Results for 'Maribel Santiago'

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  1.  30
    From multicultural to romanticized representations of the past: How Mendez v. Westminster's significance shapeshifts to appeal to different contexts.Maribel Santiago - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (1):91-103.
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  2. Epistemic Feelings and Epistemic Emotions (Focus Section).Santiago Arango-Muñoz & Kourken Michaelian - 2014 - Philosophical Inquiries 2 (1):97-122.
    Philosophers of mind and epistemologists are increasingly making room in their theories for epistemic emotions (E-emotions) and, drawing on metacognition research in psychology, epistemic – or noetic or metacognitive – feelings (E-feelings). Since philoso- phers have only recently begun to draw on empirical research on E-feelings, in particular, we begin by providing a general characterization of E-feelings (section 1) and reviewing some highlights of relevant research (section 2). We then turn to philosophical work on E-feelings and E-emotions, situating the contributions (...)
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  3. Responding to historical injustices: Collective inheritance and the moral irrelevance of group identity.Santiago Truccone-Borgogno - 2024 - European Journal of Political Theory 23 (I):65-84.
    I argue that changes in the numerical identity of groups do not necessarily speak in favour of the supersession of some historical injustice. I contend that the correlativity between the perpetrator and the victim of injustices is not broken when the identity of groups changes. I develop this argument by considering indigenous people's claims in Argentina for the injustices suffered during the Conquest of the Desert. I argue that present claimants do not need to be part of the same entity (...)
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  4. The supersession thesis, climate change, and the rights of future people.Santiago Truccone-Borgogno - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (3):364-379.
    In this article, I explore the relationship between the supersession thesis and the rights of future people. In particular, I show that changes in circumstances might supersede future people’s rights. I argue that appropriating resources that belong to future people does not necessarily result in a duty to return the resources in full. I explore how these findings are relevant for climate change justice. Assuming future generations of developing countries originally had a right to use a certain amount of the (...)
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    The Strategic Allocation Theory of Vigilance.Samuel Murray & Santiago Amaya - forthcoming - WIREs Cognitive Science.
    Despite its importance in different occupational and everyday contexts, vigilance, typically defined as the capacity to sustain attention over time, is remarkably limited. What explains these limits? Two theories have been proposed. The Overload Theory states that being vigilant consumes limited information-processing resources; when depleted, task performance degrades. The Underload Theory states that motivation to perform vigilance tasks declines over time, thereby prompting attentional shifts and hindering performance. We highlight some conceptual and empirical problems for both theories and propose an (...)
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  6. Climate Justice and the Duty of Restitution.Santiago Truccone-Borgogno - 2023 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (1):203-224.
    Much of the climate justice discussion revolves around how the remaining carbon budget should be globally allocated. Some authors defend the unjust enrichment interpretation of the beneficiary pays principle (BPP). According to this principle, those states unjustly enriched from historical emissions should pay. I argue that if the BPP is to be constructed along the lines of the unjust enrichment doctrine, countervailing reasons that might be able to block the existence of a duty of restitution should be assessed. One might (...)
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    Developmental change in numerical estimation.Emily B. Slusser, Rachel T. Santiago & Hilary C. Barth - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):193.
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    Robust Lexically Mediated Compensation for Coarticulation: Christmash Time Is Here Again.Sahil Luthra, Giovanni Peraza-Santiago, Keia'na Beeson, David Saltzman, Anne Marie Crinnion & James S. Magnuson - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12962.
    A long-standing question in cognitive science is how high-level knowledge is integrated with sensory input. For example, listeners can leverage lexical knowledge to interpret an ambiguous speech sound, but do such effects reflect direct top-down influences on perception or merely postperceptual biases? A critical test case in the domain of spoken word recognition is lexically mediated compensation for coarticulation (LCfC). Previous LCfC studies have shown that a lexically restored context phoneme (e.g., /s/ in Christma#) can alter the perceived place of (...)
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  9. From Collective Memory ... to Collective Metamemory?Santiago Arango-Munoz & Kourken Michaelian - 2020 - In Anika Fiebich, Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, vol 11. pp. 195-217.
    Ouraiminthischapteristodelineatetheformofsharedagencythatwe take to be manifested in collective memory. We argue for two theses. First, we argue that, given a relatively weak conception of episodicity, certain small-scale groups display a form of emergent (i.e., genuinely collective) episodic memory, while large-scale groups, in contrast, do not display emergent episodic memory. Second, we argue that this form of emergent memory presupposes (high-level and possibly low-level) metamemorial capacities, capacities that are, however, not themselves emergent group-level features but rather strictly individual-level features. The form of (...)
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  10. On negative yes/no questions.Maribel Romero & Chung-Hye Han - 2004 - Linguistics and Philosophy 27 (5):609-658.
    Preposed negation yes/no (yn)-questions like Doesn''t Johndrink? necessarily carry the implicature that the speaker thinks Johndrinks, whereas non-preposed negation yn-questions like DoesJohn not drink? do not necessarily trigger this implicature. Furthermore,preposed negation yn-questions have a reading ``double-checking'''' pand a reading ``double-checking'''' p, as in Isn''t Jane comingtoo? and in Isn''t Jane coming either? respectively. We present otheryn-questions that raise parallel implicatures and argue that, in allthe cases, the presence of an epistemic conversational operator VERUMderives the existence and content of the (...)
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  11. Concealed questions and specificational subjects.Maribel Romero - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 28 (6):687 - 737.
    This paper is concerned with Noun Phrases (NPs, henceforth) occurring in two constructions: concealed question NPs and NP subjects of specificational sentences. The first type of NP is illustrated in (1). The underlined NPs in (1) have been called ‘concealed questions’ because sentences that embed them typically have the same truth-conditional meaning as the corresponding versions with a full-fledged embedded interrogative clause, as illustrated in (2) (Heim 1979).
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    Alexithymia explains atypical spatiotemporal dynamics of eye gaze in autism.Hélio Clemente Cuve, Santiago Castiello, Brook Shiferaw, Eri Ichijo, Caroline Catmur & Geoffrey Bird - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104710.
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  13. La capacidad unificadora de las teorías científicas. Una propuesta alternativa desde el estructuralismo metateórico al enfoque kitchereano de patrones explicativos.Daniel Blanco, Santiago Ginnobili & Pablo Lorenzano - 2019 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 34 (1):111-131.
    Resumen: La capacidad unificadora de una teoría científica es un rasgo usualmente contemplado a la hora de evaluar su adecuación. Kitcher ha elucidado satisfactoriamente tal noción mediante su enfoque de los patrones explicativos. Sin embargo, su perspectiva adolece de ciertas carencias. Concretamente, sostendremos que el requisito de rigurosidad de los patrones para evaluar la capacidad unificadora debe ser repensado, pues atenta contra la heterogeneidad característica de las diferentes aplicaciones de teorías unificadoras. A su vez, mostraremos cómo estas dificultades bien pueden (...)
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  14. Academic Freedom in Colombian Universities: a first attempt to complicate things.Monica Almanza & Santiago Amaya - 2023 - Osun Global Observatory for Academic Freedom.
    This text, commissioned by the OSUN Global Observatory of Academic Freedom, discusses how the concept of academic freedom is codified in Colombian Law and regulations of public and private higher education institutions. It also explores common conceptions of academic freedom among Colombian scholars, as well as commonly observed threats to it.
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  15. Two Constructions with Most and their Semantic Properties.Maribel Romero - unknown
    In (1b), for the most part induces a so-called Quantificational Variability Effect (QVE) on the NP the linguists from the East Coast, yielding roughly the interpretation ‘most of the linguists from the East Coast came to NELS’. We claim that the two constructions above differ in the domain where they apply, producing similar but not identical quantificational interpretations over the NP. In particular, we argue that most of the NPs applies to the nominal domain, while for the most part applies (...)
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    Revealing the Hidden Curriculum in Higher Education.Maribel Blasco & José Víctor Orón Semper - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (5):481-498.
    The so-called ‘hidden curriculum’ is often presented as a counterproductive element in education, and many scholars argue that it should be eliminated, by being made explicit, in education in general and specifically in higher education. The problem of the HC has not been solved by the transition from a teacher-centered education to a student-centered educational model that takes the student’s experience as the starting point of learning. In this article we turn to several philosophers of education to propose that HC (...)
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    Santo Tomás de Aquino, un pensador para nuestra época.Jaime Ruiz de Santiago - 2024 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 22 (151):9.
    Este artículo examina la relevancia de santo Tomás de Aquino en nuestra época, considerando tanto su contexto histórico como los elementos atemporales de su pensamiento. En la primera parte, se destacan las características sociales, políticas y culturales de la Edad Media, y se analiza cómo estos factores influyeron en la vida y obra de Tomás de Aquino. La segunda parte se centra en la actualidad de su doctrina, abordando la constitución del pensamiento humano y su relación con la verdad, así (...)
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    The Conservativity of Many : Split Scope and Most.Maribel Romero - 2018 - Topoi 37 (3):393-404.
    Besides their cardinal and proportional readings, many and few have been argued to allow for a ‘reverse’ proportional reading that defies the conservativity universal. Recently, an analysis has been developed that derives the correct truth conditions for this reading while preserving conservativity. The present paper investigates two predictions of this analysis, based on two key ingredients. First, many is decomposed into a determiner stem many and the degree operator POS. This predicts that other elements may scopally intervene between the two (...)
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    Randomness and Halting Probabilities.VeróNica Becher, Santiago Figueira, Serge Grigorieff & Joseph S. Miller - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (4):1411 - 1430.
    We consider the question of randomness of the probability ΩU[X] that an optimal Turing machine U halts and outputs a string in a fixed set X. The main results are as follows: ΩU[X] is random whenever X is $\Sigma _{n}^{0}$-complete or $\Pi _{n}^{0}$-complete for some n ≥ 2. However, for n ≥ 2, ΩU[X] is not n-random when X is $\Sigma _{n}^{0}$ or $\Pi _{n}^{0}$ Nevertheless, there exists $\Delta _{n+1}^{0}$ sets such that ΩU[X] is n-random. There are $\Delta _{2}^{0}$ sets (...)
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    A human-like artificial intelligence for mathematics.Santiago Alonso-Diaz - 2024 - Mind and Society 23 (1):79-97.
    This paper provides a brief overview of findings in mathematical cognition and how a human-like AI in mathematics may look like. Then, it provides six reasons in favor of a human-like AI for mathematics: (1) human cognition, with all its limits, creates mathematics; (2) human mathematics is insightful, not merely deductive steps; (3) human cognition detects structure in the real world; (4) human cognition can tackle and detect complex problems; (5) human cognition is creative; (6) human cognition considers ethical issues. (...)
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    Import Competition and Policy Diffusion.Xun Cao & Santiago López-Cariboni - 2015 - Politics and Society 43 (4):471-502.
    The existing literature often assumes that the target of global interstate economic competition is the overseas market, that is, the markets in third, export-destination countries. However, in many countries, domestic industries compete fiercely for domestic market share with imports from other countries. Such import competition creates policy diffusion between a country and its import-competitor countries. Such policy diffusion can be observed in policy areas that affect production costs of domestic industries. We focus on import competition’s effect on social welfare policies (...)
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  22.  6
    Euergesía, Euergétes y Euergetéo en Septuaginta y en el Nuevo Testamento.Marcela Coria, Santiago Hernández Aparicio & Joaquín Lanza - 2024 - Argos 49:e0052.
    El sustantivo euergesía puede rastrearse hasta Homero y se registra en varios autores del período clásico. Sin embargo, junto con euergetéo, se resignifican en Septuaginta, traducción realizada en el período helenístico, en el cual es frecuente el uso de euergétes como título aplicado a soberanos y personalidades destacadas. En este artículo, analizaremos los significados de estos términos en sus contextos de uso en Septuaginta y en el Nuevo Testamento, con el objetivo de indagar el proceso de resemantización que experimentaron desde (...)
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    Explicación funcional y análisis sistémico.Sergio Daniel Barberis, Santiago Ginnobili & Ariel Roffé - 2022 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 19.
    En este artículo sostenemos que, en aquellos casos en los cuales la capacidad _ explanandum _ de un análisis sistémico o mecanicista constituye una función biológica, globalmente, la función explica la estructura y no a la inversa, a pesar de que en algunos casos particulares, el orden en que se determinan los conceptos participantes en la explicación no coincide con el orden de la explicación. Para defender esta tesis, adoptaremos una concepción mínima de explicación basada en la idea de subsunción (...)
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    Dos teorías filosóficas de la divagación mental intencional.Santiago Agudelo Berrío - 2023 - Humanitas Hodie 5 (2):H52a2.
    El rompecabezas de la divagación voluntaria plantea que la divagación mental intencional implica la contradicción de dos modos opuestos de pensamiento: dirigido y no-dirigido a un objetivo o tarea. Sin embargo, existe evidencia empírica que respalda los casos de divagación mental intencional. ¿Cómo es esto posible? En el presente trabajo abordaré dos teorías filosóficas de la divagación mental intencional: la teoría del meta-control y la teoría de la omisión intencional. Mi principal objetivo es analizar cómo podrían articularse para superar el (...)
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  25.  10
    La cuestión de la pobreza voluntaria según santo Tomás de Aquino.Pablo Santiago Furlotti - 2015 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 18 (35):57-67.
    El surgimiento de las Órdenes Mendicantes en el siglo XIII generó una serie de controversias acerca del peculiar estilo de vida de sus miembros. Una de ellas fue la referente a la cuestión de la pobreza voluntaria. Se elevaron numerosas críticas desde distintos sectores por considerar esta opción como algo inadecuado y hasta desviado. Frente a esta situación, Tomás de Aquino recogió las diversas objeciones a la pobreza y respondió argumentado a favor de su sentido y relevancia. La tarea del (...)
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    Effects of Synergism of Mindfulness Practice Associated With Transcranial Direct-Current Stimulation in Chronic Migraine: Pilot, Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial.Luana Dias Santiago Pimenta, Elidianne Layanne Medeiros de Araújo, Joyce Poláine dos Santos Silva, Jamyson Júnior França, Pedro Nascimento Araújo Brito, Ledycnarf Januário de Holanda, Ana Raquel Lindquist, Luiz Carlos Serramo Lopez & Suellen Marinho Andrade - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Chronic migraine is a difficult disease to diagnose, and its pathophysiology remains undefined. Its symptoms affect the quality of life and daily living tasks of the affected person, leading to momentary disability. This is a pilot, randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical trial study with female patients between 18 and 65 years old with chronic migraine. The patients underwent twelve mindfulness sessions paired with anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, with current intensity of 2 mA applied for 20 (...)
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    Confidence judgments during ratio comparisons reveal a Bayesian bias.Santiago Alonso-Diaz & Jessica F. Cantlon - 2018 - Cognition 177 (C):98-106.
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    Completeness results for memory logics.Carlos Areces, Santiago Figueira & Sergio Mera - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (7):961-972.
  29.  7
    Posibilidad y principio de plenitud en Tomás de Aquino.Santiago Argüello - 2005 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    Ángel Xolocotzi y Ricardo Gibubu, Fenomenología del cuerpo y hermenéutica de la facticidad.Santiago Caneda Lowry - 2014 - Endoxa 34:501.
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    De um tom de modéstia a adoptar para já em filosofia: sobre os cem anos de filosofia na Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2011 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 20 (40):451-484.
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    Filosofia e Universidade em torno de um episódio da história da Filosofia na Faculdade de Letras de Coimbra).Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2008 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 17 (33):7-38.
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    Interpretation of Data in Psychology: A False Problem, a True Issue.María del Río Carral & Marie Santiago-Delefosse - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (1).
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    O lugar do homem no cosmos ou o lugar do cosmos no homem? – O tema da perfeição do universo antes do paradigma do mundo aberto, segundo o comentário dos jesuítas conimbricenses.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2009 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (3):142-155.
    The article deals with question 1st (chapter 1) of the Coimbra Jesuit Commentary on the Aristotelian ‘De Coelo’ (1593), “Whether the Universe is perfect”. The Author aims at reading anew the Portuguese question, pointing to the place the Universe has in man’s heart by underlining that the cosmos must have in man (“parvus mundus”) its conditions of legality.
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    [Recensão a] GOMES, João Pereira. Jesuítas. Ciência e Cultura no Portugal Moderno.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2012 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 21 (42):665-669.
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    Is Republicanism a Way of Eurocentrism? Response to Jaime Santamaría's Review.Santiago Castro-Gómez - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 32:400-404.
    Resumen Debido a la polisemia que la complejidad exhibe, se pretenden exponer las distintas posturas, definiciones, descripciones y debates acerca de esta, a la luz de lo descrito por Carlos Maldonado, Edgar Morin, Ilya Progogine, Murray Gell-Mann, Leonardo Rodríguez y Julio Aguirre, quienes comportan un principio dialógico y translúcido, que integraría la lógica clásica teniendo en cuenta sus límites de facto y de jure, que además llevaría en sí el principio de la Unitas Multiplex, que escapa a la unidad abstracta (...)
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  37. Latin American philosophy as critical ontology of the present: Themes and motifs for a “critique of Latin American reason”.Santiago Castro-Gómez - 2003 - In Eduardo Mendieta, Latin American Philosophy: Currents, Issues, Debates. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. pp. 68--79.
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    Le chapitre manquant d'Empire.Santiago Castro-Gómez - 2006 - Multitudes 3 (3):27-49.
    Empire lacks an anlysis of the shift from the colonial to the postcolonial. For Hardt and Negri, the hegemony of immaterial labor relegates the center/periphery dichotomies and the forms of colonial domination to the past. The gap lies in their genealogy of modernity : by paying attention to Europe alone, and by ignoring the world-system, they miss the « dark side » of Empire, its colonial and now postcolonial face. Yet we are witnessing a reorganization of coloniality, based on new (...)
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    El sermón Dolbeau 26: Teología y pastoral en la predicación de San Agustín.Miguel Santiago Flores Colín - 2006 - Augustinus 51 (202):255-272.
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    Ramis Barceló, Rafael. La Segunda Escolástica: Una propuesta de síntesis histórica.Mário Santiago de Carvalho - 2024 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 33 (66):486-490.
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  41. Mythe et représentation: la mise en scène de Tes yeux, je veux les manger, c'est bon!Nereide de Oliveira Santiago - 2004 - Iris 27:225-230.
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    Experiencia perceptual y sustento epistémico.José Luís Falguera & Santiago Peleteiro - 2014 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 39 (2):7-32.
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  43. El amor de amistad como clave de síntesis metafísica.Santiago Fernández Burillo - 1995 - Studium 35 (1):53-83.
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  44. Francisco Suárez: Teólogo y filósofo del humanismo renacentista.Santiago Fernández Burillo - 1993 - Espíritu 42 (107):45-54.
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    Donoso Cortés y su teoría política.Santiago Galindo Herrero - 1957 - Badajoz: Excma. Diputacíon Provincial.
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    (1 other version)El cansancio antropológico en el imaginario actual y la transmisión de la fe. Análisis filosófico y teológico.Santiago García Mourelo - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (283 S.Esp):505-513.
    El este ensayo, describe uno de los elementos del imaginario contemporáneo: el cansancio antropológico, según los análisis del filósofo y sociólogo Byung-Chul Han y convergente con las aportaciones del antropólogo David Le Breton. Desde este trasfondo cultural y antropológico, y con el ánimo de liberar de sus consecuencias, el logos de la fe propone la educación del deseo y la esperanza, con el fin de ampliar el horizonte de compresión de lo humano y ofrecer vías de solución.
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    La revelación como prolegómeno para una filosofía de la religión: esbozo sobre la fenomenalidad incondicionada e irreductible de los fenómenos de revelación.Santiago García Acuña - 2018 - Madrid: Ediciones Universidad San Dámaso.
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    Nietzsche’s Self-Interpretation Within His Own Work.Luis Enrique de Santiago Guervós - 2011 - New Nietzsche Studies 8 (3-4):1-16.
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  49. Tradición, lenguaje y praxis en la hermenéutica de H.-G. Santiago Guervos & Luis Enrique - 1987 - [Málaga]: Universidad de Málaga.
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  50. Francisco Suárez: Metaphysics, Politics and Ethics.Simone Guidi, Mario Santiago Carvalho & Manuel Lázaro Pulido (eds.) - 2020 - Coimbra, Portogallo: Coimbra University Press.
    This volume publishes the Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting "Thinking Baroque in Portugal" (26-28 June 2017), which dealt with the metaphysical, ethical and political thought of Francisco Suárez. Counting on the collaboration of some of the greatest international specialists in the work and thought of this famous professor of the University of Coimbra in the 17th century, this volume celebrates the 400th anniversary of his death and marks the productivity of his philosophical-theological legacy.
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