Results for 'Marquessuel Dantas Marques'

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  1.  57
    Embodiment of a virtual prosthesis through training using an EMG-based human-machine interface: Case series.Karina Aparecida Rodrigues, João Vitor da Silva Moreira, Daniel José Lins Leal Pinheiro, Rodrigo Lantyer Marques Dantas, Thaís Cardoso Santos, João Luiz Vieira Nepomuceno, Maria Angélica Ratier Jajah Nogueira, Esper Abrão Cavalheiro & Jean Faber - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:870103.
    Therapeutic strategies capable of inducing and enhancing prosthesis embodiment are a key point for better adaptation to and acceptance of prosthetic limbs. In this study, we developed a training protocol using an EMG-based human-machine interface that was applied in the preprosthetic rehabilitation phase of people with amputation. This is a case series with the objective of evaluating the induction and enhancement of the embodiment of a virtual prosthesis. Six men and a woman with unilateral transfemoral traumatic amputation without previous use (...)
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  2. Apresentação: A comunicação internacional no contexto da globalização.Sonia Virginia Moreira - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (1):7-9.
    Os conceitos que tratam do processo de globalização, originários da economia a partir da década de 1980, se aplicam para a comparação e análise de alguns paradoxos ainda hoje presentes no campo da comunicação internacional. Assim como uma ‘nova ordem econômica’ versou sobre a mundialização dos negócios, na área da comunicação o desequilíbrio na circulação de informação entre países industrializados e em desenvolvimento deu origem a intensos debates internacionais que resultaram no documento oficial que tratava de uma ‘nova ordem da (...)
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    Earthbound in the Anthropocene.Chris Danta - 2022 - Derrida Today 15 (1):87-92.
  4. No Rationality Through Brute-Force.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2017 - Filosofia Unisinos 18 (3):195-200.
    All reasoners described in the most widespread models of a rational reasoner exhibit logical omniscience, which is impossible for finite reasoners (real reasoners). The most common strategy for dealing with the problem of logical omniscience is to interpret the models using a notion of beliefs different from explicit beliefs. For example, the models could be interpreted as describing the beliefs that the reasoner would hold if the reasoner were able reason indefinitely (stable beliefs). Then the models would describe maximum rationality, (...)
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    Entrevista com profissionais da filosofia que atuam em projetos (bloco II).Andrea Dantas, Emerson Praciano, Freddy Costa, Maria Celeste de Sousa, Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa & Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):378-390.
    ENTREVISTA COM PROFISSIONAIS DA FILOSOFIA QUE ATUAM EM PROJETOS – BLOCO IICom: Andrea Dantas, Emerson Praciano, Freddy Costa, Maria Celeste de SousaPor: Antônio Alex Pereira de Sousa, Paulo Willame Araújo de Lima.
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  6. Doxastic Disagreement.Teresa Marques - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S1):121-142.
    This paper explores some alternative accounts of doxastic disagreement, and shows what problems each faces. It offers an account of doxastic disagreement that results from the incompatibility of the content of doxastic attitudes, even when that content’s truth is relativized. On the best definition possible, it is argued, neither non-indexical contextualism nor assessment-relativism have an advantage over contextualism. The conclusion is that conflicts that arise from the incompatibility (at the same world) of the content of given doxastic attitudes cannot be (...)
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  7. Epistemic Sanity or Why You Shouldn't be Opinionated or Skeptical.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2022 - Episteme 20 (3):647-666.
    I propose the notion of ‘epistemic sanity’, a property of parsimony between the holding of true but not false beliefs and the consideration of our cognitive limitations. Where ‘alethic value’ is the epistemic value of holding true but not false beliefs, the ‘alethic potential’ of an agent is the amount of extra alethic value that she is expected to achieve, given her current environment, beliefs, and reasoning skills. Epistemic sanity would be related to the holding of (true or false) beliefs (...)
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    The square of opposition and the paradoxes.Teresa Marques - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (1):87-105.
    Can an appeal to the difference between contrary and contradictory statements, generated by a non-uniform behaviour of negation, deal adequately with paradoxical cases like the sorites or the liar? This paper offers a negative answer to the question. This is done by considering alternative ways of trying to construe and justify in a useful way (in this context) the distinction between contraries and contradictories by appealing to the behaviour of negation only. There are mainly two ways to try to do (...)
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  9. Falsity and Retraction: New Experimental Data on Epistemic Modals.Teresa Marques - 2024 - In Dan Zeman & Mihai Hîncu (eds.), Retraction Matters. New Developments in the Philosophy of Language. Springer. pp. 41-70.
    This paper gives experimental evidence against the claim that speakers’ intuitions support semantic relativism about assertions of epistemic modal sentences and uses this evidence as part of a broader argument against assessment relativism. It follows other papers that reach similar conclusions, such as that of Knobe and Yalcin (Semant Pragmat 7:1–21, 2014). Its results were achieved simultaneously and independently of the more recent work of Kneer (Perspectives on taste. Aesthetics, language, metaphysics, and experimental philosophy. Routledge, 2022). The experimental data in (...)
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    As chagas que nos acompanham são as mesmas que nos curam?Luis Thiago Freire Dantas - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e12.
    Este texto interroga acerca do nosso modo de vida a partir da pandemia do Sars-Cov-2 com o intuito de refletir sobre como interagimos com os outros humanos e não-humanos. Para isso temos como referência Obaluayê, o Orixá da cura, em diálogo com alguns pensadores que problematizaram a vivência humana nesse atual período. Portanto é um texto propositivo com base na interrogação se as chagas que nos acompanham propiciam outras experiências no mundo?
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  11. A obra de Kierkegaard e seu lugar na história da filosofia moderna.Rodrigo Dantas - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 2 (1):102-124.
    Este artigo visa situar o significado da obra de Kierkegaard no contexto da história da filosofia moderna. Após caracterizar os momentos determinantes da história da filosofia moderna em suas relações dialéticas com o processo histórico numa época de desenvolvimento revolucionário da sociedade, o artigo reconstitui os argumentos de Kierkegaard em torno da oposição absoluta e não dialética entre a experiência vivida dos indivíduos e o saber racional para apresenta- los como um momento determinado do desenvolvimento da filosofia moderna.
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  12. A realidade Das serras centrais potiguares E a questão do desenvolvimento regional sob a perspectiva do direito, desenvolvimento E sustentabilidade.Fabiane Maria Dantas & Patrícia Borba Vilar Guimarães - 2014 - Revista Fides 5 (2).
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    Filosofias em diáspora: epistemologias de terreiro e transformações do eu.Luís Thiago Freire Dantas - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (spe):169-184.
    Resumo: Este artigo trata da diáspora africana como fonte epistemológica e, principalmente, de pensar suas implicações para a produção de filosofia africana, no Brasil. Para isso, o corpo será enfatizado como meio de comunicação com o mundo visível ou invisível, através do terreiro, estabelecendo uma relação entre a vivência e o pensamento filosófico. Em seguida, para fundamentar a diáspora, será interpretada a narrativa da orixá Oyá/Iansã, tendo como eixo o “corpo sem fronteiras” que medeia natureza e cultura. Por fim, propõe-se (...)
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    Filhas e Filhos de Ananse.Luis Thiago Freire Dantas - 2024 - Princípios 31 (66).
    Este ensaio tratará da singularidade da Filosofia Africana no Brasil como um discurso em “pretuguês”. Para ilustrar esse discurso, partimos da narrativa akan de Kwaku Ananse e expomos como as diferentes temáticas compõem uma teia tal como uma troca de argumentações entre as dimensões da história, da política e da cultura. Essa composição é suscitada pela diáspora africana, interpretada aqui como um elemento provocador de uma percepção outra de filosofia e de um projeto de humanidade. Por fim, este ensaio apresenta (...)
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  15.  41
    Kafka's Mousetrap: The Fable of the Dying Voice.Chris Danta - 2008 - Substance 37 (3):152-168.
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    Técnica, política E percepção: Um diálogo entre B. stiegler, G. simondon E j. Rancière.Ricardo Avalone Athanásio Dantas - 2013 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 4 (8):1-12.
    Em filosofia é comum o empenho em uma busca normativa, normatividade esta que aparece nos processos perceptivos quando o sujeito entra em relação com realidades de uma ordem de magnitude diferente da sua . Não acontece de outra maneira quando se trata de filosofar sobre a técnica – com efeito, em que ordem ou nível de magnitude em relação a nós ela – a técnica – se situa? Pensamos que a primeira condição para responder a tal pergunta é formulá-la em (...)
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    Telepatia e percepção.Lucia Ferraz Nogueira de Souza Dantas - 2018 - Cognitio 18 (2):344.
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    Spiritual Considerations for Managers: What Matters Most to Workforce Members in Challenging Times.Joan Marques - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (3):381 - 390.
    A survey conducted among 50 members of the Los Angeles Workforce, all within the age range of 20-50 years, and with a minimum of 2 years of work experience and a minimum of 2 years of college education, delivered results that may be of interest to managers in their efforts to enhance workers' satisfaction and successfully transcend the challenges of these times. The focus of this study was on values that mattered most in challenging times to members of the workforces. (...)
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  19.  5
    —10—Teresa Marques Truth and the Ambiguity of Negation.Teresa Marques - 2010 - In Erich Rast & Luiz Carlos Baptista (eds.), Meaning and Context. Peter Lang. pp. 2--235.
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  20. Retractions.Teresa Marques - 2018 - Synthese 195 (8):3335-3359.
    Intuitions about retractions have been used to motivate truth relativism about certain types of claims. Among these figure epistemic modals, knowledge attributions, or personal taste claims. On MacFarlane’s prominent relativist proposal, sentences like “the ice cream might be in the freezer” or “Pocoyo is funny” are only assigned a truth-value relative to contexts of utterance and contexts of assessment. Retractions play a crucial role in the argument for assessment-relativism. A retraction of a past assertion is supposed to be mandatory whenever (...)
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  21. A Grande Crise do Capital.Rodrigo Dantas - 2009 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 14 (1):47-72.
    Resumo: Este artigo é uma análise marxista da crise econômica mundial e do modo como ela coloca em questão o sistema capitalista. Nele defendemos a tese de que não estamos diante de uma "crise financeira", mas de uma crise clássica de superprodução, determinada pelo caráter cada vez mais especulativo do capital e pela hipertrofia do capital financeiro diante do capital que produz diretamente a mais-valia. São analisadas as dimensões estruturais da crise, o papel do Estado, a natureza do capital financeiro (...)
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  22.  37
    An integrated vision of the Green Chemistry evolution along 25 years.Carlos Alberto Marques & Adelio A. S. C. Machado - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (3):299-328.
    The objective of the present review on the evolution of Green Chemistry, since its emergence until 2016, aimed an integrated vision of its progress along the three phases of its development: emergence, divulgation and consolidation. The methodology involved the analysis of a selection of bibliography on the evolution of GC collected from issues of the ACS symposia series; editorials in specialized GC journals; and commemorative birthday papers/editorials of these journals and of the GC itself. The analysis allowed to identify and (...)
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    (1 other version)Conhece-Te a Ti Mesmo: Externalismo e Autoconhecimento de Atitudes Passadas.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2010 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 2 (3):157-174.
    Existe uma tese que dá conta da compatibilidade entre externalismo sobre conteúdo mental e autoconhecimento (BURGE, 1988). Esta tese, que explora a proprie-dade de autoverificação de autoatribuições do tipo “penso que p”, porém, funciona ape-nas para autoatribuições de pensamentos cuja expressão é a primeira pessoa do tempo presente do modo indicativo em seu uso assertórico. Entre os casos problemáticos estão as autoatribuições no passados e as autoatribuições de atitudes proposicionais específicas. Tal falha do compatibilismo é apontada por Boghossian (1992) como (...)
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  24.  15
    A filosofia nagô E a temporalidade da vertigem.Luis Thiago Freire Dantas - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):120.
    O conceito de tempo é uma das formas primordiais para entender como a atividade filosófica acontece em diferentes culturas. Assim, este artigo analisa como a temporalidade é interpretada pela Fenomenologia e pela Filosofia Nagô por meio de uma dialogia através dos esquemas intencionais da consciência fenomenológica e do jogo de posições circuladas por Èṣú. A partir dessa circulação em Èṣù serão apresentadas as implicações filosóficas sobre a temporalidade que caracterizam a Filosofia Nagô. Palavras-chave: Èṣú; Filosofia Nagô; Fenomenologia; Temporalidade.
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    An Inhomogeneous Space–Time Patching Model Based on a Nonlocal and Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation.Christine C. Dantas - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (10):1269-1292.
    We consider an integrable, nonlocal and nonlinear, Schrödinger equation as a model for building space–time patchings in inhomogeneous loop quantum cosmology. We briefly review exact solutions of the NNSE, specially those obtained through “geometric equivalence” methods. Furthemore, we argue that the integrability of the NNSE could be linked to consistency conditions derived from LQC, under the assumption that the patchwork dynamics behaves as an integrable many-body system.
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    Derrida and the test of secrecy.Chris Danta - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (2):61 - 75.
    (2013). DERRIDA AND THE TEST OF SECRECY. Angelaki: Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 61-75.
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    “À cabeceira do Estado jaz o cr'nio de um parente morto”: a figura do soberano em território necropolítico.Luis Thiago Freire Dantas - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (1):283-300.
    This article analyzes necropolitics as background of military action in peripheral regions of Brazil. With this, we propose a conceptual deepening about the term necropolitics and an analysis of its performance in The Brazilian territory, exemplified from news published by electronic newspapers between the years 2017 and 2020. For this, the figure of the sovereign will be taken in the light of the articulation between life and language, because with the expectation of pacifying society, a series of discourses are produced (...)
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  28. The relevance of causal social construction.Teresa Marques - 2017 - Journal of Social Ontology 3 (1):DOI: 10.1515/jso-2016-0018.
    Social constructionist claims are surprising and interesting when they entail that presumably natural kinds are in fact socially constructed. The claims are interesting because of their theoretical and political importance. Authors like Díaz-León argue that constitutive social construction is more relevant for achieving social justice than causal social construction. This paper challenges this claim. Assuming there are socially salient groups that are discriminated against, the paper presents a dilemma: if there were no constitutively constructed social kinds, the causes of the (...)
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  29. Aesthetic Predicates: A Hybrid Dispositional Account.Teresa Marques - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (6):723-751, doi:10.1080/0020174X.20.
    This paper explores the possibility of developing a hybrid version of dispositional theories of aesthetic values. On such a theory, uses of aesthetic predicates express relational second-order dispositional properties. If the theory is not absolutist, it allows for the relativity of aesthetic values. But it may be objected to on the grounds that it fails to explain disagreement among subjects who are not disposed alike. This paper explores the possibility of adapting recent proposals of hybrid expressivist theories for moral predicates (...)
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  30. How to (Blind)Spot the Truth: an investigation on actual epistemic value.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (2):693-720.
    This paper is about the alethic aspect of epistemic rationality. The most common approaches to this aspect are either normative (what a reasoner ought to/may believe?) or evaluative (how rational is a reasoner?), where the evaluative approaches are usually comparative (one reasoner is assessed compared to another). These approaches often present problems with blindspots. For example, ought a reasoner to believe a currently true blindspot? Is she permitted to? Consequently, these approaches often fail in describing a situation of alethic maximality, (...)
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  31. Ideal Reasoners don’t Believe in Zombies.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2017 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 21 (1):41-59.
    The negative zombie argument concludes that physicalism is false from the premises that p ∧¬q is ideally negatively conceivable and that what is ideally negatively conceivable is possible, where p is the conjunction of the fundamental physical truths and laws and q is a phenomenal truth (Chalmers 2002; 2010). A sentence φ is ideally negatively conceivable iff φ is not ruled out a priori on ideal rational reflection. In this paper, I argue that the negative zombie argument is neither a (...)
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  32. Amelioration vs. Perversion.Teresa Marques - 2020 - In Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss (eds.), Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Words change meaning, usually in unpredictable ways. But some words’ meanings are revised intentionally. Revisionary projects are normally put forward in the service of some purpose – some serve specific goals of inquiry, and others serve ethical, political or social aims. Revisionist projects can ameliorate meanings, but they can also pervert. In this paper, I want to draw attention to the dangers of meaning perversions, and argue that the self-declared goodness of a revisionist project doesn’t suffice to avoid meaning perversions. (...)
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  33. Disagreeing in Context.Teresa Marques - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:1-12.
    This paper argues for contextualism about predicates of personal taste and evaluative predicates in general, and offers a proposal of how apparently resilient disagreements are to be explained. The present proposal is complementary to others that have been made in the recent literature. Several authors, for instance (López de Sa, 2008; Sundell, 2011; Huvenes, 2012; Marques and García-Carpintero, 2014; Marques, 2014a), have recently defended semantic contextualism for those kinds of predicates from the accusation that it faces the problem (...)
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  34. When the (Bayesian) ideal is not ideal.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2023 - Logos and Episteme 15 (3):271-298.
    Bayesian epistemologists support the norms of probabilism and conditionalization using Dutch book and accuracy arguments. These arguments assume that rationality requires agents to maximize practical or epistemic value in every doxastic state, which is evaluated from a subjective point of view (e.g., the agent’s expectancy of value). The accuracy arguments also presuppose that agents are opinionated. The goal of this paper is to discuss the assumptions of these arguments, including the measure of epistemic value. I have designed AI agents based (...)
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    Ethical Ideology and Ethical Judgments in the Portuguese Accounting Profession.Pedro Augusto Marques & José Azevedo-Pereira - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):227-242.
    The purpose of the present study is to examine the attitudes of Portuguese chartered accountants with respect to questions of ethical nature that can arise in their professional activity. Respondents were asked to respond to the Ethics Position Questionnaire developed by Forsyth (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39(1), 175–184, 1980), in order to determine their idealism and relativism levels. Subsequently, they answered questions about five scenarios related to accounting practices, with the objective of measuring their ethical judgments. Based on (...)
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  36. What metalinguistic negotiations can't do.Teresa Marques - 2017 - Phenomenology and Mind (12):40-48.
    Philosophers of language and metaethicists are concerned with persistent normative and evaluative disagreements – how can we explain persistent intelligible disagreements in spite of agreement over the described facts? Tim Sundell recently argued that evaluative aesthetic and personal taste disputes could be explained as metalinguistic negotiations – conversations where interlocutors negotiate how best to use a word relative to a context. I argue here that metalinguistic negotiations are neither necessary nor sufficient for genuine evaluative and normative disputes to occur. A (...)
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    J.M. Coetzee and the Aesthetics of Disgust.Chris Danta - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (6):3-19.
    This article contends that we can learn much about how Coetzee tells stories by examining how he treats the subject of disgust. Coetzee represents disgust so often in his fiction, I argue, because disgust figures the subject’s relation to the object as both embodied and contemplative. Staging scenes of disgust enables Coetzee to do two apparently contradictory things at once: (1) represent the immediacy of a focalizing character’s physical reaction to the world and (2) establish a reflective distance between the (...)
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  38. Filosofia social e juridica.Introdde San Thiago Dantas - 1975 - In Clóvis Bevilaqua (ed.), Obra filosófica. São Paulo: Editorial Grijalbo.
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    O que pode a filosofia na formação de educadores?Alexsandro da Silva Marques - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-30.
    Resumo: A filosofia ocupa um espaço praticamente inalterado nas várias licenciaturas, geralmente, compreendida como fundamentos da educação ou pressupostos necessários à reflexão filosófica da educação. Nesse movimento, o papel da filosofia é visto como instrumentalização para a cientificidade da prática pedagógica escolar. Mas será que a contribuição da filosofia na formação do educador deve constituir-se apenas e tão somente na fundamentação dos problemas filosófico-pedagógicos? Este texto é resultado das inspirações teóricas, metodológicas e da experiência do dispositivo de formação Ateliê Filosófico, (...)
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    Eu pedagoga memoriando: depois do dito e revivido, quem sou agora ‘Amadurecida’?Zoraya Maria de Oliveira Marques - 2021 - Odeere 6 (2):339-351.
    “Eu Pedagoga Memoriando: depois do dito e revivido, quem sou agora ‘Amadurecida’?” completa a “trilogia” iniciada no Projeto de Experiências Criadoras na década de 90 junto a discentes e egressos de Pedagogia da Universidade do Estado da Bahia/UNEB. O vol. nº 03 se constitui como artigo conclusivo rodeando as mesmas inquietações, cuja provocação se deu na pergunta problema: “pensando em episódios como preconceito, discriminação, intolerância “qual dentre os fatos mais marcantes da sua vida acadêmica e/ou familiar, teve grande impacto e/ou (...)
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    Toward Greater Consciousness in the 21st Century Workplace: How Buddhist Practices Fit In.Joan Marques - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):211-225.
    The purpose of this study was to determine the applicability of Buddhist practices in today’s workplaces. The findings were supported by interviews with Buddhist masters and Buddhist business practitioners, as well as literature review, through phenomenological analysis. As a means of presenting the main reasons why Buddhist practices should be considered in contemporary workplaces, a SWOT analysis is presented. In this analysis, a number of strengths for using Buddhist practices in workplaces are listed such as pro-scientific, greater personal responsibility, and (...)
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    Tradição e Inovação n’ O Nascimento da Tragédia de Nietzsche.Viriato Soromenho-Marques - 2003 - Phainomenon 5-6 (1):411-426.
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  43. Almost Ideal: Computational Epistemology and the Limits of Rationality for Finite Reasoners.Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2016 - Dissertation, University of California, Davis
    The notion of an ideal reasoner has several uses in epistemology. Often, ideal reasoners are used as a parameter of (maximum) rationality for finite reasoners (e.g. humans). However, the notion of an ideal reasoner is normally construed in such a high degree of idealization (e.g. infinite/unbounded memory) that this use is unadvised. In this dissertation, I investigate the conditions under which an ideal reasoner may be used as a parameter of rationality for finite reasoners. In addition, I present and justify (...)
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    Žižek, Habermas E a recepção heideggeriana da filosofia transcendental.Ricardo Avalone Athanásio Dantas - 2015 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 6 (12):37-44.
    Kant e Husserl são referências de grande importância para o desenvolvimento do pensamento de Heidegger. Contudo, o grau de autonomia ou dependência de sua filosofia em relação ao legado transcendental ainda não está precisado com suficiente clareza no que diz respeito ao debate contemporâneo sobre ontologia, metafísica e epistemologia. Pretendemos fazer uma breve incursão nesse campo a partir da análise das críticas de Žižek e Habermas sobre a ontologia fundamental de Heidegger, tendo como foco a relação entre filosofia transcendental e (...)
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    Plato and Hermes in Mani’s Prophetology: a possible adaptation to the theurgical milieu.João Paulo Dantas & Gabriele Cornelli - 2022 - Filosofia Unisinos 23 (1):1-14.
    The aim of this article is to set forth conjectures that are likely to explain the inclusion of Plato and Hermes as heralds of Mani in the testimony of Ephrem of Syria. This incorporation should be set against the background of the Syrian religious milieu, which was influenced by both Hellenistic philosophy and Eastern religious traditions. Therefore, it would be better to seek a religious and philosophical environment wherein Plato and Hermes were associated. Keywords: Manichaeism, apocalypticism, theurgy, hermetism, Merkabah mysticism, (...)
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  46. Epistemologia Computacional: Uma Provocação (Computational Epistemology: A Teaser).Danilo Fraga Dantas - 2020 - Perspectiva Filosófica 46 (2):189-221.
    Este artigo discute o uso de simulações de computador em Epistemologia(Epistemologia Computacional). O objetivo o artigo é fundamentar e discu-tir a ideia de uma Epistemologia Computacional, além de apresentar umexemplo de estudo nesse campo. Na Introdução, discuto as objeções maiscomuns aos métodos da Epistemologia Tradicional e à proposta de Quine deuma Epistemologia Naturalizada. Argumento que a Epistemologia Compu-tacional não está sujeita a nenhuma destas objeções. Na Seção 1, apresentouma revisão bibliográfica dos estudos em Epistemologia Computacional(tanto em Epistemologia individualista quanto em (...)
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  47. Disagreement with a bald‐faced liar.Teresa Marques - 2020 - Ratio 33 (4):255-268.
    How can we disagree with a bald-faced liar? Can we actively disagree if it is common ground that the speaker has no intent to deceive? And why do we disapprove of bald-faced liars so strongly? Bald-faced lies pose problems for accounts of lying and of assertion. Recent proposals try to defuse those problems by arguing that bald-faced lies are not really assertions, but rather performances of fiction-like scripts, or different types of language games. In this paper, I raise two objections (...)
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    On complexity properties of recursively enumerable sets.M. Blum & I. Marques - 1973 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 38 (4):579-593.
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    Wittgenstein on Forms of Life and the Nature of Experience.António Marques & Nuno Venturinha (eds.) - 2010 - Berna, Suiça: Peter Lang.
    To what extent is the form of our life fixed, i.e. is there a form of life or forms of life? How does this bear on the nature of experience? These are two Wittgensteinian questions in need of clarification. Wittgenstein on Forms of Life and the Nature of Experience sheds light on a much exploited but rarely analysed topic in Wittgenstein scholarship while addressing central themes of contemporary philosophy. Bringing together essays from some of the leading scholars in the field, (...)
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    G. E. M. Anscombe: uma alternativa à filosofia da ação padrão.Beatriz Sorrentino Marques - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e02400275.
    The article presents a brief introduction to the investigation proposed in G. E. M. Anscombe’s famous book, Intention, and highlights some central concerns that the book aimed to solve. The following discussion aims to provide a review of recent literature that proposes an enlightening interpretation of Intention. To do this, I take recent comments on the work as a basis, privileging interpretations made by philosophers who aim to understand the originality of Anscombe’s method, her philosophical concerns and its context, as (...)
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