Results for 'Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas, dialogue, relation, encountering'

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  1. On the possibility of a dialogue: Symmetrical of asymmetrical.Songül Köse - 2017 - Ethos: Dialogues in Philosophy and Social Sciences 10 (1).
    In this paper, in general, I will present Martin Buber’s and Emmanuel Levinas’ perspectives on interpersonal relations within the main cotext of dialogue and then give my own standpoint about the issue in question: “Is asymmetry really needed for a genuine dialogue?” In the meantime, I will also propound some fundamental notions of their philosophies with the intent of displaying their viewpoints in a clearer way.
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    Difficulties in Defining the Concept of God: Kierkegaard in Dialogue with Levinas, Buber, and Rosenzweig.Claudia Welz - 2016 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 80 (1):61-83.
    This article investigates difficulties in defining the concept of God by focusing on the question of what it means to understand God as a ‘person.’ This question is explored with respect to the work of Søren Kierkegaard, in dialogue with Franz Rosenzweig, Martin Buber, and Emmanuel Levinas. Thereby, the following three questions regarding divine ‘personhood’ come into view: First, how can God be a partner of dialogue if he at the same time remains unknown and unthinkable, a limit-concept (...)
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    The Immediacy Of Encounter And The Dangers Of Dichotomy: Buber, Levinas, And Jonas On Responsibility.Micha H. Werner - 2008 - In Hava Tirosh-Samuelson & Christian Wiese, The legacy of Hans Jonas: Judaism and the phenomenon of life. Boston: Brill. pp. 203-230.
    The article examines philosophical conceptions of responsibility found in the contributions of Martin Buber, Hans Jonas and Emmanuel Levinas. It argues that, despite the significant differences of these contributions, they all share important goals, significant structural features, and corresponding challenges. All three thinkers try to overcome the solipsistic limitations of Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology as well as the egocentrism of Heidegger’s concept of "solicitude" or "self-care." All three try to overcome the Kantian subject-object dichotomy. All three understand responsibility as (...)
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  4. The Primacy of Interrelating: Practicing Ecological Psychology with Buber, Levinas, and Merleau-Ponty.Will Adams - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (1):24-61.
    This study explores the primacy of interrelating and its ecopsychological significance. Grounded in evidence from everyday experience, and in dialogue with the phenomenology of Martin Buber, Emmanuel Levinas, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty, we discover that humans are inherently relational beings, not separate egoic subjects. When experienced intimately , this realization may transform our interrelationship with the beings and presences in the community of nature. Specifically, interrelating is primary in three ways: 1) interrelating is always already here, transpiring from the (...)
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    Education: Expectation and the Unexpected.Amanda Fulford - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (4):415-425.
    This paper considers concepts of expectation and responsibility, and how these drive dialogic interactions between tutor and student in an age of marketised Higher Education. In thinking about such interactions in terms of different forms of exchange, the paper considers the philosophy of Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas on dialogic intersubjectivity, and an ethics of responsibility. This enables a richer understanding of the tutorial dialogue in particular, as both teaching and encounter. This has significant implications for education and (...)
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    Hors sujet.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1987 - LGF/Le Livre de Poche.
    La 4ème de couv. indique : "Avec "Hors sujet", Emmanuel Levinas revient et approfondit sa réflexion sur le noyau dur de sa philosophie : la relation avec l’Autre. Méditation superbe qui entraîne vers l’analyse des "Droits de l’homme et droits d’autrui", une approche singulière du "Langage quotidien" et de la "rhétorique sans éloquence", ou encore de "La Transcendance des mots". En chemin, le philosophe retrouve la trace de ceux auprès desquels il a fortifié sa propre pensée – Merleau-Ponty, Jankélévitch, (...)
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    (1 other version)Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue.Maurice S. Friedman - 1955 - New York: Routledge.
    Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue, the first study in any language to provide a complete overview of Buber's thought, remains the definitive guide to the full range of his work and the starting point for all modern Buber scholarship. Maurice S. Friedman reveals the implications of Buber's thought for theory of knowledge, education, philosophy, myth, history and Judaic and Christian belief. This fully revised and expanded fourth edition includes a new preface by the author, an expanded bibliography incorporating (...)
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    Philosophy and Judaic Pattern in the Thinking of Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas.Sandu Frunza - 2001 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (1):42-52.
    M. Buber and Levinas develop two Jewish philosophical systems, which are constituted by the meeting of the two traditions: the philosophical and the religious one. Be- yond the evidently particular configuration, the relational principle theorized by the two thinkers has as the unity element the valuation of a Biblical archetype. Our analy- sis deals with the relational principle as Judaic pattern in Buber’s and Levinas’ thinking. We can observe that each of the two authors proposes us a system that relies (...)
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    Ethical Theory and Responsibility Ethics: A Metaethical Study of Niebuhr and Levinas by Kevin Jung.Michael Sohn - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (1):223-224.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethical Theory and Responsibility Ethics: A Metaethical Study of Niebuhr and Levinas by Kevin JungMichael SohnEthical Theory and Responsibility Ethics: A Metaethical Study of Niebuhr and Levinas KEVIN JUNG Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2011. 237 pp. $69.95In Ethical Theory and Responsibility Ethics, Kevin Jung presents a historical and constructive analysis of two of the most prominent defenders of responsibility ethics: H. Richard Niebuhr and Emmanuel Levinas. (...)
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    The practical significance of the second-person relation.James H. P. Lewis - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Sheffield
    Second-person relations are relations between individuals knowingly engaged in interaction with one another. These are the social contexts within which it is appropriate for one to think of and address another as ‘you’. This dissertation explores the practical consequences for agents of relating to others in this fashion. A critical analysis is offered of Stephen Darwall’s theory of moral obligations in terms of demands that can be addressed from the perspective of a second-person. On the basis of the criticisms raised, (...)
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    Utopie Et Socialisme. Par Martin Buber. Traduit de l'allemand par Paul Corset et François Girard. Préface d'Emmanuel Lévinas. Paris, Aubier-Montaigne, 1977. 261 p. [REVIEW]Jean Roy - 1979 - Dialogue 18 (1):110-113.
  12. On Ayin or Mystical Nothingness in the Dialogical Encounter Complementarity in the Thought of Martin Buber Today?Jordan Jacobs - 2024 - European Judaism 57 (1).
    In this article I suggest how a moderated form of pause or withdrawal may yield relational fruit in contexts of interpersonal encounter. Consequently, I posit that mystical nothingness – otherwise known as Ayin in Jewish mystical lore – offers a promising way forward, and indicate how it may be synonymous with Buberian concreteness and inclusion. In conclusion, I explore the Tsaddik as a metaphor that highlights not only the relevance of Ayin or nothingness interpersonally, but also its complementarity with the (...)
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    Designing for Relational Ethics in Online and Blended Learning: Levinas, Buber, and Teaching Interfaith Ethics.Michael Hubbard MacKay, Jason McDonald & Andrew C. Reed - 2025 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 44 (1):85-107.
    Online and blended learning (OBL) overemphasize the process of creating artifacts, producing strategies, or otherwise utilizing a “making” orientation in education. As an alternative to this making-orientation, we offer a model for relational course design founded in the philosophies of Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Buber. We examine an OBL course design focused on interfaith leadership and ethics that lends itself to the need for relational pedagogy. The focus on asymmetrical and symmetrical relationships that separate Levinas and Buber’s philosophies (...)
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  14. Human Action as Text and the Quest for Justice: Contributions from Emmanuel Levinas and Paul Ricoeur Towards a Hermeneutic of Corporate Action.Avery Smith - 2017 - Dissertation,
    The purpose of this study is to develop a system of corporate ethics based on an understanding and interpretation of the ethical demand of human beings who are in relation with each other according to Emmanuel Levinas' teachings and the responsibility the human being has to and for herself and others whom she encounters based on Paul Ricoeur's teachings on human action, text and hermeneutics. While the philosophies to which we will be referring may not overtly present a normative (...)
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    Martin Buber e Donald Wood Winnicott: Limiares e Deslocamentos Conceituais Como Aposta da Pesquisa Com Bebês.Nazareth Salutto - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-26.
    This paper aims to articulate the theories of Martin Buber (Philosophical Anthropology) and Donald Wood Winnicott (Psychoanalysis) as they help us understand the world of infancy. In dialogue with these two authors, we come to understand that the ontological principle of the human being is the relationship as a mark of existence. Based on this principle, the concepts “relationship,” “subtlety,” “reciprocity” and “bond” are introduced in order to explore the relational dimension of the interactions between infants and adults in (...)
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    The Law Challenged and the Critique of Identity with Emmanuel Levinas.Susan Petrilli - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (1):31-69.
    Identity as traditionally conceived in mainstream Western thought is focused on theory, representation, knowledge, subjectivity and is centrally important in the works of Emmanuel Levinas. His critique of Western culture and corresponding notion of identity at its foundations typically raises the question of the other. Alterity in Levinas indicates existence of something on its own account, in itself independently of the subject’s will or consciousness. The objectivity of alterity tells of the impossible evasion of signs from their destiny, which (...)
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    Le souci du monde: dialogue entre Hannah Arendt et quelques-uns de ses contemporains, Adorno, Buber, Celan, Heidegger, Horkheimer, Jaspers, Jonas, Klemperer, Levi, Levinas, Steiner, Stern-Anders, Strauss, Voegelin.Sylvie Courtine-Denamy - 1999 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Nous avons choisi de faire dialoguer Hannah Arendt et quelques uns de ses contemporains: Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Gunther Stern-Anders, Martin Buber, Paul Celan, Martin Heidegger, Max Horkheimer, Karl Jaspers, Hans Jonas, Victor Klemperer, Emmanuel Levinas, Primo Levi, George Steiner, Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin. Unanimes dans leur diagnostic d'une crise de l'occident, ces penseurs recusent la croyance dans le progres et les Lumieres: lorsque la Raison s'est muee en faculte destructrice du monde, lorsque la politique semble avoir perdu (...)
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    Dialogue and Revelation in the Thought of Martin Buber.Steven T. Katz - 1978 - Religious Studies 14 (1):57 - 68.
    Central to Buber's philosophy of I-Thou is his understanding of the related notions of dialogue and revelation and his espousal of a non-propositional account of revelation framed in the language and structure of personal dialogical encounter. The consequent re-interpretation of revelation in this form has been widely influential in contemporary theological circles, especially among those theologians and philosophers of religion broadly known as existentialists. However, the wide dissemination and influence of this position does not guarantee its validity. This paper will (...)
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    Designing for Relational Ethics in Online and Blended Learning: Levinas, Buber, and Teaching Interfaith Ethics.Michael Hubbard MacKay, Jason McDonald & Andrew C. Reed - 2025 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 44 (1):85-107.
    Online and blended learning (OBL) overemphasize the process of creating artifacts, producing strategies, or otherwise utilizing a “making” orientation in education. As an alternative to this making-orientation, we offer a model for relational course design founded in the philosophies of Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Buber. We examine an OBL course design focused on interfaith leadership and ethics that lends itself to the need for relational pedagogy. The focus on asymmetrical and symmetrical relationships that separate Levinas and Buber’s philosophies (...)
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  20. Judaïsme.Martin Buber, Marie-josé Jolivet, Bernard Lazare, Moses Mendelssohn, D'emmanuel Levinas & Dominique Bourel - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (4):660-661.
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  21. Martin Buber. [REVIEW]O. P. A. McNicholl - 1958 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 8:243-243.
    The figure of Martin Buber emerges very clearly from this little book as that of a modern Hebrew prophet in revolt “against the complacent satisfaction of the sciences, against the triumph of relativism in the social, scientific and humanistic disciplines”, turning for inspiration to the mediaeval mystics of the West and to Hasidism, and preaching a way of life rather than a systematic body of doctrine. As such, he is more a philosophical anthropologist than a philosopher; he is preoccupied (...)
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    Martin Buber; L'homme et le philosophe. [REVIEW]J. B. S. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (3):554-554.
    This work contains three essays which were delivered at a Symposium in 1966 at the Free University in Brussels, convened to pay homage to Martin Buber. The first essay, by Gabriel Marcel, attempts to edify the reader on Buber's philosophical anthropology, his philosophy of dialogue, political philosophy, and his philosophy of religion. There are frequent comparisons between Marcel's point of view and Buber's. The essay is particularly strong where Marcel analyzes Buber's notion of the "we." His perceptive examination of (...)
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    About the Face and the expression. The Edenic time as revolutionary.Emmanuel Taub - 2018 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 63 (1):52-71.
    From the biblical text to the Jewish Philosophy of the Twentieth Century, from Walter Benjamin and Emmanuel Levinas to the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Giorgio Agamben, from Rilke’s poetry to the poetry of Paul Valéry, the problem of Face, expression and language have been a central topic of Jewish Thought. Among these problems, the discussion of sacred time and profane time becomes the place to think about the problem of Revelation. The main objective of this article is (...)
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    Ethics Responsibility Dialogue The Meaning of Dialogue in Lévinas's Philosophy.Hanoch Ben-Pazi - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):619-638.
    This article examines the concept of dialogue in the philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas, with a focus on the context of education. Its aim is to create a conversation between the Lévinasian theory and the theories of other philosophers, especially Martin Buber, in an effort to highlight the ethical significance that Lévinas assigns to the act of dialogue itself. As a philosopher whose essential interest was trained on the infinite ethical responsibility of the human subject, Lévinas places major emphasis (...)
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  25. Martin Buber, Gabriel Marcel et la Philosophie.Emmanuel Levinas - 1978 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 32 (126):492.
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    Entre Nous: Essays on Thinking-of-the-Other.Emmanuel Levinas - 2000 - Columbia University Press.
    Emmanuel Levinas is one of the most important figures of twentieth-century philosophy. Exerting a profound influence upon such thinkers as Derrida, Lyotard, Blanchot, and Irigaray, Levinas's work bridges several major gaps in the evolution of continental philosophy--between modern and postmodern, phenomenology and poststructuralism, ethics and ontology. He is credited with having spurred a revitalized interest in ethics-based philosophy throughout Europe and America. _Entre Nous_ (Between Us) is the culmination of Levinas's philosophy. Published in France a few years before his (...)
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    Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, and the Politics of Dwelling.David J. Gauthier - 2011 - Lexington Books.
    This book explores the ethical and political implications of the debate between Martin Heidegger and Emmanuel Levinas on the question of Place. It relates their debate to larger disagreements concerning ontology and ethics, the status of humanism, and the relationship between worldliness and transcendence. Ultimately, in an epoch characterized by tribalism and globalization, the Heidegger-Levinas debate illuminates the need for a contemporary politics of place that enables human beings to dwell and practice hospitality.
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    Levinas between Ethics and Politics: For the Beauty that Adorns the Earth.Bettina Bergo - 1999 - Springer Verlag.
    The act of thought-thought as an act-would precede the thought thinking or becoming conscious of an act. The notion of act involves a violence essentially: the violence of transitivity, lacking in the transcendence of thought... Totality and Infinity The work of Emmanuel Levinas revolves around two preoccupations. First, his philosophical project can be described as the construction of a formal ethics, grounded upon the transcendence of the other human being and a subject's spontaneous responsibility toward that other. Second, Levinas (...)
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    Alterity and Transcendence.Emmanuel Lévinas - 1995 - Columbia University Press.
    Internationally renowned as one of the great French philosophers of the twentieth century, the late Emmanuel Levinas remains a pivotal figure across the humanistic disciplines for his insistence--against the grain of Western philosophical tradition--on the primacy of ethics in philosophical investigation. This first English translation of a series of twelve essays known as _Alterity and Transcendence_ offers a unique glimpse of Levinas defining his own place in the history of philosophy. Published by a mature thinker between 1967 and 1989, (...)
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    Disability, Dialogue, and the Posthuman.Ellen Saur & Alexander M. Sidorkin - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (6):567-578.
    This article is the result of a mutual interest in the radical philosophical dialogue discussed by Martin Buber. The radical dialogue is rooted in western European values of humanism, values that are challenged because they exclude women, people with disabilities, non-western, indigenous people and sexual minorities. With our basis in radical dialogue we are discussing flaws within the very concept of dialogue, how dialogue is challenged in encounters between people with severe disabilities and their helpers, and we are proposing (...)
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    Reflexions on Buber’s ‘Living-Centre’: Conceiving of the Teacher as ‘The Builder’ and Teaching as a ‘Situational Revelation’.Alexandre Guilherme - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (3):245-262.
    There has been a shift from teaching to learning, the so-called process of ‘learnification’, which promotes the idea that teaching should be primarily concerned with the creation of rich learning environments and scaffolding student learning. In doing so, this process of ‘learnification’ has also attacked the idea that teachers have something to teach and that students have something to learn from their teachers. The influence of constructivism, and thinkers like Piaget, Vygotsky, and Bruner in this paradigm shift is quite evident; (...)
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    Martin Buber and Emmanuel Levinas: An Ethical Query.Maurice Friedman - 2001 - Philosophy Today 45 (1):3-11.
    Beginning with the similarities between Buber and Levinas-both twentieth-century Jewish philosophers, each in his own way dialogica-this essay proceeds to their differences. From there the essay discusses Levinas's critiques of Buber's philosophy, the extent to which they were based on misunderstanding, and Buber's own replies to Levinas. This foundation provides a springboard for discussion of the source of the moral ought in both Buber and Levinas-Buber's emphasis on the "between" and Levinas's emphasis on the "face"-and raises a serious ethical question (...)
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    (1 other version)Literature and Philosophy in Global Dialogue: The Educational Encounter.Natalie Chamat - 2020 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 2020 (5):273-286.
    Literature-Philosophy apprehends the encounter of literature and philosophy as an open dialogue, where the commonality of a specific distance with regard to ἐπιστήμη serves to open up discourse beyond knowledge and epistemology. This article serves the purpose to argue for reading in translation as a core element of the methodological toolkit and part of a study-focus on Literature-Philosophy in a curriculum of Global Philosophy. It will therefore start by sketching a contextualization of Tschuang-Tse. Reden und Gleichnisse, Martin Buber’s poetic (...)
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  34. Concrete Interpersonal Encounters or Sharing a Common World: Which is More Fundamental in Phenomenological Approaches to Sociality?Jo-Jo Koo - 2015 - In Thomas Szanto & Dermot Moran, Phenomenology of Sociality: Discovering the ‘We’. New York: Routledge. pp. 93-106.
    A central question along which phenomenological approaches to sociality or intersubjectivity have diverged concerns whether concrete interpersonal encounters or sharing a common world is more fundamental in working out an adequate phenomenology of human sociality. On one side we have philosophers such as the early Sartre, Martin Buber, Michael Theunissen, and Emmanuel Levinas, all of whom emphasize, each in his own way, the priority of some mode of interpersonal encounters (broadly construed) in determining the basic character of human (...)
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    Enduring Intimate Relationships as Ethical and More than Ethical: Inspired by Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Buber.George Sayre & George Kunz - 2005 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 25 (2):224-237.
    The phenomenological ethics of Emmanuel Levinas challenges fundamental assumptions regarding the ethical and ontological nature of interpersonal relationships. Although Levinas did not address the specific ethical realities of enduring intimacy, the existential anthropology of Martin Buber is used to explore the implications of Levinas' ethic for enduring intimate relationships. These philosophers call for a reexamination of some of our basic assumptions about being a couple, and challenges us to articulate a more meaningful description of what it means to (...)
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    Tracing a Traumatic Temporality: Levinas and Derrida on Trauma and Responsibility.Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen - 2016 - Levinas Studies 10 (1):43-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Tracing a Traumatic Temporality: Levinas and Derrida on Trauma and ResponsibilityCathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen (bio)For more than three decades, Jacques Derrida and Emmanuel Levinas develop their conceptions of trauma and responsibility in close, critical, and engaged readings of each other’s works.1 In a text first published in 1973, Levinas explicitly considers different aspects and implications of Derrida’s “new style of thought,” as well as his own relation to Derrida, (...)
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    Being and God: A Systematic Approach in Confrontation with Martin Heidegger, Emmanuel Levinas, and Jean-Luc Marion.Lorenz B. Puntel - 2011 - Northwestern University Press. Edited by Alan White.
    Ch. 1: Inadequate approaches to the question of God -- 1.1. Initial clarifications -- 1.2 Wholly unsystematic direct approaches -- 1.3. Semi-systematic indirect approaches -- 1.4. A wholly anti-systematic, anti-theoretical, and direct approach: Ludwig Wittgenstein -- 1.5. A characteristic example of a failed critique: Thomas Nagel's objections to God as "last point" -- Ch. 2. Heidegger's thinking of Being: the flawed development of a significant approach -- 2.1. Heidegger's failed and distorting interpretation and critique of the Christian metaphysics of Being (...)
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    The Natural Complexes of Encounters.Michael P. Berman - 2019 - Idealistic Studies 49 (2):103-121.
    The totalizing and absolutizing tendencies of metaphysics can undermine our essential ethical relationality. Is there a metaphysics that is robust enough and conducive to preserving this intuition? In answer, this paper will draw upon Martin Buber and Justus Buchler. Buber’s seminal work, I and Thou, explores the nature of the ethical encounter. Buchler’s Metaphysics of Natural Complexes develops a general ontology, which can be described as an ordinal metaphysics. Encounters are thoroughly relational for Buber. Buchler’s metaphysics is also thoroughly (...)
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  39. Daniel; dialogues on realization.Martin Buber - 1964 - New York,: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
    Better than any other single work, Daniel enables us to understand the significance of the transition Buber made from his early mysticism to the philosophy of dialogue. The book is written in the form of five dialogues, in each of which Daniel and his friends explore a crucial philosophical problem-the nature of interconnection of unity, creativity, action, form, and realization as these illuminate the relations of man to God and the world. Daniel occupies a central position in Buber's life work.
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    Encounters of consequence: Jewish philosophy in the twentieth century and beyond.Michael D. Oppenheim - 2009 - Brighton, MA: Academic Studies Press.
    Some underlying issues of modern Jewish philosophy -- Does Judaism have universal significance? -- Death and the fear of death in Franz Rosenzweig's The star of redemption -- The Halevi book -- Into life : Rosenzweig's essays on God, man and the world -- The meaning of Hasidism : Martin Buber and Gershom Scholem -- Autobiography and the becoming of the self : Martin Buber and Joseph Campbell -- Franz Rosenzweig and Emmanuel Levinas : a midrash or (...)
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    The Role of Dialogue, Otherness and the Construction of Insight in Psychosis: Toward a Socio-Dialogic Model.Mark Dolson - 2005 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 36 (1):75-112.
    The focus is on the intersubjective, narrative and dialogic aspects of the clinical phenomenon of insight in psychosis. By introducing a socio-dialogic model for the clinical production of insight, it can be learned how insight, as a form of self-knowledge , is a product of the clinical interview, namely the dialogic relation between patient and clinical interviewer. Drawing upon the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas, expressly his notion of the ethical encounter, the production of insight in the clinical interview is (...)
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  42. On an Ethics of Things: Levinas and Heidegger Revisited.Silvia Benso - 1993 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    Traditional ethics has ignored the metaphysics of things, reduced the relation to things to a relation to objects in opposition to subjects, and consequently legitimized the subject's domination over the objects. My dissertation provides a metaphysical and ethical foundation for reappraising the value of things by both challenging and retrieving different aspects of Levinas's and Heidegger's philosophies. ;Levinas considers the Other as the authority capable of suspending the subject's tendency to unlimited power and domination, mistakenly understood as freedom. Ethics is (...)
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    Dialogue for Martin Buber and its importance in present geopolitical realities: A discourse analysis.Swati Jaywant Rao Bute - 2023 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 14 (2):155-161.
    Martin Buber was an eighteenth-century European thinker, philosopher and scholar. Buber’s thoughts are very relevant and contemporary, even in today’s advanced digital, informational and technological age. We live in a time of heightened tensions and conflict; the article discusses geopolitical realities and the importance of dialogue. It goes over Martin Burrell’s ideas on dialogue. Further, it discusses understanding geopolitics in the light of dialogue. This article concludes that advanced technology is affecting core issues of geopolitics. Only dialogue can (...)
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    For you alone: Emmanuel Levinas and the answerable life.Terry A. Veling - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    The works of Emmanuel Levinas, a survivor of the Nazi horror, are striking in the constancy of their thought and the strength of their appeal. We are not condemned to evil and hatred; rather, we are called to be-for-each-other. For You Alone explores the relational and religious quality of Levinas' work. Our lives are always twofold rather than "one and the same." A relational life is dependent on encounters that are revelatory. Revelation means that life is no mere sameness (...)
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    Buber and Education: Dialogue as Conflict Resolution.W. John Morgan & Alexandre Guilherme - 2014 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Alexandre Guilherme.
    Martin Buber is considered one of the 20th centuryes greatest thinkers and his contributions to philosophy, theology and education are testimony to this. His thought is founded on the idea that people are capable of two kinds of relations, namely I-Thou and I-It, emphasising the centrality of dialogue in all spheres of human life. For this reason, Buber is considered by many to be the philosopher of dialogue par excellence. After Buberes death the appreciation of his considerable legacy to (...)
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    E. M. Forster’s ‘The Machine Stops’: humans, technology and dialogue.Ana Cristina Zimmermann & W. John Morgan - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (1):37-45.
    The article explores E.M. Forster’s story The Machine Stops as an example of dystopian literature and its possible associations with the use of technology and with today’s cyber culture. Dystopian societies are often characterized by dehumanization and Forster’s novel raises questions about how we live in time and space; and how we establish relationships with the Other and with the world through technology. We suggest that the fear of technology depicted in dystopian literature indicates a fear that machines are mimicking (...)
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    Music and the Dignity of Difference.June Boyce-Tillman - 2012 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 20 (1):25.
    This paper will critique the values embedded in the Western classical tradition from a Foucauldian perspective. It will identify issues of power as a central problem for Western culture which is developing into a monoculture in which many people are disempowered. It identifies the role of the dialogic imagination in challenging the dominant culture and how this might inform work with children. It will see a way forward as the valuing of difference, drawing on the work of Martin Buber, (...)
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    Dialogical relations with nature.Scott Friskics - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (4):391-410.
    I suggest that our dialogical encounters with our fellow creatures furnish the experiential ground of ethical action with respect to them. Unfortunately, this ground is seldom realized or recognized in our society; our capacity for ethical action remains unmoored from its animating sources. Yet despite our habitual inattentiveness, nature’s creatures may still grace us with their presence in dialogue. The works of Martin Buber and Henry Bugbee provide the theoretical framework within which I attempt to work through these ideas (...)
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    Martin Buber's I and thou: practicing living dialogue.Kenneth Kramer - 2003 - New York: Paulist Press. Edited by Mechthild Gawlick.
    The twofold world -- Three relational realms -- What is "genuine community" -- Who is the "real I"? -- Glimpsing the "eternal thou" -- The way of "turning" -- Postscript -- Frequently asked questions -- The way of "inclusion".
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  50. Psychoanalysis and wisdom: encountering 'Ethics of the Fathers'.Paul Marcus - 2024 - New York,: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    Psychoanalysis and Wisdom applies psychoanalytic insights to one of the great examples of wisdom literature, the Ethics of the Fathers, an ethical tractate of the Talmud. Paul Marcus quotes key passages from the Ethics of the Fathers, providing a psychoanalytic commentary to enlarge and deepen our understanding of its contents and focusing primarily on what constitutes a flourishing life. Marcus then considers what psychoanalysis can provide in its engagement with this classic of the wisdom teachings, such as illuminating aspects of (...)
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