Results for 'Marino Bertil Issautier'

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  1. Les grandes suggestions de l'histoire..Marino Bertil Issautier - 1940 - Paris,: F. Sorlot.
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  2. Iam rude donatus: nel settantesimo compleanno di Marino Gentile.Marino Gentile (ed.) - 1978 - Padova: Antenore.
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    Cultures of the (masked) face.Gabriele Marino - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):318-337.
    What we generally regard as ‘the face’ should be semiotically understood not as something given and monolithic, but rather stratified – it is at least threefold: biological (face), physiognomic (expression), perceivable (visage) – and relational as it has to be put within a narrative in order to make sense. The face lies at the centre of a whole semiotic system, the form of life, revolving around the issue of identity (which the face – the visage, to be precise – embodies (...)
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  4. Ambivalence, Valuational Inconsistency, and the Divided Self.Patricia Marino - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (1):41-71.
    Is there anything irrational, or self-undermining, about having "inconsistent" attitudes of caring or valuing? In this paper, I argue that, contra suggestions of Harry Frankfurt and Charles Taylor, the answer is "No." Here I focus on "valuations," which are endorsed desires or attitudes. The proper characterization of what I call "valuational inconsistency" I claim, involves not logical form (valuing A and not-A), but rather the co-possibility of what is valued; valuations are inconsistent when there is no possible world in which (...)
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  5. The value of equality.Bertil Tungodden - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (1):1-44.
    Over the years, egalitarian philosophers have made some challenging claims about the nature of egalitarianism. They have argued that egalitarian reasoning should make us reject the Pareto principle; that the Rawlsian leximin principle is not an egalitarian idea; that the Pigou–Dalton principle needs modification; that the intersection approach faces deep problems; that the numbers should not count within an egalitarian framework, and that egalitarianism should make us reject the property of transitivity in normative reasoning. In this paper, taking the recent (...)
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    A theory of vagueness.Bertil Rolf - 1980 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 9 (3):315 - 325.
  7. George Berkeley’s Manuscript Introduction.Bertil Belfrage - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 178 (2):261-263.
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  8. Berkeley's Theory of Emotive Meaning (1708).Bertil Belfrage - 1986 - Hisory of European Ideas 7 (6):643-649.
  9. Moral dilemmas, collective responsibility, and moral progress.Patricia Marino - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 104 (2):203 - 225.
    Ruth Marcus has offered an account of moral dilemmas in which the presence of dilemmas acts as a motivating force, pushing us to try to minimize predicaments of moral conflict. In this paper, I defend a Marcus-style account of dilemmas against two objections: first, that if dilemmas are real, we are forced to blame those who have done their best, and second, that in some cases, even a stripped down version of blame seems inappropriate. My account highlights the importance of (...)
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  10. A New Approach to Berkeley's 'Philosophical Notebooks'.Bertil Belfrage - 1986 - In Ernest Sosa (ed.), Essays on the Philosophy of George Berkeley. D. Reidel.
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  11. Learning robots and human responsibility.Dante Marino & Guglielmo Tamburrini - 2006 - International Review of Information Ethics 6:46-51.
    Epistemic limitations concerning prediction and explanation of the behaviour of robots that learn from experience are selectively examined by reference to machine learning methods and computational theories of supervised inductive learning. Moral responsibility and liability ascription problems concerning damages caused by learning robot actions are discussed in the light of these epistemic limitations. In shaping responsibility ascription policies one has to take into account the fact that robots and softbots - by combining learning with autonomy, pro-activity, reasoning, and planning - (...)
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    Egalitarianism: Is leximin the only option?Bertil Tungodden - 2000 - Economics and Philosophy 16 (2):229-245.
    The most influential egalitarian perspective is undoubtedly Rawls's (1971, 1993), which assigns absolute priority to the least advantaged in society (the difference principle). However, many have claimed that even though an egalitarian perspective should imply some priority to the worst off, the Rawlsian perspective is too demanding. One response to this criticism is to argue in favour of an egalitarian perspective that never assigns absolute priority to the worse off, but which still includes limited priority to those members of society (...)
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    Performance Monitoring Applied to System Supervision.Bertille Somon, Aurélie Campagne, Arnaud Delorme & Bruno Berberian - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  14. Berkeley's Four Concepts of the Soul (1707-1709).Bertil Belfrage - 2007 - In Stephen Hartley Daniel (ed.), Reexamining Berkeley's Philosophy. University of Toronto Press.
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    Philosophy of Sex and Love: An Opinionated Introduction.Patricia Marino - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    Writing for non-specialists and students as well as for fellow philosophers, this book explores some basic issues surrounding sex and love in today's world, among them consent, objectification, nonmonogamy, racial stereotyping, and the need to reconcile contemporary expectations about gender equality with our beliefs about how love works. Author Patricia Marino argues that we cannot fully understand these issues by focusing only on individual desires and choices. Instead, we need to examine the social contexts within which choices are made (...)
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    Moral Reasoning in a Pluralistic World.Patricia Marino - 2015 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Moral diversity is a fundamental reality of today’s world, but moral theorists have difficulty responding to it. Some take it as evidence for skepticism – the view that there are no moral truths. Others, associating moral reasoning with the search for overarching principles and unifying values, see it as the result of error. In the former case, moral reasoning is useless, since values express individual preferences; in the latter, our reasoning process is dramatically at odds with our lived experience. Moral (...)
  17. (1 other version)Senior Editor’s Note.Bertil Belfrage - 2005 - Berkeley Studies 16:2-2.
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    Student Self-Efficacy and Aptitude to Participate in Relation to Perceived Functioning and Achievement in Students in Secondary School With and Without Disabilities.Karin Bertills, Mats Granlund & Lilly Augustine - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    School-based Physical Education is important, especially to students with disabilities whose participation in physical activities out of school is limited. The development over time of participation-related constructs in relation to students’ perceived functioning and achievement is explored. Students in mainstream inclusive secondary school self-rated their PE-specific self-efficacy, general school self-efficacy, aptitude to participate in PE, and perceived physical and socio-cognitive functional skills at two timepoints, year 7 and year 9. Results were compared between three groups of students with: disabilities, high (...)
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    The Order and Dating of Berkeley's Notebooks.Belfrage Bertil - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 154 (3):196-214.
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    Plenitudo potestatis e universitas civium in Marsilio da Padova.Marino Damiata - 1983 - Firenze: Studi francescani.
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    The Long Way to an Un-Disciplined Literature Undisciplining Literature: Literature, Law & Culture Kostas Myrsiades Linda Myrsiades.Marinos Diamantides - 2000 - Cardozo Studies in Law and Literature 12 (2):293-320.
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    Il problema della filosofia moderna.Marino Gentile - 1951 - Brescia,: La Scuola.
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    Körper, Leibideen und politische Gemeinschaft: "Rasse" und Rassismus aus der Sicht der philosophischen Anthropologie.Mario Marino (ed.) - 2020 - Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
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    Steven M. Emmanuel, Kierkegaard and the concept of revelation.Gordon D. Marino - 2000 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 48 (3):184-186.
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    A Critical Analysis of Operational Definitions.Bertil Pfannenstill - 1951 - Theoria 17 (1-3):193-209.
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  26. Bernard Bosanquet's Philosophy of the State.Bertil Pfannenstill - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47:451.
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  27. Bibliographical notes XVI.Bertil Pfannenstill - 1946 - Theoria 12 (1/2):130.
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    Method and Object in Sociology.Bertil Pfannenstill - 1942 - Theoria 8 (1):23-57.
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    (1 other version)Korner On Vagueness And Applied Mathematics.Bertil Rolf - 1982 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 15 (1):81-108.
    Körner's notion of vagueness, its relation to ostension and the alledged gulf between logic and experience are examined. Ostension is seen not to cause vagueness ~ there are precise concepts of mathematics which can be ostensively introduced. A distinction is drawn between classical logic not applying to the vague world and not applying to the vague language. The claims about logic and the vague world are unverifiable claims about existence. Körner's attempt to elimmate the seeming incompatibility between vague language and (...)
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    Out-of-the-loop pilots: Study of an applied phenomenon through performance-monitoring eeg measures.Bertille Somon, Aurélie Campagne, Arnaud Delorme & Bruno Berberian - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  31. Person-Affecting Paretian Egalitarianism with Variable Population Size.Bertil Tungodden & Peter Vallentyne - 2007 - In John Roemer & Kotaro Suzumura (eds.), Intergenerational Equity and Sustainability. Palgrave Publishers.
    Where there is a fixed population (i.e., who exists does not depend on what choice an agent makes), the deontic version of anonymous Paretian egalitarianism holds that an option is just if and only if (1) it is anonymously Pareto optimal (i.e., no feasible alternative has a permutation that is Pareto superior), and (2) it is no less equal than any other anonymously Pareto optimal option. We shall develop and discuss a version of this approach for the variable population case (...)
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    Sorites.Bertil Rolf - 1984 - Synthese 58 (2):219 - 250.
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    Natural embryo loss—a missed opportunity.Thomas A. Marino - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (7):25 – 27.
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    Pró-Haiti: Reflexões sobre as Ações Afirmativas para Haitianos nas Universidades Públicas Brasileiras.Aline Marques Marino - 2016 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 2 (1):77.
    Buscar-se-á analisar o Programa Pró-Haiti, ação afirmativa instituída pelo Governo Brasileiro para facilitar o ingresso de haitianos em algumas universidades públicas brasileiras, após o terremoto que afetou o Haiti em 2010. A discussão se dá em torno do atendimento ou não do princípio da igualdade e da justiça distributiva. A conclusão baseia-se na necessidade de o programa atender às políticas públicas, com o propósito de concretização da cidadania. O tema se justifica pela atualidade e por alcançar o interesse de profissionais (...)
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    Filosofi och rättsvetenskap.Bertil Belfrage & Leif Stille (eds.) - 1975 - Lund: Doxa.
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  36. The Order and Dating of Berkeley's "Notebooks".Bertil Belfrage - 1985 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 39 (154):196.
  37. Pontus Wikner.Bertil Block - 1943 - Stockholm,: Svenska kyrkans diakonistyrelses bokförlag.
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    The Paradoxes of Utopia A Study in Utopian Rationalism.Bertil Mårtensson - 1991 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (4):476-514.
    Utopian rationalism names the belief that science has made utopia a practical possibility. Its characteristics include determinism, collectivism, distrust of individual initiative and belief in the superiority of collective planning in securing human happiness. The first section traces the utopian and dystopian tradition into modern science fiction. The ideas collected here are systematized in the next section, which on all points dismisses the tenets and claims of utopian rationalism as false, and in a final section, which discusses utopian thinking and (...)
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    Levinas, law, politics.Marinos Diamantides (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish.
    In this volume, political theorists, philosophers and legal scholars critically engage with this idealisation of Levinas ethics.
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  40. The Theology of the Gospel According to Thomas.Bertil Gartner - 1961
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    Breve trattato di filosofia.Marino Gentile - 1974 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    Esperienza e metafisica.Marino Gentile - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 4:45-51.
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  43. I am Rude Donatus.Marino Gentile - 1979 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 169 (4):451-451.
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    Saggi di una nuova storia della filosofia.Marino Gentile - 1973 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Langue - forme - valeur: Réflexions sur trois concepts saussuriens.Bertil Malmberg - 1976 - Semiotica 18 (3).
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    Bioetica sociale tra scienza e vita: quale principio etico per la prassi bioetica?Fabio Marino - 2007 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Educational intervention on HIV/AIDS.Raisa Yolanda Mariño Serrano & Santoya Arévalo - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):622-638.
    Se realizó un estudio de intervencisn educativa, con el objetivo de determinar el nivel de conocimientos acerca del VIH/sida en estudiantes de la ESBU "Marcos Rammrez Rodrmguez" en el permodo comprendido desde el 1ro de marzo al 30 de mayo del 2010. Se estudiaron 150 adolescentes, escogidos de un universo de 347, a travis de un muestreo por conglomerado bietapico. Inicialmente se aplics una encuesta previamente sometida al mitodo de expertos (Delphi) y evaluada de muy adecuada, donde se determins que (...)
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  48. L'idealismo politico e il diritto della natura in Società e ordine naturale.Luigi Marino - 1986 - Rivista di Filosofia 77 (1):141-171.
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    Le verità del non-vero: tre studi su Adorno, teoria critica ed estetica.Stefano Marino - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
  50. Bernard bosanquet's philosophy of the state.Bertil Pfannenstill - 1936 - Lund,: Printed by Hȧkan Ohlsson. Edited by Bert Hiid.
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