Results for 'Marta Libertà De Bastiani'

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  1.  32
    Hobbes et Spinoza lecteurs de Tacite : histoire et politique.Marta Libertà De Bastiani - 2020 - Astérion 23 (23).
    Tacitists use the historian’s work as a source of advice for rulers. Hobbes and Spinoza, however, use Tacitus’ accounts as materials with which to formulate their theory of affects and to explain the role they play in politics. In their theoretical structure, they give the examples a confirmatory function and an anthropological function; Spinoza also gives them an anticipatory function. The confirmatory function also has the role of preventing political theory from turning into a utopia.
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    Spinoza against political Tacitism: reversing the meaning of Tacitus’ quotes.Marta Libertà De Bastiani - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (7):1043-1060.
    ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to investigate the intertextual relationship between Spinoza and Tacitus in the Political Treatise, underlining how Spinoza uses Tacitus’ quotes against his main political enemy: Tacitism. I will show that Spinoza’s use of Tacitus is very selective and can be aptly characterized as a twofold political use: Tacitus’ quotes shape Spinoza’s political insights, but they are also used to confront Tacitism. To develop this twofold reading, after a brief introduction, I will consider Tacitus’ reception (...)
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    Amice colende: temi, storia e linguaggio nell'Epistolario spinoziano.Marta Libertà De Bastiani & Sandra Manzi-Manzi (eds.) - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
  4.  9
    Ex auditu, ex signis: citazioni, riferimenti e storie antiche nella filosofia politica di Spinoza.Marta Libertà De Bastiani - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Caminhares: fragmentos sobre oficinas de escrita e interrogações sobre os ensinares e os aprenderes.Mariana de Bastiani Lange - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (3):165-174.
    O presente estudo tem por objetivo compartilhar fragmentos de uma experiência com Oficina de Escrita, que foi desenvolvida com crianças que estudam em escolas públicas, e estudar a relação dessa prática com a educação. Considerando alguns aspectos da literatura e da teoria da psicanálise (baseada nos autores Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan), o estudo aqui apresentado tem o propósito de aproximar ambas: leitura e escrita, a fim de examinar a noção de endereçamento implicada nos processos de escrita e nos processos (...)
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    La conversion éthique: introduction à la philosophie d'Emmanuel Levinas.Flora Bastiani - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    A l'approche de l'oeuvre philosophique d'Emmanuel Levinas, le lecteur peut remarquer que deux descriptions du sujet se dégagent : dans certains passages, le moi paraît irrémédiablement tourné vers lui-même et seulement préoccupé par son propre bien-être ; tandis que d'autres textes présentent un moi complètement tendu vers autrui, et prêt à se sacrifier pour lui. Levinas retrace l'entrée du sujet dans l'éthique comme le passage de l'un à l'autre de ces états. Pourtant ces deux attitudes semblent si radicalement opposées qu'il (...)
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  7.  10
    Bergson, Jankélévitch, Levinas.Flora Bastiani & Joëlle Hansel (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
    Henri Bergson, Vladimir Jankélévitch, Emmanuel Levinas ont en commun d'avoir marqué la philosophie européenne du XXe siècle. En plus de leurs oeuvres respectives, ils ont tous les trois entretenu des liens manifestes à la fois dans leurs textes et dans leurs biographies. De ce trio, on ne peut pas dire que Bergson, philosophe pourtant déjà installé dans le paysage intellectuel français, prenne la place privilégiée du maître. Ni Jankélévitch, ni Levinas n'ont été, à proprement parler, ses élèves, cependant une relation (...)
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  8. Désacraliser l'infini: la place de la théologie dans la philosophie d'Emmanuel Levinas.Flora Bastiani - 2011 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 143 (4):335-344.
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    L’humanité de l’homme – Levinas vivant II.Flora Bastiani - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (4):594-597.
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  10. Beyond Mutual Constitution: The Properties Framework for Intersectionality Studies.Marta Jorba & Maria Rodó-de-Zárate - 2019 - Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 45 (1):175-200.
    Within feminist theory and a wide range of social sciences, intersectionality has emerged as a key analytic framework, challenging paradigms that consider gender, race, class, sexuality, and other categories as separate and instead conceptualizing them as interconnected. This has led most authors to assume mutual constitution as the pertinent model, often without much scrutiny. In this essay we critically review the main senses of mutual constitution in the literature and challenge what we take to be a problematic assumption: the problem (...)
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    Intersectionality as emergence.Marta Jorba & Dan López de Sa - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (6):1455-1475.
    Intersectionality is the notion that concerns the complexity of the experiences of individuals in virtue of their belonging to multiple socially significant categories. One of its main insights is that the way society is structured around categories such as gender, race, sexuality, class, etc., produces distinctive and specific forms of discrimination and privilege for groups in the intersections. In this paper, we suggest conceiving intersectionality as a general metaphysical framework wherein specific claims to the effect that the experiences of discrimination (...)
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    Is ethical management of human resources inherent to social enterprises European tradition model versus Anglo-Saxon model.Marta Solórzano García, Victoria Fernández de Tejada, Francisco Javier Palencia González & Irene Saavedra - 2019 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 13 (4):385.
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    The Sequencing of Game Complexes in Women’s Volleyball.Raúl Hileno, Marta Arasanz & Antonio García-de-Alcaraz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14. El carácter fronterizo de las identidades contemporáneas. El caso de Chiapas.M. Esteban, I. Vila & J. Bastiani - 2010 - Aposta. Revista de Ciencias Sociales 44:1-19.
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  15. Université catholique de Louvain.Svetlana Sholokhova, Flora Bastiani, José Errázuriz, Grégory Cormann ULg, Gábor Tverdota, Délia Popa, Vincent Flamand, Stanislas Deprez & Wilne Fantini - 2012 - Comprendre 14.
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  16. Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Type 1 Diabetes Adjustment Scale.Teresa Rivas, Mónica Carreira, Marta Domínguez-López, Maria Soledad Ruiz de Adana & María Teresa Anarte - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A escrita do caso ea ressignificação da experiência de estágio.Cleci Maraschin, Marta Regina de Leão D. Agord, Nair Iracema Silveira dos Santos & Regina Orgler Sordi - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:35-47.
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    A escrita do caso e a ressignificação da experiência de estágio.Cleci Maraschin, Marta Regina de Leão D'Agord, Nair Iracema Silveira dos Santos & Regina Orgler Sordi - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:35-47.
    Essa pesquisa visa investigar as potencialidades de um método de supervisão acadêmica fundado na reflexão a partir da escrita da experiência de estudantes de graduação envolvidos em atividades teórico-práticas e estágios curriculares. Esse método é chamado de "escrita do caso" (onde o caso pode ser ..
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    (1 other version)Réplica de Marta Philp.Marta Philp - 2009 - Diálogos (Maringa) 13 (3).
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    El carácter fronterizo de las identidades contemporáneas: el caso de Chiapas.Moisès Esteban Guitart, Ignasi Vila & José Bastiani Gómez - forthcoming - Aposta: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 2010, Núm. 44.
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    El carácter fronterizo de las identidades contemporáneas. El caso de Chiapas.Moisés Esteban Guitart, Ignasi Vila Mendiburu & José Bastiani Gómez - 2010 - Aposta 44:4.
    La tesis o hipótesis que se sostiene en el artículo es que la puesta en relación de formas explícitas e implícitas de vida compartida en las sociedades contemporáneas conlleva el auge de identidades híbridas, múltiples o complejas. Entendiendo por identidades híbridas la confluencia de múltiples identificaciones en la biografía personal. Siendo la globalización y la pluralización cultural las formas fundamentales de la sociedad contemporánea, la movilidad se convierte en su principal ingrediente. Se describe la presencia de distintos elementos culturales conformadores (...)
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    Totalité et infini: une oeuvre de ruptures.Éric Hoppenot, Michel Olivier, Joëlle Hansel & Flora Bastiani (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Éditions Manucius.
    Totalité et infini (1961), oeuvre majeure d'Emmanuel Levinas, est l'exposé de l'éthique de l'altérité qui a fait de lui l'une des figures les plus marquantes de la philosophie du XXe siècle. Dans la trace de lectures multiples (Husserl, Heidegger, Descartes, Platon ou encore Rosenzweig), il y déploie une philosophie éthique qui se départit de tout fondement ontologique. Si Totalité et infini est bien une "oeuvre de ruptures", c'est qu'elle se donne pour projet de rompre avec l'histoire de la philosophie qui (...)
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    Nietzsche’s Therapy of Therapy.Marta Faustino - 2017 - Nietzsche Studien 46 (1):82-104.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 46 Heft: 1 Seiten: 82-104.
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  24.  19
    Research, education, ethics consultation: evaluating a Bioethics Unit in an Oncological Research Hospital.Marta Perin, Elena Turola, Giovanna Artioli, Luca Ghirotto, Massimo Costantini, Morten Magelssen & Ludovica De Panfilis - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundThis study aims to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the activities of a Bioethics Unit (BU) 5 years since its implementation (2016–2020). The BU is a research unit providing empirical research on ethical issues related to clinical practice, clinical ethics consultation, and ethical education for health care professionals (HPS).MethodsWe performed an explanatory, sequential, mixed-method, observational study, using the subsequent qualitative data to explain the initial quantitative findings. Quantitative data were collected from an internal database and analyzed by descriptive analysis. Qualitative evaluation (...)
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  25. Beyond the Educational Context: Relevance of Intrinsic Reading Motivation During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain.Raquel De Sixte, Inmaculada Fajardo, Amelia Mañá, Álvaro Jáñez, Marta Ramos, María García-Serrano, Federica Natalizi, Barbara Arfé & Javier Rosales - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    What role could have intrinsic motivation toward reading in an extraordinary situation like the recent confinement? This research examines the relationship between intrinsic reading motivation and reading habits in an adult population considering types of reading, gender, and distress generated by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Participants were 3,849 adults from Spain who were surveyed about their reading practices: before, during the first weeks, and after several weeks of confinement. Linear mixed effects models were used to analyze data. Results showed (...)
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    Analysis of social performance in the spanish financial industry through public data. A proposal.Marta de la Cuesta-González, María Jesús Muñoz-Torres & María Ángeles Fernández-Izquierdo - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 69 (3):289-304.
    Banking firms are becoming increasingly aware that their clients’ management of environmental and social risks may in term threaten their own business as lenders and investors. In addition, stakeholders are requiring banks to improve their social performance. As a result, some banks are developing corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and management systems to reduce potential risks and improve their performance. In the Spanish financial system, half of the banking firms are savings banks, most of which have always used some Corporate (...)
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    Impact of Weekly Physical Activity on Stress Response: An Experimental Study.Ricardo de la Vega, Ruth Jiménez-Castuera & Marta Leyton-Román - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The aim of this research is focused on analyzing the alteration of the psychophysiological and cognitive response to an objective computerized stress test, when the behavioral response is controlled. The sample used was sports science students, with a mean age of 22.82 A quasi-experimental design was used in which the response of each participant to the DT test was evaluated. The variable “number of hours of physical activity per week” and the variable “level of behavioral response to stress” were controlled. (...)
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  28.  21
    Among equity and dignity: an argument-based review of European ethical guidelines under COVID-19.Ludovica De Panfilis & Marta Perin - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-29.
    BackgroundUnder COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations developed guidelines to deal with the ethical aspects of resources allocation. This study describes the results of an argument-based review of ethical guidelines developed at the European level. It aims to increase knowledge and awareness about the moral relevance of the outbreak, especially as regards the balance of equity and dignity in clinical practice and patient’s care. MethodAccording to the argument-based review framework, we started our research from the following two questions: what are the ethical (...)
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  29. Sutton's Solution to the Grounding Problem and Intrinsically Composed Colocated Objects.Marta Campdelacreu - 2016 - Critica 48 (143):77-92.
    En Sutton 2012, Catherine Sutton presenta una nueva e interesante solución al mayor problema al que se enfrenta el co-ubicacionismo : el problema de la fundamentación. Sin embargo, si es correcto rechazar la tesis defendida por Sutton según la cual los trozos o pedazos de materia están extrínsecamente compuestos,entonces su respuesta al problema de la fundamentación resulta incompleta. Además, es difícil ver cómo podría completarse.
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    Pós-modernidade, complexidade e suas nuances na ciência da informação.Antonio Gouveia de Sousa, Tâmela Costa, Noemi Andreza da Penha, Michel Batista da Silva, Jetur Lima de Castro & Marta Lígia Pomim Valentim - 2022 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 8 (2):65-81.
    Os registros históricos humanos sofreram transformações à medida em que evoluíam as tecnologias. Quanto maior a evolução tecnológica, mais informações puderam ser disseminadas. O objetivo desta pesquisa é discutir as possíveis similaridades entre a Ciência da Informação e as nuances pós-modernas. Como procedimentos metodológicos apresenta uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e exploratória baseada em uma revisão bibliográfica. O estudo possibilitou a confirmação dos elementos relacionais para uma compreensão dialógica entre a pós-modernidade, a complexidade e a Ciência da Informação. O pensamento (...)
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    Violence at School and the Well-Being of Teachers. The Importance of Positive Relationships.Federica De Cordova, Sabrina Berlanda, Monica Pedrazza & Marta Fraizzoli - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Self-Justification Processes Related to Bullying Among Brazilian Adolescents: A Mixed Methods Study.Wanderlei Abadio de Oliveira, Simona C. S. Caravita, Barbara Colombo, Elisa Donghi, Jorge Luiz da Silva & Marta Angélica Iossi Silva - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    El México de Carmen de Burgos.Marta Portal - 2010 - Arbor 186 (Extra):95-97.
    El texto presenta en los primeros párrafos la personalidad profesional y los rasgos de estilo de Carmen de Burgos. Marta Portal hace referencia a su propio México, que ella –la autora del comentario– conoció en varias estancias en el país, de las que dejan constancia sus libros y artículos sobre México. Analiza los comentarios directos de Carmen de Burgos sobre el país visitado y descrito en varios artículos y la novela corta, La Misionera de Teotihuacán, su conocimiento histórico y (...)
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    Barcelona lidera el NO a l’economia col·laborativa capitalista.Marta Molas - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 21:159-164.
    Barcelona, juny de 2017: el primer dimarts del mes comença amb una vaga de 24 hores de taxistes de la ciutat en contra d’Uber i Cabify. Dissabte següent, columnes de tots els barris es concentren a la Plaça Universitat contra l’augment del lloguer induït, majoritàriament, pel turisme massiu, amb AirB&B –com no–, en el punt de mira. Barcelona 0 – Economia col·laborativa 1. Era això, companys, el què n’esperàvem de l’economia del segle XXI?
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    ‘Too late or too soon’: The ethics of advance care planning in dementia setting.Marta Perin, Luca Ghirotto & Ludovica De Panfilis - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):178-186.
    Advance care planning (ACP) is considered a pivotal aid in the decision‐making process, especially for many people living with dementia, who inevitably will lose the capacity to make decisions at the end of life. In Italy, ACP has been recently regulated by law 219/2017, leading to the investigation of how physicians deal with ACP in dementia. In order to comprehend the perception of physicians who provide care for patients with dementia regarding ACP and to describe their difficulties and needs, this (...)
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    Systems biology reveals biology of systems.Marta Bertolaso, Alessandro Giuliani & Laura De Gara - 2011 - Complexity 16 (6):10-16.
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    (1 other version)Préface.Marta Borgo - 2020 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 103 (4):571-581.
    Dans cet aperçu, la notion de corps, qui joue un rôle majeur dans la théologie de l’Aquinate, de la création à l’eschatologie, est étudiée dans une perspective philosophique. Les différents sens que Thomas attribue au mot « corps » sont notamment caractérisés, selon qu’il se réfère aux réalités extra-mentales ou à notre manière d’en comprendre et d’en analyser la structure. S’inspirant d’Aristote et Porphyre d’un côté, d’Avicenne de l’autre, Thomas distingue ainsi non seulement entre le corps en tant qu’accident quantitatif (...)
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    Coalitions and Public Action in the Reshaping of Corporate Responsibility: The Case of the Retail Banking Industry.Marta de la Cuesta-González, Julie Froud & Daniel Tischer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (3):539-558.
    This paper addresses the question of whether and how public action via civil society and/or government can meaningfully shape industry-wide corporate responsibility behaviour. We explore how, in principle, ICR can come about and what conditions might be effective in promoting more ethical behaviour. We propose a framework to understand attempts to develop more responsible behaviour at an industry level through processes of negotiation and coalition building. We suggest that any attempt to meaningfully influence ICR would require stakeholders to possess both (...)
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    Donald Davidson’s Critiques of Conceptual Relativism Applied to Non-adaptationist Evolutionary Epistemology and Refuted.Marta Facoetti - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (2):357-374.
    Over the last three decades, non-adaptationism has developed as an alternative model to more traditional, adaptationist approaches within Evolutionary Epistemology. Despite its great explanatory strength, non-adaptationist EE finds a potential Achilles heel in its adherence to conceptual relativism, namely the idea that empirical content can be relative to many different and radically incommensurable conceptual schemes. In his seminal essay “On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme”, Donald Davidson did in fact prove the unintelligibility of an analogous form of conceptual (...)
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    Por una estética de la naturaleza: la belleza natural como argumento ecologista.Marta Tafalla - 2005 - Isegoría 32:215-226.
    En este artículo defiendo la tesis de que la estética de la naturaleza puede ofrecer a la ética de la naturaleza uno de los mejores argumentos ecologistas. Creo que el valor estético de la naturaleza, tradicionalmente olvidado por la filosofía, puede revitalizar las discusiones que tienen lugar en la ética de la naturaleza, y permite enfocar de un modo nuevo la cuestión de si la naturaleza posee un valor intrínseco o un valor instrumental.
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  41. Nichilismo E universo tecnologico in Gianni Vattimo.Marta Chessa - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  42. Commentary The Complexity of Intersectionality.Maria Rodó-de-Zárate & Marta Jorba - 2012 - Humana.Mente - Journal of Philosophical Studies 22:189-197.
    Commentary to Leslie McCall's 2005 paper "The complexity of intersectionality", with a review of her main points and some critical remarks.
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    La posición de Levinas en el giro hermenéutico: el lenguaje como ética.Marta Palacio - 2013 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 25 (1):133-152.
    “Levinas’ standpoint in the hermeneutic turn: language as ethics”. This paper develops Emmanuel Levinas’ conceptions about language and its placein the linguistic-hermeneutic turn of contemporary philosophy. It examines the relations with the authors associated to this turn (Heidegger, Gadamer, Ricoeurand Derrida) due to the importance given to language and, at the same time, it sets him apart from them for his original ethical transmutation of language. This paper also considers the main philosophical notions by which Levinas treats the topic of (...)
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  44. Una relectura actual de Nietzsche desde el tema del "último hombre".Marta de la Vega Visbal - 2002 - Universitas Philosophica 38:233-260.
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  45. Une rencontre entre la philosophie et la sémiotique de Peirce, l’Énactivisme et l’‘Esprit Étendu’. Perspectives sur un débat contemporain.Marta Caravà - 2019 - Interrogations 27.
    De nombreuses recherches contemporaines affirment que les idées centrales de l’énactivisme et de l’‘Esprit Étendu’ ont une origine pragmatiste. La théorie du signe de Peirce ainsi que sa sémiotique cognitive, le concept énactiviste de sense-making et l’externalisme cognitif de l’‘Esprit Étendu’ partagent des aspects théoriques fondamentaux. En raison de ces points communs je suggère que le pragmatisme et la sémiotique de Peirce peuvent offrir des perspectives intéressantes pour mieux comprendre le débat entre l’énactivisme et l’‘Esprit Étendu’. Je prends en examen (...)
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    Some learning problems concerning the use of symbolic language in physics.Silvia Ragout De Lozano & Marta Cardenas - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (6):589-599.
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    Transformando o patriarcado? O papel da luta feminista na reconfiguração das categorias marxistas.Marta Nunes da Costa - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (3):125-144.
    Resumo: A partir de uma análise de categorias marxistas, neste artigo, quero trazer para o domínio da visibilidade a "questão da mulher" e defender que esta deve ser o fio condutor no processo de identificação de condições de possibilidade para a transformação do sistema das práticas que visam à emancipação humana, entendida como superação da lógica de dominação.: Based on an analysis of Marxist categories, I attempt in this article to bring into the domain of visibility the 'issue of women', (...)
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  48. Explanation and Individual Essence.Márta Ujvári - 2017 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 13 (2):23-42.
    In this paper I show that a novel ontic reading of explanation, intending to capture the de re essential features of individuals, can support the qualitative view of individual essences. It is argued further that the putative harmful consequences of the Leibniz Principle and its converse for the qualitative view can be avoided, provided that individual essences are not construed in the style of the naïve bundle theory with set-theoretical identity- conditions. Adopting either the more sophisticated two-tier BT or, alternatively, (...)
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  49. Clinical Ethics Committee in an Oncological Research Hospital: two-years Report.Marta Perin, Ludovica De Panfilis & on Behalf of the Clinical Ethics Committee of the Azienda Usl-Irccs di Reggio Emilia - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1217-1231.
    Research question and aim Clinical Ethics Committees (CECs) aim to support healthcare professionals (HPs) and healthcare organizations to deal with the ethical issues of clinical practice. In 2020, a CEC was established in an Oncology Research Hospital in the North of Italy. This paper describes the development process and the activities performed 20 months from the CEC’s implementation, to increase knowledge about CEC’s implementation strategy. Research design We collected quantitative data related to number and characteristics of CEC activities carried out (...)
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    La fundamentación teológico-política de la desigualdad de sexos de Feijoo.García-Alonso Marta - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (55):379-96.
    Whereas other interpreters of Feijoo's views about women have focused on their natural and moral capacity, I will focus here on his views on women in politics. I will contrast Feijoo's views with those of Malebranche and Poulain de la Barre, both cited in his own work. Feijoo is comparatively more positive than Malebranche about the rights of women, making him a pioneer in the defence of women's education in Spain. If we compare instead Feijoo's interpretation of Genesis with Poulain (...)
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