practices (...)
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  25. The Philosophical Landscape on Attention.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - 2020 - In The Attending Mind. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Attention has a long history in philosophy, despite its near absence in the twentieth century. This chapter provides an overview of philosophical research on attention. It begins by explaining the concept of "selection from limitation," contrasting it with the more recent "selection for action." It reviews historical texts that discuss attention, focusing on those in the Western canon whose understanding of "attention" aligns with contemporary usage. It then describes the differential treatment of attention in phenomenology and behaviorism in the last (...)
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  26. The Enigma of Forgiveness.Michele Moody-Adams - 2015 - Journal of Value Inquiry 49 (1-2):161-180.
    For at least two millennia, religious traditions, spiritual communities and secular moral thinkers have debated the nature and sources of forgiveness. But near the end of the twentieth century understanding forgiveness took on new urgency, as divided societies looked to forgiveness as a vehicle of reconciliation, governments sought forgiveness for past wrongs, and popular psychology explored the therapeutic effects of forgiveness. These developments have led to a remarkable increase in scholarship on forgiveness: philosophers examine its moral nature; psychologists seek to (...)
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  27.  80
    On the Alleged Methodological Infirmity of Ethics.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1990 - American Philosophical Quarterly 27 (3):225 - 235.
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  28. The subject of attention.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - 2012 - Synthese 189 (3):535-554.
    The absence of a common understanding of attention plagues current research on the topic. Combining the findings from three domains of research on attention, this paper presents a univocal account that fits normal use of the term as well as its many associated phenomena: attention is a process of mental selection that is within the control of the subject. The role of the subject is often excluded from naturalized accounts, but this paper will be an exception to that rule. The (...)
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    “Dancing with Spirits”—Spirit art and spirit‐guided experiential ethnographic techniques.Gary Moody - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (2):552-585.
    Spiritualist mediums are sought out from a variety of cultures for their advanced spirit communication healing techniques. Otherworldly spirits use mediums to create spirit art, which guides an individual to discover their authentic self and work through self‐limiting beliefs. To serve as a bridge for the spirit world, the medium develops an ability to enter an altered state of consciousness and use a multisensory embodied language to communicate with spirits. I describe this language as “dancing with spirits.” To investigate this (...)
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  30. Democratic conflict and the political morality of compromise.Michelle M. Moody-Adams - 2018 - In Jack Knight, Compromise: NOMOS LIX. New York: Nyu Press.
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    SOLIDARITY in the Moral Imagination of Bioethics.Bruce Jennings & Angus Dawson - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (5):31-38.
    How important is the concept of solidarity in our society's calculus of consent as regards the legitimacy and ethical and political support for public health, health policy, and health services? By the term “calculus of consent,” we refer to the answer that people give to rationalize and justify their obedience to laws, rules, and policies that benefit others. The calculus of consent answers questions such as, Why should I care? Why should I help? Why should I contribute to the public (...)
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  32. Action without attention.Carolyn Dicey Jennings & Bence Nanay - 2016 - Analysis 76 (1):29-36.
    Wayne Wu argues that attention is necessary for action: since action requires a solution to the ‘Many–Many Problem’, and since only attention can solve the Many–Many Problem, attention is necessary for action. We question the first of these two steps and argue that it is based on an oversimplified distinction between actions and reflexes. We argue for a more complex typology of behaviours where one important category is action that does not require a solution to the Many–Many Problem, and so (...)
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    Institutional-Political Scenarios for Anthropocene Society.P. Devereaux Jennings & Andrew J. Hoffman - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):57-94.
    Natural scientists have proposed that humankind has entered a new geologic epoch. Termed the “Anthropocene,” this new reality revolves around the central role of human activity in multiple Earth ecosystems. That challenge requires a rethinking of social science explanations of organization and environment relationships. In this article, we discuss the need to politicize institutional theory as a means understanding “Anthropocene Society,” and in turn what that resultant society means for the Anthropocene in the natural environment. We modify the constitutive elements (...)
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  34. Consciousness Without Attention.Carolyn Dicey Jennings - 2015 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (2):276--295.
    This paper explores whether consciousness can exist without attention. This is a hot topic in philosophy of mind and cognitive science due to the popularity of theories that hold attention to be necessary for consciousness. The discovery of a form of consciousness that exists without the influence of attention would require a change in the way that many global workspace theorists, for example, understand the role and function of consciousness. Against this understanding, at least three forms of consciousness have been (...)
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  35.  50
    Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence.Todd C. Moody - 1993 - Prentice-Hall.
    An exploration of the important philosophical issues and concerns related to artificial intelligence. The book focuses on the philosphical, rather than the technical or technological aspects of artificial intelligence.
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  36.  46
    The logic of William of Ockham.Ernest Addison Moody - 1935 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
  37.  49
    Michele M. Moody-Adams: Fieldwork in Familiar Places. Morality, Culture, & Philosophy.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (4):427-432.
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    The Manipulationist Threat to moral responsibility.Kristoffer Moody - 2024 - Synthese 204:1-23.
    Standard compatibilist accounts adjudicating when individuals are morally responsible for their actions are predicated on the assumption that individuals will have responsibility for the valuational structure undergirding their actions. However, I will claim that evidence from psychology and social psychology seems to show that manipulation of our valuational structure, far from being esoteric, is more common than we might pre-theoretically think. I call this evidence of manipulation the Manipulationist Threat. Given the Manipulationist Threat, I will argue that the strategies employed (...)
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  39. On surrogacy: morality, markets, and motherhood.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 1991 - Public Affairs Quarterly 5 (2):175-190.
  40.  90
    Progress in Philosophy.Todd C. Moody - 1986 - American Philosophical Quarterly 23 (1):35 - 46.
    The work is an attempt to answer the transcendental question, "How is progress in philosophy possible?" The character of philosophical beliefs and doubts is examined, and it is argued that in the exigent context of philosophical practice in the agonistic analytic tradition, a certain limited doxastic voluntarism is possible. The role of both ordinary and ideal language intuitions is criticized; it is concluded that these cannot serve as uncontroversial pretheoretical givens of inquiry. As an extended example of the covert adoption (...)
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  41.  17
    On Preserving: Essays on Preservationism and Paraconsistent Logic.Raymond Jennings, Bryson Brown & Peter Schotch (eds.) - 2009 - University of Toronto Press.
  42. The Legalism of Han Fei-tzu and Its Affinities with Modern Political Thought.Moody - 1979 - International Philosophical Quarterly 19 (3):317-330.
    The legalism of han fei-Tzu has affinities with much of modern political thought, Particularly in its denial of an objective morality. Because legalism is modernism unmoralized, It shows clearly some of the less savory implications of the truisms we accept. Han fei's ideas are interesting in their own right, But it is also interesting to see these ideas in a comparative setting, That we might gain a broader understanding of modern political thought, Both of its merits and its limitations.
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    The preservation of coherence.R. E. Jennings & P. K. Schotch - 1984 - Studia Logica 43:89.
    It is argued that the preservation of truth by an inference relation is of little interest when premiss sets are contradictory. The notion of a level of coherence is introduced and the utility of modal logics in the semantic representation of sets of higher coherence levels is noted. It is shown that this representative role cannot be transferred to first order logic via frame theory since the modal formulae expressing coherence level restrictions are not first order definable. Finally, an inference (...)
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  44. William of Ockham.Ernest A. Moody - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 8--306.
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  45. Academic Placement Data and Analysis (APDA) 2021 survey of philosophy Ph.D. students and recent graduates: Demographic data, program ratings, academic job placement, and nonacademic careers.Carolyn Dicey Jennings & Alex Dayer - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 53 (1):100-133.
    Doctoral graduates in philosophy are an excellent source of information about the discipline: they are at the cutting edge of research trends, have an inside view of researchfocused departments, and their employment prospects provide early insights on the future health of the discipline. We report on the results of a survey sent to recent PhD graduates and current students, as well as data gathering efforts by Academic Placement Data and Analysis that have taken place over the past ten years. In (...)
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  46. Public health and liberty: Beyond the millian paradigm.Bruce Jennings - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (2):123-134.
    Center for Humans and Nature, 109 West 77th Street, Suite 2, New York, NY 10024, USA. Tel.: 212 362 7170; Fax: 212 362 9592; Email: brucejennings{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> . Abstract A fundamental question for the ethical foundations of public health concerns the moral justification for limiting or overriding individual liberty. What might justify overriding the individual moral claim to non-interference or to self-realization? This paper argues that the libertarian justification for limiting individual (...)
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    XIII—Reclaiming the Idea of ‘the Human’.Michele M. Moody-Adams - 2024 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 124 (3):277-298.
    Progressive social movements correctly presume that justice demands treating people with humane regard: combining respect for human agency with concern for human vulnerability to suffering. Promoting humane regard is a critical means of acknowledging the moral claims of humanity. Some critics reject the underlying concept of a universal humanity, in virtue of which human beings form a distinct community of reciprocal moral obligation. Critics charge that the concept presumes indefensible dualisms (of mind and body, and humanity and nature); that it (...)
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    Relational Ethics for Public Health: Interpreting Solidarity and Care.Bruce Jennings - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (1):4-12.
    This article defends ‘relational theorizing’ in bioethics and public health ethics and describes its importance. It then offers an interpretation of solidarity and care understood as normatively patterned and psychologically and socially structured modes of relationality; in a word, solidarity and care understood as ‘practices.’ Solidarity is characterized as affirming the moral standing of others and their membership in a community of equal dignity and respect. Care is characterized as paying attention to the moral being of others and their needs, (...)
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  49.  20
    The Approach to Self-Government.Ivor Jennings - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    During his lifetime, Sir Ivor Jennings was well known as the author of several standard books on constitutional law. He acted as constitutional adviser to the governments of Ceylon and Pakistan and was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ceylon. This 1956 book followed in the tradition of his earlier The British Constitution and is a clear statement by an expert with a characteristically practical point of view. It is principally concerned with a practical problem: what constitution shall be given (...)
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  50.  27
    Solidarity and care as relational practices.Bruce Jennings - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (9):553-561.
    Many working in bioethics today are engaging in forms of normative interpretation concerning the meaningful contexts of relational agency and institutional structures of power. Using the framework of relational bioethics, this article focuses on two significant social practices that are significant for health policy and public health: the practices of solidarity and the practices of care. The main argument is that the affirming recognition of, and caring attention paid to, persons as moral subjects can politically motivate a society in three (...)
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