Results for 'Marie-Lucie Copete'

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  1.  27
    Des carêmes après le Car'me stratégies de conversion et fonctions politiques des missions intérieures en Espagne et au Portugal.Marie-Lucie Copete & Federico Palomo - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):359-380.
    L'absence de travaux sur les missions intérieures jésuites en Espagne et au Portugal ne correspond pas à l'abondance des documents qui attestent une forte activité missionnaire depuis la deuxième moitié du XVIe siècle. Le caractère fondamentalement quadragésimal de l'activité initiale des jésuites déterminera le sens pénitentiel des missions ibériques et, par conséquent, les stratégies missionnaires elles-mêmes. Les formes de « présentation » des jésuites et le genre de prédication qu'ils adressent aux fidèles sont des exemples de ces stratégies, vouées à (...)
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    Commentary: Stimulation of the Posterior Cingulate Cortex Impairs Episodic Memory Encoding.Marie-Lucie Read & Rikki Lissaman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:570878.
  3. (2 other versions)Self Matters.Marie Guillot & Lucy O'Brien - forthcoming - Ergo.
    We argue that relating to myself as me provides, as such, a reason to care about myself: grasping that an event involves me, instead of another, makes it matter in a special way. Further, this self-concern is not simply a matter of seeing in myself some instrumental value for other ends. We use as our foil a recent skeptical challenge to this view offered in Setiya 2015. We think the case against self-concern is powered by unwarrantedly narrow construals of three (...)
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    Les coûts du handicap au Québec : que font les ménages et comment les soutenir équitablement?Lucie Dumais & Marie-Noëlle Ducharme - 2017 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 11 (2):99-112.
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    Complexities in Capacity Assessment for Persons with Severe and Enduring Anorexia.Lucie Mary Turner & Melissa Danielle McCradden - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):111-113.
    Volume 24, Issue 8, August 2024, Page 111-113.
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    Double standards for sexual jealousy.Luci Paul, Mark A. Foss & Mary Ann Baenninger - 1996 - Human Nature 7 (3):291-321.
    This work tests two conflicting views about double standards: whether they reflect evolved sex differences in behavior or a manipulative morality serving male interests. Two questionnaires on jealous reactions to mild (flirting) and serious (cheating) sexual transgressions were randomly assigned to 172 young women and men. One questionnaire assessed standards for appropriate behavior and perceptions of how young women and men usually react. The second asked people to report how they had reacted or, if naive, how they would react. The (...)
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    Abstract representations of small sets in newborns.Lucie Martin, Julien Marie, Mélanie Brun, Maria Dolores de Hevia, Arlette Streri & Véronique Izard - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105184.
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    A mindset of competition versus cooperation moderates the impact of social comparison on self-evaluation.Lucie Colpaert, Dominique Muller, Marie-Pierre Fayant & Fabrizio Butera - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Episodic memory as an explanation for the insurance hypothesis in obesity.Kirsty Mary Davies, Lucy Gaia Cheke & Nicola Susan Clayton - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e113.
    In evaluating the insurance hypothesis as an explanation for obesity, we propose one missing piece of the puzzle. Our suggested explanation for why individuals report food insecurity is that an individual may have an impaired episodic ability to plan for the future.
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  10. Cuerpo, sexo y cultura : disidencias de género a través del cine.Piedad Lucía Bolívar Goez, Daniel Ignacio Garzón Luna, María Camila Balcer Ángel, Sara Carolina Martínez Román, Daniela Natalia Polo Rivas & Sandra Liliana Rocha Gutiérrez - 2019 - In Pinto Bustamante, Boris Julián, Gómez Córdoba & Ana Isabel, Conflictos, dilemas y paradojas: cine y bioética en el inicio de la vida. Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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    Reuniting philosophy and science to advance cancer research.Thomas Pradeu, Bertrand Daignan-Fornier, Andrew Ewald, Pierre-Luc Germain, Samir Okasha, Anya Plutynski, Sébastien Benzekry, Marta Bertolaso, Mina Bissell, Joel S. Brown, Benjamin Chin-Yee, Ian Chin-Yee, Hans Clevers, Laurent Cognet, Marie Darrason, Emmanuel Farge, Jean Feunteun, Jérôme Galon, Elodie Giroux, Sara Green, Fridolin Gross, Fanny Jaulin, Rob Knight, Ezio Laconi, Nicolas Larmonier, Carlo Maley, Alberto Mantovani, Violaine Moreau, Pierre Nassoy, Elena Rondeau, David Santamaria, Catherine M. Sawai, Andrei Seluanov, Gregory D. Sepich-Poore, Vanja Sisirak, Eric Solary, Sarah Yvonnet & Lucie Laplane - 2023 - Biological Reviews 98 (5):1668-1686.
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    Social and environmental attributes of food products in an emerging mass market: Challenges of signaling and consumer perception, with European illustrations. [REVIEW]Jean-Marie Codron, Lucie Siriex & Thomas Reardon - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (3):283-297.
    This paper focuses on the environmental and ethical attributes of food products and their production processes. These two aspects have been recently recognized and are becoming increasingly important in terms of signaling and of consumer perception. There are two relevant thematic domains: environmental and social. Within each domain there are two movements. Hence the paper first presents the four movements that have brought to the fore new aspects of food product quality, to wit: (1) aspects of environmental ethics (organic agriculture (...)
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  13.  29
    What are the views of Quebec and Ontario citizens on the tiebreaker criteria for prioritizing access to adult critical care in the extreme context of a COVID-19 pandemic?Claudia Calderon Ramirez, Yanick Farmer, Andrea Frolic, Gina Bravo, Nathalie Orr Gaucher, Antoine Payot, Lucie Opatrny, Diane Poirier, Joseph Dahine, Audrey L’Espérance, James Downar, Peter Tanuseputro, Louis-Martin Rousseau, Vincent Dumez, Annie Descôteaux, Clara Dallaire, Karell Laporte & Marie-Eve Bouthillier - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-14.
    Background The prioritization protocols for accessing adult critical care in the extreme pandemic context contain tiebreaker criteria to facilitate decision-making in the allocation of resources between patients with a similar survival prognosis. Besides being controversial, little is known about the public acceptability of these tiebreakers. In order to better understand the public opinion, Quebec and Ontario’s protocols were presented to the public in a democratic deliberation during the summer of 2022. Objectives (1) To explore the perspectives of Quebec and Ontario (...)
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  14.  45
    Research Involving Health Providers and Managers: Ethical Issues Faced by Researchers Conducting Diverse Health Policy and Systems Research in Kenya.Sassy Molyneux, Benjamin Tsofa, Edwine Barasa, Mary Muyoka Nyikuri, Evelyn Wanjiku Waweru, Catherine Goodman & Lucy Gilson - 2016 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (3):168-177.
    There is a growing interest in the ethics of Health Policy and Systems Research, and especially in areas that have particular ethical salience across HPSR. Hyder et al provide an initial framework to consider this, and call for more conceptual and empirical work. In this paper, we respond by examining the ethical issues that arose for researchers over the course of conducting three HPSR studies in Kenya in which health managers and providers were key participants. All three studies involved qualitative (...)
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  15.  28
    Go Tell! Thinking About Mary Magdalene.Lucy Winkett - 2002 - Feminist Theology 10 (29):19-31.
    Mary of Magdala is widely and unaccountably known as a symbol of fallen and redeemed womanhood. By a mysterious conflation of named and anonymous women in the gospel narratives, a completely fictitious character has emerged into the Western Christian tradition. Christian writing, art and social action reflect this misconception. Eastern traditions are truer to the gospel narratives, recognising Mary as the apostle to the apostles, the one who stands in the presence of the risen Jesus and goes to tell the (...)
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    Institutional pressures and the adoption of responsible management education at universities and business schools in Central and Eastern Europe.Lutz Preuss, Heather Elms, Roman Kurdyukov, Urša Golob, Rodica Milena Zaharia, Borna Jalsenjak, Ryan Burg, Peter Hardi, Julija Jacquemod, Mari Kooskora, Siarhei Manzhynski, Tetiana Mostenska, Aurelija Novelskaite, Raminta Pučėtaitė, Rasa Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, Oleksandra Ralko, Boleslaw Rok, Dominik Stanny, Marina Stefanova & Lucie Tomancová - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1575-1591.
    Business schools, and universities providing business education, from across the globe have increasingly engaged in responsible management education (RME), that is in embedding social, environmental and ethical topics in their teaching and research. However, we still do not fully understand the institutional pressures that have led to the adoption of RME, in particular concerning under-researched regions like Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Hence, we undertook what is to our knowledge the most comprehensive study into the adoption of RME in CEE (...)
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    Book Reviews : GREY, Mary, Beyond the Dark Night: A Way Forward for the Church? (London: Cassell,1997). ISBN 030 43 3753 6. [REVIEW]Lucy A. Tatman - 1999 - Feminist Theology 7 (20):115-116.
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    Effects of an Early Postnatal Music Intervention on Cognitive and Emotional Development in Preterm Children at 12 and 24 Months: Preliminary Findings. [REVIEW]Fleur Lejeune, Lara Lordier, Marie P. Pittet, Lucie Schoenhals, Didier Grandjean, Petra S. Hüppi, Manuela Filippa & Cristina Borradori Tolsa - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The persistence of gender inequality, Mary Evans. [REVIEW]Rosemary Lucy Hill - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (3):387-388.
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  20.  58
    Face off: searching for truth and beauty in the clinical encounter: Based on the memoir, autobiography of a face by Lucy Grealy. [REVIEW]Mary T. Shannon - 2012 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 15 (3):329-335.
    Based on Lucy Grealy’s memoir, Autobiography of a Face, this article explores the relationship between gender and illness in our culture, as well as the paradox of “intimacy without intimacy” in the clinical encounter. Included is a brief review of how authenticity, vulnerability, and mutual recognition of suffering can foster the kind of empathic doctor-patient relationship that Lucy Grealy sorely needed, but never received. As she says at the end of her memoir, “All those years I’d handed my ugliness over (...)
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    Hushed Resolve, Reticence, and Rape In J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace.LeBlanc Mary - 2017 - Philosophy and Literature 41 (1):158-168.
    The most disturbing gift that Disgrace presents to its readers is the hushed resolve with which Lucy Lurie emerges from her rape to reaffirm her way of life. To consider that way of life, the reader is first invited to align oneself with David Lurie's initial normative reading of his daughter's rape; but then, in a second important step, to join in the change of mind by which David overcomes this initial blindness. Imagine what accepting the invitation to take both (...)
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  22.  44
    Lucie AUBRAC.Florence Rochefort & Laurence Klejman - 1995 - Clio 1.
    Lucie Aubrac, co-fondatrice du mouvement Libération, est une de nos héroïnes de la Résistance qu'il n'est plus nécessaire de présenter. Les spectaculaires évasions qu'elle organisa pour arracher son mari, Raymond Aubrac, des mains de Klaus Barbie notamment, font partie de la légende. Elle-même en fit le récit en 1984 dans un ouvrage intitulé Ils partiront dans l'ivresse (Seuil). Une bande dessinée américaine avait déjà, dans les années 1950, immortalisé l'histoire de « Lucie to the Res...
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  23.  14
    Opera physica: de radiis visus et lucis in vitris perspectivis et iride Euripus seu de fluxu et refluxu maris = Radovi iz fizike: o zrakama vida i svjetla u optičkim staklima i dugi Eurip ili o plimi i oseci mora.Marco Antonio De Dominis - 2005 - Split: Lamaro.
  24.  35
    The Enlightenment Feminist Project of Lucy Aikin's Epistles on Women (1810).Kathryn Ready - 2005 - History of European Ideas 31 (4):435-450.
    The nineteenth-century British historian Lucy Aikin's ambitious four-part poem Epistles on Women (1810) marks both her first important contribution to women's historiography and a compelling example of Enlightenment feminist historiography. To some extent, Aikin is building on the work of male Enlightenment historians who had evaluated the status of women in different times and places and correlated it to social progress. However, she not only restricts her focus exclusively to women, but also makes a concerted effort to resolve some of (...)
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    "Alternative Selves" and Authority in the Fiction of Jane Urquhart.Dorota Filipczak - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):27-43.
    "Alternative Selves" and Authority in the Fiction of Jane Urquhart The article engages with "alternative selves," a concept found in The Stone Carvers by a Canadian writer, Jane Urquhart. Her fiction is first seen in the context of selected texts by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Margaret Laurence and Alice Munro, who explore the clash between female characters' conventional roles and their "secret" selves. My analysis was inspired by Pamela Sue Anderson's A Feminist Philosophy of Religion, which stresses the need for "reinventing (...)
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  26.  10
    Psychologie positive et spiritualité en psychothérapie.Christian R. Bellehumeur & Judith Malette (eds.) - 2019 - Les Presses de l’Université de Laval.
    Peut-on entrevoir des liens fructueux entre la psychologie positive et la spiritualité en contexte psychothérapeutique? La thématique de cet ouvrage intéressera des chercheuses et des chercheurs, des cliniciens et des cliniciennes, des étudiantes et des étudiants des domaines de la psychothérapie et de la relation d’aide, ainsi que toute personne soucieuse de mieux comprendre la complexité de l’être humain. Tout au long de ce collectif, la lectrice ou le lecteur trouvera une pensée tissée serrée, sous forme parfois d’essais théoriques, de (...)
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    The agent intellect in Rahner and Aquinas.R. M. Burns - 1988 - Heythrop Journal 29 (4):423–449.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Philosophical Assessment of Theology: Essays in Honour of Frederick C. Copleston. Edited by Gerard J. Hughes. Language, Meaning and God: Essays in Honour of Herbert McCabe OP. Edited by Brian Davies. God Matters. By Herbert McCabe. Philosophies of History: A Critical Essay. By Rolf Gruner. The ‘Phaedo’: A Platonic Labyrinth. By Ronna Burger. Lessing's ‘Ugly Ditch’: A Study of Theology and History. By Gordon E. Michalson, Jr. Peirce. By Christopher Hookway. Frege: Tradition and Influence. (...)
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  28. The New Rhetoric: A Treatise on Argumentation.Chaïm Perelman & Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca - 1969 - Notre Dame, IN, USA: Notre Dame University Press. Edited by Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca.
    The New Rhetoric is founded on the idea that since “argumentation aims at securing the adherence of those to whom it is addressed, it is, in its entirety, relative to the audience to be influenced,” says Chaïm Perelman and L. Olbrechts-Tyteca, and they rely, in particular, for their theory of argumentation on the twin concepts of universal and particular audiences: while every argument is directed to a specific individual or group, the orator decides what information and what approaches will achieve (...)
  29.  86
    Manifest Reality: Kant's Idealism and His Realism.Lucy Allais - 2015 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Lucy Allais presents an original interpretation of Kant's transcendental idealism. She argues that his distinction between things in themselves and things as they appear to us has both epistemological and metaphysical components. Kant is committed to a genuine idealism about things as they appear to us, but this is not a phenomenalist idealism. He is committed to the claim that there is an aspect of reality that grounds mind-dependent spatio-temporal objects, and which we cannot cognize, but he does not assert (...)
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  30.  49
    Mary Shepherd's An essay upon the relation of cause and effect.Mary Shepherd - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Edited by Don Garrett.
    Mary Shepherd's An Essay upon the Relation of Cause and Effect, first published in 1824, was a pioneering work in metaphysics and epistemology. Together with her 1827 Essays on the Perception of an External Universe, they make her one of the most important philosophers of her era. Although widely neglected by the history of philosophy in the decades after her death, her works have recently begun to attract the attention and sustained study they deserve. In the course of her writings, (...)
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  31. Three Ways in Which Pandemic Models May Perform a Pandemic.Philippe Van Basshuysen, Lucie White, Donal Khosrowi & Mathias Frisch - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (1):110-127.
    Models not only represent but may also influence their targets in important ways. While models’ abilities to influence outcomes has been studied in the context of economic models, often under the label ‘performativity’, we argue that this phenomenon also pertains to epidemiological models, such as those used for forecasting the trajectory of the Covid-19 pandemic. After identifying three ways in which a model by the Covid-19 Response Team at Imperial College London may have influenced scientific advice, policy, and individual responses, (...)
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  32. Were Lockdowns Justified? A Return to the Facts and Evidence.Philippe van Basshuysen & Lucie White - 2021 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 31 (4):405-428.
    Were governments justified in imposing lockdowns to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic? We argue that a convincing answer to this question is to date wanting, by critically analyzing the factual basis of a recent paper, “How Government Leaders Violated Their Epistemic Duties During the SARS-CoV-2 Crisis” (Winsberg et al. 2020). In their paper, Winsberg et al. argue that government leaders did not, at the beginning of the pandemic, meet the epistemic requirements necessitated to impose lockdowns. We focus on (...)
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  33.  54
    Self-Knowing Agents * By LUCY O'BRIEN.Lucy O’Brien - 2009 - Analysis 69 (1):187-188.
    How is it that we think and refer in the first-person way? For most philosophers in the analytic tradition, the problem is essentially this: how two apparently conflicting kinds of properties can be reconciled and united as properties of the same entity. What is special about the first person has to be reconciled with what is ordinary about it. The range of responses reduces to four basic options. The orthodox view is optimistic: there really is a way of reconciling these (...)
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  34. Crash Algorithms for Autonomous Cars: How the Trolley Problem Can Move Us Beyond Harm Minimisation.Dietmar Hübner & Lucie White - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (3):685-698.
    The prospective introduction of autonomous cars into public traffic raises the question of how such systems should behave when an accident is inevitable. Due to concerns with self-interest and liberal legitimacy that have become paramount in the emerging debate, a contractarian framework seems to provide a particularly attractive means of approaching this problem. We examine one such attempt, which derives a harm minimisation rule from the assumptions of rational self-interest and ignorance of one’s position in a future accident. We contend, (...)
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  35. Neurosurgery for Psychopaths? An Ethical Analysis.Dietmar Hübner & Lucie White - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 7 (3):140-149.
    Recent developments in neuroscience have inspired proposals to perform deep brain stimulation on psychopathic detainees. We contend that these proposals cannot meet important ethical requirements that hold for both medical research and therapy. After providing a rough overview of key aspects of psychopathy and the prospects of tackling this condition via deep brain stimulation, we proceed to an ethical assessment of such measures, referring closely to the distinctive features of psychopathic personality, particularly the absence of subjective suffering and a lack (...)
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  36.  88
    Book Symposium on Lucy Allais' Manifest Reality: Kant's Idealism and His Realism An Overview.Lucy Allais - 2016 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):235-240.
  37.  57
    Metacognition and sense of agency.Wen Wen, Lucie Charles & Patrick Haggard - 2023 - Cognition 241 (C):105622.
  38.  67
    Ethical Arguments Concerning Human-Animal Chimera Research: A Systematic Review.Koko Kwisda, Lucie White & Dietmar Hübner - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21:1-14.
    The burgeoning field of biomedical research involving the mixture of human and animal materials has attracted significant ethical controversy. Due to the many dimensions of potential ethical conflict involved in this type of research, and the wide variety of research projects under discussion, it is difficult to obtain an overview of the ethical debate. This paper attempts to remedy this by providing a systematic review of ethical reasons in academic publications on human-animal chimera research. We conducted a systematic review of (...)
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    From improvisation to learning: How naturalness and systematicity shape language evolution.Yasamin Motamedi, Lucie Wolters, Danielle Naegeli, Simon Kirby & Marieke Schouwstra - 2022 - Cognition 228 (C):105206.
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    Lire Ryle aujourd'hui: aux sources de la philosophie analytique.Lucie Antoniol - 1993 - Brussels: De Boeck Supérieur.
    La philosophy of mind est le terrain principal sur lequel Gilbert Ryle a mis à l'épreuve sa réponse personnelle à la question "Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?". Il nous montre comment la philosophie peut nous remettre sur la piste d'une meilleure compréhension des phénomènes humains. Cette philosophie de l'homme est ancrée dans une méthode qui a reçu le nom d'analyse du langage ordinaire : prêter une attention particulière à la façon dont nous parlons de nous-même et des autres devrait nous permettre (...)
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  41. The Boundaries of Development.Thomas Pradeu, Lucie Laplane, Michel Morange, Antonine Nicoglou & Michel Vervoort - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):1 - 3.
    This special issue of Biological Theory is focused on development; it raises the problem of the temporal and spatial boundaries of development. From a temporal point of view, when does development start and stop? From a spatial point of view, what is it exactly that "develops", and is it possible to delineate clearly the developing entity? This issue explores the possible answers to these questions, and thus sheds light on the definition of development itself.
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    Mary Shepherd's Essays on the perception of an external universe.Mary Shepherd - 2020 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first modern edition of the works of Lady Mary Shepherd, one of the most important women philosophers of the early modern period. Shepherd has been widely neglected in the history of philosophy, but her work engaged with the dominant philosophers of the time - among them Hume, Berkeley, and Reid. In particular, her 1827 volume Essays on the Perception of an External Universe outlines a theory of causation, perception, and knowledge which Shepherd presents as an alternative to (...)
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  43.  24
    PoMo Oz: fear and loathing downunder.Niall Lucy - 2010 - North Fremantle, W.A.: Fremantle Press.
    That's according to Niall Lucy in his latest book, PoMo Oz. Pitting his humour and intellect against the conservative power brokers, Lucy champions the notion that free thought, not free trade, is the basis of democracy.
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  44. Self-Reported Body Awareness: Validation of the Postural Awareness Scale and the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (Version 2) in a Non-clinical Adult French-Speaking Sample.Lucie Da Costa Silva, Célia Belrose, Marion Trousselard, Blake Rea, Elaine Seery, Constance Verdonk, Anaïs M. Duffaud & Charles Verdonk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Body awareness refers to the individual ability to process signals originating from within the body, which provide a mapping of the body’s internal landscape and its relation with space and movement. The present study aims to evaluate psychometric properties and validate in French two self-report measures of body awareness: the Postural Awareness Scale, and the last version of the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness questionnaire. We collected data in a non-clinical, adult sample using online survey, and a subset of the (...)
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    The Urban Uncanny: A Collection of Interdisciplinary Studies.Lucy Huskinson (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _The Urban Uncanny_ explores through ten engaging essays the slippage or mismatch between our expectations of the city—as the organised and familiar environments in which citizens live, work, and go about their lives—and the often surprising and unsettling experiences it evokes. The city is uncanny when it reveals itself in new and unexpected light; when its streets, buildings, and people suddenly appear strange, out of place, and not quite right. Bringing together a variety of approaches, including psychoanalysis, historical and contemporary (...)
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    Metastasis as supra-cellular selection? A reply to Lean and Plutynski.Germain Pierre-Luc & Lucie Laplane - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (2):281-287.
    In response to Germain argument that evolution by natural selection has a limited explanatory power in cancer, Lean and Plutynski have recently argued that many adaptations in cancer only make sense at the tumor level, and that cancer progression mirrors the major evolutionary transitions. While we agree that selection could potentially act at various levels of organization in cancers, we argue that tumor-level selection is unlikely to actually play a relevant role in our understanding of the somatic evolution of human (...)
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  47. Elective Forgiveness.Lucy Allais - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 21 (5):1-17.
    This paper examines the idea that forgiveness requires, either for its existence or for its justification, the meeting of moral and epistemic conditions which show that resentment is no longer warranted. I argue that this idea results in over-intellectualizing and over-moralizing forgiveness, and in failing to accommodate its elective nature. I sketch an alternative account, which appeals to the differences between emotions and beliefs, and the idea that we have more rational optionality with respect to emotions.
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    “An illness of isolation, a disease of disconnection”: Depression and the erosion of we-experiences.Lucy Osler - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Depression is an affective disorder involving a significant change in an individual’s emotional and affective experiences. While the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition mentions that social impairment may occur in depression, first-person reports of depression consistently name isolation from others as a key feature of depression. I present a phenomenological analysis of how certain interpersonal relations are experienced in depression. In particular, I consider whether depressed individuals are able to enter into “we-experiences” with other people. We-experiences (...)
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  49. Mary Astell on Self-Government and Custom.Marie Jayasekera - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):452-472.
    This paper identifies, develops, and argues for an interpretation of Mary Astell’s understanding of self-government. On this interpretation, what is essential to self-government, according to Astell, is an agent’s responsiveness to her own reasoning. The paper identifies two aspects of her theory of self-government: an ‘authenticity’ criterion of what makes our motives our own and an account of the capacities required for responsiveness to our own reasoning. The authenticity criterion states that when our motives arise from some external source without (...)
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    Response to ‘What does mental health have to do with well‐being?’.Lucy Dale, Ellie Victoria Evans & Radhika Gupta - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (6):605-606.
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