Results for 'Mary Sol Charles'

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    (1 other version)Identidad y pluralidad en Leibniz.Charles Mary Sol de Mora - 1992 - Theoria 7 (1/2/3):285-295.
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    Framework for the Analysis of Nanotechnologies’ Impacts and Ethical Acceptability: Basis of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessing Novel Technologies.Johane Patenaude, Georges-Auguste Legault, Jacques Beauvais, Louise Bernier, Jean-Pierre Béland, Patrick Boissy, Vanessa Chenel, Charles-Étienne Daniel, Jonathan Genest, Marie-Sol Poirier & Danielle Tapin - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (2):293-315.
    The genetically manipulated organism crisis demonstrated that technological development based solely on the law of the marketplace and State protection against serious risks to health and safety is no longer a warrant of ethical acceptability. In the first part of our paper, we critique the implicitly individualist social-acceptance model for State regulation of technology and recommend an interdisciplinary approach for comprehensive analysis of the impacts and ethical acceptability of technologies. In the second part, we present a framework for the analysis (...)
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    Descartes: la imagen matemática del universo. Las ideas de proporción y de continuidad en la «Geometría» y su influencia sobre las ideas cosmológicas cartesianas.Mary Sol de Mora Charles - 2016 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1:139.
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    A mathematical model for the spontaneous contractions of the isolated uterine smooth muscle from patients receiving progestin treatment.Christian Vauge, Thérèse-Marie Mignot, Brigitte Paris, Michelle Breuiller-Fouché, Charles Chapron, Michel Attoui & Françoise Ferré - 2003 - Acta Biotheoretica 51 (1):19-34.
    The in vitro spontaneous contractions of human myometrium samples can be described using a phenomenological model involving different cell states and adjustable parameters. In patients not receiving hormone treatment, the dynamic behavior could be described using a three-state model similar to the one we have already used to explain the oscillations of intra-uterine pressure during parturition. However, the shape of the spontaneous contractions of myometrium from patients on progestin treatment was different, due to a two-step relaxation regime including a latched (...)
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    (1 other version)III congreso de la sociedad española de historia de la ciencia.Mary Sol de Mora - 1985 - Theoria 1 (1):337-338.
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    Víctimas de la guerra en el Tolima: Olvidos de Humanidad. Una mirada a las afectaciones de los protagonistas de los procesos de reparación.Mary Sol Narváez Castro - 2019 - Ratio Juris 14 (29):89-107.
    Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación sobre el proceso de reparación de víctimas adelantado en varios municipios del Tolima, departamento que ha sido golpeado drásticamente por el conflicto armado. Siguiendo el modelo de trabajo realizado en Antioquia, en los municipios de Medellín y San Carlos, se tomaron en este caso los municipios de Ibagué, Prado, Coyaima, Totarco y Dinde, identificados como algunas de las principales zonas del país afectadas por la guerra. Se trabajó con doscientas cuarenta víctimas, mediante (...)
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    Colección “Un savant, une époque”. [REVIEW]Mary Sol de Mora - 1985 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 1 (2):590-590.
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    Administrative Documents.Marie Boas, Charles C. Gillispie & Stanley M. Loomis - 1955 - Isis 46 (3):310-316.
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    Administrative Documents.Marie Boas & Charles Gillespie - 1954 - Isis 45 (1):123-126.
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    Introduction.Marco Casali, Marie Michon & Charles Pence - 2024 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 11 (1):1-4.
    L’objectif de ce numéro spécial est d’ouvrir la réflexion sur la notion de vague à partir du prisme de la philosophie des sciences, afin d’interroger le sens de cette notion dans différents domaines de la recherche scientifique.
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    L’épistémologie sociale de Peirce.Jean-Marie Chevalier & Charles Sanders Peirce - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 142 (3):107-120.
    Le philosophe Charles Peirce a accordé un rôle prépondérant à la communauté des enquêteurs, à la fois comme groupe de chercheurs et comme idéal conduisant vers la vérité. Si Peirce parlait pour sa part de « théorie sociale de la réalité », les trois textes qui suivent – inédits en français, et en anglais pour le dernier – justifient d’y voir une véritable épistémologie sociale. Ils montrent dans quelle mesure la connaissance scientifique, et même commune, trouve son fondement dans (...)
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    Leibniz crítico de Euclides. El método del Analysis Situs.Mary Sol de Mora & Javier Echeverría - 2016 - Kairos 16 (1):99-123.
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    Changer les rôles.Charles Travis, Bruno Ambroise, Anaïs Jomat & Jeanne-Marie Roux - 2019 - Cahiers Philosophiques 3:67.
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    Studies in Honour of Gilbert Norwood.Charles T. Murphy & Mary E. White - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (4):403.
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    A bibliography of Hao Wang.Marie Grossi, Montgomery Link, Katalin Makkai & And Charles Parsons - 1998 - Philosophia Mathematica 6 (1):25-38.
    A listing is given of the published writings of the logician and philosopher Hao Wang (1921—1995), which includes all items known to the authors, including writings in Chinese and translations into other languages.
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  16. La transmission des textes philosophiques et scientifiques au Moyen Age.Marie Thérèse D' Alverny & Charles Burnett - 1994 - Brookfield, Vt., USA: Variorum. Edited by Charles Burnett.
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  17. (2 other versions)The Edge of Objectivity: An Essay in the History of Scientific Ideas.Charles Coulston Gillispie, Gerd Buchdahl, M. A. Hoskin, A. Rupert Hall, Marie Boas Hall & Sam Lilley - 1961 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 12 (47):250-255.
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  18. Les comités d’éthique de la recherche en milieu collégial : mandat, gouvernance et ressources.Marie-Alexia Masella, Charles Dupras & Emmanuelle Marceau - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):75-99.
    The development of research ethics in the college environment raises specific concerns given the particularities of this environment. This study focuses on three priority issues for the college research ethics community: 1) the question of resources for ethics review by college network research ethics boards; 2) the review of multi-jurisdictional research projects; and 3) the review of student course-based research activities. In order to sound out this community on its concrete realities with regard to these issues, we carried out a (...)
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    Rationalité africaine et développement économique: l'école du savoir africain.Charles Jean Marie Minyem - 2013 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    "Aujourd'hui, la rationalité africaine, véritable socle pour le développement de l'Afrique, peut être systématisée et retransmise à l'humanité à travers l'école du savoir africain. Cette école est fondé sur les sources d'inspiration et de savoir chez l'Africain, puis sur l'initiation. Partant des cultures africaines et de la culture bassa en particulier, l'auteur a identifié et recensé des savoirs et des valeurs, qui peuvent être convertibles en base d'un développement économique authentique et multipolaire pour l'Afrique."--.
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    Taming the River: Negotiating the Academic, Financial, and Social Currents in Selective Colleges and Universities.Camille Z. Charles, Mary J. Fischer, Margarita A. Mooney & Douglas S. Massey - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Building on their important findings in The Source of the River, the authors now probe even more deeply into minority underachievement at the college level. Taming the River examines the academic and social dynamics of different ethnic groups during the first two years of college. Focusing on racial differences in academic performance, the book identifies the causes of students' divergent grades and levels of personal satisfaction with their institutions. Using survey data collected from twenty-eight selective colleges and universities, Taming the (...)
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    Les chemins de la "Mémoria": nouvel essai d'analyse du discours archéologique.Marie Salomé Lagrange & Charles Bonnet - 1978 - Paris: Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique. Edited by Charles Bonnet.
  22.  56
    The communicative functions of five signing chimpanzees.Charles Austin Leeds & Mary Lee A. Jensvold - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (1):224-247.
    Speech act theory describes units of language as acts which function to change the behavior or beliefs of the partner. Therefore, with every utterance an individual seeks a communicative goal that is the underlying motive for the utterance’s production; this is the utterance’s function. Studies of deaf and hearing human children classify utterances into categories of communicative function. This study classified signing chimpanzees’ utterances into the categories used in human studies. The chimpanzees utilized all seven categories of communicative functions and (...)
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  23. La Notion d'Exemplarite.Marie-Charles Perret - 1936 - Revue Thomiste 41:450.
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    PAP : prolégomènes à une apologie du pragmatisme.Charles Sanders Peirce & Jean-Marie Chevalier - 2021 - Cahiers Philosophiques 163 (4):81-91.
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    À propos de : Badiou, Barbaras, Bensussan, Bourgeois, Bouveresse, Canto-Sperber, Cassin.Charles Ramond, Renaud Barbaras, Gérard Bensussan, Bernard Bourgeois, Marie-Anne Lescourret, Monique Canto-Sperber & Paul Audi - 2014 - Cités 58 (2):133.
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    INSPIIRED: Quantification and Visualization Tools for Analyzing Integration Site Distributions.Charles C. Berry, Christopher Nobles, Emmanuelle Six, Yinghua Wu, Nirav Malani, Eric Sherman, Anatoly Dryga, John K. Everett, Frances Male, Aubrey Bailey, Kyle Bittinger, Mary J. Drake, Laure Caccavelli, Paul Bates, Salima Hacein-Bey-Abina, Marina Cavazzana & Frederic D. Bushman - unknown
    Analysis of sites of newly integrated DNA in cellular genomes is important to several fields, but methods for analyzing and visualizing these datasets are still under development. Here, we describe tools for data analysis and visualization that take as input integration site data from our INSPIIRED pipeline. Paired-end sequencing allows inference of the numbers of transduced cells as well as the distributions of integration sites in target genomes. We present interactive heatmaps that allow comparison of distributions of integration sites to (...)
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    The Last Stand of Chinese Conservatism: The T'ung-Chih Restoration, 1862-1874.Charles MacSherry & Mary Clabaugh Wright - 1958 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 78 (3):220.
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    La Femme Ideale.Charles Lalo & Anne Marie - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (4):367-368.
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    Autoshaping: Relation of feeder color to choice of key color.Mary Ann Fisher & A. Charles Catania - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (6):439-442.
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    Accountability for Reasonableness as a Framework for the Promotion of Fair and Equitable Research.Charles Dupras, Marie-Pierre Dubé, Simon Gravel & Hazar Haidar - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):66-72.
    Despite increased efforts to ensure diversity in genomic research, the exclusion of minority groups from data analyses and publications remains a critical issue. This paper addresses the ethical implications of these exclusions and proposes accountability for reasonableness (A4R) as a framework to promote fairness and equity in research. Originally conceived by Norman Daniels and James Sabin to guide resource allocation in the context of health policy, A4R emphasizes publicity, relevance of reasons, enforcement, and revision as essential for legitimacy and trust (...)
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    Medieval Skepticism and Chaucer.Charles W. Jones & Mary Edith Thomas - 1952 - Philosophical Review 61 (2):275.
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    The Rise of American Civilization.Charles A. Beard, Mary R. Beard & Vernon Louis Parrington - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 38 (1):112-115.
  33. Modeling the Emergence of Lexicons in Homesign Systems.Russell Richie, Charles Yang & Marie Coppola - 2014 - Topics in Cognitive Science 6 (1):183-195.
    It is largely acknowledged that natural languages emerge not just from human brains but also from rich communities of interacting human brains (Senghas, ). Yet the precise role of such communities and such interaction in the emergence of core properties of language has largely gone uninvestigated in naturally emerging systems, leaving the few existing computational investigations of this issue at an artificial setting. Here, we take a step toward investigating the precise role of community structure in the emergence of linguistic (...)
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  34. America in Midpassage.Charles Beard & Mary Beard - 1939 - Ethics 50 (1):111-115.
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    Conscious recollection in autobiographical memory: An investigation in schizophrenia.Jean-Marie Danion, Christine Cuervo, Pascale Piolino, Caroline Huron, Marielle Riutort, Charles Siegfried Peretti & Francis Eustache - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):535-547.
    Whether or not conscious recollection in autobiographical memory is affected in schizophrenia is unknown. The aim of this study was to address this issue using an experiential approach. An autobiographical memory enquiry was used in combination with the Remember/Know procedure. Twenty-two patients with schizophrenia and 22 normal subjects were asked to recall specific autobiographical memories from four lifetime periods and to indicate the subjective states of awareness associated with the recall of what happened, when and where. They gave Remember, Know (...)
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    Akujärvi, Johanna. Researcher, Traveller, Narrator: Studies in Pausanias' Periegesis. Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia 12. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell Interna-tional, 2005. xviii+ 314 pp. 4 tables. Paper, price not stated. Ancona, Ronnie, and Ellen Greene, eds. Gendered Dynamics in Latin Love Poetry. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. xii+ 372 pp. Cloth, $55. [REVIEW]Charles Rowan Beye, W. Martin Bloomer, Mary T. Boatwright, Daniel J. Gargola & Richard Ja Talbert - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127:321-326.
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    A Bibliography of Hao Wang.Marie Grossi, Montgomery Link, Katalin Makkai & Charles Parsons - 1998 - Philosophia Mathematica 6 (1):25-38.
    A listing is given of the published writings of the logician and philosopher Hao Wang , which includes all items known to the authors, including writings in Chinese and translations into other languages.
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    Picturing the apocalypse: The book of revelation in the arts over two millennia by Natasha O'Hear and Anthony O'Hear, oxford university press, oxford, 2015, pp. XXI + 333, £20.00, hbk. [REVIEW]Mary Charles-Murray Snd - 2016 - New Blackfriars 97 (1072):738-740.
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    Organizational self-evaluation: An emerging frontier for organizational improvement.Charles Lusthaus, Gary Anderson & Marie-Hélène Adrien - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (1-2):83-96.
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    The simple life. Tr. by M.L. Hendee. With an intr. and biogr. sketch by G. King.Charles Wagner & Mary Louise Hendee - 1903
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  41. Essences, Powers, and Generic Propositions.Theodore Scaltsas, David Charles & Mary Louise Gill (eds.) - 1994 - Clarendon Press.
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  42. Artificial intelligence and meaning — some philosophical aspects of decision-making.Pascal Acot, Sandrine Charles & Marie-Laure Delignette-Muller - 2000 - Acta Biotheoretica 48 (3-4):173-179.
  43.  13
    Frontinus: The Stratagems, and the Aqueducts of Rome.W. P. Mustard, Charles E. Bennett & Mary B. McElwain - 1926 - American Journal of Philology 47 (1):102.
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    All great art is praise: Art and religion in John ruskin by Aidan Nichols op, catholic university of America press, Washington, D.c., 2016, pp. XIII + 613, £80.95, hbk. [REVIEW]Mary Charles-Murray - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1082):543-545.
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    Délos.Marie-Laure Courboulès, Emmanuel Desroches, Philippe Fraisse, Claire Hasenohr, Jean-Charles Moretti, Brigitte Sagnier & Hélène Siard - 1996 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 120 (2):901-919.
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    Logique de Port-Royal ([Nouvelle Edition]).Antoine Arnauld & Charles Marie Gabriel Bréchillet Jourdain - 2012 - Hachette Livre - Bnf.
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    History of medieval philosophy.Maurice Marie Charles Joseph de Wulf & Ernest Charles Messenger - 1909 - New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green, and co.. Edited by P. Coffey.
    This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve its true nature.
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  48. Unity, identity, and explanation in Aristotle's metaphysics.Theodore Scaltsas, David Owain Maurice Charles & Mary Louise Gill (eds.) - 1994 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents fourteen essays by leading figures in the fields of ancient philosophy and contemporary metaphysics, discussing Aristotle's theory of the unity and identity of substances, a topic that remains at the center of metaphysical enquiry. The contributors examine the nature of essences, how they differ from other components of substance, and how they are related to these other components. The central questions discussed are: What does Aristotle mean by "potentiality" and "actuality?" How do these concepts explicate matter and (...)
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  49. #HerStory: The Psychological Well-Being, Lived Experiences, and Challenges Faced by Female Police Officers.Jayra Blanco, Ella Marie Doloque, Shelwina Ruth Bonifacio, Galilee Jordan Ancheta, Charles Brixter Sotto Evangelista, Janelle Jose, Jericho Balading, Andrea Mae Santiago, Liezl Fulgencio, Christian Dave Francisco & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):20-32.
    Police officers are vital to maintaining security and the continuity of national functions. Thus, Police officers are more exposed to different kinds of psychological concerns. However, a female in this kind of profession, based on various studies, experienced higher levels of stress because of other factors. Further, the primary goal of this study is to investigate the psychological well-being, lived experiences, challenges, and coping mechanisms of female police officers. Employing the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the findings of this study were: (1) (...)
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    Administrative Documents.Frederick Kilgour, Charles Gillespie & Marie Boas - 1953 - Isis 44 (1/2):205-210.
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